Trial test in physics. VPR in physics: reviewing assignments with the teacher. Evaluation system for individual tasks and work as a whole

Sample VPR 2018 in physics, grade 11 with answers. All-Russian test work 2018 in physics, grade 11, contains 18 tasks. You are given 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) to complete the physics work.

1. Read the list of concepts you encountered in the physics course:

electrical capacity, pascal, liter, energy, henry, density

Divide these concepts into two groups according to the criteria you choose. Write down the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

Name of concept group Concepts

2. Choose two true statements about physical quantities or concepts. Write down their numbers in response.

1. Elastic deformations are those that disappear after the action of external forces ceases.
2. With uniformly accelerated motion, a body travels the same distances every hour.
3. The kinetic energy of a body depends on the height at which the body is located above the Earth’s surface.
4. The Ampere force is the force with which an electric field acts on charged particles.
5. Photons do not have rest mass and move in a vacuum at a speed equal to the speed of light in a vacuum.

3. When air flows out of an inflated balloon, it begins to move (see figure).

What is this type of motion called in physics?

4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with phrases from the list given.

The figure shows the moment of a demonstration experiment to test Lenz's rule, when all objects are motionless. The south pole of the magnet is inside the solid metal ring, but does not touch it. The rocker arm with metal rings can rotate freely around the vertical support. If you start to pull the magnet out of the solid ring, the ring will be ________________________________. If the magnet starts ______________________ with a cut, then the ring will be ___________________________.

List of phrases

stay still
follow the magnet
push away from a magnet
push out of the ring
slide into the ring

5. A slightly inflated and tied balloon was placed under the bell of the air pump. As air is pumped out from under the bell, the ball inflates (see figure). How does the volume of air in the ball, its pressure and density change?

For each value, determine the nature of the change and put the “٧” sign in the table in the required cell.

6. A bound system of elementary particles contains 9 electrons, 10 neutrons and 8 protons. Using a fragment of the Periodic Table of Elements by D.I. Mendeleev, determine which element this bound system is an ion or neutral atom.

7. Figures A, B, C show the emission spectra of atomic vapors of strontium, an unknown sample and calcium. Does the sample contain strontium and calcium? Explain your answer.

8. Water, the initial temperature of which is 25 °C, is heated on a stove with constant power. Heating water to boiling temperature required energy equal to 100 kJ. Next, 40 kJ were spent on boiling water. Draw the described processes on a graph of the dependence of water temperature on the energy received.

9. In the summer, Andrey lives in a country house in which the electrical wiring is made with copper wires with a cross-section of 1.5 mm2. The line for sockets is equipped with an automatic switch with a trip setting of 16A (the circuit opens when this current value is exceeded). Electrical voltage 220 V.

The table shows the electrical appliances used in the house and the power they consume.

The house has an electric heater. Which of the following devices can be connected to the network in addition to the heater? Write down the solution and answer.

10. Atmospheric pressure was measured using a barometer. The upper scale of the barometer is graduated in mmHg. Art., and the lower scale is in hPa (see figure). The error in pressure measurements is equal to the barometer scale division.

Write down the barometer reading in mmHg as your answer. Art. taking into account measurement error.

11. The astronauts studied the dependence of gravity on body mass on the planet they visited. The error in measuring gravity is 2.5 N, and body weight is 50 g. The measurement results, taking into account their error, are presented in the figure.

What is the approximate acceleration due to gravity on this planet?

12. A magnet is inserted into the inductor. At the same time, an induction current arises in its winding. You need to investigate whether the direction of the induced current arising in the coil depends on the direction of the vector
magnetic induction of a magnet. The following equipment is available (see picture):

- inductor;
- ammeter (on the scale of which “0” is in the middle);
- magnet;
- connecting wires.

In response:
1. Describe the experimental setup.
2. Describe the procedure for conducting the study.

13. Match between technical devices and physical phenomena underlying the principle of their operation.
For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Technical devices

A. DC motor
B. incandescent lamp

Physical phenomena

1) interaction of permanent magnets
2) the effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor
3) thermal effect of current
4) chemical action current

Read a fragment of the instructions for the washing machine and complete tasks 14 and 15.

Before plugging in the machine, connect the ground wire to the water pipe if it is made of metal. If water is supplied through pipes made of synthetic material such as vinyl, grounding cannot be made to the water pipe. A different grounding method must be used.

Caution: Do not connect the ground wire to a gas pipe, lightning rod, telephone lines, etc.

For maximum safety, connect the ground wire to a copper ground plate or stake and bury the plate or stake at least 20cm deep in the ground.

14. The instructions require connecting the ground wire when installing the washing machine. Why is grounding done?

15. Why do the instructions prohibit grounding through a water pipe made of a synthetic material such as vinyl?

Read the text and complete tasks 16–18.


