Holidays and events of August. Holidays and events of August Memorable dates August 8

Russia has completed a significant part of the operation to force Georgia to peace in South Ossetia, Tskhinvali has been taken under control by peacekeepers, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

00:06 Shortly before midnight Moscow time, shelling from large-caliber guns of the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali, as well as South Ossetian villages, began from the Georgian villages of Nikozi and Ergneti. Representatives of the unrecognized republic stated that Georgian troops had actually started a war and were storming Tskhinvali.

00:42 Georgia promised to restore constitutional order in South Ossetia. The commander of the Georgian peacekeepers, Mamuka Kurashvili, called military operation in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict “by establishing constitutional order in South Ossetia.” He also called on Russian peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone not to interfere in the situation.

01:38 The assault on Tskhinvali is being carried out in all directions. The South Ossetian authorities stated that the Georgian side was shelling Tskhinvali from Grad launchers, howitzers and large-caliber mortars.

02:08 Georgia announced the start of war with South Ossetia. Georgia notified peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone about the outbreak of war in South Ossetia.

02:37 Abkhazia is sending a thousand volunteers to South Ossetia. President of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh convened an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Friday night; According to media reports, Abkhazia will send about a thousand volunteers to help South Ossetia.

03:46 Georgia launched a tank attack on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali. The Georgian army has launched a tank attack on the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali, said South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity. South Ossetian forces, he emphasized, are resisting. Georgian State Minister Temur Yakobashvili, in turn, announced that Tskhinvali is surrounded by Georgian troops.

04:20 Infantry went to storm Tskhinvali.

04:33 Russia demanded the convening of a UN Security Council meeting on the situation in South Ossetia.

04:48 Reinforcements from North Ossetia arrived in Tskhinvali.

06:49 Abkhazia is moving troops to the border with Georgia.

07:12 Georgian media reported the call for reservists.

07:23 Georgian aviation struck South Ossetia.

08:56 Georgian troops began shelling Russian peacekeepers.

09:23 Georgian media announced the capture of Tskhinvali.

11:10 The President of Georgia, during his address to the nation, spoke about his vision of the situation in the conflict zone and announced the general mobilization of reservists.

11:19 “Rustavi-2”: Georgia shot down a plane arriving from Russia.

12:37 The Parliament of North Ossetia called on Russia to help the South.

13:45 A gas pipeline was blown up in Tskhinvali. Earlier it was reported that fighting was taking place in the center of the capital of South Ossetia, a hospital was destroyed, and a university was on fire.

16:14 A column of Russian armored vehicles entered Tskhinvali. Earlier, Georgia threatened Russia with war if information about the introduction of Russian armored vehicles into the territory of South Ossetia was confirmed.

18:23 Units of the 58th Army occupy the northern outskirts of Tskhinvali.

19:32 During an air raid on a Georgian air base, several military aircraft were destroyed.

21:23 200 volunteers from Russia crossed the border of South Ossetia. According to one of the volunteers, a column of 20 Gazelles arrived from North Ossetia to South Ossetia.

23:16 20 trucks with Georgian military departed from Batumi towards Tskhinvali. According to eyewitnesses, at least 200 military personnel were sent from Batumi to South Ossetia.

02:14 The shelling of Tskhinvali from all types of weapons continues.

09:17 One of the tactical groups of the 58th Army of the North Caucasus Military District broke into the base camp of Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali.

11:38 Units of the 76th Airborne Division from Pskov enter Tskhinvali. Units of the 98th Airborne Division from Ivanovo, as well as special forces from the 45th Separate Reconnaissance Regiment, are being transferred to South Ossetia.

12:28 The General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces confirms information about two downed Russian military aircraft Su-25 and Tu-22 in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. One pilot was killed, three were captured.

12:59 Georgian military surrenders and leaves positions in the South Ossetian capital.

14:59 Abkhazia began an armed operation in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge.

15:52 Ossetian militias destroyed 4 Georgian tanks.

19:02 The Abkhaz army launched a missile attack on some military facilities in western Georgia.

20:39 Ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are regrouping in the Black Sea, adjacent to the maritime border of Georgia.

21:00 Units of the 58th Army are conducting an operation to oust Georgian formations from the southern outskirts of Tskhinvali.

23:50 After a five-hour battle, the artillery shelling of Tskhinvali stopped. Tank assault prevented. On the southern outskirts of the city, 12 Georgian tanks were destroyed.

08:45 Abkhaz troops resumed massive shelling in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge, controlled by the Georgian military, using aircraft and Grad multiple rocket launchers.

10:20 Russia has strengthened its naval group in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. Black Sea Fleet warships entered the waters near the city of Ochamchira.

10:25 The Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the withdrawal of troops from South Ossetia.

14:02 The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed information about the withdrawal of Georgian troops from Tskhinvali.

14:40 An air raid was carried out on Zugdidi.

17:13 Abkhaz troops continue to launch air and artillery strikes on Georgian positions in the upper part of the Kodori Gorge.

17:33 The Abkhaz army took up positions on the Inguri River along the border with Georgia.

18:39 The first column with the wounded left Tskhinvali for Vladikavkaz. 50 people were evacuated.

18:56 Georgia announced a ceasefire. The Russian consul was handed a note, which states the corresponding order of Mikheil Saakashvili. The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims that Georgian troops have withdrawn from South Ossetia.

