Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation (1956). Opening brackets: rules and examples (grade 7) Sentence in brackets punctuation marks

What could be simpler marks at the end of a sentence!

Even in 1st grade, children learn to use a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark. All!
Difficulties arise when signs have to combine. Let's get a look.

Dot, ? And!

Let's remember the main rule:

There are NOT more than three characters in a row: … !.. ?.. ?!.

However, the rule only applies when combined different signs.

If we are talking about one thing, only the point has the privilege, and even then there should be exactly THREE(not two and no more than three), and this sign is called an ellipsis...

Ellipsis not separated by a space:

  • at the beginning of a sentence - from the first word
  • at the end of a sentence - from the last word
  • inside a sentence - from a word, after which is worth

? And! There are only single ones.

That is, according to the rules, even two!! or three??? in a row - ERROR!

When combined ? And! are placed only in the following sequence: ?! And never vice versa.

Important! You can often see something like this inside a sentence: …, or ..,

Remember: ellipsis and comma DO NOT MATCH.

In such cases we simply set and continue the sentence with a lowercase (as after a comma).

When a point collides abbreviations (and etc.) with a period at the end of the sentence there is an absorption: put only one dot: etc.

At the same time: if such an abbreviation at the end of the sentence is in brackets, a period is also placed after the bracket (like this: etc.).

Dot, dot, ? And! with "quotes" and (brackets)

What to do when the above-mentioned signs with quotation marks “collide” » or parenthesis ) ?

The rules are perfect different.


If a single word or several words are enclosed in quotation marks, everything is simple. Let us consider only the case when an offer is made entirely.

In this case … ! ? are placed INSIDE, but . always AFTER quotes. ALWAYS! ».

Note: the quote configuration does NOT matter.


At first glance, everything is simpler with brackets. But there is a very important nuance here too.

Let's look only at the end of the sentence.

If enclosed in parentheses full offer- all signs (and a period too!) are placed inside:

The girl concentratedly placed punctuation marks. (The boy watched her expression.)

However, if only part of a sentence- everything changes radically:

signs are placed after the bracket.

The boy watched the expression on his friend’s face (she was putting punctuation marks).

Of course, we must not forget about cases when, for example, ? or ! refers to what is enclosed in parentheses - it is clear that in this case they will be inside the parentheses. However, there must still be a final sign that applies to the entire sentence. BEHIND the bracket.

You are following my train of thought (I’m talking about signs!)?

About headlines

Almost everyone knows that headlines don’t have a full stop. But when the title consists of two (or more) sentences - for some reason questions arise :)
So: in headings consisting of several sentences, a period after the last one is NOT PLACED! Don't believe me? Ask Milchin and Cheltsova...



School textbook.
A. E. Milchin, L. K. Cheltsova.



Make 9 sentences:

  1. Three - with a different combination of characters at the end of the sentence.
  2. Four - with different combinations of characters . … ? ! with quotes.
  3. One with parentheses inside a sentence (the one in parentheses must be at the end of the sentence).
  4. One sentence enclosed in parentheses.

Very often, when writing complex sentences, simple sentences complicated by homogeneous and isolated members, introductory words and addresses, and especially when conveying direct speech in writing, difficulties arise regarding the placement of punctuation marks. Here you need to adhere to the following rules.

1. Comma and dash

If a comma and a dash appear next to each other in a sentence, then the comma comes first (which refers to the word or phrase in front), and then the dash:

“Oh, you meadows and oak groves, I’m besotted with spring.” (S. Yesenin)

Note: if the word or phrase immediately after the dash, according to the laws of the Russian language, must be separated on both sides by commas (for example, introductory words or addresses), then the first comma does not need to be put, the dash will play its role:

- The water, the sky, that rainy gray shore - in general, everything around was thundering and seething, swaying before our eyes and rushing at random... (Bondarev)

2. Quotes with punctuation

2.1. When using phrases in quotation marks in a sentence (these can be words used in a figurative sense, excerpts, quotes, direct speech), there is a punctuation mark before the closing quotation marks:

  • not put - period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash. These signs are placed only after quotation marks:

— Levitan’s painting “After the Rain” contains all the charm of rainy twilight in a Volga town. (Paustovsky)

- Pavka, not knowing whether Zhukhrai was laughing at him or speaking seriously, replied: “I don’t fight in vain, it’s always fair.” (N.A. Ostrovsky)

- You know, he had been planning to “get hurt” for a long time; he expressed it to Evgeny Solovyov, Suler... (M. Gorky).

