Presentation “Such different birds. Birds Presentation on the topic of arboreal birds

Who are the birds? It is known that birds are a class of warm-blooded vertebrates whose bodies are covered with feathers. Ornithologists know 10,560 species. Also characteristic features is the presence of a beak, the ability to fly, the ability to sing, build nests, and hatch chicks. But is it? Hummingbirds are the smallest and most beautiful birds on earth. Many of their species reach the size of a bumblebee and weigh only two grams. The largest are as tall as a swallow. The color is bright. They live in Central America. These birds' nests are the size of nutshells, and the tiny chicks hatch naked and blind. Using a camera, recording brief moments, the speed of the hummingbird was captured; it turned out to be 400 bodies per second. If we compare it, it turns out that the speed of a hummingbird is much higher than that of a fighter. At the moment of flight, the hummingbird shows instant braking, which is beyond the control of other living organisms that conquer airspace. Because of their beautiful feathers, hummingbirds were exterminated and now many species have become rare. The ostrich is the largest bird on earth. His height is 2m 40cm, weight 136kg. Lives in Africa, Australia and South America. With her feet she digs a hole in the soil where the ostrich lays her eggs. Both mom and dad hatch. On hot days, birds do not sit, but stand above the nests, shielding their offspring from the scorching sun. The ostrich has strong legs with which it runs quickly, reaching speeds of up to 31 km/h, and can easily knock a person down. They can't fly. Persecuted by people because of the huge lush feathers used to make fans, decorations for hats, etc. The first sailors who saw penguins in Antarctica almost mistook them for a crowd of people dressed in tails. The largest are emperor penguins. Their height is 80 cm. They are adapted to harsh conditions and spend half their life in water. The female lays one egg, the father penguin rolls it into a deep fold on the belly, then he also passes it to the mother. Therefore, penguins do without nests. When the baby is born, something like milk appears in the dad's esophagus. This is what he feeds the cubs. Can't fly. You can say about him: “Born to swim, cannot fly”; in water it reaches speeds of up to 36 km/h, dives to a depth of 200 m. Parrots are very beautiful birds with a strong beak. With it he can crack nuts, and is also used as a third leg, helping to climb trees. Parrots have well-developed wings and fly quickly. There are also flightless parrots that, when in danger, climb into a hole under the roots of trees. They communicate with each other with sharp, loud cries and gentle chirping. Doesn't sing. Many species can learn to imitate human speech. There is a world musical group , whose vocalist is Valvo the parrot. There are schools in Australia where parrots are taught to speak. A funny incident happened in the USA. Robbers broke into the house where the talking parrot lived. The bird remembered their names and repeated them in the presence of the police. The violators were found. Cuckoos do not fly in flocks, but alone. There are 300 species. They do not build nests and do not breed offspring themselves. They lay up to 20 eggs and place them in the nests of other birds. Having laid an egg, it picks it up with its beak and flies through the forest in search of a small bird’s nest, in which the eggs already lie. Having found such a nest, she takes out 1 egg from it, eats it and throws her burden. Cuckoo chicks develop and hatch faster than others. When a cuckoo hatches, it throws other eggs or already hatched chicks out of the nest. Until there is only one left in the nest. Now he will have enough food, which his foster parents tirelessly feed him. The little cuckoo grows quickly and the birds that fly to the nest are left without a place and are forced to sit on... the back of the cuckoo. But the cuckoo brings great benefits. It exterminates the most dangerous pests: hairy caterpillars, ticks, lizards and snakes. The peacock is a representative of the order of gallinaceous birds with a long neck and small head, with the most beautiful plumage: blue, green and red tones gave the peacock the glory of the most beautiful bird. In Islam, the open tail of a peacock meant either the full moon or the sun. In Russia, the peacock became a symbol of arrogance, the reason for this was that very rich and often arrogant people bred birds. “To spread your tail like a peacock” is an exclusively Russian expression. Scientists have discovered a unique method of communication between peacocks that is inaccessible to the human ear. This is infrasound emitted by the tail feathers. People hunt peacocks for tasty meat and beautiful feathers. Is there bird milk? Of course not, you say. After all, they talk about bird milk as something impossible. And yet it exists. In pigeons, when they hatch chicks, a mass similar to thick milk forms in the crop. They feed their pigeons with this “milk”. Pigeons drink in an unusual way. They dip their beak into the water and suck the liquid through it as if it were a straw. The pigeon is famous for its ability to find its way and return 500 km or more. Nowadays pigeon mail has lost its significance. But more recently, pigeons were used to deliver messages. Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan used pigeons to receive important messages over long distances. In Japan, they even bred a new breed capable of flying at night: the enemy will not see or shoot the air mail carrier, daytime predator birds he won't be caught. Everyone knows the common woodpecker that lives in our forests. He works all day, resting his elastic tail against a tree trunk, catching insects. The insect either sticks to the tongue, moistened with sticky saliva, or is pierced by the sharp end of the tongue. Among the woodpeckers there are originals. For example, woodpecker South America lives in the ground, in burrows that he makes himself. And the female red-headed woodpecker in Asia and her chicks live in the nests of fire ants. Interestingly, the ants do not touch them, although they can destroy larger animals with lightning speed, attacking “with the whole world.” Conclusion. Therefore, not all birds can fly, sing songs, build nests, or bear offspring. But you have met some of the most interesting birds on earth.


