Correct formatting of the second part of the exam in social studies. Recommendations for the tasks of the second part of the OGE in social studies. The Unified State Exam test in social studies consists of

Unified State Exam 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Part 2 tasks. Lazebnikova A.Yu., Rutkovskaya E.L.

M.: 2017. - 96 p.

The social studies workshop is aimed at preparing students high school To successful completion Unified State Exam. The manual contains detailed analysis all types of tasks part 2, several dozen tasks high level difficulties for practicing each type of task, as well as recommendations for completing tasks of a high level of complexity, analysis of typical mistakes, answers and evaluation criteria for tasks in part 2. The book is intended for teachers, parents, tutors, as well as high school students for self-study to the Unified State Exam.

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Preface 4
Features of tasks of part 2 6
Tasks for working with text (21-24) 10
Characteristics of texts 10
Characteristics of tasks 13
Common mistakes 22
Test yourself 27
How to work with text on exam 37
Training tasks 38
Disclosure of the meaning of a concept and its application in a given context (25) 46
Purpose of the task and assessment criteria 46
Common mistakes 49
Tips and tricks 51
Training tasks „ 53
Tasks to specify theoretical positions (26) 54
Tasks-tasks (27) 59
Training tasks 70
Tasks for drawing up a plan (28) 75
Features of drawing up a plan for the proposed topic 75
Training tasks 77
Task 29 83
Social science essay: specifics of task 83
Examples and comments 91

Part 2 is the most difficult part of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. It contains tasks with detailed, freely formulated answers, mostly of high complexity. The exception is tasks for texts 21 and 22, the purpose of which is to test not so much the level of students’ knowledge, but rather their ability to extract information from the presented text. At the same time, these tasks provide assistance in comprehending the text and its subsequent analysis.
High-level tasks 23-29 are designed to test the breadth and depth of students’ mastery of social science material and identify the level of their intellectual skills. These tasks require the ability to provide arguments, facts, examples to substantiate a particular theoretical position, formulate one’s own point of view, and connect theoretical knowledge with specific opinions and social situations. These same tasks also provide for identifying students’ general erudition, the ability to use contextual knowledge, as well as knowledge of related humanities: history, literature, geography.
The work ends with task 29 - a mini-essay (essay) on one of five topics, presented in the form of an aphoristic statement. Each essay topic relates to one of the six basic sciences of the social studies course: philosophy, economics, sociology, and social psychology, political science or law. While completing this task, the examinee selects a topic statement. Having chosen a topic, the graduate can demonstrate his knowledge and skills in the content of the social science course that is most attractive to him.

The written part of the Unified State Exam in social studies always causes difficulties for graduates. This requires not only a confident knowledge of theoretical material, but also the application of one’s own knowledge, a broad outlook and an understanding of social interactions. I propose to analyze the real tasks of Part 2, encountered at the Unified State Exam 2016.

Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

Let us immediately highlight several blocks of “difficulties” associated with solving them on the Unified State Exam:

  1. Lack of time (a significant amount of written part, the need to write it out in a draft, and then carefully transfer the notes to the clean copy - answer forms 2);
  2. Insufficient knowledge of the theory of basic social sciences
  3. Inability to apply this knowledge in practice, giving examples from social practice and from one’s own life;
  4. Insufficient understanding of how to correctly, and in a “favorable” light, formulate an answer that will be checked by a subjectively minded person -

Let us also note that it is these tasks that will bring you about half of all possible points that you can score in the exam on the Unified State Exam - 27 out of 62, according to the evaluation criteria in

Real tasks and answers for Part 2 of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2016

I propose to look at how the work of Part 2 was completed by one of the graduates at the Unified State Exam in 2016, and then analyze it. First, let's look at the completed answer forms 2:

Now let’s look at the texts of the assignments and the deduction received by the graduate for completing the assignments of part 2:

Text (tasks 21-24)

Guarantees of law and order

In a legal state there is the whole system guarantees of law and order. Guarantees of law and order refer to such conditions of public life and special measures. adopted by the state, which ensure a strong regime of legality and stability of law and order in society. There are different material, political, legal and moral guarantees of law and order.

