Polotsk State University address. Polotsk State University. Novopolotsk State University: tuition fees

During the current admission campaign, Polotsk State University is ready to admit 1,740 students. However, to be included in their number, the applicant must successfully complete all stages of admission to the university.

From June 13 to June 27, potential students took centralized testing. Today, July 8, the university begins accepting documents. For more detailed information, “NS” turned to the executive secretary of the PSU admissions committee, Olga Petrovich.

– Olga Nikolaevna, tell us until what date Polotsk State University accepts documents.
– Submitting documents to universities is the final stage of the admissions campaign. At PSU, the acceptance of documents for the budget will last from July 8 to July 14, on payment terms - from July 8 to August 1 inclusive.
– Do all applicants face intra-university tests?
– Only those who decided to study by correspondence in specialties with a shortened period of study. Applicants entering “Architecture”, “Design”, “Technical Labor and Technical Creativity”, “Service Labor and Fine Arts”, “Physical Education” will also take intra-university exams. Entrance tests at PSU will be held from July 15 to 20. There is no need to register for them separately. By submitting documents for the chosen specialty, the applicant is automatically included in the list of those taking the exams.

– When will applicants find out whether they got in or not?
– Regardless of whether it is a full-time or part-time course of study, enrollment in PSU on the budget will be made on July 22, on the extra-budget - on August 3.
– Will there be an additional recruitment announced?
– If it is not possible to fulfill the admission plan for the budget, we will announce an additional intake. We will accept documents for vacant positions from July 26 to 28, and enroll on the 31st. Of course, you shouldn’t count on additional recruitment. Moreover, last year it was not needed.
A feature of the current admissions campaign is that this year it is allowed to announce additional enrollment not only for full-time, but also for correspondence courses at the expense of budget funds. At the same time, the DH thresholds will not be reduced as part of the additional set.
– How many students does Polotsk State University plan to recruit?
– This year, 1,740 applicants will become students. The budget admission plan for the full-time department of the university amounted to 580 places, which is 10 places more than last year. Of these, 11 are targeted. It is planned to enroll 320 girls and boys on a paid basis.
In the correspondence form of education with a full term of study - 20 budget places and 200 paid ones, in the correspondence form with a shortened period of study - 30 budget places and 550 paid ones. 40 people will be able to study remotely.

– How many specialties are recruited at PSU? Which of them traditionally arouse interest among applicants?
– In 33 specialties of full-time education, 9 - part-time with a full term of study, 11 - part-time with a shortened period of study, as well as 2 specialties of distance learning. Traditionally, applicants are interested in legal and economic specialties, as well as creative and a number of technical specialties. Quite a few applicants choose Romance-Germanic Philology. By the way, during the current entrance campaign we have increased the number of budget places in this specialty. Last year there was a big competition for “Physical Education” and “Preschool Education”, including correspondence courses.
– Will new specialties be opened?
– This year, PSU is recruiting for two new full-time study specialties – “Technical Labor and Technical Creativity”, “Service Labor and Fine Arts”.
– Olga Nikolaevna, tell us about the automated enrollment system.
– For the second year in a row, PSU has an automated enrollment system. In accordance with it, all specialties are divided into groups, which are formed according to a set of tests. Group “A” contains specialties with alternative choices; a general competition takes place within each group. In group “B” all specialties are subject to a separate competition. When submitting documents for a specialty in one of the “A” groups, an applicant can indicate not one, but several related specialties at once in the order of their priorities. If he does not qualify for the first specialty indicated in the application, he will continue to participate in the competition for the next specialty on his list. The automated enrollment system worked well last year; thanks to it, about 30% of students were enrolled on a budget.

– Will the cost of studying at PSU change?
– Last year, the cost of full-time education was about 14.5 million rubles (1,450 rubles), and part-time tuition was 6 million rubles (600 rubles). In the new academic year, full-time 1st year students will pay an average of 1,700 rubles (17 million rubles), part-time students – over 650 rubles (6.5 million rubles). This is the cost of training for the year, the amount is usually paid in two installments. In comparison with Minsk universities, the cost of paid education at PSU is 30% lower.

