Regulations on the environmental protection department of the enterprise. Basic provisions of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” Regulations on the environmental management system



On approval of the "Regulations on the management system
labor protection in State organizations
committee Russian Federation on protection

In order to ensure safe and favorable working conditions, reduce injuries, occupational, work-related diseases and emergency incidents in the process of production activities of organizations and institutions subordinate to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection,

I order:

1. Approve the “Regulations on the labor safety management system in organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection” (attached).

2. The Department of Finance and Economics (Vershkov), territorial bodies and subordinate organizations of the State Committee for Environmental Protection of Russia shall accept for guidance and implementation the “Regulations on the occupational safety management system in organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection.”

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia V.M. Astapchenko.


Application. REGULATIONS on the occupational safety and health management system in organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection


on the labor protection management system in organizations
State Committee of the Russian Federation for
environmental protection


“The Occupational Safety and Health Management System in Organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection” (hereinafter referred to as the SUOT) is intended for employees of territorial environmental authorities, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations) subordinate to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection (hereinafter referred to as the State Committee for Environmental Protection of Russia), regardless of their organizational and legal forms.

Section 1. General provisions

1.1. OSMS is a set of legal, organizational, technical, socio-economic, sanitary, hygienic, treatment and preventive and other measures aimed at ensuring safe and healthy working conditions;

1.2. The regulatory and legal basis of the OSMS is the Constitution (fundamental law) of the Russian Federation, the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection, laws of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory and instructional documents, resolutions and decisions on labor protection issues of state bodies and the State Committee for Ecology of Russia (Appendix 1 );

1.3. The purpose of the OSMS is to ensure safe and favorable working conditions, reduce injuries, occupational, work-related diseases, emergency incidents in the process of production activities of organizations;

1.4. The object of occupational safety and health (OHS) management is the activities of teams and individual workers to ensure safe and healthy working conditions;

1.5. The subject of occupational safety management is managers (employers) and officials acting within their competence.

1.6. OSMS structure:

1.6.1. State management of labor protection is carried out by the federal executive body for labor, represented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Labor of Russia), and the executive labor bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within their competence, whose functions and powers in the field of labor protection determined by the Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Labor Protection, the RSFSR Code of Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR" (adopted by the State Duma on June 14, 1995, 07/18/95 N 109-FZ ).

1.6.2. State supervision and control over compliance with legislative and other regulations on labor protection in organizations of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, in accordance with their powers, is carried out by: the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Gosgortekhnadzor, Rostrudinspektsiya, State Expertise of Working Conditions of the Russian Federation and the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Energonadzor, etc. directly and through its territorial bodies.

1.6.3. The State Committee for Ecology of Russia and territorial committees exercise departmental control over compliance with labor protection requirements by subordinate organizations of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia;

1.6.4. All organizations subordinate to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia exercise internal control over the state of labor protection and ensure compliance with the requirements of labor protection standards in the field of environmental protection;

1.6.5. Public control over labor protection is carried out by trade unions and other representative organizations.

At the federal level - by the corresponding structural unit of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia;

At the regional level - by territorial environmental authorities;

At the local level - by organizations and institutions subordinate to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia.

1.7. Basic principles of the OSMS:

1.7.1. The life and health of an employee are recognized as a priority in relation to the results of the organization’s activities;

1.7.2. Requirements in the field of labor protection are the same for all organizations, regardless of types and legal forms;

1.7.3. Social protection of the interests of employees who have suffered from accidents or received occupational diseases is carried out through the payment of compensation in accordance with the “Rules for compensation by the employer of harm caused to employees by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their labor duties” (Approved by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992, N 4214-1) and “On introducing amendments and additions to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation on compensation by employers for harm caused to employees by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their labor duties” (Federal Law of November 24, 1995, N 180-FZ);

1.7.4. The investigation and recording of every accident and occupational disease at work is mandatory and is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

1.7.5. Copies of reports in form N-1 about all accidents are sent to organizations determined by the “Regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents at work” and to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia to form a “bank” of data on injuries, accidents, accidents (road traffic accidents) ), occupational diseases, working conditions, etc.;

1.7.6. Information about the state of labor protection in organizations is open;

1.8. It is not allowed for the manager to issue orders and instructions that contradict clauses 1.7.1-1.7.7 of the "OSH" and the legislative acts of Appendix 1.

Section 2. Competence of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection in the field of labor protection

2.1. The State Committee for Ecology of Russia is creating a labor protection service within its structure.

2.2. State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection:

Implements state policy in the field of labor protection aimed at ensuring favorable and safe hazardous conditions work within the limits of their competence;

Exercises departmental control over compliance with laws and other regulations on labor protection and organizational and methodological management of labor protection services in subordinate organizations;

Participates in the preparation of proposals for draft laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation on labor protection, develops, revises and approves in the prescribed manner documents on labor protection within the limits of its competence;

Participates in the development and implementation of departmental programs to improve working conditions and safety and prepares proposals for inclusion in relevant federal programs;

Controls the work of training and testing knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists in subordinate organizations;

Defines the main directions scientific research on labor protection for subordinate organizations, prepares proposals for inclusion in plans for research and development work on labor protection, organizes and monitors their implementation;

Conducts an analysis of the state of labor conditions and safety, the causes of accidents at work and occupational diseases, and prepares proposals for their prevention;

Studies, generalizes, disseminates best practices in organizations to improve working conditions and labor protection, organizes scientific and practical conferences, seminars, exhibitions, departmental competitions on labor protection;

Controls the certification of workplaces and certification of production facilities in subordinate organizations for compliance with labor protection requirements in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for certification of workplaces for working conditions” (approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation 03.14.97 N 12), (Appendix 1 , item 20);

Participates in the investigation of group and fatal accidents;

Conducts an analysis of work practices in providing benefits and paying compensation to employees of organizations for hard work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions and participates in the preparation of proposals for its improvement in the prescribed manner;

Organizes the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the state of labor protection in organizations of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, labor protection services, as well as a bank of normative and methodological documents on labor protection issues currently in force.

Section 3. Competence of territorial environmental bodies of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia in the field of labor protection

3.1. Territorial environmental authorities of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia:

The structure and number of workers in labor protection services in territorial committees and organizations is determined by the relevant head, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia;

Provide organizational and methodological management of labor protection services in subordinate organizations;

Organize training and testing of knowledge on labor protection for employees of organizations;

Organize and carry out departmental control over compliance with laws and other regulations on labor protection;

Develop proposals for inclusion in departmental plans for research and development work, as well as in federal and departmental programs for improving working conditions and safety;

Conduct an analysis of the state of working conditions and labor protection, causes of accidents and occupational diseases in subordinate organizations, prepare proposals for their prevention, and classify subordinate organizations according to the risk of injury;

Study, generalize, disseminate best practices in organizations to improve working conditions and labor protection, organize scientific and practical conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and competitions on labor protection;

Organize, together with interested executive authorities for labor of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, certification of workplaces and certification of production facilities for compliance with labor protection requirements;

Participate in the investigation of fatal and group accidents in subordinate organizations;

Organize, together with the territorial executive authorities for labor of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, training and testing of knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists of subordinate organizations;

Control the payment of compensation to employees of organizations for difficult working conditions and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (participate, in the prescribed manner, in the preparation of proposals for its improvement);

Send information about the state of labor protection in subordinate organizations and copies of statistical reports to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia in accordance with the established procedure.

Section 4. Tasks for ensuring labor safety in organizations subordinate to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia

4.1. The OSMS at the level of organizations subordinate to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia provides for solving the following tasks:

Admission to work of persons with appropriate professional training and qualifications;

Security job descriptions and regulatory materials on labor protection for all employees of organizations;

Conducting labor safety briefings for all employees;

Establishing compliance with the requirements of standards, rules and regulations for labor protection of each workplace - their certification and certification of work objects;

Providing special clothing and means of individual and collective protection for workers;

Prompt investigation of accidents in accordance with the established procedure;

Ensuring the safety of workers during the operation of buildings and structures, the use of machines, analytical instruments and equipment, chemicals, vehicles, technologies and materials that meet the requirements of safety rules and sanitary standards;

Correct use of explosives and means of initiation, toxic, highly toxic substances, sources of ionizing radiation, their proper accounting, storage and consumption;

Conducting a set of natural observations sufficient to ensure the normal technological cycle of work and predicting dangerous situations in the work area;

Sanitary and medical and preventive services for workers, providing for preliminary and periodic medical examinations, actual medical and preventive services and the presence of existing sanitary and welfare complexes;

Optimal work and rest regimes for workers, taking into account the specifics of their work, in accordance with the standards and recommendations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of Russia;

Compliance with the terms of collective agreements and labor agreements regarding labor protection with representative organizations of employees;

Creation of emergency prevention and response services or concluding service agreements with similar services of other organizations, as well as the creation of voluntary rescue teams;

Assistance to government supervision and control bodies, representatives of technical labor inspection, trade unions and public organizations workers in monitoring the state of labor protection;

Operational investigation of accidents;

Maintaining documentation in accordance with the established form related to industrial diseases, injuries, exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors.

