Project "fruits and vegetables - the healthiest foods for humans." Project activity in the senior group "vegetables and fruits - healthy products" Project healthy vegetables and fruits

Elena Kryukova


Children preschool age, as a rule, receive the nutrition they need in preschool institutions and at home. The preschooler's menu must include the required amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fortified and mineral components obtained together with food of animal and plant origin. The main condition for a complete and correct menu is a variety of food products. But besides this, it is important to remember that all food should be natural, harmless and good quality.

Fruits and vegetables contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that can improve general state health, the functioning of all physiological systems of the body and protect against the most serious diseases. Therefore, they should become an integral part of the daily diet of any person.

Raw vegetables and fruits are rightfully considered the healthiest foods. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, strengthen the immune system, and are an excellent preventive measure for many diseases.

A child perceives information better visually, so the knowledge gained is best expressed through artistic creativity. By observing natural phenomena and objects, the child enriches his sensory experience, on which his further creativity is based.

The theme of our project “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” arose after a conversation with children about autumn as the time of harvest. We noticed that children understand the names of fruits and vegetables, but find it difficult to answer the question: “What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits for us?”


Eating vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

The purpose of the project is the formation of children's understanding of vegetable and fruit crops, the ability to distinguish them by appearance, and the consolidation of general concepts of “vegetables and fruits.” Formation of ideas about the benefits of fruits and vegetables for human health, proper nutrition.

Project objectives:

expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits, their beneficial properties, develop cognitive interest, speech;

bring up positive traits child’s personality, develop curiosity, cognitive activity of children, culture of behavior;

develop creative imagination and thinking, communication skills;

to develop children's skills in depicting vegetables, fruits and berries in drawing, appliqué, and modeling classes, using various ways and image media;

make invitations for the autumn holiday.

Expected Result:

development of the child’s spiritually rich personality as an active participant in the project;

expanding knowledge about the benefits of vegetables, fruits, berries;

formation of speech.

Project type: cognitive-creative

Project duration– 1 month (short-term)


children of the older group;


PDO on fine art;

PDO on manual labor;

musical director;


Project stages:

Stage I – Organizational (project development);

Stage II – Preparatory

Stage II – Project implementation

Stage IV – Final

Stage I – Organizational

introduce children to the presentation “Vegetables and Fruits”;

choose fiction to read to children;

select poems and speech activity games on the topic to memorize with children in a group and at home with parents;

pick up didactic material and visual aids on the topic (board games, photographs, pictures, models of fruits and vegetables, etc.);

select all the necessary materials for children’s productive activities;

make a game “What is a still life?”;

tell parents about the project and involve them in joint, creative activities;

drawing up and discussing a phased work plan with all project participants.

Stage II – Preparatory.

creating conditions for organizing and holding events;

preparation of equipment, materials and tools for project implementation;

enrichment of the subject-development environment.

Stage III – Project implementation.

Forms of implementation:

Conversations with children and parents


Examination of illustrations and reproductions, viewing of the presentation

Reading fiction

Game activity.

Carrying out works on visual arts and manual labor

Exhibition of children's creativity

Making invitation cards for a holiday

Providing entertainment

Forms of work with parents:

Conversation “Proper nutrition”

Memo for parents “What foods contain vitamins?”

Consultations: “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products”, “Myths about vegetables and fruits”, “Vitamins in vegetables and fruits”

Creation of the exhibition “Autumn Vernissage”

Stage IV – Final

During the project, children's understanding of vegetables and fruits and their beneficial properties was expanded, cognitive interest increased, and children's speech was enriched with adjectives.

The skills of depicting vegetables, fruits and berries were developed at OOD in drawing, appliqué, and modeling; children performed their work using various methods and means of depiction.

The final event of the project was the autumn festival, which allowed children to show their vocal and choreographic skills, which were appreciated by their parents.

Brief summary of the project: The project is aimed at developing children's knowledge about the benefits of fruits and vegetables. They provide emotional pleasure. During the project, children will learn what vitamins are contained in different vegetables and fruits. Introducing children to a variety of varieties of fruits and vegetables.

What are the benefits of fruits? Fruits strengthen the immune system, which helps our body fight disease. They are also good for the skin. Main beneficial substances: potassium, which helps against fatigue, pale skin color. Some fruits are used for diseases: acute respiratory infections and flu. It is very important to eat not only a lot of fruits every day, but also a wide variety of them.

What vitamins are contained in fruits? Vitamin A Contained in apples, peaches, apricots, pomegranates, etc. Vitamin C Contained in watermelon, apples, grapes, etc. Vitamin B Contained in pears, oranges, apples, etc. Vitamin P Contained in lemons, grapefruits, black currants, etc. Vitamin E Contained in avocados, etc.

What are the benefits of vegetables? Many types of vegetables have healing and dietary properties: they prevent serious diseases, increase human tone and performance. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, promote good digestion and healing the body. Fresh green vegetables are of particular value.

What vitamins are contained in vegetables? Vitamin A Contained in carrots, tomatoes, red peppers, etc. Vitamin B Contained in peas, beans, spinach, etc. Vitamin C Contained in cabbage, lettuce, green peas and beans, radishes, potatoes, etc. Vitamin K Most of it found in spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. Vitamin P Found in carrots, red peppers, parsley, spinach, tomatoes

Riddles about fruits: It is almost like an orange, With thick skin, juicy, There is only one drawback - It is very, very sour. (lemon) This dinner is the best, I’m glad and Misha is glad, After all, today our mother bought us... (grapes) They’re like cucumbers, They only grow in bunches, And these fruits are served to the monkeys for breakfast. (banana) From plant products, From well-known berries, fruits, From everything that is sweet, juicy, What is edible and not so much, For all the children to eat, We can cook... (jam) Round, rosy, I grow on a branch. Adults and little children love me. (Apple) Red beads hang from the bushes looking at us, Children, birds and bears love these beads very much. (Raspberries) The long-legged one boasts The long-legged one boasts I’m not a beauty, But the bone itself And the red blouse. (Cherry) Scarlet itself, sugar, Kaftan green, velvet (Watermelon)

Riddles about vegetables: Golden and healthy, Vitamin-rich, although sharp, It has a bitter taste... It burns... Not lemon. (Onion) Like a log of wood rolled under a leaf in a garden bed - A remote green plant, A tasty small vegetable. (Cucumber) The green fat lady put on a lot of skirts. Stands like a ballerina, made of cape leaves. (Cabbage) Red, kids, but not poppy seed. In the garden - not beetroot. Juicy tasty sir. Did you guess it? (Tomato) (Tomato) There is a yellow ball in the garden. But he doesn’t run at a gallop, He’s like the full moon. The seeds in it are delicious. (Pumpkin) Near the winding path, the sun grows on a leg. When the sun ripens, there will be a handful of grains. (Sunflower) In the green tent the Koloboks sleep sweetly. Lots of round crumbs! What is this? (Peas) (Peas) This is not a toy at all - Fragrant... (Parsley) (Parsley) Although he hasn’t seen the ink, He suddenly became purple, They love the vegetable Vanya, Jean... So this is... (Eggplant) What kind of trotter is this Did you fall over on your side? He is well-fed and salad-like. That's right, kids... (Zucchini) (Zucchini)

Resources: vitaminov-i-ne-poterjat-zdorove.html vitaminov-i-ne-poterjat-zdorove.html eg eg fruit.html fruit.html

Project “Vegetables and fruits are healthy products”

(joint activity of children and parents)

Project type: practice-oriented.

By number of participants: collective.

By the number of participants: mixed (children, parents, teacher).

