Is it true Hitler? Adolf Hitler: terrible secrets of the Fuhrer's biography. What would have happened if the Nazis had won?

Adolf Hitler is one of the central figures of fascism and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Such tragic events as the Second World War and the Holocaust. German leader, politician, founder of National Socialism and the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich - Hitler - is considered one of the main criminals against humanity of the twentieth century

1. Hitler never visited concentration camps.

2. Hitler's first love was a Jewish girl. However, he never found the courage to speak to her.

3. Adolf Hitler's last name could have been Schicklgruber. His father changed it to Hitler in 1877.

4. Hitler was a vegetarian and created laws against cruelty to animals.

5. Hitler introduced the first anti-tobacco campaign in modern history.

6. While Hitler was serving his sentence in Landsberg prison (1924), he sent a request to the Mercedes representative office to obtain a loan for a car.

7. Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford, who inspired him, hanging in his office.

8. Hitler considered himself very attractive to women, so he remained a bachelor for political purposes. The German people did not know about Eva Braun until after the war.

9. The American Secret Service tried to add female hormones (estrogen) to Hitler's food in order to make him more feminine.

10. Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler all suffered from ailurophobia (fear of cats).

11. Hitler was nominated for Nobel Prize peace in 1939.

12. Hitler planned to collect thousands of Jewish artifacts for display in the Museum of the Vanished Race, which he planned to open after the war.

13. When Hitler was four years old, a priest saved him from drowning.

14. Hitler never learned to drive. However, he led the development of Volkswagen

15. During Hitler’s reign, his book “My Struggle” was given out free of charge to all newlyweds.

16. Hitler suffered from chronic flatulence; He used 28 medications to combat the disease!!!

17. In 1938, TIME magazine named Hitler "Man of the Year"

18. In 1913, Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky and Tito lived near each other in Vienna. Some of them were regulars at the same coffee shop.

9. Hitler only had one egg

20. The deaths of Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden were announced on the same day of the year - May 1.

It would seem that the answer is obvious and unambiguous: the possessed Fuhrer and his newly-made wife Eva Braun committed suicide on April 30, 1945 at 15:30 in Berlin, in an underground bunker equipped in the courtyard of the Imperial Chancellery. This was confirmed by people from Hitler’s inner circle, as well as by the results of identification and examination of his exhumed corpse. However, there is another version: Hitler did not commit suicide at all, but, together with Eva Braun and his comrades, fled from besieged Berlin to South America and died there in 1964 at the age of 75 years. And this version is supported by a number of documents and evidence.

First inconsistencies

American historian and writer William Shirer in his basic research The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, published in 1960, claims that the bodies or bones of Hitler and Eva were never found because they were scattered and destroyed by Russian shells.

And almost half a century later, the Argentine historian and documentary writer Abel Basti began to find out the true fate of Hitler, Eva Braun and all the top Nazi leaders. The results of his research are presented in the book “Hitler in Argentina” published in 2006.

The author bases his findings and conclusions on numerous documents and witness testimony, on the basis of which he claims: the suicide and subsequent burning of the corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun was falsified. Hitler and his wife managed to hide in South America and live there to old age.

Facts and eyewitness accounts

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What kind of documents and testimony are these? For example, aircraft engineer Hans Bauer informs; On April 30, 1945, at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the announced suicide), he saw Adolf Hitler, dressed in a light gray suit, in the center of Berlin near the Junkers 52 plane.

According to another document, on April 25, a secret meeting was held in the Führerbunker on the issue of Hitler’s evacuation, in which the famous “pilotess” Hanna Reitsch, ace pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Bauer took part. The secret plan for the evacuation of the Fuhrer was code-named “Operation Seraglio”.

And five days earlier, on April 20, the list of passengers flying from Berlin to Barcelona was approved. Hitler was listed first, but the names of Goebbels, his wife and children were crossed out from the list.

So Adolf Hitler and, apparently, the entire “payroll” flew from Berlin to Spain on April 30, 1945, and from there the Fuhrer, Eva Braun and their extensive retinue and security arrived in Argentina at the end of the summer on three submarines, which later, in for conspiracy purposes, they were sunk.

The reality of such an underwater voyage is confirmed by the fact that off the coast of Argentina, at a depth of approximately 30 meters, divers discovered large objects covered with sand. The same objects are visible in the photograph taken by the Americans from space.

The fact that these were Nazi submarines is also evidenced by the testimony of witnesses who observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the Caleta de los Loros Bay, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro, in the summer of 1945.