Section 5. Organization of work on labor protection management in organizations of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia

5.1. The creation of the material, technical and organizational base for ensuring labor safety in the organization is carried out by the head of the enterprise;

5.2. Organization of work to implement the provisions and requirements of the OSMS in organizations includes:

The distribution of responsibilities between management employees, the establishment of tasks and functional connections between departments and services for production management, including the entire range of labor protection tasks, which are reflected in the regulations on services and departments, are specified in the job descriptions of management and engineering and technical employees, including working managers , and are adjusted as necessary (see Appendix 2);

Development of lists of traumatic violations for work objects, instructions on labor protection and procedures for admission to work for workers and employees;

Creation of a joint commission (committee) on labor protection, which on a parity basis includes representatives of the administration, trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees;

Development of regulations on the financial liability of departments and individual employees of the organization for violation of labor protection requirements (see Appendix 4);

Creation of labor protection funds of an organization or participation on a shared basis in similar funds of other organizations;

Application of disciplinary sanctions to employees of organizations, up to and including dismissal, as well as claims for material damage caused by the fault of the employee;

Interaction on a contractual basis with any organizations to solve problems on labor protection;

Granting the right to appeal and challenge decisions of relevant government supervisory and control authorities.

5.3. The head of the organization bears full responsibility for ensuring labor safety requirements. If he fails to fulfill his duties (under paragraphs of Section 4), the following measures may be applied to him:

For failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection and the instructions of state supervision and control bodies over labor protection, fines are imposed, the amounts and procedure for imposition of which are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Mandatory compensation in accordance with the established procedure for harm caused to employees as a result of work in violation of labor protection rules;

Suspension of work in the event of an immediate threat to the life and health of workers until the violations are eliminated;

Initiation of administrative and criminal cases in cases of violations of labor protection requirements, injuries and diseases in accordance with current legislation.

5.5. An employee of the organization (within his competence) is obliged to:

Carry out orders and instructions, comply with rules, regulations and job descriptions regarding labor protection;

Do not take any actions that go beyond the scope of the job description in terms of workplace safety, leading to a decrease in the level of one’s own safety or the safety of others (increasing the “risk level” of injury):

As a matter of priority, eliminate any labor safety violations that arise or submit a request for their elimination to the relevant departments if it is impossible to eliminate them on your own;

Promptly notify your immediate supervisor of any situation that, in his opinion, creates an immediate threat to the life and health of people;

Immediately report to the administration any accident that occurs during or in connection with work, regardless of its severity.

5.6. An employee of the organization has the right:

To a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic standards and is maximally protected from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors;

For information about the state of his working conditions and the responsibility of the manager for violating the requirements and norms of labor protection legislation;

To provide personal and collective protective equipment;

For training in safe work methods and techniques;

Require an inspection of working conditions at his workplace by the relevant state, departmental or public supervision and control services;

For compensation for damage caused to health from production activities in accordance with current legislation;

5.7. Responsibility of an employee of an organization for violation of labor safety standards and regulations:

For violation of the requirements of legislative and other regulations on labor protection, employees of organizations are subject to administrative, disciplinary, and, in appropriate cases, material and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Section 6. The procedure for the practical implementation of tasks for managing occupational safety and health in an organization

6.1. Planning of labor protection work

6.1.1. Labor protection work in the organization is carried out in accordance with annual plan at the organizational level and current plans at the level of services and departments. Each item of the plan must have a clear formulation, deadlines, volumes and a responsible executor, allowing one to monitor actual implementation;

6.1.2. The basis for the development of labor protection plans are: the requirements of the rules corresponding to the types of production activities, long-term plans production development, plans for social development of the team, results of analysis of materials from the investigation of accidents, fires, accidents, accidents, the condition of production and technological equipment, buildings, structures, materials, certification of workplaces and certification of production facilities, requirements-applications for ensuring labor safety at facilities works, acts and instructions of state supervisory and control authorities;

6.1.3. The annual plan includes the following sections:

Improvement of personnel qualifications, testing of knowledge on labor protection of engineers, workers and employees;

Measures to normalize sanitary and hygienic working conditions;

Measures for medical, preventive and sanitary services for workers;

Mechanization and automation of heavy and labor-intensive work;

Measures to ensure fire and radiation safety;

Certification of working conditions of production facilities for previously uncertified or newly organized facilities;

Training plans for personnel actions in emergencies and extreme situations, loss of orientation in routes, etc.;

Comprehensive inspections of the state of labor protection in departments of organizations;

Measures to strengthen social protection of workers;

The list of sections of the plan, in accordance with the specifics of the work, can be expanded.

6.1.4. Current occupational safety plans for departments and services are drawn up by department heads in accordance with the specifics of the work and tasks to be solved on occupational safety in a given department and the requirements-applications for eliminating violations of occupational safety requirements received from other departments of the organization;

6.1.5. The agreement on labor protection to the collective agreement between the administration and representative organizations of workers is drawn up taking into account the annual plan, the state of labor protection in the organization at the time of conclusion of the agreement and includes the following issues: the state of labor protection, work and rest schedules, education and training of workers, improvement working conditions, benefits, compensation and additional payments for harmful and dangerous working conditions, medical and social insurance of workers, as well as conditions for monitoring the state of occupational safety.

6.2. Vocational selection, vocational training and training in safe work methods are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rules and regulatory documents that apply to organizations of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia (see Appendix 1, paragraphs 17, 18, 19).

6.3. The design of all types of work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the system of occupational safety standards (OSST), building codes and regulations (SNiP) and sanitary standards (SN);

6.3.1. Responsibility for the complete development and consideration of safety requirements and the creation of healthy working conditions in projects rests with the head of the organization that approved the project.

6.4. Ensuring safety during the operation of production equipment, conducting production processes, construction and operation of buildings and structures is carried out by:

Carrying out incoming inspection for equipment being put into operation;

Compliance with all operational requirements for this equipment (requirements for installation, maintenance, depreciation periods, testing, etc.);

Collecting and summarizing materials on design deficiencies of equipment to familiarize personnel, developing measures to reduce the likelihood of injury, and developing proposals for improving equipment for its manufacturers and work technology;

Equipping work sites with personal and collective protective equipment;

Ensuring operational production management;

Providing guidance and control over the performance of high-risk work (work order, permission to work, personnel qualifications, etc.);

Organizing control over compliance with all requirements and rules for the operation of transport, especially when transporting people;

Prompt clarification of project documentation, passports and work orders, emergency response plans and rescue measures when work conditions change.

6.5. Normalization of sanitary and hygienic working conditions consists of:

Ensuring the requirements of safety standards, building codes and regulations, sanitary standards at work sites;

Certification of workplaces and certification of work objects according to working conditions;

Systematic control over sanitary and hygienic working conditions;

Registration of workers in hazardous conditions, heavy work, and night shifts.

Section 7. Labor protection service in the organization

7.1. The labor protection service in an organization (structure, number and distribution of responsibilities) is created by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

7.2. The organization's labor protection service is obliged to ensure the solution of the following tasks:

Methodological guidance in solving labor protection problems by production divisions of the organization;

Completing the regulatory and document base for occupational safety in all areas of activity and types of work;

Monitoring the implementation of labor protection plans in the organization;

Formation of generalized (statistical) information about the state of occupational safety in the organization based on information received from production units for the management of the organization, departmental and state supervisory and control bodies and statistical bodies;

Performing dispatch functions in distributing and monitoring the execution of requests for elimination of occupational safety violations at work sites, transferred to other departments (in the absence of a special dispatch service in the organization);

Participation in the investigation of accidents, recording and analysis of accidents, fires, accidents and road accidents in the organization;

Accounting for incoming, preparation and accounting of outgoing information on occupational safety issues.

7.3. For organizations with a small number of employees, where occupational safety services are not created, functional responsibilities for solving the tasks of the occupational safety service are assigned to the organization’s specialists, for which they must be provided with appropriate working hours.

