The truth that school textbooks don't tell you about. Historical information about Tartary and the family tree of the rulers of Tartary. The rulers of Tartary and their genealogy.

Tartar Emperors of China

And who were these wild northern nomads, from whom the Chinese fenced themselves off with a high wall? Nicolaas talks about this in some detail in his book “Northern and Eastern”.

Here is a fragment of a map from this book:

Detail of a map by Nicolaas Witsen, 1705

The state closest to the north side of the Wall, underlined by a red line, is called Roy. de Niuche – kingdom of Niuche (also known as Nyuki or Nuki. Now this is the territory of China - my comment). N. Witsen calls Niuhe the easternmost region Tartaria.

The yellow line outlines the Chinese Wall

Other inscriptions on the map:

Mugalie Blonde ou Grande – Mugalie Light or Large.

La Chine au dela de les Murs – Chine beyond the Walls

Villes au dela des Murs de Chine – cities beyond the Walls of Chine

Katai ou partie de la Chine - Katai or part of China

Singal ou Royaume de Zoengogo – Singal or the kingdom of Zungogo (Wiki says that the Sinhalese are the population of Sri Lanka. And there is also Sinjar (Kurdish: Şingal) - a city in the north-west of Iraq. But this is all far from this place.)

Koejarj (between Dauria and Niuhe) - Kuyary (with Nowadays they are called Nanais. It’s interesting that almost all peoples have changed their names since the 17th century.)

Mogols Noirs – Black Moguls

KaraKitay (Black China) - according to Wikipedia there was a KaraKitay Khanate, which was conquered by the Naimans led by Kuchluk in 1211. In 1218 it was conquered by Genghis Khan and became part of the Mongol Empire.

That's what Witsen writes about these territories:

“The Mugal regions and states, no matter how despicable the place of the world, in comparison with us, they were located, from ancient times, by the name of the peoples of the Scythians, or Tartars, were known and famous, especially thanks to the power of their emperors, some of whom were not inferior in happy victories to Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Augustus and other brave heroes. Among these heroes, the great emperor stands out Genghis khan who owned the state, which, thanks to his own conquests was as great as never anything else under the sun, although very little is known about him and his power in Europe, which must be attributed to the envy and hatred of the Arabs and the Dark Ages and ignorance, then widespread in Europe, for all the sciences and arts of Asia at that time were mainly in the hands of the Arabs, and it was they who perpetuated history, exploits and sciences with their pen. Because then all the sciences and arts, especially mathematics and astronomy, flourished among them as widely as ignorance has spread in our time. Seeing the victories of Emperor Genghis Khan, who also conquered some of the Arabs, they did not describe them in detail, so as not to show their shame to the world. [Its] obscurity obviously stems from the fact that many Arabic descriptions were lost due to destruction and war.”

“Mugalia is divided into Big, or Yellow, and Black, or Small. Also Sina, according to Muller, is called Yellow Mogul, after she, this Tartaria, as he says, was occupied by the Moguls.”

Those. Muller calls Cena part of Tartaria? Further in his book, N. Witsen often mentions the Tartars as the emperors of Sina:

“In 1657, when the Dutch ambassadors de Keyser and de Goyer were at court Xing Emperor, or Tartar Khan, 3,000 Tartar families arrived there from the northern regions, from Korea and Yeso. These were the people of the Tartar Khan, now Emperor Sina. They decided to move to Sina, a country with fertile soil and a mild climate, to escape the hunger and cold of the northern regions. They were later resettled in Canton and other places. These people lived far in the north, on the seashore, approximately near the Amur River, near the ancient, so-called Anian.”

“Others say that Xunhi is the father of the present Emperor Kamhi, under which Sina was annexed to his state, – was the fifth in his dynasty. His rise seemed so miraculous to the other princes of his people that they, comparing it to lightning, considered it the work of God and Heaven.

Tartarus, who conquered Sina, Joris Andriesen, who was their slave, called them niuhe and said that they lived in the northeast of Sina.”

“In the country of Niuhe, or Nyuki, by order Emperor of Tartar-Sinsk, they began to build 120 fortresses. Around them there are now towns and villages with houses built of clay, like the Daurian peoples.”

“We do not know for sure whether the fortresses and towns built by the Western Tartars are still preserved during the time of the Iwen tribes. Inside the fortresses there are undoubtedly small houses surrounded by earthen ramparts. They are built for old people who are not able to roam with livestock, and for those who are engaged in agriculture (See letters from Fr. Ferbista from the cities of this country).»

More details about the Iwen dynasty:

“These peoples, the Nuks, or Dshurs, are the ancient enemies of the Sints. Already 1,800 years ago the Sins called them kin. It also means “gold,” since they say that there is a lot of gold in the mountains of their country. About 400 years ago they came from beyond the Great Wall into Sina and occupied six large areas. They would have taken all of Sina, but Kalmak Tartars who lived around Samarkand and Bukhara, descendants of Genghis Khan - Mughals and other peoples, - having heard that the Nuks had occupied Sina, out of envy they entered in large numbers through the western and southern regions into Sina and drove the Nuks out of there, taking away half of their lands. Together with the Kalmaks and other Tartars, a certain Marco Polo, originally from Venice, also came to Sina. Then the Kalmaks occupied all of Sina and founded a new imperial dynasty called Iven. The emperors of this dynasty dominated Xing for approximately 100 years. Then the Sins drove them out again and founded the Taiming dynasty, which dominated the country about 40 years ago, because the Nuki Dshurians, or Juchers, again came to Sin, occupied it and founded a new dynasty of the imperial Tartar family of Taising.”

“Let us now return to the Western Tartars of the Khia dynasty. After they expelled the Eastern Tartars from the province of Honam and subjugated them, at least 55 years passed before they conquered the entire Sin Empire. Many of the eastern peoples, having suffered defeat, joined the Sinians and resisted the Western Tartars. Therefore, in the chronicles you can read that during this time six kings reigned there. The last was Tix, the 18th of that dynasty. As soon as the Tartars arrived in the province of Fokin, this youth king (after only a five-year reign) boarded a ship in the city of Hoxiu to escape to the south. But in a storm the ship was lost, and he gave his life, scepter and crown to the sea. Thus ended the 20th dynasty, which ruled in Sin for 320 years. The 21st dynasty reigned - Iven - originating from Western Tartaria. This was in 1280. The first king of this dynasty was Xio. He restored the law issued under Khia when the military council met in Beijing. He sent advance detachments of large military forces to the south, to the kingdom of Lauven, to part of Barmania, to Khiam, Cambodia, Hampa, Kinam, and finally to the state of Tonkin, which was closest. Tonkin was conquered by force of arms. Here Xio built a city and a powerful fortress to quickly influence the unconquered. The Tartars could have curbed the Chinese, but since they did not do this, then 88 years later, under the tenth viceroy Xankum, a man named Hongwui, originally from Fimyan, the Kianxi region, appeared, who gathered troops and occupied many cities, including main city Nanjing. From here the warriors hurried to Beijing to get their booty. The Tartar viceroy was unable to gather his forces so quickly and was forced to flee with his wife and children to the province of Xantum, where he later died. This was the end of the Western Tartars in Sina."

“Of all the Tartars, these were always the most implacable enemies of the Sins, and during the Xing imperial Sung dynasty they inflicted disasters on Sin with their invasions. Therefore, the Xing emperors were forced to move from the north to the southern Xing lands after these Tartars occupied the regions of Liaotung, Beijing, Xanxi, Xenxi and Xantung. Yes, they probably would have conquered the entire Sina Empire if the neighboring Tartars from Samahan, or Samarkand (after having subjugated most of Asia), out of envy of their successes, had not crossed the southern and western regions to Sina and started against them a fierce war. Finally, they were pushed out of Cena completely. They also invaded Eastern Tartaria and occupied most of it. Marco Polo the Venetian speaks about this war. Finally, the Western Tartars, after many battles, as a reward for victories, they received the entire Sin Empire and founded the imperial dynasty of Iwen. This was in 1269.

The Eastern Tartars, called the Kin, however, recaptured the Sin Empire a few years ago and still hold it today.”

It turns out that Marco Polo was visiting the Kalmak Tartars when they ruled in China. And he described not the war of the Sints with the Tartars, but the war of the Western Tartars with the Eastern. Which was artificially kindled by the Sins, as Witsen writes. Or perhaps the Jesuits who were present there at that time. A war between fraternal peoples who had always lived in peace and harmony among themselves.

Title page of the book about the Travels of the Venetian Marco Polo

A page from this book

A few more excerpts from Witsen's book with messages sent to him from different people, which speak of the Tartar emperors ruling China:

“They say that once upon a time on the west coast of Japan Tartarian navy ran aground. (So, the wild nomads still had a navy? - my note) His team intended to cross to Japan for the purpose of attack. This is where this hatred supposedly arose and persisted. This obviously happened during Tartar khan, or emperor, Kublai, who occupied Mangi around 1250(part of Sina. Mangi means “barbarian” in Tartar; this is how the Tartars called Sina or that part of it that they once occupied. In memory of this salvation, by the grace of God, bad weather and wind, even now, as they say, They hold a holiday in Japan on the fifth day of the fifth month.”

"Kamhi, modern Tartar Emperor Sina, originally from Niuhe; loves mathematics and especially astronomy. He therefore studied with the Jesuit Ferdinand Ferbist, a Dutchman who held honorary positions and titles there. He [Kamhi] knows well the works of the famous ancient mathematician Euclid and delved into the science of mathematics. He makes many celestial and other measurements with his own hands. The Emperor himself ordered that Euclid be translated into the Tartar language (although he also knows Chinese well) in order to introduce this science to the center of Tartaria. The said Ferbist had supreme power over all mathematicians and astronomers. He and his parents were elevated to the nobility, but he recently died in Beijing.

He personally spoke with the emperor, who is generally inaccessible, and ate at court from golden dishes served from the imperial table.

