Essay examples (Unified State Exam in Russian). How to write an essay on the Russian language. Examples of Unified State Exam essays in Russian

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language invariably causes sadness and melancholy among schoolchildren, if only because there is no escape from passing the mandatory exam. The test part is not as scary as the essay part. However, practice shows that anyone, even not the most creative student, is capable of writing a decent work, because no one expects a creative flight of thought here, you just need to follow the structure and observe the canon. The plan should be remembered and constantly in front of your eyes to prepare for the essay. It will also help to create your own bank of arguments on the problems proposed in the exam KIMs. Suitable literary works With summary on this issue or cases from public life. In writing arguments, accuracy is important: the author (director), the title of the work, and the names of the characters are indicated. And remember: the more different essays you write, the easier it will be for you in the exam.

  1. The first and most important thing when writing an essay is to carefully read the text and find its topic.
  2. Next, you need to find the problems that the author raised. It is on one of them that essays will have to be written. However, the text usually contains not one, but several problems, from which you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself. It is worth reading the source carefully, because the author himself argues for the topic he poses, his example comes before or after the desired conflict issue. A suitable problem can be considered the most understandable problem for which there are the most convincing arguments.
  3. To get the highest score for them, you need to provide either two literary examples, or one literary and one life. It is not recommended to give two arguments from life; the score is reduced, no matter how brilliant they are.
  4. When writing an essay, even if you have already acquired considerable experience in this matter, you should first write a draft. After the last point has been made, it is recommended to distract yourself for a while, then re-read (if possible, out loud) and correct what you have written; with this method, errors are much easier to notice.
  5. After editing, the work is rewritten completely and re-read again. When rewriting thoroughly during the exam, you should try, because essays are still being checked by people who would be more pleased to read a neatly written text without any blots.

Essay plan

The structure of an essay on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is simple and consists of six elements. Each of them is equipped with cliche phrases and your thoughts, and here is the finished essay. To make the difficult and nervous exam procedure easier for yourself, memorize the writing plan. When the hour comes, it will be much easier to concentrate if the guide to action is in your head, and not on a cheat sheet.

  • Introduction– the easiest way is to immediately pose a problem in it, but you can write a couple of phrases about the author, work or topic (but there is no need to drag it out, a long introduction or conclusion is a minus for the essay, the volume should be gained through arguments).
  • Comment on the issue– it is necessary to explain how the problem found is expressed in the text. There are two types of comments: textual and contextual. A textual commentary is based on the text; you need to follow the argumentation of the problem by the author himself, see facts, phenomena, quotes that confirm his point of view. Contextual commentary involves an interpretation of the problem: what type it is, how relevant it is, why the author addressed it specifically.
  • Author's position– the writer’s opinion about the problem he poses in the text.
  • Own opinion– agreement or disagreement with the author’s position. Based on your position, you need to select arguments. You can disagree with the author, but this requires even more convincing examples, because the exam texts use well-known and generally accepted opinions.
  • Arguments- at least one of them must be drawn from literary works. The second can be from life (films, TV series, songs, folklore works, events in the media and public life, personal experience). If literary works are not remembered at all, you will have to use two examples from life, because you can always remember (or create) several facts from your experience.
  • Conclusion- it sums up what has been said, here we can say that the text makes you think about an important and pressing problem and ways to solve it. The conclusion is an introduction in other words.

Templates and cliches

Plan item Cliche
Introduction Rhetorical questions (“What is love? Is it always a bright and joyful feeling?”). They have been trying to answer these questions since ancient times, raised the problem ... and ... (author's name)
The problem... has always worried humanity, I addressed it and... in my text about...

In the text proposed for analysis, written by ..., the problem is raised ...

The problem... has become most acute recently, and... addressed the pressing issue.
The dedicated to/talks about the problem...

Comment on the issue Contextual:
The question... is relevant at present because...
The problem... is of the type... relevant to many
Author's position The author approaches the question raised this way:...
The author's position is clear...
Own opinion I completely agree/disagree with the author’s opinion, because...

I adhere to/share/support the author’s point of view because...

It’s hard to disagree with the author’s position, because...
The author's convincing argument makes everyone agree with his position because...
It would seem that the author’s position is clear, but I do not agree with it, because...
I do not share the author’s position in everything, because...
In my opinion, the author is too categorical in his judgments, because...

Argument 1 The first argument can be made...
The first argument could be...
This problem is widely represented in the literature, for example, in...
To prove the validity of my position/my opinion, I will give...
The problem is most fully revealed in...
Argument 2 As a second argument you can use...
The second argument could be...
Let me give you another literary argument...
In the film.../series.../song.../fairy tale.../in the proverb.../in the saying... we find another confirmation of the above
The following argument is taken from my personal experience
I have encountered this problem myself
Conclusion In conclusion…

Thus, the problem... is really important and relevant and requires attention from society because...
I hope readers will think about the problem... and re-prioritize their lives


  1. Relationships between fathers and children.
  2. The role of childhood in the development of a person’s personality and moral guidelines.
  3. The role of classical literature in the spiritual development of modern society.
  4. The complexity and inconsistency of human actions.
  5. Human nobility.
  6. Honor and human dignity.
  7. A person's relationships with other people.
  8. Human perception of the surrounding world.
  9. Loneliness of a person.
  10. Man and art.
  11. Man's relationship to the natural world.
  12. A person's caring attitude towards language.
  13. The man and the power with which he is endowed.
  14. Compassion for others.
  15. Human attitude towards war.

Essay example

A sample essay for the Unified State Exam 2018 in the Russian language is written based on the text from the demo version of KIM in the Russian language.

Serenades, languid sighs, luxurious gifts and passionate words – is this true love? Or does it manifest itself in something less obvious and more profound? It is the problem of true love that F. Sologub addresses.

This question has long been relevant for everyone, because so often we are in error, mistaking our own illusions for real feelings. IN extreme situations all emotions are brighter and more honest, a person shows his most intimate things, so in war conditions the priorities in people’s relationships are immediately clear. So, Paul Sepp is ready to leave his usual life, go to the front for the sake of protecting the Motherland, home, and beloved. Lisa, the hero’s beloved, finally appreciated her admirer, fell in love and is also ready to protect him, accompanying him to the front.