7.4. For any official involved in labor safety issues, the head of the organization or a person authorized by him develops a job description regulating his duties, rights and responsibilities (see Appendix 2).

Section 8. Main indicators and procedure for generating information on labor protection

8.1. Occupational safety management is carried out on the basis of objective and statistically reliable indicators of the state of occupational safety in the organization, calculated for everyone using uniform methods (Appendix 3).

8.2. The main indicators characterizing the state of labor protection in an organization, used in assessing their economic activities at higher levels of management, are:

Number of workers in unfavorable conditions based on hazard factors;

- “level of risk” of injury at work sites of main and auxiliary production;

Number of cases of occupational diseases, poisonings;

Number of injured per calendar year, incl. fatal, frequency and severity of injury;

Number of accidents, fires, cases of loss of explosive materials (explosives), radioactive and toxic substances and sources of ionizing radiation;

Statistical reporting on forms in accordance with existing legislation.

8.3. For occupational safety management tasks within an organization, the following are used:

Indicators of performance discipline in matters of labor protection of managers of production departments and work sites;

Data from certification (attestation) of production facilities, including indicators of the level of potential risk of injury and occupational disease at work sites;

Requirements-applications for material and labor resources necessary to eliminate violations of labor safety standards.

8.4. Information about the state of labor protection in the organization is sent to the territorial committees of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia (sending operational reports and investigation materials on cases of fatal and group injuries, fires, losses of mechanical equipment and other emergency incidents is mandatory). Copies of acts in form N-1 are sent to the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection by all subordinate organizations for all cases of injury and certificates of material damage from emergency incidents.

Territorial committees annually send generalized information on the state of labor protection in the organizations under their jurisdiction to the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, as well as copies of statistical reporting forms.

Section 9. Representative organizations of workers in the occupational safety management system

9.1. Public control of the state of labor protection in organizations is carried out by trade unions represented by their relevant bodies and other authorized employees of representative bodies, who can create their own inspectorates for these purposes.

9.2. Bodies of public control over the state of labor protection have the right:

Monitor the manager’s compliance with legislative and other regulations on labor protection;

Conduct an independent examination of working conditions and safety of the organization’s employees;

Take part in the investigation of accidents and occupational diseases at work;

Receive information from managers and other officials of the organization about the state of labor conditions and safety, as well as about all reportable industrial accidents;

Make demands to suspend work in cases of immediate threat to the life and health of workers;

Issue mandatory submissions to managers regarding the elimination of identified violations of labor protection legislation;

Inspect the state of labor protection provided for by collective agreements or agreements;

Participate in the work of commissions for testing and commissioning of production facilities and means of production as independent experts;

Take part in the development and approval of regulations on labor protection;

Contact the relevant authorities with a demand to bring to justice officials guilty of violating regulatory requirements for labor protection and concealing facts of industrial accidents;

Take part in the consideration of labor disputes related to violations of labor protection legislation, obligations established by collective agreements or labor protection agreements, in connection with changes in working conditions.

with the Ministry of Labor and
social development of Russia
(letter N 657-8 dated 10/17/97)

Appendix 1. LIST of basic regulatory documents on labor protection and reference materials

Annex 1

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation (dated December 12, 1993).

2. Abstract collection of International conventions and recommendations on occupational safety and health. M. - 1992, Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia. MNIIOT.

3. “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor protection” (RF Law of August 6, 1993 N 5600-1).

4. Law “On Environmental Protection” (approved by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on December 19, 1991 N 2060-1).

5. “Rules on labor protection in logging and woodworking industries and during forestry work” (POT RM001-97 approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on March 21, 1997).

6. Basic rules for safety and first aid when conducting raids to protect wildlife and combat poaching. Moscow - 1985.

7. On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations in organizations of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources (Order No. 203 dated October 13, 1993).

8. Instructions on the actions of employees of State nature reserves in the event of emergency situations associated with a threat to the health and life of people (Approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia on June 7, 1995).

9. “Regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording accidents at work” (Approved by Decree of the Russian Government on June 3, 1995 N 558).

10. “Rules for compensation by employers of harm caused to employees by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of their work duties” (Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1992 N 4214-1).

11. Collection of governing documents on conservation matters. Moscow, "WWF" 1996.

12. "Manual on labor protection." Series "Leader's Library". Training and production center "Talent", Mytishchi, 1996.

13. Labor protection in the Russian Federation. Directory "Occupational Safety and Social Insurance", Moscow, 1996.

14. Inter-industry standards for the number of workers in the labor protection service at an enterprise (Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia on March 10, 1995 N 13).

15. Regulations on the federal public service(Approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 22, 1993 N 2267).

16. “Standard safety instructions for hydrochemical laboratories of Roskomvod services” (Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources dated June 14, 1996 N 275).

17. GOST 12.0.004-90 SSBT "Organization of training on occupational safety. General provisions."

18. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 12, 1994 N 65 “On approval of the Model Regulations on the procedure for training and testing knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations.”

19. “Model training program on labor protection” (approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on January 17, 1996).

20. “Temporary rules for certification of production facilities for compliance with labor protection requirements” (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 1995 N 64).

Appendix 2

The job description must include all aspects of the official’s activities, including labor safety issues, and is the main legal document regulating his duties, rights and responsibilities.

The job description should:

Clearly define the terms of reference;

Serve as a tool for performance assessment;

Ensure a balance of duties, rights and responsibilities.

To ensure the above, it is necessary to maintain consistency between:

The rights of the manager and the duties of the subordinate (the former must be confirmed by the latter);

The rights of the subordinate and the responsibilities of the manager (the implementation of the rights of the former is ensured by the corresponding responsibilities of the latter);

The responsibility of the manager and the responsibility of the subordinate (the first should not include the second).

The procedure for drawing up job descriptions:

Draft job descriptions are drawn up by managers for their directly subordinates, based on the production functions of the departments and labor protection tasks, the solution of which is assigned to this department, employee, etc.;

Each task or group of tasks must have a corresponding official who is assigned personal responsibility for the implementation of this task (or group of tasks). Those tasks whose solution operations are closely interrelated should be combined into one group;

After identifying the persons responsible for solving problems, a list of their responsibilities is compiled, the fulfillment of which ensures the solution of these problems;

Then a list of the official’s rights corresponding to the assigned duties is formed;

A set of job descriptions for the division's management personnel is developed in parallel to ensure they are balanced with each other;

After agreeing on job descriptions with a lawyer, they are approved by the immediate supervisors of those persons under whose supervision the employees are.

The following is used as basic material when drawing up job descriptions:

Regulatory and legal documentation on labor protection;

Regulations "Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in Organizations of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection";

Regulations establishing the tasks, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of departments and services of organizations and their managers.

The job description must contain the following sections:

1. The “qualifications” required to perform the job.

2. “Responsibilities” - represent the most specific functions described by action verbs.

3. "Rights". Each duty must be assigned a certain right of the official, namely, what resources (labor, material, information) and to what extent he can use, as well as what actions he is allowed to perform the assigned duties.

It is necessary that the provisions of sections 2 and 3 in the instructions strictly correspond to each other and exhaust the scope of the employee’s activities.

4. “Responsibility” - it is indicated that the employee is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties and a link is given to regulations, which establish the type and extent of responsibility.

5. “Employee relationships” - describes the employee’s connections with other officials (on what issues, in what terms, under what conditions, forms of communication, etc.).

Appendix 3. RECOMMENDED METHOD FOR CALCULATING indicators of the state of labor protection at the work site

Appendix 3

1. Calculation of indicators:

1.1. The technique is intended for managers and engineering and technical workers of organizations.

1.2. The methodology establishes the procedure for quantitative assessment of the state of labor protection at work sites for the purpose of operational management of labor protection.

1.3. When assessing the state of labor protection, the following indicators are taken into account:

The risk level indicator R at the work site is proportional to the probability of injury to an employee at this site and characterizes violations of the requirements of safety rules that can be monitored during the inspection process;

The number of requests for elimination of violations at the work site that cannot be eliminated on site;

- “level of performance discipline” - I work manager in matters of ensuring labor safety.

1.4. At each work site, a “Journal of Occupational Safety and Health Inspection” is maintained, which includes a “List of Injury Violations” for the given site; Before the start of the shift, the facility manager monitors the condition of the facility for violations, eliminates detected violations and submits a demand-application for the elimination of those violations that cannot be eliminated by the unit itself, recording this violation in the log, indicating the date of transmission of the request-application and the corresponding indicator the level of risk of this violation. By summing up the risk level indicators of all currently unresolved violations, for the elimination of which requests have been submitted, the manager determines the “risk level” Rp at the work site at the time of inspection.