The US FBI archive contains a report from an American agent in Argentina - a gardener for wealthy German colonists, the Eichhorn couple from the village of La Falda. The agent reports that the owners have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future.

A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to be present in Argentina at a meeting between Hitler and the “Führer” of the Croatian Ustasha nationalists Ante Pavelić.

A poorly executed performance?

As for the testimony of witnesses who allegedly buried Hitler's corpse, it turns out that there is not a single person who saw with his own eyes how the Fuhrer saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. Most likely, the story of the suicide of the head of the Third Reich from beginning to end was invented by people from his close circle to confuse everyone.

And if you carefully study archival documents, you can find a number of contradictions in the testimony of “eyewitnesses” to Hitler’s death. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot himself in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself. Potassium cyanide causes convulsions and instant death: how could a person pull the trigger of a gun after this?

In general, all witnesses to Hitler's death are confused in their testimony. For example, SS officer Heinz Linge claims that Hitler shot himself in the left temple with a Walther pistol and blew off half of his skull, and another SS man Otto Günsche (who carried out the Fuhrer’s body) shows: “Adolf was hit in the right temple, but his face was not damaged at all.” . Ten years later, for some reason, he changed his testimony - Hitler’s shot temple became the left one again.

In 1950, Günsche recalls: when he entered the room, the corpses were lying nearby on the sofa. And ten years later he changed his mind and said that they were lying at different ends of the sofa.

But the most interesting thing is that the Soviet physician, Lieutenant Colonel Shkaravsky, who took part in the autopsy of the bodies, pointed out that there were no traces of bullet wounds anywhere on them, only the remains of ampoules with potassium cyanide in the teeth.

From all this, the conclusion suggests itself: the SS men themselves never saw Hitler dead, and hence the discrepancy in the picture of his death. They were ordered in advance to categorically assert that the Fuhrer was dead, but they did not learn their roles.

Stalin and Zhukov also doubted

It is no wonder that, reading the babble of such “witnesses,” Stalin did not believe in Hitler’s death. It is known that Soviet intelligence was looking for the Fuhrer in several countries at once South America, which is confirmed by declassified KGB archival documents.

And on June 9, 1945, at a press conference for foreign journalists, Marshal Georgy Zhukov said. that the Fuhrer and Eva Braun secretly flew by plane to Hamburg, from where they sailed in a submarine.

It is also known that there are three shorthand recordings of Stalin’s conversations (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes), in which the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape.

Was the Fuhrer “covered” by a double?

Hitler lived in Argentina for another twenty years after the official date of his death. This does not fit with the large number of evidence about the pitiful state of the Fuhrer in March-April 1945: a physically exhausted man who had lost the idea of ​​​​the reality of what was happening, half-blind, on tranquilizers.

However, there is no contradiction here - we must take into account that in the spring of 1945 one of the Fuhrer's doubles appeared before the public, who looked older than his years. This man, who portrayed Hitler, remained in the bunker until the end - where he eventually died.

Living in hospitable Argentina

All witnesses in Argentina describe the appearance of the late Hitler as a fairly healthy man, although he moved with some difficulty, leaning on a cane - apparently, the consequences of the shell shock after the 1944 assassination attempt were taking its toll. He never learned Spanish and spoke it very poorly. He no longer wore the famous mustache, and his hair was cut short, almost like a beaver, and turned gray.

Upon arrival in Argentina, the Fuhrer lived for a long time in a hotel owned by the Eichhorn spouses (they were mentioned in a report by an American agent). He repeatedly visited the luxurious villa of large businessman Jorge Antonio (a friend of the country's President Juan Peron) and visited the mountain resort of Bari Loche, where his favorite pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel, SS Hauptsturmführer Erich Priebke and the fanatical doctor from Auschwitz Josef Mengele settled. He especially liked Bariloche; the Fuhrer and Eva Braun lived there for several years in a two-story wooden mansion.

Eva Braun deserves special mention. She was born in 1912, 23 years younger than Hitler. It is quite possible that Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler had children in Argentina.

Good luck for the country

In one of the documents from the US FBI archive, declassified in 1997 and dated September 21, 1945, the informant reports a willingness to provide evidence that three Argentine ministers met a submarine carrying Hitler.

It is worth adding to what has been said that Hitler and his henchmen transported huge financial resources to Argentina. In August 1945, submarines U-235 and U-977 unloaded more than four kilograms of diamonds, tons of gold and platinum in Argentine bays.