X-rays are electromagnetic waves whose photon energy falls on the electromagnetic wave scale between ultraviolet radiation and gamma radiation.
X-rays are generated whenever electrons moving at high speed are slowed down by the anode material (for example, in a low-pressure gas discharge tube). The part of the energy that is not dissipated in the form of heat is converted into the energy of electromagnetic waves (X-rays).
There are two types of X-rays: bremsstrahlung and characteristic. Brake x-ray radiation is not monochromatic, it is characterized by a variety of wavelengths, which can be represented by a continuous
(continuous) spectrum.
Characteristic X-ray radiation has a line spectrum rather than a continuous one. This type of radiation occurs when a fast electron, reaching the anode, knocks electrons out of the inner electron shells of the anode atoms. The empty spaces in the shells are occupied by other electrons of the atom. In this case, X-ray radiation is emitted with an energy spectrum characteristic of the anode material.
Monochromatic X-rays, whose wavelengths are comparable to the size of atoms, are widely used to study the structure of substances. This method is based on the phenomenon of diffraction x-rays on three-dimensional crystal lattice. X-ray diffraction by single crystals was discovered in 1912 by M. Laue. Directing a narrow beam of X-rays at a stationary crystal, he observed a diffraction pattern on a plate placed behind the crystal, which consisted of a large number of spots arranged in a certain order.
The diffraction pattern obtained from polycrystalline material (such as metals) is a set of clearly defined rings. Amorphous materials (or liquids) produce a diffraction pattern with blurry rings.

16. Which type of X-ray radiation has a line spectrum?

17. The figures show diffraction patterns obtained on a single crystal, metal foil and water. Which of the pictures corresponds to diffraction by a single crystal?

18. Is it possible to study the atomic structure of a single crystal using infrared rays? Explain your answer.

Answers to Sample VPR 2018 in physics, grade 11
Name of concept group
Physical quantities
Units of physical quantities
Density, energy, electrical capacity
Henry, pascal, liter
2. 15
3. jet propulsion (or jet propulsion)
4. move after the magnet push into the ring / pull out of the ring remain motionless
The volume of air in the ball increases.
The air pressure in the ball decreases.
The air density in the ball decreases.
6. oxygen ion
7. The spectrum of the sample contains spectral lines of atomic strontium, but there are no spectral lines of calcium. Therefore, the unknown sample contains strontium but does not contain calcium.

9. The maximum power for which the wiring is designed is P = IU= 16,220 = 3520 W.
The total power of all electrical appliances connected to the network should not exceed 3.5 kW. The electric heater has a power of 2000 W. This means that at the same time you can connect to the network either only the iron, or only the TV, or only the microwave oven. Or you can turn on the TV and microwave oven at the same time (their total power consumption is 1300 W)
10. (744 ± 1) mm Hg. Art.
11. any value in the range from 7.3 to 8.8 m/s 2
1) The installation shown in the figure is used. The coil is connected to an ammeter. A magnet is inserted into the coil and the appearance of an induction current is observed.
2) The direction of the magnetic induction vector of the magnet is changed by introducing the magnet into the coil, first north, and then south pole. In this case, the speed of the magnet in the two experiments is approximately the same.
3) The direction of the induction current is judged by the direction of deflection of the ammeter needle.
13. 23
14. If there is a problem with the electrical network of the machine, its body may become energized.
If the body of the machine is grounded, then when you touch it, no current will flow through the human body, since its resistance is much greater than the resistance of the ground wire.
15. A plastic (vinyl) pipe does not conduct electric current, which means it cannot be used for grounding.
16. characteristic x-ray radiation
17. 2
1) It is impossible.
2) The wavelengths of infrared radiation are much larger than the sizes of atoms, so IR rays will bend around atoms (“without noticing” them)

Authors: Lebedeva Alevtina Sergeevna, Physics teacher, 27 years of work experience. Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region (2013), Gratitude from the Head of Voskresensky municipal district(2015), Certificate of the President of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics and Physics of the Moscow Region (2015).

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Average general education

Line UMK N. S. Purysheva. Physics (10-11) (BU)

Line UMK G. Ya. Myakisheva, M.A. Petrova. Physics (10-11) (B)

Line UMK G. Ya. Myakishev. Physics (10-11) (U)

The All-Russian test includes 18 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the physics work. You are allowed to use a calculator when completing assignments. The work includes groups of tasks that test skills that are integral part requirements for the level of training of graduates. When developing content test work takes into account the need to assess the mastery of content elements from all sections of the basic level physics course: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics. The table shows the distribution of assignments across sections of the course. Some of the tasks in the work are complex in nature and include content elements from different sections; tasks 15–18 are based on textual information, which can also relate to several sections of the physics course at once. Table 1 shows the distribution of tasks for the main content sections of the physics course.

Table 1. Distribution of tasks according to the main content sections of the physics course

The VPR is developed based on the need to verify the requirements for the level of training of graduates. Table 2 shows the distribution of tasks by basic skills and methods of action.