– Will all first-year students get a dormitory?
– Yes, we traditionally provide all nonresident freshmen with a hostel. The occupancy rate for other courses is above 95. Renovation of dormitory No. 6 is currently underway. When it is put into operation, there will be enough places for students of all courses.
– How is the issue of employment of PSU graduates resolved?
– At our university, all students who studied full-time on a budget are distributed. Basically, their first jobs are provided at enterprises in the Vitebsk region.

Anna Metla, student at the Institute of Journalism of BSU
Photo by Anna Obodova

The education that children receive at school gives them the knowledge they need for life, in order to be literate people. However, this knowledge is not enough to work in any field. To become a qualified engineer or a highly qualified humanist, you need to graduate from a university. One of the higher educational institutions that deserves attention is Novopolotsk. It operates in Belarus.

Briefly about the university

The educational institution was founded in Novopolotsk in 1968. The created university was a branch of the polytechnic institute operating in Minsk. In the 70s of the last century, the branch gained independence. The educational organization was named Novopolotsk Polytechnic University. The university existed until the 90s. In 1993, another change in name and status occurred. The educational institution became Polotsk State University.

Currently, the university is a rapidly developing educational organization. Novopolotsk State University is engaged in scientific research and plans to expand international activities. Now he cooperates with several dozen foreign educational organizations and carries out academic exchanges.

Available faculties

Novopolotsk has a diverse composition. There are 9 main ones related to the following areas:

  • construction and engineering field;
  • philology and history;
  • engineering and technological field;
  • information technology;
  • sports and pedagogical activities;
  • mechanical engineering and road transport;
  • radio engineering field;
  • jurisprudence;
  • finance and economics.

Additional faculties

Separately, it is worth highlighting the faculty of pre-university preparation and the faculty of working with foreign students:

  • the first structural unit sees its task in preparing applicants for centralized testing and entrance examinations conducted within the walls of the university;
  • the second faculty is engaged in admitting foreign citizens for study, supporting them by providing advisory assistance.

Novopolotsk State University: specialties

Engineering specialties predominate at the university, because it used to be a polytechnic educational institution. In some of them you can, for example, become mechanical engineers, engineers for automation and mechanization of production processes, etc. Here are examples of such specialties: “Auto service”, “Operation, construction and design of gas and oil storage facilities and gas and oil pipelines”, “Ventilation, heat and gas supply and security air basin."

Novopolotsk State University offers several modern, popular and prestigious specialties. We are talking about “Accounting, analysis and auditing”, “Finance and credit”, “Jurisprudence”. In the first direction of training, after completing training, graduates become accountants, analysts and auditors, necessary in every enterprise. In the second specialty they receive the qualification of an economist. Possible places of work are banks, tax authorities, insurance companies, control and audit bodies, etc. In the third direction they become lawyers (consultants, attorneys, investigators, notaries, etc.).

There are also areas of training at the university in which you need to show yourself on the creative side. An example of a specialty is “Design (of object-spatial environment).” Students who enter here get acquainted with color and color science, study academic painting and drawing, and design. The university opens up wide opportunities for graduates of this field - after completing their studies, they can work in the field of construction, architecture, and education.

Novopolotsk State University: tuition fees

The price of paid educational services is approved annually by the rector of the educational institution, so it is worth checking with the admissions committee upon admission. If we consider last year’s data (for the 2016-2017 academic year), we can note that in some specialties (the most modern and prestigious) the cost was 1,720 rubles, and in others - 1,695 rubles. Correspondence education costs much less - 668 rubles. The distance learning form costs 685 rubles per year.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Novopolotsk State University is a high quality of education, a combination of traditional teaching methods with innovative technologies. The educational institution has more than 120 multimedia classrooms and over 30 computer classes. There are the necessary laboratories. Many applicants choose this educational institution and are not disappointed in the future. And the reason for this is not only material and technical equipment. Applicants are also attracted by positive reviews about student life. Students participate in KVN, competitions, concerts, performances, and sign up for sports competitions.