20:20 Georgian media reported a new bombing of the territory of the Tbilaviastroi plant. According to journalists, the bombs were dropped by a Russian plane. No casualties or damage were reported.

21:05 Sergei Lavrov stated the need for the unconditional withdrawal of Georgian troops. In a telephone conversation with Georgian Foreign Minister Eka Tkeshelashvili, Lavrov pointed out that Georgian troops did not leave the conflict zone, contrary to the statement of the Georgian authorities.

21:40 Tskhinvali has completely come under the control of Russian peacekeepers. This was reported by assistant commander of the JPKF Vladimir Ivanov. According to him, Georgian troops are retreating to the administrative border with South Ossetia.

22:16 Georgia agreed to allow Russian peacekeepers into the Zugdidi region

The governor of the Zugdidi region, Zaza Morokhia, agreed to the presence of the Russian military on the condition that the bombing of Georgia stops

23:40 Igor Dygalo confirmed the destruction of the Georgian missile boat. According to the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, four ships violated the boundaries of the “declared security zone” in the patrol area Russian fleet. After the destruction of the boat, three other Georgian ships left in the direction of Poti.

00:17 Russian paratroopers arrived in Abkhazia. According to the assistant commander of the KSPM for information support Alexander Novitsky, the soldiers were brought in with the goal of “preventing Georgia’s military aggression against Abkhazia.”

00:23 Tskhinvali was again subjected to artillery shelling.

1:10 19 Georgian saboteurs were captured in South Ossetia. The prisoners were placed under tight security due to fears that residents of the unrecognized republic would stage lynching.

1:22 Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs: Russian artillery began intensive shelling of the city of Gori.

1:57 Russia and Georgia agreed not to use aviation in the conflict zone. This was reported by Novosti-Georgia news agency. The commander of the Russian peacekeeping forces, Sergei Chaban, noted that the agreement does not apply to the Tskhinvali region.

2:37 Assistant commander of the JPKF: the shooting in Tskhinvali has stopped.

3:28 North Ossetia will send 2,500 volunteers to South Ossetia. According to Novaya Gazeta, help is arriving in the conflict zone from Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya and other regions of the Caucasus.

4:16 Abkhazia resumed shelling of the Kodori Gorge.

4:24 France presented a plan for resolving the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict. The main provisions of the plan are an immediate ceasefire, provision of medical care to the wounded, and the withdrawal of Georgian and Russian troops from the conflict zone.

5:24 According to the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Air Force attacked the suburbs of Tbilisi.

7:26 Georgia continues shelling Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia

According to JPKF commander Marat Kulakhmetov, clashes between Russian peacekeepers and Georgian military continued in the southern part of the Tskhinvali region on Monday night. One of the peacekeepers' posts was bombed by the Georgian Air Force

8:24 Column of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with humanitarian aid entered South Ossetia. 52.5 tons of food, two hospitals and a tent camp for 500 people will be delivered to Tskhinvali.

8:51 According to South Ossetian government representative Irina Gagloeva, Georgia opened an irrigation canal to deprive people of the opportunity to hide from bombing.

10:10 The Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that 50 Russian bombers appeared in the skies over Tbilisi. According to the Georgian side, bombs were dropped on the village of Kojori near the capital.

10:20 Abkhaz forces have completely blocked the upper part of Kodori and are ready to begin an operation to destroy Georgian troops.

10:50 Russian peacekeepers demanded that Georgian troops in Kodori surrender their weapons. Sergei Chaban announced the demilitarization of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict zone.

12:24 Sea communications between Russia and Georgia have been stopped. The Georgian port of Batumi is closed.

12:43 The shelling on the road from Tskhinvali to the Roki tunnel on the border with Russia has stopped, the situation has stabilized. The evacuation of local residents from surrounding settlements continues, and military equipment, including tanks and self-propelled artillery units, is heading towards Tskhinvali.

13:02 Georgia Online found Russian submarines off the coast of Abkhazia.

13:05 The “peace enforcement operation” in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict has been largely completed, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, the city of Tskhinvali has been taken under control by a reinforced Russian peacekeeping contingent.

13:07 Georgia refused to lay down arms in Kodori. Georgian troops rejected the ultimatum of the Russian peacekeepers.

13:07 The General Staff of the Russian Federation admitted the loss of two more Su-25 aircraft, said Deputy Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Anatoly Nogovitsyn. He also stated that the total loss of personnel on Georgian territory was 18 people killed, including one officer and another 17 sergeants and soldiers.

13:10 Russian General Staff: Georgian military were transferred from Iraq by American planes.

13:31 Western airlines are canceling flights to Georgia.

13:35 Saakashvili signed a ceasefire document prepared by the foreign ministers of France and Finland, the Novosti-Georgia agency reports.

13:52 Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel General Anatoly Nogovitsyn, called the statements of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili about a ceasefire a deception.

During the three days of the war in Georgia, 92 people died. Losses among the population of South Ossetia, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, exceed two thousand people, more than 30 thousand became refugees.

00:31 Georgian television reported that Russian troops entered the territory of Poti.

00:51 The Russian Ministry of Defense denied this message.

04:34 Two Russian journalists missing in Georgia have been found. It turned out that the photographer of the Expert magazine Vyacheslav Kochetkov and the correspondent of the Russian Reporter magazine Igor Naydenov are in the camp of Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinvali.