Goal: to develop children’s understanding of healthy eating and the benefits of vitamins in vegetables and fruits.


1. Systematize and expand children’s knowledge about vegetables and fruits; introduce children to vitamins A, B, C, and reveal their significance for humans.
2.Develop children's cognitive and creative abilities, speech.
3. Foster food hygiene and respect for your health.

Problem: insufficient intake of natural vitamins by children to maintain and improve health.

Expected result:

Children will begin to understand the importance of vitamins for maintaining and strengthening health, and the need for proper nutrition will arise;

The children will develop the ability to carry out search and research activities.

Practical stage


    Group distribution

While working on the project, the guys were divided into groups: “Carrot”, “Lemon”, “Orange”, “Apple”, “Cucumber”

    Collection of information:

Riddles about vegetables and fruits;

Proverbs and sayings;

Information about the benefits of vegetables

Interesting Facts

    Making costumes with the help of parents

    Obtaining natural juices by squeezing with a juicer (with the help of parents)

Presentation of work results (group presentations)

Presenter (parents)

Why are vegetables and fruits considered healthy foods? They contain a lot of vitamins. Vitamins are substances necessary for life, growth, vitality and general well-being. A large amount of vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits. Each vegetable and fruit has its own benefits. The usefulness of vegetables and fruits depends on their quality. The ripest and undamaged fruits are very useful. Vegetables and fruits are healthy to eat in any form: fresh, boiled, stewed, baked, dried and frozen.


ANDyellow-bellied, fragrant,

It's probably sour

Added to tea for taste

Tell me what they call it?

TOhis skin is thick,

The sour taste is always present

Like the sun on a branch,

He's hanging in his vest!

Lemon - small trees from the genus . Lemon is also called this plant.

Lemons are eaten fresh and also used in making confectionery. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, lemons are used for , , , , , , , . IN believed that lemon protects against and is an antidote for snake bites. Eastern medicine considered lemon an excellent remedy for treating wounds and pulmonary diseases and an antidote for various poisonings. In the 11th century wrote about lemon as the best medicine for heart disease.

Lemon is an acid! If you solder a copper wire to one of the LED outputs and a zinc wire to the other and insert the other ends of the wires into a lemon, the LED will light up. How they started eating lemons in England. Composer Dmitry Shostakovich was invited to tea by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. Having finished drinking tea, Shostakovich took a piece of lemon from the glass with a spoon and ate it. According to etiquette, this was not accepted, and everyone present was simply confused. The queen decided to rectify the situation, she also took out a lemon and ate it. Soon the custom of eating lemon from tea spread throughout the country.


The garden bed is long and green,
And in the tub it’s yellow and salty.

No windows, no doors,

The room is full of people.

This crunchy green vegetable is found in almost every household plot. It turns out that the national Slavic snack has a lot interesting facts in its history. Humanity has been eating cucumbers since the time of Mesopotamian civilization - four and a half thousand years. Cucumbers began to be grown as a crop in India. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates spoke about the beneficial properties of cucumbers. Cucumbers were considered an effective remedy for combating many diseases by sorceresses in Rus'. On the Pacific Islands, every product is treated as a real delicacy. Aboriginal people wrap cucumbers in banana leaves and bury them in the ground, thus making reserves in case of a storm or crop failure. They believe: the more cucumbers the groom has in stock, the more materially attractive he looks in the eyes of the bride. On the island of Fiji, parents do not give permission for their daughter to marry until the potential husband presents his supplies of these vegetables. The queen, who has been considered one of the most beautiful women in the world for several centuries, claimed that she owed her beauty to cucumbers. Cleopatra ate them almost daily.


Bright, sweet, poured,
The cover is all gold.

Not with factory candy -

From distant Africa.

He looks like a red ball
Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

It contains a useful vitamin -

This is ripe...

With orange skin
Looks like a ball

But the center is not empty,

And juicy and tasty.

Interesting Facts 1. During the Renaissance, oranges were only on the table of the nobility, and were very expensive, because... It was believed that they ward off the plague.2. If you are low on energy and in a bad mood, just breathe for a couple of minutes over hot water in which the skins of oranges or lemons have been cut - and essential oils will quickly restore vigor and joy.3. In the spring, French women drink orange juice, because they know that at this time no other fruit contains vitamin C.4. For people with schizophrenia, oranges smell like hot pizza.5. Orange is a supplier of inositol (vitamin B8), which regulates fat metabolism in the body, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces vascular spasms, and promotes the elimination of toxins.6. In Odessa there is a monument to Orange. Odessa residents gave a bribe to Pavel 1 in the amount of four thousand oranges so that he would issue an order to build a commercial port in the city.7. According to American scientists, who in a number of experiments found that daily consumption of 250 mg of vitamin C has a beneficial effect on health.8. The smallest relative of the orange is called a kumquat in China, in Japan it is called a kinkan, and to Europeans it is known as a “dwarf orange.”9. Until now, the countries producing this fruit are arguing over the palm tree of the discoverer of this fruit. It is known that the Arabs brought it to the Mediterranean region, and that of all the names for this fruit, the German Apfelsine (“Chinese apple”) has stuck with us.


I am rosy Matryoshka

I won’t tear you away from my friends.

I'll wait until Matryoshka

It will fall into the grass on its own.

Just like a fist,

Red barrel,

You touch it - it's smooth,

And if you take a bite, it’s sweet.

It is enough to eat one apple a dayto energize the body and provide natural protection against bacteria and viruses. In addition, this bulk fruit removes from the body harmful substances, including toxins, cleanses blood and lymph, improves kidney, liver and intestinal function, absorbs cholesterol. The benefits of apples come into play when it comes time to take care of your teeth. Until the baby begins to brush his teeth on his own, an apple will help him with this. It will not only clean the enamel and interdental spaces, but will also help cope with microbes that contribute to the development of caries. Apples are healthy for children in any form: raw, dried, baked. Squeezed juices, compotes, jams and preserves are no less valuable.


    1. The most favorite fruit of the ancient Greeks and Romans was the apple.

    2. Peeling apples is not very healthy. The fact is that it contains fiber that is beneficial for our body (two-thirds) and antioxidants.

    3. Humanity has known and used apples as food since 6500 BC. – this is evidenced by archaeological excavations.

    4. The long-lived apple tree grows in America, in Manhattan. Back in 1647, Peter Stuvensant planted it in his garden. To this day, the apple tree produces pl6. The first apple variety exported from America in 1647 was called Newton Pippin.

    5. The world's leading apple producer is China. In second place is the United States of America.

    6. Different varieties of apples have different numbers of seeds.

  • Carrot

The Maiden hid in the ground.

A braid sticks out of the ground.

I'll pull it out deftly


The red nose has grown into the ground,

And the green tail is on the outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a red nose.

For the curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

It tastes like sweet sugar.

The benefits of carrots for the human body are enormous.Rich compositiondetermines its medicinal and beneficial properties. Carrots contain vitamins: C, K, E, PP, group B, a large amount of carotene - a useful substance that has the ability to be converted into vitamin A in the human body.Nutritional value of carrots:proteins – 1.3%, carbohydrates – 7%. Carrots are also rich inminerals, which are necessary for the human body: iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, iodine, chromium, fluorine, nickel and others. And the peculiar smell of carrots is determined by the presence of special essential oils in it.Beta carotene, contained in carrots, which is a precursor of the valuable vitamin A familiar to everyone, has a beneficial effect onlung function, has a positive effect on work andcondition of the visual organs, strengthens the retina of the eyes, helps cope with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and night blindness. It is especially usefulfor the body of young women– allows you to maintain youthful skin, its health and beauty, and also strengthens hair and nails. Raw carrots are greatheals gums, so chewing carrots is beneficial. The benefits of carrots have been provenfor children, since it is vitamin A that has a significant effect on the growth process. Every day, in the morning on an empty stomach, children should be given from 50 ml to 100 ml of carrot juice.