PolSU — Polotsk State University. The university continues the traditions of the great educators of the past. Today it is a large research center. University scientists have created and patented about 1000 inventions: utility models, industrial designs. Today the university includes 10 faculties. About 14 thousand students study at the university. PolSU is among the 10 best Belarusian universities.

Address: Novopolotsk, Blokhina, 29

Telephone: +375-214-53-23-83, +375-214-53-21-61

Website: www.psu.by

Passing score at PolSU in 2014


Name of specialty
for the full term of study for a shortened period of study
at the expense of the budget on payment terms at the expense of the budget on payment terms
Geodesy 145 128
233 159
Car roads 156
Architecture 225,7 156
Design of subject-spatial environment 261,7 150,3
173 117
223 131
138 134
158 113
285 107
227 118
English language. German 236 158
English language. French 242 111
Story 237
283 145
233 171
Car service 159
Mechanical Engineering Technology 127
Industrial electronics 113 119
Radio engineering 104
Electricity supply 159
Preschool education 167 124
Practical psychology 206 132
Tourism and Hospitality 216 124
Physical Culture 218 129
133 127
Computer security 121
154 119
252 153
Logistics 287 121
Social communications 279 132
Finance and credit 261 136
274 142
Jurisprudence 271 136


Name of specialty Passing score for applicants entering
for the full term of study for a shortened period of study
at the expense of the budget on payment terms at the expense of the budget on payment terms
Geodesy 135 121
Industrial and civil engineering 148 92 268 136
Water supply, sanitation and protection of water resources 138 119
Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air protection 155 120
Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities 102
Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials 212 103
Car service 206 103
Mechanical Engineering Technology 209 146
Technical operation of vehicles 257 193
Modeling and computer design of radio electronics. funds 218 155
Industrial electronics 150 115
Preschool education 172 105
Tourism and Hospitality 152 119
Physical Culture 254 138
Computers, systems and networks 134 131
Information technology software 252 146
Accounting, analysis and audit 125 155 297 132
Logistics 121
Finance and credit 115 332 150
Economics and enterprise management 149 290 152
Jurisprudence 175 111 333 142


Name of specialty Passing score for applicants entering
for the full term of study for a shortened period of study
at the expense of the budget on payment terms at the expense of the budget on payment terms
Story 159
Jurisprudence 140

Passing score at PolSU in 2013

FacultyForm of studyPassing score(B)Passing score(PL)

Faculty of Geodesy

Geography (geographic information systems)days240 --
Geodesydays175 --
Geodesycorrespondence146 --

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Car roadsdays207 99
Architecturedays36 --
Design (subject-spatial environment)days32,6 --
Industrial and civil engineeringcorrespondence, shortened term29,3 --
Industrial and civil engineeringdays175 --
Expertise and property managementdays183 83

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Water supply, sanitation and protection of water resourcesdays189 --
Water supply, sanitation and protection of water resourcescorrespondence124 --
Machines and apparatus for chemical production and construction materials enterprisesdays170 --
Design, construction and operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilitiescorrespondence160 --
Design, construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilitiesdays248 --
days189 --
Heat supply, ventilation and air protectioncorrespondence162 --
Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materialsdays234 --
Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materialscorrespondence231 --

Faculty of History and Philology

English language. Belarusian language and literaturedays186 --
English language. Germandays246 --
English language. Frenchdays246 --
Storycorrespondence187 --
Storydays262 --
Storyremote** **
Romano-Germanic philology (English)days246 --
Romano-Germanic philology (German)days246 --
Romano-Germanic philology (French)days246 --

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Car servicedays152 --
Equipment and technology of welding productiondays152 --
Equipment and technology of welding productioncorrespondence** **
Technical operation of vehiclesdays152 --
Technical operation of vehiclescorrespondence, shortened term182 --
Technical operation of vehiclescorrespondence140 --
Technological equipment for machine-building productiondays152 --
Mechanical Engineering Technologydays152 --
Mechanical Engineering Technologycorrespondence, shortened term25,2 --
Mechanical Engineering Technologycorrespondence125 --
Modeling and computer design of radio-electronic equipmentdays150 --
Modeling and computer design of radio-electronic equipmentcorrespondence, shortened term22,9 --
Industrial electronicsdays150 --
Industrial electronicscorrespondence150 --
Radio engineeringdays150 --
Electricity supplydays150 --

