After a serious illness, the leader and ideological inspirer of Kosmopoisk, Vadim Chernobrov, died. Vadim Chernobrov about why he became a ufologist and about the alien Alyoshenka, a languid encyclopedia of mysterious places

In Moscow, in the early morning of May 18, 2017, the most famous Russian expert on extraterrestrial civilizations died Vadim Chernobrov.

The ufologist died at the age of 52. His death was the result of a long, serious illness, relatives say.

The Kosmopoisk association also reported the death of its coordinator on its page on social networks.

Early this morning (about 3:30) in Moscow, at the age of 52, Vadim Chernobrov, the leader and ideological inspirer of Cosmopoisk, died in Moscow at the age of 52, the message says. “Vadim, we will never forget you! And your work will live on.” !

Some fans of Chernobrov are confident that the ufologist died due to a high dose of radiation, which he “picked up” in one of the many anomalous zones to which he traveled. Journalists who saw drastic changes in the ufologist’s appearance had the same thoughts.

Recently, when the country’s chief ufologist came to the KP-Kuban office, journalists immediately noticed that Chernobrov’s famous thick beard had thinned. They asked him if he had entered some anomalous zone.

Don’t worry so much, she will soon be the same as before,” Vadim Chernobrov replied then. - Yes, I travel a lot, and my trips are not at all tourist trips; I go to various anomalous places. But I'll get my thick beard back soon, don't worry.

He carefully hid the fact that the Cosmopoisk coordinator was seriously ill. Always smiling, cheerful, active. He loved his work very much and also loved to talk a lot about it.


Vadim Chernobrov. Born in 1965, in the Volgograd region, in a small garrison at an Air Force base.

He studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in aerospace engineer.

During his studies, he founded a project to study anomalous phenomena, including UFOs. In 1980, a small student group was created, which later grew into the Cosmopoisk project.

Vadim Chernobrov has visited dozens of expeditions around the world. He is the author of more than 30 books and encyclopedias, and was a frequent guest on television projects.

The death of Vadim Chernobrov was reported by his son Andrei. The entry on his father’s page left by Andrei prompted hundreds of messages of condolences and regrets about what happened. Andrey himself already left the following entry on his page:

I will forever remember your travel stories that I could listen to for hours, your books that immersed me in some other world, your blue, blue eyes that looked like the whole Universe! Your belief in space flights and in the fact that in the billions of stars of our Universe we are not alone!

Thank you for teaching me to think more broadly. Just thank you! I believe that as long as the memory is alive, the person is alive, so you will definitely live forever! Perhaps the time has not yet come for your discoveries and inventions, and it will definitely come...

- Where are UFOs spotted most often in Kuban?

If you map the frequency of UFO sightings without sorting all the messages, you can easily see that most often, the so-called UFOs appear above major cities, resorts and where most often there may be people on the streets with phones and cameras in their hands. And this is Krasnodar and all the Kuban resorts. This idea exists among novice ufologists, narrow-minded programs and yellow publications. They immediately form a chain: yeah, there were a lot of messages from Krasnodar region. This means that aliens are interested in Kuban. What attracts them? Probably wheat, sunflowers, beautiful southern girls (approx. laughs).

In fact, UFOs do not at all tend to resorts, megacities and generally places where there are a lot of people. And the most active places in Kuban and Russia are precisely the most sparsely populated areas. In the Kuban these are mountainous areas and partly steppe, closer to the Rostov region.

- Who sees UFOs more often, probably astronauts and climbers?

Astronauts, yes. Moreover, many cosmonauts periodically take part in our expeditions. This is Grechko, Leonov, Lonchakov. Actually, the cosmonauts were the founders of Cosmopoisk. Our public organization was created by Sevastyanov, Beregovoy, Grechko.

But this does not mean that any of you cannot see a UFO. Therefore, in addition to cosmonauts and members of Cosmopoisk expeditions, unidentified flying objects are often seen by shepherds, hunters, mushroom pickers, and tourists who find themselves far from megacities.

- What do you think UFOs want from us and why have they still not made direct contact with us?

I believe that they are neither good nor bad. They are different. And definitely more highly developed. And they don’t want, as they show in Hollywood films, to enslave and destroy us. If they wanted to, they would have done it long ago without any problems. Our weapons and control systems are not comparable. It's the same as if ants decided to attack people. If a person wants to lay asphalt through an anthill, he will do it. True, we can also watch the ants. Also, extraterrestrial civilizations are watching us, like naturalists, swarming in the human anthill.

So there is one-way contact between a highly developed civilization and a lower one as an observation. And therefore it occurs according to the law of the more highly developed side.

- It’s a shame to feel like ants!

Whether you like it or not, this is how it is. I don't like the role of an insect either. But, sorry. What did humanity do to deserve another? We turn on TV news any day. And we receive such a stream of negativity from all corners of the world! And the animals, look. Either we destroy everything that moves or moves, or we eat it. We, as a civilization, have not yet come into existence. When we learn to live in peace, be friends and love, then they will make contact with us. In the meantime, as naturalists, highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations will watch us from the sidelines and write works on the topic “Psychology of wild earthlings.” This is my opinion.

- Everyone knows the story of the Kyshtym “Alyoshenka”. Are such cases common?

Similar creatures have been encountered several times in the world. But in Russia this is the only episode. According to the working version, a UFO landed in Kyshtym 19 years ago. By the way, also in June. And let me remind you that “Alyoshenka” was not alone in Kyshtym. According to eyewitness accounts, 4 to 5 such creatures are mentioned. But since only one, who was called “Alyoshenka,” was killed. I lean towards this version. He himself did not die. Four others could have survived.

