Presentation on the topic of the human world of industrial civilization. Lesson topic: "Industrial civilization." Changes in the material world

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Lesson plan. 1.Changes in material world. 2. Explosion of social mobility. 3. Changes in people's minds. 4.New in the world of ideas.

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Lesson assignment Highlight character traits man of industrial civilization. What led to their formation?

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1. Changes in the material world. From 1789 to 1914, people's lives changed radically. In the 18th century, the industrial revolution had many opponents. Many scientists feared that it would lead to a breakdown in the harmony of man and nature - natural resources would dry out, populations of birds and animals would sharply decline, Many plant species will disappear. But in the 19th century. New sources of energy and economical forms of its use were discovered. Industrial revolution in Japan. Engraving from the 20th century.

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1. Changes in the material world. Coal was replaced by oil and electricity. Internal combustion engines appeared and cars were invented. New discoveries led to the advent of telegraph, telephone, radio, cinema, aeronautics, etc. The mechanization of production sharply increased labor productivity and the benefits that technological progress brought became obvious. Use of gas. Poster from 1892.

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2. Explosion of social mobility. Social mobility became an important feature of industrial civilization. The population of the USA and a number of countries in Latin America largely consisted of European emigrants and former black slaves. The nature of mobility changed dramatically - from forced (Puritans), it became voluntary. The bulk of the immigrants continued to go to the United States. Prairie schooner.

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2. Explosion of social mobility. Many emigrants went to Canada, India, Australia and other colonies. Internal mobility also increased. The population, deprived of class restrictions, quickly changed their occupation and their status. And although it was difficult for the “lower classes” to occupy a high position in society, those who made their way to the top quickly became a prominent figure in the political and economic life. "Look back." Caricature of attempts to ban emigration to the United States.

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3. Changes in people's minds. Changes in the life of society also affected the consciousness of people. They began to understand their responsibility for the fate of the entire society. The development of transport and communications “shortened” distances. With the development of their horizons, consciousness became flexible in relation to “strangers”, people became more tolerant of different views. They began to actively participate in political life. Telephone ladies. Lithograph 1904

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3. Changes in people's minds. The state gradually began to transfer its powers to society, which became civil. In each country, this process developed differently. In countries with long parliamentary traditions, this process took place faster - they eventually became democratic, and in others, between authoritarian authorities and conflicts began in society. Conditions for the spread of radical ideas arose here. Become an American! Children of immigrants swear allegiance to the United States.

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4.New in the world of ideas. The psychoanalyst S. Freud was subjected to no less criticism, claiming that behind any actions of people there are “base instincts”, and in the minds of people there is a struggle between rational and animal principles. New discoveries in some cases have led to the emergence of selfishness, nihilism and disbelief in the power of reason and progress. O. Spengler even predicted the death of European civilization. But his prophecies did not come true. Sigmund Freud in 1921

Abstract open lesson in history for 8th grade.

The topic of the lesson is “Man of Industrial Civilization” (8th grade).

Developed and carried out

history and social studies teacher

second qualification category

GBOU Secondary School No. 667, Moscow

Apukhtina Natalya Sergeevna

    Educational- expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the human world of industrial civilization, changes in the material world of man, changes in human consciousness, ideas about social mobility, civil society, new things in the world of ideas.

    Developmental- develop students’ independent thinking, communication skills and Creative skills, personalized thinking.

    Educational- cultivate a sense of collectivism and responsibility; in discussion - a culture of polemics, a tolerant attitude towards a different point of view.

Lesson type- Combined lesson.

Appendix: tests, self-test sheets, texts with errors, presentation.

Lesson plan.

1.Changes in the material world

2. Explosion of social mobility.

3. Changes in people's minds.

4.New in the world of ideas.

I. Organizational moment

II.Checking homework

I option.

1. Entente a) June 1881

d) June 1993

2. Entente b) Austria-Hungary

g) France

Option II

I. Match the union with the date of its creation.

1. Entente a) June 1993

II. Correlate the union and the states included in it:

2 Triple Alliance b) France

3. Entente c) Germany


III.Explanation of new material

Updating the topic.

We are studying history. Who's playing main role in the formation of history? (Man). Today in the lesson we will be interested in man. And in what sense can we be interested in man in a history lesson? (Material world, life, consciousness, his position in society...) You and I know that history divided into different levels, stages of social development, material and spiritual culture - that is, civilization. So far we know two types of civilization. What kind? (agrarian, industrial) What kind of civilization will we be interested in today? (Industrial)

The topic of our lesson is “The world of man of industrial civilization.”

Write down the topic in your notebook.

Today in the lesson we will study what changes have occurred in the material world of man, in the consciousness of people, in social mobility, what has appeared new in the world of ideas in industrial civilization.

Today in the lesson you will work with self-control sheets. On the self-control sheets you have tasks on today's topic, that is, you yourself will check how you understood today's topic. At the end of the lesson, you will give yourself grades based on the tasks completed.