Note: if a phrase enclosed in quotation marks was to end with a comma, after which the text continues, then the comma will not be placed either before or after the quotation marks:

— The poem “You know the land where everything breathes abundantly” has been familiar to us since childhood; But the time came when the “old man obsessed with drawing” could no longer hold a brush.

  • placed - exclamation mark, question mark, ellipsis. But this rule only works if the indicated characters are related to the phrase enclosed in quotation marks:

- “As for me, I am convinced of only one thing...” said the doctor (Lermontov)

If the question/exclamation mark or ellipsis refers to the entire sentence, then they take place behind the closing quotation mark:

— Do we need “reviews” now? (Belinsky)

Note: if a sentence, by its context, requires a question mark, exclamation mark or ellipsis at the end, and the expression in quotation marks already has one of these marks, then the same sign is not placed after the quotation marks:

— Have you read the article? “How to develop your own writing style?”

and unequal signs are allowed:

- Why do you say “No matter how it is!”?

2.2. If inside a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks there is another expression that also requires quotation marks, then the external and internal quotation marks should differ from each other in pattern (“” - Christmas trees, “„ - sticks):

“I received a telegram: “I’m coming tomorrow, I’ll stay at the Moscow Hotel.”

3. Brackets with punctuation marks

3.1. Brackets are not preceded by commas, semicolons, colons and dashes. After the closing parenthesis, these punctuation marks are perfectly acceptable:

- There were about two hundred steps to the shore, Ermolai walked boldly and non-stop (he noticed the road so well), only occasionally grunting... (Turgenev)

3.2. You can put a period, an exclamation or question mark, or an ellipsis before the closing parenthesis if they are related to the expression in the parentheses:

- He knew Latin, and Virgil’s “quos ego!” (I am you!) was not alien to him (Turgenev).

After the closing bracket, put the punctuation mark that is required by the context of the entire sentence, regardless of what character appears before this bracket:

- His only son, ..., during the rebellion of 1762, remained faithful to Peter III, did not want to swear allegiance to Catherine - and was imprisoned in the fortress along with Izmailov (the fate and union of these names is strange!) (Pushkin).

Note: If a sentence contains a quotation followed by a reference to the author in parentheses, then only one period should be placed - at the end of the sentence, after the closing parenthesis:

— I remembered the words of Bazarov: “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it” (Turgenev).

Is the comma placed before the parenthesis or after the parenthesis? ,(t) (t), and got the best answer

Answer from VeroNika[guru]
Separate = set off with commas (parentheses, dashes...)
1.Small introductory sentences are usually separated by commas, for example:
You, I think, are accustomed to these magnificent paintings
Less often, such sentences are highlighted with a dash, for example:
The lady herself - they said about her - does not know how to distinguish boiled pork from veal and once shamefully bought horseradish instead of parsley!
2. Inserted sentences (that is, sentences containing various kinds of additional remarks, incidental instructions that explain the sentence as a whole or individual words in it and sometimes sharply fall out of the syntactic structure of the whole) are distinguished by brackets or dashes (brackets are a stronger switching sign). For example:
Vladimir Sergeich (that was the name of the young man in the coat) looked at his man with bewilderment and said in a hasty whisper...
My arrival - I could notice it - at first somewhat confused the guests
- -----
A COMMA, which according to the context should have come before the first parenthesis if the inserted structure is separated by parentheses, is moved AFTER THE SECOND BRACKET, for example:
Tatyana, who, as we said above, held the position of laundress (however, as a skilled and learned laundress, she was entrusted with only fine linen), was a woman of about twenty-eight, small, thin, blond, with moles on her left cheek
(The COMMA closing the participial phrase is placed not before the parentheses, but AFTER them).
- --
The presence of a comma as an additional character in a dash is due to the conditions of the context. For example:
He loved to boast - this sin was common with him - maybe he dragged in something here for the sake of a nice word...
(A COMMA before the second dash serves to separate the introductory word “may”, which begins the part of the sentence following the insertion construction).
I climbed into the corner, into a leather chair so large that you could lie in it - my grandfather always boasted, calling it the chair of Prince Gruzinsky - I climbed in and watched how boringly the big ones were having fun...
(A COMMA before the first dash closes the preceding subordinate clause, and a COMMA before the second dash closes the adverbial phrase in the insertion structure itself).

