The practical importance of biology in human life, in medicine, in the food industry. The role of biology in modern society Knowledge of biology in everyday human life

With the help of this science, a person will be able to learn more about the living nature around him. But, in addition to a purely cognitive function, this section of biology also has practical significance. It is the knowledge of biological laws that gives an understanding that in nature everything is interconnected, and it is necessary to maintain balance various types creatures You can't just wipe out one species without damaging the entire system. Such knowledge can convince a person that the ecological balance must be protected. Another branch of biology is, in fact, the study of man himself. This knowledge is also important for everyone. Biology has become theoretical basis for medicine, giving it the opportunity to understand the specifics of the human body. But every person needs to know their own characteristics as a biological species. This will help you better understand how to organize your life in terms of nutrition, physical and mental activity. rational use of one's own body can significantly increase labor productivity. Biology is also useful in the economic sphere, especially in agriculture. Knowledge of the laws of development of living organisms helped people learn to breed new species that are more suitable for cultivation in an artificial environment. This significantly increased yields and meat production, which is especially necessary for humanity during a period of population growth and a decrease in natural reserves. From the above we can conclude that the study of biology has changed many areas of human activity. But basic knowledge in this science is also necessary for non-specialists in order to successfully navigate the modern world and make the right choice, for example, in situations related to pollution environment, or with your own health.

Biology is the science of life, of the organisms that exist on Earth. It got its name from Greek words that are known to everyone: “bios” - life; "logos" is science. Objects for studying biology are found everywhere: in cities, steppes, forests, mountains, swamps and even arid deserts. Countless plants exist not only on land, but also in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and ponds. Even the Arctic and Antarctica have their own flora and fauna.

The role of biology in human life

Everyone knows that plants not only saturate the air with invaluable oxygen, necessary for the breathing of all living things on the planet, but also take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Do not overestimate the importance of biology in Food Industry, because everything we have is due to nature. Bread, various confectionery sweets, pasta and cereals are made from wheat alone. In addition, humans use any parts of plants. For example, the seeds of legumes are edible. Garden trees and shrubs, as well as many vegetable crops, bear tasty fruits. Carrots, turnips, radishes and beets are sown for their roots. A variety of dishes are prepared from cabbage leaves, lettuce, spinach, sorrel and parsley. And flowering plants in flower beds, gardens and greenhouses are grown for aesthetic reasons.

What does biology study?

Today it is the whole system sciences, which includes the general laws of the existence of living nature, its forms and development. Depending on the object of study of biology (animals, plants, viruses, etc.), it has subsections:

  • zoology;
  • botany;
  • anatomy;
  • virology.

These sciences are also subdivided. For example, botany includes:

  • mycology (studies of mushrooms);
  • algology (studies algae);
  • bryology (studies of mosses), etc.

Zoology includes:

Application in medicine

The practical significance of biology is enormous. Herbal treatment has been known since ancient times, but herbal medicine gained equality among other methods only in the last century. After clinical trials, medicines obtained from plant materials entered the pharmacy. Now the scope of use of medicinal plants in official and folk medicine is quite large.

The rapid progress of science is successfully used in medical practice. It is discoveries in this area that determine the importance of biology in medicine and characterize the current level of its development. For example, the study of genetics has led to the use of methods for early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases transmitted by inheritance. The progress of genetic engineering provides enormous prospects for the creation of bioactive components in medical preparations.

The practical application of biology often changes the understanding of the treatment of many diseases. Thus, thanks to the development of genetics, the insulin gene was created and introduced into the genome of Escherichia coli. This strain has the ability to synthesize a hormone that is used to treat patients with diabetes. The same method is used today to produce somatotropin (the hormone responsible for growth) and many other substances produced by the human body: interferon, immunogenic drugs.

Implications for agriculture

The laws of nature are applied in solving many issues in various sectors of the world economy, so the role of biology in modern society- one of the main ones. The increasing pace of the planet's population and the decrease in areas occupied by agricultural crops are leading to a large-scale crisis in the future - the problem of nutrition. Accelerated production of products will be required.

Wildlife system

Biology is a science that studies and analyzes the properties of living systems. However, it is not easy to define what exactly this area includes. To do this, scientists have identified several signs by which an organism can be considered alive. The main of these properties are metabolism or metabolism, the ability for self-reproduction and self-regulation. With the help of science, a person understands the living world around him. But, in addition to its studying function, biology also has practical significance. Compliance with its laws helps to understand that living nature is a system in which everything is interconnected, and it is necessary to maintain a balance of various types of creatures. If you lose only one view from it, harm will be caused to all other links. This knowledge is a powerful argument for convincing humanity of the need and importance of preserving the ecological balance.