1. In order to find out what changes have occurred in the world of man of industrial civilization, you need to remember what the characteristic features of industrial civilization are. Take the self-control sheets, sign them, find task 1 and complete it. (Task 1. Find the characteristic features of industrial civilization. Write down the answer with numbers that indicate the characteristic features of industrial civilization.

3. Energy is used from “natural” batteries (muscular power of humans and animals, sun, wind, water..)

10. Science and production are practically unrelated

    Agrarian civilization

    Industrial civilization

    In the process of labor, a person deals mainly with nature and obeys the natural cycle

    In the process of work, a person deals mainly with machines and obeys the rhythm of their work

    The tools of labor and the labor process itself remain virtually unchanged

    Tools of labor and the labor process itself are constantly updated

    Energy is used from “natural” batteries (muscular strength of humans and animals, sun, wind, water..)

    Energy is used from artificial sources (steam, electricity)

    Production is piecemeal

    Production is on a massive scale

    Science and production are practically unrelated.

    Technological progress is determined by scientific achievements.


Answer: 2,5,7,8,9. Characteristics (how many):5

Write down which civilization the remaining traits belong to.

Answer: agricultural (traditional) civilization

2Changes in the material world.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many discoveries and inventions were made that completely changed the face of civilization. Now you will see what these discoveries and inventions were on the board and write them down in your notebooks.


How did a person take advantage of the fruits of technological progress? (His life became much more comfortable, he could use new means of transport and communication)

3. Explosion of social mobility.

What is social mobility?

The opportunity to move to other cities and countries, as well as change your social position.

Why is there an explosion of social mobility at this particular time? (The emergence of new states, the emergence of new modes of transport, the emergence of new cities, the industrial revolution, the agricultural revolution)

Completing the task on the self-control sheet: Task 2: Social mobility made possible the formation of a completely new state. Which one?

Answer: (USA)

Why did large flows of emigrants flock to the USA? (The USA was a rapidly developing and at the same time relatively sparsely populated country. They were in dire need of cheap labor supplied by emigrants.)

The ability to change one's social position Economic growth based on the introduction of technological innovations and political democratization led to the weakening of the old social structure, in which a person's place in society was determined by his membership in a certain group (usually hereditary). But this process had dual consequences: it was possible not only to climb the social ladder, but also to descend, falling to the social bottom. One of the negative social consequences of industrialization was widespread unemployment. An increasing number of people, as the industrial transition spread to agricultural regions, lost their old area of ​​labor effort and could not find a new one. In search of a means of subsistence, they, as a rule, accumulated in large cities, organizing activities in the technogenic environment.

But not everyone rushed to other countries; many continued to seek happiness in their homeland. Class restrictions were finally eliminated, the range of bourgeois-democratic freedoms was expanded and strengthened, and a not very rapid but stable rise in living standards created favorable conditions under which people could fundamentally change their property and social status. Of course, it was not easy, but it was quite possible. Thus, the structure of society changes. Now society no longer consisted of closed groups, whose representatives had certain rights and obligations passed on by inheritance, but of groups of people that differed in their place in a historically defined system of social production, in their attitude (mostly enshrined and formalized in laws) to means of production, according to their role in public organization labor, and therefore, according to the methods of obtaining and the size of the share of social wealth that they have. In an industrial society, yesterday's peasants and artisans became traders and entrepreneurs, made military, and sometimes even political careers. At first, only a few managed to make such an ascent and make a career, then tens, hundreds, thousands.

Completing the task on the self-control sheet. Task 3

What groups was society divided into in industrial civilization?

Answer: classes

Major groups formed in the 19th century?

Answer: proletariat, bourgeoisie

4. Changes in people's consciousness.

How do you think the changes that have occurred in political, economic life, in human life, how could they affect human consciousness? (Man began to understand responsibility not only for his own life, but also for the fate of society, the interconnection of the whole world, thanks to the development of transport and the development of systems connections. With the expansion of horizons, consciousness becomes more flexible, more receptive to other people's points of view. Become not indifferent to various phenomena of life.

It is thanks to these changes in people's consciousness that society becomes civil.

What's happened civil society Let's look at the board.

Civil society is a society capable of independent activity, based on the initiative not of the state, but of society itself.

Completing the task on the self-control sheet. Task 4.

Answer: England.

Why did civil society begin to take shape in England earlier than in other countries? (Various associations (parties, unions, groups, clubs, etc.) appear that, regardless of the state, protect certain interests of the population.)

In England, civil society began to take shape much earlier than in other countries, because in England the transition from the feudal system to the bourgeois system was carried out in a more peaceful, evolutionary way. In this case, the results had a great effect, since the transition was more or less smooth and was not subject to chaotic revolutionary influences. (in many countries the transition was accompanied by bloody and destructive revolutions) the industrial revolution occurred in England faster than other countries.

Confirm with facts that in England in the first half of the 19th century. civil society is emerging. That is, due to the fact that society at this time becomes more conscious and mature, it becomes possible to shift part of the responsibility of the state to society.

