Embellishment crossword puzzle. Embellishing reality. Alternative crossword questions for the word idealist

A person who tends to embellish reality

The first letter is "i"

Second letter "d"

Third letter "e"

The last letter of the letter is "t"

Answer for the question "A person who tends to embellish reality", 8 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word idealist

Antonym materialist


Dreamer with pink glasses

He tends to embellish reality

The opposite of a materialist

Striving for lofty goals

Karas Saltykova-Shchedrina

Definition of the word idealist in dictionaries

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. Adherent of idealism (1*). Representative of idealism (1*). m. One who tends to idealize reality. One who is committed to high moral ideals and is guided by them in life.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-a,m. Follower of idealistic philosophy. A person who idealizes reality, a dreamer (obsolete). A person whose behavior and life is guided by idealistic (see idealism in 3 meanings) principles. and. idealist, -and (to 2 and 3 meanings)....

Examples of the use of the word idealist in literature.

It turned out that both idealist they dreamed of a nuclear-free world, believed that it was possible, and, what was especially provocative, they did not hesitate to talk about it.

In front of me, if I'm being cynical, sits a complete unmercenary and idealist, who devoted absolutely all his thoughts to the good of the state.

In a word, in many ways it was unmercenary and almost idealist.

Intellectualist Sensualist Idealist Materialist Optimist Pessimist Religious Irreligious Indeterminist Determinist, fatalist Monist Pluralist Dogmatist Skeptic This comparison touches on various problems already familiar to us from the chapter on nominalism and realism.

Severe, fearless frankness - for what has always repelled him idealists, more precisely, idealizers and zealots of man and attracted passionate seekers of truth, whatever it may be.

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History knows many cases where scammers successfully deceived honest people, just remember financial pyramids. And traditionally, lying was considered socially unacceptable. However, modern scientists have come to a different opinion: everyone lies, and there is nothing wrong with that. Psychologists have identified 4 types of lies and explained in which cases deliberate distortion of the truth is dangerous for relationships, and when it can be tolerated.

website I carefully studied a lot of research and found out why squeaky clean people don’t exist in the world.

There is nothing tragic about lying

The character of the famous TV series Dr. House repeated: “Everyone lies” and he was right. Psychologists once conducted a large-scale study and found out that each of us lies at least 1-2 times a day. In most cases, these lies are harmless and do not harm anyone.

The fact that all people are liars should not surprise you. The ability to tell lies appeared in us thanks to evolution and helped our ancestors survive in difficult conditions. Lying is the ability to manipulate others without the use of physical force. Since ancient times, it has given humanity the opportunity to fight for better resources, partners and for power, of course.

The first lie comes out of our lips at the age of 4–5. It is at this age that children learn to lie. But neuroscientists say lying is an important social skill. It develops the ability to recognize the rules of behavior in society, develops imagination and even teaches empathy (through the ability to put oneself in the place of another person).

So lying is a normal part of our lives, including family life. However, there are different types of lies, and in order to save your nerves, it is important to learn to separate dangerous lies from harmless ones. Here are 4 reasons why we hear lies even from those closest to us.

1. The desire to meet your partner’s expectations

This is the most harmless type of lie that we use almost every day. If you think that you are crystal honest with others, then remember how many times you said “you look great”, although you didn’t think so at all. Psychologists call such lies good-hearted.

Probably each of us has a close friend or relative who loves to be the center of attention. However, having a reason to be interesting to everyone is difficult. And this is where lies come to the rescue. Such people make up stories to attract the attention of a partner or friend. This type includes both those who embellish their lives and complainers of all stripes.

Generally speaking, such a lie is harmless to others: well, a person invents non-existent events, and so what? Only lying and embellishing one’s life means that a person is dissatisfied with himself. He lacks the courage to face reality and take life into his own hands.

3. Pursuit of selfish goals

This type of lie is based on self-interest. A person who tells a lie is trying to achieve a very specific benefit for himself. This is a real “big lie” for your own good. This includes an attempt to conceal infidelity or financial fraud with a joint account.

Psychologists note that the closer people are to each other, the more likely it is that the lie will be global. For example, we don’t really need to lie to a stranger, but relatives often lie to each other big time.

Sophisticated liars are concerned with the impression they make on others. These are charming extroverts whom you want to believe.

However, psychologists know exactly who hardly lies, even to gain benefit for themselves. These are people who are depressed. When in their darkest moods, they evaluate themselves and those around them with ruthless honesty. True, some doctors argue that deadly honesty is harmful to health - sometimes a little self-deception can save you from the blues.

4. Lying for fun

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