The Emperor himself knows how to calculate eclipses and understands straight and curved measurements. There are no secrets in the ingenious science of mathematics that he does not know, there are no stars that he cannot immediately show. He spent over 19 thousand rikestalers on the purchase of physical instruments, especially related to astronomy. He ordered the construction of an astronomical tower on the city walls of Beijing. I have her image with all the equipment. Several noble people are on duty on these towers every day, and they constantly direct their gaze to the sky. Every morning they make a report on what they saw in the sky. With the help of this science, the Tartars, like the Sins, make their predictions and manage their affairs.

This sovereign willingly becomes acquainted with all the relevant knowledge and, although he is still a pagan, still longs to learn about the immortality of the soul, the existence of God, the suffering of the Savior and other Christian dogmas and truths. But polygamy and love for women greatly prevent him from accepting the Christian faith. In addition, he listened too much to his grandmother, who was a Western Tartar woman and was committed to the idolatry of lamas.”

“Around 1600, the Niuhe Tartars, that is, the Eastern Tartars of seven warring hordes, which were already a formidable force at that time, united under the leadership of the first prince of the Eastern Tartars, who, as they recall, was called Tingming, which means the will, or decision of heaven. He was a very harsh and cruel monarch; he demanded that he be called the Xing Emperor. His successor was his son Tinkum, after him Kum, or Kumkhim, and then followed Zum-te. Under him, the Sinsk state was annexed to Tartaria. After this event, in 1662, his son Kamhi ascended the throne at the age of eight. He still reigns over the eastern Tartars and all of Sina.”

“In 1600, the Eastern Tartars (seven Tartar hordes) invaded Sina and settled on the border. Sin officials pursued them and killed their prince. In revenge They captured all of Sina and still rule it with glory.

...From then to this day, the Tartars who own Sina are called Mouhe. The mentioned prince, dying, left all his possessions, called Yamksekhinvam, to his young son. When he took possession of Sina, these possessions began to be called Kamhi, or Kunhi. Sina was conquered under his uncle-guardian."

“When the Tartars prepared to go to war against Sina, they were still at war with some princes from Western Tartary, but the quarrel between them was settled. In less than four years, the Tartars devastated and subjugated such a powerful state as Sina.”

“The Sin refugees, after the capture of their country by the Tartars, armed a fleet of 2,000 ships against them in order to free their fatherland from the Tartar yoke. There were more than 200,000 people on the ships. It was truly one of the most powerful fleets known to history."

“Those who saw the Tartar emperor who defeated Sina say that he is a very polite, lively, gentle man. He is trying to increase the territory of his country. He was proclaimed emperor in Beijing around 1643."

The fact that China was ruled by the Tartars is not only mentioned by Witsen and Marco Polo, there are also illustrations by Pieter Boldewijn included in the collection “Galerie Agréable du Monde” (Approved Gallery of the World), published by the Dutch publisher and bookseller Pieter van der Aa in 1729 and consisting of three thousand engravings.

Here are some illustrations from the second volume of this edition, called “China and Great Tartarie” (Tome second de Chine & Grande Tartarie, Pieter Boudewyn, 1729):

Eastern Tartars in their clothes and ammunition

Western Tartars

women's clothing oriental tartar

“Their iron helmets are similar to ours, but do not cover the face. Chest armor does not consist of one sheet, but of several parts connected with iron clips. All this produces strumming and noise when the Tartar cavalry moves.

But it is surprising that, despite the fact that they ride on horseback almost all the time and their entire fighting force consists of cavalry, their horses are not shod, and there is not even a person who knows how to do this.” (probably it’s much more difficult to shoe a horse than to forge armor and a sword? – my note)

“Their alphabet is completely different from that of the Sints; their letters, although different in appearance, still represent a sound, like ours, that is, a, b, c, although they say that they have 60 or more letters, not 24. This is because they name vowels together with consonants as individual letters of the alphabet: la, le, li, lo, lu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu.”

“Their dresses and caftans reach to their ankles. The sleeves are narrow, not wide, like those of the Sinets, and differ little from the kaftans of Poles or Hungarians. The sleeves end at the hands, in the shape of a horseshoe. They wear a belt with handkerchiefs hanging from both sides to wipe their hands and face. Another knife and two purses hang behind the belt: for tobacco and other small items. On the left side hangs a saber or ax from the belt, with the handle back, so that you can reach it with one hand.

They rarely wear shoes - boots without spurs, made of horsehide or silk fabric. Boots are usually beautiful and good quality. The soles are often three fingers thick. For riding they do not use stirrups, but only a bridle, lower and wider than ours. Otherwise, the eastern Tartars are similar in customs to the Tartars of Tartary Minor, but not as barbaric. They are sincerely supportive of strangers and despise the slavish modesty of the Sins.”

« In character, these Tartars are more similar to Europeans than to Sints. They do not crave to shed human blood for fun, but are impetuous and ardent if they encounter resistance to their passions and entertainment. They are kind-hearted towards those who do not resist them. However, they are bloodthirsty in battle, and then you cannot rely on their word.

They are more frank than the Sintsy, and are not so vindictive and distrustful. They have many good human traits; they do not deceive, they are very conscientious and conduct business honestly

“These Tartars do not keep as many wives as the Sins. The eunuchs do not guard the emperor’s wives as strictly as they were previously guarded in Sin, since the emperor despises eunuchs and does not want to see them around him. Women walk freely both on the city streets and in the steppe. They ride horses, are not afraid of battle, sometimes they fight alongside men - more and more boldly than they write about. The trial is conducted orally, little is written. They do not put the accused in shackles or chains, considering it a slow death. The criminal is immediately interrogated. If the crime is clear, the criminal is immediately punished, but if not, then he is released. They have a punishment of piercing both ears with the point of an arrow. If the crime deserves the death penalty, the perpetrator is beheaded without causing him any other suffering. The convict is stripped naked. Theft is sometimes also punishable by death. The Tartar judge hears the case without delay or fuss. If a judge takes a bribe to break the law and the matter is discovered, he is punished very severely. They love astronomy very much, but apart from this art they have little interest in science. Although they don't know music, they still love it. They have few laws, but legal proceedings are carried out well. There is something important and courageous in their speech.

Before the Tartars came to Sin, the Sin people almost did not know how to handle weapons. They grew their nails long. All fights were resolved by fist fights. But now they hang checkers on their sides even for eight-year-old children.

The Tartars are armed with spears and swords. The checkers are attached to the left, with the tip forward, and the handle back, towards the back. When fighting with a combat sword, they hold it with both hands. When shooting from a bow, they can shoot two or three arrows at the same time. Their bows are not large, but strong; The arrows are not all the same length.

They were not familiar with firearms before the Sina invasion. The horses with which they conquered Sina are well built, brave and fast. They are ridden in such a way that it seems that the riders were born on a horse. Many of them tie the bridle to the belt and control the horse using their legs.

Troops assemble under a banner, or standard. They are not accustomed to marching or walking on foot; they walk in crowds, not paying attention to order or alignment. The cavalry is ahead. They also attack in disorder, at the sound of trumpets. They don't have trumpeters and drummers, but the banner is carried in front. There is a feeling of deep reverence for him. It resembles a Catholic church banner. They follow him into battle, but they do not know retreat, they fight to the end. If a standard bearer falls, which happens often, since he is in the center of the battle, another one immediately picks up the standard, considering it a high honor. The cavalry begins an attack on the city, without first shelling with heavy weapons. They do all the shelling only after the first assault. They drag an assault ladder, made of notched wood, behind their horses. The standard bearer climbs up the wall screaming. They seem to live for the sake of war, loving battle, they prefer to live in camps rather than live in cities. They consider scars from wounds received in battle a great honor. At night the camp is very quiet, they rest in tents made of raw leather. They don't post guards; The sentinels silently walk around the camp.

These Tartars are well built: broad shoulders, strong; They are indiscriminate in their food, well dressed, always active and know their job. Some of them are darker than the Sins, and their beards are thicker. The hair is black, although there is also red hair. They are heavily built, their hands are calloused. In peacetime they are soft and polite, in war they are strict and stern. They don't know how to pretend. When greeting, they extend their right hand, lean forward a little and slowly bring their hand to their mouth. When they give thanks, they place their right hand on the saber and bow their heads. Sometimes they kiss the hands of others and hug with friends. It is not customary for them to bare their heads.

They eat and drink a lot. Lamb is their usual food, as is the meat of deer and wild pigs, as well as fish. Food is hardly fried or boiled. It doesn't matter whether the food is tasty or not. They also eat boiled rice, and in some places bread. They drink water cold, not hot, like the Sinets. They also drink to health and in memory of friends, as they do in Europe, but it is not customary for them to force this. They prepare and serve food in copper, tin and silver vessels, but rarely use porcelain dishes. They eat with spoons, not knowing how to use chopsticks and forks according to the Xin custom.”

« Tartars are generally more generous than Sints, which is why ordinary Sins usually love tartare. The Tartars from Niuhe, usually in the Liaotung region, introduced trade in various furs: sable, fox, marten, etc., as well as horsehair, which is used as decoration in Xing. This trade began after they, having first entered Sina, were again expelled from there.

Tartar women decorate their heads with peacock and other beautiful feathers, flowers, and make curls. Tartars, like Christians, eat already cut meat with knives, forks, and also with their hands, and the Sins eat with chopsticks.”

Illustrations from the already mentioned album:

Emperor Tartarus and pomp

Signatures that I could translate: 2 Western Tartars and Koreans, 3 bodyguards, 5 audience manager, 6 noble guards, 7 throne, 8 great royal tea party, 9 emperor

In this illustration it is perhaps difficult to see that there is some kind of huge bird or other animal with wings depicted above the emperor. This bird is also found in other illustrations. For example, you can clearly see it here:

La déesse Matzou ou Nioma (goddess Matzou or Nioma)

I did not find any explanation for this illustration, except that the goddess Matsoi or Nioma is depicted here (I could not find any mention of such a Chinese goddess in modern sources). It is unknown whether this depicts an existing building, with real people, or is it just a fantasy, an allegory? Because the goddess herself, and the people standing near her with fans, and the birds hanging from above, do not look like statues. But their size compared to the size of the people in the hall is enormous. It also appears that the platform on which the goddess stands is suspended in the air, suspended by a large spring coming from somewhere above. These birds themselves are very reminiscent of the animal depicted on the flag of Tartaria; in any case, the shape of the head and the tip of the tail are very similar:

Did such dragon birds exist, and were they used for flight? This illustration shows a man flying on a bird. But the bird here is much smaller in size and more like an ordinary bird, except perhaps very large:

Chinois faiseurs de vent, occuper a leur art diabolique (Chinese air masters who master the diabolical art)

China also had a similar flag, or was it a Tartar flag from the times when the Tartars ruled China? ( By the way, the current flag of China is also similar to the Soviet one).