Carrots are used both raw and boiled, as well as in the form of juice.

Carrot juice is used for medicinal purposes for:

Vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis A;

Cardiovascular diseases;

Arthritis, anemia, polyarthritis;

Kidney and liver diseases;

Presence of gallstones: mix the juice of one lemon and half a glass of hot water and drink. Additionally, drink a mixture of carrot, beet, and cucumber juices (half a glass 3 times a day). The stones begin to pass within a few days;

Violation of mineral metabolism;

Increased acidity;

Runny nose. Carrot juice effectively treats a runny nose - you need to put it in your nose, 2 drops in each nostril.

And now, my friends, let’s prepare juices for the guys.

Short-term project for children 2nd junior group“Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods”

Project type: educational - creative
By duration: short-term (3 weeks)
Project type: group.
Project participants: children, parents and teachers of the second younger group.
- developing motivation in children for a healthy lifestyle through familiarizing children with the variety of varieties of fruits and vegetables, their importance for the body; introducing them to proper nutrition.
- introduce children to a variety of vegetables and fruits, their beneficial properties, formulate children’s ideas about proper and healthy nutrition, healthy products, and strive for a healthy lifestyle in general.
- introduce the concept of “vitamins”, their role in human life;
- to form cognitive interest in the surrounding world, native nature, to enrich and activate lexicon children;
- cultivate a desire for a healthy lifestyle;
- develop skills of cooperation and interaction, activity and independence;
- develop children’s ability to depict vegetables and fruits in drawing, modeling, appliqué, using various methods and means of depiction;
- increase parents’ interest in productive activities with children.
Expected result:
- children know and name vegetables by appearance, color, shape;
- children understand that vegetables grow in the garden, in the garden, and fruits in the garden on the tree;
- children have formed ideas about the benefits of vitamins;
- development of cognitive, research and creativity children;
- increasing speech activity, activating vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables and fruits”;
- show children a desire to eat vegetables in any form (raw, fried, boiled);
- involve parents in the implementation of the project.
Stages of work on the project:
Stage I – preparatory, information and technological (1st week)
Stage II – practical (2-3 weeks)

Setting goals and objectives.
Studying methodological literature.
Selection of fiction.
Selection of benefits for working with children.
Choosing forms of work with parents.
Selection of main activities.
Determining the scope and content of work for project implementation.
Definition and formulation of expected results.
Drawing up an explanatory note and annotation for the project.

Design of the “Vitamins” corner. Instructions for parents (folding folder) about the benefits of vitamins. Consultations “What foods contain vitamins?”
Conversation “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods!”
Presentation “Vegetables and Fruits”
D/I “Vegetables and fruits”
P/I “Harvest”, “Add to cart”
D/I “Test and smell”
Drawing cotton swabs(vegetables and fruits)
Experimental activities and observations:
Identifying vegetables by color, shape, size, taste. The appearance of onion roots (examine them). Germination of onions (appearance of green feathers, show the germination diagram). Explanation of the germination scheme.
Reading “Apple Tree” by I. Tokmakov, “Vegetables” by Y. Tuvim

Modeling “Fruit tree”
P/N “Who can assemble it faster?” "Pass the orange"
Round dance game “We have a vegetable garden”, “Zucchini”.
Role-playing game “In the store”
Reading fairy tales "Tops and Roots"
Learning poems by heart.
Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.
Reading fairy tales, stories (“Turnip”, “Puff”)
Low mobility game “Our garden is fine.”
D/game “Wonderful bag” (guess the vegetables and fruits by touch)
Role-playing game "Vegetable shop"
Collective application “Health Basket”
Final entertainment “Visiting Vitaminka”, a dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Entertainment script “Visiting Vitaminka.”

A teacher enters, dressed in a white robe and cap with a suitcase in his hands.
Educator: Hello guys! You recognized me? Who am I?
- My name is Vitaminka. And I came to you not empty-handed, but with vitamins. Not with the vitamins that are sold in the pharmacy, but with those that grow in garden beds and trees.
He takes out vegetables and fruits from his bag.
Vitamin: Children, look, what kind of vegetable is this? (Shows carrots). It is long and orange, good for vision. (Children's answer)
- Look, what kind of vegetable is this? (Takes out a cucumber). It's green and crispy.
Vitamin: correct. Cucumber helps our stomach work and improves appetite.
What kind of vegetable is this? (takes out cabbage). We need it for growth, and cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin C. Look, it’s round, it has a lot of leaves.
He takes out an apple, then an eggplant. He takes out the next vegetable (shows a tomato) and asks the children what kind of vegetable it is?
Children: tomato.
Vitamin: What color is it? Children's answers. Tomato is an important vegetable, it improves heart function and protects it from diseases.
Vitamin: I have a box with a surprise for the guys.
Shows a box with holes and invites the children to smell and guess what vegetable is in this box? (Kinder surprise box). WITH eyes closed children smell and identify by smell the vegetable that is there - garlic!
With their eyes closed, children try fruits and vegetables.
And in the other there is an orange.
Vitamin: Guys, do you know any poems about vegetables or fruits? (poems tell).
1 child
I'm not a bird - I'm not big.
I am a useful strawberry.
Who will make friends with me -
You won't catch a cold in winter.
2 child
I am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!
3 child
They call me a pear.
I'll tell you, and you listen:
Love me, children!
I am the most useful person in the world.
Vitamin: Where do all the vegetables we talked about today grow?
Children: in the garden.
Vitamin: Where do fruits grow?
Children: on the tree.
Vitamin: What is contained in these fruits and vegetables that are good for our health?
Children: vitamins.
Vitamin: Right. Vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins. Children should definitely eat them - then you will be strong and healthy, and you will never get sick! What vegetables can you cook?
Children: soups, salads... (children's answers).
Vitamin: Can I have some pickles?
Vitamin: Now we will pickle this cabbage.
Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”:
We chop and chop cabbage! (2 times) (the child imitates the chopping movements of an ax, moving his straight palms up and down)
We cut the cabbage, cut it! (2 times) (move the edge of the palm back and forth)
We salt the cabbage, we salt it! (2 times) (gather your fingers into a pinch and pretend to salt the cabbage)
We press the cabbage, press it! (2 times) (vigorously clench and unclench your fists)
We three carrots, three! (2 times) (clench the right hand into a fist and move it up and down along the straight palm of the left hand, pretending to be a grater..)
Vitamin: We salted a lot of cabbage. Well done boys!
Can you guess riddles about vegetables?
In the summer - in the garden,
Fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty.
- cucumbers -
I grow in the garden.
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup
And that's how they eat.
- tomatoes -
What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I …
- cabbage -
Vitamin: well done guys! Now we all know that vegetables and fruits are healthy foods!
Let's play now? I will lay out cards on the table, name the vegetable, and whoever finds it first picks up the correct card. D/I "Vegetables"
Vitaminka: Guys, do you also want to play?
Round dance game “We have a vegetable garden.”
The teacher sings, and the children move in a circle and sing along:
We have a vegetable garden
There are carrots growing there.
This is the width
Such a height
(A child with a carrot mask stands and dances in a circle)
We'll go to the garden
We'll start a round dance.
We will sing and dance.
Collect our harvest.
Children bend down and collect vegetables from the garden.
It’s time for me to leave, and for the fact that you answered well and completed my tasks, I want to treat you with vitamins. Treats children with apples. Says goodbye to the children and leaves.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