A CIA report declassified in 1996 shows that Argentine President Juan Peron, after the collapse of the Third Reich, received seven million dollars from secret accounts controlled by the SS in Switzerland - this was payment for silence.

Peron's statement on this matter is known; “This is luck for us. The Germans invested huge amounts of money in our economy, built factories and mills, and deposited billions of gold in our banks. Isn’t this a bargain?”

Another revelation about the post-war years of the life of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler is the most important secret document, according to which the Fuhrer was one of the passengers on a special plane from Austria on April 26, 1945.

The Life and Death of Hitler in Exile, Argentina

Although official history claims that Hitler committed suicide and then ordered his corpse to be burned along with his newlywed wife Eva Braun on April 30, 1945, Abel Basti knows this page of history is fiction.

The deceased Hitler and Brown were not there, so it was not they who were burned in the pit of the German bunker, the journalist assures, this is a falsification of history, the publicist is writing on his favorite topic.

It is necessary to recall the old story of conspiracy theorists for many years: in May 1945, near the bunker of the Reich Chancellery, SMERSH employees removed from a crater two charred bodies, which, according to the results of examinations of that time, are recognized as the remains of Hitler and Brown.

From that very moment until the present day, this story of the death of Babylon has been surrounded by many rumors and artifacts. Conspiracy theory experts claim that Brown and Hitler, like his clique, fled, which was actively supported by the American intelligence service in Berlin with the words “we have no evidence of Hitler’s suicide.” Later, the version is supported by the ex-director of the intelligence agency B. Smith, stating that not a single person can cite the facts of Hitler’s death in Berlin.

According to the journalist's carefully conducted research, the leader of the Third Reich did not actually die from poison and was not “cremated.” Hitler completed his last years life much later than the time indicated by history. Facial plastic surgery, which changed Hitler’s appearance, helped the German mastermind of those events to successfully hide. This old history, people are still interested in:

Adolf Hitler died in Argentina after living a long life.

This statement was made by Argentine historian and journalist Abel Basti in his book “Hitler in Exile.”
While the book was quite popular in South America, its publication in Russia and the USA did not find a place. The two countries, despite the frequency of surviving Hitler, still claim that the Fuhrer of the Third Reich committed suicide in last days Second World War.

Speculation about the life of Hitler after the war, as well as of some high-ranking SS officials, has been heard for a long time, suggesting that they escaped punishment by taking refuge in South America in advance. To prove assumptions from the field of “conspiracy theories,” fans of the idea cite a lot of facts, usually of dubious reputation, but, nevertheless, quite popular and interesting.

Nil Nikandrov spoke about Hitler’s life after the war on the pages “All the leaders of the Third Reich fled to Latin America" Donald McKale traced the early source of the legend of Hitler's escape to the Southern Hemisphere to the unexpected and illogical surrender of a German submarine in early July 1945 at Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Several newspapers in Buenos Aires, despite the denial of the Argentine fleet, claimed that there were eyewitnesses who saw rubber boats and submarines in this area. On July 16, 1945, a sensational article appeared in the Chicago Times about Hitler allegedly quietly escaping the wrath of the war participants to South America.

Ladislao Zsabó, a Hungarian resident, witnessed the arrival of the U-boat U-530 and observed the leisurely disembarkation of the Nazi leaders. He also heard talk about a German base in Antarctica, on the basis of which he came to the conclusion that Hitler had taken refuge in a secret base hidden somewhere in the ice.

Later, Ladislaus published a book about the head of the Third Reich (Hitler is alive), which talks about Hitler’s possible place of residence in the area of ​​​​the “Queen Maud” land, called New Swabia by the Germans. Neuschwabenland - the area was explored in 1938/39 by a German expedition led by Captain Ritcher, who actually gave this name (some maps even now have a note about “Schwabeland” under the historical name of the land).

Now it is difficult to figure out what is more embedded here, a fairy tale, or fragmentary lines from historical documents. Rumors have surrounded the idea of ​​a surviving Hitler so tightly, speculation on the topic is so high that it seems that the Fourth Reich is about to throw off its blanket of ice and enter society.

Hitler, the road of the fugitives.

When there is so much gossip out there, usually the truth may be nearby. Basti searched for the truth for seven years, conducting a difficult investigation into the death of Hitler. He personally visited German formations, whose safety was ensured by the stern faces of the guards, and, after reading hundreds of kilograms of old documents, he revealed the secret of Hitler's life and death.