Senior teacher

Groups kindergarten №1

Lezina Olga Robertovna

Whychkins questions

How birds fly ?

What types of birds are there? ?

Feather structure

Feathers- the most complex horny formations of the skin of birds. They protect birds from all kinds of harmful influences environment- overheating, cold, dampness and wind, and prevent heat loss, making the surface of the bird’s body smooth.

Is there bird milk?

Birds are not mammals; they feed their newborn chicks with various insects, worms, and larvae. Therefore, the expression “bird's milk” most often means some unprecedented product that does not exist in reality.

Lark's nest

stork nest

Eastern tit on the nest

Blue-eyed Tit

Eastern nightingale's nest

garden nest


with a cuckoo egg.

A cuckoo chick throws the last egg out of a garden warbler's nest.

Cuckoo in the nest

garden warbler.

Chicks of the common nightjar - one of the few birds in our fauna that do not build nests at all. They lay their eggs directly on the ground, so the only salvation from enemies is the protective coloring of the eggs and plumage.

Gray flycatcher feeding its

insatiable child.

Song thrush nest.

Guess by their beaks what and who do these birds eat?

Now let's check. Did you guess right?

Each group of birds shares the same food.

Based on the nature of their diet, birds are divided into 5 groups.

1 a group of birds is called


Herbivorous birds have a short, wide beak. They feed on fruits, seeds, and young shoots of plants.

Taiga partridge

Gray partridge

2 group birds feed on insects and are called INSECTIVORE .

Insectivorous birds are distinguished by a thin, elongated beak with which they capture insects. They eat a wide variety of insects, looking for them on trees and other plants.

Birds of 3 groups feed on insects and plants

and their fruits are called


Group 4 – predator birds .

Birds of prey have a special beak structure that ends in a powerful hook, and toes that end in powerful claws. All this helps them capture and hold prey. They feed on rodents, other birds, hares, etc.


Black kite

snowy owl

Long eared owl



Group 5 is very unique: they can eat anything. That's what they're called



Nurse birds feed on landfills and garbage dumps and help improve the health of the area.



Shorebirds and aquatic birds


And the speed of a peregrine falcon in a diving flight

reaches 300 km/h.

Scientists provide amazing data about the flight speed of a small hummingbird: from 48 to 150 km/h!

Sitting down next to a flower, she drinks with her long beak

flower juice. And then it flies away from the flower with its tail first, only a hummingbird can do that.

Swallows from of Eastern Europe fly over the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara to East Africa, covering up to 2500 km without stopping.

Some birds cannot fly at all. Penguins live mainly in water. Their wings

modified into flippers, with which they

“fly”, however, not in the air, but in the water .

The pink seagull spread its elastic wings and caught

with them the wind calmly soars over the sea.

The pink starling flies low above the ground,

locusts swarm.

A small robin bird deftly twirls among

branches, catches insects in flight.

The tumbler pigeon somersaults, turns over


The kestrel can “stand” in the air for a long time on one

place, lying in wait for prey.

Tits flutter from bush to bush, with their wings

They wave often, fly quickly, but not far.

The pelican has grabbed a heavy fish and is gliding wide.

whose wings.

Not every bird can fly into the sky right away.

When a flamingo takes off, it runs for a long time with its wings

waves. Accelerates. Finally it will fly smoothly, first low over the sea, then higher and higher...

The kingfisher, when he sees the fish, falls down like a stone,

folding its wings, it plunges into the river. Then it takes off

with prey.

The rooster's wings are beautiful, but they are not suitable for flight.