Illustration from the album of the 18th century British artist William Alexander, “The Costume of China, or Picturesque Representations of The Dress and Manners of the Chinese”:

Archer Corps Officer

This illustration says “Military, clothing, customs of the Indians,” but Indians apparently mean all the peoples of that region:

La galerie agréable du monde, par Van der Aa, Pieter Boudewyn, Tome second de Chine & Grande Tartarie, 1729; Pl. 71. Cours, habillement, salutations, etc, des Indiens

Signatures on illustrations:

1. Army Beijing, capital Cities China, 2 Chinese, 3 Japanese, 4 Tartarian cavalrymen, 5 Chinese soldiers, 6 siammois, 7Makasá R (capital Indonesian provinces South Sulawesi), 8 Java, Malaysia, 9 Lammas Tonquinois (black llamas?), 10 tangerines (Chinese officials), 11 exchange greetings, 12 towers entertainment, 13 women's chambers

Interesting toppings on the entertainment towers. Such towers often appear in illustrations. Here is one of them in close-up:

Représentation de la Tour de porcelaine

It is written at the top: "Representation of a porcelain tower, China." Here the pommel is drawn a little differently. The antenna is very reminiscent of (mobile communications?), and the flagpoles near the pagoda are probably made of metal?

Intérieur d'une pagode, en Chine (Interior of a pagoda, China)

Here are many more pillars with different tops.

Une rue de Nankin – Teytong (Street Nanjing)

Continuing the unusualness, there is a picture showing destroyed rocks of unusual shape, resembling giant pillars.

Pl. 48. Montagne de Sang-Won-Hab - Montagne que les Tartares nomment les 5 têtes de cheval - Agréable montagne dans la contrée de Suytjeen - Autres montagne dans la contrée de Suytjeen;

1 Sang-Won-Hab Mountain, 2 mountains that the Tartars call 5 Horse Heads, 3 Pleasant Mountain in the Suytjeen region, 4 Other mountains in the Suytjeen region;

Rock sculpture in the town of Pekkinsa

Artificially made rock? Judging by the drawn figures of people, it is approximately 50 meters high. And there are several more of the same nearby. And the stairs leading up - for viewing the surrounding area?

Arc de Triomphe, which is located in Canton, a city in China

In honor of whose victory over whom, this is not said. And remembering the triumphal arches, let's move to Paris. I accidentally came across this picture on the Internet, which says: “Wooden galleries (ancient Tartar camp), royal palace (1825)”

Wikipedia writes that when Joseph of Orleans received ownership of the royal palace, he had a large debt. And in order to get out of the difficult situation, he decided to build a network of shops, restaurants and gambling establishments, for which he also rented a large plot of land adjacent to the palace and built it all there. Including wooden galleries, calling them for some reason “Wooden Camp Tartarus

The original was taken from

Great Tartary, a huge country that occupied almost the entire Eurasian continent and existed at the end of the 18th century, was just a country, and not a territory, as some “researchers” are trying to imagine. They justify their point of view by saying that English word country means both a country and a territory, which means that Great Tartaria was just a territory, and not a country at all. Well, that’s what Western cartographers called this part of Asia. Indeed, the English word country means both country and territory. However, this approach to the topic of the existence or non-existence of a huge power on the Eurasian continent raises several questions.

Firstly, why do critics of the existence of the state of Great Tartary take the English language as a basis? After all, a large number of encyclopedias in the 17th and 18th centuries were published in French, which was the international language at that time, and only then were they translated into English. The first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica was published only at the end of the 18th century - in 1771. And in the French encyclopedias that appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, Great Tartary is called precisely a country - PaÏs in Middle French, and this word has one meaning - country.

Secondly, in the same Encyclopedia Britannica, in the “Geography” section, there is a table in which the authors of the encyclopedia listed all the countries known to them and indicated their areas and capitals. And the capital Tartary is named there, but, as we understand, the territory cannot have a capital.

Thus, according to the compilers of the encyclopedia, there are three Tartaries in Asia. Moscow with its capital in Tobolsk - an area of ​​3,050,000 square miles (three times larger than the state of Russia with its capital in St. Petersburg - 1,103,485 square miles). Independent Tartary with its capital at Samarkand and an area of ​​778,290 square miles and Chinese Tartary with its capital at Chinuan with an area of ​​644,000 square miles.

The authors of the British encyclopedia could not say anything about the states located east of Moscow Tartaria, but they existed, and this is mentioned in passing in the French encyclopedias. But before the suppression of the “Pugachev uprising”, and in fact, a war of conquest with the remnants of Great Tartary, no one was allowed there and therefore either there is little or no information about it, or this information is of the most superficial nature, more like a retelling of rumors and gossip. The only thing that all authors absolutely agree on is that this country is huge.

Here, for example, is what is said about Great Tartary in the Dutch encyclopedia in French from 7 volumes “Historical Atlas or a new introduction to history, chronology and geography, ancient and modern...” by Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743), first published in Amsterdam in 1705. It presents new maps of that time, articles about the history of the emergence of states and empires of the world, their rise and fall and their rulers. In the fifth volume of this encyclopedia, on page 87, there is a map of Great Tartary with explanations in the upper right corner that read:

“This Tartary is called Great to distinguish it from Little, which is part of Europe. Its extent is considerable when taken from the border of Circassia (Circassie) to the canal or strait of Picko, which, from observations made by the Jesuits sent to Siam, lies at a longitude much less than the 69 to 192 degrees at which it is usually placed .

Very few people live in this country in proportion to its vast [territory]: there are few cities and many deserts. In many places the land is uncultivated and only closer to the center does it produce the best rhubarb in the world. There are many polar bears, ermines and sables, the fur of which forms the basis of the country's trade."

Let's face it, not a lot. This is all that hordes of various spies from “merchants” to Jesuits, who flooded the countries bordering Great Tartaria, where strangers were not allowed, could scout and invent. And after the Romanovs defeated it in the World War (and that was exactly World War, since all of “progressive” Europe helped the Romanovs destroy the last Vedic Empire), it was decided to erase the Great Tartaria from the memory of civilization and, naturally, no one began to make efforts to clarify and expand knowledge about this huge country.

Moreover, the “Russian” historian Miller’s statement about Siberia as a “non-historical land” is known, as is his activity in turning it into such, so we are unlikely to learn any details about the life of the state of Great Tartary, for example, where his capital.

However, fragmentary information has been preserved about its flag, coat of arms, symbols, as well as about its rulers - the Great Khans, whose names were written as Le Grand Cham (Cam, Kam) de Tartarie or Empereur de Tartarie. It should be noted here that the spelling of the word khan in French has nothing to do with the biblical Ham, the son of Noah. The fact is that in French the combination ch gives the sound sh, and the combination am is read as an. So foreigners called them khans, not boors.

The rulers of Great Tartary are spoken of in the same “Historical Atlas” of Shatlan, where in volume 5 on page 94 the genealogical tree of the Genghisids is given - Genealogy of the ancient emperors of Tartary, descendants of Genghis Khan (Genealogie Des Anciens Empereurs Tartares, Descendus De Genghiscan).

And further to page 110 there is a text about the khans of Tartaria, starting with Genghis Khan. It should be noted here that you will not find any Mongols or Tatars in the text; we are always talking about the Mogols and Tartars. And again, note that the letter r in the last word is not readable only in English language, in the rest - French, Spanish, German and, naturally, Latin, it is readable. So we are talking about Tartars, not Tatars, no matter how sad it may be for critics of the existence of the state of Great Tartary.

At the bottom of the Chingizid family tree is a rather sketchy map of Great Tartaria (Tartaria Magna) with the following historical notes:

“Tartaria, which until now was a country completely unknown to both geographers and historians, is represented here exactly within its natural boundaries thanks to the efforts of the famous Mr. Witsen, who granted us an exact map, from which an exact copy was made.

The famous 400 league wall that separates it from China failed to stop the Tartars from invading and, to the chagrin of the Chinese, becoming masters of their country in 1645. However, there are still many rulers in Tartaria, whose names or places of residence are still unknown.

In the center of this vast country are free peoples who have no permanent residence, but who live in the open country on carts and tents. These people are distributed into troops called Hordes.

It is believed that Tartary consists of several kingdoms and it is said that more than a thousand years ago the art of typography was invented in the kingdom of Tangut. It is difficult to say exactly when the Tartars became masters of the entire country, which is located between Tanais and Borysthenes and which today is called Little Tartary.

But as for China, the war waged by the Tartars with this country began in 2341 BC. According to the Jesuit Father Mareni, who in 1655 claimed that the Tartars had been continuously at war with the Chinese for 4,000 years.

In 1280, the Tartars became masters of China and then the Iven family began to rule there for 89 years.

Until 1369, the Chinese expelled Tartarus and the throne was occupied by rulers by nationality and from the Mim clan (Min. - E.L.).

In 1645, the Tartars, under the leadership of King Xunchi, who is called the Great Khan, recaptured Chinese Empire. The family of the Tartar prince reigns there to this day..."

In general, although these historical notes for the most part leave us somewhat bewildered by their fragmentary, superficial and, in general, illiterate description of a huge rich country, they raise more questions than they provide answers. Yes, and more and more is said about China than about Tartary, but there are still some interesting points.