1.5. During a commission inspection of a work site, the commission identifies all violations at the site, including those for which applications have been submitted for elimination, and calculates the “risk level” indicator Rk, summing up the hazard indicators of all identified violations at the site at the time of the inspection, then using the formula:

I = 1 -(Rk - Rp) : SRi

the indicator of “executive discipline” of the facility manager is calculated, which characterizes its level in a given department, where:

SRi is the sum of the danger indicators of all violations included in the “List of traumatic violations.”

The results of the inspection: the violations identified, the values ​​of the indicators Rk and I, the date of the inspection are recorded in the “Journal of Occupational Safety and Health Inspection”.

An inspection report is drawn up and submitted to the head of the enterprise to develop a management decision.

If the level of performance discipline of the facility manager is 0.5, he is declared inappropriate for the position; 0.6-0.7, he is sent for training or instruction.

1.6. For support units (repair and supply services) of main production facilities, the level of performance discipline of the head of the unit is calculated as the ratio of the number of requests received for a certain period (month, quarter) to those completed.

2.1. Lists of traumatic violations for each work site are developed by the labor protection service together with specialists of the relevant profile;

2.2. The order of compiling the lists is as follows:

2.2.1. The 15-25 most common violations specific to this type of work and posing a direct threat to the life and health of workers are selected. Violations included in the list must relate to “controlled violations” that can be identified during inspections by the commission.

2.2.2. For violations specific to this type of work, the traumatic factor and the corresponding hazard indicator Ri are selected from Table 1.

2.2.3. The lists are approved by the labor protection service of the territorial committee of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia.

2.2.4. The Occupational Safety and Health Service organizes training for managers of work sites to carry out control according to the developed lists.

2.2.5. The frequency of commission control of work objects is established by the labor protection service, based on local conditions; at low values ​​of the performance discipline indicator of the work site manager, this object is placed on a “rehabilitation” control mode (increased frequency).

2.2.6. The current state of labor protection at work sites, the value of the “risk level” indicator, is received by the organization’s management through communication channels directly from the site managers within a specified time frame.

Table 1. Values ​​of hazard indicators for traumatic factors

Table 1

Traumatic factor

Indicator of the “risk level” of injury

Moving and rotating parts of equipment

Mechanisms and devices used during loading and unloading operations

Moved items (cargo)

Fallen objects (loads, trees)

Flying objects (fragments)

Electric current

High, low temperatures

Substances under pressure

Substances that cause burns and poisoning

Means of transport

Hand tool

Victim falls from height

Fall of the victim while moving

Danger of drowning

Danger of disorientation

Danger of attack by wild animals

Lack of protection from animal bites, dangerous insects, snakes, etc.

Lack of funds, development of measures and training to suppress armed poaching

Commission inspection report of the work site

List of traumatic violations at the facility Risk level
(determined by the commission) violations Ri

Sum Ri = Rk= __________________________

List of violations for the elimination of which an application has been submitted (determined from the "Inspection Log...")

Sum Ri = Rp = ____________

Level of executive discipline of the facility manager:

I = 1 - (Rk - Rp) : SRi = ________________________

Committee members: ___________________

Head of the facility: _____________________

Date of inspection ______________

Appendix 4. RECOMMENDATIONS for economic incentives for safe labor practices

Appendix 4

Work on economic incentives for labor protection work is carried out on the basis of the organization’s “labor safety fund.”

The “Occupational Safety and Health Fund” is intended for compensation payments for damage caused to employees in the process of production activities, through insurance companies or directly from this fund, as well as financing of labor protection work. The specific conditions for the formation of the fund and compensation payments made from it are determined by the Regulations on the fund and at the organizational level, fixed in the labor agreement between the administration and the representative bodies of workers (trade union, STC, etc.).

1. Formation of the organization’s fund:

1.1. Administration contributions for compulsory insurance and financing of labor protection work.

1.2. Contributions ("penalties") of organizational units in the amount of S:

S = А*Ф(1-I),

F - wage fund of the organization's division;

I - level of performance discipline in occupational safety of this unit (see Appendix 3, clause 1.5);

A is an indicator characterizing the volume of work on occupational safety in the technological cycle of a given unit - (0.1-0.3), as well as contributions from units placed on the “sanitation control regime”, according to paragraph 2.2.5 of Appendix 3.

1.2. A contribution from the organization’s administration, proportional to the “risk level” at a given enterprise, which includes the probabilistic risk of fires, technical and environmental accidents.

1.3. Contribution from the administration of the organization, proportional to the excess of the average level of risk in the organization over the “maximum permissible” established by agreement between the administration and the workforce.

2. Spending of the fund:

2.1. Financing of labor protection work.

2.2. Payment for insurance of the organization's employees.

2.3. Payments to employees engaged in work with a high level of risk, in difficult and unfavorable conditions.

2.4. Payments for damage caused to employees during production activities.

Appendix 5. RECOMMENDATIONS on the distribution of duties, rights and responsibilities of managers and performers of work for ensuring occupational safety

Appendix 5

1. Introduction

The recommendations are intended for managers, responsible officials and specialists, employees of labor protection services of organizations of all organizational and legal forms and serve as the basis for developing a section on labor protection in job descriptions of employees of organizations. The recommendations include the duties, rights and responsibilities of managers and specialists at all levels of production management to ensure occupational safety within the framework of the requirements of Russian legislation.

2. General provisions

The full scope of work on labor protection in an organization includes the solution of all tasks to ensure safety and create favorable working conditions (see OSH, section 2), assigned to the relevant managers and specialists responsible for performing specific tasks.

Any responsible person must be granted certain rights that regulate the actions he is allowed to perform his duties and determine the resources he uses (labor, material, information).

For management employees, maintaining labor safety documentation in accordance with the range of rights and responsibilities (development of job descriptions, access to work, suspension and permission to perform work, submission of requests for elimination of violations and ensuring work safety, etc.) is mandatory , since it serves as the basis for establishing the degree of responsibility of an employee in case of violation of safety rules.

3. Head of the organization

Managers of organizations are obliged to ensure compliance with the terms of the license for the right to conduct work in terms of compliance with standards (norms, rules) on labor protection.

Managers of organizations bear direct responsibility for ensuring safe working conditions, regardless of whether these organizations carry out work in accordance with the license presented to them or are engaged to perform work under a contract.

Heads of organizations are obliged to:

Organize work to implement the provisions and requirements of the OSMS, safety rules, standards and other regulatory and methodological documentation;

Monitor the state of labor protection in the organization on the basis of information received from the labor protection service and data from monitoring the state of labor protection carried out by state supervision and control bodies and departmental control, as well as representative organizations of workers;

Develop and approve job descriptions for heads of services and production units of direct subordination, including a section on labor protection (in accordance with the requirements of the OSH), which are the main legal document regulating their duties, rights and responsibilities in matters of labor protection;

Immediately suspend the work being carried out and ensure the removal of people to a safe place if an immediate threat to the life and health of workers arises;

If an immediate threat to the life and health of the population arises in the zone of influence of work related to environmental activities, the heads of the relevant organizations must immediately inform the relevant state authorities and local authorities about this;

Investigate accidents that occurred in the organization in accordance with the “Regulations on the procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 03.06.95 N 558, and pay all expenses of the investigation commission at the expense of the organization (conclusion of the investigation commission accident is mandatory for the employer).

The procedure for organizing work on labor protection, the rights and responsibilities of the head of the enterprise are given in the OSMS.

4. Heads of services, production departments, work sites, responsible performers of work

4.1. Qualification

Persons with special training and qualifications are allowed to manage the organization. Managers are allowed to work after passing exams to test their knowledge of rules, regulations and safety instructions, followed by periodic certification.

4.2. Responsibilities

managers of production departments and work sites and responsible performers provide:

Professional compliance with the production tasks of department employees through professional selection, adaptation, training, instruction and training in safe techniques and work methods, promotion of labor protection issues;

Development and approval of labor protection instructions for direct subordinate employees;

Prohibition on actions leading to a decrease in the level of work safety;

The use of collective and individual protective equipment (PPE) and special clothing by workers by drawing up applications and sending them to logistics authorities; organization of acceptance, storage and issuance of personal protective equipment; organization of washing, dry cleaning, drying, dust removal, neutralization and repair of workwear;

Compliance with technological discipline and process safety;

Monitoring the state of labor protection at work sites repaired by him;

Immediate elimination of any deviations from safety requirements, and if elimination is impossible, transfer of the request-application for the performance of these works to the relevant services of the enterprise while simultaneously making a responsible decision on the possibility of continuing the work or suspending it;

Timely carrying out preventive inspections and maintenance of equipment, performing scheduled repairs and technical examination (testing) of equipment;

Normalization of sanitary and hygienic and sanitary working conditions through systematic monitoring of the state of the atmosphere, its oxygen content of harmful and explosive gases and dust; prohibition of work if the air temperature, as well as the content of oxygen, harmful, explosive gases and dust in the atmosphere do not meet the requirements of sanitary standards and safety regulations;

Providing employees with reliable information about working conditions, types and degrees of danger of industrial hazards.