No matter how much he slams them, he doesn’t rise higher than the fence.

thanks for

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Birds are a class of feathered, warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrates whose forelimbs are shaped like wings. Initially, the body structure of birds is adapted for flight, although at present there are many species of flightless birds. One more hallmark birds is also the presence of a beak. Today, more than 9,800 different species live on Earth.

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Order Ostriformes. Ostriformes are characterized general features due to the lack of ability to fly. All ostriches have underdeveloped wings, but have developed legs, on which there are from two to four toes pointing forward; males are 2.7 m high and weigh 90 kg. All ostriches run well, reaching speeds of about 50 km/h. The skeleton is not pneumatized, there is no keel, the feathers have a simple structure (without barbs). Ostriformes are also united by common features of mating behavior: males incubate eggs and raise chicks. These birds are nomadic; one male leads 3-4 females. The nests of ostriches living in southern Africa contain up to 80 eggs. They incubate the clutch in turns: the female during the day, the male at night. Incubation lasts 42 days. Ostrich chicks hatch sighted, covered with down and capable of movement. Male ostrich

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Order Rheaformes. The order Rhea-like, Running, or Ratite birds - unites large flightless birds, much smaller than ostriches. The height of a male rhea is about 150 cm, weight is 50 kg. As in ostriches, the carina of the sternum is absent, the forelimb is underdeveloped, there are no pterilia or apteria, and the skeleton is not pneumatic. The head and long neck are covered with small feathers, the legs are strong, but with not two, but three toes. There are no tail feathers. Plumage gray. Males differ from females only in size. There is one family in the detachment. The order is widespread in South America. The northern rhea inhabits the steppes of Brazil and Argentina, while the long-billed, or Darwinian, rhea is common in Patagonia and the Andean mountain steppes. It is smaller than the northern rhea, darker, has weaker legs and a longer beak. Rheas feed on plant foods, as well as mollusks, lizards and worms.

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Order Cassowariformes. Large flightless birds with even more underdeveloped forelimbs. There are no tail feathers. The legs are strong, three-toed. The feathers are bibranched, since the side trunk of the feather has the same dimensions as the main one. The order is distributed in Australia, New Guinea and some nearby islands. There are 2 families in the order: cassowaries and emus. There are 4 types in total. The cassowary family includes large, heavy birds with a laterally compressed beak and a horny “helmet” on the head. The primary flight feathers are represented by 6 spines, clearly visible from the outside. These are nothing more than modified feather trunks. Unlike other flightless birds (ostrich-like), cassowaries inhabit forest thickets. They are widespread in New Guinea and the adjacent islands (Aru, Seram, etc.) and on the Cape York Peninsula (Australia). Emu.

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Order Anseriformes. Anseriformes, or lamellar-billed birds, are an order of new palate birds, which, along with such familiar birds as geese, ducks, and swans, also includes more exotic families, such as palamedeas from South America. Anseriformes are a very widespread order and play an important role in the biosphere of the Earth's temperate latitudes. Some species of Anseriformes are also of agricultural importance.

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Squad of Daytime Predators. The largest birds of prey in our country are the Steller's sea eagle and the black vulture (total length 110-115 cm, wingspan about 2.5 m, weight 8-10 kg), the smallest is the Amur falcon (total length 27-30 cm, weight 120-150 g). All species of birds of prey are characterized by a strong, hooked beak, the base of which is covered with bare, brightly colored (usually yellow), sometimes as if patent leather - wax, where the outer openings of the nostrils open. The legs are of moderate length (except for the long-legged secretary bird), but very strong, with sickle-shaped sharp claws (weak, almost flat claws on the secretary bird and on scavengers: condors, vultures, caracaras). The toes are relatively long and have pads on the plantar side that help to hold prey. The body is dense, the plumage is rigid and close-fitting. The paws of many species are yellow (less often red or gray-blue), the eyes are brown or gray (very rarely yellow). In most species, males and females are colored similarly, but first-year birds (sometimes older) differ from adults in a browner, uniform color; As a rule, young ones resemble females in plumage color. Typically, males are smaller than females (in predators that hunt birds - by 30-40%), but in vultures both sexes are the same size, and in condors, males are slightly larger than females. Falconiformes are distributed all over the world: they are not found only in Antarctica and on some oceanic islands.