It talks about the existence of several Tartar rulers, and therefore, possibly, states, but who they are and what kind of states they are, what the relationship is between them and the metropolis, where their capitals are located, is unknown to the authors for the reason stated above. Therefore, in the notes we are talking more and more about China, which in the 17th century was flooded by Jesuits and who could obtain information both about China’s relations with its northern neighbor, and some crumbs about its northernmost neighbor. Although these crumbs are surprising.

For example, we were amazed by the information about the war between the Tartars and the Chinese, which lasted not even decades - millennia! It lasted even after a difficult war with China, which took place more than 7,000 years ago and in honor of the victory in which our ancestors introduced new calendar- from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

It is quite possible that the Jesuit did not mean full-scale fighting, but some conflicts and skirmishes, but constant and over such a long period of time. But these are just assumptions, not yet based on anything. So, it seems that our former leaders got carried away by declaring the Chinese “brothers forever.” Alas, the authors of the encyclopedia did not bother to name the reason why the Tartars were in conflict with the Chinese for so long and so persistently sought to conquer them. Most likely, they did not know, and perhaps even then they began to create the image of a “terrible northern totalitarian monster” that attacks “little proud birds.”

I was also very surprised by the mention of book printing in Tangut, as we understand it, one of the states of Tartary, 1000 years ago. It is a pity that no details are provided either.

Another interesting link to the source of the “accurate map” of Tartary is Mr. Witsen. We are talking about Nicolaes Witsen (1641-1717). He was a descendant of an influential Dutch family, a famous scientist, cartographer, collector, writer, diplomat and was repeatedly elected to the post of burgomaster of Amsterdam. Witsen visited Russia several times and even wrote the book “Journey to Muscovy 1664-1665.”

Several years ago, his book “Northern and Eastern Tartary” was published in Russia in three volumes. During the life of the Dutchman, it was an extensive commentary on the detailed map of Siberia that Witsen published.

Alas, Nicholas Witsen did not write anything worthwhile about Great Tartary. Neither about the organization of this state, nor about its politics, nor about the economy, nor about its great people - nothing. Only a description of wild tribes, which he calls wild Tartars, living on the border with China, as well as a description of other peoples, for example, Circassians, Georgians, Uzbeks, Kalmyks, etc.

The peoples of Tartary described by Witsen are wild and barbaric, and only a few are sedentary, and even those live in huts or pits covered with animal skins. In addition, they are not even pagans who worship idols, but generally profess some kind of primitive beliefs, worshiping killed animals hanging on trees. The Tartars have cities, but almost all of them are nomadic. That is, the huge number of cities depicted in Remezov’s Drawing Book of Siberia, who built them and how, and what the people living in them did, Witsen passes over in silence. In general, all tartars are wild, wild and wild again.

Since this work, far from cheap, was sent to many libraries in Russia, it seems to us that here we are dealing with a well-thought-out sabotage. Since it is no longer possible to hide information about Great Tartaria - too much of it has spilled out on the Internet, those who are opposed to people being able to find out the truth about the past and not just the past, but the great past of their country, decided to do something simple - if you can’t win, lead. So they released a craft very much in the spirit of foreign encyclopedias of the 17th and 18th centuries, in which all sorts of fables and half-true stories of various travelers were told about Tartary, who often had not even been to the places they were talking about.

To the question of where Shatlan got such detailed information about Genghis Khan and his descendants for his “Historical Atlas”, the answer may be the following - from the same place where others took it.

For example, in 1710, the book “The History of the Great Genghis Khan, the first emperor of the ancient Mughals and Tartars” (Le Histoire de Genghizcan le Grand, premier empereur des anciens Mogules et Tartares), written by François Pétis (1622-95), was published )), translator of the French royal court of Louis XIV from Arabic and Turkish.

The full title of the book is: “The history of Genghis Khan, the first emperor of the ancient Mughals and Tartars in four books, containing a description of his life, development and conquests, with a brief history of his successors to the present day, the way of life, customs and laws of the ancient Mughals and Tartars, and the geography of the vast countries such as Mogolistan, Turkestan, Kipchak, Yugurestan and Eastern and Western Tartary." Twelve years later, this book was translated into English by Penelope Aubin (1679-1731), an English novelist, poet, playwright and translator.

If you look at the very end of the book, there is a section in which the author-sources from whom the compilers borrowed material about Genghis Khan are indicated. And, to tell the truth, there are quite a lot of these authors. Separately there are Asian authors, mainly Arabic (27 pages in small print indicating the works, the year of their creation and brief information about the author) and European - Latin, Greek, ancient and modern authors of the book (12 pages).

There was surprisingly a lot of information about Genghis Khan, but there was some shortage of images of the first Tartar emperor, who founded the greatest empire in the world, which lasted for quite a long time, which is very strange. However, they exist, and we present some images of Genghis Khan from ancient miniatures and engravings that were found on the Internet.

The following drawings are presented: Coronation of Genghis Khan. Miniature from the “Book of the Diversity of the World” by the Italian merchant Marco Polo (1254-1324). Dream of Genghis Khan. The White Knight predicts his coronation. Coronation of Genghis Khan. Miniature from the “Flower Garden of Histories of the Lands of the East” (or “History of the Tartars”) by Hayton (Hetum) (mid-1240s-1310s). Death of Genghis Khan. Miniature from “The Book” of Marco Polo.

The following drawings are presented here: Genghis Khan on his deathbed. Engraving from “Universal Cosmography” by Sebastian Munster, Switzerland, 1588. Genghis Khan. Engraving from an unknown ancient book. Genghis Khan drinks with bayazid. Undated engraving. Genghis Khan. Pierre Duflo, 1780

As can be seen from these images, the Europeans represented Genghis Khan as a white man, and not at all a Mongoloid, in the 14th century, in the 18th century, and it doesn’t matter that they could confuse Genghis Khan and Tamerlane (the Bayezids sat on the Ottoman throne more than a century after Genghis Khan and with them Tamerlane, his successor, fought). So, it is possible that he is depicted in the engraving. But what is written is written (Genghis khan drinking with bayezid's woman).

In any case, we get another proof (from what we have collected) that Tamerlane was also a white man, and not a Mongoloid. By the way, the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I was a red-haired and light-eyed man. The Turks made us happy again. We have already told you that they built a museum for the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman I, in the city of Sögut. There is also a small gallery of busts of almost all the founders of empires that are currently known in the world. They placed copies of these busts in Istanbul, including a bust of Genghis Khan. He is also depicted as being of white race.

The European features of Genghis Khan are fully explained by the fact that the people of the white race who lived in a huge country, which foreigners called Great Tartary, were previously called Scythia, and they, accordingly, Scythians. One has only to look at the reconstruction of the appearance of the Scythians based on the results of excavations of Scythian mounds and at how the Scythians themselves portrayed themselves, and all questions about how they looked are removed. The fact that Scythia is Great Tartary was mentioned by famous European encyclopedists, whose works we translated and published on our website: “World Geography” by Dubville, “World History” by Dionysius Petavius ​​and “Atlas of Asia” by Nicholas Sanson. This is also mentioned in “The History of the Great Genghis Khan, the first emperor of the ancient Mughals and Tartars” by Francois Petit.

Here, for example, is what he writes about the origins of Genghis Khan:

“He was the son of a khan named Pisouca or Yesouca, who ruled in ancient Mogolistan, a country that was located in Great Tartary, the province of Karakatai. This Great Tartary in Asia, as well as Little Tartary in Europe, is nothing other than the countries that in the past were called Scythia. There were then many kingdoms, but now they are divided among so many rulers that it is almost impossible to provide a complete list of their numbers or names.

The first is Capschac, which consists of many great provinces, among which is Getes, which lies east of the Moguls and north of Transoxiana and the country bordered by the river Sibon or Ox.

The second part is Zagatay, which the ancients called Transoxiana, and the Arabs called Maouarannabar.

The third part is Caracatay, which includes Turkestan, the country of the Naimans, the country of the Gelayrs, from which came part of the Keraites, the country of the Uyghurs (Yugures), Tangut, Khotban (Khotban or Kbyta or Koutan) , the country of the Kalmyks and the kingdom of Courge, which borders China and the sea.

The fourth part consists of ancient Mogolistan, which is Gog and Magog, and whose location is very variously described by historians as the country that Genghis Khan actually owned:

Some locate it in Asia Minor, others in Lydia, others in Colchis [as the Greeks called the South Caucasus. - E.L.] and Iberia and some travelers placed it in the country of the first Scythians, beyond China in northeast Asia, trying to support the assumption that the children of Magog, the second son of Japheth, came from northern Europe to northern Asia, where they gave the name the country in which they settled. In general, this country is located in the very east, north of China, and has always been densely populated. Eastern writers call the people who live in it Moguls, and Europeans give them other names” (pp. 4-5. Hereinafter translation of the English version of “The History of Genghis Khan”).

A few more mentions of Scythia from this source. When Genghis Khan was born, he was predicted to soon become the “Great Khan of all Scythia” (p. 14). The Nestorians, of whom there were quite a few in Tartary, wrote letters to their superiors that they had “converted most of the peoples of Scythia” and that Ounghcan, the ruler of the Kereites, was the same presbyter John who founded a Christian state in Asia and wrote letters to the Pope and European monarchs , which, to put it mildly, did not correspond to reality, which is what the 4-volume book about the life of Genghis Khan notes, emphasizing that he only allowed Christians to live on his land and practice their religion (p. 26).

There are several more interesting facts that are described in the book, for example, the transformation of the Scythians into Tartarus:

“Since several Scythian peoples who became subjects of Temujin gradually began to be called by a common name, either Moguls or Tartars, but the latter name, in the end, took root more, and now all Scythians are called Tartars, as in the West , and in the southern parts of Asia.

In truth, the name Tata or Tatar is not so unknown in the east and north. The Chinese have been using it for a long time. Before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and for some time after, they fought with the people who were known to them under the name Tata. These were no doubt the Soumoguls and other peoples, since the name Tartarus was not known anywhere before the time of Genghis Khan. It should also be noted that the Chinese alphabet does not have the letter r, so they pronounce tata instead of tartar” (p. 63).

