Presentation on the topic: Schoolchildren’s daily routine, presentation for a physical education lesson on the topic. The daily routine of a student at the Almenevskaya Secondary School. Presentation on the topic of a schoolchild’s daily routine

Rising Every day, as soon as you wake up, think - I have a priceless human life, and I am not going to waste it. I will use all my energy to develop myself, open my heart to other people. I will think only good things about others, I will not allow myself to get angry or think bad things about anyone, I am going to be useful people as much as I can." In the morning the alarm clock rang. I don’t need an alarm clock, Because without a bell I can get up so early!

Exercises 7.10 I do exercises, in the mornings, in the evenings. Everything is fine with your health, which is what I advise you. And then I’ll go squat and dance on the carpet. So I do exercises, Early in the morning at dawn. I boldly turn my head, I bow to you to the ground. Healthy spirit, stronger body, C Good morning fellow countrymen!

Washing 7.20 The toothbrush scurries about, Like a boat on the sea, Like a steamboat on a river It goes over the teeth, Up and down, back and forth. We will remove plaque and stains. So that your teeth don’t hurt, So that your teeth turn white like winter snow. Magic water on your pink face, A trickle from a fairy tale On your nose and eyes, Splashes from a tub on your cheeks and ears, Rain from a watering can on your forehead and neck. Rain from a warm cloud onto little hands. What a neat guy! Kiss me, mommy!

The road to school In the morning, on the way to school, I breathe fresh air, I’m waiting for my friend at the house, I’m walking with her now. We'll chat a little, We'll laugh, because then We'll never get bored with the long road to school.

To become more literate... You need to read books and solve all the problems in order to get an A! Lessons The bell rings after the bell, The lesson goes on right on time, You need to know a lot in order to become useful in life.

Goodbye, school house! We will come again tomorrow! In order to have time to do homework assignments, help with housework, read, take a walk, do physical exercises on your own or your favorite sport - in the section, you need to be able to properly manage your time

We ate afternoon tea, walked, worked again: We took out our textbook and notebook from our briefcase

We'll go to the store ourselves and sweep the floor in the apartment. To make it easier for mom, we will help her with everything

The dinner is delicious, we'll eat, watch TV, or play games, or read a book.

The toothpowder is waiting and the water is babbling: “Don’t forget, my friend, to wash your face before going to bed!” May sound sleep come. Everyone in the world needs him

Drink tea and go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow!

And the hands said: “We are also very tired, we dressed, fed and washed and also drew. Do you know how tired we are? And each finger said: “I’m tired too! I worked too, I helped! And hold the spoon and wash your eyes! Let us sleep now!” And the ears suddenly whispered: “We are tired too! We listened to everyone carefully all day. We learned so much... We would be glad if we slept!” And the little eyes said: “Oh, we are so tired! So tired that we were pinching! We’ve seen so much today, and now we want to sleep, let’s close us!” Our legs said to us today: “We are so tired today, we jumped so much today that we don’t want to be kicked around again. We want to lie down and rest so that we can hit the road again tomorrow.”

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Teacher: Merezhka S.V. GPA teacher: Tatarina S.S. GBOU school No. 676 Teacher: Merezhka S.V. GPA teacher: Tatarina S.S. GBOU school No. 676

Everyone knows that everyone needs a regimen in life. Goal: To promote the formation of ideas about the daily routine and its main components. Develop interest and desire to create your own regime. Instill the ability to correctly distribute work and rest time, teach to value time.

Daily regime. 7 hours - 8 hours - getting up, exercising. Morning hygiene procedures, breakfast. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. - classes at school. 13:00 - 14:00 return home, lunch. 14h-16h rest, walk. 16:00-18:00 Preparation of lessons. 18:00-19:00 dinner, help around the house. 19h-21h reading. Games at home. 21h. Getting ready for bed, sleep.

This is important. I have become accustomed to order. I do exercises in the morning. A shower is always useful for us - In the mornings and evenings.

Useful Food is always good for us - In the mornings and evenings.

Necessary When I sit at my desk, I keep my back straight. Studying is your main job, make every effort to study according to your abilities.

Necessarily. I did my homework and went to play football in the yard. So as not to yawn at your desk. Go to bed on time. Sleep in a well-ventilated room for at least 10 hours.

An improperly organized regime leads to decreased performance, delayed growth, proper development and impaired health. Development of fatigue

Remember, you must sleep at least 8 hours a day. You need to eat at about the same time 4-5 times a day, but not less than 3 times. Spend at least 2 hours a day outdoors. Alternate study with rest. Move more. Be sure to follow hygiene procedures.

Remember, if you miss a minute, you lose an hour.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Daily routine in the life of a schoolchild"

Objectives of the meeting: - Show parents the need to observe hygiene rules and follow the schoolchild’s daily routine. - Convince parents of the need to form the habit of following the regime in their child...