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Owl Squad. These are the so-called nocturnal birds of prey. The beak is curved, with sharp cutting edges and a hooked apex. The base of the beak is covered with soft, bare, often swollen skin (cere), covered with hair-like feathers (vibrissae) directed forward. The eyes are large, facing forward. The ear openings are very large and often equipped with a leathery fold, often asymmetrical. The facial plumage forms the so-called facial disc and is separated from the plumage of the forehead, throat and neck by short, dense feathers. Often 2 tufts of feathers stick out on the head - feather “ears”. All this gives the owls’ heads a certain and characteristic physiognomy. Legs short or moderate length; the exception is the American cave owl, which has a long tarsus, the bare-footed owl and barn owls. The outer (fourth) finger is reversible, that is, it can be turned forward and backward. The tarsus, a j of most species, and the toes are feathered. The wings are long, with wide primary wings and rounded at the apex. Primary flight feathers 10-11, secondary flight feathers 14-18 The tail of owls is relatively short, the younger one is less rounded at the end, usually consisting of 12 tail feathers. The plumage is thick, soft and loose. The color is dim, most often grayish or brownish, streaked. Males and females of owls are colored similarly, but females are larger than males. Owls have different sizes. The largest of the owls, the eagle owl, has a total length of 62-72 cm, with a wingspan of 150-180 cm. The smallest owl found in the Soviet Union is the pygmy owl, 17-20 cm long, with a wingspan of 40-45 cm. Owls breed once a year.

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Chicken squad. The order Galliformes is a widespread and well-separated ancient group of birds. The bulk of it consists of birds average size; There are few large and small birds. The weight of quail is 80-120 g, wood grouse - up to 6 kg. The appearance of gallinaceous birds is in accordance with the terrestrial lifestyle characteristic of most representatives of this order. Their body is dense, the head is small, the neck is short, the beak is short, strong, slightly convex, adapted for obtaining coarse, mainly plant food from the surface of the ground or from trees and shrubs. The wings are short and wide, facilitating rapid vertical lift, which is often important for ground-dwelling birds, especially those living in forests. The flight of gallinaceous birds is fast but difficult, usually over a short distance. Long-distance flight is characteristic of only a few migratory species, for example the quail, which, unlike other chickens, has a relatively sharp wing rather than a blunt one. Birds usually take off quickly and noisily; Having gained altitude, they fly in a straight line, alternating frequent flapping of their wings with gliding. Chicken legs are of medium length, strong, with strong fingers and short, slightly curved claws; With their help, many birds rake the soil surface when searching for food.

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Order Passeriformes. Passerines - an outdated Russian name - passerines - the most numerous order of birds (about 5,400 species). Mostly small and medium-sized birds, differing significantly in appearance, lifestyle, living conditions and methods of obtaining food. Distributed throughout the world. They have a beak of various shapes, never covered at the base with wax. The legs are feathered up to the calcaneal joint and covered in front with several (mostly seven) larger plates. There are four fingers, three of them are directed forward, and one is directed back; the two outer fingers along the entire length of the first joint are connected to each other by a membrane. Adapted to life in trees, a few, apparently secondarily, switched to life on the ground (for example, larks) or rocks, some get food in the water. In the tropics they are predominantly sedentary or nomadic, in temperate zones they are migratory. Outside the nesting period, many form flocks.

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Squad Ankle. Wading birds, or, as they are sometimes called, storks, have evolved to live in shallow waters or wetlands. Some of them switched to a “land” way of life, but this is a secondary phenomenon. The structure of the ankles is very characteristic. High legs with widely spaced toes allow them to move through marshy soil and shallow water, a long neck and a strong beak allow them to grasp mobile aquatic animals, which constitute the main food of storks. At the same time, they can perch on tree branches, even very thin ones, and some species are excellent climbers of reed stems. The beak is usually straight and sharp, conical, in some species it is arched, occasionally wide and massive, and in some cases it can be widened at the end. The ankles have four-toed legs, and the toes are mostly long. The lower part of the lower leg is not feathered. The frenulum and ring around the eye are also not feathered, some ibises have no feathers on their head and neck, and in marabou the head and neck are covered with sparse down. During nesting time, a number of heron species develop decorative feathers on their head, back and crop. The wing is relatively large, wide and blunt. The tail is short and rounded. There are 10-12 primary flight feathers. With a few exceptions, both sexes are colored the same or very similar in color. Among the wading birds there are very large birds.