5. New in the world of ideas. (Student’s speech with the message “New in the world of ideas”)

In a word, man became civilized, and this increasingly separated him from both his distant ancestors and nature. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. the civilization of manners has reached its apogee. Therefore, it is not surprising that the books of Charles Darwin (1809-1882) “The Origin of Species” (1859) and “The Descent of Man” (1871), which outlined the theory of evolution, made such a deep impression on his contemporaries. This was a kind of shock to the foundations: Darwin showed the connection between man and brute animals (monkeys), with the forces of nature. This was no longer the poetic and mysterious nature that the romantics called for to merge with. It was a nature in which instincts reign and there is a ruthless struggle for existence.

How do you think society received this theory with delight? (No. Many people took this theory with hostility. Who would want to recognize a monkey as their relative.)

Which version do you think suited them better? (God created man)

Human late XIX V. I began to discover the “beast” within myself. Darwin's theory was only the first step on this path. The second - and even more decisive - were the discoveries of the Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) in the field of psychoanalysis. Freud looked into the secrets of the human soul and, under the cover of civilization, he saw a dark abyss in which primitive unbridled passions boil. For the first time in the history of science, Freud proved that personality is multi-layered. He identified in it the area of ​​consciousness (“the window” through which we perceive the world), the subconscious, which is a “boiling cauldron of instincts” and obeys only the principle of pleasure, and the preconscious, which is the rational principle in man, carries out “censorship” over passions, transfers them to another, higher area.

Freud's discoveries, which revolutionized medicine, went far beyond psychiatry, since his works made global conclusions concerning not only sick people, but also man in general, as well as the role of culture and civilization in the history of mankind.

For the first time, Freud showed the other side of the civilization of manners: the victory of consciousness over the unconscious costs a person dearly. Suppressed and repressed desires result in mental disorders, guilt and inferiority complexes, and unreasonable fears.

Freud did not argue that civilization is evil, but he described civilization as violence against the human personality, which is carried out through a complex and extensive network of prohibitions - prohibitions so firmly entrenched in the mind that a person has long ceased to understand what he really is.

The research of Darwin, Freud, and other scientists seemingly debunked all previous values. But they helped people to rethink familiar concepts, to look critically at their passions and instincts in order to more consistently restrain and control them. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, this became especially important, since changes in human consciousness did not always result in benefits for society.

This is how the world of man in industrial civilization was.

IV. Consolidation.

I would like to present to you an essay by an 8th grade student on the topic: “The world of man in industrial civilization.” There are several mistakes made in this essay. I suggest you find them.

Essay on the topic: “The world of man of industrial civilization. »

The life of a person in industrial civilization has changed little. Human work has become harder because machines have been replaced manual labor. Social mobility in the 19th and 20th centuries. goes down. This was due to the fact that the means of transportation were horse-drawn carriages. Each person belonged to a certain class and could not change his property and social status. Human consciousness changes. He begins to understand that his fate depends on God. Society at this time becomes civil, that is, capable of independent activity based on the initiative of the state. Contemporaries enthusiastically accepted Darwin's theory, which appeared at that time, that man was created by God. Thus, the world of man in the era of industrial civilization has changed slightly.

Summing up. Giving marks.

10-11 points 5.

7-9 points 4.

4-6 points 3.

less than 4 2


What would you suggest? homework on this topic. (Offer to write an essay on the topic “The world of man of industrial civilization”)


I option. Last name first name______________________

I. Match the union with the date of its creation.

1. Entente a) June 1881

d) June 1993

II. Correlate the union and the states included in it:

1. Union of Three Emperors a) Russia

2. Entente b) Austria-Hungary

3. Triple Alliance c) Germany

g) France

2nd option Last name ______________________________

I. Match the union with the date of its creation.

1. Entente a) June 1993

3. Union of the Three Emperors in) June 1881

II. Correlate the union and the states included in it:

1. Union of Three Emperors a) Italy

2 Triple Alliance b) France

3. Entente c) Germany


Self-control sheet.

Last name first name______________________

(Task 1. Find the characteristic features of industrial civilization. Write down the answer with numbers that indicate the characteristic features of industrial civilization.

1. In the process of labor, a person deals mainly with nature and obeys the natural cycle

2.Tools of labor and the labor process itself are continuously updated

3. Energy is used from “natural” batteries (muscular power of humans and animals, sun, wind, water..)

4.Production is piece-by-piece

5. In the process of work, a person deals mainly with machines and obeys the rhythm of their work.

6.The tools of labor and the labor process itself remain virtually unchanged.

7. Energy is used from artificial sources (steam, electricity)

8.Technical progress is determined by scientific achievements.

9.Production is on a massive scale

10. Science and production are practically not connected.

    Characteristics (how many):

    Write down which civilization the remaining features belong to.

Task 2: Social mobility made it possible to form a completely new state. Which one?

Task 3

What groups were society divided into in an industrial society?