“The name Karakatai was given to the country of the Scythians after the brutal war between the Scythians and the Chinese. At first, the Scythians were victorious and, in order to consolidate their success, entered the Chinese kingdom, but, having lost one important battle, they were forced to retreat and return to their country. The King of China decided not to lose the advantage of this victory and sent two of his military leaders after them, who defeated them and forced them into obedience.

He did more than that. Fearing that the Scythians would rebel, he made the two generals who defeated the Scythians their khans or rulers, and they began to build forts and fortified cities to be colonized by the Chinese troops he sent to intimidate them. These troops were supposed to protect the country and keep the people in obedience, but over time their descendants forgot Chinese customs and, living among the Scythians, they themselves became Scythians. And ultimately, China became their worst enemy.

When the king of China placed his generals over the sandy Scythia, he gave it the name Karakatay, consonant with the name of his country Cathay, to signify the conquest he had accomplished. And, as this country became an acquired possession, he added the epithet kara, the word which the Tartars and Turks use for the color black, to distinguish one country from another, and the fact that Caracatay is a barren and inhospitable country, and Cathay, that is , China (China) is a beautiful country, abundant and full of all sorts of pleasant things” (p. 66).

Genghis Khan's father-in-law was a Naiman khan named Tayancan, one of the strongest khans of Karakatai, who declared war on his son-in-law. And guess which people “The History of Genghis Khan” by Francois Petit refers them to? “These Naimans were a people whom the ancients called the Scythians-Issedons and their capital was Issedon of Scythia, which contemporaries call Succuir” (p. 67).

Of course, some geographical and other information that is given in this book and claims to be accurate is not at all accurate, and, of course, they cannot be completely trusted, but some crumbs are of interest. We must pay tribute to the author, who cites several points of view at once, as in the case of the location of the country of Mogolistan, and shows us what confusion and vacillation reigned in European geographical science at that time in relation to the vast Asian expanses. In addition, at the very beginning of the book, he honestly admits that the majority of European authors performed the pronunciation of proper names at their own discretion, in other words, at their own discretion. Instead of Ahdallah they wrote Gabdole, instead of Emir Almoumini - Miramomolin. And even Marco Polo did not escape this - instead of Genghiscan, he wrote Cingiscan. So let’s keep this in mind and continue to read “The History of Genghis Khan”...

Actually, yes, the spelling of names in this book differs from those accepted in modern history. So, for example, we are accustomed to believe that Genghis Khan’s father’s name was Yesugey, but here he is called Pisouca or Yesouca, his first wife was called Borte, but here she is called Purta Cougine, the founder of the Borjigin family, where Genghis Khan came from, Bodonchar is considered, who is here called Buzengir, The khan of the Kereyites, who played an important role in the life of Genghis Khan, is called Van Khan, and in the book he is Ounghcan.

The only thing where there is no discrepancy is the real name of the “shaker of the Universe,” for Genghis Khan is the title that he received at the kurultai in the spring of 1206, and his name was Temujin. All authors are unanimous - his father named him after the commander Temugincan, whom he defeated. However, previously unknown to us, the defeated khan was the commander of the united forces of the Somogols or Tartars from Karakatai, who often attacked his country. There was a bloody battle in which Genghis Khan's father won, and in honor of this victory he gave the name of the military leader to his soon-to-be-born son. An interesting fact here is that an equal sign is put between the Tartars and the Mughals, albeit with the prefix “so” or “su”.

To tell the truth, European historians had a rather vague idea of ​​who the Mughals and Tartars were, and where their name came from. For example, the Catholic Franciscan monk Giovanni Plano Carpini (1182-1252), who is believed to have been the very first to visit the Mogul empire and met with Batu, wrote: “In the eastern regions there is a certain country... Mongal. In the old days there were four peoples in this country: one of them was called Yeka-Mongal, that is, the great Mongals; the second is the Su-Mongal, that is, the water Mongals; They themselves called themselves Tartars after the name of a certain river that flows through their land and is called Tartarus.”

The Italian outlined his experience of visiting the empire in the manuscripts Historia Mongalorum quos nos Tartaros appellamus (“History of the Mongals, whom we call Tatars”) and Liber Tartarorum (“Book of the Tartars”).

Another Franciscan, a certain Brother Benedict, complements him: “Moal [in Tartar] - land, Mongols - means [name] of the inhabitants of the earth. However, [they] themselves call themselves Tartars from [the name of] a large and swift river that crosses their land and is called Tatar. For tata in their language means [in Latin] “to drag,” and tartar means “pulling.”

The Benedictine monk Matthew of Paris (1200-1259), an Englishman, despite his “surname”, the creator of the “Great Chronicle” (“Chronica majora”), wrote about the Tartars: “And they are called Tartars from [the name of] a river flowing through the mountains them, through which they have already passed, called Tartarus ... ".

Surprisingly, the Tartar River can actually be found on medieval maps.

Some maps also show several cities of this people, including the cities of Tartarus and Mongul. It is noteworthy that they disappear on maps after the 17th century. Researchers correlate the Tartar River with the modern Kolyma or Lena rivers. So Petit was right in placing Mogolistan to the north, like the country of the “first Scythians.” That is, the Mughals with the Tartars and the “first Scythians” came from the very north. Perhaps even from the territory of Hyperborea.

Let us return, however, to Petit’s book about Genghis Khan. In addition to the different spellings of proper names, it also contains some information about the life of Genghis Khan that differs from the generally accepted one. So, for example, in Petit’s book it is said that Temujin got married at 14, not at 16, that his first child was a daughter, not a son, that the Merkits kidnapped his first wife, but did not keep it for themselves, but gave her to the Kereit khan Van Khan , who “treated her like a daughter” and returned her to Temujin. The differences, in fact, are not very significant, but Petit provides information that has not yet been provided anywhere.

“In the seventh century there were two types of Moguls. Some were called by the Mughals Dirlighin, and others Niron. The continuation of this story will show why they were called that. The Dirlighin Mughals were the people of Kongorat, Berlas, Mercout, Courlas and many others. And the inhabitants of Merkit, Tangut, Mercat, Zhumogul, Nironcaiat, Yecamogul (Merkit, Tanjout, Mercaty, Joumogul, Nironcaiat, Yecamogul) and some others were called Niron Mughals, among whom the Ekamogols and Nironcaiat belonged to the family of Genghis Khan.

The word "kayat" means blacksmith. Cabalcan, the great-grandfather of Genghis Khan, added the word kayat to the name Niron to distinguish himself from the other khans of the Niron tribe. His own tribe became known by this name. From that time on, this name, as an honorary title, remained not only with the tribe, but also with the khan himself. The origin of this word goes back to certain people who lived in the most remote northern parts of Mogolistan, who were called Kayat, because their leaders established the production of metal products in a mountain called Arkenekom, which earned this Mughal tribe great respect and appreciation, since the entire Mughal country benefited from this invention. After that they called these people blacksmiths from Arkenekom.

And because The ancestors of Genghis Khan, being his relatives, due to alliances with this people, some writers made public the fact that this prince was the son of a blacksmith and was himself engaged in this craft.

What else allowed them to make such a mistake was the fact that every Mughal family, in order to preserve the memory of these illustrious founders or blacksmiths, had the custom of celebrating the first day of the year, during which they built a forge with bellows, in which they lit a fire and heated a piece of iron that they struck with hammers on an anvil. This forging was preceded and concluded with prayers.

These writers, no doubt unaware of the significance of this ritual and not knowing why Genghis Khan's family bore the surname Kayat, were convinced that this khan was a blacksmith and that, in gratitude to God, who raised him to the throne, he established this custom.

However, those historians who, driven by curiosity, conducted their research in antiquity, formed a different opinion about him. They all talk about his father, Pisouca Behader*, as the most powerful khan of the ancient Mughals. They say that he ruled two large kingdoms, married Oulon Aikeh, the daughter of one of the khans, his relative, who won many victories over his enemies.**

It can be seen quite clearly that the low birth attributed to him comes from the ignorance or malice of these authors, while his father was descended from Buzengir, called the Just, whose fame was so great, both in the eastern and northern parts Asia, that there was no significant prince there who would not be happy to become related to him or to be his ally. We can be sure that Genghis Khan, son of Pisouca, was born a prince or khan.

* Mughal emperors numbering 21 ruled in Persia for 150 years, among whom was Genghis Khan, son of Pisouca.

History of Muscovy - a state from the Underworld

I understand that the topic is not simple, complex and I could be wrong, but...

After studying numerous sources of the history of Ukraine-Rus, I was finally convinced of the absence of any connection between Rus' and Muscovy, which became the ancestor of Russia.

But regarding Muscovy itself, its origin, there is only one version.

Muscovy was created, given birth, organized by the Horde, and the people who founded it can only be the Tatars, or as modern “historians” like to say, the Mongol-Tatars.

But while researching the question of who the Tatars are, I seemed a little stunned, Tatars, such an established, familiar name of the people turned out to be not their self-name, that is, not an autoethnonym.

Tatars, but in fact Tartars, is an exonym, that is, a name given to the people from the outside, by another culture.

We know a lot of such names, for example:

Residents of Germany call themselves “Deutsch”, which in Russian means “people”, this is an auto-ethnonym, although the most popular self-name in Germany is “Alemans”, we call them Germans - and this is an exonym.

Why is it important to understand that the Tatars, or specifically the Tartars, are an “exonym”?

To answer the questions:

* Can Muscovy claim to owe its origins to Rus'?
* Is there a titular nation in Muscovy?
* Why is Russia so disavowed of its Tartar past?
* Why was any mention of Tartaria completely erased from the history of Russia?

Russian science fiction writers and historical writers have been rewriting history for centuries, and deliberately distorted the meaning of not only history itself, but also distorted the meaning of many words, which, as it turned out, could shed light on the true origin.

This is part of the technology, its basis, so to speak.

The main goal that the fabulists pursued when they rewrote the history of many nations was one, to destroy the connection between Russia and Tartary and to create the impression of the antiquity of the “Russian” nation, the “Russian” people, for which purpose the Moscow-Russian history was based on its false history - Chingizids , and the history of Ukraine-Rus.