Man as a biological species

Another subsection is the field of study of the organism of higher beings. Biology in human life serves as the basis for the development of medicine, providing the opportunity to determine the properties and structure of the body. We, as representatives of a certain biological species, need to know the basic characteristics of our body in order to successfully exist in the modern world and make the right choice. This information will help you understand how to arrange your diet, distribute physical and mental stress correctly, and how to preserve your own health. Rational use of the reserves of the human body can significantly increase its performance.

Main directions of modern biology

Knowledge of the laws of existence of living organisms helps humanity to develop new species that are more suitable for growing in unnatural environments. The importance of biology as a science is undeniable. Thanks to the use of its laws, crop yields and meat production have increased significantly, which is so necessary during the period of depletion of natural reserves. Humanity is constantly faced with many significant questions: “how to overcome incurable diseases”, “how to prevent hunger”, “how to prolong life”, “how to learn to breathe without oxygen”. The answers can only be suggested by nature itself if you constantly explore the animal and plant world. In the middle of the twentieth century, a separate branch of biology appeared - genetics. This is the science of information stored on a chromosome, like a movie on a CD. She explains what life expectancy depends on, what diseases a particular individual has, how, by changing the gene sequence, you can increase some positive properties and neutralize negative ones (for example, modifying soybeans increases yield and reduces ripening time).


Another type of biology that studies the consumption and production of energy by living organisms. Green plants feed on carbon dioxide and produce, in addition to invaluable oxygen, certain part energy, absorbing sunlight. These factors in the process of oxygen production by plants were taken as the basis for the production of solar cells.

Nature is the best inventor

Even such ordinary and simple branches of biology as botany and zoology at one time brought considerable benefits for the future:

  • tracking bats contributed to the discovery of echolocation (moving by sounds reflected from objects);
  • The study of dog behavior made it possible to learn about conditioned reflexes, which, by the way, are also present in humans.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of biology in medicine. For example, trying to save humanity from chickenpox, scientists had to closely monitor the course of the disease, determine whether there were survivors, and what changes occurred in the bodies of recovered patients. This is how the first vaccines were developed - the preventive introduction of weakened smallpox bacteria into the body to create lasting immunity. Modern biologists around the world are racking their brains about how to combat oncology, AIDS and other deadly diseases today. But for science it is only a matter of time.

Progress does not stand still

The modern increased importance of biology as a science is applied in several directions. Today, technologies for determining the structure of biopolymers have been improved. A method has been discovered for reading and analyzing genetic information, including determining DNA nucleotide sequences. Following this, humanity stands on the path of almost complete decoding of the genetic information contained in its chromosomes. This is one of the main achievements of biology.

This opens up opportunities for the invention of new technologies for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. In addition, today the role of biology in modern society is to purposefully create chemical substances with pre-programmed properties, which will allow the identification and production of new and effective types of medicines.

The current achievements of biology and medicine also include the creation of artificial organs. Today, medical scientists are busy producing and using synthetic muscles, presenting artificially grown liver tissue and heart valves.


Biology in human life is also capable of solving energy problems. One of the most progressive ways of extracting energy from plants is the production of methane. It is formed from biomass in the absence of contact with air. Many farms use plant and animal waste to produce methane in special biogas plants. With their help, you can heat your homestead buildings. The operation of such units leaves the environment clean, and their use requires minimal costs.

The healing power of nature

Man and nature are one. Mighty oaks, white birches, giant pines and spruces, virgin thickets of hawthorn, raspberry, dogwood, black and red elderberry, sea buckthorn and acacia, hazel and rose hips - all these forest tree species and medicinal berries are widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Phytoncides of wild onions, garlic, bird cherry, walnut, eucalyptus, essential oils of cedar, pine, spruce saturate the forest air with a unique healing aroma. Herbal medicine helps patients with cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, genitourinary, respiratory, secretory and hormonal systems to recover.

Natural remedies for treating diseases allow you to combine active prevention with therapy for a specific disease. People receive these medicines primarily from plants. Their healing power is transferred to the patient, helping to overcome the disease. Man should be grateful to nature for the priceless gifts that she has generously scattered everywhere.

