Presentation on the topic of speech errors. Presentation "Characteristics of speech errors, their prevention." presentation for a Russian language lesson (grade 11) on the topic. Failure to distinguish synonymous words

Types of speech errors Type of errorExample 1. Incorrect use of a word 2. Confusion of paronyms 3. Usage unnecessary words 4. Violation of lexical compatibility. 5. Inappropriate use of jargon and vernacular. 6. Tautology 7. Stamps of sadness I went home with a sad head. in spite of myself I refused in defiance. Feathered birds. played Love played a great importance in Pushkin's life. partner My partner, old woman Izergil…. is told The story is told by the greatest poet. Pushkin is the greatest poet.

Language workshop Task 1 In what style of text can these verbs be used? Make sentences with them. Said, muttered, muttered, muttered, mumbled Task 2 What is it like lexical meaning these words? Initiative, misconduct, exclusive, amateur, art, opposition, producer. Task 3 Compose a text with these words: Good, interest, think, feeling.

Used literature 1. Ippolitova N.A. and others. Russian language and speech culture. M.: Prospekt, Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: Textbook. for classes. M.: Education Completed by: teacher of Russian language and literature of Buryat gymnasium N 29 Shoboeva T. A.

Types of speech errors and their correction Author of the presentation Kudrin Vyacheslav Dmitrievich – teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Lugovskaya Secondary School Kineshma district Ivanovo region

  • We were shocked wonderful acting.
  • Thought develops on continuation the entire text.

  • We were captivated by the wonderful acting.
  • The idea develops throughout the text.

Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix

  • My attitude to this problem hasn't changed .

2. Were accepted spectacular measures.

2. Effective measures have been taken.

  • IN final In the sentence, the author uses gradation.
  • Old man worked hard put the cart on wheels.

  • In the last sentence the author uses gradation.
  • The old man tried to put the cart on wheels.

  • The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people to a slightly different rut .
  • Lermontov pours bitter truth on the eyelids current.
  • Reader choking in many examples.

  • The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people in a slightly different direction.
  • Lermontov exposes bitter truth of the century current.
  • The reader is overwhelmed with numerous examples.

  • Astafiev every now and then resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
  • Amazing the horrors of the serf era were reflected in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

  • Astafiev constantly resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
  • The real horrors of the serf era were reflected in the comedy "Woe from Wit."

Unjustified use of colloquial words

  • Such people always succeed burn others.
  • Petya walked behind .
  • The goalkeeper is wearing a jersey

pulled on on a shirt.

  • Such people always manage to deceive others.
  • Petya walked behind.
  • The goalkeeper is wearing a jersey over a shirt.

  • Author enhances the impression.
  • The author uses artistic features.
  • The girl had brown eyes.
  • Cheap prices.

  • The author enhances the impression .
  • The author uses artistic means.
  • The girl had brown eyes.
  • Low prices.

  • The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us using artistic techniques.
  • Young young man, Very beautiful.

  • The author conveys the beauty of the landscape using artistic techniques.
  • He was a wonderful young man.

Using nearby or closely related words (tautology)

  • In that the story is told about real events.
  • Within the historical

development Russian society

develops and "personality"


  • This story tells about real events.
  • Within the framework of historical

evolution Russian society

"personality" develops


  • Hero story does not think about his actions. Hero He doesn’t even understand the depth of what he’s done.
  • I recently read an interesting book. This book It's called "Heart of a Dog".

  • The hero of the story does not think about his actions and does not even understand the full depth of what he has done.
  • I recently read one interesting book, which is called "Heart of a Dog".

  • When the writer came to the editorial office, the editor-in-chief received him. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  • Tatyana was a simple, modest girl. She began reading French novels early. She was raised by a French tutor. Tatyana was a thoughtful girl.

  • When the writer came to the editorial office, the editor-in-chief received him. After talking with him, the writer went to the hotel.
  • Tatyana was a simple, modest and thoughtful girl. She was raised by a French tutor, so she began reading French novels early.

  • This text was written by V. Belov. He refers to artistic style.
  • The meeting between Chatsky and Famusov did not bring to him nothing good.

  • This text was written by V. Belov. This work belongs to the artistic style.
  • The meeting with Famusov did not bring anything good to Chatsky.

1. We were fascinated by the beauty
2. Thought develops throughout
the entire text.

Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix

1. My attitude to this
the problem has not changed.
2. Spectacular

1. My attitude to this
the problem has not changed.
2. Effective

Failure to distinguish synonymous words

1. In the final sentence the author
applies gradation.
2. The old man worked to put the cart
on wheels.

1. In the last sentence the author
applies gradation.
2. The old man tried to put the cart
on wheels.

The use of words of a different stylistic coloring

1. The author, referring to this
problem, tries to direct
people are on a slightly different track.
2. Lermontov pours bitter
the truth is the present century.
3. The reader gets drowned in
many examples.

1. The author, referring to this
problem, tries to direct
people are going in a slightly different direction.
2. Lermontov exposes the bitter
the truth is the present century.
3. The reader is drowned in multitudes

Inappropriate use of emotionally charged words and phraseological units

1. Astafiev every now and then
resorts to using
metaphors and personifications.
2. Awesome Horrors
the serf era reflected
in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

1. Astafiev constantly
resorts to using
metaphors and personifications.
2. Real horrors of serfdom
eras reflected in comedy
"Woe from Wit."