This problem is widely represented in literature, for example, in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" glorifies the all-conquering love of the main characters. Margarita, for the sake of her beloved, is ready to sell her soul to the devil, hold Satan's ball, go to hell, just to be together, if only the Master would find long-awaited peace. Such feelings bring happiness and harmony, overcoming all obstacles.

An example of false illusions in love is the relationship between Helen Kuragina and Pierre Bezukhov, heroes of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” If she did not love him at all, but was guided by profit, then the hero mistook for love a sensual attraction to a brilliant and accessible woman. This is why Pierre was unhappy in his first marriage; false feelings are quickly replaced by irritation and boredom.

Thus, the problem of true love is really important and is still relevant today. Everyone who has it must hold on to this feeling with all their might, because true love may never happen again.

If you have a topic in mind that causes difficulties, then write

Preparing for and passing exams is every student's worst nightmare. In addition to the fact that you have to learn a bunch of theory and remember it on time on the test, you also need to write the text correctly. To fulfill this mission perfectly, you must first understand and remember what the structure of an essay in the Russian language (USE) is.

The main difficulty that most students face when writing their creations is the process of identifying the problem that is addressed in it. If you formulate it incorrectly, you will receive from 2 to 5 points for your work instead of the maximum 23.

Main components

After defining the topic, it’s time to move on to building its structure. Without this, it is impossible to pass the Unified State Exam (Russian language) with high quality. usually consists of the following parts:


Your opinion;


We are working on the introduction

The structure of an essay in the Russian language (USE) begins with an introduction. In it, you invite the reader to a conversation. First of all, name the topic and problem, introduce the author. After that, smoothly move on to the main part. At the same time, in no case should you retell the contents of the text at first. And its volume should not exceed 3-4 sentences.

When deciding on a problem, you can name several of them, but don’t get carried away. It is better to choose one main one than to be scattered among a bunch of secondary ones. In any case, you will not receive more than 1 point for this point, so there is no point in describing it too much.

Defining the problem

It is difficult for any student to pass the Unified State Exam. Writing in Russian has its own difficulties, among which is the ability not to confuse the problem (why the text was written, what conflict is revealed in it and the question asked of the readers) with the topic (what is being told). Not in every case is it easy to figure out the main idea the author wanted to convey the first time. There are a couple of secrets that will make this task easier:

1. Usually the writer formulates the problem closer to the beginning of the text or at its end. It all depends on what train of thought he prefers: first name the thesis and then the arguments, or do it in the reverse order.

2. Select key vocabulary from the text. It consists of words that contain the main idea of ​​everything said. This will help you at the next stage of work - writing a commentary on the main problem.

Write a comment

Also, the structure of an essay on the Russian language (USE) includes a commentary on the formulated problem. This is a kind of retelling of the proposed text in your own words. You can get 2 points for it. At the same time, you need to show that you were able to clearly understand what the conflict is and highlight its aspects. That is, in in this case it is necessary to disclose the author's position.

When commenting, try not to quote or paraphrase the content of the text too much, as this can reduce your score for this stage of work to zero. Also, do not make factual errors by attributing to the writer something that he did not say.

Then express own point vision. It does not necessarily have to correspond to the author's. But simply voicing it will not be enough. You must justify your opinion with at least 2 arguments. For each of them you will receive a point. At the same time, your arguments should not coincide with those given in the text, otherwise they will not be counted when checking your Unified State Examination. An essay in Russian should combine both the author’s position and your own.

How to select arguments?

So, you are taking the Unified State Exam in Russian (essay). Arguments are an integral part of it. To convincingly substantiate your opinion, you can use:

1. Examples from your life (it is not at all necessary that the selected events actually happened to you or your friends - you can just make them up, no one will investigate their authenticity).

2. Knowledge acquired at school (remember history, social studies, geography and any other sciences in which you can find relevant facts).

3. Experience in reading books (you can turn to Russian or world literature, they will contain a huge number of suitable life situations; both classics and works of modern authors will help you).

When choosing arguments (essay, Russian), carefully ensure that they confirm your thesis and do not contradict it. Experts will evaluate only 2 arguments, so there is no point in coming up with more of them. It’s better to have a couple of them, but both will be accurate and suitable for the given situation. In addition, the more you write down your thoughts, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Combining the arguments

Arguments selected from journalism, scientific or fiction books are best evaluated. They are worth 2 points, while at best you will get 1 for an example from your life.

You can also use situations taken from folklore. For example, they will come in handy folk tales, sayings, songs and other similar works. You will also receive 1 point for these arguments.

Since you cannot give more than a three for argumentation, for the highest score you can use one of the following schemes:

2 arguments from your experience in reading books;

1 example from literature plus 1 from life or folklore.

Analyzing language means

You can also include in your Russian language essay plan an analysis of linguistic means of expression as a form of the author’s argument and a way of influencing the reader’s consciousness. To do this you need to do the following:

1. Check whether this list is given in the work and whether you have analyzed them.

2. Bring specific examples from the text (you can highlight them with brackets, but it is better to give preference to quotation marks).

3. Look at the correctness and appropriateness of the introduction to the essay language analysis(try not to write phrases like “the author uses, uses”).

Be sure to double-check the draft version of your essay and make sure the thoughts in it are logical. Look to see if there are any semantic inconsistencies and whether the text has been divided into paragraphs correctly enough. If the work will use a wide variety of words, many non-uniform grammatical structures, and thoughts are expressed accurately and clearly, for all these points you will receive 2 points.

Literacy is the key to success

The most high mark awarded because you know the Russian language well. to get the maximum 8 points for literacy? To achieve the best expert opinion, you need to adhere to these rules:

1. Avoid mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar and speech.

2. Adhere to ethical standards and avoid rudeness, obscene and vulgar statements.

3. Be accurate in presenting facts.

When writing a paper, there is no need to pour water, say obvious statements and beat around the bush to gain the required volume. You must write specific thoughts on the proposed topic. The text volume of 150 words is large enough to accommodate all the necessary arguments.

