Spelling of prefixes pre and at 1 option. Test "Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-". Russian language test on the topic. The prefix pri- denotes

Test on the topic "Spelling the prefixes PRE- and PRI-"

1. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr_brezhny;
2) stop;
3) pr_hide;
4) pr_enlarge.

2. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) Succeed;
2) rotate;
3) pr…reap;
4) to see off.

3. Find the option with the spelling error.

1) President

2) despise

3) priority

4) presidium

4. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr...sea

2) pr…ground

3) obstruction

4) pr...sit down

5. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) Pr... fell silent

2) pr...vomited

3) nice...flattering

4) pr…kneel

6. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Choose

2) grow away

3) attractive...attractive

4) pr...big

7. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) pr...raise

2) pr...turn

3) pr...sit down

4) pr...reduce

8. In which word does the prefix mean “incomplete action”?

1) Pr...pretty

2) pr…coastal

3) pr...quilt

4) pr...open

9. In which word does the prefix mean “approximation”?

1) They’ll gush

2) lay down

3) oh dear

4) obstruction

10. In which word does the spelling of pre-/pri- depend on the context?

1) Listen

2) pr...frowned

3) give

4) pr...flew

1. - 4)
2. - 3)
3. - 3)
4. - 3)
5. - 1)
6. - 4)
7. - 3)
8. - 4)
9. - 1)
10. - 3)

description of vowels and consonants in prefixes (go to test)

1. - 3)
2. - 3)
3. - 4)
4. - 3)
5. - 1)
6. - 4)
7. - 4)
8. - 3)
9. - 4)

Test on the topic “Spelling prefixes”

1. In which word does the prefix end in a voiceless consonant?

1) overcome the competition;

2) push with your elbow;

3) run away from home;

4) write the address.

2. In which word is a double consonant written at the junction of a prefix and a root?

1) open your mouth;

2) prudent;

3) calculate;

4) race_path.

3. In which word is the letter Z written in place of the gap?

1) do and...subtish;

2) not...restrained;

3) too...too strict;

4) free...paid

4. In what case is the letter C written in place of the gap?

1) merciless;

2) equalize;

3) unceremoniously;

4) not...tasty.

5. -WITH?

1) and_scoop;

2) excessive;

3) lifeless;

4) to_do.

6. In which word does the prefix end in -Z?

1) neither_walk;

2) in_produce;

4) to_breathe.

7. In which word is I written after the prefix?

1) to summarize;

2) find out;

3) not without...interesting;

4) super...inventive.

8. In which word is Y written after the prefix?

1) disinfection;

2) trans...ran;

3) unknown;

4) regional inspection.

9. In which word after the prefix should you write AND?

1) from_skat;

2) inactive;

3) pre-historical;

4) inter_institutional.

Test "Spelling of prefixes

Option 1

1) SEW - “attachment”
2) OPEN – “incomplete action”
3) PRIMORSKY – “closeness to something”
4) BEAUTIFUL – “incompleteness of action”

1) pr...darling, pr...Volzhsky, pr...bring closer
2) pr...look, pr...run, pr...glue
3) pr...urban, pr...put, pr...kind
4) pr...school, pr...sew, pr...step

1) pr...get along, pr...jump, pr...funny
2) pr...enlarge, pr...wise, pr...unpleasant
3) pr...sit down, pr...screw, pr...calm
4) pr...breezy, pr...crawl, pr...graduate

4. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRI-.

1) pr...look, pr...overcome, pr...twisted
2) pr…do, pr…image, pr…grads
3) pr...limped, pr...lead, pr...grow
4) pr…rise, pr…adventure, pr…fly

5. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRE-.

1) pr...red, pr...tear, pr...run
2) right...lie down, right...strong, right...obstacle
3) pr...dear, pr...kind, pr...rise
4) pr...muffle, pr...think, pr...complicated

6. In which series in all words does the prefix mean “location near something”?

1) pr…raise, pr…warm, pr…glue

2) pr..school, pr...station, pr...frontline

3) pr...touch, pr...carry, pr...Azovskaya,

4) pr...road, pr...used to, pr...moor

7. Define the word with the prefix pre-:
1) Write
2) Pr...road
3) Pr...wise
4) Sit down

8. Define the word with the prefix pri-.
1) Overcome obstacles
2) R…tear speech
3) P...block the way
4) Pr...land on your knees

9. In which word does the prefix mean “incomplete action”?

1) Pr...pretty

2) pr…coastal

3) pr...quilt

4) pr...open

1) Located near the station -

2) Very good -

3) Squint your eyes in the sun -

4) The area near the estate -

5) Very diligent -

11. Insert letters

Pr estate plot,

Pr coastal area,
city ​​bus,

pr greedy neighbor
run to school

drive the cattle
oh wise minnow,

pr stick a stamp
go home

brought a gift

pr long way,
strong friend,

brought a book

Pr road cafe,
sea ​​region,

Pr expensive gift,
sew a button

pr court advisor.