Major groups formed in the 19th century?

Task 4.

In which state did civil society develop earlier than others?

Find errors and correct them. Underline the errors and write them correctly below, and do not forget to write the error number.

Essay on the topic: “The world of man of industrial civilization.”

The life of a person in industrial civilization has changed little compared to the life of a person in an agrarian civilization. Human labor became more difficult because machines were replaced by manual labor. Social mobility in the 19th and 20th centuries. goes down. This was due to the fact that the means of transportation were horse-drawn carriages. Each person belonged to a certain class and could not change his property and social status. Human consciousness changes. He begins to understand that his fate depends on God. Society at this time becomes civil, that is, capable of independent activity based on the initiative of the state. Contemporaries enthusiastically accepted Darwin's theory, which appeared at this time, that man was created by God. Thus, the world of man in the era of industrial civilization has changed slightly.


Industrial civilization Characteristics of advanced countries: Rapid development of industry. The economy was controlled by the capitalist class. Machine production. Division of labor. Consumption growth natural resources. Sharp population growth. Industrial society: part of Europe and the North. America.

Imperialism Oil king D. Rockefeller is absorbing the world market. In n. In the 20th century, capitalism acquired new features. The new stage in the development of capitalist states was called IMPERIALISM - “the desire for power, for domination.” At the heart of imperialism was the desire for world domination, based not on military but on economic power.

Technological breakthrough Alexander Popov transmitted the first radiogram.

The Wright brothers took to the skies the first aircraft powered by an internal combustion engine.

Albert Einstein developed the special theory of relativity.

The death of the "unsinkable" passenger ship "Titanic"

Labor movement and socialism Currents in the labor movement Social Democratic Anarcho-syndicalist For the replacement of capitalism with socialism. Abolition of exploitation of man by man. The economy is under the control of the working people, not the exploiting class. For enshrining social guarantees for workers in laws. Revolution will lead to socialism.

Textbook. P a g e Why did trade unions appear? What is the difference between social democrats and anarcho-syndicalists?

Causes of the First World War The developed countries increased military production. The influence of the military increased. The rise of militarism. Two hostile blocs took full shape: the Entente and the Triple Alliance. Militarism is the growth of sentiment in favor of war. Pacifism is a social movement against war.

Causes of the war: The struggle for the redistribution of colonies and markets. The desire to redistribute borders in Europe. The need to distract workers from social struggle. Differences in political structure. The struggle between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia for influence in the Balkans.

When market relations appeared with the beginning of the formation of the rule of law, industrial civilization began to develop, which brought with it progress, fundamental human rights, tolerance and other universal values.


Meetings between representatives of different cultures were previously sporadic, but now civilizations have established constant contacts, and the stories of various regions gradually turned into world history. Industrial civilization was preceded by modernization, which began in Western European countries, and it also transferred this process to other continents. Technologies were extrapolated and basic value orientations acquired.

Historical science knows two stages that ensured the formation of modernity - both the world and man. This is the early period of industrial civilization, when old relations were supplanted and replaced by new ones, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, and the second, when the established new relations and orders acquired their development, from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries.


And the demographic factor undermined European traditionalism and pushed Europe towards modernization. Population growth was observed everywhere, although not constantly, since epidemics raged from time to time, and Agriculture not every year could provide food for everyone, because it was highly dependent on the vagaries of nature. And city dwellers left this world much more often than rural residents. Child mortality was especially high: it was several times higher than adult mortality. It was under these conditions that industrial civilization arose.

The period from 1500 to 1800 was marked by many soaring peaks in mortality. Most often these were the years following crop failures. Diseases and epidemics did not kill as many people as died from hunger. Food prices were rising. America supplied tons of precious metals to Europe, which provoked inflation, and food production did not keep pace with demographic growth. It was these centuries that were marked by a huge shortage of grain. However, the first characteristic features of industrial civilization were visible already in the seventeenth century.

Two models

On the periphery of medieval Europe there was a Catholic civilization; all the main territories were occupied by much more ancient Islamic and Byzantine civilizations, which increasingly squeezed it from all sides. These conditions have long hampered the development of industrial civilization. There is a single law on Earth according to which social energy is born, and in in this case Catholics had little opportunity to expand normally and extensively. The surplus population was periodically sent to Crusades, but time is inexorable, and therefore social energy was still gradually accumulating.

And gradually two ways out of the situation in which Europe found itself by the seventeenth century emerged. Its south rushed to Africa, India, America, but the West did not dare to expand its territories - it began an internal restructuring, in which Catholicism changed many socio-normative principles. Cities gradually acquired new methods of production. A complex set of factors, together with the improvement of commodity-money relations, created the prerequisites for the formation of industrial civilization. Characteristic of this process is primarily the restructuring of social relations that provoked the industrial revolution at the end of the eighteenth century.