You won't get a lower grade if you write more, but it does increase your chances of making unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, it is better to make as much as needed, because for exceeding the specified size you will not receive extra points. If the specified volume is not reached, the score will decrease. And if you write less than half the required size, then the work will not be checked at all.

Drawing conclusions

The structure of the essay on the Russian language (USE) ends with a conclusion. Pay attention to the correctness of its design. If it is too long, it will be perceived as evidence that you do not know how to express your thoughts concisely. This means that this will be a clear disadvantage of your work. The introductory and final parts cannot make up more than a quarter of the entire text.

If you imagine an essay in the form of a diagram, it should be closed, like a circle. What was said at the beginning should be summarized at the end. Also in the last paragraph it is necessary to say how the text influenced you, whether you thought about your views on the world after reading it.

Separately, it is necessary to mention what place literature occupies in the history and life of this work, describe society's reaction to it. You can use a template for an essay on the Russian language: at the beginning of the work, ask certain questions, and at the end, give answers to them.

In the final part, it is necessary to show the completeness of the work and how the conclusion is connected with the main text and its conflict. This fragment should not exceed 2-3 sentences.

Remember the “golden” rules!

In addition to all the above rules, be guided when writing by the following tips:

1. Try not to use repetitions, not only in adjacent sentences, but throughout the entire essay. Do not forget that the size of your work is small, which means that phrases constantly flashing before your eyes will greatly spoil the impression of it. When you start writing, prepare a list of synonyms for the main words (“example”, “author”, “problem”, etc.). After completing your draft, carefully proofread it and underline repeated phrases. Then replace most of them with ones that are similar in meaning.

2. Don't split the text too much. It is best to use the following essay plan for the Russian language:

In the first paragraph, name the problem and comment on it;

In the third - give the first argument;

In the fourth - the second argument;

Fifth, write a conclusion.

If you express your thoughts in very short sentences, then you can break the text into 3 paragraphs, but there should not be less than this number.

3. Try to make sure that your speech contains minimal amount stamps. You can, of course, use some cliched phrases, but it's best to keep them to a minimum. A list of unwanted clichés can even be found in the textbook "Russian Language - Grade 6". An essay without such expressions is valued an order of magnitude higher than with them. Combine words correctly and avoid mistakes related to language and speech.

4. To avoid many errors related to punctuation, after writing a draft, parse the entire text. In this case, you will be able to understand in what places you missed the allocation of the involved and participial phrases and other constructions that require the use of commas. You will also see where you added extra punctuation. Separate parts of a sentence not intuitively, but following specific rules.

Make sure your handwriting is legible. This applies not only to essays in the Russian language, but also to any other exam. The expert will not decipher your scribbles, but will simply count them as errors and reduce the points.

Formulate your thoughts so that they are not fragmentary. Each part of the text must be brought to its logical conclusion. It is necessary to present your reasoning in such a way that it is understandable not only to you, but also to the readers. Explain specifically what you mean.

Make sure that the conclusion does not seem sparse in content compared to the rest of the text written during the Unified State Exam (Russian language). The essay plan should include at the end thoughts that have not been voiced before.

Examples of essays based on the source text

Essay-discussion based on the text by A. Chekhov

Original text:

(1) Near the wide steppe road, called the big road, a flock of sheep spent the night. (2) Two shepherds guarded her. (3) One was an old man of about eighty, toothless, with a trembling face, lying on his stomach near the road, with his elbows on the dusty leaves of the plantain. (4) The other was a young guy, with thick black eyebrows and no mustache, dressed in a line from which cheap bags are sewn. (5) He lay on his back and, putting his hands under his head, looked up at the sky, where just above his face stretched Milky Way and the stars slept.
(6) In the sleepy, frozen air there was a monotonous noise, without which a steppe summer night cannot do. (7) Grasshoppers chattered continuously, quails sang, and a mile away from the flock, in a ravine in which a stream ran and willows grew, young nightingales lazily whistled.
(8) Suddenly the old shepherd broke the silence:
– (9) Sanka, are you sleeping or what?
“(10) No, grandfather,” the young man did not immediately respond.
“(11) There are a lot of treasures in these places,” the old man sighed. - (12) From everything you can see that there is, only, brother, there is no one to dig them.
(13) The young shepherd crawled two steps towards the old man and, resting his head on his fists, fixed his motionless gaze on him. (14) An infantile expression of fear and curiosity shone in his dark eyes and, as it seemed in the twilight, stretched and flattened the large features of his young, rough face. (15) He listened intently.
“(16) And the scriptures say that there are many treasures here,” the old man continued. - (17) And a treasure is a person’s happiness! (18) One old Novopavlovsk soldier in Ivanovka was shown a map, and in that map it was printed about the place, and even how many pounds of gold, and in what container. (19) He would have gotten the treasure from this map a long time ago, but the treasure is enchanted and you can’t approach it.
- (20) Why, grandfather, won’t you come up to me? - asked the young man.
– (21) There must be some reason, the soldier did not say. (22) Spellbound... (23) A talisman is needed.
(24) The old man spoke with enthusiasm, as if he was pouring out his soul. (25) He had a nasal voice from the lack of habit of speaking a lot and quickly, stuttered and, feeling such a lack of his speech, tried to brighten it up with gesticulations of his head, hands and skinny shoulders. (26) With each such gesture, his canvas shirt wrinkled into folds, crawled towards his shoulders and exposed his back, black from tanning and age.
(27) He pulled it off, and she immediately climbed up again. (28) Finally the old man, as if driven out of patience by this disobedient shirt, jumped up and spoke bitterly:
– (29) Happiness is nearby, but what’s the use of it if it’s buried in the ground?
(30) So it goes to waste, without any benefit, like sheep dung! (31) But there is a lot of happiness, so much, boy, that there would be enough of it for the whole district! (32) Let not a single soul see him!
- (33) Grandfather, what will you do with this happiness if you find it?
– (34) Me? – the old man grinned. - (35) If only I could find it, otherwise... I’d show everyone Kuzka’s mother... (36) Hm!.. (37) I know what to do.
(38) And the old man was unable to answer what he would do with happiness if he found it. (39) In his entire life, this question presented itself to him that morning, probably for the first time and, judging by the expression on his face, frivolous and indifferent, it did not seem important to him and worthy of reflection.
(40) Surrounded by a slight haze, a huge crimson sun appeared.
(41) It was quickly getting lighter around. (42) Wide stripes of light, still cold, bathing in the dewy grass, stretching and with a cheerful look, as if trying to show that they were not tired of it, began to lie down on the ground. (43) Silver wormwood, blue cornflowers, yellow colza - all this was joyfully and carelessly colorful, mistaking the light of the sun for its own smile.
(44) The old man and Sanka dispersed to the edges of the flock. (45) Then both stood up like pillars, without moving, looking at the ground and thinking. (46) The first was haunted by thoughts about treasures, while the second was thinking about what was said at night. (47) Sanka was not interested in the treasures themselves, which he did not need, but in the fantastic nature and unrealizability of human happiness.
(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Essay based on the text by A. Chekhov:

