Presentation on the topic of the consequences of environmental pollution. Presentation on the topic of environmental pollution. Technological map of the excursion

Environmental pollution

WATER POLLUTION Human settlements. The most well-known source of water pollution and the one that has traditionally received the most attention is domestic wastewater. Soap, synthetic washing powders, disinfectants, bleaches and other household chemicals are present in dissolved form in wastewater. Paper waste comes from residential buildings, including toilet paper and baby diapers, waste from plant and animal food. Rain and melt water flows from the streets into the sewer system, often with sand or salt used to accelerate the melting of snow and ice on the roadways and sidewalks.

Industry. In industrialized countries, the main consumer of water and the largest source of wastewater is industry. Industrial wastewater into rivers is 3 times larger than municipal wastewater. Due to the growing volume of industrial waste, the ecological balance of many lakes and rivers is being disrupted, although most of the wastewater is non-toxic and not fatal to humans.

Agriculture. The second main consumer of water is agriculture, which uses it to irrigate fields. The water flowing from them is saturated with salt solutions and soil particles, as well as chemical residues that help increase productivity. These include insecticides; fungicides that are sprayed over orchards and crops; herbicides, a famous weed control agent; and other pesticides, as well as organic and inorganic fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical elements.

Soil pollution Residential buildings and public utilities. Pollutants in this category of sources are dominated by household waste, food waste, construction waste, etc. All this is collected and taken to landfills. Burning garbage in city landfills is accompanied by the release of toxic substances that settle on the surface of the soil and are difficult to wash off with rain.

Agriculture Soil pollution in agriculture occurs due to the introduction of huge quantities of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. It is known that some pesticides contain mercury. Man's desire to take more and more from the soil leads to irrational use of land, and often to the complete disappearance of its fertility. Excessive application of mineral fertilizers and chemicals to protect plants from weeds and pests into the soil leads to its pollution. Heavy metals (for example, mercury) and radioactive substances emitted by some industrial enterprises accumulate in the soil. From the soil, these toxic substances enter living organisms, which can cause irreversible changes.

Air pollution The main cause of air pollution is the ingress of uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into it, as well as changes in their natural concentrations. This occurs as a result of both natural processes and human activity. Moreover, it is humans who play an increasingly important role in air pollution. The cause of most chemical and physical pollution is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels during the production of electrical energy and during the operation of vehicle engines.

One of the most toxic gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity is ozone. Lead contained in car exhaust gases is also toxic. Other hazardous pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and fine dust. Every year, as a result of human industrial activity (during the generation of electricity, cement production, iron smelting, etc.), 170 million tons of dust enter the atmosphere.

The presentation was completed by Victoria Gushchikhina, a student of grade 11. Checked by technology teacher Kalmykova T.S.

Environmental pollution

Pollution concept

Pollution is the process of introducing changes of different nature into nature and the human environment, which lead to extremely negative consequences.

What types of pollution are there?

Pollution is classified according to the main types:

Biological. This type of pollution is not associated with human activity. This may include extinction or, conversely, an increase in the population of a certain species of animal or bird.

Mechanical. This includes, for example, trampling roads in forests and steppes.

Chemical. Chemical pollution of the environment refers to pollution caused by chemical substances.

In addition, thermal, noise and other types of pollution are also emitted.

Environmental pollution includes any change:

At the same time, these changes must somehow threaten the person. Animals and plants.

Anthropogenic pollution.

This is environmental pollution that occurs as a result of human economic activity. These include:

Industry (mainly metallurgy)

Agriculture (field irrigation)

infrastructure and transport (emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere).

As the population of the locality increases, the percentage of pollution also varies. If in large cities the role of transport accounts for 80% of air pollution, then in rural areas it is mainly the soil that is polluted under the influence of developed agriculture.

Greenhouse effect

Air pollution can lead to the greenhouse effect problem. This is the process of accumulation of carbon dioxide in the upper layers of the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect causes temperatures to accumulate and rise. And this threatens with serious consequences for the entire planet.