Based on the events in Kyshtym, the film “Extraterrestrial” was made. I partially advised the film crew. The film, although fictional, was based on real events. Although the director changed one letter there. In the film it’s not “Kyshtym dwarf”, but “Kashtym”. But the heroes are prototypes of real ones. There is a hero there - ufologist Vadim, and I can see my personality in him. True, the director sinned against the truth. At the end of the tape, Vadim is abducted by a UFO (smiles)

- Would you really like to be kidnapped?

Yes, even now, I’ve been ready for this for a long time! But let's get back to the film. With the exception of this moment and a few others, the scenario is plausible. The film is not for wide release. But you can find it on the Internet and watch it. I will add that the end to this story has not yet been set. I hope that future expeditions will reveal new secrets of “Alyoshenka” to us.

- Do you support the theory that life on earth originated from space?

Undoubtedly. Moreover, ice comets that periodically fall to the ground, according to my calculations, bring new microorganisms that provoke epidemics. Such cases occurred in 2002 in Russia, in the Irkutsk region. When several fragments of the cometary “Vitim” body fell.

Where they fell, the SARS epidemic arose. The connection was clear. The closer to the epicenter of the fall, the larger the outbreak of the disease was recorded; the virus got into the water. I was not silent. He talked a lot about this. But here the question smoothly moves from the scientific plane to the economic and political plane. It was easier than to import water and say that Chernobrov came up with everything, he is not a virologist. No, of course, by profession I am an aerospace aircraft specialist.

But I can put two and two together: an icy cometary body (meteorite) fell, and the next day the first cases of the disease were recorded in nearby villages. And after 7 days, when water entered the water intake, kidney disease began. And they lasted just as long until the ice on the river stood up. Then there is a lull. The ice has melted - a new round of diseases. For me this connection is obvious. And I'm ready to talk about dozens of other episodes. For example, in Peru in 2008. And I will continue to study these phenomena.

- Were there any cases when the authorities and the public listened to your opinion?

For many years now, including in the Kuban and Caucasus, I have been trying to save ancient stone disks for science and history. They are periodically found in different parts Sveta. They are shaped like a classic flying saucer. The photos are saved, but the discs then disappear.

Maybe they are then simply destroyed and sold. But I would like them to end up in museums. And for the first time this happened. True, not yet in Kuban, but in Kemerovo. We found the disk in a coal mine. I negotiated for a month with the management of the local museum and officials. And today the disk has not disappeared. And it became part of the museum exhibition.

- Which layer of sciences would you classify ufology as?

In short, of course it is natural Science. Because there is still an object of study, albeit unidentified. It seems to many that I am such a preacher of ufological knowledge. But I am not one. They call me a ufologist. For me this is not a dirty word, I am not offended. But I never called myself that. Because although I am engaged in UFO research, this is a small part of my activity. The correct name is a researcher of anomalous phenomena or hidden processes. That is, “cryptophysicist”. I came up with the term.

And I’ll probably surprise you now. In fact, I think badly about ufology. I am often asked whether you would like your children or grandchildren to study ufology. Never! I lead all my activities towards one goal - so that ufology does not exist. This is not a paradox. Ufology is the science of unidentified objects. And if he is identified, ufology will automatically cease to exist. So why dream about the eternity of this science? I dream that we will know the truth. And ufology disappeared tomorrow.

- By the way, about anomalous phenomena. What do you think about psychics and the show “Battle of Psychics”?

In any profession, you will not deny it, there are always masters of their craft. Of course, there are such people among psychics. "Battle of Psychics", although this is more of a show. I took part as a jury member in the very first programs. At that time, the game and certain behavior patterns had not yet been established.

And I saw talent. And, by the way, they later took part in our expeditions or helped us. But extrasensory perception is a subtle matter. This is not a computer - you pressed a button and got the result. It all depends on the situation and mood. Therefore, psychics cannot offer a 100% result.

- What do you think awaits humanity in the future?

I'm an optimist by nature. You rarely hear statements from me like, “when I was young, children were more obedient and the water was waterier.” Although that’s how it was. But I understand that history is not linear, there are peaks and valleys. Today, in my opinion, humanity is at a crossroads; there is a “great game” going on not only in politics, but also in science and technology. But I hope we choose the right way - further development civilization, not fall.

Is there a fear that as technology advances, we will go the way of apocalyptic films such as The Terminator?

Customers of new technologies are, as a rule, military departments. But there is no contradiction here. It is possible to have advanced weapons without starting a war. And, teleports, the development of which is reported in the media today, should be launched for peaceful purposes, say, in this way to get rid of traffic jams.

You go on expeditions, write books, give lectures. Which profession do you most associate yourself with - teacher, historian, scientist, writer?

In each specific case, I try on one of these roles, and I like it. I’m not even offended when they call me a ufologist and a plate hunter. In general, in life I am a person who satisfies my curiosity. And there is nothing wrong with that, because at the same time I satisfy the curiosity of thousands of readers or viewers who will not go on the expedition themselves, but are interested in hearing about the unique phenomena that occur on our planet.

- You can call yourself a believer. And who or what do you believe in?

I am a person who adheres to dogmas that are the same in all religions - “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” etc., without fear of retribution for their failure to comply in the form of hell. Therefore, my principles are much more honest than those who live correctly only out of fear of punishment from above.