Every day the practical importance of biology in human life is increasing. Modern science uses a whole arsenal of medicinal plants that can have a therapeutic effect and prevent many human diseases. Further development modern world real only in unity with nature, with the active use of biotechnology. To achieve your goals, you cannot do without the deepest knowledge of the laws of the natural world.

Find out from your parents and acquaintances their opinion about the importance of biology in life modern man. Prepare a message in which you provide specific examples use of biological knowledge in human everyday life.


Biology is a system of sciences about living nature. Among the various biological sciences, botany (from the Greek. nerd– greens) – and animals – zoology (from Greek. zoon– animal and logo). Advances in the development of biology over time led to the emergence of its various directions, which you will become familiar with in high school.

Each organism lives in a specific environment. Habitat is the part of nature that surrounds living organisms and with which they interact. There are many living organisms around us. These are plants, animals, fungi, bacteria. Each of these groups is studied by a separate biological science.

Nowadays, humanity is particularly faced with such common problems as protecting health, providing food and preserving the diversity of organisms on our planet. Biology, whose research is aimed at solving these and other questions, closely interacts with medicine, agriculture, industry, in particular food and light industry, etc.

You all know that when a person gets sick, he uses medicine. Most medicinal substances are obtained from plants or waste products of microorganisms. For example, the lives of hundreds of millions of people were saved by the use of antibiotics (from the Greek. anti– against and bios). They are produced by certain types of fungi and bacteria. Antibiotics kill the causative agents of many dangerous diseases in humans and animals.

Biology also plays an important role in providing food for humanity. Scientists are creating new high-yielding plant varieties and animal breeds, which makes it possible to obtain more food. Biologists' research is aimed at preserving and increasing soil fertility, which ensures high yields. Living organisms are also widely used in industry. For example, people get yogurt, kefir, and cheeses thanks to the activity of certain types of bacteria and fungi.

However, active and often ill-considered human economic activity has led to significant pollution of the environment with substances harmful to all living things, to the destruction of forests, virgin steppes, and reservoirs. Over the past centuries, thousands of species of animals, plants and fungi have disappeared, and tens of thousands are on the verge of extinction. But the disappearance of even one species of organisms means an irreversible loss for the biological diversity of our planet. Therefore, scientists create lists of species of plants, animals and fungi that need protection (the so-called Red Books), and also identify areas where these species are protected (reserves, national natural parks, etc.).

Thus, biology is a science designed through its research to convince people of the need to respect nature and comply with its laws. Therefore, it is considered the science of the future.

Biology is the science of living organisms. It is not surprising that in beginning of XXI century, it has taken the first place among other sciences, because achievements in the field of medicine, selection, and genetics are associated with the discoveries of biologists.

Practical significance of biology

Most of us have not thought about how much the contributions of science can influence the future. Already today, scientists have discovered that they can breed new varieties of plants and breeds of animals. Work is underway on the synthesis of antitumor substances. The medicine of the future will be completely based on biology.

What is the practical significance general biology? It is important to understand how any cell in the body functions and what processes occur there. You can also find out how cells divide and what the human genome is. Developments in general biology can provide insight into how our bodies function.

The practical importance of biology in life is enormous, because more than once you were probably helped by the knowledge you acquired in school, when you took out a first aid kit or tried to deduce for yourself some laws of nature. Now stands before the world global problem ecology. Here, the practical importance of biology cannot be overestimated, since knowledge of the development features of organisms in nature can greatly help in preserving the environment, including flora and fauna.

Selection and genetic engineering

The problem of hunger affects a huge number of countries. To increase the yield from crops, it was necessary to carry out work to improve the plant genome. Scientists have achieved success in the field of breeding, and now the amount of products obtained from crops has increased several times. The same applies to the development of new breeds of animals. Now a person can breed animals that produce more wool, produce more milk, and have greater mass. This also lies in the practical significance of biology.

And selection are inseparable from each other. Thanks to these two branches of biology, similar results were achieved. The development of new varieties, breeds and strains is directly related to genetics, since the laboratory is working with the genomes of organisms at the DNA level. Genes that are necessary for humans are integrated into the genomes of bacteria. As a result, organisms become resistant to any unfavorable factor, increase their harvest, etc.

Molecular biology and medicine

What will the medicine of the future be based on? Determining the nucleotide sequence of the human genome is no longer a myth. A large number of diseases are associated with mutations in genes. Due to any abnormalities in the DNA molecule, people suffer from allergies or may experience side effects of drugs during treatment. All this can be discovered in the near future if we sequence the genome of each individual person and make individual genetic passports.