Before me is the text of A.P. Chekhov, in which, in my opinion, the writer reflects on the question of different understandings of happiness.
The problem identified by the writer is as old as time. It will not lose its relevance, because each person understands happiness in his own way. For some, happiness is wealth, fame, a successful career, the desire for achievement, the satisfaction of some personal interests and ambitions. For others, happiness is respect, love, mutual understanding in the family, reliable friends. A.P. In his story, Chekhov contrasts two heroes - an eighty-year-old man and a young guy Sanka. The old shepherd “enthusiastically” tells Sanka that there are treasures buried in the ground. “Happiness is nearby, but what’s the use of it...” the old man says regretfully. The young guy is not surprised by the old man’s story about the treasures; he only thinks about the “fantasticity and unrealizability of human happiness.”
Comparing the two heroes, A.P. Chekhov convinces us, his readers, that everyone understands happiness differently. But the writer is most likely closer to the idea of ​​​​the happiness of a young guy. It is he who looks not at the ground, but at the sky, which means he is open to everything new and unknown. Happiness is everywhere, happiness is all around, happiness is spilled in this world, there is no need to dig happiness out of the ground. This is precisely the idea that the writer is trying to instill in us by including vivid landscapes in the story.
It is impossible not to agree with the opinion of A.P. Chekhov. All people have different ideas about the meaning of life, about love, about family and other concepts, and they have the same different ideas about happiness. In the pursuit of happiness, people often do not see that it is nearby, they just need to reach out to it. A banal holiday romance for Dmitry Gurov, the hero of A.P. Chekhov’s story “The Lady with the Dog,” turns into real, great love, which humanizes him and awakens spiritual wealth in him. It seems that this is happiness. But Dmitry and Anna Sergeevna do not fight for their love, but continue to look for a solution, to dream of a “new, wonderful life.”
It often happens that people’s idea of ​​happiness changes under the influence of some life circumstances. For example, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky dreams of the glory of Napoleon, strives to accomplish a feat, and only after the Battle of Austrelitz, when he is on the verge of death, does he come to the understanding that he must live for his loved ones. And too late, another truth is revealed to him: happiness is when you can love and forgive.
Everyone wants to be happy in their own way, this is a natural human need, but the path to happiness is difficult and thorny, full of serious trials, victories and defeats. No matter how different our idea of ​​happiness may be, we should remember that the path to achieving it must be walked with dignity, be able to appreciate moments of happiness, and live by them.

Essay based on the text by A.I. Kuprina

Original text:

(1) - It has come to my attention that you not only wrote, but also submitted some kind of Essay to print and read it to the cadets yesterday. (2) Is this true?
(3) - That's right, Mister Captain.
(4) - Take the trouble to bring me this work of your art right now.
(5) Alexandrov ran to his locker.
(6) “Please, Mr. Captain,” said the cadet, handing over the sheets.
(7) Drozd dryly ordered:
(8) – Now go to the punishment cell for three days. (9) And I will tear your magazine into small pieces and throw it away.
(10) And here Alexandrov is in solitary confinement - languishing from boredom, idleness and humiliation. (11) Yesterday he was still a triumphant, the pride of the school, a young, brilliant aspiring writer; today he is just a punished, pathetic freshman.
(12) Sometimes, lying down on wooden bunks and looking at the high ceiling, Alexandrov tried to reconstruct from memory word by word the text of his beautiful suite. (13) And suddenly a poisonous doubt occurred to him. (14) The more he now mentally read the story, the more he found in it dull places, exaggerations, student tension, inexpressive phrases.
(15) “But editors don’t let unsatisfactory things pass through,” he tried to console himself. (16) “They’ll bring some other person’s book, and I’ll rest, get distracted, and everything will be fine again.”
(17) In the evening the watchman knocked on the door of the punishment cell.
(18) - They brought a book to you, Mr. Junker.
(19) This book, very tattered, was completely unfamiliar to Alexandrov.
(20) "Cossacks". (21) The work of Count Tolstoy” was on the cover.
(22) He began reading this story at six in the evening, read all night without stopping, and finished only when the morning light penetrated through the lattice door of the punishment cell.
(23) - What is this? – he whispered, shocked and enchanted. (24) - Lord, what is this great miracle? (25) An ordinary person, even with the title of count... and suddenly the most in simple words, without any trace of invention, he took and told about what he saw, and an incomparable, inaccessible and completely simple story grew from him.
(26) And then Alexandrov’s prayerful delight suddenly ended. (27) “And I, I. (28) How could I dare to take up a pen, not seeing or knowing anything in life... (29) To hell! (30) End of self-indulgence!”
(31) Drozd kept Alexandrov for only two days instead of three. (32) On the third day, he himself came to the punishment cell and released the prisoner.
(33) “Do you know,” he asked, “why you were arrested?”
(34) - I know, Mister Captain. (35) For writing the most stupid and vulgar Essay that has ever appeared in the light of God.
(36) “I don’t agree,” Drozd objected with a soft intonation. (37) - But you had to report the manuscript according to the regulations. (38) Now go to the company and, by the way, take your magazine with you. (39) It cannot be said that it was written very badly.
(According to A.I. Kuprin).