4.3. Rights

To fulfill their duties, heads of production departments, work sites and responsible performers are granted the following rights:

Receive information about the state of working conditions in the organization;

To provide your department with labor, material and information resources that ensure the safety of work (workers of appropriate qualifications, instructions for safe work, personal protective equipment, measuring equipment, etc.);

Provide managers with proposals to apply disciplinary sanctions to employees of their direct subordination, up to and including dismissal, as well as to claim material damage caused by the employee’s fault;

Suspend work in conditions of real danger to the life and health of workers;

Grant permission to temporarily continue work at an increased “risk level” until the violations are eliminated, subject to the adoption of additional safety measures;

Require an inspection of working conditions in a subordinate unit by the relevant state, departmental or public supervision and control services;

Contact government regulatory or judicial authorities to resolve conflict situations.

4.4. Responsibility

When working in violation of the requirements of legislative and other regulations on labor protection and failure to fully fulfill their duties, heads of departments are subject to administrative, disciplinary, and, in appropriate cases, financial and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and its constituent republics . In the labor protection section of the "Job Description" in the paragraph "Responsibility" it is indicated that the employee is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties and a link is given to the regulatory documents that establish the type and measures of responsibility.

5. Direct performers of the work

5.1. Qualification

Persons with special training and qualifications and no medical contraindications are allowed to work. Admission to work is carried out after briefing and passing exams to test knowledge of rules, regulations and safety instructions in accordance with current regulations.

5.2. Responsibilities

The direct performers of the work are obliged to:

Follow orders and instructions, comply with rules, regulations and job descriptions on labor protection;

Do not take any actions in the workplace or at the enterprise that lead to a decrease in the level of personal safety and the safety of others;

As a matter of priority, eliminate any violations of labor safety requirements or submit a request for their elimination to your manager if it is impossible to eliminate them on your own;

Promptly notify your immediate supervisor of any situation that, in his opinion, creates an immediate threat to the accident, life and health of people;

Immediately report to your immediate supervisors any accident that occurs during or in connection with work, regardless of its severity.

5.3. Rights

Direct performers of work have the right:

Receive information about the state of their working conditions;

To a workplace protected from exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors;

To provide special clothing, personal and collective protective equipment at the expense of the organization;

For training in safe methods and techniques of work at the expense of the organization;

Require inspection of working conditions at their workplace by the relevant government supervision, departmental or public control services;

For compensation for harm caused (injury, occupational disease or other damage to health) associated with the performance of work duties, in accordance with current legislation;

Contact government regulatory or judicial authorities to resolve conflict situations.

5.4. Responsibility

For violation of the requirements of legislative and other regulations on labor protection, the direct performers of the work are subject to administrative, disciplinary and, in appropriate cases, material and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. Occupational Safety and Health Service

The work of occupational safety services is regulated by the “Recommendation for organizing the work of the occupational safety service at an enterprise, institution and organization” (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 6 of January 30, 1995).


Appendix 6

For the purposes of the OSMS, the terms used mean:

Occupational safety - a system for ensuring the safety of life and health of workers in the process labor activity, including legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

Working conditions are a set of factors in the working environment that influence human health and performance during the work process.

Favorable working conditions are working conditions that fully meet the requirements of sanitary standards, safety standards and ergonomics, and do not cause irreversible functional impairment or damage to the employee’s health over the entire period of his working activity.

Harmful working conditions are working conditions characterized by the presence of harmful production factors that exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the worker’s body and (or) his offspring.

Hazardous working conditions are working conditions characterized by levels of production factors, the impact of which during a work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of severe forms of occupational injuries.

Heavy work is work that reflects a predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body, the implementation of which involves the involvement of more than 2/3 of a person’s muscle mass.

Safe working conditions are working conditions under which exposure to harmful and dangerous production factors on workers is excluded or their levels do not exceed hygienic standards.

An employee is an individual who is in an employment relationship with an employer on the basis of a concluded employment agreement (contract), a student, a pupil and an apprentice of all forms and types of training during the period of his introductory or industrial practice, a military serviceman engaged in official and production activities (except for cases related to combat and operational activities) and recruited to work in an organization, a convicted person serving a sentence by a court sentence during the period of his work in the organization.

Employer is an individual or legal entity (organization) that has entered into an employment agreement (contract) with an employee, or uses the labor of students, pupils and apprentices of all forms and types of training during the period of their introductory or practical training.

Workplace - all places where an employee must be or go in connection with his work and which are directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

A hazardous production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on a worker can lead to injury.

A harmful production factor is a production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to harm to health.

Personal and collective protective equipment for workers means used to prevent or reduce exposure of workers to hazardous and (or) harmful production factors, as well as from pollution.

An occupational disease is a chronic or acute disease caused by exposure of an employee to harmful and dangerous production factors.

An occupational disease is a general (non-occupational) disease that occurs as a result of non-specific exposure to harmful and dangerous working conditions on the human body.

An industrial accident is an event as a result of which an employee received injury or other damage to health while performing work duties, resulting in the need for his transfer to another job, temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, or his death.

Certification is an activity to confirm the compliance of a production facility with established state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

Safety certificate is a document certifying that a production facility complies with state regulatory requirements for labor protection.

Risk level is a numerical indicator proportional to the probability of injury.

The level of performance discipline is a numerical indicator characterizing the completeness of the employee’s performance of his duties.

The management of TNK-Nyagan OJSC considers industrial safety, employee health and environmental issues to be among the most important. From the very first day of its establishment, company leaders have repeatedly emphasized their commitment to industrial safety, labor protection and environmental protection, which was reflected in the formulation of the policy.

Each employee is aware and accepts his personal responsibility for preserving the natural environment, and directs maximum efforts and attention not only to the preservation, but also to the constant improvement of the environmental situation, reducing his impact on it, which leads to the improvement of the environmental management system itself and increased efficiency activities of the Company.

The Environmental Protection Policy (EP) is a high-quality tool for managing the Company’s personnel, developing a common understanding of the basic principles and strategies for conducting the Company’s business in this area.

The environmental policy is the basis for strategic planning and management of current activities, expressed in the development and setting of goals in the field of environmental protection for the Company’s business processes based on effective monitoring and analysis of information based on the results.

Objectives of environmental protection management:

    Ensuring environmentally safe activities of the enterprise as provided for in the Charter of OJSC TNK-Nyagan

    Compliance with established environmental impact standards, environmental quality standards in the zone of influence of enterprise divisions

    Ensuring rational use of natural resources, reproduction of natural resources

    Reducing the negative impact on the environment by increasing the reliability, safety and trouble-free operation of technical equipment

    Efficiency of control and transfer of information to the managers of the enterprise and the state environmental control body, ensuring the possibility of making immediate decisions to reduce or eliminate negative impacts on the natural environment.

    Compliance with natural legislation by the personnel of OJSC TNK-Nyagan

The main tasks of environmental protection management:

    Verification of the implementation of environmental plans and activities, instructions and recommendations of specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection.

    Verification of compliance with environmental quality standards in the zone of influence of the enterprise's divisions, compliance with standards for maximum permissible emissions and discharges of pollutants, and waste disposal limits.

    Accounting for pollutants in emissions and discharges of enterprise departments, generated recycled and disposed waste, used natural and energy resources.

    Monitoring compliance with quotas and limits on the use of natural resources.

    Monitoring compliance with the rules for handling hazardous and harmful chemicals, hazardous waste, biological products.

    Monitoring the stability and efficiency of environmental equipment and structures.

    Monitoring the availability and technical condition of equipment for localizing and eliminating the consequences of man-made accidents, ensuring personnel safety.

    Maintaining environmental documentation of the enterprise, timely submission of information provided for by state statistical reporting, the state environmental monitoring system, cadastral registration, used to ensure safety measures in extreme conditions, justifying the amount of environmental payments.

    Organization of work on the rational use of natural and energy resources.