To be healthy and strong.
You have to love vegetables.
All without exception
There is no doubt about it!
Each has its own benefit and taste.
And I don’t dare decide:
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more important?
I'll take everyone with me to the garden
It will be fun for the guys!
The teacher asks the children: What vegetables do you know? (Children's answers)
Well done. And I know one family where they grew a very large vegetable. Want to know which one? Then watch the dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”.
So one day my grandfather decided
Plant a big turnip.
The grandfather and the turnip enter (the grandfather plants the turnip and leaves, the turnip squats)
Leading: The turnip has grown
Large and strong
Round and smooth
Juicy and sweet.
Oh yes, the turnip is on the ridge!
Gold, liquid
And big - very big -
Can't find one like this anywhere!
Grandfather:( comes out and tries to pull a turnip)
Well, a turnip, that's a turnip,
How firmly stuck in the ground!
Grandma, run quickly
Help me pull the turnip!
Grandma comes out:
I'm coming! That's how the turnip is, ah - I - ah,
What a huge loaf!
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip,
They pull little by little
They can't pull it out.
No, we can't rip it off
We need to call our granddaughter.
Granddaughter, granddaughter, run,
Help me pull the turnip!
Granddaughter comes out:
That's how the turnip is, ah - I - ah,
What a huge loaf!
Leading: Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip,
They pull little by little
They can't pull it out.
Grandma: No, we can't rip it off
We need to call Zhuchka.
Granddaughter: Zhuchka, Zhuchka, run to us,
Help me pull turnips!
Bug runs out:
That's how the turnip is, ah - I - ah,
What a huge loaf!
Leading: A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip,
They pull little by little
They can't pull it out.
Granddaughter: No, we can't rip it off
We need to call the cat.
Bug: Cat, cat, run to us,
Help me pull the turnip!
It turns out Cat: That's how the turnip is, ah - I - ah,
What a huge loaf!
Leading: Cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip,
They pull little by little
They can't pull it out.
Bug: No, we can't rip it off
We need to call the mouse.
Cat: Hey little mouse, come out!
Help me pull the turnip!
Runs out Mouse:
Leading: A mouse for a cat
Cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather
Grandfather for the turnip,
We tried our best
The turnip was pulled out!
The garden is turning green,
People are having fun
The sun is laughing in the sky,
Calls us to dance!
(all the heroes of the fairy tale dance to the rhinestone melody)

Perepelkina Elena Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MKDOU No. 1 d\s "Solnyshko"
Locality: r.p. Beads
Name of material: project
Subject:"Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods" in the middle group
Publication date: 12.11.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal government preschool educational institution №1

Combined kindergarten "Sun" Bisert

Project “Vegetables and fruits - healthy products”

in the middle group

Compiled by: Perepelkina E.V.

Project passport

Type of project: educational - research, creative.

Implementation period: short-term (02.10 -06.10.17)

Project participants: teachers, children middle group and parents.


The key to the health of preschoolers is proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition is very important for the harmonious development of a child

preschooler and strengthening his physical health. In preschool children

age there is intensive growth and development, improvement

functions nervous system, metabolic processes are enhanced,

necessary skills and habits are formed, basic

physical qualities, character traits are developed. In a word,

Proper nutrition contributes to the formation of a Healthy Lifestyle

preschoolers and is one of the factors ensuring high

the level of resistance of the child’s body to diseases. Children eating

at home with delicious buns, crackers, chips, they refuse to drink milk,

eat healthy cereals and vegetables prepared by the chef in

kindergarten. They expect their mother to buy them chocolate, pizza,

cola And since the foundations of health are laid in the family, we decided to turn

close attention of parents and children to healthy eating, food,

rich in vitamins - these are vegetables and fruits. It is important to bring awareness to children

the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits for human health, i.e.

instill in children the basics of healthy eating.

Objective of the project: Formation of ideas about proper healthy

nutrition among children and parents for normal life

the body throughout life, about nutritional culture, about a healthy lifestyle


To form in children a cognitive interest in the world around them.

Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits: names, shapes,

color, taste, smell, hardness (softness)

Introduce children to vitamins A, B, C, and reveal their importance for health


To form ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and life

each person

Expand knowledge about the process of preparing soups, vegetable salads and

fruits, teach children how to prepare simple salads and set the table.

To form in children ideas about the relationship between health and proper

To form a community group and a culture of children’s nutrition, a desire to take care of

to your health.

Involve parents and children in joint creative activities

Develop the ability to choose the right foods for a healthy diet.

Activate vocabulary, ability to argue your point

vision, develop attention, memory and logical thinking children; learn

compare, analyze, establish the simplest causal

investigative connections, make generalizations

Problem: Children know little about vitamins necessary for health

do not eat enough natural vegetables and fruits, which

they need to maintain and strengthen their health.

Types of children's activities: gaming, educational and research,

communicative, motor, productive, musical

Organization of game project activities

1 – stage: organizational – preparatory

Defining the problem by identifying the level of development of children and

family educational opportunities;

Study of regulatory documents, general education

preschool education programs, methodological literature, Internet materials on

questions about the identified problem;

Introducing students to the topic using the “Three” model

questions”, discussion of the plan with the families of the pupils;

Collection of information, materials and funds for the implementation of the project;

Creation necessary conditions to implement the project.

2 – stage: main (cycle of practical cases)

Objectives: organizing all types of children’s activities around the project “Vegetables and

fruits are healthy products" in a preschool educational institution, joint activities of the teacher

with children, independent activities of children and joint activities

children with parents.

3 – stage: final

Tasks: organizing activities for the production of project products.

Implementation of the project “Vegetables and fruits - healthy products”.

Solving the assigned tasks of the organizational and preparatory stage,

studied and analyzed the regulatory framework, methodological

literature on organizing project activities with younger children

preschool age and involvement of parents in this activity

(legal representatives) of pupils.

After familiarizing yourself with regulatory documents and methodological

methods of teaching and upbringing that are adequate to the age of children and situations

GEF DO, conditions were created for the implementation of the project in accordance with

requirements of the standard.

The students were introduced to the subject of the project with

using the Three Questions model.

What do we know about vegetables and fruits?

The harvest is harvested in the fall.

Where vegetables and fruits grow.

What is prepared from vegetables and fruits.

What do we want to know about vegetables and fruits?

What vitamins are in vegetables and fruits?

What vegetables are needed to make vinaigrette?

What are the benefits of fruits and vegetables??

What should we do to learn even more about vegetables and fruits?

Ask your parents.

Look in books.

Search on the Internet.

Play new games.

Watch educational cartoons.

Based on children’s statements, content directions were determined

project, discussed this topic with the children.

Forms of work with children to prepare for the implementation of the project:

conducting conversations, game situations;

reading poems, fairy tales, stories about vegetables and fruits; examination

books, viewing presentations;

showing illustrations and pictures of how vegetables are harvested;

cognitive - research activities.

Forms of work with parents to prepare for the implementation of the project:

consultation “Healthy nutrition for children” see Appendix No. 3

children's - parent's projects "how we harvested the harvest."

Stage 2: Basic

Stage 1: Preparatory

Creating a subject-development environment

Accumulation of “information baggage” on the project topic

Selection of literature and illustrative material on the chosen topic.