New civilization

In North America and Western Europe Humanity has finally managed to break free from dependence on natural agricultural cycles. New methods of production were created, ready to take root on completely alien cultural soil; they were mobile and focused on expanding production volumes. It is thanks to such factors that industrial civilization exists. Its appearance quite soon brought colossal consequences for all of humanity, since development was rapid.

Industrially developed civilization has forced us to contrast humanity and nature, including space. This was a huge incentive for rational study, the development of science, and an unprecedented flowering of inventions and discoveries. The life of mankind has changed quickly and qualitatively. In antiquity it was the same, only the production basis was different and the scale was narrower, but civil society was created on the same postulates. Now it was moving by leaps and bounds towards an industrialized civilization. Civil society exists on earth for the second time, but now at a qualitatively new level.

Main differences

Community and class associations no longer controlled personal initiative, since the type of thinking had changed, rationalism prevailed in all manifestations of activity. At the same time, polarization occurred through the division of labor. The former were the organizers of social production, they set the tone for the entire life of society, and the latter were content with what the elite could offer them social formation. Economic conditions differed greatly from each other, and therefore class struggle, which is also one of the signs of an industrialized civilization, acquired new forms.

New methods of production gradually took over traditional societies using them to their own advantage. The “tentacles” of this young, but already gigantic octopus were merchants, sailors, adventurers, colonialists, and missionaries. Very quickly they entangled all continents. Even countries such as Russia, Japan, China, India, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas changed rapidly in their development. Local civilization usually merged with the bourgeois carriers of new methods of production, who acted as greedy and insatiable colonialists. Everything was used - from natural resources to the slave trade.

In Russia

Russian civilization, as always, was not like its European idols. We traditionally had a strong centralized government and hard-to-extract resources, and therefore the main part of the country did not attract interest from the carriers of new production methods. Industrial civilization in Russia can be characterized in almost two words: an autocratic monarchy, under whose watchful eye new things were adapted to the harsh Russian conditions. It must be said that in this state of affairs, traditional social relations only strengthened.

Many scientists believe that Russia has accumulated a synthesis of Asian and European cultures. However, we must not forget that the empire was still developing in the zone of Byzantine and European civilizations. After the Mongol conquests, statehood became strong, and therefore it almost completely stopped Western European values ​​on its borders. That is why the unification of Russian lands did not come from Novgorod, not from White Rus' or Kyiv, where there were territories of truly Russian culture. The initiator was the Principality of Moscow, which was located on the periphery of this local civilization. It was it that managed to borrow some methods of the Mongol-Tatar political organization.

Industrial Revolution

The whole world submitted to new methods of social production, and this process entered a new phase after the completion of the industrial revolution. Developed countries began expansion into the territories of traditional civilizations, as a result of which local civilizations decayed from the inside, allowing the European mode of production and the corresponding social classes into their social flesh. In Russia, only at the beginning of the 20th century was industrial civilization finally able to defeat the weakened state power. The level of public energy availability has increased qualitatively, so the level of capabilities of each individual has risen quite close to the fulfillment of needs.

Since traditional societies already wanted to use the full achievements of industrial civilization, orientation towards the political and social structure Western countries, to someone else’s value system grew rapidly. Structure of traditional Russian society was very complex, and in order to adapt to industrial production with its high and rapidly changing needs, it changed, became simpler, becoming like a civil society with an orientation towards private individual property and individual rights. This path was supposed to lead different societies to a single world community.

Confrontation of civilizations

In Europe, industrialized civilization has existed somewhat longer than on other continents, and somewhat earlier it had overcome all the obstacles that life puts in the way of technological progress. Foreign culture and foreign experience are always difficult to introduce, since they almost always cause a reaction of rejection from the local civilization. The implementation process still continues, because progress is unstoppable, but at the same time, attention to traditional culture is increasing.

This interest can be so strong that it becomes akin to a disease, and the more the local culture has suffered from the influence of industrial civilization, the more clearly the original features of a given society are regenerated. Attempts to destroy the existing way of life work to unite social forces against the backdrop of traditional ideology, such as religion. There are also cases when industrial technologies coexist well with identity and socio-political independence.


Traditional civilizations interact with industrial methods of production in a variety of ways, which allows this diversity of humanity to be preserved at the present time. The complexity of civilization lies in the fact that the “big” civilization constantly interacts with local civilizations. Among modern scientists, it has already acquired a theoretical platform where two types of theories of civilization are distinguished.

The first is a theory of staged development, and the second is of local civilizations. Stage theories study civilization as one process of progress in human development, where there are certain stages (or stages). Theories of local civilizations are aimed at studying historically established communities that occupy a certain territory and have their own socio-economic and cultural development.

Main features of industrial civilization

What is she? Industrial civilization, from a scientific point of view, is characterized by the powerful development of industry, the full use of achievements in all fields of science, as well as an increasing proportion of the population engaged in skilled labor. It is precisely these features that distinguish it from an agrarian society. You won’t have to look for examples for long: it’s worth comparing the countries of Europe and the countries of Africa.