Now, in the era of fairly developed communications and unhindered access to almost any information, all this of course sounds funny and depressing, but 500 years ago, the most important proof of correctness, truth, truth was the antiquity of origin: clan, history, people...

That is why the fabulists worked day and night in the Moscow monasteries, composing more and more new truths about the antiquity of the “Russian” people, periodically burning true, original sources, just as they incidentally burned the library of Yaroslav the Wise, containing a huge number of literary works of different peoples. , and that, as they say, is what we know.

Who are the Moscow “Russians”?

« If you scratch a Russian well, you will find a Tatar »

These words, attributed both to Napoleon and even to Pushkin, belong to another author.

« After all, a little more than a hundred years ago they were real Tatars. And under the outer veneer of European elegance, most of these upstart civilizations retained the bearskin - they just put the fur on it inside. But just scratch them a little - and you will see how the wool comes out and bristles ».

He was not the only one who understood that there were no “Russians” in Muscovy, and never were, the titular nation was the Tatars, but here:

* Who are the Tatars?
*Where did they come from?
* How did the Tatars end up in Moscow?

Who are the Tatars?

If you look at old maps, look through old books, nowhere will you find the words: “Tatar”, “Tataria”, “Tatar”, everywhere there will only be: Tartary, Tartarus, Tartars, Great Tartary, Tartarars.

Where does this extra letter “R” come from? Who constantly, as luck would have it, takes it and inserts it into a painfully familiar word?

But it doesn’t come from anywhere!

She has always been there, is, will be and will remain there forever!

The Tatar people take their name from the ancient Greek word Tartarus “Τάρταρος”, which comes from ancient Greek mythology, and it means the deepest abyss located under the kingdom of Hades!

Tartarus is a place in the underworld - under Hell!

Do you think I'm joking?

The Byzantines gave many common nouns, because it was thanks to them that the names Slav and Slave became synonymous in the world!

It was they who made us happy with friendship with the Genghisids!

Thanks to them, we got Christianity.

A Little History

You probably just don’t understand the sense of humor of the rulers of Constantinople and the entire Byzantine Empire.

It was their perverted brain that came up with such a stunning name for the people called to bear the name of the Lord to barbaric, heretical Europe, mired in sin!

Thanks to them, Hell opened up and spewed out the army of the underworld into our world!

It was thanks to Byzantium that the Genghisids received an invitation to enter our world.

It was Byzantium that called on the Horde.

It was thanks to the wishes of Byzantium that the Genghisids wiped out Rus' from the face of the earth and moved to Europe, carrying the fire of Orthodoxy...

It is clear that the rulers of Constantinople did not understand what kind of Satan they had called into our world, but the events of 1204, when the Catholic Latins managed to capture Constantinople, left a deep wound in their hearts.

The rulers of Byzantium after the fall of Constantinople managed to escape and take refuge in Nicaea.

But the Byzantines were not going to admit defeat, and therefore, in order to restore their power on the throne of Constantinople, they decided to resort to a diabolical plan and turn for help to the underworld itself, to Tartarus, to a people who know neither mercy nor pity - to the Mongols !

By the way, Greek origin is also attributed to the word “Mongolia”, even Karamzin writes that this name comes from the Greek word “Megalion” - which in Russian means: Great, it is interesting that “Mogol” also means “Great” in Turkic, but not essence.

Hatred and the desire for revenge clouded the minds of the mad emperors; they may not have even dreamed of regaining the throne as much as they were burning with a thirst for revenge.

Having sent messengers to Tartarus, to the underworld, to Genghis Khan, representatives of Byzantium told him about the countless riches of the West.

Treasures that simply need to be taken away, about the peoples of the West who make excellent slaves, about huge cities that can be levied as tribute.

And the tender heart of the conqueror trembled, he agreed, agreeing with the Byzantines to divide the loot as follows: the Mongols undertook to return Constantinople to the Byzantines, and to donate the souls of the enslaved peoples, by converting them to Christianity, in payment, so to speak, for the tip; the Mongols kept the slaves for themselves and all what they like: gold, jewelry, etc....

Since the agreement suited everyone, the Mongols, without hesitation, invaded Rus'.


On the border of Rus', the hellish army of the Mongols, led by Jebe and Subedei, met with the united Russian-Polotsk squad on the Kalka River in 1223, where the Russian army was completely defeated, and fled.

What’s interesting, pay attention to the composition of the Russian squads:

Alexander Glebovich - Prince Dubrovitsky
Andrei Ivanovich - Prince of Turov, son-in-law of the Kyiv prince
Vasily Mstislavich - Prince Kozelsky, son of the Chernigov prince
Izyaslav Vladimirovich - Prince of Putivl
Izyaslav Ingvarevich - Prince Dorogobuzhsky;
Mstislav Romanovich the Old - Prince of Kyiv
Mstislav Svyatoslavich - Prince of Chernigov
Svyatoslav Ingvarevich - Prince Shumsky
Svyatoslav Yaroslavich - Prince Kanevsky
Svyatoslav Yaroslavich - Prince Yanovitsky
Yuri Yaropolkovich - Prince of Nesvizh
Yaroslav Yurievich - Prince Negovorsky
Vladimir Rurikovich - Prince Ovruchsky
Vsevolod Mstislavich - son of the Kyiv prince;
Daniil Romanovich - Prince of Volyn
Mikhail Vsevolodovich - nephew of the Chernigov prince
Mstislav Mstislavich Udatny - Prince Galitsky
Mstislav Svyatoslavich - Prince Rylsky
Mstislav Yaroslavich Mute - Prince of Lutsk
Oleg Svyatoslavich - Prince of Kursk
Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich - Prince Trubchevsky

Where do you see the Moscow, Vladimir, Novgorod or Suzdal princes? There is none of them! And it couldn't be!

Because they... had nothing to do with Kievan Rus!

The army, erupted from the depths of Tartarus, moved on, but having learned about the impending warm meeting near the city of Svyatopolch, it turned around and went to the Volga where they were defeated by the Volga Bulgarians.

I can't help but note:

An interesting tautology emerges from the “lost in translation” series: you know that the two brothers Cyril and Methodius, to put it mildly, slightly blunted and reassigned the letter “B” in their alphabet instead of the generally accepted pronunciation “be” - the sound “ve”, thanks to which only “Russians” “Now they say: Babylon, although the city is called Babylon all over the world!

The same thing happened with Byzantium, and with Vasily and with the Volga!

It is necessary to pronounce Byzantia, Basilius, and Bolga correctly!

Hence the Bolzhskie Bulgarians - what do you think?

But let's return to our tartars:

The first invasion, in fact, was only reconnaissance, and the Mongols, having sorted out their mistakes, launched a second invasion, which was much more effective, let’s say: simply no one could stop them!

The Mongols passed through Rus' like a knife through butter, and entered Europe with two armies, while the main blow was through Hungary, to Constantinople, and the second blow, through Poland, was supposed to pierce the heart of the Holy Roman Empire.

As the historian of that time, Ivo of Narbonne, writes:

« They imagine that they are leaving their homeland in order to bring to themselves the king-magi, whose relics Cologne is famous for; then to put a limit to the greed and pride of the Romans, who oppressed them in ancient times; then, to conquer only the barbarian and Hyperborean peoples; sometimes out of fear of the Teutons, in order to humble them; then to learn military science from the Gauls; then to seize fertile lands that can feed their multitudes; then because of the pilgrimage to St. James, the final destination of which is Galicia».

A completely sober statement, the army of Tartarus was preparing to turn off the lights of all of Europe, donating its souls to Constantinople, and leaving for itself the simple belongings looted during the campaign.

But bad luck, the campaign was unexpectedly interrupted for everyone.

The true reasons why Batu did not reach Constantinople and curtailed his military campaign, retreating from Europe, are still unknown.

It is quite possible that the reason was the death of Ogedei, the king of the entire Horde, perhaps representatives of the Holy Roman Empire simply paid off the Horde, maybe there were other reasons, but that’s not the point.

The Europeans did not stop the Mongols; the Mongols won all the battles, and only a happy accident saved Europe from their yoke.

Nevertheless, the Mongols managed to keep Rus' for themselves, and you know thanks to whom?

Orthodoxy did not allow enslaved Rus' to escape from the tenacious clutches of the Golden Horde.

Consequences of the Western Campaign of Tartarus

Despite the fact that the Byzantines failed to recapture Constantinople directly with the hands of the Mongols, already in 1261 they did it themselves.

Emperor Michael VIII after restoration in 1261 Byzantine Empire He tried in every possible way to thank the soldiers he called from Tartarus, and even opened an Orthodox cathedra in Sarai-Batu, the capital of the Golden Horde.

He could not afford to quarrel with the Mongols, and in order to completely become related to them, he launched a whole series of dynastic marriages.

Having concluded an agreement with the Golden Horde in 1263, two years later he married his illegitimate daughter Maria Palaeologus to the ruler of the Hulaguid state, Ilkhan Abaq.

This did not greatly affect relations with the Horde, which by that time had largely converted to Islam, and actually escaped from the tenacious hands of the Palaiologos. Until the end, only Orthodox Tartar Moscow remained faithful to Byzantium.

However, Michael VIII understood that dynastic marriages would do their job and in 1273 he gave his daughter Euphrosyne Paleologus as a wife to the Golden Horde beklyarbek Nogai, for which he received support from the Mongols and was able to repel two Bulgarian campaigns against Byzantium in 1273 and 1279.

Moreover, starting from 1282, a Mongol detachment of 4,000 soldiers was constantly in Constantinople, so to speak - the emperor’s guard!

After ascending the throne in 1282, Emperor Andronikos II continued the policy of friendship with the Tartars, so the king of the Horde Oljeitu, having concluded an alliance treaty with Byzantium in 1305, sent a Mongol army of 30,000 soldiers to Asia Minor, and returned Bithynia, previously captured by the Turks, to Byzantium.

In total, Andronik II, for the sake of peace with the Golden Horde, married his two daughters to the khans Tokhta and Uzbek.