Water pollution

One of the serious problems is the pollution of the world's oceans. Every year tons of oil are released there. They form a film and isolate the flow of oxygen. As a result, many animals and fish simply die. In addition, water pollution reduces the level of fresh water.

Soil pollution.

Deforestation and planting automatically gives rise to the problem of oxygen shortage. All this negatively affects the health of humans and animals.

Pollution problem

Environmental pollution is becoming increasingly widespread. This problem has already become global. Its decision is submitted to major international organizations such as the UN. It is necessary to solve the global problem of environmental pollution together.


on the topic

"Environmental pollution"

“2017 is the year of ecology in Russia.

2017 in the Ulyanovsk region is the year of entrepreneurship.


Modern experts reveal a depressing environmental situation, which is getting worse every day. The global problem and the task of people is to save nature. We want to see our village clean, so that people think about the impending threat and change their attitude towards what is happening.

Purpose: to provide relevant information to encourage advocacy for conservation. Study the causes of environmental pollution.


-Create a healthy, environmentally friendly, safe and socially comfortable living environment.

The impact of an agricultural enterprise on the environment, the quality of life and health of the population of the village of Baklushi.


  • Changes are occurring in the environment that threaten all life on earth. It’s clean not where they sweep, but where they don’t litter! There are problems in the ecological culture of the population.

Research methods

  • Study of the environmental situation in the world;
  • survey;
  • Environmental research in the village of Baklushi, peasant farm "Garaev";
  • analysis of the results obtained

Technological map of the excursion

Excursion topic" Environmental pollution" Duration (hour) ___ 3 hour______________________________ Length (km) _____3 km___________________________ Author-developer Sidorov A S.___________ Excursion content:_Causes of environmental pollution by agricultural enterprises and household waste, how to save the world from environmental disaster. -- Excursion route: _ With. Baklushi, peasant farm "Garaev", modernized cowshed including route options (summer, winter) ____winter _________

Sections of movement along the route

Stopping places

village Baklushi, peasant farm "Garaev", village administration.

Stops, abandoned houses.

Display object


Modernized barn

Main content of information

Instructions for organization

Causes of environmental pollution

Application of observations in environmental research


Cows on a walk

In the modernized barn, milk after milking automatically flows through pipes through the intake system and is collected in a container (which is also a refrigerator)

Fence system


After milking, the milking machines are washed and dried. Water is automatically supplied for animals to drink. Automatic drinking bowls installed.

Treated milking machines

There is a chopper (separator) for feed. It is mounted on a tractor that distributes feed.

Manure is removed 2 times a day.

The barn is heated.

Excursion around the village of Baklushi.

Stops where people usually litter.

Visiting the Baklushinsky village administration.

Head Khanbekov K.A. greeted us cordially

  • Grow flower seedlings for flower beds;
  • Take part in cleaning the area around your homes;
  • Use household waste to make crafts;
  • Do not leave trash in recreation areas;
  • Take part in activities together with adults to clean up abandoned houses and cemeteries;
  • Be true friends of nature not in words, but in deeds.

  • The results of my research showed that man and his activities negatively affect the environment, and therefore the person. Each of us must remember this and provide all possible daily assistance to prevent environmental disaster. People, take care of the world around you, save it not only for yourself, but also for your descendants!

Survey findings:


1. Do you know the peasant farm “Garaev”?

2. Do you think that the Garaev peasant farm is harmful to the environment?

3. Do you think that our village is environmentally friendly?

Don't know

4. Do you consider yourself a conservationist?

5. Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?

6. Are you interested in knowledge about ecology?

7. Are you ready to take part with your friends in improving the environmental situation in our village?

We will be glad if our project is useful to you.

Thank you

What is environmental pollution?
Environmental pollution - damage caused to nature and the environment
habitat with harmful substances, emissions, waste.
Man has to interfere more and more in the economy of the biosphere.
The Earth's biosphere is currently subject to increasing anthropogenic impact. At the same time, several of the most significant processes can be identified, any of which does not improve the environmental situation in the area.