Essay based on the text by A.I. Kuprina:

Each person in his life sees for himself a certain goal and business to which he would devote his life. But man, as a social being, depends on another person. And often people take other people’s values, which carry both a positive and negative character, as ideals.
One of the main topics addressed in the text is the problem of true and false values. For many times, high purpose and service to ideals allowed a person to reveal the powers inherent in him. And to serve the cause of life, without succumbing to external negative influences - that’s the main objective person.
The author is convinced that any person who loves and knows his business can create an absolutely unattainable and at the same time so simple and vital thing. A.I. Kuprin confirms this by introducing into his text the work of Count Tolstoy “Cossacks”, which allowed Alexandrov to look at the world in a completely different way. I completely agree with the author’s opinion, because many things that surround us and seem too complex to us actually turn out to be incredibly simple and understandable. After all, the only thing you need is to understand the meaning, reveal the idea, and then follow it.
The idea of ​​being true to your values ​​can be seen in the actions of Joan of Arc. For 75 years France waged an unsuccessful war against the English invaders. Jeanne believed that she was destined to save France. The young peasant woman persuaded the king to give her a small detachment and was able to do what the smartest military leaders had failed to do: she ignited people with her frantic faith. After years of ignominious defeats, the French were finally able to defeat the invaders.
An example of a person who remained faithful to his calling is truly the Italian poet and philosopher D. Bruno. He spent eight years in the dungeons of the Inquisition. They demanded that he renounce his beliefs, and they promised to spare his life for this. But Giordano Bruno did not trade his truth, his faith.
When you reflect on these facts, you realize how important it is for a person to be driven by purpose. And it is values ​​that are the foundation, the support for further progress.

Essay based on the text by N. Galya

Original text:

A young father sternly reprimands his four-year-old daughter for running out into the yard without asking and almost getting hit by a car.
“Please,” he says quite seriously to the baby, “you can go for a walk, but let me or your mother know.”
This is not an invention of a feuilletonist, but a genuine, inadvertently overheard conversation.
Or they write seriously in an article about the work of the space station crew: “They took (!) samples of exhaled air.” This fence would not have flown into space if they had not been embarrassed to say simply: the astronauts took samples. But no, it’s undignified!
You hear, see, read this - and you want to sound the alarm again and again, call, beg, persuade: BEWARE OF THE OFFERER!
This is the most common, most malignant disease of our speech. Once upon a time, a rare expert on the Russian language and a wizard of words, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, branded it with an accurate, deadly name. His article was called “Clerical”, and it truly sounded like an SOS. I hesitate to say that it was the voice of one crying in the desert: fortunately, there are knights who, sparing no effort, fight for the honor of the Word. But, alas, we must face the truth: the office does not give up, it advances and expands. This is a cursed and harmful disease of our speech. Alien, destructive cells are rapidly growing - hateful cliches that carry no thoughts, no feelings, not a penny of information, but only clog and oppress the living, useful core.
We are so poisoned by bureaucracy that sometimes we completely lose our sense of humor. And not in a novel, but in life, in the most ordinary setting, a completely modest person seriously says to another: “I express my gratitude to you.”
Remember, Viktor Nekrasov’s frail boat floats in the Arctic Ocean and the beautiful young Tanya Vanka sings songs?
Sings well, dog,
Sings convincingly...
Yes, you have to convincingly declare your love not only in poetry, but also in prose, otherwise Tanya won’t believe Vanka.
Meanwhile, in hundreds of stories, novels, essays, translated and domestic, different people on various occasions they talk in such a way that it seems that the readers are about to respond with the famous loud “I don’t believe it!” Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky...
For the hundredth time let us ask ourselves: who should instill in people taste, a sense of proportion, and respect for native language? And at the same time, a respectful attitude towards the person you are talking to?
Who if not us?
(according to N. Gal)..

Essay based on the text by N. Galya:

Essay based on the text by D.S. Likhacheva

Original text:

(1) Memory is one of the most important properties of existence, any existence: material, spiritual, human.
(2) A sheet of paper. (3) Squeeze it and spread it out. (4) There will be folds on it, and if you squeeze it a second time, part of the 2 folds will lie along the previous folds: the paper has memory.
(5) Individual plants, stones with traces of their origin and movement during the Ice Age, glass, water, etc. have memory.
(6) What can we say about the genetic memory of memory, embedded in centuries, memory, passing from one generation of living beings to the next.
(7) At the same time, memory is not mechanical at all. (8) This is the most important creative process. (9) What is needed is remembered; Through memory, good experience is accumulated, a tradition is formed, everyday skills, family skills, labor skills, and public institutions are created.
(10) Memory resists the destructive power of time.
(11) This property of memory is extremely important.
(12) It is customary to primitively divide time into past, present and future. (13) But thanks to memory, the past enters the present, and the future is, as it were, predicted by the present, connected with the past.
(14) Memory, overcoming time, overcoming death.
(15) This is the greatest moral significance of memory. (16) An unconscious person is, first of all, an ungrateful, irresponsible person, and therefore incapable of good, selfless deeds.
(17) Irresponsibility is born from the lack of awareness that nothing passes without a trace. (18) A person who commits an unkind act thinks that this act will not be preserved in his personal memory and in the memory of those around him. (19) He himself, obviously, is not accustomed to cherishing the memory of the past, to feeling a feeling of gratitude to his ancestors, to work, to their concerns, and therefore he thinks that everything will be forgotten about him.
(20) Conscience is basically memory, to which is added a moral assessment of what has been done. (21) But if what is perfect is not retained in memory, then there can be no evaluation. (22) Without memory there is no conscience.
(23) That is why it is so important to be brought up in a moral climate of memory: family memory, folk memory, cultural memory.
(According to D.S. Likhachev).