About dreamers

This article will not discuss alternative points of view on the development of industrial civilization, although in your spare time it is probably fun to read the arguments, equipped with beautiful illustrations, that an industrialized civilization has existed on Earth for several tens of thousands of years, therefore all our mountains, valleys, seas , deserts are absolutely man-made, because the planet is one, once rich, used mine.

From time to time we were allegedly subjected to a “purge” in the form of a nuclear war (again, there are many illustrations confirming this hypothesis), and the last one happened around the nineteenth century, when humanity almost died out. It’s funny, but not scientific, so let’s continue the discussion of real industrial civilization. And now about what scientists predict for her after conducting research funded by NASA. This is also extremely interesting, but this time seriously.

Global civilization is facing catastrophe

Scientists say the cause of the collapse of modern industrial civilization is the misuse of natural resources and the unfair distribution of wealth. Humanity has been left with a few decades to think about it, although disaster could happen even earlier. It’s almost impossible to scare people anymore; society’s attitude towards them remains exaggerated and controversial. However, researchers have provided many historical data that indicate that all civilizations have a cyclical rise and fall.

The researchers rely on a new model created just weeks ago at the intersection of sciences by mathematician Motesharri (National Center for Socio-Ecological Synthesis). The results are published in Ecological Economics, and the world's leading scientists are seriously discussing the problems posed in the study. Briefly speaking, the point is that the analysis of the dynamics of the death of civilizations revealed the main risk factors: population (numbers), water, climate, energy, agriculture. It is these factors that can lead to disaster, since the conditions are created exactly like this: the speed at which we spend resources exceeds the speed of their reproduction, and there is a clear division of society into the rich (elite) and the poor (the general mass). Exactly these social reasons and were the cause of the death of all past civilizations.

Summary of an open history lesson for grade 8.

Lesson topic " Man of industrial civilization"(8th grade) .

Developed and carried out

history and social studies teacher

second qualification category

GBOU Secondary School No. 667, Moscow

Apukhtina Natalya Sergeevna


    Educational– expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the human world of industrial civilization, changes in the material world of man, changes in human consciousness, ideas about social mobility, civil society, new things in the world of ideas.

    Developmental– develop students’ independent mental activity, communication skills and creativity, personalized thinking.

    Educational– cultivate a sense of collectivism and responsibility; in discussion - a culture of polemics, a tolerant attitude towards a different point of view.

Lesson type– Combined lesson.

Appendix: tests, self-test sheets, texts with errors, presentation.

Lesson plan.

1.Changes in the material world

3.Changes in people's minds.

4.New in the world of ideas.

I. Organizing time

II. Checking homework

I option.

1.Entente a) June 1881

d) June 1993

2.Entente b) Austria-Hungary

3.Triple Alliance c) Germany

d) England

e) Italy

e) USA

g) France

Option II

I. Match the union with the date of its creation.

1.Entente a) June 1993

II. Match the union and the states included in it:

2 Triple Alliance b) France

3. .Entente c) Germany

d) USA

e) Russia

e) England


III. Explanation of new material

Updating the topic.

-We are studying history. And who plays the main role in the formation of history? (Man). Today in the lesson we will be interested in man. And in what sense can we be interested in man in a history lesson? (Material world, life, consciousness, his position in society...) We You and I know that history is divided into different levels, stages of social development, material and spiritual culture - that is, civilization. So far we know two types of civilization. What kind? (agrarian, industrial) What kind of civilization will we be interested in today? (Industrial)

The topic of our lesson«»

Write down the topic in your notebook.

Today in the lesson we will study what changes have occurred in the material world of man, in the consciousness of people, in social mobility, what has appeared new in the world of ideas in industrial civilization.

-Today in the lesson you will work with self-control sheets. On the self-control sheets you have tasks on today's topic, that is, you yourself will check how you understood today's topic. At the end of the lesson, you will give yourself grades based on the tasks completed.

1.In order to find out what changes have occurred in the world of man of industrial civilization, you need to remember what the characteristic features of industrial civilization are. Take the self-control sheets, sign them, find task 1 and complete it. (Task 1. Find the characteristic features of industrial civilization. Write down the answer with numbers that indicate the characteristic features of industrial civilization.

10.Science and production are practically unrelated

    Agrarian civilization

    Industrial civilization

    In the process of labor, a person deals mainly with nature and obeys the natural cycle

    In the process of work, a person deals mainly with machines and obeys the rhythm of their work

    The tools of labor and the labor process itself remain virtually unchanged

    Tools of labor and the labor process itself are constantly updated

    Energy is used from “natural” batteries (muscular strength of humans and animals, sun, wind, water..)

    Energy is used from artificial sources (steam, electricity)

    Production is piecemeal

    Production is on a massive scale

    Technological progress is determined by scientific achievements.


Answer: 2,5,7,8,9. Characteristics (how many):5

Write down which civilization the remaining traits belong to.