And I would like our civilization to be reasonable and do good deeds, not because someone big and scary will punish it otherwise. And any other course of action - murder, war - should be excluded, because it is reasonable. It is not religion that we need, but reason. It's my opinion.

- You have encountered the inexplicable more than once. Is there a case that still amazes you?

My position: the mystical does not exist. There are just things that are difficult for us to explain at the moment. What was mystical yesterday has become everyday gadgets today. What was fabulous, like an apple that rolls on a saucer and shows overseas shores, today we call the Internet. Mysticism is the limit of the accessibility of our knowledge. Science is reality.

Well, there are still many unexplained cases. The earliest I remember is from kindergarten. The teacher was horrified when, while walking in the middle of a completely sunny day, she noticed a giant dark purple cloud disk. We were immediately taken away. And for a long time I spied on this disc from the group’s window. This picture remains in my memory forever. What is this - a UFO, a tornado, I still don’t know. Probably, then, unconsciously, I decided that I was interested in such phenomena.

You yourself have probably lost count of your expeditions. They visited anomalous zones and said that they found themselves in situations where they could freeze, die from the heat, or drown. And yet you continue to travel every year to the most dangerous places on our planet. Is there really no sense of fear or self-preservation?

There is fear, but there is a healthier sense of danger, which should not normal person atrophy. And I have it developed, it does not allow me to take rash actions. But I can't sit at home. But simply, when an unusual situation occurs, I swear - be sure to take matches on the next outing or not go into the cave without spare batteries for a flashlight. After all, almost all cases of death of people on campaigns and expeditions are connected precisely with the situation - “I forgot to take something important, or something let me down.”

I'll give you an example. It happened in the Trans-Baikal Territory, six hundred kilometers from Chita. We went with a guide, he showed us the anomalous craters. We examined them. And then the man remembers another one, quite fresh, and he hasn’t been there yet and offers to take us to it. We first went by truck. And then walk for two hours through the taiga. The weather is sunny, the day is fine. I am the commander of the expedition, we had 15 people, we were going light!

Classic case. This is how most Robinsonades begin. As a result, we walked not two, but four hours. And they began to worry, and after another half hour the guide admitted that he was lost. We spent the night on the spruce branches, warming each other and listening to the howls of wild animals. And we got out of the forest only in the morning. This was a master class on survival without tents, matches or food.

- Vadim, what age can stop you, and you say - that’s enough hiking, I want a warm one home life?

How much health is enough? Now I'm over fifty. Although, I’ll tell you a secret, every time at a family council my wife and children dissuade me from the next expedition. But I believe a person develops as long as he has curiosity. Physiologists, by the way, have calculated that there are few people on Earth who are inquisitive to such an extent that they are willing to risk their own skin, only seven percent. But without such people, no matter how society treats them, there would be no discoveries and progress. I really hope that I am one of those seven percent.

- Do you have time for hobbies, interests, besides expeditions?

In winter, I travel less often than at other times of the year. That's why I enjoy visiting exhibitions. Fortunately, cultural life in Moscow is vibrant. The exhibitions are especially interesting visual arts, because I try to draw myself, I illustrate my books. I look at contemporary artists with good envy. Realists command special respect.

Funeral service for V.A. Chernobrov will take place on Saturday at 10:40-11:10 (05/20/17). Farewell to Vadim Alexandrovich will take place on the territory of the city Botkin Hospital (Moscow), namely in the Church of Our Lady of Joy and Consolation on the territory of the hospital. Around 11:10 depart towards the Perepechensky cemetery. Say goodbye to Chernobrov Vadim Alexandrovich can visit the cemetery from 12:30 to 14 hours. Address of the church and morgue: Polikarpova street, 16

There are places on Earth that are considered anomalous. In these places, people most often encounter UFOs; inexplicable phenomena occur that baffle researchers.

One of the most famous anomalous zones is the Medveditskaya ridge. The author of the book, the famous traveler and researcher V.A. Chernobrov, has repeatedly been on expeditions to the Medveditskaya Ridge. Read about all the most interesting and mysterious things happening in this mysterious place on our planet in the book “Medveditskaya Ridge. Mysteries of anomalies of the Volga region."

Over the abyss of unsolved secrets

Space has firmly entered our consciousness. We no longer think of ourselves, our planet and even our life in isolation from the Universe, outside of it, albeit of its still undisclosed laws. Space, space aliens in the distant past and in the present, energetic connections with Space have already firmly penetrated our consciousness.

We do not blindly reject incomprehensible phenomena, but try to use facts to expand our system of knowledge in order to find an explanation for the mysteries based on them.

Time travel. Myth or reality

Time machine is a term coined by science fiction writer H.G. Wells in his novel of the same name. What is this - a pipe dream of humanity or an object of serious scientific experiments?

Vadim Chernobrov claims that it is the second. In his book, he explains the physical possibilities of creating a time machine, describes the technical details of the designs of temporal planes, and looks for traces of the presence of guests from the future in the present and past of the Earth.

Many mysterious phenomena, exciting the minds of humanity - clairvoyance, inner voice, UFOs - are considered by the author as movements in the field of Time.

Collection of books

Damn confused
Meteor detective
Roadside picnics
Origin of the Moon
Philosophy of time
Secret experiment
Heroes of not our time
Russian wheat is no worse
Time machine, Wells was right
Experiments to create a time machine
UFO disasters - debris of the unknown
Underground explosions - who is making holes in the planet?
UFO landing sites - Following the trail of the "Triangle"
Ural stalkers - escape from the mountain of the dead
Relic animals and time - hunting for the "devil"
The Tunguska meteorite and time - the 101st hypothesis of the mystery of the century

Stalker's Guide

After reading this interesting guide, you will be able to navigate and behave correctly both in anomalous zones and during moments of exposure to anomalous phenomena.