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the largest pigeon in the world. Its size reaches almost 80 cm. This bird is so called because on its head it has a lush crest of feathers, which in appearance resembles a crown. Crowned Pigeon The largest pigeon

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The peregrine falcon dives at a flying prey at a fantastic speed of 320 km/h, as fast as Formula 1 cars go! This is the highest speed among living creatures on our planet. Peregrine falcon The highest speed

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The owl has the most flexible neck of all birds. Thanks to this, she can turn her head so that she can see what is behind her! An owl, sitting motionless on a branch, watches everything that happens around. Owl The most mobile neck

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Diamondbacks are relatives of sparrows and live in the arid regions of Australia. Their singing has been well studied. For example, during the mating period, females prefer those males who are able to sing more melodies. Diamond finch The most studied singing

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Another remarkable thing about this bird is that the pink color of its plumage depends on the dye contained in the shrimp that the flamingo feeds on. If it were the same for humans, then we would, for example, turn green every time we ate salad! Flamingo Longest legs and neck

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The toucan is the bird with the largest beak, the length of which is about a third of the length of the toucan's entire body. The large beak with serrations is ideal for picking fruits from trees. Toucan The largest beak

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The royal albatross is the record holder among birds for its wingspan, which can reach 3.3 m. Albatrosses live in colonies on the coasts, and to greet their relatives, they spread their wings. Royal Albatross The Largest Wings

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The bald eagle has the largest nests of any bird. The nest is built from branches and can reach 4-6 m in height and up to 3 m in diameter, and weigh up to 2000 kg! Bald Eagle Largest nest Bald Eagle

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The green-winged macaw is the bird with the most colorful plumage. The very bright colors of the macaw's feathers make it difficult to spot among the variegated foliage of the rainforest. The macaw also has two toes pointing forward and two toes pointing back, whereas most birds have three toes pointing forward and one pointing back. The brightest plumage Green-winged macaw Green-winged macaw

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The jackdaw is a relative of crows, but differs from them in its small size and shorter and sharper beak. Jackdaws are characterized by the fact that they remain in pairs until the end of their lives, and they live up to 65 years. Jackdaws are also known for their love for various shiny objects. The most faithful bird Jackdaw Jackdaw

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The gray heron is the most cunning bird: like a real fisherman, it has learned to use bait to catch fish, frogs, tadpoles, snakes, worms and insects. Herons fly with their necks thrown over their backs, so that their heads are level with their wings. The most cunning bird Gray Heron Jackdaw

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Birds of paradise, which live in the forests of New Guinea and Eastern Austria, love to show off the beauty of their plumage. The most boastful bird Bird of Paradise Jackdaw

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The ostrich reaches a height of 3 m, almost like a bus, and weighs up to 160 kg, the same as two adults. An ostrich egg weighs 1 kg, and one egg can feed 12 people! The largest bird is the Ostrich Jackdaw

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The penguin cannot fly because its wings are too small to lift such a fat carcass into the air. A thick layer of fat under the skin keeps penguins warm and helps them survive the cold of Antarctica. The fattest bird is Penguin Jackdaw

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In flight from a height of almost 1.5 km, this eagle is able to see even the smallest animals. It’s not for nothing that a person with acute vision is said to have an “eagle eye.” The sharpest vision Wedge-tailed eagle Jackdaw

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Some scientists believe that a raven's vocabulary contains more than 300 words...more than the vocabulary of a one-year-old child. The most talkative bird Raven Jackdaw

Babayan Arpine

Material about the structural features of birds, their diversity, interesting facts. The birds of the Izmailovsky Forest Park were observed and conclusions were drawn.



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GOU secondary school No. 435, Central Administrative District PRESENTATION “INTERESTING ABOUT BIRDS” MOSCOW, 2011 Completed by: 7th grade student Babayan Arpine Supervisor: biology teacher Kotolevskaya I.R.

Goals of work. Studying information about birds from various sources. Identification of structural features, habitat, and diversity of birds. Bird observations: a) building nests; b) caring for offspring. Conclusions from the work. Creating a presentation. Writing a book.

General characteristics of the class of birds. Birds are amazing creatures of nature, one of the most numerous classes among vertebrates, there are about 8600 species. They are flying, flightless and swimming - their main distinguishing feature. Feature: the forelimbs are wings, and the whole body is covered with feathers.

Feathers and limbs

Variety of birds. a) amazing plumage; b) flying; c) flightless; d) waterfowl; d) Lilliputians and giants.

Bird diversity (plumage)

Diversity of birds (plumage) People called this bird the lyrebird because of its magnificent tail, reminiscent of a lyre. The bird is remarkable not only for its appearance, but also for its rich inner world. The lyrebird has become famous for its ability to imitate almost any sound in nature.

