Presentation on computer analysis of medical data. Information Systems. Ways to develop medical information technologies

Slide 2

The classification of medical information systems is based on a hierarchical principle and corresponds to the multi-level structure of healthcare. There are: 1. Basic level medical information systems. The main goal is computer support for the work of doctors of various specialties.

Slide 3

According to the tasks to be solved, the following are distinguished: information and reference systems (intended for searching and issuing medical information upon request) consultative and diagnostic systems (for the diagnosis of pathological conditions, including prognosis and development of recommendations for treatment methods) instrument and computer systems (for information support and/or automation of the diagnostic and treatment process carried out in direct contact with the patient’s body) automated workstations (AWS) of specialists (to automate the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and provide information support when making diagnostic and tactical medical decisions)

Slide 4

2. Medical information systems at the level of medical institutions. They are represented by the following main groups: information systems of advisory centers (information support for doctors during consultations) information banks of medical services (contain summary data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the institution’s employees and the attached population) personalized registers (containing information on the assigned or observed contingent) screening systems (for conducting pre-medical preventive examination of the population) information systems of medical institutions (combining all information flows into a single system and automating the institution) information systems of research institutes and medical universities

Slide 5

3. Medical information systems at the territorial level. Presented by: IS of the territorial health authority; IS for solving medical and technological problems, providing information support for the activities of medical workers of specialized medical services; computer telecommunication medical networks ensuring the creation of a unified information space at the regional level

Slide 6

4. Federal level Designed for information support at the state level of the healthcare system.

Slide 7

Medical instrumentation and computer systems

An important type of specialized medical information systems are medical instrument-computer systems (MICS). The use of a computer in combination with measuring and control technology in medical practice has made it possible to create new effective tools for automated collection of information about the patient’s condition, its processing in real time and management of its condition. MPCS belong to basic level medical information systems. The main difference between systems of this class is operation in conditions of direct contact with the object of study and in real time.

Slide 8

Typical representatives of MPCS are medical systems for monitoring the condition of patients:

during complex operations; systems for computer analysis of data from tomography, ultrasound diagnostics, radiography; systems for automated analysis of microbiological and virological research data, analysis of human cells and tissues.

Slide 9

The MPCS can be divided into three main components: medical and hardware software.

Slide 10

medical support

includes methods for implementing a selected range of medical problems, solved in accordance with the capabilities of the hardware and software parts of the system. Medical support includes sets of methods used, measured physiological parameters and methods for measuring them, determination of methods and acceptable limits of the system’s influence on the patient.

Slide 11


includes methods for implementing the technical part of the system, including means for obtaining medical and biological information, means for implementing therapeutic effects and computer equipment.

Slide 13

Medical diagnostics

The problem of diagnostics in the field of medicine can be posed as finding the relationship between symptoms and diagnosis. To implement an effective organizational and technical diagnostic system, it is necessary to use artificial intelligence methods. The feasibility of this approach is confirmed by the analysis of data used in medical diagnostics, which shows that they have a number of features, such as the qualitative nature of the information and the presence of data gaps. Interpretation of medical data obtained as a result of diagnosis and treatment is becoming one of the serious areas of neural networks.

Slide 14

Monitoring systems

The task of promptly assessing a patient’s condition arises in a number of very important practical areas in medicine, and primarily during continuous monitoring of the patient in intensive care wards, operating rooms and postoperative departments. In this case, it is necessary, based on a long-term and continuous analysis of a large volume of data characterizing the state of the physiological systems of the body, to provide not only prompt diagnosis of complications during treatment, but also prognosis of the patient’s condition, as well as determine the optimal correction of emerging disorders.

Slide 15

The most commonly used parameters for monitoring include:

electrocardiogram, blood pressure at various points, respiratory rate, temperature curve, blood gas content, minute volume of blood circulation, gas content in exhaled air. An important feature of monitor systems is the availability of tools for express analysis and visualization of their results in real time. This allows you to display on the monitor screen the dynamics of various derivatives of the controlled quantities.

Slide 16

Treatment process management systems

These include automated intensive care systems, as well as prostheses and artificial organs created on the basis of microprocessor technology. In treatment process management systems, the tasks that come first are: accurate dosing of quantitative work parameters, stable retention of their specified values ​​in conditions of variability in the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body. Automated intensive care systems mean systems designed to control the state of the body for therapeutic purposes, as well as to normalize it, restore the natural functions of a sick person’s organs, and maintain them within normal limits.