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is a comma placed before the parenthesis or after the parenthesis? ,(t) (t),

Answer from Vera Kovaleva[expert]
well, depending on the sentence... and so after...

Answer from Vladlen Budko[guru]
Always after.

Is a comma (for example, closing a participial phrase) absorbed by parentheses? Example: At that time (it was a year remembered for unprecedented cold) there was no central heating yet.

In the example given, there is no comma before or after the closing parenthesis.

Question No. 302354

Good afternoon The text of the order contains the following sentence: Approve and put into effect the Regulations on the creation of quarterly reporting (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) (Appendix 1). Do I understand correctly that according to the rule, a comma is not placed before the opening parenthesis, and in this sentence a comma is not required between pairs of parentheses? Thank you!

Question No. 296535

There are no two dots at the end of a sentence, but what if after the abbreviation there is text in parentheses? For example: Rental cost - 10,000 rubles/month. (plus metered water and electricity)

Russian help desk response

In this case, a period is placed after the closing brackets and.

Question No. 294565

Good afternoon Please help me figure out the punctuation. Where is the correct place to put a period relative to the closing parentheses and? Before the bracket or after? (Drinking brandy did not make me feel any better.)

Russian help desk response

In your example - before the bracket.

Question No. 293964

Tell me how to correctly formulate the title of a dictionary entry containing a participial phrase, with or without a comma: Lymphoid tissue associated with the mucosa (LTA) (,) is...?

Russian help desk response

After the closing parenthesis there is a comma and a dash.

Question No. 292960

Please help with punctuation in the sentence: state of the Romans, or Romans (,) (βασιλεία τῶν Ρωμαίων) (,) Romania (Ρωμανία), Romaida (Ρωμαΐς). I'm interested in the comma in parentheses - on the one hand, according to the rules, a comma cannot be placed before the opening parenthesis oh, on the other hand, the etymology in parentheses refers to the first phrase (and in one of the answers you say that there are three types of punctuation: grammatical, semantic and intonation). How to correctly design this design?

Russian help desk response

A comma is placed after the closing parentheses.

Question No. 292351

Hello! Please explain whether it is appropriate to place a comma in parentheses in the sentence: Even at fifty there are ways to make the body work(,) like in youth.

Russian help desk response

A comma is needed.

Question No. 290314

Be so kind as to answer, please. If in brackets there is a period at the end (words, words, words.), is it necessary to put a period again after closing the bracket, which also means the end of the sentence? Or is it not necessary? I looked at how the “Certificate” talks about parentheses, but I couldn’t find an explanation. But I saw that periods and other punctuation marks are sometimes placed or not placed after closed parentheses and at the end of the sentence. Which is correct?

Russian help desk response

The entire sentence can be placed in brackets. (Then put one dot - in brackets.)