Sources of pollution
domestic boiler rooms

Table No. 1

Dust emissions, million tons/year
Burning coal.
Iron smelting.
Copper smelting (without purification).
Zinc smelting.
Tin smelting (without purification).
Lead smelting.
Cement production.

Chemical pollution of natural waters

Chemical pollution - change in the natural chemical properties of water
due to an increase in the content of harmful impurities in it, both inorganic and
and organic nature.
The main inorganic pollutants are chemical compounds,
toxic to the inhabitants of the aquatic environment (arsenic, fluorine, copper...)
Organic pollution. Among the soluble substances introduced into the ocean from land,
Organic compounds are also of great importance for the inhabitants of the aquatic environment.

Table. Exposure to inorganic pollutants.

Degree of toxicity: - none
+ very weak
++ weak
+++ strong
++++ very strong

Table. Content of organic substances in wastewater.

Number in World
stock, million tons/year
Petroleum products
Industrial waste
synthetic fibers
Plant remains

The problem of ocean pollution

Oil and petroleum products are the most common
pollutants in the World Ocean.
Oil and petroleum products. Oil is viscous
oily liquid having a dark brown color.
The main components of oil - hydrocarbons - are divided into
for 4 classes:
- Paraffins (alkenes)
- Cycloparaffins
- Aromatic hydrocarbons
- Olefins (alkenes)


Thickness, microns
Barely noticeable
Traces of coloring

Soil pollution.

The Earth's soil cover is the most important component of the Earth's biosphere.
It is the soil shell that determines many of the processes occurring in
The most important importance of soils is the accumulation of organic matter.
substances, various chemical elements, as well as energy. Soil
the cover performs the functions of a biological absorber, destroyer and
pollution neutralizer. If this link of the biosphere is destroyed, then
the existing functioning of the biosphere will be irreversibly disrupted.


Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social.
Time and time again we hear about the dangers facing the environment, but
many of us still consider them unpleasant, but inevitable
the product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with
all the difficulties that have arisen
However, the human impact on the environment has become alarming.
scale. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and
thoughtful actions. Responsible and effective policy towards
environment will only be possible if we accumulate reliable
data on the current state of the environment, grounded knowledge about interaction
important environmental factors if new methods are developed to reduce and
preventing harm caused to Nature by Man.


1. Environmental chemistry: Trans. with him. / Ed. F. Korte. - M.: Mir, 1996. - 396 p.,
2. Environmental problems: what is happening, who is to blame and what to do(: Educational
allowance / Ed. Prof. V. I. Danilova - Danilyan. (M.: Publishing house MNEPU, 1997. (332
3. Nebel B. Environmental science: How the world works: In 2 volumes. T. 1.2. Per. from English M.: Mir, 1993. - p., ill.
4. Revel P., Revel Ch. Our habitat: In 4 books. Book 2. Water pollution
and air: Translation from English. - M.: Mir, 1995. - p., ill.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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What is chemical pollution? Chemical pollution is pollution with gaseous and liquid chemical compounds and individual elements, as well as their solid fractions.

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Types of pollution: Biological - the pollutant is organisms that are not characteristic of the ecosystem. The most famous example is the uncontrolled breeding of rabbits in Australia. Mechanical - pollution with chemically inert waste, trampling of paths and other mechanical effects on the environment. Chemical - pollutants are harmful chemical compounds. Physical: Thermal - excessive heating of the environment. Light - excessive lighting. See also Noise Electromagnetic - radio pollution; may interfere with both the vital functions of some organisms and radio reception. Radioactive - excess of natural radioactive background. Visual pollution - damage to natural landscapes by buildings, wires, garbage, aircraft plumes, etc.