Slide 17

According to the structural configuration implemented in them, intensive care systems are divided into: program control systems closed-loop control systems Program control systems include systems for implementing therapeutic effects. For example, various physiotherapeutic equipment equipped with computer technology, devices for drug infusions, equipment for artificial ventilation and inhalation anesthesia, heart-lung machines. Closed-loop intensive care systems combine the tasks of monitoring, assessing the patient’s condition and developing control therapeutic interventions. Therefore, in practice, closed intensive care systems are created only for very specific, strictly fixed tasks.

Slide 18

Ways to develop medical information technologies:

1. It is necessary to widely introduce into clinical practice proven means and methods of information influence that meet such requirements as safety and ease of use, high therapeutic effectiveness. 2. Stimulate and encourage the development and creation of new means and methods of influencing the human body. 3. One of the main ways to solve a number of medical, social and economic problems is currently the informatization of the work of medical personnel. These problems include the search for effective tools that can ensure an increase in the three most important indicators of healthcare: the quality of treatment, the level of patient safety, and the economic efficiency of medical care.

View all slides

GOST “Information processing systems. Terms and definitions" Information Data Knowledge Information Systems(IS) Information environment Information technologies (IT) Textbook E.V. Mikheeva “Information technologies in professional activities”, pp. 7-10

MIS functions: collection, registration, structuring and creation of information space; ensuring information exchange; storage and retrieval of information; statistical analysis data; monitoring the effectiveness and quality of medical care; decision support; analysis and control of the work of institutions, management of institution resources; support for the economic component of the treatment process; training

1. Basic level medical information systems a) information and reference systems are designed to search and provide medical information at the user’s request Examples:

1. Basic level medical information systems b) consultative and diagnostic systems for diagnosing pathological conditions, including prognosis and development of recommendations for treatment methods for diseases of various profiles

1. Basic level medical information systems d) automated workstations for specialists to automate the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and provide information support when making diagnostic and tactical medical decisions

2. MIS at the health care facility level a) IS of advisory centers (designed to ensure the functioning of the relevant departments and information support for doctors when consulting, diagnosing and making decisions in emergency conditions), b) information banks of medical services (contain summary data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the institution’s employees , attached population, basic statistical information, characteristics of service areas and other necessary information),

2. MIS at the health care facility level c) personalized registers (containing information on the assigned or observed contingent based on a formalized medical history or outpatient card), d) screening systems (for conducting pre-medical preventive examination of the population, as well as for identifying risk groups and patients in need of specialist help)

2. MIS at the healthcare facility level e) IS healthcare facilities (based on the integration of all information flows into a single system and provide automation various types activities of the institution), f) IS of research institutes and medical universities (solve 3 main tasks: informatization of the technological process of education, research work and management activities of research institutes and universities)

3. MIS at the territorial level a) IS of the territorial health authority; b) IP for solving medical and technological problems, providing information support for the activities of medical workers of specialized medical services; c) computer telecommunication medical networks, ensuring the creation of a unified information space at the regional level;

Slide 2: MPCS are intended for information support and automation of the diagnostic and treatment process, carried out in direct contact with the patient’s body

Slide 3: The MPCS consists of a medical device, a computing device and software that provides the calculation of the following functions:

1) control of the operation of a medical device; 2) registration and storage of received data; 3) presentation of the results of the analysis in the form of a conclusion or in the form of control actions on the body.

Slide 4

Computer functional diagnostic systems are designed to analyze such electrophysiological indicators as electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), rheogram (RG), evoked potentials (EP) of the brain, etc.

Slide 5

Electronic patient unit Interface unit for communication with a computer via a USB port Electrodes, sensors, cables and other accessories CD with software for Windows OS "98, 2000 Computer (type Pentium III, Athlon, Celeron) or similar NoteBook, printer

Slide 6: Studies of visual EPs to a flash of light

Photostimulation is carried out using original “glasses” based on pulsed LEDs.

Slide 7

Topographic mapping of the main indicators of cerebral blood flow has been implemented (the basins of the carotid, vertebral and middle cerebral arteries are monitored) both during removal and processing. Several indicators can be simultaneously selected from the list, characterizing pulse blood filling, elastic-tonic properties of arteries and venous tone. Three-dimensional models of the head reflect the spatial distribution of the analyzed characteristics. This representation makes it easier for the doctor to perceive the features of regional blood flow and the presence of interhemispheric asymmetry.