Question No. 289707

Hello. I would like to know about the rules for writing sentences in brackets. I am interested in what letter the sentences are written with, whether a period is placed before the closing parenthesis oh. I looked through the textbooks of Rosenthal and Lopatin, but there I did not receive answers to all questions regarding this topic. The fact that you need to write with a capital letter and put a period before the closing parenthesis when making stage directions in plays is clear to me. And in ordinary text - it is written with a slender letter in brackets and a period after the closing brackets and. But for example, from the same Lopatin I found the following sentence when preparing the list: c) accepted into an educational institution and leaves to continue his education, or graduated from an educational institution and is sent to work on a voucher. (The Law on Universal Conscription.) Why is the sentence placed in parentheses written with a capital letter and at the end there is a period before the closing parenthesis oh?

Russian help desk response

Here is a quote from the reference book ed. V. V. Lopatina (section “Punctuation marks for insertions”).

An insertion construction, being an independent sentence or part of a text (a series of sentences) related to a paragraph (the insertion text is after the opening brackets and begins with a capital letter), is highlighted with brackets. Before the parenthesis that opens the insertion, the end-of-sentence mark required by the context is placed. Before the closing parenthesis there is a sign marking the end of the inserted sentence: . ..It will be more far-sighted this way... (Maslov’s throat was bubbling, although he speaks quietly and even sluggishly.) Nothing has changed, Ekaterina Dmitrievna!... Second: your night guest will now leave... You want to ask why I Do I insist on this? Here is my answer... (He put his hand into the side pocket of his greasy jacket with torn buttons, pulled out a flat parabellum and, holding it in his palm, showed it to Katya.)

Question No. 289418

Hello. There is a rule that a comma is not placed before parentheses, but what to do in the following situation? I quote almost verbatim: Documentation on the planning of the territory located in the area of ​​street N of the city district X (hereinafter referred to as documentation on the planning of the territory) was developed on the basis of resolution Y. If you close the participial phrase after the brackets, then the contents of the brackets will, it seems to me, refer to a separate definition, and not to the entire title of the Documentation, which ends with this separate definition. I’m really looking forward to your answer, dear Gramota. Thank you very much in advance.

Russian help desk response

A comma must be placed after the parentheses. We are guided by the rule formulated in D. E. Rosenthal’s reference book “Punctuation”: punctuation marks that stand at the place where the sentence is “broken” by an inserted construction highlighted by brackets are placed after the brackets. Wed. example from the directory: Savva, the shepherd (he was tending the lord’s sheep), suddenly began to have fewer sheep– standalone application shepherd, but a comma is placed only after an insertion clause.

Question No. 287192

Good afternoon Please tell me how to write correctly: your beloved (favorite) or your beloved (favorite) - with or without a space?

Russian help desk response

A space before the opening parenthesis is needed.

Question No. 283051
When a certain explanatory (for example) sentence is introduced into the main sentence in the place where there should be a comma, and is enclosed in brackets, then everything is clear - the comma is placed after the closing brackets and. But I can’t find anywhere what to do if an explanatory sentence is separated by a dash. Is the comma placed before the first dash, before the second, or simply discarded?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Punctuation in such sentences is described in most detail in D. E. Rosenthal’s reference book “Handbook of the Russian Language. Punctuation". See the section “Insert Sentences and Collocations” in paragraph 26.

Question No. 281843
Tell me, in what cases in the text of a sentence is a comma placed before a parenthesis and is it placed at all? And what rule determines this?

Russian help desk response

The opening or closing parenthesis should not be preceded by a comma, semicolon, colon or dash; These signs are placed only after the closing brackets and. And only in rare cases, when the inserted construction clearly refers to the second part of the sentence within which it is located, the required punctuation mark before the opening parenthesis is retained. See D. E. Rosenthal's reference book “Punctuation”, § 26 and § 67.

Question No. 280459
Dear GRAMOTA!!! Please help me figure out the placement of commas when abbreviating or clarifying in parentheses.

FOR EXAMPLE: In accordance with the Regulations on student dormitories, approved by order of the rector of the university? (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) ? students are obliged...

Should a comma be placed before or after parentheses?
Thank you in advance.