    Planning, financing and logistical support of environmental programs and activities for environmental protection.

    Environmental training, education, informing enterprise personnel on the environmental situation in the production areas of TNK-Nyagan OJSC

OOS control system:

    General management of environmental protection and rational use of natural and energy resources is carried out by the General Director of OJSC TNK-Nyagan

    Direct supervision of work on environmental protection and rational use of natural and energy resources is carried out by the Department of Health Safety and Environmental Protection.

    Management of work on OOPS in the structural divisions of the enterprise is carried out by the heads of departments.

    Achieving the goals of industrial environmental control is carried out through:

Taking a set of preventive actions to eliminate the possibility of emergency situations and causing damage to the operating system

Introduction of scientific and design developments of new equipment and technologies into society: waste-free, resource-saving and environmentally friendly.

Ensuring high-quality departmental environmental assessment of projects and work performed by contractors

Conducting an analysis of the state of environmental safety in the structural divisions of the company

Providing environmental training, education, and informing enterprise personnel on the environmental situation in the production areas of TNK-Nyagan OJSC

5. Stages of work to identify violations of the requirements of environmental legislation when carrying out industrial environmental control

Industrial environmental control is carried out through regular inspections (operational, targeted, comprehensive)

Review of the state of environmental safety of the Company's facilities at all levels of management

6. The main purpose of inspections is to assess the degree of compliance of the inspected object with the requirements of legislative and other regulations in the field of wasp protection, as well as the development of appropriate preventive and corrective measures to eliminate identified inconsistencies

7. Checking the environmental safety of the Company’s facilities may include an assessment of:

Human and material resources, equipment

Operations and production processes

Conditions of the territories of objects

Documentation, reporting, recording and data storage

Timeliness and quality of implementation of measures to eliminate previously identified violations

8. Inspections of the state of environmental safety of the Company’s facilities are carried out and carried out in the following order:

Drawing up an inspection plan

Performing the verification procedure

Development and justification of necessary measures to eliminate violations identified during the inspection, indicating responsible persons and deadlines for eliminating violations

The results of the inspection are brought to the attention of the official responsible for the environmental condition of the inspected facility in order to take decisions on prompt measures to eliminate the identified violations

9. Based on the results of industrial environmental monitoring of the Company’s facilities, an industrial meeting is held at least once a quarter with the participation of representatives of structural divisions and management of the Company to consider the significant situation and make decisions aimed at reducing the environmental risks of the Company.


I. General provisions

1. The environmental protection department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.

3. The department reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

4. The department is headed by a chief appointed to the position by order of the director of the enterprise.

5. The head of the environmental protection department has _______ deputy(s).

Head of the Environmental Protection Department.

7. Deputy(s) and heads of structural divisions (bureaus, sectors, etc.) within the environmental protection department, other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the director of the enterprise upon the proposal of the head of the environmental protection department.

8. In its activities, the department is guided by:

8.1. Charter of the enterprise.

8.2. This provision.

II. Structure

1. The structure and staffing levels of the department are approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities upon the recommendation of the head of the environmental protection department and in agreement with ____________________ (HR department; department of organization and remuneration)

2. The Environmental Protection Department includes structural units (groups, sectors, bureaus, etc.) according to the diagram below.


Bureau (sector, group)


Bureau (sector, group)



Bureau (sector, group)



Bureau (sector, group)




and laboratories

3. Regulations on the divisions of the environmental protection department (bureaus, sectors, groups, etc.) are approved by the head of the department, and the distribution of responsibilities between employees of the divisions is made

III. Tasks

1. Ensuring compliance with environmental standards and regulations at the enterprise.

2. Ensuring compliance with environmental quality standards based on compliance with approved technologies, introduction of environmentally friendly technologies and production.

3. Primary accounting natural resources and accounting harmful substances emitted by the enterprise.

4. Preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment.

IV. Functions

1. Development and implementation of measures aimed at meeting legal requirements for compliance with standards and regulations in the field of:

Environmental protection;

Rational use of natural resources;

Expansion and reconstruction of existing production facilities;

2. Drawing up long-term and current plans for environmental protection at all stages of the economic process:

Pre-operational (location of facilities, preparation of projects, construction, acceptance and operation of facilities);

Operational (certification, establishment of emission standards, obtaining emission permits, carrying out control measures);

Post-operational (product output, waste disposal).

3. Participation in the development of measures to ensure the environmental cleanliness of manufactured products, their safety for consumers, in the creation of new products and technological processes with improved environmental characteristics.

4. Ensuring environmental assessment of feasibility studies, projects, as well as new technologies and equipment being created, introduction of environmental labeling systems for the enterprise’s products.

5. Obtaining state permits for the release and discharge of harmful substances, waste disposal.

6. Development of environmental standards and regulations of the enterprise in accordance with current state, international (regional) and industry standards, monitoring their implementation and timely revision.

7. Monitoring compliance in the divisions of the enterprise with current environmental legislation, instructions, standards and regulations on environmental protection.

8. Monitoring the operation of treatment and protective structures.

9. Participation:

9.1. In developing plans for the introduction of new technology.

9.2. In carrying out research and experimental work to create a closed-cycle economy at the enterprise, based on:

Environmentally sound circulation of materials;

Saving and replacing non-renewable resources;



Waste processing and disposal;

Introduction of low-waste, waste-free and environmentally friendly production technology.

9.3. In carrying out research and experimental work on the treatment of industrial wastewater, the prevention of environmental pollution, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, and the rational use of land and water resources.

9.4. In developing capital construction plans.

10. Preparation of documents and materials necessary for registration of tax, credit and other benefits provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” when introducing low-waste and resource-saving technologies and non-traditional types of energy, and implementing other effective measures to protect the natural environment at the enterprise.

11. Conducting reasonable calculations of risks to the state of the environment during the implementation of cleanup programs and other environmental measures.

12. Organizing an investigation into the causes and consequences of emissions of harmful substances into the environment and preparing proposals for their prevention.

13. Accounting for indicators characterizing the state of the environment.

14. Creation of a system for storing information about accidents, environmental monitoring data, waste disposal documentation and other information ecological nature.

15. Drawing up technological regulations, analytical control schedules, passports, instructions and other technical documentation.

16. Work to create an effective system of environmental information at the enterprise, disseminated at all levels of management, as well as carrying out activities to familiarize enterprise employees with the requirements of environmental legislation.

17. Preparation of reports on environmental protection measures carried out at the enterprise.

18. Participation in the work of commissions to verify the activities of the enterprise.

V. Rights

1. The Environmental Protection Department has the right:

1.1. Require the technical and production departments of the enterprise to submit materials, reports and information necessary for the work of the department.

1.2. Give the technical and production departments of the enterprise mandatory instructions on compliance with environmental legislation and verify their compliance at any time.

1.3. Demand the cessation of work carried out in violation of environmental rules, norms and standards, up to and including stopping the activities of the enterprise.

1.4. Independently conduct correspondence on environmental issues, as well as on other issues that are within the competence of the department and do not require approval from the head of the enterprise.

1.5. Represent in the prescribed manner on behalf of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the department in relations with state and municipal bodies, as well as other enterprises, organizations, and institutions.

1.6. In agreement with the director of the enterprise or chief engineer, involve experts and specialists in the field of ecology for consultations, preparation of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.

1.8. Make proposals to the management of the enterprise to bring to material and disciplinary liability the officials of the enterprise based on the results of inspections.

2. The head of the environmental protection department signs documents related to environmental assessment, certification and environmental control.

3. The head of the environmental protection department also has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to the personnel department and the management of the enterprise on the relocation of department employees, their rewards for successful work, as well as proposals on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on employees who violate labor discipline.