Answer: agricultural (traditional) civilization

2Changes in the material world.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many discoveries and inventions were made that completely changed the face of civilization. Now you will see what these discoveries and inventions were on the board and write them down in your notebooks.


-How did a person take advantage of the fruits of technological progress? (His life became much more comfortable, he could use new means of transport and communication)

3.Explosion of social mobility.

-What is social mobility?

The opportunity to move to other cities and countries, as well as change your social position.

-Why is there an explosion of social mobility at this particular time? (The emergence of new states, the emergence of new modes of transport, the emergence of new cities, the industrial revolution, the agricultural revolution)

Completing the task on the self-control sheet: Task 2: Social mobility made possible the formation of a completely new state. Which one?

Answer: (USA)

-Why did large flows of emigrants flock to the USA? (The USA was a rapidly developing and at the same time relatively sparsely populated country. They were in dire need of cheap labor supplied by emigrants.)

-The ability to change one's social position Economic growth based on the introduction of technological innovations and political democratization led to the weakening of the old social structure, in which a person's place in society was determined by his membership in a certain group (usually hereditary). But this process had dual consequences: it was possible not only to climb the social ladder, but also to descend, falling to the social bottom. One of the negative social consequences of industrialization was widespread unemployment. An increasing number of people, as the industrial transition spread to agricultural regions, lost their old area of ​​labor effort and could not find a new one. In search of a means of subsistence, they, as a rule, accumulated in large cities, organizing activities in the technogenic environment.

But not everyone rushed to other countries; many continued to seek happiness in their homeland. Class restrictions were finally eliminated, the range of bourgeois-democratic freedoms was expanded and strengthened, and a not very rapid but stable rise in living standards created favorable conditions under which people could fundamentally change their property and social status. Of course, it was not easy, but it was quite possible. Thus, the structure of society changes. Now society no longer consisted of closed groups, whose representatives had certain rights and obligations passed on by inheritance, but of groups of people that differed in their place in a historically defined system of social production, in their attitude (mostly enshrined and formalized in laws) to means of production, according to their role in the social organization of labor, and, consequently, according to the methods of obtaining and the size of the share of social wealth that they have. In an industrial society, yesterday's peasants and artisans became traders and entrepreneurs, made military, and sometimes even political careers. At first, only a few managed to make such an ascent and make a career, then tens, hundreds, thousands.

Completing the task on the self-control sheet. Task 3

-What groups was society divided into in industrial civilization?

Answer: classes

Major groups formed in the 19th century?

Answer: proletariat, bourgeoisie

4.Changes in people's consciousness.

-How do you think the changes that have occurred in political, economic life, in human life, how could they affect human consciousness? (Man began to understand responsibility not only for his own life, but also for the fate of society, the interconnection of the whole world, thanks to the development of transport and the development of systems connections. With the expansion of horizons, consciousness becomes more flexible, more receptive to other people's points of view. Become not indifferent to various phenomena of life.

It is thanks to these changes in people's consciousness that society becomes civil.

What is civil society? Let's look at the board.

Civil society is a society capable of independent activity, based on the initiative not of the state, but of society itself.

Completing the task on the self-control sheet. Task 4.

Answer: England.

- Why did civil society begin to take shape in England earlier than in other countries?( Various associations appear (parties, unions, groups, clubs, etc.), which, regardless of the state, protect certain interests of the population.)

In England, civil society began to take shape much earlier than in other countries, because in England, the transition from the feudal system to the bourgeois system was carried out in a more peaceful, evolutionary way. In this case, the results had a great effect, since the transition was more or less smooth and was not subject to chaotic revolutionary influences. (in many countries the transition was accompanied by bloody and destructive revolutions) the industrial revolution occurred in England faster than other countries.

Confirm with facts that in England in the first half of the 19th century. civil society is emerging. That is, due to the fact that society at this time becomes more conscious and mature, it becomes possible to shift part of the responsibility of the state to society.

5. New in the world of ideas. (Student’s speech with the message “New in the world of ideas”)

In a word, man became civilized­ nom, and this separated him more and moreAnd from distant places kov, and from nature.In the XVIII - XIX centuries civilization ma­ ner reached its apogee. Therefore, it is not surprising that the books of Charles Darwin(1809-1882) « Origin of species" (1859) and " Human Origins"(1871), V which the theory of evolution was expounded produced that­ some deep impression on his contemporaries. This was a kind of shock to the foundations: Darwin showed the connection between man and brute animals (monkeys), with the forces of nature. It was no longer that poetic and mysterious nature.­ yes, to merge with which the romantics called. It was a nature in which instincts reign and there is a ruthless struggle for existence.

-How do you think society received this theory with delight? (No. Many people took this theory with hostility. Who would want to recognize a monkey as their relative.)