Test "Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre-". Date_____________

Full name__________________________________________Class____________

Option 2

1. Give an incorrect explanation of the meaning of the prefix.

1) Solder - “attachment”
2) SIT down – “approaching”
3) PRISCHOOL - “closeness to something”
4) Exaggerate – equals the meaning of “very”

2. In which line are all words written with I:

1) pr...drive, pr...pretty, pr...stomp
2) pr...screw, pr...drive, pr...build
3) pr...overcome, pr...sit, pr...scare
4) pr...reconcile, pr...freeze, pr...huge

3. In which line are all words written with E:

1) pr...blame, pr...red, pr...glue
2) pr...unpleasant, pr...interesting, pr...tear
3) pr…dress up, pr…manor, pr…endure
4) pr...hail, pr...road, pr...move

4. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRI-:

1) hiding... hiding, pr... funny, pr... city.
2) pr…criminal, pr…inoculation, pr…kind
3) pr…open, pr…press, pr…crawl
4) straight...sighted, right...station, pass...overcome

5. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRE-:

1) pr...zident, pr...think, pr...pretty.
2) pr...nasty, pr...evil, pr...excellent
3) pr…ural, pr…raise, pr…possible
4) pr...cheerful, pr...look, pr...pound

6. In which row in all words does the prefix mean “attachment”?

1) pr...city, pr...sea, pr...front

2) pr...floated, pr...raised, pr...construction

3) pr...solder, pr...twist, pr...glue

4) pr...flying, pr...dragging, pr...breezy.

7. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) Pr... fell silent

2) pr…torn

3) nice...flattering

4) pr...funny

8. Define the word with the prefix pre-.
1) Pr...school site
2) Create a window
3) Overcome the obstacle
4) Sew a button

9. In which word does the prefix mean “approximation”?

1) They’ll gush

2) lay down

3) pr...darling

4) obstruction

10. Express the phrase in one word with the prefix PR- or PR-.

1) Descend from heaven to earth -

2) Very long -

3) Open the door slightly -

4) Connect with glue -

5) Located by the sea -

11. Insert letters

Pr estate plot,

Pr coastal area,
city ​​bus,

pr greedy neighbor
run to school

drive the cattle
oh wise minnow,

pr stick a stamp
go home

brought a gift

pr long way,
strong friend,

brought a book

Pr road cafe,
sea ​​region,

Pr expensive gift,
sew a button

pr court advisor.


6th grade

Letters ы-, и- after consoles

Target: know the conditions for choosing vowels ы-, и- after prefixes. Be able to find a given spelling and explain in writing the conditions for choosing these letters.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

2. Challenge

A) Technique “Brain attack”

Read the words on the board:

Play - play, play.

What can you say about writing them? (they come to the conclusion that it is possible to write letters after prefixes s or and)

Let's highlight the morphemes: prefix and root.

B) Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Let's try to name the topic of the lesson (they put forward versions)

Let’s formulate the purpose of the lesson (the most successful versions are selected)


A) Reception “Cluster” (scheme)

Let's return to the written words on the board. Let's determine why in 1 word after the prefix it is written - and - , and in the second - ы - (answers)

Please note that we are talking about words with the same root that, without prefixes, begin with - and -.

Let's start making a cluster at the board.

After prefixes for consonants ← И - И → after prefixes for vowels

Let's read the rule in the textbook on page 135. Let's compare its contents with our rule.


3. Reinforcing educational material

Ex. 342

Ex. 343

Using the prefixes without-, over- and non-, form words with the same root





indicate the conditions for choosing this spelling.

4. Reflection

5. Lesson summary

6. D.z.: learn the rule p. 135. ZSP-8; compose a story using words with the studied spelling.

Exercise 1 .

Fill in the missing letters. Distribute and write the words in two columns: in the first - with a prefix at- , in the second - with the prefix pre- .

An ancient legend, a stumbling block, miracles of nature, pr...step (to the point), a rich tradition, the treachery of fate, continuation obstacles, no need to reproach, acknowledge what you have done, remain inactive, obey unquestioningly, adherent of new views, give a friend, etc. ..to reconcile enemies, the existence of a train, an indispensable condition, a useful acquisition, life without pr...beauty, pr...funny incident, refraction of rays, etc. ..excess of authority, stop...the hearing of the case, give an oath, adventure seekers.

Exercise 2 .

Write down and remember these words of foreign origin, explain their meaning. Make up phrases or sentences with these words.

Prelude, preamble, prevail, prestige, privileged, price list, premiere, primacy, prima donna, claim, precedent.

Exercise 3.