VI. Relationships (service connections)

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by these regulations, the environmental protection department interacts:

1. With all production and technical departments regarding:

1.1. Receipts:

Plans for the introduction of automation and mechanization of production;

Applications for conclusions on technology for maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with environmental rules and regulations;

Documents and materials necessary for conducting state examination of equipment and technology, raw materials and materials, construction projects and projects for the placement of enterprise facilities, products;

Characteristics of the conditions of use, storage, transportation and disposal of materials, raw materials, production waste;

Information on methods of disposal, processing and destruction after the expiration of the period of use (operation) or storage of material and technical resources;

Data on the location of facilities, the location of land plots allocated for permanent and temporary use for the construction of facilities;

Information on the planned use of the territory (in accordance with development schemes and programs), including the use of natural resources in the implementation of the planned activity;

1.2. Providing:

Conclusions on technical projects for compliance with environmental standards and regulations;

Operational orders to coordinate production;

New developments and technologies for the rational use of natural, material and fuel and energy resources;

Approved requirements for the production of environmentally friendly products;

A list of environmental impacts (composition, properties) and a list of indicators of harmful effects, methods for their control;

Information on sources of impact - violations of planning and other construction work, discharges, emissions, industrial waste (indicating the toxicity of pollutants introduced into the environment), physical and other impacts on the environment;

Restrictions on environmental management agreed upon by state and municipal authorities;

A list of environmental protection measures formed on the basis of optimal (optimized) values ​​of maximum permissible emissions and discharges;

List of necessary measures to ensure environmental safety;

Preliminary assessment of the impact of the proposed activity on the environment;

Preliminary assessment of the environmental risk of locating facilities;

2. With the financial department and economic planning department on issues:

2.1. Receipts:

Necessary materials for calculating payments for the use of natural resources, emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, waste disposal and other types of harmful effects;

Calculation of fees for conducting environmental assessments;

Data on the transfer of payments for conducting state examinations;

Materials and documents necessary for drawing up feasibility studies for the construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment of economic facilities;

Cost calculations for issuing an “Ecological Passport”, carrying out environmental certification and performing other functions of the department;

2.2. Providing:

Documents confirming payment for state expertise, environmental payments for the use of natural resources, emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment and other environmental activities;

Reports on the activities of the department;

Data on the findings and conclusions of the state environmental assessment for transfer to banking organizations for opening financing for the implementation of the object of the state environmental assessment (construction, reconstruction, production, etc.);

3.1. Receipts:

3.2. Providing:

VII. Responsibility

1. Responsibility for the proper and timely performance by the department of the functions provided for by these regulations lies with the head of the department.

2. The head of the environmental protection department is assigned personal responsibility for:

2.1. Organizing the activities of the department to carry out the tasks and functions assigned to the department.

2.2. Organization in the department of prompt and high-quality preparation and execution of documents, maintaining office work in accordance with current rules and instructions.

2.3. Compliance by employees of the department with labor and production discipline.

2.4. Selection, placement and activities of department employees.

2.5. Compliance with the current legislation of draft orders, instructions, regulations, resolutions and other documents endorsed (signed) by him.

3. The responsibility of employees of the environmental protection department is established by job descriptions.

(head of structural


(last name, initials)



(official with whom

Regulations are being agreed upon)


(last name, initials)

Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” (2002) divides environmental management bodies into two: general and special competence. Government bodies of the first category include the President, Federal government, representative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal bodies (Fig. 8.1). State bodies of the second category are specifically authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to perform certain functions in environmental management. Their functions are registered either in the regulations on these bodies or in separate adopted acts. Bodies of special competence are divided into:

o comprehensive, performing all tasks or any block of tasks in the field of environmental protection management;

o sectoral, management actions that are limited to individual natural objects;

o functional, - providing management when performing one or more related environmental tasks.

Among complex bodies, the largest number of management functions in the field of ecology is assigned to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. It carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of study, use, reproduction, and protection of natural resources. For activities in the field of environmental protection, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources have been organized in federal districts and constituent entities of the Federation.

The second ministry involved in environmental protection, as a comprehensive body, is the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia). Its management functions in the field of ecology are related to the forecasting and elimination of environmental disasters of natural and technical origin.

An important role in the system of control and management of the state of the environment belongs to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and its division - the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, which is entrusted with the implementation of environmental and sanitary functions:

Coordination of the activities of ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations in the field of sanitary environmental protection;

Development and approval of sanitary standards for harmful substances in the environment and sanitary norms and rules (SNIP), mandatory for all business entities and citizens.

This service has its own units throughout the country that directly monitor the state of atmospheric air, surface water sources, and soil, using information about the concentrations of harmful substances that pose a threat to public health. Based on these data, an analysis and forecast of the quality of the human environment is carried out.

Directly adjacent to these ministries are the Russian Federal Services for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet), which are charged with organizing and conducting observations, assessing and forecasting the state of the environment and its changes, including those related to economic processes.

Among the governing bodies that carry out complex functions, one should also include the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, which, through its local institutions, oversees the uniform and mandatory implementation of environmental laws by bodies of representative and executive power, public administration and environmental control, legal entities, public associations and all officials. The prosecutor's office also checks the legality and completeness of the measures taken to eliminate the identified violations and the adoption of prosecutorial response measures in the form of filing protests and bringing to administrative and criminal liability. An important activity of the prosecutor's office is the protection of the rights of citizens to a favorable environment, reliable information about the state of the environment and to compensation for damage caused to the health of citizens by environmental violations.

To the second block of specially authorized bodies, i.e. sectoral ones include ministries (see Fig. 8.1), whose actions in the field of environmental management are focused on individual natural objects. Among them is the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, which, with the help of its environmental departments and services of the fuel and energy complex (FEC), organizes the creation of uniform normative and technical acts for the fuel and energy complex, monitors the implementation of environmental legislation and regulatory documentation, conducts departmental environmental assessments and justification for the development of the fuel and energy complex and its especially large facilities, certification and licensing of new technologies, etc.

Major tasks in the field of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection are being solved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. It is designed to provide a set of measures to protect soils, water bodies, forests and other vegetation from the effects of natural forces, side effects of the use of complex agricultural machinery, chemicals - mineral fertilizers, pesticides, etc., reclamation work, as well as to protect the habitat from waste livestock farms and agricultural processing enterprises. It also organizes control of residual concentrations of pesticides, nitrates, and heavy metals in plant products.

Federal agency for Nuclear Energy ensures nuclear, radiation and fire safety in the nuclear complex and carries out environmental protection measures related to its activities. It is the developer of the radioactive waste management system, the organizer of work on its implementation, and also performs the functions of the state body for nuclear and radiation safety during the transportation of nuclear materials, radioactive substances and products made from them.

The main tasks of management in the field of ecology of the Federal Fisheries Agency are reduced to regulating the use of living resources in inland waters, territorial waters and on the coast of the Russian Federation, as well as in the open waters of the world's oceans. No less important are the work on monitoring, protection and reproduction of fish stocks, aquatic animals and plants, work on maintaining the state cadastre and registration of fish, other aquatic animals and plants.

The executive authorities that carry out state administration in the field of environmental protection for functional purposes include the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, the main tasks of which are: development and approval of rules and regulations in the field of nuclear and radiation safety and supervision of their implementation. This state body also oversees the guarantee of physical protection of nuclear technologies, materials and their non-proliferation, monitors, together with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the implementation of international agreements in this area, conducts safety assessments of facilities, production facilities, technologies, products, informs government bodies and the population about changes in the state nuclear and radiation safety at supervised facilities.

The same group of bodies includes the Federal Services for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources. These services are entrusted with ensuring and monitoring safety during the design and operation of the most environmentally hazardous industries and activities in the mining, metallurgical and chemical industries, during the operation of main gas pipelines. , oil and product pipelines, as well as during the transportation of dangerous goods by rail. They implement these and other tasks through the system of their regional bodies. They cooperate with:

· Federal Customs Service, which combats the illegal import of goods environmentally hazardous to people and nature, combats the smuggling of natural heritage, animals and plants listed in the Red Book;

· The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which ensures the protection of the air basin from the harmful effects of vehicles, the protection of natural objects, promotes the work of government agencies for environmental protection and compliance with sanitary rules.

· Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, registering regulatory documents of other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation - regulations, recommendations, instructions guidelines etc. related to environmental policy country and ways of its implementation, after their appropriate analysis from the point of view of compliance with the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

A special role in the creation of environmental regulations is played by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, which establishes norms, standards, rules and requirements aimed at protecting the environment; ensures the uniformity and reliability of measurements of parameters of emissions, discharges of pollutants and other harmful effects on the environment, and also carries out state supervision over compliance with the mandatory requirements of Gosstandart, over the correct accounting of environmental requirements for technological processes, manufactured products, goods and services.

Other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation also pay significant attention to environmental protection issues, introducing environmental and legal requirements into the content of regulatory legal acts regulating the economic activities of business entities. Similar processes of greening legal acts are constantly developing in the Ministries of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, economic development Russian Federation, transport of the Russian Federation; as well as in institutions in charge of defense industries - the Federal Services for Military-Technical Cooperation and Defense Procurement and the Federal Space Agency.