-Which version do you think suited them better? (God created man)

Man of the late 19th century. began to discover in myself"beast". Darwin's theory was only the first step on this path. The second - and even more decisive - were the discoveries of the Austrian scientist Sigmund Frey­ yes (1856-1939) in the area psychoanalysis . Freud peek I entered into the secret secrets of the human soul and, under the cover of civilization, I saw a dark abyss in which primitive unbridled passions boil. Freud, for the first time in the history of science, proved that personality is many­ ply. He highlighted an area in it consciousness (“window”, through which we perceive the world) subconscious , which represents« boiling cauldron instinct tov" and obeys only the pleasure principle, and preconscious, which is the rational principle in man, carries out"censorship" above passions, transfers them to another, higher area.

Freud's discoveries revolutionized medicine­ no, they went far beyond the boundaries of psychiatry, since global conclusions were made in his works, I concern­ affecting not only sick people, but also man in general­ more, as well as the role of culture and civilization in the history of mankind.

For the first time Freud showed the other side of civilization­ ization of manners: the victory of consciousness over the unconscious costs a person dearly. Suppressed and repressed­ desires result in mental disorders­ va, guilt and inferiority complexes, unreasonable new fears.

Freud did not claim that civilization is evil, but he described civilization asviolence over a person cultural personality, which is carried out through a complex­ a large and extensive network of prohibitions - prohibitions that are so firmly entrenched in the consciousness that a person has long ceased to understand what he really is.

The research of Darwin, Freud, and other scientists seemingly debunked all previous values. But they helped people to rethink familiar concepts, to look critically at their passions and instincts in order to more consistently restrain and control them. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, this became especially important, since changes in human consciousness did not always result in benefits for society.

This is how the world of man in industrial civilization was.

IV. Consolidation.

I would like to present to you an essay by an 8th grade student on the topic:« The world of man of industrial civilization.». There are several mistakes in this essay. I suggest you find them.

An essay about:« The world of man of industrial civilization.»

The life of a person in industrial civilization has changed little. Human labor became more difficult because machines were replaced by manual labor. Social mobility in the 19th and 20th centuries. goes down. This was due to the fact that the means of transportation were horse-drawn carriages. Each person belonged to a certain class and could not change his property and social status. Human consciousness changes. He begins to understand that his fate depends on God. Society at this time becomes civil, that is, capable of independent activity based on the initiative of the state. Contemporaries enthusiastically accepted Darwin's theory, which appeared at that time, that man was created by God. Thus, the world of man in the era of industrial civilization has changed slightly.

Summing up. Giving marks.

10-11 points 5.

7-9 points 4.

4-6 points 3.

less than 4 2

V. Homework.

-What kind of homework could you suggest on this topic? (Suggest writing an essay on the topic« The world of man of industrial civilization tions")


I option. Last name first name______________________

I. Match the union with the date of its creation.

1.Entente a) June 1881

d) June 1993

II. Match the union and the states included in it:

1.Union of Three Emperors a) Russia

2.Entente b) Austria-Hungary

3.Triple Alliance c) Germany

d) England

e) Italy

e) USA

g) France

II option Last name ______________________

I. Match the union with the date of its creation.

1.Entente a) June 1993

3. Union of the Three Emperors June 1881

II. Match the union and the states included in it:

1.Union of the Three Emperors a) Italy

2 Triple Alliance b) France

3. .Entente c) Germany

d) USA

e) Russia

e) England


Self-control sheet.

Last name first name______________________




(Task 1. Find the characteristic features of industrial civilization. Write down your answer with numbers that indicate the characteristic features of industrial civilization.

1.In the process of labor, a person deals mainly with nature and obeys the natural cycle

2.Tools of labor and the labor process itself are constantly updated

3.Energy is used from “natural” batteries (muscular power of humans and animals, sun, wind, water..)

4.Production is piecemeal

5.In the process of work, a person deals mainly with machines and obeys the rhythm of their work.

6.The tools of labor and the labor process itself remain virtually unchanged.

7.Energy is used from artificial sources (steam, electricity)

8.Technological progress is determined by scientific achievements.

9.Production is on a massive scale

10.Science and production are practically unrelated.

    Characteristics (how many):

    Write down which civilization the remaining features belong to.

Task 2: Social mobility made it possible to form a completely new state. Which one?

Task 3

-What groups were society divided into in an industrial society?

Major groups formed in the 19th century?

Task 4.

-In which state did civil society develop earlier than others?

Find errors and correct them. Underline the errors and write them correctly below, and do not forget to write the error number.

An essay about:« The world of man of industrial civilization.»

The life of a person in industrial civilization has changed little compared to the life of a person in an agrarian civilization. Human labor became more difficult because machines were replaced by manual labor. Social mobility in the 19th and 20th centuries. goes down. This was due to the fact that the means of transportation were horse-drawn carriages. Each person belonged to a certain class and could not change his property and social status. Human consciousness changes. He begins to understand that his fate depends on God. Society at this time becomes civil, that is, capable of independent activity based on the initiative of the state. Contemporaries enthusiastically accepted Darwin's theory, which appeared at this time, that man was created by God. Thus, the world of man in the era of industrial civilization has changed slightly.


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