Selection of didactic and board-printed games

Creation of an album “riddles about vegetables and fruits”

Conducting interviews with children “How to eat right to be


Preparation of the presentation “Vegetables and fruits - healthy products”, “Nutrition”

and health"

Preparation of consultations for parents on the topic “Healthy eating”

healthy child" (about the value of food: vegetables and fruits).

Stage 2: Basic

Conversation “Fruits and vegetables”; “The benefits of vegetables and fruits” see Appendix No. 1

GCD “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

“Vegetables and fruits are healthy products” (with presentation showing)

"Vitamins and healthy products for human health"

see Appendix No. 4

Conversation “Why do you need to wash vegetables?”

“Writing a story about vegetables and fruits” using a diagram

Game situation: “What for what?” (we help mom cook)

Preparing the vinaigrette. see Appendix No. 5

“Our riddles” - writing descriptive riddles about vegetables and fruits

Communication: “Dietary rules and table manners”

Didactic games:

“Tops and Roots”, “Riddles from the Garden Gardens” (silhouette image of vegetables and

fruits, “What grows where?”, “The fourth odd one”, “Healthy products”,

“Merry cooks” (cook borscht and compote, lotto “Couples” (Vegetables and

fruits, “What has changed?”, “Wonderful bag” (guessing vegetables and

fruit by touch, “Find out by taste”, “Find by description”, “Tell me

little word”, “Call it kindly”, “Collect a picture”, “One-many”, “Find out

dish”, “What juice?”, “What jam?”, “Count”, “Guess by

description”, “Cook”, puzzles “Vegetables and fruits”, “What comes first, what

Then?" from seeds to harvest, “Match by color”, “Find a pair”

Role-playing games:

"Shop", "Family", "Birthday"

Reading poems: Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”, U. Rashid “Our Garden”, I.

Vinokurov “Autumn”, G. Davydova “Fruit”

Useful poems about vegetables, fruits and vitamins, see Appendix No. 8

Riddles about healthy products. see Appendix No. 2

The story by Daniil Kharms “A very tasty pie”, b. n. fairy tales "The Man and

bear”, N. Nosov “Cucumbers”, “About turnips”, “Gardeners”, L. Tolstoy

“The Old Man and the Apple Trees”, “Kostochka”, Belarusian folk tale"Puff", S.

Mikhalkov “Dispute of Vegetables”, “Magic Garden”, “About the Girl Yulia,

who ate poorly”, V Suteev “Bag of Apples”, story “Fruits and Vegetables”

(“Learning to eat right” by Yu. P. Klimovich, G. Sapgir “Riddles with

beds”, Y. Akim “Apple tree”, V. Korkin “What grows in our garden bed?”; T.

Bokova “Harvest Festival”, I. Fink “Vegetables and Fruits”, Y. Korinets

“The Last Apple”, E. Trutneva “Harvest”,

Theatrical activities

Fairy tale dramatization: “Turnip” (showing to younger children)

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Drawing “apple, pear..” see Appendix No. 6

Application “Making a book of riddles of vegetables, fruits” see application

Plasticineography “Fruit”

Construction “Different cars carry vegetables and fruits to the store”;

"Vegetable store"

Creation of the album “Proverbs, sayings and riddles about vegetables and fruits”

Coloring pages “Vegetables and fruits” - independent activity for children

Working with stencils: “My favorite vegetables and fruits”

Musical activities:

Round dance "garden-round dance"

game: “Edible-inedible”

Finger gymnastics:

“Orange”, “Vegetables”, “Cabbage”, “Cook, we cook compote.”

Physical education minute:

"Compote", "Vegetable Garden", Apple"

Stage 3: Final

Presentation of children's books on the topic: “Vegetables and fruits are healthy


Final event: compiling a book “riddles about vegetables and fruits”

Photo report at the end of the project.

Competition of creative works of children and parents made from natural materials

“Gifts of Nature” - (unusual fruits and vegetables)

Working with parents

Conducting consultations for parents on the topic “Healthy eating for

Help parents print out coloring pages for classes on the topic: “Vegetables and

Parents involve their children in cooking together at home

from fruits and vegetables.

Project results:

Children are aware of the need to eat vegetables and fruits for

strengthen your health

Know about the vitamins contained in vegetables, fruits and berries, their beneficial


Able to compare, classify vegetables and fruits and choose useful ones

healthy food products

Children have formed initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Children have practical skills in preparing salad

Children know how to set a table beautifully and they have developed the basics

table manners

Children’s cognitive activity and curiosity have increased

The vocabulary has expanded and the speech activity of children has increased

Children learned to draw conclusions, argue their point of view,

establish cause-and-effect relationships

Joint project activities brought together teachers, children and

parents in general creative work and united the children and adults team.

As a result of working on the project, the children's interest in their

health through healthy eating. Established

relationship to create joint projects with parents, which increases

quality of implementation educational process DOW.


1. S. N. Nikolaeva “Methods of environmental education in kindergarten” -

M: "Enlightenment", 1999

2. O. F. Gorbatenko “The system of environmental education in preschool educational institutions - Volgograd:

"Teacher", 2008

3. O. A. Solomennikova “Acquaintance with nature”

4. I. A. Lykova “Art activities in kindergarten” Average

group-M: “Karapuz-Didactics”, 2007

5. A. N. Malysheva, N. V. Ermolaeva “Applique in kindergarten” -

Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 2000

6. G. N. Davydova “Plasticineography” - M: publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”,

7. V. And Kovalko “The ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers” Moscow. Waco.

8. O. S. Ushakova Classes on speech development for children 3-5 years old Creative

center Moscow 2010.

Photo app


Appendix No. 1

Conversation about benefits vegetables and fruits.


Yesterday, the Doll’s mother told me that her children began to get sick more often, they don’t have enough

vitamins Children really need vitamins to strengthen their bodies. Her children are very

love. The vitamins are delicious and beautiful.

Have you guys tried vitamins?

Vitamins don't only come in tablets.

And in which foods contain vitamins?

Need to eat more vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of vitamins A, B, C, D.

Now listen to which products they are contained and what they are needed for.

Vitamin A - carrots, fish, sweet peppers, eggs, parsley. Important for vision.

Vitamin B - meat, milk, nuts, bread, chicken, peas (for the heart).

Vitamin C - citrus fruits, cabbage, onions, radishes, currants (for colds).

Vitamin D - sun, fish oil (for bones).

Now I will show you pictures, and you will show me you will talk what's on them

is depicted, and we will find out what contains a large amount of vitamins!

(I show the image one by one vegetables and fruits, and children call not only itself

name, but also answer the questions: what (color, shape, taste,

Lemon – yellow, juicy, sour, oval;

Orange – orange, round, sweet, juicy;

Pear – sweet, yellow, juicy, hard;

Apple – sweet, red, juicy, round;

Plum – blue, oval, sweet, juicy;

Peach – round, juicy, pink, sweet.

Physical exercise "Gardener"

Yesterday we walked in the garden, They walk in a circle, holding hands.

We planted currants. “Dig” a hole and “plant” it

We whitened the apple trees with lime and whitewash. Move your right hand up and down.

We repaired the fence, “Hit” with a hammer.

We started a conversation: One child comes into the circle.

- Tell me, our gardener,

What will you give us as a reward?

I’ll give you purple plums as a reward. Bend one finger at a time.

Honey pears, the largest,

A whole kilogram of ripe apples and cherries.

This is what I will give you as a reward!

Educator: Oh. Someone is coming towards us! Who are these guys? (The door opens to visit

The guys received an Alenka doll).

Doll Alenka: Hello guys! I heard that you get sick often? But I don’t! A

do you know why? Listen here!

I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, C.

It is very important early in the morning

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread useful to us

And not just in the morning.