Slide 8: Condition assessment program based on heart rate analysis

Mathematical analysis heart rate with the presentation of a cardiointervalogram, histogram, spectrogram, scattergram, table of calculated statistical and spectral indicators. The ability to compare scattergrams from two fragments of a record by overlaying them (in different colors) on top of each other. Setting up scattergram visualization parameters (dots and/or lines, smoothing feature with a sliding window of a custom size, color, size, range boundaries).

Slide 9

The software allows you to analyze the obtained data at various time intervals, in the necessary combinations, using a variety of computer processing and visualization methods. Synchronous registration of EEG, REG, SMA and other signals with the possibility of compressed presentation in a single time scale of trends in physiological parameters allows expanding diagnostic capabilities in the study of various diseases and disorders.


Slide 10

Patient monitoring is intended to monitor the state of physiological parameters of patients, express analysis and alert medical personnel about critical and precritical conditions of patients based on the values ​​of monitored parameters, accumulation and storage of information in order to identify unfavorable dynamics of vital signs of patients.


Slide 11: Patient Monitor


Slide 13: Biochemical analyzer

Purpose: definition chemical substances in liquid media of the body, namely in serum and blood plasma, urine, liquor and other liquid media with similar rheological properties. Scope of application: laboratories of medical and preventive, specialized and scientific research institutions of medical and biological profile.


Slide 14

Vertical standing position. This orientation, along with core support and the T-Walker gait trainer (included), allows for variable load flexion/extension exercises depending on the angle of inclination.


Slide 15: Biofeedback in rehabilitation and sports medicine


Slide 16: Systems for controlling the vital functions of the body and bioprosthetics are designed to maintain or restore the natural functions of the organs and physiological systems of a sick person within normal limits

Krasnoturinsky branch


EN.02 Information technologies in professional activities

Information technologies in medicine

Boyarinova O.V., teacher

1. Medical informatics

3. Ways to develop medical information systems

1. Medical informatics

Information processes are present in all areas of medicine and healthcare. The clarity of the functioning of the industry as a whole and the efficiency of its management depend on their orderliness. Information processes in medicine are considered by medical informatics.

Medical informatics is a science that studies the processes of receiving, transmitting, processing, storing, distributing, and presenting information using information technology in medicine and healthcare.

  • Subject The study of medical informatics is information processes associated with medical-biological, clinical and preventive problems.
  • An object The study of medical informatics is information technology implemented in healthcare.
  • Basic purpose medical informatics is the optimization of information processes in medicine and healthcare through the use of computer technologies, ensuring improved quality of public health care.

Medical information is any information related to medicine, and in a personalized sense - information related to the health status of a particular person.

Types of Medical Information

(G.I. Nazarenko)

  • Alphanumeric – most of the content of medical information (all printed and handwritten documents);
  • Visual (statistical and dynamic) – statistical – images (x-rays, etc.), dynamic – dynamic images (pupil reaction to light, patient’s facial expressions, etc.);
  • Audible – patient’s speech, flowmetric signals, sounds during Doppler examination, etc.);
  • Combined - any combination of the described groups.

The main problems solved by computerized systems in healthcare

  • Monitoring health status of different population groups, including patients at risk and people with socially significant diseases;
  • Advisory support in clinical medicine (diagnosis, prognosis, treatment) based on computational procedures or modeling of decision-making logic;
  • Transition to electronic medical records and outpatient medical records, including calculations for the treatment of insured patients;
  • Automation functional and laboratory diagnostics;
  • Transition to complex automation medical institutions (inclusion of doctors' workstations in information systems);
  • Obtaining information from the automated control system institutions for federal registers on certain socially significant types of pathology, for regional and city registers - on various contingents;
  • Creation of a unified information medical space of clinical data for prompt adoption of adequate treatment and diagnostic decisions;
  • "Transparency" for the attending physician patient data for any period of time, their availability at any time when accessing the database of the global medical network;
  • Possibility of remote dialogue with colleagues.

History of computerization of domestic healthcare

Informatics was introduced into medicine from several relatively independent directions, the main of which were:

  • laboratories and groups involved in medical cybernetics;
  • manufacturers of medical equipment;
  • medical information and computing centers;
  • third-party organizations involved in automation of management activities;
  • heads of medical institutions who independently implemented new technology.

The process of introducing computer technology into healthcare institutions in our country has a history of almost half a century.