This sounds like an April Fool's joke, but it's actually not. Basti's investigation plunges us into the world of secrets of the last century, revealing the hidden secrets of the conspiracy theories that rule the world.
The journalist managed to talk with living witnesses of those years, and he not only interviewed people who lived next to Hitler, but even obtained photographs of Hitler and Eva Braun, who lived in exile in the post-war years.

Basti wrote that A. Hitler, E. Braun, and some of the Fuhrer’s close assistants flew from the burning Berlin to Spain. The fugitives then secretly cross the Atlantic Ocean in three submarines, and finally reach the shores of Argentina. In July/August 1945, Hitler and his retinue arrive in the province of Rio Negro, which lies near the village of Caleta and move deeper into Argentina.

Presumably, the same secret route, prepared by employees of the head of the SS Himmler, was later used by Bormann, the monster doctor Mengele, Eichmann, and some other participants in the events of those years.
An Argentine journalist and publicist, describing the journey of A. Hitler and E. Braun through Argentina, which, of course, was carried out with the assistance of local Nazi sympathizers, notes the happy family life spouses in exile, during which, despite their difficulties, they even had children!

The death of Hitler, a re-enactment of the play?

The war ended with the defeat of the Nazi army and complete surrender. On May 10, the Germans announced the existence of burnt bodies in the courtyard of the chancellery, saying that one of the bodies belonged to Hitler, the second to Eva Braun. Although the same American intelligence report reported that it was impossible to determine who owned the remains of the burned bodies.

It really was the strangest funeral in history, taking away the authenticity of the death of the Nazi courtier from understanding: did he die or did he flee, putting an end to the staging of his death with fire?
June 6, press secretary Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally, Adolf Hitler committed suicide, the body was found, the remains were identified.

Three days later, Marshal Zhukov, at a press conference attended by future Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vyshinsky, looking over his shoulder, said: “We have not identified Hitler’s body” ... “I can’t say anything definite about his fate. He could have left Berlin at the very last moment / Nil Nikandrov /.

Conspiracy theory: Hitler's life after the war.

Journalist Basti, in an interview with Deadline - an Argentine news program, hosts Santiago Romero and Abel Basti talk about Hitler's escape and life in exile:

Romero: What do you think about Hitler's escape?
Basti: “Hitler fled Austria to Barcelona. The final stage of the escape was by submarine, from Vigo, heading straight for the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva, in a car with a driver and bodyguards, drove to Argentina in at least three cars.
He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of the city. This place is opposite Lake Nahuel Huapi, which has belonged to a German company since the beginning of the 20th century.

Romero: On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after his escape from the Berlin bunker?
Basti: I received information from an elderly Jesuit priest whose family was friends with the Nazi leader. I have witnesses who saw Hitler and his entourage at the place where they were staying in Cantabria.

In addition, a document from the British intelligence services shows that the Nazi submarine and convoy left Spain, and after stopping in the Canary Islands, continued on its way to the south of Argentina.
Hitler and Eva Braun were on board one of the submarines that subsequently arrived in Patagonia between July and August 1945.

There is also another important document that lets us know that the FBI was persistently searching for Hitler in Spain after World War II. All evidence points to the Galician coast, where the boats were located during the Battle of the Atlantic.

When the Enigma code was cracked, it was possible to decipher the German submarine fleet messages and find out the course of Hitler's escort. There is a possibility that he fled from Vigo or Ferrol, but I am almost certain that Hitler fled from Vigo, as the British MI6 documents say.

Romero: What kind of life did Hitler have in Argentina?
Basti: Hitler lived with his wife and bodyguards, it was the life of fugitives, but quite comfortable. They spent the first post-war years in Patagonia, and then moved to the northern provinces of Argentina. Early in the year, the Führer held meetings in various parts of Argentina with other Nazis in Paraguay, as well as with sympathizers from foreign countries.

Hitler shaved his head and shaved off his mustache, and was no longer so easily recognizable. They lived away from major urban areas, although he had several meetings in Buenos Aires. The Fuhrer died in the early sixties, ending his days in Argentina. Currently, the journalist continues, I am trying to find out the place of his burial, studying the last days of the life of Adolf Hitler.