10:15 Russian troops began fighting 20 kilometers south of Tskhinvali. Agencies reported this with reference to Ossetian militias.

11:21 Reuters reported that Russian planes began bombing Gori. It was also reported that several people were injured as a result of the bombing.

11:35 The FSB detained the deputy head of the Georgian Foreign Intelligence Service. Russian intelligence services claimed that the detainee was collecting information about the military and the president of South Ossetia. It was also reported that a number of Georgian agents are suspected of attempting to form a gangster underground in southern Russia.

13:00 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced the completion of the operation to enforce peace in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The goal of the operation, Medvedev said, had been achieved, the safety of peacekeepers and civilians had been ensured, and possible centers of aggression would be destroyed.

13:01 Georgia accused Russia of bombing the oil pipeline. According to Georgian media reports, Russian planes bombed the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BDT) oil pipeline, which is necessary for transporting oil from Azerbaijan to Turkey and is partially laid through Georgian territory. This was stated by Secretary of the National Security Council of Georgia Alexander (Kakha) Lomaia. Previously, Russian representatives have repeatedly stated that they do not intend to interfere with the operation of the oil pipeline.

13:21 Explosions occurred on the outskirts of Tbilisi, media reported. According to preliminary information, this happened in the area where the airport and aircraft factory are located.

13:40 Russian troops control Senaki airport and settlements in the security zone of Abkhazia.

13:50 The Russian General Staff denied reports of bombing of the oil pipeline.

14:00 The Russian General Staff demanded the presence of international observers in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Signal Corps Day was established by Presidential Decree of February 1, 2000. It was on this day, August 8, 1920, in Kyiv, on the basis of the former Konstantinovsky Junker Military School, that the training of signalmen began at the second Kyiv military engineering courses. With the beginning of Ukraine's independence on January 3, 1992, the communications department of the Red Banner Kiev Military District took over the management of the system and communications troops of the Kyiv, Carpathian, Odessa military districts, and later - the communications troops of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces. This is where the formation of the Communications Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces in our state began. Now signal troops are special troops designed to provide communications and command and control of the Armed Forces, its technical basis, and signal soldiers are part of all branches of the military. Today, the specialty of a military communications operator is one of the most in demand in the war zone in eastern Ukraine.

Events of the day:

On this day, in 2008, after shelling of Georgian villages, the Georgian armed forces declared their intention to “restore constitutional order” in the territory of South Ossetia and, as a result of the fighting, occupied most of Tskhinvali. However, Russia did not want to accept the defeat of the pro-Russian separatists, and the Kremlin intervened in this internal conflict. Russian state media accused Georgia of deliberately shelling Tskhinvali. Even the day before, on August 7, the Russian Federation began to transfer troops to the conflict zone. During a direct ground invasion Russian army to Georgia, tank brigades Russians went beyond the borders of unrecognized South Ossetia and reached the Kodori Gorge. Russia bombed Georgian cities, military bases and civilian infrastructure and deployed its naval forces. At the same time, the Russians occupied the main port of Georgia - Poti, and destroyed all Georgian boats and ships in the roadstead that had military designations, including border guard ships. Given the direct invasion of Russia, Tbilisi announced the withdrawal of troops from Tskhinvali and a unilateral ceasefire. On August 12, a truce plan proposed by the European Union was signed, the main points of which were a final ceasefire and the return of troops to their bases by the parties to the conflict. Despite this, Russian troops actively advanced deeper into Georgian territory - the cities of Gori, Senaki, Poti were occupied, and the strategic road connecting western and eastern Georgia was cut. According to official Georgian data, 413 people were killed on the Georgian side in the conflict. Among them: 177 military, 16 police and 220 civilians, 2,234 people were injured. After the occupation of part of Georgia, the parties finally reached an agreement on a ceasefire with the participation of international mediators. According to the agreements reached, the withdrawal of Russian troops from Georgian territory should be completed by October 1, 2008, but the Russians remain on the territory of the self-proclaimed republics to this day. Over the years, Russia has significantly strengthened its military bases illegally located in the occupied regions of Georgia and increased the number of military personnel and heavy offensive weapons.

Anniversaries of the day:

130 years since birth Vladimir Petrovich Zatonsky (1888-1938), Ukrainian party and statesman, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Father of Dmitry Zatonsky (Ukrainian literary critic, academician). One of the leaders of the Kyiv October uprising of 1917, a member of the first Ukrainian Soviet government, one of the organizers of the Communist Party (b)U. In 1918 - Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Soviet Ukraine. After civil war(1922-1923 and 1933-1938 (appointed after Skrypnik’s suicide)) - People’s Commissar of Education of the Ukrainian SSR. Zatonsky contributed to the unjustified change of Ukrainian spelling in 1933, and approved repressions against “ideologically unrestrained” educators. At the same time, he had a negative attitude towards manifestations of great-power chauvinism, and was a supporter of Soviet, not Russian, centrism. In November 1937 he was arrested, and on July 29, 1938 he was shot (along with his wife).