Remember the simple truth

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots,

Or drinks carrot juice.

Oranges help with colds and sore throats.

Well, it's better to eat a lemon

Although it is very sour.

Game: “Right or wrong!”

I will read the quatrains about products. If they talk about useful things, then you

everyone says together: “That’s right, that’s right, that’s absolutely right!”

And if you talk about something that is harmful to health, you remain silent.

1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,

And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.

2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets

Eat candy, chew toffee, be slim, become like a cypress.

3. To eat healthy, you will remember the advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter, fish, honey and grapes.

4. No healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits.

And to Seryozha and Irina everyone vitamins are useful.

5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat.

He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.

6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,

Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.

Well done, I will definitely tell your mothers that you know how to choose useful


Appendix No. 2

Riddles about healthy products.

Vitamin: “Guys, do you like to solve riddles? I brought you a magical

basket with riddles. So, listen carefully to give the correct answer:

A) Grandfather is sitting, dressed in fur coats

who undresses him

he sheds tears! (onion)

b) In the summer there are fresh greens in the garden,

and in winter they are yellow and salty in a barrel

Well done, guess what our name is (cucumbers)

V) And there are long riddles in this garden bed.

In this garden there is Santa Claus

hides red nose in summer (carrot)

G) Round, rosy, juicy and sweet.

Juicy and sweet, very aromatic.

Bulk, smooth,

heavy, big, what is it? (apple)

d) Bright yellow, fragrant,

sour, but tastes good.

It's very good with tea

It's called (lemon)

e) The lady sat down in the garden bed,

Dressed in noisy silks.

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt (cabbage)

g) And green and thick, a bush grew in the garden bed

began to pinch, began to cry and sob (green onions)

h) A bush is tied to a peg

there are balls on the bush

Sides exposed to the sun

Turn red from the heat (tomato)"

Tell children about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health.


“Guys, do you know what vitamins are and where they can be found? Vitamins are like this

beneficial substances that are found in all vegetables and fruits. To feel good

feel, be healthy and vigorous, a person needs to eat and

vegetables and fruits. Scientists have given each vitamin its own name. For example, there is

vitamins: A, B, C, D. Each vitamin is useful to our body in its own way:

Vitamin A– very important for vision and skin,

Vitamin IN– promotes good heart function,

Vitamin WITH– strengthens the entire body, makes a person healthier,

Vitamin D– makes our arms and legs strong.

Children, together with Vitaminka, look at posters depicting vegetables and fruits,

belonging to a specific group of vitamins.


“Guys, what foods do you think contain a lot of vitamins?” (raw vegetables,

fresh fruits).

Poems about foods containing vitamins.


“Guys, there are also good poems in my magic basket. Want to listen?:

*Remember the simple truth, only the one who chews raw carrots sees better

Or drinks carrot juice.

* For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat lemon,

Although it is very sour.

* Try to decide

A simple task:

What is healthier to chew?

Pear or chewing gum?

Appendix No. 3

Consultation for parents "Healthy eating for children"

Baby food.

Proper nutrition is the key to health, as each of us knows. However, unfortunately, little

who can answer affirmatively to the questions: “Are you eating right? ",

“Are you feeding your baby correctly? "What baby would voluntarily give up

chocolates and chips in favor of oatmeal? How to get kids interested in questions

proper nutrition? How to teach to love stewed vegetables, dairy dishes and jelly?

How to prepare various healthy dishes and drinks?

A problem that kindergarten teachers often face is non-compliance

children's diet at home. Children often arrive late for breakfast, having had a snack.

something at home, or come to the group with candy or gingerbread in their hands. In the evening,

When parents pick up their children from kindergarten, they pamper them with sweets, forgetting about what is happening at home

dinner is waiting. Based on this, we can conclude that the work of educating culture

Nutrition for children must begin with adults.

You should know this!

Forming healthy eating habits begins in early childhood.

The process of children eating healthy foods is based on

meaningfulness, positive emotions, arbitrariness of actions.

The following are available to children of primary and secondary preschool age:

ideas: in order not to get sick, you need to eat healthy foods;

healthy foods are vegetables, fruits, milk, juices, bread, fish, meat.

Developing interest in children contributes to faster adaptation to

consumption of healthy foods.

The process of organizing proper nutrition for children is based on

using the game method.

Parents' awareness of the problem and desire to solve it are important.

What is important is the desire of parents to lead a healthy lifestyle (own food,

positive example of an adult.

It is necessary to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in achieving

set tasks (coherence in actions, unity in approaches and


Five rules of baby food.

Food should be simple, tasty and healthy.

The mood while eating should be good.

A child has the right to his own habits, tastes, and aspirations.

The child has the right to know everything about his health.

There are no bad products - only bad cooks.

We need to teach children:

Participate in table setting;

Wash your hands thoroughly before eating;

Chew food with your mouth closed;

Eating on your own;

Eat only at the table;

Use a spoon and fork correctly.

When getting up from the table, check your seat to see if it is clean enough,

the need to remove it yourself;

After finishing the meal, thank those who prepared it and set the table.

When instilling in children the habit of eating different foods, adults must be patient,

since it takes a very long time for children to develop a positive attitude towards food, especially if

There are no common views on this matter in families and kindergartens.

Appendix No. 4

GCD for speech development


To consolidate children's knowledge about: the importance of the work of vegetable growers; and conditions necessary for growth

Improve dialogic speech.

Foster respect for work.


“Wonderful bag” with (4 – 5 vegetables: tomato, carrots, beets, onions, cucumber);


for D/I “What vegetables like (don’t like)” (schematically 2 faces (smiling,

sad), earth, water, light, heat, fertilizers, a lot of water - rain, drought - heat,

cold, harmful insects);

b) tools: shovel, rake, hoe, watering can, man;

c) machines: tractor, truck and potato harvester.

3. System operator

vegetable garden with beds



core (germ)

peel, pulp, seeds

(vegetable cut)


Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

The cat Matroskin comes with a bag in his hands.

K - Hello children! You recognized me? I am the cat Matroskin. I came to you with joy

there is a lot of land. So we decided to plant something useful. Do you want to know what we

shall we grow?

D/I “Wonderful bag”

K – (approaches the child) I have a “Wonderful Bag” with me. Place your hand in it.

Tell me what's in it and what does it feel like?

D - These are carrots (beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions).

D - It is long, hard, elastic, rough, big...

K - Tell me what is this? (generalizing gesture)

D - These are vegetables.

K - Name what other vegetables you know.

D – list.

K - There are so many of them! I don't know anything about vegetables. Tell me about them.

System operator

K – I see you have a “Magic Screen”! (pays attention to the system operator)

If we look at something

It's something, part of something

It's something for something

It's something from something

This something was something

This is something we'll take

This something will be something

And we’ll expand our screen.

We will consider vegetables. (open 1 window)

Explain to me what vegetables, plants or animals are part of?

D – Vegetables are part of plants.

(opens window 2)

K - What do vegetables have?

D - Vegetables have peel, pulp, some seeds, roots, tops.

(window 3 opens)

K - You probably know what seeds are for?

D - Seeds are needed for vegetables to reproduce. (opens 4 approx.)

K - How do potatoes, onions, and garlic reproduce?

D - Potatoes reproduce by tubers, onions by bulbs, garlic by cloves.

K – I want to know what the seed consists of?

D - The seed consists of a peel and an embryo.

(open window 5)

K - What is an embryo?

D - The embryo is a small future plant.

K – What is the seed skin for?

D – The peel protects the seed from damage,

K – Wow, how everything in nature is thought out!