The surprising and mysterious can be both majestic and attractive and deadly dangerous.

The purpose of this book is to teach how to survive not just in difficult conditions, but in abnormally difficult ones.

Secrets of time

The author systematizes and analyzes information about miracles, paradoxes and non-random “accidents” associated with Time. He proves that time is influenced by the human body, natural phenomena and technical means, it is not always and everywhere constant, it flows in different directions and can be controlled.

Chronicles of UFO Visits

There are diplomatic, historical, literary archives... Even the archives of the NKVD and KGB are open. But never before has there been an archive of UFO sightings! Every expert on anomalous phenomena carefully hides his database from his colleagues and considers the accumulated facts a priceless treasure.

And only Vadim Chernobrov and the Kosmopoisk association decided to make their archive available to thousands of readers, because they are convinced that the secret of extraterrestrial civilizations can be revealed alone. This book reveals for the first time Soviet and Russian archives of UFO sightings.

For an inquisitive researcher in any field of knowledge, there is nothing more valuable than an archive. This is always an appeal to the original source, an opportunity to look at the subject of interest with your own eyes and draw your own conclusions.

In Moscow, in the early morning of May 18, 2017, the most famous Russian expert on extraterrestrial civilizations died Vadim Chernobrov.

The ufologist died at the age of 52.

His death was the result of a long, serious illness, relatives say.

The Kosmopoisk association also reported the death of its coordinator on its page on social networks.

Early this morning (about 3:30) in Moscow, at the age of 52, Vadim Chernobrov, the leader and ideological inspirer of Cosmopoisk, died in Moscow at the age of 52, the message says. “Vadim, we will never forget you! And your work will live on.” !

Some fans of Chernobrov are confident that the ufologist died due to a high dose of radiation, which he “picked up” in one of the many anomalous zones to which he traveled. Journalists who saw drastic changes in the ufologist’s appearance had the same thoughts.

Recently, when the country’s chief ufologist came to the KP-Kuban office, journalists immediately noticed that Chernobrov’s famous thick beard had thinned. They asked him if he had entered some anomalous zone.

Don’t worry so much, she will soon be the same as before,” Vadim Chernobrov replied then. - Yes, I travel a lot, and my trips are not at all tourist trips; I go to various anomalous places. But I'll get my thick beard back soon, don't worry.

He carefully hid the fact that the Cosmopoisk coordinator was seriously ill. Always smiling, cheerful, active. He loved his work very much and also loved to talk a lot about it.


Vadim Chernobrov. Born in 1965, in the Volgograd region, in a small garrison at an Air Force base.

He studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in aerospace engineer.

During his studies, he founded a project to study anomalous phenomena, including UFOs. In 1980, a small student group was created, which later grew into the Cosmopoisk project.

Vadim Chernobrov has visited dozens of expeditions around the world. He is the author of more than 30 books and encyclopedias, and was a frequent guest on television projects.

The death of Vadim Chernobrov was reported by his son Andrei. The entry on his father’s page left by Andrei prompted hundreds of messages of condolences and regrets about what happened. Andrey himself already left the following entry on his page:

I will forever remember your travel stories that I could listen to for hours, your books that immersed me in some other world, your blue, blue eyes that looked like the whole Universe! Your belief in space flights and in the fact that in the billions of stars of our Universe we are not alone!

Thank you for teaching me to think more broadly. Just thank you! I believe that as long as the memory is alive, the person is alive, so you will definitely live forever! Perhaps the time has not yet come for your discoveries and inventions, and it will definitely come...

May 18 newspaper website "Kuban News" published excerpts from the most interesting interviews with Vadim Chernobrov.

- Where are UFOs spotted most often in Kuban?

If you make a map of the frequency of UFO appearances without sorting all the messages, you can easily see that most often, the so-called UFOs appear over large cities, resorts and where people with phones and cameras in their hands are most likely to be on the streets. And this is Krasnodar and all the Kuban resorts. This idea exists among novice ufologists, narrow-minded programs and yellow publications. They immediately form a chain: yeah, there were a lot of messages from the Krasnodar region. This means that aliens are interested in Kuban. What attracts them? Probably wheat, sunflowers, beautiful southern girls (approx. laughs).

In fact, UFOs do not at all tend to resorts, megacities and generally places where there are a lot of people. And the most active places in Kuban and Russia are precisely the most sparsely populated areas. In the Kuban these are mountainous areas and partly steppe, closer to the Rostov region.

- Who sees UFOs more often, probably astronauts and climbers?

Astronauts, yes. Moreover, many cosmonauts periodically take part in our expeditions. This is Grechko, Leonov, Lonchakov. Actually, the cosmonauts were the founders of Cosmopoisk. Our public organization was created by Sevastyanov, Beregovoy, Grechko.

But this does not mean that any of you cannot see a UFO. Therefore, in addition to cosmonauts and members of Cosmopoisk expeditions, unidentified flying objects are often seen by shepherds, hunters, mushroom pickers, and tourists who find themselves far from megacities.

- What do you think UFOs want from us and why have they still not made direct contact with us?

I believe that they are neither good nor bad. They are different. And definitely more highly developed. And they don’t want, as they show in Hollywood films, to enslave and destroy us. If they wanted to, they would have done it long ago without any problems. Our weapons and control systems are not comparable. It's the same as if ants decided to attack people. If a person wants to lay asphalt through an anthill, he will do it. True, we can also watch the ants. Also, extraterrestrial civilizations are watching us, like naturalists, swarming in the human anthill.