Unjustified use of colloquial words

1. Such people always succeed
bully others.
2. Petya walked behind.
3. The goalkeeper is wearing a jersey,
pulled over a shirt.

1. Such people always succeed
deceive others.
2. Petya walked behind.
3. The goalkeeper is wearing a jersey

Violation of lexical compatibility

1. The author increases
2. The author uses
artistic features.
3. The girl had brown ones
4. Cheap prices.

1. The author enhances the impression.
2. The author uses fiction
3. The girl had brown eyes.
4. Low prices.

Use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm

us with the help of artistic
2. A young man, very

1. The author conveys the beauty of the landscape
through artistic
2. He was a wonderful young man.

Using nearby or closely related words (tautology)

1. This story tells
about real events.
2. Within the framework of history
development of Russian society
"personality" develops

1.This story tells about
real events.
2. Within the framework of history
evolution of Russian society
"personality" develops

Unjustified repetition of words

1. The hero of the story does not think
over your actions. Hero even
doesn't understand the depth
2. I recently read one
interesting book. This book
It's called "Heart of a Dog".

1. The hero of the story is not
thinks about his
action and not even
understands the depth
2. I recently read one
an interesting book that
called "Dog"

Poverty and monotony of syntactic structures

1. When the writer came to
editor, it was accepted by the chief
editor. When they talked
the writer went to the hotel.
2. Tatyana was simple, modest
girl. She started reading early
French novels. Her
raised by a French tutor.
Tatyana was thoughtful

1. When the writer came to
editor, it was accepted by the chief
editor. After talking with him,
the writer went to
2. Tatyana was simple,
modest and thoughtful
girl. She was raised by
French tutor, therefore
she started reading early
French novels.

Poor use of pronouns

1. This text was written by
V. Belov. It refers to
artistic style.
2. Chatsky’s meeting with
I didn’t bring it to the Famusovs
no good for him.

1. This text was written by V. Belov.
This work refers to
artistic style.
2. The meeting with Famusov was not
brought Chatsky nothing

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Lexical norms Russian literary language- these are the rules for the use of words and phrases in strict accordance with their meanings. Violation of lexical norms leads to ambiguity of statements and serious speech errors! Lexical norms determine the correctness of choosing a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form, as well as its use in the meanings that it has in the literary language.

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Types of lexical errors: tautology - repetition of the same word within a given sentence or interpretation of a word with a single root word. For example: Here, for example, is a classic example; This does not justify Pechorin at all. One of the repeated words must be omitted

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Types of lexical errors: pleonasm - speech redundancy: the use within one sentence of words with similar or identical meanings For example: work colleague, in the month of January, there are free vacancies at the company. The redundant word must be omitted

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Types of lexical errors: speech insufficiency - accidental omission of words necessary for the precise expression of thoughts For example: Citizen Kalinovsky L.L. driving a car down the street without a license plate. You need to insert the missing word or phrase

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Types of lexical errors: lexical incompatibility - the use in one sentence of two words with opposite or incompatible meanings. For example: In a short time, the devastation was restored. (correct - the destruction was eliminated or the destroyed was restored) Thirty-two trees were planted in the park. (correctly planted)

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Types of lexical errors: failure to distinguish paronyms, i.e. words that are similar in sound and spelling, but different in meaning. For example: Pavel spent his childhood in the poor (that’s right - in poverty); Davydov held a meeting of rural activists and poverty (that’s right - the poor); I was given the floor at the meeting (that’s right - given)

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Types of lexical errors: inaccurate or inappropriate use foreign words For example: Chekhov says that a person needs not three pounds of land, but the whole land (correctly a foot). First we quarreled, and then came to a consensus (in in this case more appropriate - to agreement)

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Types of lexical errors: destruction of phraseological units, stable units of language For example: late morning (correctly - late morning); During the war years, all our people worked tirelessly and energetically (that’s right - tirelessly)

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Types of lexical errors: violation of stylistic unity For example: I proposed to the girl I loved to marry me. (more appropriate - marry me) The organization needs a watchwoman for work. (more appropriate - watchman)

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Correcting lexical errors (editorial workshop): rude His hands are large and callous. again Three years later, Tatyana meets Onegin again. Nikolai was an athletic young man. stopped seeing in his right eye After being wounded, Pavel lost the vision in his right eye. When you hear this word, you feel a surge of feelings fill you. Pushkin's poetry makes a unique impression on me.

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Correction of lexical errors (editorial workshop): The image of Chatsky is, as it were, contraindicated to the image of Molchalin. The Nazis tortured prisoners with backbreaking labor and hunger strikes. Ostrovnov managed to gain trust. In Great Patriotic War The entire multinational Russian people took part. My uncle graduated from university and received higher education. We live in an age when new discoveries are literally on our heels. Half-starved, half-cold, we built Turksib. Kutuzov, as a commander, is distinguished by farsightedness.

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Correcting lexical errors (editorial workshop): The lecturer attracted the general attention of all those present. Announcement at the station: “Gentlemen, travelers, get your travel certificates.” First-year students must provide certificates to move into the dormitory. The chairman of the meeting introduced the floor to the speaker. The station can supply energy to a plant with great effect. He was a funny guy; once you start laughing, you can’t stop him. Not a single injection that nurse Natasha gave was painful.

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