Lilliputian Birds The smallest bird on Earth is the bumblebee hummingbird. She is actually a little larger than a bumblebee and weighs 1.6-1.8g. And the egg is the size of a pea. Lives in South America.

Giant birds The largest bird in the world is the African ostrich. It is about 2.5-2.8 m in height and weighs about 80 kilograms. Strong feet have only 2 toes. When running, it reaches speeds of up to 120 km/h

The largest wings The wandering albatross has the largest wingspan of up to 3.5 meters, but it does not flap them like other birds, but soars in the wind.

Flightless Penguins are one of the species of flightless birds. But how they dive. They spend half their life in water.

My observations To study the life of birds, you need to find a nest. They can be in the most unpredictable places: under the roof of houses, in thickets, bushes, in the grass, an old stump, on the top of a tree. The shape and material are different. The found nest must be described:

Place of observation To identify birds, a field guide from 2009 was used.

Nest description form. NEST ______________________________No.___ Year, place:_________________________________ Biotype:_________________________________ Description of the nest: D =____ d =_____ H =____ h =_______ Material:_________________________exposition: Weight of the nest______________________________ Date Eggs Chicks Weight, size of eggs Notes Fate of the nest:

The following birds and their nests were found and identified: Bird Route No. 1 Route No. 2 Route No. 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker + Lesser Spotted Woodpecker + Magpie + Mallard Duck + Gogol + Nuthatch +

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) NEST of Great Spotted Woodpecker No. 1 Year, place: 2010, Izmailovsky forest park Biotype: mixed forest, birch Nest description: H = 5m, hole diameter 8-10 cm Material: hollow on birch Date 16/05/ 10 Fate of the nest: residential

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker NEST Lesser Spotted Woodpecker No. 2 Year, place: 05.15.10, Izmailovo Forest Park Biotype: mixed forest, floodplain of the Serebryanka River Description: H = 3m, entrance about 5 cm. Material: old, semi-dry aspen, hollow Nest found on tree in the floodplain of the Serebryanka River

Gogol (Buctphala clangula) Found in the area of ​​the Decorative Pond Year, place: 18.0510, Izmailovsky forest park Biotype: mixed forest, pond Description: H = 60-80 cm,. Material: artificial buildings Destiny of the nest: residential

Mallard duck Area of ​​the Decorative pond NEST Mallard duck No. 4 Year, place: 2010, Izmailovsky forest park Biotype: mixed forest, pond Nest description: H = 80cm, entrance about 40cm Material: artificial nest

Nuthatch (Sitta europaea) Hollow linden tree. NEST: Nuthatch No. 5 Year, place: 22.0510, Izmailovsky forest park Biotype: mixed forest, old hollow linden tree Nest description: H = 3m, entrance about 3-5 cm Material: secondary nest nest

Magpie (Pica pica) NEST: Magpie No. 6 Year, place: 2010, Izmailovsky forest park Biotype: mixed forest, willow thickets Nest description: low above the ground, in willow thickets. Material: tree branches Nest in the willow of the swamp.

Conclusions from observations: There are a large number of birds in the forest park. Most birds are cavity nesters or secondary cavity nesters. Bird habitats are being replaced by humans. In bird habitats, sanitary and hygienic standards must be observed. Many bird species need protection.

The meaning of birds. It is impossible to imagine our life without birds! They are the messengers of spring, bringing it to us along with their arrivals.

The meaning of birds. Birds are the protectors of our forests from bark beetles and gardens from leaf beetles and codling moths. They help us preserve the harvest.

The meaning of birds. Birds are beauty and joy! Their plumage is amazing. It is impossible to imagine our life without their amazing singing.

Conclusions from the work. Sufficient material on the chosen topic has been collected and processed. This material can be used in biology lessons and extracurricular activities for Animal Protection, on Bird Day. This material helps to cultivate a humane, caring attitude towards all living things. This material helps develop taste and love for everything beautiful. Teach the birds to your window in the frost so that we don’t have to welcome spring without songs

Literature. Brave V.M. School atlas-identifier of birds: Book. For students. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988. I explore the world. Birds: Children's Encyclopedia. /V.V. Ivanitsky. – M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2001. – 397 p. Mikheev A.V. “Identifier of bird nests” - M., 1975 - 171 p. Tsvetkov A.V. “Observations of bird nests” - No. 22, 1998 - 16с /zakharchenka/pero_veselka_big.jpg!_.gif http: //

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