Material guarantees include the following: economic structure society, within which equivalent relations are established between producers and consumers of material goods. With equivalent market commodity relations, a real material basis for normal functioning is created civil society. Under these conditions, any subject of law becomes economically free and independent. Supported and protected by law, it fully realizes its capabilities in the sphere of material production, which is the most important guarantee of law and order in society. A financially secure and socially protected individual, as a rule, conforms his behavior to the law, since his interests are guaranteed by the regime of legality and are objectively embodied in the legal order.

Political guarantees of law and order are all elements political system societies that support and reproduce social life based on legal laws reflecting the objective laws of social development. The state, its bodies, various public associations and private organizations, labor collectives, that is, all links of the modern political system of society, in the interests of their livelihoods, fully support the necessary regime of legality and the stability of law and order. Those political organizations or individual political figures that oppose themselves to the order established by law are deprived of state protection.

Legal guarantees include activities government agencies and institutions specifically aimed at preventing and suppressing violations of law and order. It is carried out by legislative, executive and judicial bodies state power. The main directions in the fight against crime are formed by legislative bodies, issuing relevant regulations that provide for legal liability for illegal actions. Direct work on the prevention and suppression of offenses is carried out by state law enforcement agencies. If there are sufficiently strong economic and political guarantees, the law enforcement activities of the state effectively ensure the optimal regime of legality and the stability of law and order.

Moral guarantees of legality and order are a favorable moral and psychological environment in which the legal rights and obligations of participants in legal relations are realized; the level of their spirituality and culture; sensitivity and attention of government bodies and officials to people, their interests and needs. All parts of the political system of society, including charitable organizations, cultural and art institutions, schools, higher education institutions, participate in creating a healthy moral environment in the field of legal regulation. educational establishments, church. A morally healthy society is a society that functions on the basis of laws, in conditions of a stable legal order.

Legality and order in society are ensured by the entire system of guarantees, which organically interact with each other, are interdependent and complement each other.

  1. 2 points out of 2 possible.
  1. 2 points out of 2 possible.

Which system, according to the author, is the basis of normal economic development society? How does the text explain that subjects economic activity Are you interested in ensuring law and order? Illustrate this interest with an example.

  1. 1 point out of 3 possible.

Which branch examples

  1. 1 point out of 3 possible.

  1. 2 points out of 3possible.

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social group”?
Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences:
one sentence containing information about the species social groups, and one sentence containing information about any of the functions of social groups.

  1. 3 points out of 3 possible.

Name and illustrate with (specific) examples the three types imperfect competition.

  1. 3 points out of 3possible.

A young man aged 16 is hired under the following conditions: without a medical examination, working day from 16 to 23 hours, vacation only after 6 months of work, and in addition, hourly pay. It is necessary to find violations committed by the employer and explain them.

  1. 3 points out of 3 possible.

Topic plan “Activity as a form of human interaction with the outside world.”

29.3 3 points out of 5: 1(1) 1(2) 1(2)

“True patriotism as a private manifestation of love for humanity does not coexist with hostility towards individual peoples"(N.A. Dobrolyubov).

Analysis of task completion of part 2

We will not comment or dwell in detail on those tasks where the maximum possible points were awarded. In the form of a joint analysis of the graduate and the Unified State Examination expert Evgeniy Sergeevich Kotsar, we will analyze those points for which the graduate might not have received the maximum score:

23. 1 point out of 3

Which branch Do you know from your social studies course? Name them and bring them examples their activities to ensure law and order.

Alumni comments:

  • the condition did not say that examples should be specific.
    In addition, the Methodological Recommendations for Social Science Experts on page 18 states:

« Examples there may be facts of the past and present, gleaned from the personal social experience of graduates or that have become publicly known; real events, examples from art and simulated situations. In the answers Various degrees of specification are allowed , and in this regard, some examinees may follow the path of increasingly clarifying the initial position itself, highlighting its sides, aspects, forms of manifestation, etc.; others may give preference to particular facts that embody features (characteristics) of the general.”

  • I suspect that they gave only one point out of three because only the 3rd example seemed concrete to them, and the first two were considered for what in the criteria from the Demo version is called “Reasoning of a general type is given.”