Essay based on the text by D.S. Likhacheva:

D.S. Likhachev tells us that memory is a creative process, with its help humanity overcomes time and death, conscience and memory are closely interrelated concepts.
Memory is an extremely important property of the human mind and soul. A person who has lost it is lost in this world. This is, first of all, a loss of mental, moral and ethical orientation. With the loss of memory, much accumulated by experience and years disappears, an emptiness appears, and with it the need to fill it with something again. For such a person, unconsciousness is torment.
The author also talks about another unconsciousness of ingratitude, the inability to respond kindly to kindness or experience a feeling of sincere gratitude to another person. For example, those who once sacrificed their lives for the sake of the bright future of their descendants, their Motherland, and their faith. Unfortunately, among our contemporaries there are barbarian people who, indulging in excesses, dishonor the shrines of the graves of those killed in the war. Patriotic soldiers did not lay down their heads so that absolutely forgettable descendants would consign their names to oblivion! Fighting for every five of their Fatherland, the warriors defended freedom, honor, and the good name of their fathers and grandfathers. Shedding blood for their native land, they blessed the successors of their family for a bright future for their children, but not at all forgettable descendants.
Without memory there is no conscience, D.S. is sure. Likhachev. And I agree with him. Can a person who remembers nothing and recognizes no one be responsible for himself, his time in front of the past and future, give a correct assessment of himself, of today? The answer to this question is clear. Only a culture based on centuries-old traditions allows the development of rich inner world man, to prevent the formation of that emptiness of the soul that manifests itself in immoral actions. In my opinion, religion as a part of culture could also play an important role in this case. Any traditional religion is rich in its customs and laws, which help individuals to worthily carry within themselves the genetic memory of the cultural development of all humanity. According to D.S. Likhachev, the same genetic memory of the universe is largely possessed by the objects around a person, plants, stones, water, glass, a sheet of paper, etc.

Essay based on the text by I. Gontsov

Original text:

For some reason, many modern pop stars talk with particular pleasure about how poorly they did at school. Some were reprimanded for hooliganism, some were retained for the second year, some made teachers faint with their breathtaking hairstyles... You can have different attitudes towards such revelations of our “stars”: some of these stories about mischievous childhood lead in awe, others begin to grumpily complain that today the path to the stage is open only to mediocrities and ignoramuses.
But most worrying is the reaction of teenagers. They have a strong belief that the shortest path to fame runs through the police nursery. They take everything at face value. They do not always understand that stories about a “crazy” childhood, when the future “star” amazed everyone around him with his exotic uniqueness, are just a stage legend, something like a concert costume that distinguishes an artist from an ordinary person. A teenager not only perceives information, he actively transforms it. This information becomes the basis for his life program, for developing ways and means of achieving his goal. That is why a person who broadcasts something to an audience of millions must have a high sense of responsibility.
Is he actually expressing his thoughts or is he unconsciously continuing his stage act and saying what his fans expect from him? Look: I’m “one of my own”, just like everyone else. Hence the ironic and condescending attitude towards education, and the flirtatious mockery: “Learning is light, and ignorance is a pleasant twilight,” and arrogant narcissism. But the transfer ended. What remains in the souls of those who listened to the artist? What seeds did he sow in trusting hearts? Who did he make better? Who did he direct on the path of creative creation? When a young journalist asked these questions to one famous DJ, he simply snorted: screw you, that’s not what I’m here for... And in this bewildered indignation of the “pop star” civic immaturity and human “undereducation” are clearly manifested. And a person who has not yet built himself as an individual, has not realized his mission in society, becomes a humble servant of the crowd, its tastes and needs. He may be able to sing, but he doesn’t know why he sings.
If art does not call to the light, if it, giggling and winking slyly, drags a person into a “pleasant twilight”, if it destroys unshakable values ​​with the poisonous acid of irony, then a reasonable question arises: is such “art” needed by society, is it worthy of it? to become part of the national culture? (According to I. Gontsov).

Essay based on the text by I. Gontsov:

Personality formation occurs under the influence of various factors, one of which is the influence of authoritative people: parents, teachers, actors, pop stars. Their life experience and views, as I. Gontsov rightly notes, become the basis for the life program of many young people. And sometimes it is very important in what direction this influence is carried out.
Reflecting on this issue, the author of the text touches on the problem of a person’s moral responsibility to society. It is impossible not to notice that many modern pop artists, in search of popularity, use various means, offering their fans very dubious information about themselves, which not only misleads people, but also negatively affects the lifestyle of the most gullible. This certainly causes concern in the author and a desire to make many people think about it.
The author is alarmed by the fact that modern artists are less and less aware of their mission as cultural figures. According to N. Gontsov, art is designed to spiritually and aesthetically nourish and educate people, and not just entertain.
It is difficult to disagree with the author’s position, because it is immoral and dangerous to build a stage image that neglects the unshakable values ​​of society.
It is very difficult to determine the line where words, actions and even objects become vulgar and vulgarized. There must be a moral sense, which can be formed by art, in particular literature.
The theme of philistinism and vulgarity was stated most strongly in Russian classics. Suffice it to recall the “majestic vulgar” Chichikov, a clever swindler and scoundrel from N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”.
Many people, following the lead of fashion and time, set the wrong goals for themselves, sometimes even breaking the law in order to achieve them. I. Bunin in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed the man by: he died without ever knowing what life was.
Each person influences others, and what he leaves in their souls is extremely important. People must understand that immorality and disregard for immutable values ​​cannot bring anything into our minds and souls that would help us develop as individuals!

There is no ideal essay sample from the exam developers. It turns out that we can only guess what the compilers of the Unified State Examination expect from students. Then how can you give examples of Unified State Examination essays in the Russian language? You can consider works that are highly rated by experts. Below are several such essays. Everything is subjective: some will appreciate them as much as possible, others will find flaws. The purpose of the publication is to familiarize yourself with what you have to write.