K - I forgot where vegetables grow?

D - Vegetables grow in the garden, in beds, in greenhouses, on collective farm fields. (opens 6

K - Remind me what time of year vegetables are planted?

D – Vegetables are planted in the spring.

D/I “What vegetables like (don’t like)”

(There are 2 cards on the board: a sad and a happy face. Nearby, on the table there are pictures:

sun, earth, water, light bulb, fertilizer, weeds, pests, drought, rain,

K - I want to play with you. The game is called “What vegetables like and don’t like.” Here I have

"Cheerful little man." He wants to know what vegetables like. "Sad" here. He's going

find out what vegetables don't like. Come to me (calls 2 children)! There are pictures on the table.

Select the ones you need; you are for the “Cheerful Man”, you are for the “Sad Man”.

K - Tell me what you like about vegetables?

D - Vegetables love: soil, water, warmth, light, fertilizers.

K – What are fertilizers?

D - Fertilizers are substances that people use to increase crop yields.

K – What don’t vegetables like?

D - Vegetables do not like: drought, rainy summers, weeds, harmful insects.

Physical education moment

Come to the garden and see how everything grows,

How cucumbers play hide and seek in the garden,

Like sunflowers in potatoes, their palms reach out to the sun,

Like beans' mustaches glistening from the morning dew,

How the giant tomatoes turn red near the fence.

Everything grows, everything blooms - no one is cramped.

Come to the garden - it’s very interesting.

K – For vegetables to grow, they must be looked after. Name the professions of people who

grows vegetables?

(a picture of a person is displayed)

D – Vegetables are grown by vegetable growers, gardeners, collective farmers, and agronomists.

K – I’m interested in what tools vegetable growers use in their work and tell us what they do for

what do they need?

D – A vegetable grower needs:

shovel - for digging up the ground;

rake - to loosen the soil and collect weeds;

hoe (hoe) - for hilling vegetables;

watering can - for watering vegetables.

(pictures are displayed)

K – Why do they weed the beds and hill up the vegetables?

D – Weeding the beds is necessary in order to remove weeds. They're in the way

vegetables to grow. It is necessary to hill up so that vegetables grow better and there is good

K – What machines help collective farmers in their work?

D – Tractors help collective farmers in their work. They loosen the soil for sowing and after


Potato harvesters collect potatoes.

Trucks carry vegetables from the fields.

(pictures are displayed)

K - Where are vegetables taken from the fields?

D - Vegetables from the fields are taken to vegetable storage, to stores, to factories. (open window 7)

K – Why are vegetables brought to factories?

D - In factories, vegetables are used to make juices, canned food, chips,.....

K - What is a vegetable storage facility?

D - A vegetable storehouse is a large building where vegetables are stored all winter. For that,

so that people can buy vegetables in stores all year round.

K - Yes! The work of vegetable growers and collective farmers is very difficult and important.

K - Remind me what time of year the vegetables are harvested?

D – Vegetables are harvested in the fall.

K – Vegetables are collected in different ways. Show and tell how potatoes are harvested

(radish, zucchini, pepper)?

D - Potatoes are dug up (pulled out, cut, picked).

K - So I pulled the carrot out of the ground and ate it. Did I do the right thing?

K - Well, tell me what they do with vegetables before eating them?

D - Before eating, vegetables are washed, peeled, cut, fried, boiled, stewed, baked.

K - What dishes can be prepared from vegetables?

D – You can prepare vegetables from: soup, salad, caviar, juice, stew, puree, pie filling,

canned food

(window 8 opens)

D/I “Good - bad”(with a ball)

K – I understand that eating vegetables is good. Why?

D - Vegetables are good because they are tasty, healthy, and you can cook different things from them

dishes to prepare for use: freeze, pickle, preserve, they contain vitamins,

(window 9 opens)

K – What are vitamins for?

D – Vitamins necessary for the growth and development of the body.

K – Vegetables are bad - why?

D - It’s bad because you have to work a lot, grow for a long time,......


K – If I understand you correctly, then

In the spring they plant vegetables, but in the fall what do they do? (collect)

The garden is wide, but what kind of garden bed is it? (narrow)

onions grow in the ground, but where is the cabbage? (on the ground)

The tomato is soft, but what about the zucchini? (solid)

The pumpkin is heavy, but what about the radish? (easy)

The eggplant is smooth, but what about the garlic? (rough)

The turnips are sweet, but what about the onions? (bitter)

The vegetables in the garden are dirty, but what are they on the table? (clean)

Weeds are harmful, and what kind of vegetables are they? (useful)

10. Summary

K - Thank you. I'll tell Uncle Fyodor what vegetables need to be planted and how to plant them.

take care to reap a good harvest. Goodbye.

Appendix No. 5

Preparing the vinaigrette

Tasks: To instill in children the need to be healthy. Foster the need for

verbal communication with peers and adults.

Cultivate neatness and cleanliness. Develop logic, thinking, attention,

Develop curiosity and observation. Develop the need to express oneself

Develop the ability to reason and explain cause-and-effect relationships. Develop

ability to maintain dialogue. Develop the ability to work in a team. Introduce children

with the concept of "vitamins". Introduce the symbols of vitamins (A, B, C, D)

Continue to formulate ideas about the benefits of vitamins for the human body.

To form in children an understanding that health depends on proper nutrition -

food should be not only tasty, but also healthy; Strengthen children's knowledge about

proper and rational nutrition.

Methods and techniques.


teacher's story about vitamins and their designations,

conversation “The benefits of vegetables and fruits”,

conversation “Why do we eat”,

artistic word - poem,

conversation about hygiene and safety rules during work.


looking at pictures of fruits and vegetables,

looking at fruits

showing methods of action,

showing the diagram and letter designation of vitamins,


salad preparation,

Materials and equipment:

Easel, magnetic board;

pictures of products;

letters A, B, C, D cut out of colored paper;

diagram with images of food products and the names of the vitamins they contain

small knives, napkins, towels, aprons and caps products for vinaigrette.

Children, today I received a letter from our old friend Carlson.

He writes that he will not be able to fly to us for the holiday because he is not feeling well.

Carlson recently visited and ate a lot of delicious sweets. Now his stomach hurts

he has no strength at all. He also asks us for advice on how to eat right in order to

to be healthy. But before we answer his letter, let's figure out what it is

proper nutrition.

What do you like to eat most?

(sweets, fruits, juices, chips, carrots, etc.)

Why do we eat?

(A person eats to live, grow, be strong.)

Yes, with food we receive all the necessary substances for growth and energy for movement.

But first we need to understand what healthy healthy food is.

We have already talked a lot about health, let's remember together what needs to be done,

to always feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful (Do physical exercise,

walk, brush your teeth, etc.).

Well done, you named everything correctly, but it turns out that in order to be healthy you also need

Healthy food. Guys, any food is prepared from products, and products can be

useful and not very useful.

Please tell me what healthy products do you know?

(fruits, vegetables, porridge, bread, etc.)

Did you know that foods contain substances that are very important for health – vitamins?

You and I know the poem, let's tell it.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products -

Here's some healthy food

Full of vitamins!

Who knows what vitamins are for? (children's answers)

Vitamin A– it is very important for vision and growth. There is a lot of it in carrots, butter,

eggs, tomatoes, parsley.

Vitamin B- helps our heart work, helps the body fight various

diseases. There is a lot of it in sunflower seeds, in liver, in meat, in fresh tomatoes, in

beans, in eggs, bread, in milk.

Vitamin C– strengthens our entire body, protects against colds and other diseases.