Question 268735
Is it possible to put a comma before an opening parenthesis? That is, which option to choose: “Those I know (Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov) did not help me” or “Those I know (Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov) did not help me”? "Regulations approved by the director (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations)..." or "Regulations approved by the director (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations)..."? Are there rules somewhere for combining punctuation marks with brackets? Is it even possible to put a comma before brackets?

Russian help desk response
A comma is never placed before parentheses. Thus, the second of the design options you provided are correct.

Question 244881
Here is the following scheme in business documents: on the basis of Regulation No. dated..., approved....? (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation)? (the base is further deciphered in parentheses). Question: where to put the second comma from the participial phrase? Please tell me, otherwise it goes to the media. Thank you very much in advance.

Russian help desk response
The comma is placed at the end of the participle phrase (before the opening parenthesis).

Russian help desk response

Punctuation marks that stand at the place where the sentence is “broken” by an insertion structure separated by brackets are placed after the brackets.

The answer to question #244881 has been corrected.

Question No. 277178
Hello. It is impossible that you have forgotten my baths, and my shooting range, and my bowling alley! (Kataev) (do not put a period after the closing brackets and?)

Russian help desk response

1. When “meeting” inside a sentence, a comma and a dash are placed first comma, and then dash:The history of discoveries, inventions, the history of technology that makes life and work easier for people - this, in fact, is the history of culture(M.G.); It’s not the splashing water, you can’t fool me, it’s his long oars(L.).

In most cases, each of these two punctuation marks is placed on its own basis: Alas! My box, a saber with a silver frame, a Dagestan dagger, a gift from a friend - everything disappeared(L.) - a comma closes a separate application, a dash is placed before the generalizing word after listing homogeneous members of the sentence; His gait was careless and lazy, but I noticed that he did not wave his arms - the first sign of some secretiveness of character(L.) - a comma closes the subordinate part of a complex sentence, a dash is placed before a kind of application to the preceding words, has a connecting connotation; I answered that the flies were bothering me, and we both fell silent.(L.) - a comma closes the subordinate clause, a dash is placed before the part of the sentence expressing the consequence.

Staging dash as an additional sign may depend on the context. Wed: All kinds of objects were laid out on the table: books, writing instruments, geographical maps, a box whose purpose no one knew - the subordinate part of a complex sentence refers to the last homogeneous member and is thereby included in the enumeration; no additional sign is required; All kinds of objects were laid out on the table: books, writing instruments, geographical maps - which the owner, apparently, had not used for a long time - The dash is needed to show that the subordinate clause refers to all homogeneous members, more precisely, to the generalizing word.

2. About the production comma and dash as a single sign in a complex sentence, see § 40, in a non-union complex sentence - § 46, in a period - section 13. See also: § 25, paragraph 10; § 26; § 32, note 1; § 43, paragraph 3; § 45, paragraph 9; § 48 - 50.

§ 65. Question and exclamation marks

When a question mark and an exclamation mark “meet”, put first question mark, as the main one, characterizing the sentence according to the purpose of the statement, and then - in exclamatory, as an intonation sign: Is it really possible to talk about a loved one like that?!

§ 66. Quotation marks and other signs

1. Period, comma, semicolon, colon and dash are not placed before closing quotation marks (all these characters can only appear after quotation marks): Some voted for, others against, but the former constituted the majority; I’ve had enough of your “buts”, I’m fed up with them; Erase all the “white spots” on the map - this is what geographers have always dreamed of.(See also § 47, 48 and 54.)

3. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then a comma after the quotation marks is placed only as required by the context: He often asked himself the familiar question “who should I be?”, but never found an answer for himself; Conscription slogans appeared on the sides of combat vehicles: “For the Motherland”(gas.).

4. If there is a question or exclamation mark before the closing quotation marks, then it is not repeated after the quotation marks: Have you read the novel “What is to be done?”

Dissimilar characters, if they are required by the context, are placed before and after the closing quotes:

I am reading A.I. Herzen’s novel “Who is to Blame?”

Which poem by M. Yu. Lermontov contains the words: “I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love!”?