The Greek name given to the Mongols by the Byzantines stuck, and as European cartography shows, right up to Peter the Great, and even after him, the territory occupied today by Russia was called Tartary.

As maps of the Middle Ages show, Tartaria or the Great Horde occupied lands stretching from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and from the Icy Ocean to Central India.

At the same time, it is surprising how accurately the mysterious Tartaria follows the contours of the Russian Empire, and then the Soviet Union.

On various European maps, Tartary is depicted as a country - with borders and cities, but there is not a single mention of it, either in Russian or Soviet textbooks.

Maybe Russian historiographers forgot about it, or didn’t notice?

So why is Tartary as a state not mentioned in Russian history textbooks?

There is no mention of the Tatar Empire, or the Great Tatary, so to speak: “without an extra R,” not a word anywhere!

Maybe there was no Tartary - a country that was known throughout Europe?

Maybe the whole world is wrong, and only Russia knows the truth about Tartary?

How to determine whether Tartary was a state?

Did it exist at all - or was it a joke by European cartographers?

But no, Tartary was mentioned in their works by many European artists: writers and composers.

Here's a short list with some of those mentions:

* Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), Italian opera composer - in the opera “Princess Turandot”. The father of the main character, Calaf, is Timur, the deposed King of Tartars.
* William Shakespeare (1564-1616), play "Macbeth". Witches add Tartarine's lips to their potion.
* Mary Shelley, Frankenstein. Doctor Frankenstein pursues the monster “among the wild expanses of Tartary and Russia...”
* Charles Dickens "Great Expectations." Estella Havisham is compared to Tartarus because she is “firm and haughty and capricious to the last degree...”
* Robert Browning “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”. The piper mentions Tartary as a place where work was successfully completed: “Last June in Tartary, I saved Khan from a swarm of mosquitoes.”
* Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) “The Canterbury Tales.” "The Esquire's History" tells about the royal court of Tartary.

Maps of Tartaria

Tartaria was on maps until the mid-18th century.

If you look at the maps of 1754 " L-e Carte de l'Asie"or another map from 1670, then they clearly show that there is no Russian Empire, but its entire territory, right up to the Pacific Ocean, including Mongolia and Far East takes " Grande Tartaria", that is "".

For obvious reasons, Russia is not on the maps, but its ancestor is Muscovy.

Look, west of the Volga we see " European Muscovy» - « Moscow European».

But the rest of the Empire east of the Volga is designated as: “ Grande Tartaria", or Great, " Mongolian

Separately, note that inside " Grande Tartarie"The vast area is indicated - " Tartarie Moscovite».

In addition to Moscow Tartary, we see: Independent Tartary - “ Tartarie Independent", Chinese Tartary - " Tartarie Chinoise", Tartaria near Tibet, Little Tartary - occupying the Crimea and south-eastern Ukraine.

What’s interesting: Little Tartary is located on the territory that the Muscovites themselves then renamed Little Russia - a coincidence?

On the German map of Russia and Great Tartary, the French inscription at the top of the map reads:

Could it be that there is a country on maps, but not in reality?


But if the state existed, then it should have symbols and attributes, but did Tartary have them?

Symbols of Tartary

The Romans gave us a huge number of rules, codes, definitions and laws, they also gave us the definition of the state, its distinctive features.

So, according to the criteria accepted today throughout the world, a state must have its own language, coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Well, if there are no problems with the Turkic language of Tartaria, it is practically the same for the entire family of Turkic peoples, but the language is not the most important feature, and although it may be an important element, it is not decisive.

As for the anthem, it simply does not exist, or it is not possible to find information about its existence.

But there is the Russian anthem, which is completely copied from the British anthem.

Russia didn't bother with inventing the bicycle and simply adopted the British anthem in 1816. It was from this moment that it began to be considered the official anthem of Russia, existing as such until the coup of 1917.

It turns out that neither Tartary nor Russia, which absorbed it, had its own anthem, let’s move on.

With the coat of arms of Tartaria, everything is simpler; in the book “World Geography”, published in Paris in 1676, before the article about Tartary there is an image of an Owl on a shield, which is known to many, and which is positioned precisely as the coat of arms of Tartaria.

We find confirmation of this statement in the often cited illustration to the book of Marco Polo, who described his journey through Asia, and his stay with the “Mongol” king Kublai in particular.

Marco Polo found the Empire of Tartarus well organized and hospitable.

The second coat of arms of Tartaria - or more precisely, the Imperial coat of arms of Tartaria was the image of the Griffin, although many call it the Dragon, but this is not true, the coat of arms of the Empire of Tartarus is precisely the Griffin.

Flag of Tartaria

If we look into the collection of maritime flags of the world, drawn at the beginning of the 18th century, apparently in France, we will see not one flag of Tartary, but two.

But what’s interesting is that, along with the Tartar flags, there are flags of both Russia and the Mughals.

Despite the fact that the images of the Tartar flags have practically been erased, it can be discerned that the first Tartar flag - the imperial flag of Tartary - depicts a Griffin, and the second flag - the flag of simply Tartary - is again decorated with an Owl.

The same data is confirmed by another, this time a Dutch table from the early 18th century, which contains maritime flags of the world.

It also displays two flags of Tartary, and here also on the imperial flag, which appears here as the flag of the Kaiser of Tartary, a Griffin is depicted, and on the other flag there is an Owl again!

The same Owl that is in “World Geography” and in the illustration for the book by Marco Polo.

There are also “Russian” flags in this table.

It is important that based on the data in the table, it turns out that parallel to the Empire of the Great Mongols, Muscovy-Russia, there was also the state of Tartaria, with a coat of arms, a flag, and a clearly delineated territory on the map!

Moreover, the state was also called the Empire, as evidenced by a separate imperial standard.

From the “Proclamation of the maritime flags of all states of the universe,” published in Kyiv in 1709 with the personal participation of Peter I, we find that the colors on the flags of Tartary were the black and yellow colors of the Byzantine flag.

We find confirmation of this fact in the “Book of Flags” by the Dutch cartographer Karl Allard, published in Amsterdam in 1705 and republished in Moscow in 1709:

« The flag of the king of Tartary is yellow, with a black dragon lying and looking outward with a basilisk tail. Another Tartar flag, yellow with a black owl, whose feathers are yellowish ».

Could Allard have come up with a flag for the fictional Tartaria?

Probably could. But what about Peter? Why didn't he dispute the existence of a fictional country? On the contrary, it confirmed it!

And not only that, pay attention to an interesting feature: the collection of flags also includes the standard of Russia, which depicts a Byzantine black double-headed eagle on a yellow background, oh well, the eagle is just a copy of the Byzantine flag!

At the bottom of the picture you will also find flags of Tartary.

There are several more tables with Tartar flags: an English one from 1783 and a couple more from the same 18th century.

There is also a table with the imperial flag of Tartary, published in 1865 in the USA!

Note that in the English table of 1783, the first three flags are indicated as the flags of the Tsar of Muscovy, and then comes the imperial flag of Russia “Russia Imperial”, then the merchant tricolor, followed by the admiral and other naval flags of Russia - Moscow separately, Russia separately!

But for some reason, in front of the flags of the Tsar of Muscovy in this table is the flag of the Viceroy of Muscovy, only the colors on it surprisingly resemble the colors of the flag of Armenia.

The exact same flag is present in the same book by K. Allard, but for some reason it is not identified and is considered an error.

There are similar incidents in vexillology, and they can be explained.

The appearance of the colors of the Armenian flag on the standard of the Vice King of Muscovy A.A. Usachev explains that one of Peter I’s agents in Europe, the Armenian Israel Ory, recruited officers, soldiers and craftsmen in Holland on behalf of Peter, and in order to confirm Ory’s powers, Peter gave him the title of “Vice-King of Muscovy.”

It’s interesting that the flag of the Viceroy of Muscovy is located in front of the Tsar’s flag, and it seems to be that it is more important.

The situation is similar with the flags of Russia, which follow the flags of the Tsar of Muscovy.

In any case, this order of the flags remains a mystery, since we do not know for certain why the Viceroy of Muscovy is more important than the Tsar?

But, as they say, the history of Russia does not interest us today, let’s return to Tartary.

Where did Tartary go?

The coat of arms of Tartary is definitely the Owl, the Imperial coat of arms is the Griffin.

The colors of the flag of Tartaria coincide with the colors of the flag of Constantinople, the Second Roman Empire.

The pictures with the list of flags show the naval flags of the powers, which gives the right to claim that Tartary had a fleet!

It is interesting that on the table of 1865 the flag of Tartaria is no longer called imperial, and there is no other flag with an owl next to it.

Has the Empire fallen?

Or maybe she migrated?

It is also interesting that the Tartar Griffin is not similar to the Chinese dragon, and the Zilanthu Snake on the coat of arms of Tartar Kazan, conquered in the mid-16th century by Ivan the Terrible.

The Griffin from the flag of Tartaria is very similar to the Griffin depicted on the flag of Wales, although the colors of the flag are clearly not the same.

Could Muscovy conquer Tartary and leave a mark on the coat of arms of Moscow?

Why not?

Byzantine Saint George, borrowed Vasily III It is the Dragon who defeats, who may well be the Griffin.

Note that it was after the capture of Kazan that Ivan the Terrible, who used the Unicorn on his coat of arms, which was accordingly displayed on the chest of a double-headed eagle - the coat of arms of Muscovy, replaced it with a horseman with a spear, slaying a dragon!

In search of Tartary

How old was Tartary?

We know that on maps and in books of those distant times there were mentions of:

  • Moscow Tartaria with its capital in Tobolsk

  • Free or Independent Tartary with its capital in Samarkand

  • Chinese Tartary, namely Chinese Tartary, and not China

  • Great Empire of Tartary

True, here’s an incident: Peter I, who personally edited the Statement in 1709, confirms the fact of the existence of Tartary, recognizes the existence of Tartary led by the Caesar.

In the Russian-language version of the “Book of Flags” of the same 1709 it is written that there are only three “types” of Caesars:

  • Old Roman Caesars

  • Caesars of the Holy Roman Empire

  • Tartar Caesar!