The management system in the field of environmental protection provides for an increase in public environmental associations and non-governmental organizations of the same profile, in particular, within the framework of the Laws “On Environmental Protection”, “On Environmental Expertise” and others, the rights to participate in environmental protection activities are provided, in environmental assessment. They have the right to recommend their representatives to participate in the environmental assessment on issues of location and design industrial facilities, conduct public environmental assessments, develop, approve and promote their environmental programs in the media, etc. Naturally, this activity must be carried out within the framework of the federal law “On Environmental Expertise”.

All links of the state management system in the field of ecology create the necessary conditions and opportunities to implement activities to improve and improve the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

about the Department of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management


1.1. The Environmental Protection Department (hereinafter referred to as OOO&P) is an operational and production unit, structurally included in the " Name of the enterprise (division, workshop) ».
1.2. LLCOS&P is created and disbanded on the basis of orders head enterprises " Name ».
1.3. LLCOS&P was created on the basis of an order head enterprises " Name» N _____ from "__"__________
1.4. LLCOS&P is headed by a chief who reports to to the manager enterprises (divisions, workshops) and, in accordance with the order for the enterprise " Name", on certain issues - deputy. head of the enterprise and chief engineer of the enterprise " Name" The head of LLCOS&P is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise " Name ».
1.5. Employees of LLCOS and P are appointed and dismissed based on the decision head enterprises " Name"on the recommendation of the head of the environmental protection department and P.
1.6. OOOS&P in its work is guided by: the federal legislation of the Russian Federation, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees and Orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local government, current regulatory and methodological materials on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, by this Regulation.
1.7. The OOOS and P must contain the following documents and materials:
- organizational documents of the enterprise’s environmental service
- documents based on the results of inspections of the enterprise for
- documents confirming payment for environmental pollution
- state statistical reporting
- documents for the withdrawal of natural resources
- security documents atmospheric air
- documents on surface water protection
- documents on the management of production and consumption waste
- documents to ensure the environmental safety of the enterprise
- teaching materials on environmental issues
- the structure of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects, the main technological processes of production of the enterprise’s products
- methods of organizing and planning environmental protection measures
- the best existing production technologies that meet international environmental standards
- United government system office work
- methods of effective use of office equipment and other technical means of management work
- Internal labor regulations; Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety.
1.8. Location of LLCOS&P:


2.1. The main objectives of the department are:
- development and implementation of measures aimed at meeting the requirements of environmental legislation to comply with standards and regulations in the field of environmental protection
- development of environmental standards and regulations for the enterprise
- participation in the development of measures to ensure the environmental cleanliness of manufactured products
- creation of an effective system of environmental information at the enterprise, disseminated at all levels of management


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, OOOOS and P performs the following functions:
3.1. Development and implementation of activities aimed at:

Compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation to comply with standards and regulations in the field of environmental protection

  • rational use of natural resources
  • creating a circular economy in the design, construction and operation of new enterprise facilities, as well as the expansion and reconstruction of existing production facilities

3.2. Drawing up long-term and current plans for environmental protection, monitoring their implementation.
3.3. Participation in the development of measures to ensure the environmental cleanliness of manufactured products, their safety for consumers, the creation of new products and technological processes with improved environmental characteristics.
3.4. Conducting environmental assessments of feasibility studies, projects, as well as new technologies and equipment being created.
3.5. Implementation of environmental labeling systems for enterprise products.
3.6. Development of environmental standards and regulations of the enterprise in accordance with current state, international (regional) and industry standards, ensuring control over their implementation and timely revision.
3.7. Monitoring the correct operation of treatment and protective structures.
3.8. Development of measures to prevent environmental pollution, compliance with environmental standards, ensuring favorable working conditions, as well as to prevent the possibility of accidents and disasters.
3.9. Development of plans for the introduction of new technology.
3.10. Conducting research and experimental work to create a circular economy at the enterprise, based on environmentally sound circulation of materials, conservation and replacement of non-renewable resources, minimization, reuse, recycling and disposal of waste, introduction of low-waste, waste-free and environmentally friendly production technology, rational use natural resources.
3.11. Development of capital construction plans for environmental facilities.
3.12. Calculation of risks to the state of the environment when an enterprise implements cleanup programs and other environmental measures.
3.13. Investigation of the causes and consequences of emissions of harmful substances into the environment, preparation of proposals for their prevention.
3.14. Development of measures to improve environmental protection based on the study and generalization of best practices of domestic and foreign enterprises.
3.15. Monitoring and recording indicators characterizing the state of the environment.
3.16. Creation of a system for storing information about accidents, environmental monitoring data, waste disposal documentation and other environmental information provided to government bodies control and supervision in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management.
3.17. Familiarization of enterprise employees with the requirements of environmental legislation.
3.18. Development of an environmental training program within the enterprise " Name ».
3.19. Organization of events to improve the qualifications of employees of LLC OOO and P.
3.20. Methodological management of the activities of other structural divisions, departments and workshops of the enterprise " Name» on issues of environmental protection and natural resource management.
3.21. Carries out, within its competence, record keeping, generation and sending/receiving correspondence and other information.
3.22. Organization of maintaining regulatory and reference information related to the functions of OOO and P.
3.23. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.
3.24. In accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the activities of OOOOS and P.


4.1. The structure and staff of OOOOS&P is approved by supervisor enterprises " Name ».
4.2. The department is managed by the head of the environmental protection and safety department.
4.3. The department includes:

(specify position)


5.1. The head of the Environmental Protection and Safety Department, on the basis of these Regulations, organizes all the work of the Environmental Protection and Safety Protection Department and is personally responsible for its condition, as well as for ensuring the established procedure for working with official documents.
5.2. The head of the Environmental Protection and Safety Department, in accordance with these Regulations, manages all the work of the Environmental Protection and Safety Organization, bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned to the Environmental Protection and Safety Organization, for the state of labor protection, safety and fire safety in the Environmental Protection and Safety Organization, has the right and must:

5.2.1. Ensure the implementation of planned tasks, orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise in a timely manner " Name", as well as the relevant higher organizations in the field of activity of the Environmental Protection and Safety Department.

5.2.2. Carry out the selection and correct placement of personnel and organization of work, ensure the implementation of measures to improve the level of qualifications of OES and P employees, compliance with labor and production discipline, take timely and necessary measures to improve the work of the EOS and P department.

5.2.3. Present at the request of the chief accountant of the enterprise " Name» necessary calculations of the validity of writing off consumables based on the submitted acts and other documents related to financial transactions.

5.2.4. Submit to the management of the enterprise " Name» proposals for improving the work of the Environmental Protection and Safety department, as well as proposals for encouraging and imposing disciplinary sanctions on environmental protection and safety employees.

5.2.5. Ensure the development and implementation of measures to comply with safety regulations, fire safety and industrial sanitation in the LLC.

5.2.6. Bear financial responsibility for the property and materials available in the LLC and P.

5.2.7. Consider and take prompt action on requests from departments, workshops, divisions (full names) of the enterprise " Name", as well as letters, statements and complaints from citizens on issues within the competence of the Environmental Protection and Safety Department.

5.3. Head of the Environmental Protection and Safety Department on behalf of the head of the enterprise " Name» represents the company « Name» on issues related to the activities of LLC and P.
5.4. Employees of the Environmental Protection and Safety Department are responsible for the work areas entrusted to them in accordance with the job description.
5.5. The rights and responsibilities of OOO and P employees are determined by the head of the OOS and P department in accordance with the approved Regulations.


To solve the tasks assigned to it, OOOOS and P has the right:
6.1. Request in the prescribed manner from structural divisions, departments and workshops of the enterprise " Name» information (materials) on issues within the competence of OOOOS and P.
6.2. Create expert and working groups on environmental issues and environmental protection within the framework of the enterprise’s activities “ Name ».
6.3. Have a reserve of funds to finance research and experimental work to create a circular economy at the enterprise.
6.4. Organize, if necessary, an examination of environmental programs and projects.
6.5. Make proposals on issues within the competence of OOOOS and P.


7.1. The OOOOS&P work plan is approved by the head of the enterprise " Name ».


8.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise
the department interacts with the following structural divisions:

- ___________________________________________
- ___________________________________________
- ___________________________________________


9.1. Full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the implementation of the tasks and functions assigned by these Regulations to the LLC and P is borne by the head of the Department of Environmental Protection and P.
9.2. The degree of responsibility of other employees is established by job descriptions.
9.3. The head and other employees of LLCOS&P bear personal responsibility for the compliance of the documents and transactions they draw up with the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulations.


10.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives.
10.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.


11.1. Logistics and technical support of OOOOS and P is carried out by the enterprise " Name» according to the supply plan, taking into account the requests of LLC and P.

Head of OOO Department /F.I.O./

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