Let's say the second example really looks like “general reasoning”. But why is the 1st example bad? In essence, it says about the development of a bill regulating the sphere economic relations, and the essence of this bill is indicated

  • Perhaps they would like to see in each example a link to some state. organ, i.e. so that in each example the subject of this activity is indicated. For example, in the 3rd I say about the court, but in the first two there is no such subject. But as far as I remember, the conditions did not say anything about the authorities - it was necessary to write about branches authorities. If, after all, it was not about branches, but about something more specific, then, probably, they removed it fairly

And yet, I think you can try to appeal 1 point for the first example.

Expert comment:

The second argument will definitely not be taken into account, “implementation of measures... (?which???)”

I agree that the 3rd example was most likely taken into account (more specifics), but also that it is possible to fight for the 1st (the wording of the task did not provide for specifics, the functions of the legislative branch are not distorted). The excerpt from the Methodological Recommendations is absolutely correct.

  1. 1 point out of 3

Using social science knowledge, give three explanations for the fact that a regime of legality and stable law and order contributes to ensuring the normal functioning of society.

Alumni comment:

IN in this case I don’t understand at all why there is only one point out of three. If you look at the answer to task 24 from, it doesn’t seem to require any specifics. Except that perhaps my writing is more detailed and more difficult to understand on first reading. In addition, various terms from the course are used quite actively.

A score of 1 means that the experts accepted only one of the three explanations. But in my opinion, all three explanations here are essentially the same in nature. That is, if we assume that there is some kind of flaw in one of the explanations, then the same flaw must be in the others. In this case, it was necessary to put either 0 or all 3 points. But I don’t see any problems with the explanation here, so I’m more inclined towards 3 points.

Task 2 of the Unified State Exam in Society: how to solve

The difficulty of this task 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies is that it requires you to find a generalizing word for a specified number of terms. A generalizing word is a generic term or concept that includes in its meaning the meanings of other concepts and terms. As in others Unified State Exam assignments in society, the topics of assignments can be very different: social sphere, political, spiritual, etc.

Here, for example, is a task from a real Unified State Exam test in society:

It immediately becomes clear to intelligent boys and girls that the proposed words relate to the topic “Spiritual Sphere of Society”, namely to the topic of religion. If you find it difficult to answer right away, I recommend reading my previous post "" . Having read the terms for the most knowledgeable, it immediately becomes clear that there are only two options left for the answer: cult and religion. What will be more generalizing? A cult is the worship of something.

You can experiment by placing a broom in the corner of your room. And pray to him every day, talk to him... In a month this will be the most valuable item for you :). Create a cult of the broom. What is religion? This is a specific form of worldview, awareness of the world. It is clear that the concept of “religion” includes the concept of “cult,” since a worldview may include the worship of various deities. For example, paganism Eastern Slavs: some had the cult of Perun (the god of thunder and lightning), others had the cult of the god of swamps, etc.

Or for example Orthodox Christianity: there is a cult of Jesus Christ, there is a cult of the holy spirit, there is a cult Holy Mother of God... It's clear?

OK. So the correct answer is: religion

Recommendation 2. You need to have a good knowledge of terms and concepts from various topics in social studies. Understand which terms are related to which ones, and which ones follow from them. For this purpose in my paid video course "Social studies: Unified State Exam 100 points " I have given the structure of terms for all topics of Social Science. I also highly recommend your article about.

Let's look at another task 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies:

We immediately understand that in task 2 of the Unified State Exam the topic is tested Social sphere. If you have forgotten the topic, download my free video course. If you don't do this, you will most likely make a mistake. Some people's logic is so crooked that it's simply brutal! Meanwhile, the correct answer is: “agent of socialization” - a group or association participating in an individual’s mastery of the rules and norms of society, as well as social roles. If you are not familiar with these terms, I again highly recommend downloading my free video course.

Recommendation 3. Be extremely careful! Solve tasks 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies again and again to do this qualitatively on the machine. Here is an example of a similar task that is more difficult:

The theme “Science” from the spiritual sphere of society. By the way, I had a detailed article on this topic. People who are not very attentive will immediately make a mistake by indicating in the answer: classification basis, or theoretical validity. Between the correct answer: scientific knowledge , which includes different classifications and theoretical validity!