Essay on the problem of courage Unified State Examination in Russian

War leaves a mark on the soul of every person. Some people read books and watched films about the war; others either fought or lived in wartime. When talking about war, we cannot fail to mention the courage of the soldiers. How does courage manifest itself in wartime? It is this question that B.L. suggests thinking about. Vasiliev, the author of the text offered to me for analysis.

The author focuses on the events that took place in Brest Fortress at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Addressing the theme of courage, B.L. Vasiliev tells the story of an unknown defender who fought all alone until April 1942. The author emphasizes that this man fought without neighbors, orders, or letters from home. All this speaks of dedication, enormous willpower, and, of course, the courage of this Soviet soldier, whose name we do not know. B.L. Vasiliev draws readers' attention to the guides' stories about the defenders of the Brest Fortress, who went crazy with thirst, but gave water to children. The author focuses on the fact that the fortress did not surrender.

I agree with the author’s position: soldiers show courage, doing everything possible to defend their Motherland, sacrificing their lives in the name of victory, and acting with honor in any situation. I believe that courage is present not only in actions that we consider heroic deeds, but also in other situations when we are talking about something difficult to accomplish, but extremely important and necessary.

We see courage in actions that sometimes seem impossible to people. Such an example is present in the work of A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin": a fighter swam across the icy river to report a platoon on the right bank. The soldiers sitting on patrol at first did not believe that a living person could swim down the river in such cold weather. Of course, this act of Vasily Terkin is an example of not only courage, but also fortitude worthy of respect.

It is not only during a military battle that a person can commit an act that can be called courageous. In M. Sholokhov’s work “The Fate of Man” we see just such a case. Andrei Sokolov, who was captured, was summoned for questioning by Mueller. The hungry, tired, exhausted soldier did not back down from the words that brought him to interrogation. Moreover, he refused to drink to the German victory, despite the hunger. This hero earned the respect of Muller and was sent back with bread and lard. It is difficult to imagine what Andrei Sokolov experienced while defending his honor and the pride of the Russian people. This is undoubtedly a truly courageous act.

There are a huge number of examples showing the courage of soldiers. Each of them is unique, but behind all actions there is courage, dedication, the desire to do everything possible and impossible in the name of the Motherland. It is difficult to imagine what the people whose actions we call courageous experienced. These soldiers deserve to be remembered.

Essay on the problem of the role of memory in human life Unified State Exam in Russian

What humanity has now was created over centuries. Many moral values, traditions, customs, knowledge came to our generation from the distant past, therefore our whole life is connected with the concept of memory. What is the role of memory in human life? D.S. suggests thinking about this problem. Likhachev, the author of the text offered to me for analysis.

The author, discussing this issue, draws attention to the relationship between culture and memory. With admiration, he speaks about the amazing property of memory to preserve primarily what is necessary, good, and not evil. Trying to be convincing, D.S. Likhachev emphasizes the leading role of memory in the formation of human experience, the assimilation of traditions, the acquisition of labor and everyday skills, increasing the aesthetic level of perception and creativity, and, finally, the creation of knowledge. It is important for the author to show that memory has “the greatest moral significance” because it “resists the destructive power of time.” D.S. Likhachev calls an unconscious person ungrateful, irresponsible and unscrupulous, thereby showing how the attitude towards memory characterizes the personality. For greater persuasiveness, the author quotes the lines of A.S. Pushkin, in which the poet calls love for “fatherly graves” “life-giving.”

I agree with the author's position. In my opinion, memory is important both for the individual and for society as a whole. It helps not only to assimilate knowledge, but also to evaluate events taking place in the world, teaches to avoid mistakes, and to see the significance of historical facts.

Memory is preserved in books. People who do not read books are not able to think correctly and evaluate what is happening around them. In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, we see a society deprived of books that are important to people. The destruction of books made people almost robots, living according to a given program. Society took everything that happened for granted because it was deprived of memory, and therefore the ability to relate the present to the past. People, having lost the right to read books, did not acquire important personality traits, they simply forgot how to think freely. But books are only one of a great many sources of memory. However, the disappearance of books jeopardized the possibility of full personality formation.

The memory of the exploits of our ancestors is of great importance. This applies, of course, to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Quite a lot of time has passed since great victory, but attention to this event does not decrease over the years. The bitter experience of the past teaches new generations courage, love for the Motherland, and warns against making unforgivable mistakes. How would a person learn this if there was no place in his memory for the events of the Great Patriotic War?

The role of memory in human life cannot be overestimated. It is memory that accumulates the knowledge a person needs, teaches him to do the right thing, to distinguish good from bad. Therefore, memory can be called the basis for the successful functioning of society.

School is a wonderful time, and finishing it is an even more joyful moment for many students. There is only one thing that upsets me - passing exams, be it 9th or 11th grade. But if passing the State Exam in 9th grade is not so difficult, then the Unified State Exam in 11th grade is much more difficult. Each student chooses additional items necessary for further admission. But do not forget about the mandatory exams - Russian language and mathematics.

Special attention should be paid to the Russian language, since passing this subject is not so easy. It is necessary not only to have good knowledge of the subject, but also not to forget about the intricacies of the tasks. Let's figure out how to write an essay on the Russian language. The Unified State Examination necessarily includes this task.

Essay topics

It is known that the Russian language exam consists of 25 tasks, of which 24 are tests, and the 25th is an essay.

The topics of essays in the Russian language (the Unified State Exam involves writing it based on the text proposed in the test) are unknown in general, however, studies of assignments from previous years have shown that there are several main directions for the 25th assignment.

Theme of morality, love and culture

In this direction, excerpts of stories, short stories, and novels that touch on relationships between people can be offered. In this case, the student must understand the concepts of “good” and “evil”, understand what a person’s moral qualities and ethics are.

And, of course, the theme of love. People have been arguing, speculating and philosophizing about this concept for centuries, so it is impossible to give precise advice on writing an essay on this topic. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this direction. You need to remember that kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, respect are all components of love. Guided by these concepts, the examinee will definitely cope with the task.