  • In 1959, the first laboratory of medical cybernetics and computer science was organized at the Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery, and in 1961 a computer appeared in this laboratory, the first in medical institutions Soviet Union. Medical cybernetics laboratories were also organized in a number of institutes of the Academy of Sciences.
  • In the 60-70s, many leading research institutes already had similar laboratories. Computers have become more compact and cheaper, their total number in the country exceeded a thousand. Access to them for employees of medical institutions has become easier, and the number of medical problems solved with their help has increased. In addition to statistical data processing, work on advisory diagnostics and predicting the course of diseases is actively developing.
  • In the 70-80s, computers became available not only to research institutes, but also to many large clinics. In addition to the work carried out earlier, the first automated systems for preventive examinations of the population appeared; attempts have begun to combine medical equipment with computers
  • In the second half of the eighties, personal computers appeared, and the process of computerization of medicine took on an avalanche-like character. A large number of different systems for functional studies have emerged. heads of medical institutions who independently implemented new technology.

  • Since the beginning of the 90s, there has been actual standardization of computer technology in healthcare. The main type of computer was the personal computer compatible with IBM PC, and operating system Windows.

With the advent of health insurance, relevant information systems began to be actively implemented. Statistical information systems began to be used to create medical reporting.

Today, computers have become an integral component of equipment in all medical institutions. However, in most cases their capabilities are not fully used.

One of the reasons for this is the insufficient provision of hardware and software, especially communication devices, which does not allow for the transportation of data and the prompt provision of it to all specialists of the institution.

Another reason, probably more significant, is seen in the lack of knowledge and skills among medical workers necessary to work with modern personal computers.

2. Classification of medical information systems

The key link in healthcare informatization is the information system.

The classification of medical information systems is based on a hierarchical principle and corresponds to the multi-level structure of healthcare.

There are:

  • Basic level MIS;
  • MIS at the level of medical institutions;
  • MIS at the territorial level;
  • MIS at the federal level, intended for information support at the state level of the healthcare system.

Basic level medical information systems.

Basic level MIS – these are information support systems for technological processes.

Purpose of basic level MIS : computer support for the work of a clinician, hygienist, laboratory assistant, etc.

Based on the tasks they solve, medical and technological information systems are divided into groups:

  • consultative and diagnostic systems;
  • instrument and computer systems;
  • automated workplaces for specialists.

Purpose and classification of medical information and reference systems.

Features of systems of this class:

  • they do not process information, but only provide it;
  • provide quick access to the required information.


  • by its nature (primary, secondary, operational, review and analytical);
  • by object (health care facilities, medicines, etc.);
  • by type of search (documentary, factual).

Purpose and classification of medical consultative and diagnostic systems.

Diagnosis of pathological conditions in diseases of various profiles and for different categories of patients, including prognosis and development of recommendations for treatment methods.

According to the method of solving diagnostic problems, they are distinguished:

  • by type of information stored (clinical, scientific, regulatory, etc.);
  • probabilistic (diagnosis is carried out by implementing one of the methods of pattern recognition or statistical methods decision making);
  • expert (the logic of making a diagnostic decision by an experienced doctor is implemented).

Purpose and classification of medical instrument-computer systems.

Information support and automation of the diagnostic and treatment process carried out in direct contact with the patient’s body (for example, during surgical operations using laser systems or ultrasound therapy for periodontal diseases in dentistry).


  • by functionality (specialized, multifunctional, complex);
  • by purpose:
  • systems for conducting functional and morphological studies; monitor systems; treatment management and rehabilitation systems; laboratory diagnostic systems; systems for scientific medical and biological research.
  • systems for conducting functional and morphological studies;
  • monitor systems;
  • treatment management and rehabilitation systems;
  • laboratory diagnostic systems;
  • systems for scientific medical and biological research.

Purpose and classification of automated workplaces of specialists.

Automation of the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and providing him with information support when making diagnostic and tactical (therapeutic, organizational, etc.) decisions.

Based on their purpose, automated systems can be divided into three groups:

  • Work stations of attending physicians (therapist, surgeon, obstetrician-gynecologist, traumatologist, ophthalmologist, etc.), they are subject to requirements corresponding to medical functions;
  • AWSs of medical workers of paramedical services (according to the profiles of diagnostic and treatment units);
  • Workstation for administrative and economic departments.

Automated automated systems are used not only at the basic level of healthcare - clinical, but also to automate workplaces at the management level of healthcare facilities, regions, and territories.