Rewrite the text, inserting the missing spellings. Explain the spelling of prefixes.

Deceptive Forest

One day, while hunting in a dense forest, King Henry fell on the trail of a beautiful red mountain goat and, following it, fell behind his hunting retinue at a great distance.

Annoyed by the smell of the beast, his dogs were so carried away by the chase that...soon even their barking could not be heard. Meanwhile, the evening imperceptibly... thickened, and night came. Then the king realized that he was lost. And...from afar the calling sounds of hunting horns could be heard, but the closer, as it seemed to the king, he walked towards them, the weaker the horns sounded. With annoyance, Heinrich remembered how... loud and capricious sounds in mountain forests were and what a treacherous mockingbird the mountain echo was. But it was already too late. We had to spend the night in the forest.

(According to A. Kuprin)

Exercise 4 .

Make up phrases with these words. Explain the meaning of prefixes pre- And at- .

Transform, despise, overcome, transform, get used to, invite, prepare, suspend, surpass, transform.

Exercise 5 .

Replace phrases with words with prefixes pre- And at- .

Diligent, diligent; located near a school; to come somewhere; tell an enemy a secret; oral history, history passed down from generation to generation; inclinations that have become common and permanent; turn something into something else; lie down for a while; guard standing at the gate; stop doing something; open a little.

Exercise 6 .

Write the text from dictation. Underline the prefixes pre- and pri-, explain their spelling.

Cunning mongoose

I decorated the cabin with garlands of bananas. They swung on ropes from the ceiling. This is for the mongoose.

I released the tame mongoose, and it now ran all over me, and I lay with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes a little and saw that the mongoose jumped onto the belt, climbed onto the frame of the round steamship window, perched itself firmly and looked at me. I hid. The mongoose pushed with its paw into the stave, and the frame moved sideways. When the frame approached the bananas, the mongoose rushed, jumped and grabbed the banana with both paws. She hung in the air for a moment. But the banana came off, and the mongoose jumped on all four legs. Great acrobatic jump! I jumped up to take a look, but the mongoose was already constantly fiddling around under the bed. A minute later she appeared before me with a smeared face and quacked with pleasure.

(According to B. Zhitkov)

Exercise 7.

Fill in the missing letters, distributing the words into columns ( pre- , at- )

Pro_road, pro_open, overcome the obstacle, overcome the pain, sit on the bench, pro_suppress, pro_sea, be_fed, neglect, pro_rotation, pro_follow, confess, look at the coward, pr_breezy, pro_image, get to the point, pro_stop, sunrise, education, pr_grada, pr_ruchit, pr_build , kicking signs, funny kitten. To remain ignorant is to remain on schedule; ancient tradition - tradition of strength; loyal patriot – loyal to the enemies – loyal to the command; successor of traditions - successor of "Tourist-2" - continuity of generations - acceptable option; vision of death - vision of an orphan - vision; look at threats - look at children who have lost their parents; imaged - acquired; bring to life - make a door; bump into a stone - bump into a corner; increase - decrease the opening value, reduce expenses for the sake of saving; passing moment – ​​passing health worker; doing work in the temple means doing everything; bend the branches - bend the knees; fall to the ground - teach a lesson; pr_sorrowful fact - pr_bright image.

Test on the topic "Spelling the prefixes PRE- and PRI-"

1. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr_brezhny;
2) stop;
3) pr_hide;
4) pr_enlarge.

2. In which word is the prefix written?

1) Succeed;
2) rotate;
3) pr…reap;
4) to see off.

3. Find the option with the spelling error.

1) President

2) despise

3) priority

4) presidium

4. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr...sea

2) pr…ground

3) obstruction

4) pr...sit down

5. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) Pr... fell silent

2) pr...vomited

3) nice...flattering

4) pr…kneel

6. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Choose

2) grow away

3) attractive...attractive

4) pr...big

7. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) pr...raise

2) pr...turn

3) pr...sit down

4) pr...reduce

8. In which word does the prefix mean “incomplete action”?

1) Pr...pretty

2) pr…coastal

3) pr...quilt

4) pr...open

9. In which word does the prefix mean “approximation”?

1) They’ll gush

2) lay down

3) oh dear

4) obstruction

10. In which word does the spelling of pre-/pri- depend on the context?

1) Listen

2) pr...frowned

Option 1 Option 2

There is There is error?

4. In what version?No No

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1.Which word contains the prefix PR? 1. In what variant is the prefix PR written?

A) Make a friend A) Make an effort

B) Pr...land on time B) Pr...sunrise cocktail

B) Quit the dispute B) Cross the law

D) Nice...great cake D) Nice...wise man

2. In which word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what variant is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr...morsky region A) Pr...morsky boulevard

B) Get to work B) Get to work

B) Pr...red princess B) Pr...stop the argument

D) Go...open the door D) Go...to Paris

3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error? 3. In what variant of the spelling of the prefixThere is error?