99 years since birth Dino De Laurentiis (1919-2010), the legendary Italian producer, one of the most outstanding film producers of post-war cinema. He collaborated with the most famous film directors of the twentieth century - Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ingmar Bergman, Michelangelo Antonioni, Jean-Luc Godard, Milos Forman, David Lynch. In the USA, he produced the famous thrillers and blockbusters “Serpico”, “Three Days of the Condor”, “King Kong”, and directed the film adaptations of many Stephen King novels. In total, he produced more than 150 American and European films, and participated in the production of almost 500 films. He earned millions from low-budget masterpieces and went broke on pretentious blockbusters, stood at the origins of Italian neorealism and poured considerable funds into Hollywood cinema. Laurentiis had a great talent for finding big money and directing it where it was needed. He made friends with disreputable Sicilian businessmen and dark pasts, and respectable New York bankers, with left and right, even with Russian communists, carrying out several joint projects in the Soviet Union (“Waterloo” by Bondarchuk and “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia” by Ryazanov). “Dino is a little... a little naive. Sometimes he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into, but the fact is that nothing sticks to him...”, one of his friends said about Laurentiis. And indeed: some film producers were not spared by legal red tape and accusations of connections with the mafia. De Laurentiis happily avoided this sad fate, but in 2001, at the Oscars, he received the Irwin Thalberg Award, the world's most prestigious award for a producer.

81 year since birth Dustin Hoffman (1937), American film actor and producer of Jewish origin. Starred in the films: “Kramer vs. Kramer”, “Rain Man” (Oscar Award), “Midnight Cowboy”, “Everything presidential army", "Tootsie", "Flash". Goffman always emphasizes his Jewish origin, remembering that his grandfather and grandmother - Kyiv (or Belaya Tserkov) Jews - were shot by the Bolsheviks in front of their children. Subsequently, Goffman's parents emigrated to the United States, took root there, and Dustin was born there. According to Hoffmann's recollections, his parents were not very religious people, he recalled that “there are no memories from childhood of celebrating any Jewish religious holidays,” and he “realized” that he was a Jew “at the age of 10,” but “I always felt like a Jew. This is a gut feeling. I feel like I'm a Russian Romanian Jew... and I love hominy and I also love borscht and vodka. Also, it seems to me that this specific humor that I have always felt inclined to, and which is difficult to define in any other way - I have a Jewish sense of humor.” Dustin Hoffman studied at the Los Angeles Conservatory, the New York Actors Studio, and the Playhouse School of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena. He started his career on Broadway. He made his film debut in 1967. He gained worldwide fame in the 70-80s, after the release of the films “Kramer vs. Kramer”, “Tootsie”, “Midnight Cowboy”. The actor was married twice, is the father of 6 children and the grandfather of two grandchildren. He is an ardent liberal, regrets not becoming a jazz musician, criticizes Hollywood, loves to tell jokes and adores Johnny Depp because he does what he pleases and does not try to be a star. He also hates looking at old photographs of himself. “Some people call it memories, but for me it was always like a big punch in the gut,” says Hoffman.

Death anniversary:

On this day in 1949, the famous Ukrainian athlete, professional wrestler died in Kuban Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny (1871-1949). A peasant from the Cherkasy region became the world champion 6 times in a row. For forty years of performances, Poddubny has not lost a single championship and received worldwide recognition as the “champion of champions.” He began his career as a wrestler in the circus, and then began professional wrestling. His performances made audiences in Paris and Milan, Frankfurt, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles go wild. In total, Poddubny performed in 14 countries. The athlete tried to stay away from politics all his life. After the Bolshevik revolution, he did not support either the whites, the reds, or the greens - instead, he traveled around the cities and delighted the public with his extraordinary abilities. But he could not resist during the passport process of 1932-1933, when “Poddubny” was written in his passport, and “Russian” was written in the nationality column. This outraged him and he appealed to various Soviet authorities to have his last name and nationality spelled correctly. But he was politely refused. Then the wrestler himself corrected “o” to “i”, and “Russian” to “Ukrainian”. For which he ended up in the dungeons of the NKVD in Rostov-on-Don in 1937 under the article “anti-Soviet agitation and Ukrainian nationalism.” In prison, the athlete was subjected to torture - the scars on his body from the soldering iron remained for the rest of his life. “I went to hell with the devils for my tongue and for my passport. But it’s okay, I’m a wrestler, a world champion, and not a sprat on two legs,” Poddubny joked sadly. He spent several weeks in the NKVD, and then he was released. It was rumored that one of the officials stood up for him. Poddubny was arrested for the second time after the war. This time for cooperation with the Germans. Poddubny did not evacuate from Yeisk (Kuban), where he lived before the war. When asked why he didn’t leave, he answered: “Where to run? Dying soon." The Nazis treated the world champion with respect, even allowing him to wear the Order of the Red Banner of Labor; gave out food. He worked in a billiard room and from time to time threw drunken Germans out into the street by their collars. The latter were not offended. Retreating, they offered to leave for Germany, but he refused. Poddubny was soon released from the NKVD prison. Again due to lack of evidence. The famous athlete lived out his century in Yeisk in terrible poverty. There wasn’t enough money even for bread, so he was forced to sell his medals.

On August 8, 117, Marcus Ulpius Trajan died, under whom the Roman Empire reached the peak of power. The son of a Roman governor in Syria, he began his service as a simple legionnaire and quickly earned the love of the soldiers. Trajan had enormous strength, was excellent at wielding weapons, and once stabbed a lion to death with a simple dagger. In 96 he was elected Emperor of Rome.

He was a wise ruler. He ordered the informers, who were the scourge of the Romans, to be loaded onto leaky ships and drowned in the sea. The Senate awarded him the title of "best emperor."
Trajan waged successful wars - he conquered Dacia (present-day Romania) and erected a huge column in Rome depicting episodes of the war. Then he defeated the powerful Parthian kingdom. But, returning from this campaign, he fell ill with cholera and died in Syria.