Today there are entire enterprises for the production of medicines or substances necessary for humans. The product technology is based on the use of bacteria. How does this happen?

Man has learned to integrate the genes he needs into the genetic information of bacteria. Since prokaryotes divide very quickly, they thereby increase copies of these genes. Such production bacteria are used, for example, in the production of insulin, which means it is very effective.


The problem of evolution still worries people today. Where do we come from? How did the evolution of organisms on Earth actually occur? To answer these questions, new discoveries in biology are needed.

The practical importance of biology is so great that even today scientists have been able to clarify some of the details of evolution. However, they have not yet provided an answer to the main questions of human origin. Unraveling all the secrets of evolution is one of the main goals of modern biology.

Sections: Biology

Class: 6

The importance of biological knowledge for modern man cannot be overestimated. In addition to ideological significance, adequate ideas about living nature underlie measures to maintain human health, the foundations of human safety in production activities in any industry and economy.

That's why the main objective Teacher education is to improve the quality and efficiency of obtaining practical use of knowledge.

Currently, due to the active introduction of humans into natural complexes The role of environmental education is increasing.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the education system, the main component is scientific knowledge and improving the skills and abilities to obtain them. Students, due to the appearance of information on the computer, lose methods of organizing independent activities. Therefore, the teacher’s task is to organize the student’s activities in the lesson: to correctly motivate the importance of knowledge in biology, to teach how to pose a problem, find ways to solve it, analyze, compare, establish cause-and-effect relationships, conduct experiments, purposefully observe, and draw conclusions.

Properly organized project activities contribute to solving these problems.

One of the main methods in biology is targeted observation.

Analyze environmental factors, assess their impact on the human body, think through preventive measures, following the rule - it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it.

A modern approach to teaching biology is unthinkable without establishing interdisciplinary connections with other academic subjects. The correct establishment of interdisciplinary connections and their skillful use have a positive effect on the formation of students’ knowledge system about nature and the human body, where the laws of various sciences apply: physics, chemistry, mathematics, geography, philosophy, etc.

Establishing interdisciplinary connections activates the process of teaching biology, develops cognitive interest students to study various disciplines, shows the interconnection of sciences.

Interdisciplinary connections perform a number of functions in teaching:

  • Methodological, expressed in the formation modern ideas schoolchildren about the integrity and development of nature, in their assimilation systematic approach, starting from the cell and ending with the biosphere, using from the physics course that these are open systems, but from the point of view of biology - self-regulating;
  • educational, consisting in the formation of systematic knowledge of students about nature, applied orientation;
  • developing, which reflects the role of interdisciplinary connections in the development of systematic and creative thinking of students, transfer and generalization of knowledge, “analysis through synthesis” (L Rubinstein);
  • educating expressed in the need to establish interdisciplinary connections in the implementation of environmental, sexual, hygienic, labor, moral, ideological and political education in the process of teaching biology;
  • constructive, consisting in improving the organization of the educational process (planning educational material taking into account interdisciplinary connections, cooperation between teachers of various subjects, application complex forms organization of training, study curricula and textbooks of related subjects, mutual attendance of lessons).

Lessons using interdisciplinary connections can be fragmentary. When individual issues are resolved;

  • nodal, implementing interdisciplinary connections throughout the lesson;
  • integrated, when knowledge from a number of educational subjects organically merges.

Knowledge of biology is needed by people of many professions, especially designers, to model an airplane, boat, crane, etc. knowledge of biology is required.

A lesson on the topic “Visual Hygiene” should promote the use of knowledge from other subjects: physics, chemistry, philosophy. Considering the introduction of modern technical means into the education system, the student must understand how to use them rationally, as this also contributes to the deterioration of vision. Therefore, the teacher’s task is to help students relieve tension by performing a set of exercises, including for the eyes.


1. Give an idea of ​​the causes of eye infections and their prevention, eye injuries, their prevention and first aid; explain the causes of farsightedness, myopia and strabismus, reveal the role of visual hygiene; explain the causes of cataracts and cataracts.

2. Use knowledge of related disciplines: physics, chemistry.

3. Contribute to the development of creative abilities and the formation of educational skills: analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.

Equipment: eye model, tables, photographic materials.

Lesson type: learning new knowledge.

Forms of work: individual, frontal, group.

Lesson plan.

I. Testing knowledge.


  1. Label the parts of the eye (on a card), explain their role.
  2. Explain the terms: macula, blind spot, binocular vision, rods and cones, accommodation.