So there is one-way contact between a highly developed civilization and a lower one as an observation. And therefore it occurs according to the law of the more highly developed side.

- It’s a shame to feel like ants!

Whether you like it or not, this is how it is. I don't like the role of an insect either. But, sorry. What did humanity do to deserve another? We turn on TV news any day. And we receive such a stream of negativity from all corners of the world! And the animals, look. Either we destroy everything that moves or moves, or we eat it. We, as a civilization, have not yet come into existence. When we learn to live in peace, be friends and love, then they will make contact with us. In the meantime, as naturalists, highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations will watch us from the sidelines and write works on the topic “Psychology of wild earthlings.” This is my opinion.

- Everyone knows the story of the Kyshtym “Alyoshenka”. Are such cases common?

Similar creatures have been encountered several times in the world. But in Russia this is the only episode. According to the working version, a UFO landed in Kyshtym 19 years ago. By the way, also in June. And let me remind you that “Alyoshenka” was not alone in Kyshtym. According to eyewitness accounts, 4 to 5 such creatures are mentioned. But since only one, who was called “Alyoshenka,” was killed. I lean towards this version. He himself did not die. Four others could have survived.

Based on the events in Kyshtym, the film “Extraterrestrial” was made. I partially advised the film crew. The film, although fictional, was based on real events. Although the director changed one letter there. In the film it’s not “Kyshtym dwarf”, but “Kashtym”. But the heroes are prototypes of real ones. There is a hero there - ufologist Vadim, and I can see my personality in him. True, the director sinned against the truth. At the end of the tape, Vadim is abducted by a UFO (smiles)

- Would you really like to be kidnapped?

Yes, even now, I’ve been ready for this for a long time! But let's get back to the film. With the exception of this moment and a few others, the scenario is plausible. The film is not for wide release. But you can find it on the Internet and watch it. I will add that the end to this story has not yet been set. I hope that future expeditions will reveal new secrets of “Alyoshenka” to us.

- Do you support the theory that life on earth originated from space?

Undoubtedly. Moreover, ice comets that periodically fall to the ground, according to my calculations, bring new microorganisms that provoke epidemics. Such cases occurred in 2002 in Russia, in the Irkutsk region. When several fragments of the cometary “Vitim” body fell.

Where they fell, the SARS epidemic arose. The connection was clear. The closer to the epicenter of the fall, the larger the outbreak of the disease was recorded; the virus got into the water. I was not silent. He talked a lot about this. But here the question smoothly moves from the scientific plane to the economic and political plane. It was easier than to import water and say that Chernobrov came up with everything, he is not a virologist. No, of course, by profession I am an aerospace aircraft specialist.

But I can put two and two together: an icy cometary body (meteorite) fell, and the next day the first cases of the disease were recorded in nearby villages. And after 7 days, when water entered the water intake, kidney disease began. And they lasted just as long until the ice on the river stood up. Then there is a lull. The ice has melted - a new round of diseases. For me this connection is obvious. And I'm ready to talk about dozens of other episodes. For example, in Peru in 2008. And I will continue to study these phenomena.

- Were there any cases when the authorities and the public listened to your opinion?

For many years now, including in the Kuban and Caucasus, I have been trying to save ancient stone disks for science and history. They are periodically found in different parts of the world. They are shaped like a classic flying saucer. The photos are saved, but the discs then disappear.

Maybe they are then simply destroyed and sold. But I would like them to end up in museums. And for the first time this happened. True, not yet in Kuban, but in Kemerovo. We found the disk in a coal mine. I negotiated for a month with the management of the local museum and officials. And today the disk has not disappeared. And it became part of the museum exhibition.

- Which layer of sciences would you classify ufology as?

In short, of course, this is natural science. Because there is still an object of study, albeit unidentified. It seems to many that I am such a preacher of ufological knowledge. But I am not one. They call me a ufologist. For me this is not a dirty word, I am not offended. But I never called myself that. Because although I am engaged in UFO research, this is a small part of my activity. The correct name is a researcher of anomalous phenomena or hidden processes. That is, “cryptophysicist”. I came up with the term.

And I’ll probably surprise you now. In fact, I think badly about ufology. I am often asked whether you would like your children or grandchildren to study ufology. Never! I lead all my activities towards one goal - so that ufology does not exist. This is not a paradox. Ufology is the science of unidentified objects. And if he is identified, ufology will automatically cease to exist. So why dream about the eternity of this science? I dream that we will know the truth. And ufology disappeared tomorrow.

- By the way, about anomalous phenomena. What do you think about psychics and the show “Battle of Psychics”?

In any profession, you will not deny it, there are always masters of their craft. Of course, there are such people among psychics. "Battle of Psychics", although this is more of a show. I took part as a jury member in the very first programs. At that time, the game and certain behavior patterns had not yet been established.

And I saw talent. And, by the way, they later took part in our expeditions or helped us. But extrasensory perception is a subtle matter. This is not a computer - you pressed a button and got the result. It all depends on the situation and mood. Therefore, psychics cannot offer a 100% result.

- What do you think awaits humanity in the future?

I'm an optimist by nature. You rarely hear statements from me like, “when I was young, children were more obedient and the water was waterier.” Although that’s how it was. But I understand that history is not linear, there are peaks and valleys. Today, in my opinion, humanity is at a crossroads; there is a “great game” going on not only in politics, but also in science and technology. But, I hope, we will choose the right path - the further development of civilization, and not the fall.