Table 2. Distribution of tasks by types of skills and methods of action

Basic skills and methods of action

Number of tasks

Know/understand the meaning of physical concepts, quantities, laws. Describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies

Explain the structure and operating principle of technical objects, give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge

Distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories, draw conclusions based on experimental data, conduct experiments to study the studied phenomena and processes

Perceive and, based on the knowledge gained, independently evaluate information contained in the media, the Internet, and popular science articles

Evaluation system for individual tasks and work as a whole

Tasks 2, 4–7, 9–11, 13–17 are considered completed if the answer recorded by the student matches the correct answer. Completion of each of tasks 4–7, 9–11, 14, 16 and 17 is scored 1 point. Completion of each of tasks 2, 13 and 15 is scored 2 points if both elements of the answer are correct; 1 point if there is an error in indicating one of the given answer options. The completion of each of the tasks with a detailed answer 1, 3, 8, 12 and 18 is assessed taking into account the correctness and completeness of the answer. For each task with a detailed answer, instructions are provided that indicate what each point is awarded for - from zero to the maximum point.

Exercise 1

Read the list of concepts that you encountered in the physics course: Convection, degrees Celsius, Ohm, Photoelectric effect, Light dispersion, centimeter

Divide these concepts into two groups according to the criteria you choose. Write down the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

Name of concept group

List of concepts


The task requires dividing concepts into two groups according to a selected criterion, recording the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in a table.

Be able to select only physical phenomena from the proposed phenomena. Remember the list of physical quantities and their units of measurement.

The body moves along the axis OH. The figure shows a graph of the projection of the body velocity onto the axis OH from time t.

Using the picture, select from the list provided two

  1. At a moment in time t 1 body was at rest.
  2. t 2 < t < t 3 the body moved uniformly
  3. Over a period of time t 3 < t < t 5, the body coordinate did not change.
  4. At a moment in time t t 2
  5. At a moment in time t 4 body acceleration modulus is less than at the moment of time t 1


When performing this task, it is important to correctly read the graph of the velocity projection versus time. Determine the nature of body movement in individual areas. Determine where the body was at rest or moving uniformly. Select the area where the speed of the body changed. From the proposed statements, it is reasonable to exclude those that do not apply. As a result, we settle on true statements. This statement 1: At a moment in time t 1 the body was at rest, so the projection of velocity is 0. Statement 4: At a moment in time t 5 the coordinate of the body was greater than at the moment of time t 2 when v x= 0. The projection of the body velocity was greater in value. Having written the equation for the dependence of the body’s coordinates on time, we see that x(t) = v x t + x 0 , x 0 – initial coordinate of the body.

Difficult questions of the Unified State Exam in physics: Methods for solving problems on mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations

The body floats up from the bottom of a glass of water (see picture). Draw in this figure the forces acting on the body and the direction of its acceleration.


We carefully read the task. We pay attention to what happens to the cork in the glass. The cork floats up from the bottom of a glass of water, and with acceleration. We indicate the forces acting on the plug. This is the force of gravity m acting from the Earth, the Archimedes force A, acting on the part of the liquid, and the resistance force of the liquid c. It is important to understand that the sum of the modules of the gravity vectors and the fluid resistance force is less than the module of the Archimedean force. This means that the resulting force is directed upward, according to Newton’s second law, the acceleration vector has the same direction. The acceleration vector is directed in the direction of the Archimedes force A

Task 4

Read the text and fill in the missing words: decreases; increases; does not change. Words in the text may be repeated.

A figure skater, standing on the ice, catches a bouquet that flew up to him horizontally. As a result, the speed of the bouquet is _______________, the speed of the skater is ________________, the momentum of the system of bodies of the skater is the bouquet ___________.


The task requires you to remember the concept of momentum of a body and the law of conservation of momentum. Before the interaction, the skater’s momentum was zero, so he was at rest relative to the Earth. The impulse of the bouquet is maximum. After the interaction, the skater and the bouquet begin to move together at a common speed. Therefore, the speed of the bouquet decreases, skater speed increases. In general, the impulse of the skater-bouquet system is does not change.

Methodological assistance to a physics teacher

Four metal bars were placed close to each other, as shown in the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of heat transfer from block to block. The temperatures of the bars are currently 100 °C, 80 °C, 60 °C, 40 °C. The bar has a temperature of 60 °C.


The change in internal energy and its transfer from one body to another occurs in the process of interaction of bodies. In our case, the change in internal energy occurs due to the collision of chaotically moving molecules of contacting bodies. Heat transfer between the bars occurs from bodies with greater internal energy to bars with less internal energy. The process continues until thermal equilibrium occurs.

Bar B has a temperature of 60°C.

The figure shows PV-diagram of processes in an ideal gas. The mass of the gas is constant. Which part of the spectrum corresponds to isochoric heating?