Medical information systems at the level of treatment and preventive institutions.

Systems of this class are intended for information support making both specific medical decisions and organizing the work, monitoring and managing the activities of the entire medical institution. These systems, as a rule, require a local computer network in a medical institution and are suppliers of information for medical information systems at the territorial level.

The following main groups are distinguished:

  • IS advisory centers;
  • information banks of medical institutions and services;
  • personalized registers;
  • screening systems;
  • information systems of medical institutions (IS health care facilities);
  • information systems of research institutes and medical universities.

Purpose and classification of information systems of consultation centers.

Ensuring the functioning of relevant departments and information support for doctors during consultation, diagnosis and decision-making in emergency conditions.


  • medical advisory and diagnostic systems for ambulance and emergency services;
  • systems for remote consultation and diagnosis of emergency conditions in pediatrics and other clinical disciplines.

Information banks of medical institutions and services.

P personalized registers (databases and data banks).

This is a type of information information system containing information about the assigned or observed patient population based on a formalized medical history or outpatient card.

Screening systems.

Screening systems are designed to conduct pre-medical preventive examinations of the population, as well as for medical screening to form risk groups and identify patients in need of specialist help.

IS health care facility

IS health care facilities are information systems based on the integration of all information flows into a single system and providing automation of various types of activities of the institution.

IP for research institutes and universities

They solve three main problems: informatization of the learning process, scientific research work and management activities of research institutes and universities.

MIS at the territorial level are software systems that provide management of specialized and specialized medical services, polyclinic (including clinical examination), inpatient and emergency medical care to the population at the territorial level (city, region, republic).

Medical information systems at the territorial level

MIS at the federal level are intended for information support at the state level of the Russian healthcare system.

Federal level information systems solve the following problems:

1. Monitoring the health of the Russian population;

2.​ increasing the efficiency of use of health care resources;

3.​ maintaining state registers of patients for main (priority) diseases;

4. planning, organizing and analyzing the results of research and development work;

5. planning and analysis of the training of medical and teaching staff;

6.​ accounting and analysis of the material and technical base of healthcare.

3. Ways to develop medical information systems

Nowadays, information technologies have penetrated into all spheres of human life, and healthcare is no exception in this regard, as evidenced by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 28, 2011 No. 364 “On approval of the Concept of creating a unified state information system in the field of healthcare” as amended Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 348 dated April 12, 2012.

In 2011, Russia approved the Concept for the creation of the Uniform State Health Information System (Unified State Health Information System), the main goals of which are:

  • informatization of the processes of providing medical care to the population;
  • implementation of integrated electronic medical records of patients;
  • transition to online monitoring of key health indicators and improved management of the healthcare industry based on the introduction of ICT technologies.

Positive aspects of the formation of a unified information environment:

  • leads to greater transparency of the diagnostic and treatment process;
  • allows you to create and maintain a data bank associated with various MIS;
  • gives doctors the opportunity to access various expert systems for diagnosis and treatment, obtain complete information about the patient’s health status based on the patient’s electronic record, as well as certain cases reduce the consequences of possible subjectivity in assessing the disease and the necessary treatment;
  • Patients no longer have to worry about lost data or unreadable documentation of test results, prescriptions, treatment records, and prescribed procedures.

Implementation information technologies in medicine will allow:

  • organize remote patient monitoring, remote consultation with specialists;
  • ensure accessibility and optimal timing for the population to obtain the necessary documents for obtaining a driver’s license, employment, etc.

The introduction of blockchain technologies to create and develop a unified patient EHR database will allow:

  • ensure data security and integrity,
  • increase the level of security of information storage;
  • make the process of making changes to the distributed database “transparent”, excluding unauthorized access to patient data and manipulation of information in order to obtain positive medical conclusions;
  • reduce corruption risks among medical workers;
  • increase the security of personal data, the quality of medical data and the reliability of statistics.

When using blockchain technology, it becomes impossible to hide the source of information - any changes made to a patient’s record using blockchain are identified and “linked” to the person who made the changes. Previously entered information cannot be deleted, and it is also identified with the person who previously entered this information.

Check yourself!