On August 8, 1115, the Chernigov prince Oleg Svyatoslavich, one of the main culprits in the collapse of Kievan Rus, died.

He was the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise and the son of the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav. In 1073, his father allocated the Ryazan principality as his inheritance, but this was not enough for the greedy Oleg. In 1078, after the death of his father, he brought the Polovtsians to Rus' and, with their help, captured Chernigov, where his uncle Vsevolod ruled. A month later, Vsevolod drove his nephew out of the city. Oleg fled to Tmutarakan. Tmutarakan is not an abstract word; it was the name of the area of ​​present-day Kerch. There Oleg was captured by the Khazars and taken to Byzantium.

He spent four years abroad, two of which were on the island of Rhodes. There, the captured Russian prince managed to marry the noble Greek woman Feofania Mouzalon. In 1083, Oleg returned to Tmutarakan at the head of an army and severely punished the Khazars, and 10 years later, relying on the help of the Polovtsians, he became the prince of Chernigov. At the same time, he plundered the outskirts of the city and monasteries. Oleg Svyatoslavich brought so much suffering to his compatriots that he received the nickname Goreslavich. The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” described the years of his reign as follows: “Then plowmen rarely shouted across the Russian land, but often crows crowed, dividing the corpses for themselves.”

His three sons were also a match for Oleg. The eldest of them, the drunkard and libertine Vsevolod, even ended up in epics, where he was portrayed as a purely negative hero, Churila.

On August 8, 1588, the campaign of the so-called “Invincible Armada,” the Spanish fleet that sailed from Lisbon in May with the goal of conquering England, ended in failure.

The armada consisted of 130 ships with 8,000 sailors and 19,000 soldiers. The Spanish ships were inferior to the English in speed and armament, but the Spaniards hoped that they would be able to force a boarding battle and then the Spanish infantry would decide everything. The British fielded smaller and more maneuverable ships with strong artillery. In the English Channel, the English fleet under the command of Admiral Francis Drake and Lord Howard attacked the Spaniards several times. In battles that lasted more than a week (from July 31 to August 8), the Invincible Armada lost more than 20 ships and was forced to move around the British Isles back to Spain. Off the coast of Ireland, the Spanish fleet encountered a severe storm and lost another 40 ships. As a result of the campaign, about half of the “Invincible Armada” was destroyed, and Spain actually lost its status as a great naval power.

The scientist’s colleagues believed that he had the rare quality of separating “the essential from the unimportant” and formulating entire scientific directions. During the formation of genetics, he managed to defend and defend the teachings of Gregor Mendel. It was Bateson who first proposed the term "genetics" from the Greek word "geneticos" - "pertaining to origin."

His work “Materials on the study of discontinuous variability in the origin of species” became fundamental.

In 1905, with the rank of podesaul, he retired from the Don Cossack Regiment for health reasons. Having received a payment of 5 thousand rubles, he invested the entire amount in his blue dream, in the dream factory, in cinema.

Khanzhonkov organized the distribution of European films in Russia, built one of the largest cinemas in Moscow, and created a film studio where documentaries, feature films, popular science films and the first animated films were shot. In general, this man’s contribution to the development of Russian cinema can hardly be overestimated.

In 1909, as an employee of a land surveying office, Starevich came to Khanzhonkov and offered his services in filming visual films. He gave him a used movie camera, a few rolls of film, and things started to boil.

Starevich shot more than twenty films. Among his masterpieces are “Beautiful Lucanida”, “Dragonfly and the Ant”, “Revenge of the Cinematographer”, “The Night Before Christmas”, “Reinecke the Fox”.
In addition to cinema, Starevich's passion was entomology. He initially decided to make a documentary about horned beetles. However, it turned out that with the lighting required for photography, insects become passive. Then he came up with the idea of ​​making dummies out of beetle shells and filming the scene he needed frame by frame. This is how the world's first puppet animation film appeared.

On August 8, 1901, Nina Nikolaevna Berberova was born in St. Petersburg. Her husband was the poet Vladislav Khodasevich. She was 21 years old when they left Russia together. “Suddenly we felt that we were living on the edge of an abyss, in which everything that was dear to us was disappearing with incredible speed,” she will say.

Her book “My Italics” is one of the most famous Russian memoir books of the twentieth century. The first law that Berberova follows is no speculation, only evidence. She owns a line that flew from mouth to mouth in emigration: “I am not in exile, I am in a message.”

In 1989, Berberova visited her homeland for the first time in 67 years, visiting Moscow and Leningrad. Then in one of the interviews she said:

“As a writer, I live only in the Russian language. The French sometimes jealously say to me: “You lived in France for twenty-five years, but what did you write in French? Nothing!" They are not entirely right, I wrote a book about Blok in French, but it is not an artistic work; I couldn’t write a novel, for example, or a story in French. The Russian language is everything to me. I would compare it this way: a person who has been sculpting with clay all his life is suddenly told why you don’t work with metal. So am I: the Russian language for me is clay for life.”

“A theory that has mathematical beauty has a better chance of being correct,” said English physicist Paul Dirac, born August 8, 1902.