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AIR POLLUTION The most widespread and significant is the chemical pollution of the environment with substances of a chemical nature that are unusual for it, among them - gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and household origin. Man has been polluting the atmosphere for thousands of years, however, the consequences of the use of fire, which he used throughout this period, were insignificant, one had to put up with due to the fact that smoke interfered with breathing and that soot lay a black cover on the ceiling and walls of the dwelling, the heat received was more important for people than clean air and unsmoked walls of the cave; this initial air pollution did not pose a problem, because people then lived in small groups, occupying an immeasurably vast pristine natural environment. Sources of pollution are thermal power plants, which, along with smoke, emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the air; metallurgical enterprises, especially non-ferrous metallurgy, which emit nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, phosphorus compounds, particles and compounds of mercury and arsenic into the air; chemical and cement plants. Harmful gases enter the air as a result of burning fuel for industrial needs, heating homes, operating transport, burning and processing household and industrial waste.

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Chemical pollution of the atmosphere There are basically three main sources of air pollution: industry, domestic boiler houses, and transport. It is now generally accepted that industrial production produces the most air pollution. The main harmful impurities of pyrogenic origin are the following substances: a) Carbon monoxide. It is produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous substances. It enters the air as a result of the combustion of solid waste, exhaust gases and emissions from industrial enterprises. Every year, at least 1250 million tons of this gas enter the atmosphere. b) Sulfur dioxide. Released during the combustion of sulfur-containing fuel or processing of sulfur ores (up to 170 million tons per year) c) Sulfur anhydride. Formed by the oxidation of sulfur dioxide. The final product of the reaction is an aerosol or solution of sulfuric acid in rainwater, which acidifies the soil and aggravates diseases of the human respiratory tract. d) Hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide. The main sources of emissions are enterprises producing artificial fiber, sugar, coke plants, oil refineries, and oil fields. e) Nitrogen oxides. The main sources of emissions are enterprises producing nitrogen fertilizers, nitric acid and nitrates, aniline dyes, nitro compounds, viscose silk, and celluloid.

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Aerosol pollution. Aerosols are solid or liquid particles suspended in the air. The main sources of artificial aerosol air pollution are: thermal power plants, enrichment factories, metallurgical, cement, magnesite and soot factories. Consequences of aerosol pollution: Photochemical fog (smog) is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles. The main components of smog include: ozone; nitrogen and sulfur oxides; photooxidants

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CHEMICAL WATER POLLUTION Chemical pollution of water is a change in the natural chemical properties of water due to an increase in the content of harmful impurities of inorganic (mineral salts, acids, alkalis, clay particles) and organic nature (oil and petroleum products, organic residues, surfactants, pesticides) . The main inorganic pollutants of marine and fresh water basins are compounds of lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, copper, chromium, and fluorine. Heavy metals are absorbed by plankton and reach the consumer’s table through the food chain. Organic pollution of the ocean by wastewater amounts to 300-380 million tons/year. Dissolved organic matter has a detrimental effect on the condition of water bodies, killing microorganisms that contribute to the process of self-purification of water. The formation of hydrogen sulfide occurs through the decay of bottom sediments of organic substances, which leads to complete pollution of the reservoir.

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I would like to note the most pressing problem - pollution of the World Ocean with oil and petroleum products. Oil and petroleum products are the most common pollutants in the World Ocean. Due to minor leaks, 0.1 million tons of oil are lost annually. Large masses of oil enter the seas through rivers, domestic wastewater and storm drains. The volume of pollution from this source is 2.0 million tons/year. 0.5 million tons of oil enters annually with industrial waste. Once in the marine environment, oil first spreads into video films, forming layers of varying thickness. You can determine its thickness by the color of the film. Oil is a viscous oily liquid, dark brown in color and weakly fluorescent. Petroleum consists primarily of saturated aliphatic and hydroaromatic hydrocarbons. The main components of oil - hydrocarbons (up to 98%) - are divided into 4 classes: a) Paraffins (alkenes) - (up to 90% of the total composition) - stable substances, the molecules of which are expressed by a straight and branched chain of carbon atoms. b) Cycloparaffins - (30 - 60% of the total composition) - saturated cyclic compounds with 5-6 carbon atoms in the ring. c) Aromatic hydrocarbons - (20 - 40% of the total composition) - unsaturated cyclic compounds of the benzene series, containing 6 less carbon atoms in the ring than cycloparaffins. d) Olefins (alkenes) - (up to 10% of the total composition) - unsaturated non-cyclic compounds with one or two hydrogen atoms at each carbon atom in a molecule having a straight or branched chain.