  • What level of MIS does not exist?
  • base; continental; territorial; federal.
  • base;
  • continental;
  • territorial;
  • federal.
  • The main purpose of the basic level MIS: support for the work of doctors of various specialties; support for the work of clinics; supporting the work of hospitals; support for the operation of dispensaries.
  • support for the work of doctors of various specialties;
  • support for the work of clinics;
  • supporting the work of hospitals;
  • support for the operation of dispensaries.
  • The Medicines Directory belongs to the following type of medical information systems: instrumentation and computer; information and reference; educational; scientific; regional.
  • instrumentation and computer;
  • information and reference;
  • educational;
  • scientific;
  • regional.

1 - b, 2 - a, 3 - b

Check yourself!

  • To search and provide medical information at the user's request, the following are intended:
  • Monitor systems and instrument-computer complexes; Computational diagnostic systems; Clinical laboratory research systems; Information and reference systems; Expert systems based on knowledge bases.
  • Monitor systems and instrument-computer complexes;
  • Computational diagnostic systems;
  • Clinical laboratory research systems;
  • Information and reference systems;
  • Expert systems based on knowledge bases.
  • The cardiac analyzer device belongs to the following class of medical information systems (MIS): Instrumentation and computer systems; Information and reference systems; Automated doctor's workstation; MIS at the health care facility level; MIS at the federal level.
  • Instrumentation and computer systems;
  • Information and reference systems;
  • Automated doctor's workstation;
  • MIS at the health care facility level;
  • MIS at the federal level.

4 - d, 5 - a

Assignment for extracurricular work:

  • Design multimedia presentation on the topic “Automated workplace for medical personnel”;
  • Describe what mechanisms for protecting personal medical data about a patient are implemented in the MIS.

Definition of MIS health care facilities

Medical information system
Health care facility is an automated system,
intended for collection, storage
and analysis of data required for
solving management problems,
arising in everyday practice
work of a medical institution.

Goals of creating MIS healthcare facilities

Management of the activities of a medical institution;
Optimization of the activities of a medical institution;
Creation of a unified information space;
Control over the maintenance of medical records;
Analysis economic indicators providing
medical care.
Analysis of the effectiveness of adopted
management decisions

Levels of automation of management functions in health care facilities

1. Automated accounting systems
completed volume of system work
mass service.
2. Management automated
3. Integrated institution-wide

Hospital structure

Ch. doctor
Medical departments
Food department
Reception department

Classes of problems solved in MIS healthcare facilities:

Electronic medical history
Medical statistics
Reception department
Diagnostic units
Profile medical department
Resuscitation and intensive care

Systems to support employee activities
health management
Systems to support employee activities
practical health care
medical information systems in
systems for

Really used
systems for
systems for compulsory medical insurance
75-80 %

Classification of MIS (Gasparyan S.A., 2001)

Basic level MIS
MIS level of health care facilities
MIS at the territorial level
Federal MIS

Basic level MIS

- information and reference
-consultative and diagnostic
-instrument and computer systems
-automated workstations

MIS health care facility

IP advisory centers
Information banks of medical services
Personalized registers
Screening systems
IS health care facility
IS Research Institute and medical universities

MIS at the territorial level

IP of the territorial body
IP for solving medical technology problems
Computer telecommunications
medical networks

Federal MIS

IP of federal health authorities
(ministries, headquarters, departments)
Statistical information medical
Medical and technological IP
Industry MIS (Ministries of Defense,
Ministry of Emergency Situations)
Computer and telecommunication networks

Doctor's workstation - workplace,
equipped with means
computer technology and, with
necessary, medical
equipment for
information support
performed professional

Classification of workstations

Administrative (workstation of the chief physician,
Head of department)
Technological (pulmonologist's workstation,
radiologist, etc.)
Mixed (workstation of the city’s chief radiologist,
Workstation of the chief cardiologist of the region, etc.)

Registry subsystem

MIS allows
registry and
emergency room of a health care facility,
streamlining the flow
passport details,
policies and benefits.
Right at the reception
the patient can
necessary certificate
about the work of health care facilities

Electronic medical record

MIS includes over 270
electronic documents:
Medical history (form 003/у)
Card of a person leaving the hospital (form 066/у)
Day hospital card (003-2/у-88)
Outpatient card (025/у04)
Outpatient coupon (025-12/u and
other forms)
Primary and repeat examinations of most
Operation protocol
Sheet of temporary incapacity for work
Recipe (forms F148-1/u, F107/u,
machine-readable form with barcode Ф1481/у06(л))
Dispensary observation card (form 030/у
and form 030/у-04)
Radiation exposure sheet
Final diagnosis sheet
Vaccination sheet
Referral to ITU (form 088/у-06)
Protocol for recording clinical expert work
Diagnostic examination protocols
Physiotherapeutic patient card
branches (form 044/у) and much more

Replacing paper records

One of the most important tasks
systems - increase
quality and
information content
documentation. For this
the system contains
electronic analogues
practically all
documentation +
special means,
allowing to simplify
mastering the program,
paperwork and
their processing...