In order to correctly select the section of the graph corresponding to isochoric heating, it is necessary to recall isoprocesses. The task is simplified by the fact that the graphs are given in axes PV. Isochoric heating is a process in which the volume of an ideal gas does not change, but with increasing temperature the pressure increases. Let's remember - this is Charles' law. Therefore, this is the area OA. Excluding the area OS, where the volume also does not change, but the pressure decreases, which corresponds to cooling of the gas.

Metal ball 1, mounted on a long insulating handle and having a charge + q, are brought alternately into contact with two similar balls 2 and 3, located on insulating supports and having, respectively, charges - q and + q.

What charge will remain on ball No. 3.


After the interaction of the first ball with a second ball of the same size, the charge of these balls will become zero. Since these charges are identical in modulus. After the first ball comes into contact with the third, charge redistribution will occur. The charge will be divided equally. It will be q/2 on each.

Answer: q/2.

Task 8

Determine how much heat will be released in the heating coil in 10 minutes when an electric current of 2 A flows. The resistance of the coil is 15 Ohms.


First of all, let's convert the units of measurement to the SI system. Time t= 600 s, We further note that when current passes I = 2 A spiral with resistance R= 15 Ohm, in 600 s the amount of heat is released Q = I 2 Rt(Joule-Lenz law). Let's substitute numeric values into the formula: Q= (2 A)2 15 Ohm 600 s = 36000 J

Answer: 36000 J.

Task 9

Arrange the types of electromagnetic waves emitted by the Sun in order of decreasing wavelengths. X-ray, infrared, ultraviolet


Familiarization with the scale of electromagnetic waves assumes that the graduate must clearly understand the sequence in which electromagnetic radiation is located. Know the relationship between wavelength and frequency of radiation

Where v– radiation frequency, c– propagation speed electromagnetic radiation. Remember that the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is the same and equal to 300,000 km/s. The scale begins with long waves of lower frequency, this is infrared radiation, the next radiation with a higher frequency, respectively, is ultraviolet radiation, and the higher frequency of the proposed ones is x-ray radiation. Understanding that the frequency increases and the wavelength decreases, we write in the required sequence.

Answer: Infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-ray radiation.

Using a fragment of the Periodic Table chemical elements presented in the figure, determine which isotope of the element is formed as a result of the electronic beta decay of bismuth


β - decay in the atomic nucleus occurs as a result of the transformation of a neutron into a proton with the emission of an electron. As a result of this decay, the number of protons in the nucleus increases by one, and the electric charge increases by one, but the mass number of the nucleus remains unchanged. Thus, the transformation reaction of the element is as follows:

in general. For our case we have:

The charge number 84 corresponds to polonium.

Answer: As a result of the electron beta decay of bismuth, polonium is formed.

On improving the methods of teaching physics in Russia: from the 18th to the 21st centuries

Task 11

A) The division value and the measuring limit of the device are equal, respectively:

  1. 50 A, 2A;
  2. 2 mA, 50 mA;
  3. 10 A, 50 A;
  4. 50 mA, 10 mA.

B) Write down the result of the electrical voltage, taking into account that the measurement error is equal to half the division value.

  1. (2.4 ± 0.1) V
  2. (2.8 ± 0.1) V
  3. (4.4 ± 0.2) V
  4. (4.8 ± 0.2) V


The task tests the ability to record readings of measuring instruments taking into account a given measurement error and the ability to correctly use any measuring instrument (beaker, thermometer, dynamometer, voltmeter, ammeter) in everyday life. In addition, it focuses on recording the result taking into account significant figures. Determine the name of the device. This is a milliAmmeter. A device for measuring current strength. Units of measurement are mA. The measurement limit is the maximum scale value, 50 mA. The division value is 2 mA.

Answer: 2 mA, 50 mA.

If you need to record the readings of a measuring device from a drawing, taking into account the error, then the execution algorithm is as follows:

We determine that the measuring device is a voltmeter. The voltmeter has two measurement scales. We pay attention to which pair of terminals is used on the device, and therefore we work on the upper scale. Measurement limit – 6 V; Value of division With = 0.2 V; The measurement error according to the problem conditions is equal to half the division value. ∆ U= 0.1 V.

Indications of the measuring device taking into account the error: (4.8 ± 0.1) V.

  • Paper;
  • Laser pointer;
  • Protractor;

In response:

  1. Describe the procedure for conducting the study.


You need to investigate how the angle of refraction of light changes depending on the substance in which the phenomenon of refraction of light is observed. The following equipment is available (see picture):

  • Paper;
  • Laser pointer;
  • Semicircular plates made of glass, polystyrene and rock crystal;
  • Protractor;

In response:

  1. Describe the experimental setup.
  2. Describe the procedure

The experiment uses the setup shown in the figure. The angle of incidence and angle of refraction are measured using a protractor. It is necessary to conduct two or three experiments in which a laser pointer beam is directed at plates made of different materials: glass, polystyrene, rock crystal. The angle of incidence of the beam on the flat face of the plate is left unchanged, and the angle of refraction is measured. The obtained values ​​of refraction angles are compared.