Romero: Do you have access to documents from your ex? Soviet Union?
Basti: Until his death in 1953, Stalin never believed that Hitler committed suicide, telling the Allies about it in 1945. At the same time, there are three different transcripts in which Stalin noted that the German leader had fled. While in Argentina, I interviewed people who saw and met Hitler. There are documents in Russian archives that show that Hitler fled from the fallen Berlin.

Romero: As yours A new book will affect official version Hitler's death?
Basti: Despite recent research that has proven that Hitler's remains in the Kremlin are not those of the Fuhrer, most Russians have always rejected the theory that he escaped. The same applies to the peoples who participated in the war.

USA, just recently under the auspices national security it “closed” official materials related to this story for another 20-year period. It is possible that when the deadline is reached, it will probably be raised again.

British authorities also reviewed all relevant documentation, pushing back the time frame for solving the mysteries by 60 years or more. Researchers cannot access information about an important period of history, which in turn confirms the correctness of the conclusions about the escaped top of the Third Reich. Otherwise, why hide the documents?

One of the reasons why Hitler fled to Argentina, who allowed him to do this and why, the journalist, both at the time of writing the first books about Hitler, and now names one thing, America needed the Fuhrer.

Yes, the Second World War was over, and the ashes of the dead had not yet scattered, but the world was preparing for a new war, for a “cold” war with communism.
And here the Germans received by the Americans, whose number is estimated at 300 thousand, were a good help. Moreover, one should not underestimate the serious technological knowledge of the Nazis, which America so desperately needed.

It would seem that the answer is obvious and unambiguous: the possessed Fuhrer and his newly-made wife Eva Braun committed suicide on April 30, 1945 at 15:30 in Berlin, in an underground bunker equipped in the courtyard of the Imperial Chancellery. This was confirmed by people from Hitler’s inner circle, as well as by the results of identification and examination of his exhumed corpse. However, there is another version: Hitler did not commit suicide at all, but, together with Eva Braun and his comrades, fled from besieged Berlin to South America and died there in 1964 at the age of 75 years. And this version is supported by a number of documents and evidence.

First inconsistencies

American historian and writer William Shirer, in his seminal study The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, published in 1960, claims that the bodies or bones of Hitler and Eva were never found because they were scattered and destroyed by Russian shells.

And almost half a century later, the Argentine historian and documentary writer Abel Basti began to find out the true fate of Hitler, Eva Braun and all the top Nazi leaders. The results of his research are presented in the book “Hitler in Argentina” published in 2006.

The author bases his findings and conclusions on numerous documents and witness testimony, on the basis of which he claims: the suicide and subsequent burning of the corpses of Hitler and Eva Braun was falsified. Hitler and his wife managed to hide in South America and live there to old age.

Facts and eyewitness accounts

What kind of documents and testimony are these? For example, aircraft engineer Hans Bauer informs; On April 30, 1945, at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the announced suicide), he saw Adolf Hitler, dressed in a light gray suit, in the center of Berlin near the Junkers 52 plane.

According to another document, on April 25, a secret meeting was held in the Führerbunker on the issue of Hitler’s evacuation, in which the famous “pilotess” Hanna Reitsch, ace pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Bauer took part. The secret plan for the evacuation of the Fuhrer was code-named “Operation Seraglio”.

And five days earlier, on April 20, the list of passengers flying from Berlin to Barcelona was approved. Hitler was listed first, but the names of Goebbels, his wife and children were crossed out from the list.

So Adolf Hitler and, apparently, the entire “payroll” flew from Berlin to Spain on April 30, 1945, and from there the Fuhrer, Eva Braun and their extensive retinue and security arrived in Argentina at the end of the summer on three submarines, which later, in for conspiracy purposes, they were sunk.

The reality of such an underwater voyage is confirmed by the fact that off the coast of Argentina, at a depth of approximately 30 meters, divers discovered large objects covered with sand. The same objects are visible in the photograph taken by the Americans from space.

The fact that these were Nazi submarines is also evidenced by the testimony of witnesses who observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the Caleta de los Loros Bay, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro, in the summer of 1945.

The US FBI archive contains a report from an American agent in Argentina - a gardener for wealthy German colonists, the Eichhorn couple from the village of La Falda. The agent reports that the owners have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future.

A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to be present in Argentina at a meeting between Hitler and the “Führer” of the Croatian Ustasha nationalists Ante Pavelić.

A poorly executed performance?

As for the testimony of witnesses who allegedly buried Hitler's corpse, it turns out that there is not a single person who saw with his own eyes how the Fuhrer saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. Most likely, the story of the suicide of the head of the Third Reich from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle in order to confuse everyone.