Example of a document in MIS

Automatic download
passport details
Access to standards, orders
MH and help system
Automatic calculation
load indicators
calculation of the deadline
Accurate date control
and inspection time
latest data
weight gain calculation
Electronic digital
signature protects
counterfeit document
Control of the next
appearance deadline
recommendations for
term basis
pregnancy and

Essential Requirements

MIS meets the following essential requirements
automation of healthcare facilities based on electronic documents:
Single entry, multiple use of information
Working with electronic documents, not spreadsheets
Possibility of printing, sending by e-mail, exporting to other IPs
or carriers of any documents
Close (most often invisible to the user)
information exchange of data of all subsystems with each other
Possibility of integration with other systems (RIS, LIS,
RIAMs, etc.)
Reduction of routine operations
Saving working time, simplifying work with documents

Document template support

Completing inspection documents may
carried out using templates.
Templates can be supplemented or
edit taking into account the established
standards and capabilities of health care facilities.
Templates can be stored centrally
or individually by user
Hyperlink to order No. 50

Parameter monitoring

Time scale
Change curve
patient's health

Support for any archives

Statistical accounting documents are filled out automatically and
then used to form the corresponding shapes (16-VN, 12..)
Multiple forms support
statistical coupon, including
Fully automatic
passports are filled out
data, including data
Compulsory medical insurance policy and benefits
Fully automatic
data about
diagnoses, temporary
disability, attendance,
about the appeal, etc.

Diagnostic protocols

MIS includes support
over 200 types of diagnostic
The diagnostic subsystem allows you to easily and
effectively automate
diagnostic service of health care facilities. Included
system supplies include all the most
popular forms, templates
paperwork, statistical
reports and electronic magazines. Available
built-in load metering system and
cost of research.
Daily monitoring
Vibration Sensitivity Test
Echo Dopplercardiography
Electrophysiological study of the heart
Duplex scanning of blood vessels
Tetrapolar rheography of the body
Cardiac rhythmography
Ultrasound examinations
Endoscopic studies
X-ray studies, including
mammography, fluorography, radiography,
Tomography (CT, SCT, RT)
Neurophysiological studies
Radioisotope research, including –
scintigraphy and much more

The MIS includes a built-in
laboratory information
system (LIS):
Flexible options for customizing any
Integration with MIS in terms of ordering
and transfer of results
Manual and automatic entry of results
Supports a wide variety of drivers
laboratory analyzers
Built-in quality control module
Built-in statistical reporting
Built-in financial reporting
Laboratory journal
Ability to export results and reports to
Microsoft Office / Open Office / PDF
Online help system

Built-in laboratory system

International code
Russian name of the indicator
Lower and upper limit
Indicator release marks
outside the norm

Making an appointment for patients

The working time planning subsystem consists
from doctors’ calendars, diagnostic rooms and
other services.
Patient registration is carried out collectively from
various offices and thus forms
an ordered list for each day.
The use of calendars allows up to 90-95%
reduce queues of patients and at the same time
ensure optimal workload for staff

In order not to rewrite
the same information over and over again,
the system automatically generates
various electronic magazines.
Administrators can configure
any form
The MIS provides 22
electronic magazines:
Vaccinal prevention
House calls
Women's consultation
KEC work
LVN Magazine
Radiation department
Transaction Log
Recipe magazine
SSMP Journal
Department of functional
Endoscopy Department
Clinic passport, etc.

MIS contains 6 ready-to-use
work of reference books, including:
Central directory of health care facilities
personnel, system settings, services,
statistical codes, etc.
ICD-10 for coding diseases.
Over 11 thousand nosological forms.
KLADR for location coding
residence with update function.
Contains 179 thousand settlements and
798 thousand streets throughout the Russian Federation.
Radar for recording medicines,
dietary supplements and consumables with
update function. Over 99 thousand
names of drugs.
The MES Directory contains over
64 thousand ready-to-use MESs
Document Template Center
Center printed forms For
MIS electronic documents

Working in the DLO system

Electronic prescription form
Accounting for preferential prescriptions
Automatic filling and printing of form 148-/1у-88
Print machine-readable recipe with barcode