VPR in questions and answers

Task 13

Establish a correspondence between examples of manifestations of physical phenomena and physical phenomena. For each example from the first column, select the corresponding name of the physical phenomenon from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



Let us establish a correspondence between examples of the manifestation of physical phenomena and physical phenomena. For each example from the first column, we will select the corresponding names of the physical phenomenon from the second column.

Under the influence electric field of a charged ebonite stick, the needle of an uncharged electrometer is deflected when the stick is brought close to it. Due to the electrification of the conductor through influence. Magnetization of a substance in a magnetic field occurs when iron filings are attracted to a piece of magnetic ore.


Read the text and complete tasks 14 and 15

Electrostatic precipitators

On industrial enterprises Electrical gas purification from solid impurities is widely used. The operation of the electrostatic precipitator is based on the use of corona discharge. You can do the following experiment: a vessel filled with smoke suddenly becomes transparent if sharp metal electrodes charged differently from an electric machine are introduced into it.

The figure shows a diagram of a simple electrostatic precipitator: inside a glass tube there are two electrodes (a metal cylinder and a thin metal wire stretched along its axis). The electrodes are connected to an electrical machine. If you blow a stream of smoke or dust through the tube and operate the machine, then at a certain voltage sufficient to ignite the corona discharge, the emerging stream of air becomes clean and transparent.

This is explained by the fact that when a corona discharge is ignited, the air inside the tube is highly ionized. Gas ions stick to dust particles and thereby charge them. Charged particles under the influence of an electric field move towards the electrodes and settle on them

Task 14

What process is observed in a gas in a strong electric field?


We carefully read the proposed text. We highlight the processes that are described in the condition. We are talking about a corona discharge inside a glass tube. The air is ionized. Gas ions stick to dust particles and thereby charge them. Charged particles under the influence of an electric field move towards the electrodes and settle on them.

Answer: Corona discharge, ionization.

Task 15

Select from the list provided two true statements. Indicate their numbers.

  1. A spark discharge occurs between the two filter electrodes.
  2. You can use silk thread as a thin wire in the filter.
  3. According to the connection of the electrodes shown in the figure, negatively charged particles will settle on the walls of the cylinder.
  4. At low voltages, air purification in the electrostatic precipitator will occur slowly.
  5. A corona discharge can be observed at the tip of a conductor placed in a strong electric field.


To answer, we will use the text about electric precipitators. We exclude incorrect statements from the proposed list using the description of electrical air purification. We look at the figure and pay attention to the connection of the electrodes. The thread is connected to the negative pole, the walls of the cylinder to the positive pole of the source. Charged particles will settle on the walls of the cylinder. True statement 3. A corona discharge can be observed at the tip of a conductor placed in a strong electric field.

Read the text and complete Tasks 16–18

When exploring great depths, underwater vehicles such as bathyscaphes and bathyspheres are used. The bathysphere is a deep-sea apparatus in the shape of a ball, which is lowered into the water from the side of the ship on a steel cable.

Several prototypes of modern bathyspheres appeared in Europe in the 16th–19th centuries. One of them is a diving bell, the design of which was proposed in 1716 by the English astronomer Edmond Halley (see figure). The wooden bell, open at the base, housed up to five people, partially submerged in water. They received air from two barrels lowered alternately from the surface, from where the air entered the bell through a leather sleeve. Wearing a leather helmet, the diver could conduct observations outside the bell, receiving air from it through an additional hose. The exhaust air was released through a tap located at the top of the bell.

The main disadvantage of Halley's bell is that it cannot be used at great depths. As the bell sinks, the density of the air in it increases so much that it becomes impossible to breathe. Moreover, when a diver stays for a long time in a high-pressure zone, the blood and body tissues become saturated with air gases, mainly nitrogen, which can lead to the so-called decompression sickness when the diver rises from depth to the surface of the water.

Prevention of decompression sickness requires compliance with working hours and proper organization of decompression (exit from the high pressure zone).

The time divers stay at depth is regulated by special diving safety rules (see table).

Task 16

How does the air pressure in it change as the bell sinks?

Task 17

How does a diver's permissible working time change as the depth of the dive increases?

Task 16–17. Solution

We read the text carefully and examined the drawing of a diving bell, the design of which was proposed by the English astronomer E. Halley. We got acquainted with the table in which the time divers stay at depth is regulated by special diving safety rules.

Pressure (in addition to atmospheric), atm.

Permissible time spent in the work area

The table shows that the greater the pressure (the greater the depth of the dive), the less time the diver can stay on it.

Task 16. Answer: Air pressure increases

Task 17. Answer: Allowable operating time decreases

Task 18

Is it acceptable for a diver to work at a depth of 30 m for 2.5 hours? Explain your answer.