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CHEMICAL SOIL POLLUTION Sources of pollutants entering the soil. The following main types of sources of soil pollution can be distinguished: 1) precipitation in the form of rain, snow, etc.; 2) discharge of solid and liquid waste of industrial and domestic origin; 3) use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural production.

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Soil contamination with pesticides and fertilizers Chemical or mineral fertilizer is a chemical compound extracted from the subsoil or produced industrially that contains in large quantities one or more basic plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), essential microelements (copper, manganese etc.) or natural products such as lime, gypsum, ash, etc., which can improve the chemical and structural characteristics of the soil. This type of fertilizer leads to high concentrations of chemicals in the soil, including nitrites and nitrates that are dangerous to human health. Pesticides are chemical substances hazardous to human health used to kill harmful insects (insecticides), weeds (herbicides), fungal crops (fungicides), etc. In the global production of pesticides, insecticides account for 45%, herbicides - 40%, fungicides - 15 % and others – 10%.

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Consequences of chemical pollution The dirtiest city on the planet. Karabash is a city in the Chelyabinsk region with a population of 15,000 people. At the beginning of the 20th century, copper mining began in Karabash. After several decades of copper ore mining and copper smelting, the city became an environmental emergency zone. Initially, the plant did not have treatment facilities - during the Soviet era, they did not think much about the environment. For 100 years, the plant managed to burn out and cover with slag a huge area around it. Over the course of a year of operation, the plant emits more than 180 tons of gases into the atmosphere, which fall in the form of acid rain onto the surrounding area.

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Chernobyl On April 26, 1986, an accident occurred at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which became the largest disaster in the history of nuclear energy. All residents of the city were evacuated after this, but some subsequently returned to their homes and are now living in the contaminated area.

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Various chemicals found in waste enter the soil, air or water, pass through ecological links from one natural chain to another, and ultimately enter the human body. They can cause various undesirable effects. Short-term effects of such substances can cause dizziness, nausea, and cough. Long-term exposure to such substances in high concentrations can lead to loss of consciousness, acute poisoning and even death. An example of such an action could be smog that occurs in large industrial cities in calm weather, or emergency releases of toxic substances into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises. The body's reaction to pollution depends on individual characteristics: age, gender, health status. Typically, children, the elderly and sick people are more vulnerable.

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With a long-term intake of a relatively small number of toxic substances into the body, chronic poisoning occurs, the signs of which are disruption of normal behavior, habits, rapid fatigue, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, apathy, loss of attention, etc. In this case, the kidneys, liver, nervous system and other internal organs are often damaged. Similar signs are observed during radioactive contamination of the environment. Thus, in the zone of the Chernobyl disaster, the incidence among the population increased several times. Highly biologically active chemical compounds can cause long-term effects on human health: chronic diseases of various organs, disturbances in the normal intrauterine development of the fetus, etc. Worsening environmental conditions contribute to the development of allergies and bronchial asthma, and pollution with industrial waste such as chromium, nickel, beryllium, asbestos, and pesticides leads to cancer.

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Solutions 1 The problems of the chemical industry lie in the inability to effectively control the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. There are standards that determine the maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of air for normal human life. But to date, reducing emissions of many harmful substances remains a practically unsolved problem. 2 Chemical contamination of soil with pesticides attracts the attention of scientists to the search for possible ways to neutralize it using chemical and biological methods. It is necessary to accelerate the transition from the use of chemical methods of pest control to biological methods. These drugs should have a short lifespan, i.e. high rate of destruction (weeks, months). Some progress has already been made, but solving the problem remains urgent.

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