Social studies OGE

Second part. Long answer questions

Each of the six assignments in this unit tests a specific skill in a different social studies course content. There are some general rules:

2. It is important to pay attention not only to the fact that need to be named(indicate, formulate, etc.): characteristic, (features, arguments, examples, etc.) but also define how many of these elements must be given (one, two, three, etc.).

3. There is a clear dependence of points on the completeness of the answer. The answer may be correct, but not complete. In this case, it will be impossible to get the maximum score.

First task for the text (No. 26 in progress) requires drawing up an outline of the text, highlighting its main semantic fragments and titling each of them. To complete this task, you must carefully read the text, understand its content, and identify the main ideas. It is very important to understand that the names of the plan points should not completely reproduce individual phrases of the text; you need to briefly formulate the main idea of ​​each fragment yourself. At the same time, the number of selected fragments may be different - the assessment system does not set a specific number of points in the plan. But at the same time, you need to understand that there must be a certain logic in breaking the text into semantic fragments (micro-topics) - it is on the basis of its understanding that the expert checking the work can conclude that the main semantic fragments have been identified.

Second task to the text (No. 27 in progress) involves retrieving information presented explicitly. The required information can be given in the form of a direct quotation from the text, and length and detail can be omitted and only a recognizable fragment of the phrase can be given. Information can be given in the form of a retelling close to the text. Both of these options for completing the task are equal.

Third task for the text (No. 28 in work) involves the extraction and some interpretation of information presented in the text.

The fourth task for the text (No. 29 in progress) involves going beyond the content of the text and involving contextual knowledge of the social science course, facts of social life or the personal social experience of the graduate. Requirements for completing the task: Firstly, accuracy and correctness of the given facts (social facts or models of social situations), their compliance with the theoretical principles given in the assignment; Secondly, the presence of reasoning that specifies the essence of the theoretical position given in the assignment, the logical and substantive correctness of these reasoning; Thirdly, correctness of reflection of various types of connections in reasoning and facts.

Fifth task to the text (No. 30 in progress)– a task, which, as a rule, has an independent detailed condition, tests a whole range of skills: to correlate individual facts and social processes, to apply knowledge of a social science course, to supplement course knowledge with information to solve a problem, etc.

Sixth task to the text (No. 31 in progress) involves the graduate’s formulation and argumentation of his own judgment on a current problematic issue of social life. This task is directly related to the content of the text, but it requires viewing the text from a different perspective.

Read the text and complete tasks 26–31.

We are entering a century in which education, knowledge, and professional skills will play a decisive role in a person’s destiny. Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complex, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful... A person will introduce new ideas, think about things that a machine cannot think about. And for this, a person’s general intelligence will be increasingly needed, his ability to create new things and, of course, moral responsibility, which a machine cannot bear... a person will have the most difficult and complex task of being not just a person, but a person of science, a person morally responsible for everything that happens in the age of machines and robots. General education can create a person of the future, a creative person, a creator of everything new and morally responsible for everything that will be created.

Learning is what a young man now needs from a very young age. You always need to learn. Until the end of their lives, all the major scientists not only taught, but also studied. If you stop learning, you won’t be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. We must remember that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in adolescence, that the human mind is most receptive.

Know not to waste time on trifles, on “rest”, which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless “information”. Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring knowledge and skills that only in your youth you will master easily and quickly.

And here I hear the young man’s heavy sigh: what a boring life you offer our youth! Just study. Where is the rest and entertainment? So why shouldn’t we rejoice?

No. Acquiring skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. We must love to study and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment that can also teach us something, develop in us some abilities that we will need in life...

Learn to love learning!

(D.S. Likhachev)

26. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

29. What forms of recreation and entertainment does the author recommend for young people? Give two examples of such forms; In each case, indicate what qualities this form develops.

happening in the age of machines and robots." Using text and social science

knowledge, give two explanations for this idea.

31. The author believes that “you always need to learn.” Using the text and social science knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the need for continuous education throughout a person’s life.

Argument = fact + judgment (because or since)

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