A diver's work at a depth of 30 meters for 2.5 hours is permissible. Since at a depth of 30 meters the hydrostatic pressure is approximately 3 10 5 Pa or 3 atm atmosphere) in addition to atmospheric pressure. The permissible time for a diver to remain at this pressure is 2 hours 48 minutes, which is more than the required 2.5 hours.

To prepare for the VPR 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

VPR in physics grade 11 options with answers 2018

This test is not mandatory and is carried out in 2018 by decision of the school.

The test in physics includes 18 tasks, and 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted for its completion. Participants in the physics course are allowed to use a calculator.

The work tests the mastery of all sections of the basic level physics course: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics.

When completing VPR tasks, eleventh-graders must demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to describe the structure and principles of operation of various technical objects or recognize the studied phenomena and processes in the world around them. Also, within the framework of the VPR, the ability to work with textual information of physical content is tested.

The following skills are tested here: grouping learned concepts; find definitions of physical quantities or concepts; recognize a physical phenomenon by its description and highlight essential properties in the description of a physical phenomenon; analyze changes in physical quantities in various processes; work with physical models; use physical laws to explain phenomena and processes; build graphs of the dependence of physical quantities that characterize the process according to its description, and apply laws and formulas to calculate quantities.

At the beginning of the work, nine tasks are offered that test graduates’ understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course.

The next group of three tasks checks the level of methodological skills of graduates. The first task is based on a photograph of a measuring device and evaluates the readings taking into account the specified measurement error. The second task tests the ability to analyze experimental data presented in the form of graphs or tables. In the third task from this group, based on a given hypothesis, you are asked to independently plan a simple study and describe its implementation.

Next, a group of three tasks is proposed that tests the ability to apply acquired knowledge to describe the structure and operating principles of various technical objects. The first task asks graduates to identify the physical phenomenon underlying the operating principle of the specified device (or technical object).

Next follow two contextual tasks. They offer a description of a device or a fragment from the instructions for using the device. Based on available information, graduates must identify the phenomenon (process) underlying the operation of the device and demonstrate an understanding of the basic characteristics of the device or the rules for its safe use.

The last group of three tasks tests the ability to work with textual information of physical content. As a rule, the proposed texts contain different kinds graphic information (tables, schematic drawings, graphs). Tasks in the group are structured based on testing various skills in working with text: from questions on highlighting and understanding information presented explicitly in the text, to tasks on applying information from the text and existing knowledge.

VPR in physics for eleventh graders includes 18 tasks, of which basic level difficulty includes 14 numbers, and advanced – 4. The work reflects all aspects studied in school course physics: molecular and quantum physics, mechanics and electrodynamics.

Rating system

90 minutes are allotted for writing a VPR in physics, that is, 2 lessons. Students are permitted to use a non-programmable calculator. The maximum score for the work is 26, the conversion of points into grades is carried out at the discretion of the management of the educational organization.

Examples of tasks with scoring and explanations

Exercise 1

The first task is to group physical terms. The condition gives a list of six concepts - for example:

  • dynamometer, protractor, lens focal length, current, pressure gauge, acceleration
  • farad, airplane flight, newton, ampere, melting ice, electromagnetic wave

You need to divide them into two groups, give them a name and write down the concepts in the group to which they belong, in a table like this:

Group nameList of concepts

The band name shouldn't be too complicated. Most often these are “physical quantities” or “physical phenomena”, or simply an indication of a section of physics in the form of “concepts related to kinematics”.

If all columns of the table are filled out correctly, the student receives 2 points. 1 point is given in the following cases:

  • concepts are distributed correctly, but one of the groups is named incorrectly
  • the groups were named correctly, but 1-2 mistakes were made in the distribution of concepts

In other cases, the student does not receive points for the first assignment.

Task 2

Task number 2 is associated with various motion graphs that display, for example, the dependence of speed or acceleration on time. Example graph:

  1. The car moves uniformly from 30 to 40 seconds
  2. From 30 to 40 seconds the car is at rest
  3. During 50 seconds of observation, the speed of the vehicle increases all the time
  4. In 50 seconds the direction of the car's movement changed
  5. During the acceleration phase, the car moves with an acceleration of 3 m/s2

You need to choose two statements that correspond to the graph. If both selected statements are true, 2 points are given; if only one is true, 1 point; if none, 0.

Task 3

The third task contains a drawing illustrating some physical process. It is necessary to supplement it by depicting the forces acting on a certain object and the possible direction of its acceleration. The picture could look like this:

If everything that is required in the condition is correctly depicted, the student receives 2 points. If the ratio of force values ​​is not drawn as needed, or one other mistake is made - 1 point. In other cases, the student does not receive points for the third task.