From the “recipe” form access to:

medicine reference book
information about benefits

Accounting for temporary disability

Support for centralized and
decentralized statement form
Using the “Direction” documents
on a sheet of temporary incapacity for work"
and “Temporary disability certificate”
Printing of a new form of LVN, approved
by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 347n dated April 26, 2011
Automatic generation and printing
"LVN Magazine"
Automatic formation
statistical reporting, including
form No. 16-VN
Inheritance of information in secondary
medical and statistical
Automated control and
compliance with terms of incapacity for work

Automation of consultations

Electronic consultation form
Planning your work time using calendars
Automatic generation of a journal of consulting work
(by consultants, by dates, by enterprises and workshops)

Treatment control

List of patients who
medical treatment was prescribed
Complete list of medicinal
Quantity information
prescribed procedures and progress
their implementation
Automation of treatment rooms
allows the doctor and hospital administration
clearly see the load on medical
offices, control execution
patients with medical appointments,
control the work of the middle
medical staff and, accordingly, adequately
plan work on the medical part...

Clinical expert work

KER accounting protocol (form No. 035/u-02 and
instructions for filling it out)
Presentation on VK
VK protocol
Referral to ITU (Form N 088/у-06,

Return coupon ITU (Form N 088/у-06,
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 77 of January 31, 2007)
Conclusion of a clinical expert
Medical report on damage
health in case of an accident
Health research report
Protocol for assessing the quality of medical
Journal of clinical expert work
commission (Form No. 035/у-02)

Dispensary observation

Special section
"Dispensary registration" in
electronic outpatient
patient card
Full information about appearances
patient, stage epicrises,
invitations to DN, etc.
Application of the medical examination subsystem
allows healthcare facilities to significantly simplify
maintaining patient documentation,
constantly observed in the clinic.
This allows you to maintain a high level
continuity in clinical
understanding of the patient, his diagnosis
and treatment, which, in turn, reduces
costs of healthcare facilities and increases attractiveness
for the patient

Control of those under surveillance

Export information to Word,
generation of invitations
on DN
List of patients
who are at the dispensary
List of all patient appearances on
DN in chronological order
Flexible Installation Options
filters and shaping
samples from the database on DN maps

Electronic fluoroteca

All performed on the patient
X-ray diagnostic studies
stored in in electronic format in the MIS database.
Moreover, during the application
information about completed
x-ray examination
a special one is automatically created
document “Radiation exposure sheet”
Having all the information allows
perform automated
fluorotheca work planning:
compile lists of “debtors” and maintain
accounting of performed fluorograms...

Doctor's house calls

Automation of recording of doctors' home calls
There is a special electronic journal for recording calls
Doctors from their workplaces can open at any time
electronic call log
Information about completed calls is automatically placed in
statistics subsystem

Medical examination

The medical examination subsystem allows flexible
configure and automate
planning and conducting medical examinations.
The doctor can see from his workplace
all necessary information, including
information about the place of work, contraindications,
appointments for medical examination and notes on
fulfillment of the medical examination plan...

Vaccinal prevention

The vaccination subsystem allows flexible and
conveniently enter data on completed
vaccinations, as well as automate
vaccination planning. IN
MIS delivery set included “Children’s”
and “Adult” vaccination calendar, which
can be flexibly configured. Besides,
the system automatically generates reporting
documentation, including forms 5 and 6...

Pharmacy MIS

MIS Pharmacy allows
automate the accounting of medicines
funds and consumables. IN
delivery kit for the “Pharmacy” module
MIS" comes ready to work
reference book "Register of medicinal
funds", numbering over 100
thousands of different items
drugs and their release forms over
20 indicators (trade name,
INN, manufacturer, release form and
"Pharmacy MIS" contains programs
electronic appointment sheet and others
tools that allow implementation in health care facilities
personalized accounting
medicines, and also receive
all the necessary statistical

The work of guard nurses

MIS food service

For large
hospitals or
sanatorium subsystem
nutrition is very
valuable opportunity
MIS: she allows
automate all
cooking process
food, starting from order
diets, food accounting
power up
calculating menu layout
and all others

Information boards

Integration with other IS

Regional IP
Electronic systems
document flow
Integration with other information
systems allows you to provide health care facilities
maximum flexibility in choice
specialized solutions and not
waste developer resources on
too wide a range of tasks.
PACS systems
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