He was 26 when he derived an equation describing the quantum properties of the electron. And at the age of 31, together with Erwin Schrödinger, Dirac received Nobel Prize in physics "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory." “The point was probably that we both appreciated mathematical beauty and the embodiment of this beauty in our work,” the scientist later explained that success. It was Dirac who discovered antiworlds for humanity, putting forward the hypothesis about the existence of antiparticles.

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the summer day August 8, what famous people were born on this August day, events that took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and August 8 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the eighth of August left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this summer day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the eighth day of August, August 8, what events and significant dates he was noted and what he was remembered for, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on August 8 (eighth)

Dustin Hoffman (08/08/1937 [Los Angeles]) - famous American actor;

Roger Federer (German: Roger Federer; born August 8, 1981 in Basel, Switzerland) is a Swiss professional tennis player and former world No. 1 singles player. A number of famous experts and athletes call Federer the best tennis player in history. Holder of numerous records, including 17 Grand Slam men's singles titles and a total of 302 weeks at number one in the world rankings (237 consecutive weeks).

Maya Georgievna Menglet. Born on August 8, 1935 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984).

Stanislav Yuryevich Sadalsky. Born on August 8, 1951 in the village. Chkalovskoe (Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Soviet and Russian actor. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991). People's Artist of Georgia and People's Artist of Chuvashia.

Yuliy Solomonovich Gusman (August 8, 1943, Baku) - Soviet and Russian theater and film director, TV presenter, actor, founder and artistic director of the 1st National Award of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts - the Nika Award, permanent member of the KVN jury, member of the presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress

Victor Vasilievich Avilov. Born on August 8, 1953 - died on August 21, 2004 in Novosibirsk. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist Russian Federation (1993).

Evgeny Kemerovo (08/08/1962 [village of Novy Gorodok, Kemerovo region]) - Russian chanson singer;

Yuri Kamorny (08.08.1944 [Alapaevsk] - 27.11.1981 [Leningrad]) - Soviet actor;

Irina Kareeva (08/08/1974 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian actress;

Boris Vladimirov (08.08.1932 - 08.04.1988) - Soviet pop actor and director, who became famous in the mask image of Avdotya Nikitichna;

Nina Menshikova (08/08/1928 [Moscow] - 12/26/2007 [Moscow]) - Soviet actress;

Svyatoslav Fedorov (08.08.1927 [Proskurov (Khmelnitsky)] - 02.06.2000 [Moscow]) - ophthalmologist surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician Russian Academy Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. (crashed in a helicopter);

Emmanuel Geller (08/08/1898 [Ekaterinoslav] - 05/06/1990 [Moscow]) - Soviet actor, master of the episode;

Svetlana Savitskaya (08/08/1948 [Moscow]) - Soviet cosmonaut, test pilot, teacher;

Rasim Balaev (08/08/1948 [Agsu]) - Soviet actor;

Esther Williams (08/08/1921 [Inglewood, California]) - legendary American actress and swimmer;

Rosetta LeNoir (08/08/1911 [New York] - 03/17/2002 [New Jersey]) - American actress;

Sylvia Sydney (08/08/1910 [Bronx] - 07/01/1990) - American actress;

Alexander Khanzhonkov (08/08/1877 [village Khanzhonkovka] - 09/26/1945 [Yalta]) - producer, entrepreneur, one of the pioneers of the Russian film industry;

William Batson (08/08/1861 [Whitby, North Yorkshire] - 02/08/1926 [Merton, Greater London]) - English biologist, one of the founders of genetics, author of the term “genetics” (1907);

Matvey Elchaninov (08.08.1756 - 1816) - major general of the fleet, hero of the Russian-Turkish war;

Matvey Platov (08/08/1753 [Cherkassk] - 01/03/1818 [Novocherkassk]) - Cossack, count and ataman of the Don Army;

Nikolai Novikov (08/08/1744 [Tikhvinskoye-Avdotyino, Moscow province] - 08/12/1818 [Tikhvinskoye-Avdotyino, Moscow province]) - Russian educator, philosopher, journalist, publisher.

Below, at the end of this page, you will find a table with the days (dates) of celebrating Orthodox holidays - Exaltation of the Holy Cross , Day of Faith, Hope and Love , and Intercession Holy Mother of God until 2035...

Dates August 8

Ukraine celebrates Signal Corps Day

In Germany - Peace Day in Augsburg

In Sweden - Queen Silvia's Name Day (Flag Raising Day)

In Tanzania - Farmers' Day

Bhutan celebrates Independence Day

According to the folk calendar, this is Ermolaev's day

On this day:

in 1815 Napoleon went to the place of his death on the island of St. Helena

Paul Dirac, creator of quantum mechanics, was born in 1902

Dino di Laurentiis, producer, born in 1919 incredible adventures Italians in Russia

Svyatoslav Fedorov, master of ophthalmology, was born in 1927

in 1937, Dustin Hoffman was born, who showed who the rain man was

in 1943, Yuli Gusman was born, who loved to repeat “don’t be afraid, I’m with you”

Yakov Protazanov, the director who directed the silent Aelita, died in 1945

Anton Denikin died in 1947, having failed to take Moscow

Ivan Poddubny, Ilya Muromets of classical wrestling, died in 1949

in 1951 Stas Sadalsky was born, who was offended if he was not called a superstar

Victor Avilov was born in 1953, and became the Count of Monte Cristo for his piercing gaze.

in 1962, Evgeny Kemerovsky, a star of Russian chanson and a successful composer, was born

Nikita Vysotsky was born in 1964, the son of a famous bard and actor, who gave his voice to his father in the film “Thank You for Being Alive”

Roger Federer, who led the ATP rankings for an entire era, was born in 1981

Fay Wray, King Kong's first love, died in 2004

In 2008, the XXIX Olympic Games opened in Beijing.