Task 4

This task contains a short text (3-4 sentences), in which three missing words are allowed. Since this task is aimed at testing graduates’ knowledge in the field of conservation laws in mechanics, most often either the words “conserved, decreases, increases” or the names of energies are missed. The text does not necessarily use all these words, as they may be repeated. The text could be as follows:

When a gun is fired, the bullet and the gun begin to move in opposite directions at different speeds. In this case, the bullet impulse model ___________. The gun's impulse module when fired is ____________. The total impulse of the gun-bullet system is ____________ and is equal to 0.

If all blanks are filled in correctly, the answer is scored 1 point; if there is at least one error, the answer is scored 0 points.

Task 5

The fifth VPR task in physics is a small task, which is sometimes illustrated with a picture or graph. It belongs to the section of molecular physics.

Most often, you need to either find the change in internal energy, or determine the temperature, or the amount of heat. Here are examples of tasks:

  1. An ideal gas receives 500 J from an external source and does 200 J of work. By what amount does the internal energy of the gas change?
  2. 4 metal bars, heated to different temperatures, were connected to each other according to the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of heat transfer from block to block. At some point in time, the temperature of the bars was 140, 95, 93 and 90 degrees Celsius. Which block has a temperature of 93 degrees Celsius?

For a correct answer the student receives 1 point, for an incorrect answer - 0.

Task 6

This issue is also based on knowledge of molecular physics. A situation is explained, often illustrated, after which 6 statements are given from which the correct ones must be chosen. The number of correct statements is not indicated, which makes the task somewhat more complicated. Here is an example of a task:

The silverback spider grabs an air bubble on the surface of the pond and drags it to the depths to build a house. The water temperature throughout the pond is the same. Choose those statements that correctly characterize the process occurring with air in a bubble:

  1. The volume of air in the bubble decreases
  2. The volume of air in the bubble increases
  3. The mass of air in the bubble remains unchanged
  4. The mass of air in the bubble decreases
  5. The air pressure in the bubble increases
  6. The air pressure in the bubble decreases

If the answer contains all the correct numbers, 1 point is given. If at least one number is written incorrectly (or along with the correct options there is also an incorrect one) – 0 points.

Task 7

The seventh task relates to another section of the subject - electrostatics. It is a small task for which a drawing is given. Most often, the problem is about the readings of electrometers or about the charges of some bodies, for example, cubes, for example:

Glass cubes 1 and 2 were put together, after which a positively charged body was brought to cube 2. Then, without removing this body, the cubes were separated. What charges will each cube have?

The correct answer to the task earns the eleventh grader 1 point.

Task 8

In this issue you need to solve a problem using formulas for calculating physical quantities - for example, emf, resistance, current, electron speed. Examples of tasks:

  1. The iron operates on 220V voltage. In 5 minutes of operation, its heater produced an amount of heat of 30 kJ. Calculate the electrical resistance of the heater.
  2. How long does it take a heater with a resistance of 10 ohms to produce 250 kJ of heat if an electric current of 10 A flows through it?

If the answer contains the required formula correctly and the correct answer is obtained, in which the units of measurement are indicated, it is scored 2 points. If the formula is written correctly, but there is an error in the calculations - 1 point; in all other situations – 0 points.

Task 9

The ninth issue of VPR in physics is aimed at testing students' knowledge on a topic such as electromagnetic waves and induction. The tasks are not very difficult - most often you need to arrange the types of waves in ascending or descending order of their frequency or wavelength.

A correct answer earns the student 1 point.

Task 10

This assignment applies to quantum physics. The condition provides a drawing - most often it is a diagram of the energy levels of an atom or a fragment periodic table Mendeleev. You need to answer a question about this drawing - for example, if the drawing is like this

you will need to indicate in which of the transitions the quantum with the lowest frequency will be absorbed. If a fragment of a table is given, it is usually asked to determine which element is formed after the decay of an isotope.

If this is done correctly, 1 point is given.

Task 11

The eleventh task begins the block related to methods scientific knowledge in physics. In it you need to determine the readings of various instruments - a beaker, barometer, ammeter, voltmeter or dynamometer. Any situation shown in the diagram is given; The size of the measurement error is also given. Examples:

It is necessary to record the readings of the depicted device, taking into account the error. For a correct answer the student receives 1 point, for an incorrect answer - 0.

Task 12

This task belongs to the same block as the previous one, however, unlike it, it belongs to an increased level of complexity. Its essence is to plan a study based on a given hypothesis. The condition gives the hypothesis and available equipment. It is necessary to describe the algorithm of actions during the study, and also draw an experimental setup. Here's an example:

You need to research addiction electrical resistance conductor on its length. The following equipment is available:

  • DC source;
  • voltmeter;
  • ammeter;
  • power supply;
  • connecting wires;
  • key;
  • rheostat.

If the experimental setup is described correctly, and the procedure for conducting the experiment is also described correctly, 2 points are given; if there is an error in the description of the course of the experiment, 1 point is given; in other cases, 0 points.