  1. Why Small child takes objects by the opposite end?
  2. How does this get better over time?
  3. What serves to protect the eye, what are their functions? Why do you need to know this?

II. Learning new material.

Causes of visual impairment (students at home are asked to think about the answer to this question).

A) Conjunctivitis, causes, prevention, first aid.

(A diagram of the modified eyeball and lens is given.)

Prevention measures. The famous Helen Keller advised a person born with normal vision: “Use your eyes! Live every day as if you might go blind. And you will discover a wonderful world that you have never seen.” There are people (80-, 90-, and even 100-year-olds) who have the vision of a young eagle. They eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals and exercise their eye muscles every day.

Myopia has the scientific name myopia. This term captures the characteristic manner of myopic people to squint when looking at distant objects. In a myopic eye, parallel rays coming from distant objects intersect in front of the retina, without reaching it. This may be due to the longitudinal axis of the eye being too long or due to a greater than normal refractive power of the media of the eye (the curvature of the lens is greater). Accommodation cannot help such an eye. The myopic eye sees only close objects. For myopia, glasses with diverging biconcave glasses are prescribed, which turn parallel rays into divergent ones.

The farsighted eye has a relatively weak refractive power. In such an eye, parallel rays coming from distant objects are reflected behind the retina. The longitudinal axis of the eye may be short. This results in a blurry image of the object on the retina. To move the image onto the retina, the farsighted eye must strengthen its refractive power by increasing the curvature of the lens even when viewing distant objects. Even greater strain of accommodation will be required to clearly see nearby objects. If accommodation is not able to provide a clear image, then visual acuity decreases. In these cases, glasses with collective biconvex lenses (giving a converging direction to the rays passing through them) help, which improve visual acuity and reduce changes in the stress of accommodation.

The development of myopia is promoted by everything that requires long-term regular looking at the small details of an object - this is insufficient lighting, too small a font, and low contrast of the image in relation to the background. In this case, emphasis is placed on the use of meta-subject connections. Helmholtz also believed that the model of the eye is a camera. The lens is like the refracting medium of the eye. The pupil of the eye corresponds to the lumen of the camera aperture. In lenses and in the eye, the refraction of light occurs along general laws physics. If light is directed through a lens removed from an animal's open eye, you can see that it collects rays into one beam, like any biconvex lens. According to the type of refractive media, the eyes make perfect lenses from several lenses. The eye is a self-adjusting device. It allows us to see near and distant objects. The retina of the eye corresponds to the photographic film. Of course, one cannot compare the photochemical reactions of film with the complex physiological processes of the eye. The eye is connected to the brain. Vision cannot be reduced only to the optical and chemical phenomena of photography. The brain sees, not the eye. Vision is a cortical process. And it depends on the quality of information coming from the eye to the centers of the brain.

After this, students formulate the basic rules for preserving vision.

G). Ecology and visual hygiene.

Impaired and weakened vision can be caused by:

Internal changes:

External factors

A message about Olga Skorokhodova.

Blindness is a great misfortune. In the old days it was believed that even death was nothing in comparison. Blind people in pre-revolutionary Russia, as a rule, were doomed to beggary and hunger. Only 50 thousand people went blind after smallpox.

If individual analyzers are excluded from work, then other senses become more acute.

An exceptionally convincing and striking example is O.I. Skorokhodova. Deprived of sight and hearing, she learned to speak. She wrote, read, became an active member of society, and then a researcher in the field of education for the deaf-blind. Skorokhodova, while still young, wrote about herself as follows: “I don’t attribute any merit to myself and don’t find anything special in myself, I consider myself an ordinary Soviet girl who really wants to study. Without any doubt or boasting, I will say about myself that I love to work: from morning to evening I am busy with something and looking for something to do. Idleness is the most terrible thing for me.”

Another example. American E. Keller lost her sight and hearing as a child after scarlet fever. Her sense of touch has greatly developed. They trained her. Writing out the names of objects on the palm of your hand. She learned to speak and understand speech by holding her fingers on the larynx and lips of the interlocutor. I learned to perceive music. Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the University. She studied four languages, became the author of books, and gave lectures.

IV. Color perception. (Student message)

How colorful the world and our feelings are. Colors are determined by the nature of light waves. All colors are made up of three colors: red, green and blue. Mixing them gives all the other colors. The three-part theory of color vision was first outlined in 1756 M.V. Lomonosov, when he wrote “about the three matters of the ocean floor.” A hundred years later it was developed by a German scientist G. Helmholtz.