Events of August 8

They tried to come up with refrigeration structures for a long time, but only Marshall was the first to patent his invention. The ice was purchased. And the refrigeration chambers operated due to a large amount of fuel - firewood, kerosene or coal. The first refrigerator was produced by General Electric in 1911.

The machine could be placed in a kitchen cabinet. But it was very noisy, it ran on gas, so it gave off an unpleasant smell. A silent, odorless refrigerator appeared only in 19326, it was developed by the Danish engineer-inventor Stindrup. The first “home cold factories” were very expensive - with that money you could buy two Ford cars. In the USSR, the first refrigeration machines began to be produced at the Kharkov Tractor Plant in the 1960s.

Preparations for the Olympics in Beijing were not the only event in the world on this day - the capital of South Ossetia was in ruins in a matter of hours. Georgia decided to resolve the problem of the two republics by force. Just four days of hostilities claimed almost one and a half thousand civilian lives.

Georgian troops were driven out of Ossetia, and they also had to leave the Kodori Gorge (upper part) in Abkhazia. Russia officially recognized the independence of South Ossetia, and President Medvedev signed the Decree on the Independence of South Ossetia, then diplomatic relations were established.

The most prestigious men's tennis competition has been taking place for more than a century. The award itself is made in the form of a gold-plated bowl, its height is 33 cm and its diameter is 45 cm. Today, 140 teams take part in the competition, but at first only two countries competed - the USA and Great Britain.

The Cup fund was formed in 1981 and today stands at $8.5 million. The competitions are spectacular and the intrigue remains until the last moment. The world group consists of 16 teams. Match dates are scattered throughout the year, with the final usually taking place in November.

IN Orthodox Church On August 8, the memory of Saint Hermolai, known as one of the martyrs along with Hermocrates and Hermippos, is venerated. As the Holy Scripture says, in the 4th century, as a result of the persecution organized against Christians by Emperor Maximilian, 20 thousand believers died in an arson in the Nicomedia Church, but it was the three above-mentioned people who were able to escape.

After that, they hid for a long time on the territory of the empire, continuing to teach faith in Christ to everyone. As the legend says, one day a young man who was a pagan passed by the house in which Ermolai lived.

Ermolai came up to meet him and began to explain to him the falsity of pagan beliefs. After this, the young man repented and began to visit Ermolai every day. Interestingly, it was he who later became known as the martyr Panteleimon. In the end, Ermolai, as well as his students Ermocrates and Ermippus, were exposed and arrested.

They were asked to renounce their faith in Christ, but they refused to do so. Then they were threatened with torture, but at that same moment a strong earthquake occurred, as a result of which the idols fell from their pedestals and were broken. Emperor Maximilian, having learned about this, pronounced a death sentence on the martyrs.

By August 8, early potatoes were ripe, from which they prepared pancakes, cutlets, vinaigrette, okroshka - such dishes decorated the peasant table on a hot day. On August 8, they served potatoes with beef and even herring with breadcrumbs.

The healers went to collect medicinal herbs, because, according to signs, it was believed that right now, after the morning dew, they would have beneficial properties.

Folk signs on August 8

On August 8, the peasants began picking apples early, but they could not eat them yet, since it was customary to wait for the Apple Savior

As a rule, August 8 was blessed with good weather, and therefore the peasants tried to finish all the field work

Frogs jumping near ponds along the shore is a sign that it will rain soon.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the eighth day of August, August 8, what mark did this man leave with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is August 8th interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

August 8th, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on August 8?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated? Is August 8th the year? Ka Which religious holidays are celebrated on August 8? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is August 8 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of August 8? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on August 8?

What significant historical events August 8th and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is August 8?

Which great, famous and famous died on August 8th?

August 8, Remembrance Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Now we will present to those interested in such information a table with the days (dates) of the celebration of three Orthodox holidays close to each other, the first of which is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the second is the Feast of Faith, Hope and Love, the third is the Intercession (Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary), and further and in another table, you can find out about the dates of the celebration of the Great Orthodox Easter (also Catholic), and also the Holy Trinity - in links...


Holy Cross

Faith Day

Hope and Love

Protection of the Most Holy

Mother of God

Events of the day August 8, 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August in the twentieth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day August 8, 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day August 8, 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day August 8, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day August 8, 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the thirtieth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2031 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2031, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2032 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2032, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day August 8, 2033 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2033, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2034 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2034, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day August 8, 2035 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of August 8, 2035, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighth day of August in the month of the thirtieth year.

Today the name day is celebrated by: Ermolai, Moses, Praskovya, Dominic, Cyprian, Emilian, Feodor, Ignatius!

Today they celebrate:
Memory of the Hieromartyrs Hermolai, Hermippos and Hermocrates, priests of Nicomedia;
Saint Dominic's Day;
Independence Day in Bhutan;
Independence Day in Afghanistan;
Independence Day in Ivory Coast;
Youth Day in Zambia;
Tij Day - Women's holiday in Nepal;
Iraq Peace Day;
Signal Corps Day in Ukraine;
Peace Day in Augsburg (Germany).