And if you carefully study archival documents, you can find a number of contradictions in the testimony of “eyewitnesses” to Hitler’s death. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot himself in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself. Potassium cyanide causes convulsions and instant death: how could a person pull the trigger of a gun after this?

In general, all witnesses to Hitler's death are confused in their testimony. For example, SS officer Heinz Linge claims that Hitler shot himself in the left temple with a Walther pistol and blew off half of his skull, and another SS man Otto Günsche (who carried out the Fuhrer’s body) shows: “Adolf was hit in the right temple, but his face was not damaged at all.” . Ten years later, for some reason, he changed his testimony - Hitler’s shot temple became the left one again.

In 1950, Günsche recalls: when he entered the room, the corpses were lying nearby on the sofa. And ten years later he changed his mind and said that they were lying at different ends of the sofa.

But the most interesting thing is that the Soviet physician, Lieutenant Colonel Shkaravsky, who took part in the autopsy of the bodies, pointed out that there were no traces of bullet wounds anywhere on them, only the remains of ampoules with potassium cyanide in the teeth.

From all this, the conclusion suggests itself: the SS men themselves never saw Hitler dead, and hence the discrepancy in the picture of his death. They were ordered in advance to categorically assert that the Fuhrer was dead, but they did not learn their roles.

Stalin and Zhukov also doubted

It is no wonder that, reading the babble of such “witnesses,” Stalin did not believe in Hitler’s death. It is known that Soviet intelligence was looking for the Fuhrer in several countries of South America at once, which is confirmed by declassified KGB archival documents.

And on June 9, 1945, at a press conference for foreign journalists, Marshal Georgy Zhukov said. that the Fuhrer and Eva Braun secretly flew by plane to Hamburg, from where they sailed in a submarine.

It is also known that there are three shorthand recordings of Stalin’s conversations (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes), in which the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape.

Was the Fuhrer “covered” by a double?

Hitler lived in Argentina for another twenty years after the official date of his death. This does not fit with the large number of evidence about the pitiful state of the Fuhrer in March-April 1945: a physically exhausted man who had lost the idea of ​​​​the reality of what was happening, half-blind, on tranquilizers.

However, there is no contradiction here - we must take into account that in the spring of 1945 one of the Fuhrer's doubles appeared before the public, who looked older than his years. This man, who portrayed Hitler, remained in the bunker until the end - where he eventually died.

Living in hospitable Argentina

All witnesses in Argentina describe the appearance of the late Hitler as a fairly healthy man, although he moved with some difficulty, leaning on a cane - apparently, the consequences of the shell shock after the 1944 assassination attempt were taking its toll. He never learned Spanish and spoke it very poorly. He no longer wore the famous mustache, and his hair was cut short, almost like a beaver, and turned gray.

Upon arrival in Argentina, the Fuhrer lived for a long time in a hotel owned by the Eichhorn spouses (they were mentioned in a report by an American agent). He repeatedly visited the luxurious villa of large businessman Jorge Antonio (a friend of the country's President Juan Peron) and visited the mountain resort of Bari Loche, where his favorite pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel, SS Hauptsturmführer Erich Priebke and the fanatical doctor from Auschwitz Josef Mengele settled. He especially liked Bariloche; the Fuhrer and Eva Braun lived there for several years in a two-story wooden mansion.

Eva Braun deserves special mention. She was born in 1912, 23 years younger than Hitler. It is quite possible that Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler had children in Argentina.

Good luck for the country

In one of the documents from the US FBI archive, declassified in 1997 and dated September 21, 1945, the informant reports a willingness to provide evidence that three Argentine ministers met a submarine carrying Hitler.

It is worth adding to what has been said that Hitler and his henchmen transported huge financial resources to Argentina. In August 1945, submarines U-235 and U-977 unloaded more than four kilograms of diamonds, tons of gold and platinum in Argentine bays.

A CIA report declassified in 1996 shows that Argentine President Juan Peron, after the collapse of the Third Reich, received seven million dollars from secret accounts controlled by the SS in Switzerland - this was payment for silence.

Peron's statement on this matter is known; “This is luck for us. The Germans invested huge amounts of money in our economy, built factories and mills, and deposited billions of gold in our banks. Isn’t this a bargain?”

Usually, when they talk about the reasons for Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, they remember his outstanding oratorical gift, charisma, political will and intuition, the difficult economic situation in Germany after the defeat in the First World War, the resentment of the Germans for the shameful conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, but in reality it all are just minor prerequisites that contributed to his rise to the top of the political Olympus.