The Statement also describes the flags:

Imperial Russian flag - yellow with black double-headed eagle

Imperial Flag of the Holy Roman Empire - yellow with black double-headed eagle

The imperial flag of the Tartar Caesar is yellow with a black griffin!

Pay attention also to the coats of arms:

  • Coat of arms of Byzantium - Double-headed Eagle

  • Coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire - Double-Headed Eagle

  • The coat of arms of the Horde is the Double-headed Eagle (it can be seen on the coins of the Golden Horde during the reign of the khans of Uzbek, Janibek and Aziz-Sheikh)

  • Coat of arms of Muscovy - Double-headed Eagle

  • Coat of arms of Tartary - Owl

It seems that only double-headed eagles rule both Europe and Asia, and the Tartar Owl has surprisingly found its way among them.

What Peter himself emphasizes - pointing to three types of emperors!

Since under the flags there is a signature that this is the flag of the Emperor, Tsar, Kaiser or Caesar of Tartary, it turns out that it was.

But we still don’t know a single name of the Emperor of Tartary!

There is not a single titular collection of the crowns of Tartary.

In the Russian version of the book “Books about Flags” by Alard, published in the same year as the Declaration, you can read that AUTOCRAT Tartaria is called Caesar - simply put, the Tsar.

Autocrat and Tsar are a direct indication of the connection with Constantinople, since these titles were bestowed on the Mongols by the Byzantine emperors.

The autocrat is God's chosen ruler, the king of kings, the scourge of God, the punishment of the Lord.

Only the Emperors of Byzantium bore the title of Autocrat. Only the Moscow Tsars gave themselves the title of Autocrat.

Moreover, the Muscovites became kings only after Ivan the Terrible, the same one who conquered Kazan, was crowned on the throne, and he was married just after the conquest of Kazan!

Tsar, Caesar or Caesar, in principle, it does not matter.

It is important that none of the Muscovites could be called kings before the conquest of Kazan!

Just as he could not, with all his desire, use the Double-Headed Eagle, since there was no basis.

Maybe it is the conquest of Tartaria by Moscow that explains its mysterious disappearance?

But where did the other Tartarians go then?

I don’t think it’s worth explaining that they were also absorbed, not all at once - but they were absorbed.


Orthodox Tartary - Moscow, absorbed all the peoples that were part of the Golden Horde, and after rebranding, first into the Russian Empire, and then into the USSR, and again into Russia and to this day rules over the captured territories.

Notice how carefully Russia treats the territorial borders of Tartaria, how it protects them, not allowing them to narrow, and even rather does everything to conquer even more territories, enslave even more peoples, as the great grandfather bequeathed... Genghis Khan.

Also, according to the above material, it is clear that the words “Tataria” and “Tatar” never had anything to do with modern Tatars, and were introduced to hide another historical forgery, the theft of the entire Empire - Tartary.

Who needed it?

Why hide the truth?

Guess for yourself...

But today it is clearly clear that those who built the Third Rome, those who organized the coup of 1917, and apparently those who rule today’s Russia are interested in you and I reading fairy tales about the Mongol-Tatar yoke, believing in the existence of a connection between Moscow and Kievan Rus, denied the Tartar origin of Moscow.

They believed and forgot: who called the Mongols to Rus' and why, who destroyed the Tartar Empire by absorbing it, they thought about the “Russian world” and about the “thousand-year” Russian Empire.

This is the story about how the Tartars called an invincible army called from Tartarus, from Hell, from the underworld, an army of darkness, an army that conquered Eastern Europe, an army that made of Eastern Europe- Asia.

An army from Hell, called for “righteous” retribution.

But judge for yourself what this retribution resulted in...

P.S. Somehow the phrases are now read with irony: “Russia is approaching the bottom,” “Russia has reached the bottom,” “Russia is at the bottom.”

How can she reach the bottom if Russia is Tartarus - an Abyss, WITHOUT A BOTTOM?

Let's continue about Tartary. There is an interesting document: Historical information about Tartary and the family tree of the Rulers of Tartary. France, 1719. Source: “Atlas Historique, ou Nouvelle Introduction à l"Histoire”. Surprisingly, there is no translation of the text to the left and right of the map anywhere. But there is a kind Russian girl Anna, who lives in France and kindly translated all the inscriptions.

Tartary, which until then had been a very little-studied country, is presented here exactly along natural boundaries for both Geographers and Chronologists. We have this map, thanks to the efforts of the famous M. Witsen, who copied it exactly; the famous 400-league Wall that separates Tartaria from China did not prevent the Tatars from entering China. capture it and dominate there, as happened in 1645. Since then, there have been many autonomies in Tartary, which have neither a name nor an exact location.
In the center of this vast country there are free peoples who have absolutely no fixed habitat, but who live in villages on carts and pitch tents.
These powerful tribes are located in groups called Hordes.
There are various kingdoms contained within Tartary and it is said that over a thousand years ago the art of printing was discovered in the Kingdom of Tangat.

It is not easy to pinpoint the exact date when Tartary headed all the countries located between Tanais (Don River) and Borysthenes (Dnieper River), which is called Little Tartaria.
But as for China, the war that Tartatia waged with this country began 2341 years before the 1st Era (BC)

According to Pierre Martin, in 1655 it was already 4,000 years since Tartaria continuously waged war with China.
In 1280, the Tartars finally became rulers of China and the family (possibly a dynasty)* of Iwen began their reign, which lasted 89 years.
In 1369, the Tartars were expelled from China and rule passed to the Independent Nathon and the Mim dynasty.
In 1645, the Tartars made their commander-in-chief King Kinchi, also called the Great Khan, who again captured China. And today, it is the descendants of the Prince of Tartary who rule in China.

Like this. Agree, a complete coincidence with the official history of the conquest of China. At school they don’t say anything about a country that has been at war with China for 4,000 years. Maybe this is why the first emperor of the Qin dynasty ordered the burning of all ancient manuscripts in China in 213 BC. What were you afraid of? Please note that the family tree begins with ChingizKan. But official history says that he was born 400 years earlier than these events. So they are telling us about the wrong Genghis Khan?

In the process of “baptism” over 12 years of forced Christianization, with rare exceptions, almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus and part of the population of Moscow Tartaria were destroyed. Because such a “teaching” could be imposed only on unreasonable children who, due to their youth, could not yet understand that such a religion turned them into slaves in both the physical and spiritual sense of the word.

Everyone who refused to accept the new “faith of Christianity” was killed. This is confirmed by the facts that have reached us. If before the “baptism” there were 300 cities and 12 million inhabitants on the territory of Kievan Rus of Moscow Tartaria, then after the “baptism” only 30 cities and 3 million people remained! 270 cities were destroyed! 9 million people were killed! (Diy Vladimir “Orthodox Rus' before the adoption of Christianity and after”).

Despite the fact that almost the entire adult population of Kievan Rus, as part of Great Tartary, was destroyed by the “holy” baptists of the Vatican in their good Crusade, the Vedic tradition did not disappear. On the lands of Kievan Rus, the so-called dual faith was established. Most of the population formally recognized the imposed religion of the slaves, and they themselves continued to live according to the Vedic tradition, although without flaunting it."

“But the Vedic Slavic-Aryan Empire (Great Tartary) could not calmly look at the machinations of its enemies, who destroyed three-quarters of the population of the Principality of Kiev. Only its response could not be instantaneous, due to the fact that the army of Great Tartary was busy with conflicts with China on its Far Eastern borders, so the conflicts in Asia were hidden between Great Tartary and the Vatican Crusaders, who went on crusades against Muslims for the Baptism of the people of the southern provinces of Tartary following the Baptism of Kievan Rus in 988 of the northern provinces of Great Tartary at its very heart, Asgard of Iria.

All these actions of the Vedic empire of the Vatican were carried out and entered modern history in a distorted form, under the name of the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the hordes of Batu Khan on Kievan Rus, where the Tartarian army returned to its capital - to Asgard of Iria on the Neva River.

Only by the summer of 1223 did the troops of the Vedic Tartar Empire appear on the Kalka River. And the united army of the Polovtsy and Russian princes of Christian Rus' was completely defeated (the crusaders of the Teutonic and Livonian Orders, who came to baptize Novgorod in 1240 - the Battle of the Neva and in 1242 - the Battle of the Ice), were completely defeated. This is what they taught us in history lessons, and no one could really explain why the Russian princes fought the “enemies” so sluggishly, and many of them even went over to the side of the “Mongols,” who were destined to be in 1930?

In fact, in 1223, Great Tartary fought not with Christian Russia - the Principality of Kyiv, which had not yet recovered from its Baptism in 988, but with the Vatican Crusaders, who came to Baptize Novgorod, but these battles were pushed into the future, like the Battle of the Neva in 1240 (July 15, 1222) and the Battle of the Ice in 1242 (April 1223).

It was on these victories of Great Tartary that the final date for the founding of Christian Rus' was based - 1223, which is why there was such a spread from the First Epiphany in 988 to the Second in 1223 - IX-XIII centuries.
But this is not important, but the fact that due to the Baptism of Kiev and Novgorod, the Vatican was approaching Asgard of Iria, which stood in the north at Belovodye - at the edge of the lakes in the north, all the way to the Kola Peninsula, which is washed by the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean, and it can also be called white .

Currently, throughout Western Siberia, a huge number of silent monuments to the existence of Great Tartary have been preserved: old fortresses, ditches, protective walls and other structures. Almost all of them were completely destroyed - torn down, filled up, dismantled down to the last stone, because... all these buildings are evidence of the struggle of Great Tartary against the invaders. However, traces of their existence are clearly visible from the air. Also, some other identification marks in the form of information plates remind everyone of the once great history of these lands. All these buildings require enormous labor costs, which tells us that high level development and organization of Great Tartary. A weak, small and unorganized state will not be able to cope with such construction projects, not to mention scattered nomadic tribes. Thus, the conclusion about the power of Great Tartaria suggests itself - it was the most powerful state on the planet at that moment in time.

Pokrovskaya fortress

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