Is there a fear that as technology advances, we will go the way of apocalyptic films such as The Terminator?

Customers of new technologies are, as a rule, military departments. But there is no contradiction here. It is possible to have advanced weapons without starting a war. And, teleports, the development of which is reported in the media today, should be launched for peaceful purposes, say, in this way to get rid of traffic jams.

You go on expeditions, write books, give lectures. Which profession do you most associate yourself with - teacher, historian, scientist, writer?

In each specific case, I try on one of these roles, and I like it. I’m not even offended when they call me a ufologist and a plate hunter. In general, in life I am a person who satisfies my curiosity. And there is nothing wrong with that, because at the same time I satisfy the curiosity of thousands of readers or viewers who will not go on the expedition themselves, but are interested in hearing about the unique phenomena that occur on our planet.

- You can call yourself a believer. And who or what do you believe in?

I am a person who adheres to dogmas that are the same in all religions - “thou shalt not kill,” “thou shalt not steal,” etc., without fear of retribution for their failure to comply in the form of hell. Therefore, my principles are much more honest than those who live correctly only out of fear of punishment from above.

And I would like our civilization to be reasonable and do good deeds, not because someone big and scary will punish it otherwise. And any other course of action - murder, war - should be excluded, because it is reasonable. It is not religion that we need, but reason. It's my opinion.

- You have encountered the inexplicable more than once. Is there a case that still amazes you?

My position: the mystical does not exist. There are just things that are difficult for us to explain at the moment. What was mystical yesterday has become everyday gadgets today. What was fabulous, like an apple that rolls on a saucer and shows overseas shores, today we call the Internet. Mysticism is the limit of the accessibility of our knowledge. Science is reality.

Well, there are still many unexplained cases. The earliest I remember is from kindergarten. The teacher was horrified when, while walking in the middle of a completely sunny day, she noticed a giant dark purple cloud disk. We were immediately taken away. And for a long time I spied on this disc from the group’s window. This picture remains in my memory forever. What is this - a UFO, a tornado, I still don’t know. Probably, then, unconsciously, I decided that I was interested in such phenomena.

You yourself have probably lost count of your expeditions. They visited anomalous zones and said that they found themselves in situations where they could freeze, die from the heat, or drown. And yet you continue to travel every year to the most dangerous places on our planet. Is there really no sense of fear or self-preservation?

There is fear, but there is a healthier sense of danger, which should not atrophy in a normal person. And I have it developed, it does not allow me to take rash actions. But I can't sit at home. But simply, when an unusual situation occurs, I swear - be sure to take matches on the next outing or not go into the cave without spare batteries for a flashlight. After all, almost all cases of death of people on campaigns and expeditions are connected precisely with the situation - “I forgot to take something important, or something let me down.”

I'll give you an example. It happened in the Trans-Baikal Territory, six hundred kilometers from Chita. We went with a guide, he showed us the anomalous craters. We examined them. And then the man remembers another one, quite fresh, and he hasn’t been there yet and offers to take us to it. We first went by truck. And then walk for two hours through the taiga. The weather is sunny, the day is fine. I am the commander of the expedition, we had 15 people, we were going light!

Classic case. This is how most Robinsonades begin. As a result, we walked not two, but four hours. And they began to worry, and after another half hour the guide admitted that he was lost. We spent the night on the spruce branches, warming each other and listening to the howls of wild animals. And we got out of the forest only in the morning. This was a master class on survival without tents, matches or food.

- Vadim, what age can stop you, and you say - that’s enough hiking, I want a warm home life?

How much health is enough? Now I'm over fifty. Although, I’ll tell you a secret, every time at a family council my wife and children dissuade me from the next expedition. But I believe a person develops as long as he has curiosity. Physiologists, by the way, have calculated that there are few people on Earth who are inquisitive to such an extent that they are willing to risk their own skin, only seven percent. But without such people, no matter how society treats them, there would be no discoveries and progress. I really hope that I am one of those seven percent.

- Do you have time for hobbies, interests, besides expeditions?

In winter, I travel less often than at other times of the year. That's why I enjoy visiting exhibitions. Fortunately, cultural life in Moscow is vibrant. Exhibitions of fine art are especially interesting, because I myself try to draw and illustrate my books. I look at contemporary artists with good envy. Realists command special respect.

Funeral service for V.A. Chernobrov will take place on Saturday at 10:40-11:10 (05/20/17). Farewell to Vadim Alexandrovich will take place on the territory of the city Botkin Hospital (Moscow), namely in the Church of Our Lady of Joy and Consolation on the territory of the hospital. Around 11:10 depart towards the Perepechensky cemetery. You can say goodbye to Vadim Alexandrovich Chernobrov at the cemetery from 12:30 to 14 hours. Address of the church and morgue: Polikarpova street, 16

In memory of Vadim Aleksandrovich Chernobrov

Chudinov V.A.

Some kind of evil fate swept over researchers of anomalous phenomena and alternative history - on September 15, 2016, Andrei Yuryevich Sklyarov, the founder and ideological leader of the Laboratory project, died Alternative History“, and now, on May 18, 2017, in Moscow, at the 52nd year of his life, the leader and ideological inspirer of Cosmopoisk, Vadim Aleksandrovich CHERNOBROV, died.