Without regular serious funding for his movement, payment for a number of expensive measures that made the German National Socialist workers' party(in the German transcription of the NSDAP) popular, the Nazis would never have reached the heights of power, remaining common among dozens of similar movements of local importance. For those who have seriously studied and are studying the phenomenon of National Socialism and the Fuhrer, this is a fact.

The main sponsors of Hitler and his party were financiers from Great Britain and the United States. From the very beginning, Hitler was a "project". The energetic Fuhrer was a tool for uniting Europe against the Soviet Union; other important tasks were also solved, for example, the “New World Order” was tested on the ground, which they planned to spread throughout the planet. Hitler was also sponsored by German financial and industrial circles associated with the global financial international. Among Hitler's sponsors was Fritz Thyssen (the eldest son of the industrialist August Thyssen), who had provided significant support since 1923. material support Nazis, publicly supported Hitler in 1930. In 1932, he was part of a group of financiers, industrialists and landowners who demanded that Reich President Paul von Hindenburg appoint Hitler as Chancellor. Thyssen was a supporter of the restoration of the estate state - in May 1933, with the support of Hitler, he established the Institute of Estates in Düsseldorf. Thyssen planned to provide a scientific basis for the ideology of the class state. Thyssen was a supporter of war with the USSR, but protested against war with Western countries and opposed the persecution of Jews. As a result, relations with Hitler followed. On September 2, 1939, Thyssen left with his wife, daughter and son-in-law for Switzerland. In 1940, in France, he wrote the book “I Financed Hitler”; after the occupation of the French state, he was arrested and ended up in a concentration camp, where he stayed until the end of the war.

Financial assistance to the Nazis was provided by the German industrialist and financial tycoon Gustav Krupp. Among the bankers, money for Hitler was collected by the President of the Reichsbank and Adolf Hitler's confidant for relations with his political and financial sponsors in Western countries ah Hjalmar Shakht. This talented organizer headed the private National Bank of Germany since 1916, then became its co-owner. From December 1923 - head of the Reichsbank (led until March 1930, and then from 1933-1939). Had close ties with the American corporation J.P. Morgan. It was he who, since 1933, carried out the economic mobilization of Germany, preparing it for war.

The reasons that forced the German financial and industrial elite to help Hitler and his party were very different. Some wanted to create a powerful striking force against the internal “communist threat” and the labor movement. They were also afraid of external danger - the “Bolshevik threat.” Others were reinsuring themselves in case Hitler came to power. Still others worked in the same group with the global financial international. And everyone benefited from military mobilization and war - orders poured in like from a cornucopia.

After the defeat of the Third Reich in the war and to this day, in the mass consciousness of people, Jewry is a victim of Nazism. Moreover, they turned the tragedy of the Jews into a kind of brand, profiting from it, receiving financial and political dividends. Although much more Slavs died in this massacre - more than 30 million (including Poles, Serbs, etc.). In reality, Jews are different from Jews, some were destroyed, persecuted, and other Jews themselves financed Hitler. The “world community” prefers to remain silent about the contribution of influential Jews of that time to the formation of the Third Reich and the growth of Hitler’s influence. And people who raise this issue are immediately accused of revisionism, fascism, anti-Semitism, etc. Jews and Hitler are one of the most closed topics in the world media. Although it is no secret that the Fuhrer and the NSDAP were sponsored by such influential Jewish industrialists as Reinold Gesner and Fritz Mandel. Hitler received significant assistance from the famous Warburg banking dynasty and personally from Max Warburg (director of the Hamburg bank M.M. Warburg & Co).

Among other Jewish bankers who spared no money for the NSDAP, it is necessary to highlight the Berliners Oscar Wasserman (one of the leaders of Deutsche Bank) and Hans Priwin. A number of researchers are confident that the Rothschilds participated in the financing of Nazism; they needed Hitler to implement the project of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. The persecution of Jews in Europe forced them to look for a new homeland, and the Zionists (supporters of the unification and revival of the Jewish people in their historical homeland) helped organize the creation of settlements in the Palestinian territories. In addition, the problem of the assimilation of Jews in Europe was solved, persecution forced them to remember their origins, unite, and the mobilization of Jewish self-awareness took place.