Signs for August 8:
Maryev day
Autumn hazes walk through the grasses, giving healing power to the herbs. In the morning, cool dew fills the leaves, washes away the dust, and at noon the healer comes and performs rituals. And it is born in the grass and remains a powerful secret.

On this day happened:

1584 – the imperial palace was built in Osaka (Japan)

1588 - The British defeated the remains of the Spanish Invincible Armada, which had previously been scattered by a storm
The Invincible Armada is a large military fleet (130 heavy ships), created by Spain in 1586-88 to conquer England during the Anglo-Spanish War (1587-1604) under the command of Alonso Perez de Guzman, Duke of Medina Sidonia

1628 - The Dutch captured Spanish ships with 80 tons of silver off the coast of Cuba

1672 - New York is captured by the Dutch, who rename it New Orange

1729 - The founding of Baltimore (North America) is officially proclaimed.

1770 - Capture of the Izmail fortress by Russian troops

1783 - Catherine II awarded A. Suvorov the Order of St. Vladimir

1786 - Michel Paccard was the first to conquer the highest peak in Europe, Mont Blanc.

1790 - The squadron of Admiral F. Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet, ensuring Russian dominance in the Black Sea

1824 - Maria Alexandrovna was born
Russian Empress, wife of Alexander II, founder of the Red Cross in Russia

1827 - Establishment of the first insurance company in Russia

1831 - Nikolai Nikolaevich was born
Russian Grand Duke, third son of Nicholas I, field marshal, hero of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78.

1835 - Adoption of a new university charter in Russia, developed by the Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov

1899 - In Minnesota, A. Marshall patented a refrigerator

1900 - Davis Cup established
The Davis Cup has been considered the most prestigious tennis trophy in men's tennis for 106 years.

1907 - Representatives of the Russian Zemstvo demanded that the government introduce universal compulsory education

1917 - The VI Congress of the Bolshevik Party began, which headed for an armed uprising

1919 - The third Anglo-Afghan war ended

1925 - The first one opened in Washington national congress Ku Klux Klan
Ku Klux Klan is the name of several racist and terrorist organizations in the United States, mainly in the South

1925 - The first traffic lights were installed in Toronto (Canada)

1927 - The creation of a vaccine against canine distemper is announced in France.

1932 - The USSR allowed women to work in mines

1937 - Dustin Hoffman born
American film actor, winner of two Oscars (“Rain Man”, “Tootsie”, “Kramer vs. Kramer”, “Captain Hook”, “Outbreak”)

1941 - Stalin appointed commander-in-chief of the Soviet army

1941 - Five Il aircraft carried out the first Soviet bombing of Berlin
Only one plane reached Berlin

1943 - Yuli Gusman was born
Film director, KVN participant, director of the House of Cinema (suspended in August 2002), Duma deputy

1943 - the KV-85 heavy tank is adopted by the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army

1945 - The USSR declared war on Japan, beginning to send troops into Manchuria

1949 - The first session of the Council of Europe took place in Strasbourg

1951 - Stanislav Sadalsky was born
Theater and film actor (“The meeting place cannot be changed,” “Say a good word for the poor hussar,” “The Tsar’s Hunt”)

1955 - Egypt pledged to supply cotton to the USSR and Romania in exchange for oil

1955 - The USSR adopted a regulation on vacations and working conditions for teenagers

1959 - The 2nd Summer Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR opened
8452 athletes from 235 cities took part. Every third person was a master of sports. During the Spartakiad, 30 thousand new records were set - from district and city to regional and republican. Improved 12 all-Union records. Three of them are global, one is European

1967 - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is formed in Bangkok
It included Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, then Brunei (1984), Vietnam (1995), Laos and Myanmar (1997), Cambodia (1999)

1968 - The Beatles recorded the song “Hey Jude”

1974 - Richard Nixon announced that he was resigning due to the Watergate scandal.
The Watergate scandal is an incident that occurred at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, where 5 people who broke into the hotel by breaking into it were detained. They were engaged in setting up listening equipment and, according to some reports, photographing internal documents of the Democratic headquarters

1991 - Former Iranian Prime Minister Sh. Bakhtiar is assassinated in Paris

1991 - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died
Fighter pilot, three times Hero of the Soviet Union

1992 - The American team set the current world record in the men's 4x100 meter relay - 37.4 seconds.

1994 - Leonid Maksimovich Leonov died
Writer (“Evgenia Ivanovna”, “Wolf”, “Russian Forest”)

1998 - American Michael Kearney became the youngest person in history to receive a Master of Science degree (in biochemistry) - he did this at the age of 14 years 8 months

2000 - In Moscow, an explosion occurred in the underground passage at the Pushkinskaya metro station at 18:01 Moscow time
A shellless explosive device with a capacity of 800 grams of TNT went off. 13 people died - seven people on the spot, six in hospitals from their wounds and burns. 61 people were injured. The improvised explosive device was filled with screws and bolts. The bomb was left in a shopping bag next to the pavilion where watches were sold

2003 - Prehistoric web found
This thread is about 130 million years old. Such an old strand of spider web was found by Swiss scientists in amber. A four-millimeter piece of spider web, the oldest in the world, was found in an amber deposit near Jezina in Lebanon. Tiny droplets of glue produced by spider glands are visible on the fiber.

2008 - opening of the Beijing Olympics

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