Rice. 1. Vadim Alexandrovich Chernobrov

short biography. Vadim Alexandrovich was born in Grozny on June 17, 1965. He graduated from high school in Zhirnovsk, Volgograd region. Entered the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, however, after the 1st year he transferred to the aerospace department of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. During his studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute, he worked as a fitter at the plant named after. M.V. Khrunichev, participated in the activities of the ufological group F.Yu. Siegel. In 1984-1985 served in the border troops on the Soviet-Iranian and Soviet-Turkish border.

Since 1988, he has been conducting experiments with installations for local changes in the rate of time. In 1992 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, defending his diploma project for a promising space transport system with a non-rocket engine - an “electromagnetic working surface”.

Vadim Aleksandrovich completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Has a Ph.D. degree. He worked as editor of the science and technology department of the Rossiyskiye Vesti newspaper and in the MAI newspaper Propeller (Apogee supplement). Since 1980, he has been involved in field studies of anomalous phenomena. Since 1997, he has headed the public expedition association (currently the all-Russian public scientific research association) “Cosmopoisk”.

Under the leadership of V.A. Chernobrov conducted more than 770 expeditions to conduct field studies of a wide range of fast-paced non-periodic phenomena and historical mysteries. Merits of Vadim Alexandrovich in searching for crash sites cosmic bodies recognized by UNESCO. The research results are presented in more than 50 books and encyclopedias written by V.A. Chernobrov since 1993.

Rice. 2. V.A. Chernobrov in the picture

As noted in, " With his research and educational activities, Vadim Aleksandrovich Chernobrov actually replaced the structures of the Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Education and the special services, without having not only state, but also no external resource support at all. In the most difficult years in the history of our country, his energy, his passion, his ability to attract and ignite people, gave several thousand people the meaning of life" - As far as I understand, other devotees of science were like that. Unfortunately, the divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences turned out to be too conservative towards new scientific directions, and among Chernobrov’s acquaintances there were no academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences who could recommend him to this promising research organization.

Cause of death. There is a 17-minute video on this topic. A member of Kosmopoisk since 2006 from Tobolsk, after interviewing many acquaintances, he came to the conclusion that V.A. Chernobrov had oncology.

Rice. 3. Photo by V.A. Chernobrova 2011

The author of the film provides a recording of the conversation between V.A. Chernobrov with USSR cosmonaut Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko, where it is said that when excavating a certain hole in the sandy desert in Sinai near the Cave of Moses, he dug up a hole, lowered a rope with a weight there about 4 meters and took soil samples. And upon arrival in Moscow, he was unable to reach his apartment in the stairwell, fell to his knees, and was hospitalized by ambulance. He believed that he was overtaken by the “curse of the pharaohs.” The hospital decided that he was poisoned by a poison of unknown nature. He felt very bad and spent 3 weeks in the hospital. Outwardly, however, he looks more like a person not after poisoning, but after suffering “radiation sickness,” however, ordinary hospitals do not have such patients, and therefore they have no experience in diagnosing it.

Rice. 4. So V.A. Chernobrov looked like in January 2012

According to this author, in 2006 Chernobrov was on an expedition to Sinai, where he inhaled toxic air through a hole and in about 10 years this led to oncology. - In a word, whatever the real cause of his illness, there is no doubt that it was associated with his research activities. In other words, he paid with his life for his new research.

He was buried at the Perepechensky cemetery, plot 55, on May 20, 2017. Those present at the funeral assured that his work - the study of anomalous phenomena - would be continued. They decided: Although the loss is irreparable, replacing V.A. Chernobrov, as the organizer of research in the field he called cryptophysics, is not and cannot be, but research will continue! This is very important, since apparently his UNIO “Cosmopoisk” was closed in March 2017 for non-payment of taxes. Although, on the other hand, successors have already been appointed for this organization.

Rice. 5. Excavation by V.A. Black-browed holes in the sand of Sinai

Achievements. Vadim Aleksandrovich wrote many books. In this note you can first get acquainted with the early books of this author, although without indicating the number of pages; These are books by both the author himself and those written in collaboration: . Further, the same source points to a two-volume book without a title, I will not reproduce it, and the books follow. Next comes a three-volume encyclopedia of mysterious places, where from other sources I managed to find out the number of pages, books and brochures, even what is being prepared for printing, and then four volumes are listed from the upcoming 12-volume encyclopedia and four volumes being prepared for printing, where the last one The volume has not yet been identified by title.

In addition, I was able to write down some book titles not mentioned in this list, and, moreover, show what their covers looked like, fig. 6. As you can see, the list turned out to be very representative. But it also shows that the main series of 12 volumes was only a third of a success.

Rice. 6. Book covers by V.A. Chernobrova

The work of "Cosmopoisk". Wikipedia writes: “ All-Russian Scientific Research Public Association "Cosmopoisk" - a non-academic organization for the study of anomalous phenomena. Founded in 1980 at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The organization studies UFOs, poltergeists, cryptobiology and cereology. Participants work in the field of local history and history, astronomy, speleology, futurology and other scientific fields.

The all-Russian public association "Cosmopoisk" was founded in 1980 as a research group at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The founder and ideological inspirer of the organization was a graduate of the institute, candidate technical sciences, aerospace design engineer aircraft Vadim Alexandrovich Chernobrov. The Russian science fiction writer Alexander Petrovich Kazantsev made a significant contribution to the development of the organization.