A) Nasty conversation A) Pre-school area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes slightly

B) Smooth your hair C) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix? 4. In what version?No mistakes in spelling the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make an effort

B) Arrive in the city B) Garden plot

B) Open the door C) Nice day

D) Prevokzalnaya Street D) A worthy participant

5. In what cases does the prefix PRE mean “very”? 5. In what cases does the prefix PRI mean “close”?

A) A very funny joke A) Getting closer to the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

B) Calm student B) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test 1 "Spelling" prefixes PRE- and PRI-»

1 option

    Please provide an incorrect explanation of the meaning.


1) SEW - “attachment”
2) OPEN – “incomplete action”
3) PRIMORSKY – “closeness to something”
4) BEAUTIFUL – “incompleteness of action”

1)pre..darling, pr...Volzhsky, pr..bring closer
2) pr...look, pr...adventure, pr...prepare
3) pr…urban, pr…put, pr…stop
4) pr…gain, pr…pleasant, pr…giver

3. In which line are all words written with E:

1) pr...get along, pr...attract, pr...funny
2) pr...enlarge, pr...wise, pr...unpleasant
3) pr...sit down, pr...screw, pr...calm
4) pr...breezy, pr...crawl, pr...graduate

4. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRI-.

1) pr...follow, pr...overcome, pr...twisted
2) pr…do, pr…image, pr…grads
3) pr...limped, pr...lead, pr...grow
4) pr…rise, pr…adventure, pr…fly

5. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRE-.

1) pr...red, pr...tear, pr...run
2) pr…vision, signs of pr…kicks, pr…obstacle
3) pr...dear, pr...kind, pr...rise
4) pr...muffle, pr...think, pr...complicated

Test 1 on the topic “Spelling” prefixes PRE- and PRI-»

Option II

1. Give an incorrect explanation of the meaning of the prefix.

1) Solder - “attachment”
2) SIT down – “approaching”
3) PRISCHOOL - “closeness to something”
4) Exaggerate – equals the meaning of “very”

2. In which line are all words written with I:

1) pr...drive, pr...pretty, pr...stomp
2) pr...screw, pr...drive, pr...build
3) pr...overcome, pr...sit, pr...swell
4) pr...reconcile, pr...freeze, pr...huge

3. . In which line are all words written with E:

1) pr…roll out, pr…rotate, pr…glue
2) pr...unpleasant, pr...interesting, pr...tear
3) pr…dress up, pr…manor, pr…endure
4) pr...hail, pr...road, pr...move

4. Indicate the row in which all the words have

prefix PRI-.

1) hide… hide, pr… look, pr… personal
2) pr...boutka, pr...vaccination, pr...kind
3) pr…open, pr…press, pr…crawl
4) conspicuous, pr...rotate, pr...wonderful

5. Indicate the row in which all the words have

prefix PRE-.

1) pr…stizh, pr…zident, pr…miera
2) pr...nasty, pr...evil, pr...excellent
3) pr…ural, pr…raise, pr…possible
4) pr...cheerful, pr...press, pr...belong

Test 1 on the topic “Spelling” prefixes PRE- and PRI-»


Option I : 1. 4), 2. 2), 3. 2), 4. 3), 5. 3)
Option II : 1. 2), 2. 2), 3. 2), 4. 3), 5. 2)

Test 2 “Prefixes PRE-and PR”

1. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr_brezhny;
2) stop;
3) pr_hide;
4) pr_enlarge.

2. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) Succeed;
2) rotate;
3) pr…reap;
4) to see off.

3. Find the option with the spelling error.

1) President

2) despise

3) priority

4) presidium

4. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr...sea

2) pr…ground

3) obstruction

4) pr...sit down

5. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) Pr... fell silent

2) pr...vomited

3) nice...flattering

4) pr…kneel

6. In which word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Choose

2) grow away

3) attractive...attractive

4) pr...big

7. In which word is the prefix pri- written?

1) pr...raise

2) pr...turn

3) pr...sit down

4) pr...reduce

8. In which word does the prefix mean “incomplete action”?

1) Pr...pretty

2) pr…coastal

3) pr...quilt

4) pr...open

9. In which word does the prefix mean “approximation”?

1) They’ll gush

2) lay down

3) oh dear

4) obstruction

10. In which word does the spelling of pre-/pri- depend on the context?

1) Listen

2) pr...frowned

3) give

4) pr...flew

Test 2 on the topic “Spelling” prefixes PRE- and PRI-»

    2. - 3)
    3. - 3)
    4. - 3)
    5. - 1)
    6. - 4)
    7. - 3)
    8. - 4)
    9. - 1)
    10. - 3)

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