It is interesting that in fact, Hitler and his party were financed and prepared the ground for the Nazi seizure of power in Germany by the same forces that prepared the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 in Russia, sponsored the Bolshevik, Socialist Revolutionary, Menshevik parties, and worked closely with all Russian revolutionary forces. This is the so-called “financial international”, the owners of the banks of the USA, Britain, France and other Western countries, and the American Federal Reserve System.

In addition, it should be noted that the top leadership of the Third Reich itself largely consisted of Jews or people with Jewish roots. These facts are set out in Dietrich Bronder's Before Hitler Came, based on 288 sources (he was general secretary association of non-religious communities in Germany), Henek Kardel "Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel" (during the war he was a lieutenant colonel and holder of the Knight's Iron Cross). Many facts about Jews in the Third Reich can be found in the works of Willi Frischauer “Himmler”, William Stevenson “The Bormann Brotherhood”, John Donovan “Eichmann”, Charles Whiting “Canaris”, etc. Adolf Hitler himself, such famous Nazis, had Jewish roots , like Heydrich (father Suess), Frank, Rosenberg. Eichmann, one of the authors of the plan “On the Final Solution of the Jewish Question,” was a Jew. The extermination of Poles and Jews on Polish territory was led by the Jew Hans Michael Frank, he was the Governor-General of Poland in 1939-1945. One of the most famous adventurers of the 20th century, Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln, an ardent supporter of Hitler and his ideas, was born into a family of Hungarian Jews.

The Jew was the editor-in-chief of the anti-Semitic and anti-communist newspaper Sturmovik, an ideologist of racism and an ardent anti-Semite, Julius Streicher (Abram Goldberg). He was executed in 1946 by the Nuremberg Tribunal for anti-Semitism and calls for genocide. Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Behrend-Friedlander had Semitic roots. Rudolf Hess and Labor Minister Robert Ley were of Semitic origin. It is believed that Abwehr chief Canaris came from Greek Jews.

Before the war, up to half a million Jews lived in Germany, up to 300 thousand of them left freely. Those who did not leave partially suffered, but the Jews of Poland and the USSR suffered the greatest damage; they were significantly assimilated and they were “put under the knife” as having lost their Jewish identity. Many Jews fought in the Wehrmacht, so about 10 thousand people were taken prisoner by the Soviets.

Thanks to Hitler personally, a category of more than 150 “honorary Aryans” appeared, which included mainly large Jewish industrialists. They carried out personal orders from the leader to sponsor certain political events. The Nazis divided Jews into the rich and everyone else, and there were benefits for the rich.

Thus, we see that through the efforts of the Western media, official historians, and politicians, many interesting pages were cut out of the history of the Second World War and its prehistory. Jews financed the creation of the Third Reich, Hitler personally, were in the leadership of Germany, participated in the “solution” of the Jewish question, the destruction of their fellow tribesmen, and fought as part of the German armed forces. And after the collapse of the Reich, the German people were blamed for the genocide of the Jewish people and forced to pay indemnity. Until now, Germany and the Germans are considered the main culprits for inciting World War II, although the organizers of this massacre remained unpunished.

The USSR and its political leadership like to be accused of anti-Semitism, but Saiko in his book “Crossroads on the Road to Israel” and Weinstock in his work “Zionism against Israel” provide very interesting data. Of the Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis and found salvation abroad between 1935 and 1943, 75% found refuge in the totalitarian Soviet Union. England sheltered about 2% (67 thousand people), the United States - less than 7% (approximately 182 thousand people), 8.5% of refugees went to Palestine.

Adolf Hitler is a Jew, grandson of Rothschild. http://

The main mystery of the past World War II: the connection is Jews and the Nazi regime. Jewry is divided into several large groups, which are very much at enmity with each other. I highly recommend reading interesting information, which will add understanding to those who are interested in the real reasons for the events taking place... This Jewish bastard destroyed the best Germans and Slavs.
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"Hitler is the founder of Israel"

The past and the future are intertwined with a strong thread, but few people think about it in the present.
Every action, every choice made leads to certain consequences, and it is these actions that predetermine the subsequent course of events in life.

But many people make the same mistakes over and over again, not understanding that the past, present and future are connected, and only you can determine what exactly this connection will be.

Love, hope, courage. Death, life, birth. Future, present, past.
All this existed before us and will exist after us.
Everything is interconnected.

150 thousand soldiers and officers of the army, air force and navy could repatriate to Israel under the Law of Return. This suggests that in almost every Jewish family in Germany in the 40s, someone fought on the side of the Nazis.

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