  • In the morning you should definitely devote 10-15 minutes to exercise. Gymnastic exercises should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, in the warm season - with an open window or in the fresh air. Gymnastic exercises strengthen the functioning of the heart and lungs, improve metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
After gymnastics, water and hygiene procedures are carried out in the form of rubdowns or douches. Consequently, the morning toilet, in addition to hygienic significance, also has a hardening effect, improves health, and increases resistance to colds.
  • After gymnastics, water and hygiene procedures are carried out in the form of rubdowns or douches. Consequently, the morning toilet, in addition to hygienic significance, also has a hardening effect, improves health, and increases resistance to colds.
  • D. Ponomareva Brush your teeth every day My brother and I are not too lazy. So that your teeth don't hurt and your enamel doesn't deteriorate, we don't mind spending two minutes before going to bed.
After water procedures - breakfast. It should include 25-30% of the daily diet. You cannot read, look at pictures, or watch TV while eating. Breakfast should be varied and tasty.
  • After water procedures - breakfast. It should include 25-30% of the daily diet. You cannot read, look at pictures, or watch TV while eating. Breakfast should be varied and tasty.
  • breakfast
  • Schooling
  • Lunch accounts for 35-40% of the daily diet.
Sport sections. Interest classes. Walk
  • Walking is a reliable means of promoting health and preventing fatigue. Staying in the fresh air has a positive effect on metabolism, increases appetite, absorption of nutrients and, of course, has a hardening effect.
  • A walk is an element of the regime that gives children the opportunity to satisfy their movement needs through outdoor games.
The optimal time for an evening meal is calculated depending on the time you go to bed. According to the recommendations of specialists from the Institute of Nutrition Clinic, it is generally accepted that the ideal time for dinner is three to four hours before bedtime.
  • The optimal time for an evening meal is calculated depending on the time you go to bed. According to the recommendations of specialists from the Institute of Nutrition Clinic, it is generally accepted that the ideal time for dinner is three to four hours before bedtime.
Housework Getting enough sleep is key to a healthy lifestyle. Sleep should be deep and long enough. The person should feel restored afterwards.
  • Adequate sleep is the main thing in a healthy lifestyle. Sleep should be deep and long enough. The person should feel restored afterwards.
  • Disturbed sleep patterns lead to mental and physical health problems.
  • Consequences: fatigue, irritability, headache, memory impairment.


A daily routine, and even more so a correct daily routine, is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Strict adherence to the alternation of work, rest, sleep and nutrition greatly facilitates activity and allows you to properly use the body’s capabilities, maintaining human health.

The daily routine must include: · good nutrition; · physical exercise; · education; · compliance with hygiene standards; · dream.

Nutritious food
The importance of a daily routine for a schoolchild as part of meals is colossal. Meals should include: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and second dinner. All dishes must be nutritious and healthy. The child should eat at the same time - this ensures normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Physical exercise
Physical activity for schoolchildren means: - doing morning exercises; - doing exercises in between solving homework; - active games on the street; - walks in the open air.

Human biorhythms provide for two periods of active work capacity: - time from 11:00 to 13:00; - time from 16:00 to 18:00. The school schedule and the period for children to do homework should be calculated according to these biorhythms.

Maintaining hygiene
To maintain their own health, the child must be taught to comply with hygiene standards. These include morning toilet, which includes oral and facial care, and evening toilet, when the child, in addition to oral care, must take a shower. IN good habits Schoolchildren should be required to wash their hands before eating and after going outside.

The student's daily routine should be organized so that he falls asleep and wakes up at the same time. This gives the child the opportunity to get a good night's sleep, wake up easily and be active and alert during the day. Healthy sleep for a child lasts 9.5-10 hours.

Correct routine day for schoolchildren primary classes involves fewer hours of homework. The maximum time for working at a computer for a primary school student is 45 minutes. Free time It is necessary to allocate for physical activity, which children at this age really need.

List of literature sources and illustrations
1. 2. 3. httpblog.astulov.ru20150920useful-article-about-the-day-regime 4. httpwww .proza.ru20130927646

Schoolchild's daily routine In order for the child's body to develop correctly, it is important to pay attention to the schoolchild's daily routine. First of all, it is necessary to organize the sequence various types activities and free time. Not only the child’s mood, but also his overall health depends on the daily routine. With chronic overfatigue, the growth and development of the child is inhibited, and the student’s health condition worsens. If the regime is followed, the child becomes more physically active and is more successful in school.

Daily routine If you follow the daily routine, the central nervous system produces good habits, which greatly facilitate the transition from one type of activity to another. That is why it is necessary to adhere to a certain time of getting up and going to bed, eating, and doing homework.

Doing homework It is important to properly organize the student's homework. Favorable time for preparing clock lessons. To restore performance, a break is required every 30 minutes. It is recommended to prepare lessons from easy tasks and move on to the most difficult ones. To prepare home lessons according to the schoolchildren’s daily routine junior classes you need to spend 1.52 hours, schoolchildren in grades 4-7 23 hours, high school students 34 hours....

Physical activity Schoolchildren often lack motor and physical activity, which leads to fatigue. Therefore, the daily routine must include morning exercises and physical warm-ups while doing homework.

Watching TV For younger students It is strongly recommended to limit TV viewing to 45 minutes per day. It is advisable to watch TV while sitting, at a distance of 2 to 5 m from the screen. It is not advisable to do homework before bed. Evening hours must be free and devoted to relaxation.

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