Complete color blindness is rare. More often there are people who are unable to distinguish red from green. They perceive these colors as gray. This lack of vision is called color blindness, named after the English scientist D. Dalton. Who himself suffered from such a color vision disorder and first described it.

Color effect:

  • Yellow - cheerful and invigorating;
  • Relent - pacifies;
  • Blue - causes sadness.

Green and yellow colors have the greatest beneficial effect on labor productivity. They sharpen vision. Reduce intraocular pressure, increase hand performance.

Red has the opposite effect. The color yellow in an airplane cabin can cause seasickness. (Recommendation of material for use in everyday life, during repairs.)

V. Consolidation.

Analysis of Fig. 105 in the textbook.

Name the main causes of visual impairment and how to avoid them.

VI. Homework.

paragraph 50, reports on advances in medicine in the field of vision.

The stand contains material about Academician V.P. Filatov. Who performed eye operations with the care of a jeweler. Many doctors have mastered Filatov’s methods. He was a multi-talented person. He drew and had a poetic gift.

New methods of surgical operations using laser beams have now been developed.

Eye surgeries are very delicate and complex. But now it can be said that half of all cases of blindness are curable.

A hereditary nobleman, a descendant of a dynasty of doctors, Vladimir Petrovich Filatov lived and worked at the crossroads of times, bringing from the 19th century, when he was born, to the 20th century, in which he worked, the best qualities of the Russian intelligentsia. Father V.P. Filatova, Pyotr Fedorovich, was born into a family where four of the six brothers devoted themselves to medicine. He was a highly educated doctor, worked in the Simbirsk zemstvo hospital, and was a specialist in surgery and eye diseases, as they said then. Father's brother, uncle of the future famous ophthalmologist, Nil Fedorovich Filatov, the founder of Russian pediatrics, a famous children's doctor and an outstanding scientist, headed the department of childhood diseases at Moscow University.

Vladimir Filatov was born in the village of Mikhailovka, Saransk district, Penza province. Soon after his birth, the family moved to Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk), where Volodya studied at the gymnasium and graduated in 1893. Having received an excellent education, like most talented people, Filatov was an extraordinary and multifaceted personality. He wrote poetry and paintings, played music, was known as a philosopher, and spoke several foreign languages. However, Filatov did not think about choosing a future profession: of course, medicine and, without a doubt, ophthalmology. After all, what could be more noble than the fight against the most serious illness of humanity - blindness? The words that he exclaimed in his youth, when he saw a blind man tapping his path with a stick: “Every person should see the sun!” - became the motto of the great scientist’s entire life.

Accept, father, my gratitude
For the wisdom of your spiritual work.
You gave my thoughts a different direction,
In times of despondency you told me to always remember,
What is my heartfelt prayer?
The merciful God will never be deaf,
That he will give healing to my sins too
And the sea of ​​goodness will wash them away without a trace...

Filatov wrote this poem, which is called “To the Father,” in 1948.

Among Moscow University students, Vladimir Filatov was known as a leader, wrote scientific papers and even made his first scientific discoveries.

In 1912, his cherished dream finally came true - V.P. Filatov performed the first cornea transplant operation.

Taking into account the effectiveness, novelty and scope of the young professor’s scientific potential, by decree of the USSR government it was decided to create a large clinical and experimental base for scientific research in Odessa and in 1936 the Ukrainian Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology was organized, headed by V.P. Filatov, he remained its director until last days life.

According to his students, he never said “no” even to hopelessly ill patients, counting. That taking away faith from a sick person is a great sin. Therefore, he invariably answered: “... maybe. Science is developing.”

Today is the day at the Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after. V.P. Filatov, the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine is filled with the worries and daily work of thousands of its employees. About 20 thousand operations are performed at the institute every year.

Children's department of V.P. Filatov created it while he was a mature scientist and world-famous ophthalmic surgeon. Filatov came to the conclusion that corneal transplantation should be carried out in childhood, since during the period until the child cannot see due to a corneal cataract, he develops so-called blindness from inactivity - amblyopia, which is almost impossible to treat, the connection between the eye and the brain already interrupted.

Currently, children with corneal cataracts are operated on at the age of 6 and 9 months. Much attention is paid to the treatment of cataracts.

IN Last year life he wrote the poem “Farewell. Earth”, these are the lines from this poem.

I won’t remember you badly
You gave it to me many times
Spending days in a quiet shelter
Under the voice of thunder, in a storm, an hour.

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