A period is placed after the closing quotation marks if it is used before them as a sign denoting an abbreviation of a word: The ad said:

“Country furniture has appeared on sale: tables, chairs, sofas, etc.”

5. If at the beginning or at the end of the text (direct speech, quotation) there are internal and external quotation marks, then they should differ in pattern (“Christmas trees” and “paws”): The author of the article points out that “the golden fund of world literature includes such works of Russian classics as War and Peace.”

If there is a question or exclamation mark between the inner and outer quotation marks, then quotation marks of the same pattern can be used: An outstanding journalistic work by A. M. Gorky is the article “Who are you with, “masters of culture”?”

6. If a sentence or phrase enclosed in quotation marks should end with a comma, but the text continues, then the comma is not placed either before or after the closing quotation marks: The poems “You know the land where everything breathes abundantly” are familiar to us from childhood; But the time came when the “old man obsessed with drawing” could no longer hold a brush in his hand.

However, the comma is not omitted before the opening quotation marks: Remember “how beautiful, how fresh the roses were.”

§ 67. Parentheses and other signs

1. Do not precede an opening or closing parenthesis with a comma, semicolon, colon or dash; all these signs are placed only after the closing bracket (except for the case specified in § 26): Ovsyanikov adhered to ancient customs not out of superstition(his soul was quite free),but out of habit(T.); Rudin... is so decisive that he himself tells Natalya about his love(although he speaks not of his own free will, but because he is forced to have this conversation);he asks her for a date(Black); He had three daughters(he even called them that on purpose):Faith Hope Love; This whole area(scientists recently established this)- the bottom of the sea in the past.

2. A period, question mark and exclamation mark are placed before the closing bracket if they refer to words enclosed in brackets (see author's remarks in plays, inserted structures): Goodbye sister!(Kisses Varvara.)Goodbye, Glasha!(Kisses Glasha.)Goodbye, mummy!(Bows.)(Acute); And how cozy and unique I remembered the quiet evenings in our winter quarters, when we, six men, smoking pipes, would sit in the warm wardroom(and it’s frosty outside, blizzard, brr!)and we scratch our tongues and laugh(Hump.).

3. After the closing parenthesis, the punctuation mark required by the context is placed, regardless of what character appears before the closing parenthesis: Not only are there no songs, where did the sleep go?(he recognized insomnia too!);everything is suspicious and everything worries him(Kr.).

(For placing a period after the closing bracket, if the parentheses contain a reference to the author and the source of the quotation, see § 56, paragraph 1.)

4. When “meeting” at the end of a sentence, internal and external brackets are allowed to use brackets of different designs - round and square (cf. the use of quotation marks of different designs, § 66, paragraph 5).

5. Directions in transcripts of speeches and reports are enclosed in parentheses; a dot is placed before the closing bracket at the end of the remark (cf. paragraph 2); The period, question mark and exclamation mark before the opening bracket are preserved: This concludes my message.(Applause.);Will we not overcome these difficulties?(Excitement in the hall.);I believe in the future of Russia!(Everyone stands up. Applause.)

Notes from the editors are also issued: Printed in order of discussion.(Ed.)

§ 68. Ellipsis and other signs

1. After a question or exclamation mark, there are not three dots (the usual type of ellipsis), but two (the third dot is under one of the named signs): How long to live in the world?..(TV); How did you play yesterday!..(Sharp)

2. When an ellipsis “meets” a semicolon, the latter is absorbed by an ellipsis, which indicates not only the omission of words, but also the omission of a punctuation mark: His wife... however, they were completely happy with each other(G.).

§ 69. Placement of punctuation marks in footnotes

1. Comma, semicolon, colon And dot are placed after the footnote sign to indicate that the footnote refers to a word or group of words:

…cm. below1, ...the following":

2. Question and exclamation marks, ellipsis and quotation marks are placed before the footnote mark to indicate that the footnote applies to the entire sentence:

...isn't it?1to eternity...*

it will be so!"Taman".

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