In 2004, Kosmopoisk was registered as an all-Russian public organization which has regional branches. Branches were created in Arkhangelsk under the leadership of Alexander Ugryumov, in Dnepropetrovsk, in Samara region(leader - Nikita Mikhailov), in Murom with leader Dmitry Savva, in Tyumen, in Yekaterinburg, in Kazan under the leadership of Maria Petrova, in Nizhny Novgorod under the leadership of Konstantin Utochkin, in Penza with the leader Vladimir Kukolnikov, in Ryazan, in Saratov, in Syktyvkar, in Obninsk led by Vladimir Emelyanov, in Irkutsk, in Kirov, in Vologda, in Cherepovets, Kuzbass, Novorossiysk under the leadership of Vasily Sigarev, Naberezhnykh Chelny, Armavir, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Mordovia, Israel and Belarus.

Has the status international organization " As for the work of this organization today, another source provides an explanation: “ In connection with the death of the UNIO Cosmopoisk coordinator Vadim Aleksandrovich Chernobrov, we declare the following: 1. According to the Association's charter, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the acting coordinator of the Association is Sergei Viktorovich Alexandrov. The deputy is Maria Vladimirovna Semyonova. 2. The work of UNIO "Cosmopoisk" continues according to previously adopted plans. The upcoming expeditions to the Krasnodar region (to Krugi), to the Medveditskaya ridge, planned expeditions of regional groups will take place. Changes in expedition plans will be announced additionally. Again and again we urge you to prepare reports for the next Kazantsev Readings, which will take place in December 2017. 3. The problem with the registration of the UNIO "Cosmopoisk" is in no way connected with the death of V.A. Chernobrov, and is caused only by the peculiarities of the work of the domestic tax service. This problem is being resolved in a working manner; the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has no claims against the UNIO "Cosmopoisk"».

Expeditions. Wikipedia writes: “ In 1999, an expedition of Komsomolskaya Pravda took place to study Lake Labynkyr, which included Vadim Chernobrov, the head of Cosmopoisk. The result of the expedition was the recording by echolocation of deep-sea objects moving at a speed of 5 kilometers per hour. One of them reached approximately 18 meters in length.

In 2003, Kosmopoisk conducted an expedition to the Irkutsk region to study the Vitim fireball. The site where the nucleus of a small comet fell to Earth was studied.

In 2004, an expedition took place on Mount Ararat, dedicated to the search for traces of Noah’s Ark and the history of the Russian expedition of 1916" - The latest information is supported by the image of Mount Ararat, fig. 7.

Rice. 7. View of Mount Ararat and my reading of the inscriptions

This photograph of "Cosmopoisk", in which two peaks are illuminated by the sun's rays, awakened the epigraphist's itch in me, since all three plans - distant, middle and near - appeared in the inscriptions. Naturally, I tried to read it without enhancing the contrast, which was quite difficult for a long shot.

So, in the background, on the mountain, I read the words: on the left - MAKAZHI SKYTHIA(I came across this phrase for the first time), in the center - MIMA MAKAZHI, and finally, on the right - MAKAZHI MASK. The last two phrases in modern Russian mean: PRIESTESS OF THE GODDESS MAKOSH And IMAGE OF THE GODDESS MAKOSH .

In the middle ground, that is, in the valley under the hill from which the filming was taken, I read the words: WARRIORS 30 VIMAN MARA TEMPLE 30 ARKONA, 8 YAR. In modern Russian and when converted to modern chronology, this means: WARRIORS 30 TEMPLE OF AIRCRAFT TYPE AIRCRAFT OF WEST CAIRO, 864 AD .

Finally, in the background, that is, on the hill from which the shooting was carried out, the words are laid out from stones located vertically (when turned to a horizontal position): ancient - TEMPLE OF MARA 35, and modern - KOSMOPOSIK. The ancient inscription goes a little further into a horizontal image of some old man’s face with the signature MARA, and to the right the words are read: MASK 33 AND 35 ARKONA. These more ancient inscriptions in modern Russian mean: TEMPLE OF MARA, IMAGE FROM LADOGA AND VELIKY NOVGOROD . So on the mountain we see the oldest inscriptions, in the middle and near ones - from the era of Rurik, and, finally, in the near plan - the inscription of 2004.

I will continue to quote Wikipedia about the Kosmopoisk expeditions: “ In 2004, an expedition was organized to Kyshtym to study the issue of the Kyshtym dwarf Alyoshenka. In 2005, Cosmopoisk coordinator Vadim Chernobrov participated in a UNESCO expedition to Indonesia (studying and eliminating the consequences of the tsunami). An expedition in 2007 to the Altai Territory in search of a fallen meteorite, the fall of which was reported by local residents. In the Dinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory in June 2009, the appearance of crop circles was recorded; anticipating the appearance of the circles, members of Cosmopoisk were already there to study them. In September 2010, an expedition was undertaken to the mountainous Shoria in the south of Kuzbass in search of “snow people”. An expedition to Lake Baikal in 2012, during which it was possible to photograph an unknown object above the surface of the lake. In 2013, an expedition was sent to the Kola Peninsula to search for traces of an ancient civilization.

Expeditions to Lake Brosno were repeatedly launched in order to find the Brosno monster. Research was carried out using echo sounders, a helicopter for aerial reconnaissance, with the involvement of scuba divers, etc. Based on materials from expeditions of 2002-2007. it was concluded that the so-called Brosno monster is accumulations of gas emerging from the depths of the lake to the surface.

On December 2, 2014, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Karelia received a report of a fall celestial body in Vygozero. Local fishermen found traces of a fall, as well as a hole in the ice with a diameter of 12 meters. A diver was brought in and discovered a 4-meter crater, but nothing else was found. According to the head of Cosmopoisk, who led the expedition, a meteorite lies at the bottom under the sand; this conclusion was made after the divers dived.

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