Sports and pedagogical faculty

days135 --
Preschool education. English languagecorrespondence** **
Service labor and entrepreneurshipdays149 115
Practical psychology. English languagedays198 --
Technical labor and entrepreneurshipdays130 107
Tourism and Hospitalityremote20,8 --
Tourism and Hospitalitydays260 --
Tourism and Hospitalitycorrespondence150 --
Physical Culturedays24,9 --
Physical Culturecorrespondence23,5

Faculty of Information Technology

Computers, systems and networksdays177 --
Computers, systems and networkscorrespondence166 --
Computer security (mathematical methods and software systems)days179 --
Information technology softwaredays177 --
Information technology softwarecorrespondence, shortened term28,6 --
Information technology softwareremote** **

Faculty of Finance and Economics

Accounting, analysis and auditcorrespondence, shortened term29,9 --
Accounting, analysis and auditdays258 --
Accounting, analysis and auditremote197 --
Accounting, analysis and auditcorrespondence172
Logisticsdays258 --
Logisticscorrespondence129 --
Finance and creditcorrespondence, shortened term27,7 --
Finance and creditdays258 --
Finance and creditcorrespondence162 --
Economics and enterprise managementcorrespondence, shortened term22,9 --
Economics and enterprise managementdays258 --
Economics and enterprise managementcorrespondence159 --

Faculty of Law

Jurisprudencecorrespondence160 --
Jurisprudencecorrespondence, shortened term29,6 --
Jurisprudencedays** **
Jurisprudenceremote** **

**-Information about passing scores for this specialty should be found on the university website.

ALL non-resident 1st year students are provided with a hostel!

Dormitory No. 1
Novopolotsk, st. Yubileinaya, 11

  • Dormitory of the 3rd category. Corridor type building. Double-glazed windows and new electric stoves were installed in the kitchens. You can rent a refrigerator. There is a study room and an assembly hall equipped with modern multimedia facilities.
  • Students from the faculties of civil engineering, finance and economics, radio engineering, the faculty of information technology and students from near and far abroad live here.

Dormitory No. 2
Novopolotsk, st. Molodezhnaya, 49b

    Dormitory of the 1st category. Block type building. Double-glazed windows installed. There is an aerobics room, 2 gyms, billiards, and a tennis room. There is a room for classes. You can rent a refrigerator.

    Students from mechanical-technological, financial-economics, humanities, law, civil engineering faculties and students from near and far abroad live here.

Dormitory No. 3
Novopolotsk, st. Yubileinaya, 5

    Dormitory of the 3rd category. Corridor type building. Double-glazed windows installed. A self-service laundry is available. There is an assembly hall equipped with modern media facilities. You can rent a refrigerator.

    Students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and students from near and far abroad live here.

Dormitory No. 4
Novopolotsk, st. Komsomolskaya, 18

    Dormitory of the 2nd category. The building is of a block-corridor type. There is a disco room, 3 gyms, sports grounds (volleyball, football), an exercise room, and a recreation room. You can rent a refrigerator.

    Students from radio engineering, finance and economics, law faculties and students from near and far abroad live here.

Dormitory No. 5
Novopolotsk, st. Blokhina, 17

    Dormitory of the 3rd category. Corridor type building. A major renovation was carried out in 2011. There is a study room and a disco room equipped with modern multimedia equipment. You can rent a refrigerator.

    Students from the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Information Technology and students from near and far abroad live here.

Dormitory No. 6
Novopolotsk, st. Molodezhnaya, 69

    Dormitory of the 3rd category. Corridor type building. A major renovation was carried out in 2017. Double-glazed windows installed. There is an assembly hall, a gym, and a training room. A self-service laundry is available. You can rent a refrigerator.

    Students from the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Information Technology live here.

You can find out more on the website of Polotsk State University:

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