Applicants to the second higher education program. For those entering the second higher education program at Penza State University, a second higher legal education

The key to a successful career Would you like to change your life for the better? Have a great career? Achieve good returns from business? Or maybe you are not satisfied with the profession that you chose in your youth, paying tribute to fashion?

There are many people who will answer this question in the affirmative. And this is quite understandable. For example, the director of an enterprise, in order to objectively evaluate the work of his subordinates and solve many external problems, including relationships with tax authorities, must have knowledge in the field of law, economics, and management. When contacting foreign partners, many of them lack knowledge of a foreign language. It will surprise no one that the heads of successful large companies and holdings have not one, but two, and sometimes three higher educations.

Despite the workload, top managers continue to improve their educational level, applying knowledge in practice. Fortunately, today you can get a second higher education without problems. When asked how to do this, we asked for an answer Vice-Rector of Penza State University, Director of the Penza Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Viktor Borisovich Mekhanov.

- Viktor Borisovich, could you tell us about the measures that are being taken at PSU to provide people with the opportunity to obtain a second higher education?

For this purpose, in 1993, an Inter-industry regional center for advanced training and retraining of personnel was created on the basis of our university. Initially, one of the center’s tasks was to study the needs of enterprises, organizations and institutions in the region for advanced training and retraining of personnel, as well as the state and prospects for the development of a network of educational institutions and departments. As these needs were identified, the center began to provide a range of additional services that are needed by both businesses as a whole and individuals.

- Could you dwell on the educational programs that are being implemented by the MRCPK today?

These are jurisprudence, economics and enterprise management, finance and credit, marketing, taxes and taxation, computer software and automated systems, electric power systems and networks, quality systems management, modern information technologies, computer networks, enterprise management in modern conditions, manager -professional, accounting and so on.

- Can only a certified specialist receive a second higher education?

Not necessary. Students of PSU, as well as other universities, also have this opportunity during their studies in their main specialty. This can be done upon completion of the third course.

- Suppose I already have a diploma of higher education, but life has developed in such a way that I need to retrain. In what time frame can this be done?

Since you have already received one higher professional education, you already have certain knowledge, skills, and abilities. Therefore, you have the opportunity to obtain a second higher education in a shortened time. Depending on the specialty, the total duration of training is up to two and a half or three years. Training is carried out by correspondence according to programs developed on the basis of state standards of higher professional education. During your studies, you will be required to take part in nine orientation sessions, each lasting two weeks. At the end of your studies, you pass state exams and defend your diploma. Those who successfully complete the training are issued a state diploma of higher education.

- As far as I understand, according to the law, a diploma of a second higher education can only be obtained on a paid basis?

You are absolutely right. On a paid basis, PSU also conducts professional retraining and advanced training of specialists.

Personnel - at the request of enterprises

- By the way, enterprises very often have a need for retraining of personnel, and for this it is not necessary to obtain a second higher education. What can PSU offer in this regard?

We carry out professional retraining with full or partial separation from work. In this case, the duration of training can range from 5 months to two years. Upon completion of training, state certification is carried out and a state diploma of professional training is issued with the right to conduct professional activities in the relevant field. Here I would like to draw the attention of heads of organizations and enterprises of all forms of ownership: MR TsPK has the ability to carry out targeted training and retraining of specialists at the request of enterprises.

- As far as we know, PSU participates in the implementation of the presidential program for training management personnel for organizations of the national economy of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the presidential program occupies a special place at our PSU. The training of top and middle managers of enterprises in the real sector of the economy of all forms of ownership began in 1998 simultaneously with the start of the implementation of this program in Russia. The university has certificates of public accreditation for three educational programs for retraining management personnel: “Management”, “Marketing” and “Finance and Credit”.

- Could you tell us about the requirements for specialists sent to participate in the program?

First of all, the participant must be no older than 40 years old, must have a higher education, have at least 1 year of experience as a senior or mid-level manager, and have at least 3 years of total work experience. In addition, those wishing to take part in the presidential program must have knowledge of a foreign language, and also have a desire to undergo retraining for further work in national economic organizations of the Russian Federation.

- How is training carried out within the framework of the presidential program?

To conduct the educational process, the best teachers from our city’s universities, practical leaders with serious training and extensive work experience are involved. The form of training is full-time and part-time, duration is six months. By the way, participants in the presidential program have the opportunity to undergo internships in leading foreign companies.

Learn while keeping up with the times

- Today, so to speak, it has become fashionable to use the Internet to gain knowledge. What can you say about this?

October 29 will mark three years since the conclusion of an agreement on trilateral cooperation in the field of Internet education between the Internet Education Federation, the government of the Penza region and Penza State University, as a result of which a regional center for Internet education was created on the basis of PSU.

- Who undergoes advanced training at this center?

During the work at the regional center for Internet education, 2,713 students were trained. Among them are subject teachers, administrators of educational institutions and educational authorities, and social workers. In addition, during the holidays classes are organized for schoolchildren according to special programs, including basic training, searching for information on the World Wide Web, website building and animation creation.

Dear applicants!

June 20, 2019 At the Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL) of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University, as in all universities in Russia, the acceptance of documents for admission to undergraduate educational programs (second higher education) begins.

Direction of preparation:
37.03.01 Psychology
program focus: “Psychological assistance to the population using remote technologies.”

Second degree
(official name: educational program with the possibility of accelerated training according to an individual plan on the basis of higher education).
Qualification: Bachelor of Psychology.

The abstract of the bachelor's program is posted.

Form of study: part-time (with the use of distance technologies).
Training period: 3 years 9 months (accelerated program).

Those wishing to obtain a second higher education study at the Faculty of Distance Learning of MSUPE on a contractual basis.
To do this, you will need to conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services.

List of documents that must be submitted to the admissions committee upon admission:
copies of passport: pages 2, 3; 5 (about place of residence), page 13 (about military duty), which are verified when submitting documents with the original;
original document of education – diploma of higher education:

  • If you have 2 or more higher education diplomas, you take only one diploma - to choose from. It is he who will be taken into account when recertifying disciplines
  • If a diploma of higher education was issued to you before 1996 (inclusive) and it does not contain the hours in those disciplines that are indicated in the diploma insert with grades, then you need to contact the university that issued the diploma to you with a request to provide a document listing the hours and grades in those disciplines that are included in the diploma insert. The type of document required can be different - it can be an academic certificate or an archival certificate;

2 copies of the provided diploma of education - the document itself and all inserts;
4 photographs (matte) size 3x4 - color does not matter. Sign each photo on the reverse side with your last name and initials;
If the last name, first name, and patronymic in the passport and education document differ, then you must provide a copy of the corresponding document on the change of last name, first name, and patronymic, which is verified with the original when submitting documents. If the surname, first name, patronymic have changed several times, then you must provide copies of all documents confirming the change of surname (first name, patronymic). The admissions committee of the Moscow State University of Pedagogical University needs to make sure that the educational document belongs to you.

Documents required for admission are submitted to MSUPE:

Either personally or by a proxy
or by sending it through public postal operators.

Persons with higher education are allowed to study the bachelor's degree program(based on the results of written entrance tests conducted by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MSUPE independently).

Entrance tests
Admission to undergraduate programs on the basis of higher education is carried out on a competitive basis.

Entrance tests for those wishing to obtain a second higher education at the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education:
Russian language
Social science
In-person attendance is required.

Entrance tests are conducted in writing.
For the entrance test form, see Entrance test program
Period of entrance examinations:
from July 27 to August 07.

Minimum entrance test scores(established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MSUPE independently), under which applicants are admitted to participate in the competition:

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