Culture and art are the next direction. Examples of essays (Unified State Examination in the Russian language) show that this topic covers a wide variety of areas of human life. The student needs to know what role art plays in the life of the individual and society as a whole.

Misunderstanding of generations, tragedy of war

War. This direction is often found in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. In order to cope with this work, the student must have minimal knowledge of the history of our country. Understand what tragedy people experienced during the Great Patriotic War and other equally terrible military events.

“Fathers and Sons” - this is how the next direction can be called. It includes problems of relationships between the older and younger generations. In order to correctly highlight a problem in a text of this type, the examinee must understand the difference between the opinions of people of different ages, and the student will also be helped by the ability to put himself in the shoes of adults and evaluate their actions and the heights of their experience.

Essay structure

The next thing you need to study when looking at essay examples (Unified State Examination in the Russian language) is the structure of your work. Successful assignment writing largely depends on this.

It is obvious that for this exam, more than for any other subject, the correct structure of the essay is important. The Unified State Examination in the Russian language presupposes the ability to construct logically and coordinate work. Therefore, this point should be given a lot of attention. The text can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Identifying the problem.
  3. Disclosure of the problem.
  4. Author's view.
  5. Your personal opinion.
  6. 2 arguments.
  7. Conclusion.

This is what the essay plan looks like (Unified State Exam in Russian). Let's consider each point in detail.


It should be remembered that the introduction should not be too long. 2-4 sentences are enough to set the main idea of ​​your work.

How to start an essay in Russian? The Unified State Exam is a format that allows you to write an introduction in different ways. You can frame the beginning in the form of a question. Eg : “What is war? This is a heavy burden not only for the state, but also for the entire people.".

You can also start your essay with your personal reflection on the topic of the text. Eg: “Misunderstanding between seniors and juniors has always existed. Adults might not understand the child’s action and offend him; children might disobey their parents, not understanding their good intentions. And it’s very difficult, growing up, to understand both adults and children at the same time.”

Additionally, if you can use a quote from an author, philosopher, or playwright, it will serve as a good start to the introduction.

Once you have figured out how to start an essay in Russian, the Unified State Exam and the work itself will not seem as difficult as at first glance.


Next, the essay plan (Unified State Examination in the Russian language) involves a description of the problem. This may be difficult. In order to identify the problem, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Define main idea text.
  2. Identify the direction and topic of the essay.
  3. Evaluate the interaction of the characters and draw conclusions from the text.

By going through these three steps, you will have enough information to identify the problem. There are no strict restrictions on the volume for describing the problem, but 4-5 sentences will be enough. For example: “This text addresses the problem that many names of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War are forgotten, although we remember their exploits.”

Author's view

If you are using an essay template (Unified State Examination in Russian), then the next step is to describe the author’s opinion. That is, this is his personal attitude to the issues raised. Of course, you must understand that the essay format (Unified State Exam in Russian) is not mandatory. The student can change points, but it is necessary to adhere to the structure.

Problems rarely arise in this part, since the examinee is only required to briefly express the author’s attitude to the problem being described. Often it can be expressed in the text itself, therefore the use of quotations is allowed.

Personal opinion and argumentation

Up to this point, we actively used essay examples (Unified State Examination in the Russian language), which you can use in your preparation for the exam. However, at the stage of describing personal opinion, they are of little help.

In this part, the structure of the essay (Unified State Examination in the Russian language) involves the student expressing his personal view of the problem. You may agree with the author or, conversely, have the opposite opinion. But the most important thing is that you must justify it correctly.

Paying attention to the essay template (Unified State Examination in the Russian language), you should separately study the argumentation point. It requires at least two arguments, of which one must be taken from fiction. The second can be cited from the media, history, life or fiction.

What works can be used for argumentation?

  1. Of course, the most “filled” with events, themes and individual trends is “War and Peace”. In this novel you can find arguments for absolutely any direction of your essay. There are also themes of love, friendship, morality, war, etc. Therefore, if you know this work well and have read it in full, you will definitely not have problems with this.
  2. The next example in which you can find enough arguments is “Eugene Onegin”. This work is a good “collection” for arguments in the direction of love, enmity and friendship, mistakes and defeats, etc.
  3. And one more work that can be included in this trio is “Quiet Don”. This novel fully reveals the theme of the tragedies of war, touches on difficult relationships between generations, vividly expresses the bitterness and joy of friendship and, of course, includes complex relationships between the characters, among which love ones are not excluded. Therefore, this work is recommended to be read before writing an essay.


What examples of essays (Unified State Examination in the Russian language) can be given in this case? It all depends on the specific topic of your essay. Let us assume that the topic of the work is the proposition: “Love and reason cannot interact together.”

By expressing your opinion, you can either agree with this point of view or refute it. Example: “Indeed, when a person loves, he can rarely submit to the will of his mind if his heart does not desire it. Tatiana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” can serve as proof of this. The girl, having fallen hopelessly in love with young Eugene, writes him a letter of recognition, although, seeing the character of the selfish young man, had to think more than once about the necessity of her action. Later, this decision turned into a tragedy for the girl.”

But, surprisingly, in the same work we can find the opposite argument to this judgment. “In my opinion, both love and reason can exist together. A sad example of this is Eugene Onegin in the novel of the same name. Already at the end of the work, the young man realizes all his mistakes in relation to Tatyana, who was deeply in love with Eugene. A few years later, Onegin still realizes that he is in love with a girl. He fights this feeling, but still gives in and confesses everything to Tatyana. But the girl refuses. Eugene in this case is an example of how the mind and feelings can interact.”


The outcome of your essay may vary. Your task is simply to draw a conclusion based on the work done. Eg: “Culture plays a huge role in human life, and we must take care of it, both materially and spiritually.”

The main thing is that your thought is final and reflects the essence of your essay. Well, after that all that remains is to wait for the results of your work. If you have taken into account all the criteria and listened to the advice described in the article, then you should completely understand how to write an essay on the Russian language. The Unified State Exam is not scary, rest assured: your work is worthy of a high score.

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