Rules of conduct at the computer presentation for preschoolers. Presentation on the topic “Rules for working at the computer. There are four main harmful factors


Vitamin A (retinol) affects the condition of the mucous membranes of the eye and is involved in the formation of the photosensitive substance of the retina. Vitamin A deficiency causes a narrowing of the visual field and impaired ability to distinguish colors. Vitamin A is found in: products of animal origin: liver, eggs, milk, butter, cheeses, liver of sea fish; in vegetables, fruits and berries of orange and green color: carrots, apricots, sea buckthorn, lettuce, cabbage, green peas. The daily requirement is 1.5 mg.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) also has a significant effect on the organs of vision: it is involved in maintaining normal function eyes and the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is very important in hematopoiesis, increases visual acuity and the ability to distinguish colors. With a deficiency of vitamin B2 and prolonged stress on the organs of vision, dim vision is impaired (night blindness), visual fatigue and conjunctivitis occurs, manifested by severe redness of the sclera, photophobia, and lacrimation. Vitamin B2 is especially abundant in yeast, nuts, bran, various cereals, oatmeal, beans, and meat. The daily requirement is 2.5 mg.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is involved in redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, tissue repair and hormone formation, metabolic processes in the body, and has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, their permeability, including those of the eye. Vitamin C deficiency in the body weakens it and makes it sensitive to unfavorable factors environment. There is especially a lot of vitamin C in black currants, rose hips, and parsley. For preventive purposes, it is used to restore the body during severe mental stress and prolonged work. The daily requirement is 70 – 100 mg.

school No. 21, Sharya, Kostroma region.

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Safe crossing technique: You need to cross the road slowly, at a pedestrian crossing, making sure that the cars have stopped. Tell me about safety rules when working on a computer.

A computer is an electrical device, which means it can be dangerous to life. Do not touch the wires that are connected to the computer. The computer is afraid of water and dirt. Wet hands can cause electric shock. Dirty hands will stain, age and damage your computer. Hands must be clean and dry.

The computer is not a canteen! It is better not to approach him with bread, nuts, sweets, seeds, or tea. Crumbs will damage your computer more than dust, and spilled tea can completely ruin it! When pressing the keys, do not apply much force. You should not drum on the keyboard, as this can quickly damage it.

You cannot touch the monitor screen even with clean fingers - marks will still remain on it.

Physical education minute

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Rules for working with a computer.

Modern education cannot be imagined without the use of computers. However, working on a computer is associated with exposure to negative factors. To reduce their negative impact on health...

Computer safety (booklet)

When working on a computer, the human body experiences certain stresses, characterized by mental, visual and physical stress. Widespread use of computers in education...

“Building a Computer” - What does a computer consist of? 1946 The emergence of computers. Modern computer. And in the twentieth century, man created a wonderful thing, a grandiose invention. Computer. What can you do with a computer? The first computers. Who uses a computer and where?

“Classification of computers” - According to consumer properties. In terms of performance. There are no clear boundaries between classes of computers. II generation. Generations of EVT. In architecture. III generation. Classifications of computers. According to operating conditions. Performance is about 10-20 thousand operations per second. Author. Each generation will be discussed next.

“The influence of the computer” - And at the end of the work two lines were put. Psychological problems. Possibility of communication with distant respondents. Joint pain. The computer is an integral part Everyday life person. Prostatitis. The influence of a computer on a teenager's body. According to the survey results: Only every ninth teenager does not have a computer.

“Personal computer architecture” - Input devices. Address bus. Control bus. Data storage. Output devices. External memory. Computer internal memory. Processor characteristics. Inner memory. Ozu. Pzu. System bus. Means of communication between a computer and outside world. A printer. Transfer (output) of information. Address space is the maximum amount of memory that the processor can handle.

“History of the development of computers” - APPLE “LISA” - the first computer controlled by a “mouse” manipulator. What awaits us next? Performance – several hundred million operations per second. Used for scientific and technical calculations. The program was entered from punched tape. Performance is about 1 million per second. Second generation of computers (1960-1969).

“Computer Composition” - RAM. Permanent data storage (magnetic disks). Monitor. Main characteristics of the monitor. Main characteristics of the processor: clock frequency, number of cores. Memory whose contents are stored only while the computer is running. Motherboard. A printed circuit board into the sockets of which the processor, memory and other computer components are installed.

Rapid development of new information technologies has a multifaceted impact on a person’s cultural level. Therefore, PC knowledge is very important in modern life, because computer literacy has become part of general culture person.

There is no doubt that modern children are able to master the skills of working with various electronic computer innovations with enviable ease.

But excessive and uncontrolled communication with

using a computer can harm a child.

“Communication with a computer spoils children’s health”...

There are four main harmful factors:

load on vision, cramped posture, load on the psyche, radiation.

To avoid strain on your child’s vision, you must:

Avoid spending no more than 10-25 minutes at the computer, after which take a break and do some eye exercises;

- do not allow your child to work at the computer in the dark;

- the distance from children's eyes to the screen should be 50-70 cm.

With the right approach and organization

child's workplace, nothing to his vision

not threatening.

Monitor the child's posture:

- the baby’s hands should be at the level of the elbows, and the wrists should be on the support bar;

- it is necessary to maintain a right angle (90 degrees) in the joint area;

- between computer games The child should play outdoor games, go for walks, and play sports.

To avoid mental stress:

- breaks should be taken during work;

- it is necessary to monitor the content of the games;

- searching for information on the Internet needs to be dosed;

- minimize games containing images moving at high speed and small elements.

Children's overwork and stress

remove the body after long games

very difficult.

IN modern monitors provide all safety measures: in particular, what is actually called radiation (gamma rays and neutrons), The monitor doesn't produce anything at all.

"Computer games"

These are games that promote violence and games that absorb the player. They often do rash things. There are even cases of mental illness after playing such games. You become addicted to these games.

  • Strong attraction to PC.
  • Impaired ability to control oneself.
  • Change in physiological state.
  • Desire to increase time.
  • Refusal of other alternatives in favor of PC.
  • Inability to stop an activity.

1. Invented world. Errors can always be corrected by restarting your computer.

2. “I am the ruler.” Everything happens according to the child’s wishes.

3. Computer partner for communication.

4. A child deprived of parental attention.

5. Not accustomed to work, to the ability to see work and do it

her. The child was not taught to cooperate.

6. Inability to cope with difficulties on your own.

7. The child’s lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others.

Seven steps to salvation from computer addiction.

1. Find out what interests the child yourself.

2. Spend as much time as possible together.

3. At first, sit at the computer together, then the machine will not become a great authority for him.

4. Talk to your child more.

5. Instill in your child a “computer taste.”

6. Don't buy violent games.

7. Don’t forget that children still enjoy drawing, coloring, playing with friends, sculpting, and playing sports.

Ways to prevent threats

1. Discuss with your children the possible dangers of the Internet;

2. Include computer work in the number of things you do as a family;

3. Encourage your children to discuss their online experiences with you;

4. Limit access from your computer to certain types of information;

5. Install a reliable antivirus;

6. Formulate rules for children on working on the Internet.

1. Do not communicate on the Internet with strangers;

2. When introducing yourself, use only your first name or pseudonym;

3. When communicating online, you should never disclose personal data - home address, phone number, etc.

4. Do not send your photos;

5. Never meet people you know on the Internet without adult supervision.

6. If someone upset or offended them, be sure to tell their parents.

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