Task 13

This task begins a block of three numbers related to the structure and operation of technical objects, as well as physical phenomena in life. It is necessary to establish a correspondence between examples from life and physical phenomena. Two examples are given - say, the heating of a pump when inflating a bicycle tire and the attraction of two parallel wires with co-directed electric currents. There are 4 phenomena, which makes it very difficult to guess the answer. If the phenomena for both examples are selected correctly, the answer is scored 2 points, if only one is selected - 1 point, and if the answer is incorrect, 0 points are given for it.

After this, the work provides a text (about a page in size) about some physical device - for example, an internal combustion engine. The history of the creation of the device, the principle of its operation and the main characteristics are described. The following two tasks are associated with it.

Task 14

In the fourteenth task, you need to answer one question related to the content of the text and the operating principle of the device being described - for example, “ what energy conversion occurs in an internal combustion engine" or " what physical phenomenon underlies the action of a wingsuit?" The text does not give a direct answer to the question. If the answer is correct, the student receives 1 point.

Task 15

In the fifteenth issue, you need to choose two correct ones from the five statements related to the topic of the text. If both elements are chosen correctly, the answer is scored 2 points, if only one - 1 point, if none - 0 points.

Further in the text of the work there is another text with which three will be associated latest assignments. The text size is about the same - about a page. The topics of the text can be very different - for example, “ anomalous expansion of water", "radioactive isotopes in medicine" or " Earth's hydrosphere" The text is accompanied by illustrative material - a table or graph.

Task 16

In this task, the student will have to highlight information that is explicitly presented in the text or in illustrative material, so it is one of the easiest in the entire work. For example, if the text talks about the troposphere and indicates the average air density in it, in task 16 they may ask the question “ what is the approximate density of air in the troposphere", that is, you will simply need to rewrite the value from the text. Or, if the following diagram is given -

It may be asked which three gases are the most abundant in the atmosphere. The correct answer earns the student 1 point.

Task 17

This task is somewhat more difficult than the previous one, but it also belongs to the basic level of difficulty. It involves drawing conclusions based on the text and interpreting the information received. For the given table, the question for this task will sound like this: Which gas – nitrogen or oxygen – has more mass in the Earth’s atmosphere? How many times? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. The correct answer is also worth one point.

Task 18

The last task of the work belongs to an increased level of complexity. To successfully complete it, you need to apply not only the information given in the text, but also your own knowledge of the subject. It asks some not very simple question on the topic of the text, sometimes it is even necessary to put forward some own suggestions– for example, “how can we protect the Earth if asteroids are approaching it.” Other example questions:

  1. Does water freeze to the bottom in reservoirs in central Russia?
  2. Is it necessary to install filters that capture soot particles during fuel combustion at thermal power plants?
  3. Are there sudden temperature changes on the ocean coasts?

If a student gives the correct answer to a question and provides a complete argument without errors, he receives 2 points. 1 point is given if the answer is correct, but the argumentation given is not enough, or vice versa - the reasoning in the argumentation is correct, but the answer is not formulated as needed. Otherwise, no points will be awarded for this task.

This benefit fully complies with the federal state educational standard(second generation).
The proposed manual is intended to test the knowledge of 8th grade students. The publication makes it possible to develop the skills and abilities necessary for the successful completion of the All-Russian test work.
The publication contains 18 versions of test papers.
Answers are provided for all tasks.
Each test includes 12 tasks on the topics “Thermal phenomena”, “Electrical phenomena”, “Electromagnetic phenomena”, “Light phenomena” and covers all sections of physics studied in the 8th grade. Four tasks require a short answer; in four tasks you need to do multiple choice, in one task you need to insert missing words into the text and in three tasks a detailed answer is required.

The figure shows a horseshoe-shaped permanent magnet. How are the magnetic field lines of the magnet at point A directed (up, down, right, left, from the observer, to the observer)?

The air temperature was measured with the thermometer shown in the figure. The temperature measurement error is equal to the thermometer division price. Write down in your answer the result of the temperature measurement, taking into account the error.

The glass rod was rubbed on the silk. After this, finely chopped pieces of paper began to stick to the stick. Select all statements that correctly characterize these processes and write down the numbers of the selected statements.
1) The stick and silk have charges of the same sign.
2) The stick and silk have charges of different signs.
3) Pieces of paper are not electrified.
4) Pieces of paper have positive and negative charges.
5) The glass rod acquires a positive charge due to excess electrons.
6) The glass rod acquires a positive charge due to a lack of electrons.

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  • Description of control measuring materials for testing in PHYSICS in 2020, grade 8
  • Physics, grade 8, Test measuring materials, Boboshina S.B., 2014
  • Notebook for laboratory work in physics, grade 8, To the textbook by A.V. Peryshkin “Physics. 8th grade", Minkova R.D., Ivanova V.V., Stepanov S.V., 2020
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