When there is little of it in food, a person weakens. This vitamin is found in fresh fruits - in

oranges, grapefruit, lemons, persimmons and bananas, as well as raw vegetables - tomatoes,

yellow turnips, carrots, cabbage, onions, garlic.

Vitamin D- makes our legs and arms strong, this vitamin protects against

softening bones. It is found in fresh eggs, fish oil and raw cabbage. A lot of

it in milk.

There are many vitamins and each of these vitamins is very important for us.

Each of us has favorite dishes. But don't forget: to be strong and

healthy, beautiful and smart, you need to eat a variety of foods, and not just what


And now I suggest you prepare vegetables that will be useful for cooking


And now we will repeat the rules of nutrition.

1. Before eating, you should always wash your hands with soap.

2. You need to eat foods that are good for health (be sure to eat vegetables and

3. You don’t need to eat much. Overeating is harmful to the body.

4. Do not talk during your appointment.

5.Food must be chewed well.

6. Rinse your mouth after eating

7. You need to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.)

We talked about nutrition rules.

And what are they for? (Be healthy so that food is beneficial, etc.)

Yes, in order for food to be well absorbed and beneficial, it is imperative to follow

nutrition rules.

Now I want to teach you how to make a healthy salad. In order for us to

It turned out to be a salad, you need to cut all the vegetables. I need helpers. - Before we

let's start preparing the salad, we need...(wash your hands, put on an apron and cap.) - we are vegetables

can we cut it right away? (No. We need to clean them.)

How should you use a knife? (Carefully.)

Why? (So ​​as not to cut yourself and hurt others.) (Children peel vegetables and

help the teacher make a salad)

Let's fill it with oil.

Now our salad is ready.

Bottom line.

We made a wonderful salad. Everyone did a great job. We'll try it together.

What new did you learn about food today? (Food can be beneficial or harmful. You need to eat

healthy food.)

What makes our food healthy? (Vitamins.)

What vitamins did you learn about? (A, B, C, D.)

In order for nutrients to be absorbed, what rules must be followed? (Called


What have you learned? (Make vinaigrette.)

What did you like? (Express their opinion.)

Appendix No. 6

Notes on drawing "Fruits on the table"

Subject: fruits and vegetables.

Learn to paint the background first;

Learn to convey the characteristic shape and color of fruits and vegetables;

Learn to mix colors to get the desired shade;

Learn to beautifully arrange the composition of a drawing;

Strengthening skills in working with gouache and brush.


Illustrations with still lifes of fruits;

Thick paper;

Brushes No. 6 for painting the background and No. 3 for painting the fruit;

Napkins for blotting brushes;

Cans of water;

Fruit replicas;

Progress of the lesson:

The doll Katya comes to our group and asks us to help her prepare for the arrival of guests.

We need to help her decide which fruits are vegetables and which are fruits.

After the children list the fruits they know, Doll Katya asks to put it on

put a beautiful tablecloth on the table and put some fruit, because soon guests will come to her!

Look, guys, what is shown here? - Apple and pear. How could it be otherwise?

can we call them a word? - These are fruits. Such paintings that depict

fruits, vegetables, dishes, books and other inanimate objects are called still life.

Repeat: - Still life. Can we call our painting a still life? - We can, because

that there are fruits depicted there.

What do we do first? - First we draw the background. First we paint with a wide brush. Then

Let's go rinse the wide brush, and in the meantime our work will dry.


I drew an apple and a pear. What color are they? - Green with yellow and red with

yellow. Right! What fruits do you want to draw? Look at our fruits

"dummies". Are they the same color? - No. What shape?

Independent work of children.

These are some wonderful drawings we made! How can we do them differently?

name? - Still life!

Today you are all great! Helped the doll Katya prepare for the arrival of guests.

Appendix No. 7

Summary of GCD for the application “Screen with vegetables and fruits”

Program content: consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits; continue

teach children to distinguish by appearance vegetables and fruits; develop the ability to examine

an object, highlight its color, shape, quality; develop interest in others

objects of nature; consolidate techniques for applying glue with a brush to the back side

figures; continue to strengthen the ability to apply a part coated with glue to a sheet

press the paper tightly with a napkin.

Demonstration material: dummies vegetables and fruits, pictures from vegetables and


Handouts: squares and rectangles made of colored paper, landscape

sheets for each child, paste, brushes, napkins, oilcloths for each.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Q: Guys! This morning I went to your garden and found a basket. But this basket is not

simple. (Take out the basket covered with a napkin on top). Want to know what's inside?

Then guess my riddles first.

(After the children guess the riddle, the teacher takes the guessed one out of the basket vegetable

or shows the fruit to the children).

Like in our garden

Riddles have grown

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red.


With orange skin

Looks like a ball

But the center is not empty,

And juicy and tasty. (orange)

It comes from a field mouse,

He disappeared into the ground with his head,

From above there are only tight arrows,

They reach for the sun skillfully.

Cures seven ailments

Ripe…(onion) is useful for everyone

Yellow citrus fruit

It grows in sunny countries.

But it tastes sour,

And his name is (lemon)

I am long and green, I am delicious when salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I? (cucumber)

Same with a fist, a red barrel,

Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet. (apple)

The red nose has grown into the ground,

And you don't need a green tail,

All you need is a red nose. (carrot)

Above the ground there is grass,

Under the ground is a scarlet head. (beet)

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I. (cabbage)

Q: Well done, guys! So what's in my basket?

D: Vegetables and fruits!

Practical part

Q: Guys, on your tables there are squares and rectangles made of colored paper, how are they made from them?

make vegetables and fruits. Children's statements. The children decided which vegetable or fruit they

they will cut it, choose what color is needed for this vegetable or fruit, cut it

corners and glue. Gently coat one side with glue, then smooth it out

(The explanation is accompanied by a demonstration.)

Apply a thin layer of glue with a brush. Then we apply the part to a sheet of paper, after

Why press it with a napkin? You and I will have a common book of riddles.

Help and explanation as needed.

Summarizing. Look, guys, what a book we got! Name

All vegetables and fruits, which you see here.

Appendix No. 8

Useful poems about vegetables, fruits and vitamins

Sometimes a child refuses to eat this or that dish, and then the mother is edifying

exhorts in a tone - “Eat, there are a lot of vitamins!” What kind of invisible creatures are these?

these vitamins?.. And why do they live in food?.. For preschool and primary school children

age, it is difficult to explain the complexity of the human body and

processes for obtaining useful substances from food. It's easier to do this in a playful way,

using poems about vegetables and fruits, about the benefits of vitamins.


I am a carrot, a red tail.

Come visit more often.

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks turn red,

Eat carrots, drink my juice,

You will only be healthier!

I'm a fat red tomato

I love kids from a long time ago.

I am a chest of vitamins

Come on, take a bite of the barrel!

I am both fresh and salty.

All pimply and green.

Don't forget me, my friend,

Stock up on your health for future use.

And I am a juicy cabbage,

I'm proud of my vitamins.

In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads

I'll certainly come in handy.

And how delicious

My cabbage soup!

In a black hat - top and top -

A bean is jumping along the path.

He twirled his mustache: why am I bad? Not bad at all.

The bean tells him:

You, pea, are our king.

We legumes are proud

That we are suitable for different porridges,

That the fruits are in our pods,

Like in magic chests.

But healthy proteins

We don't hide things under lock and key.

Those who have been friends with us since childhood,

They grow up to be heroes.

Fruits and berries

I am not a small bird.

I am a useful strawberry.

Who will make friends with me -

Don't catch a cold in winter!

I am strong, crispy,

The miracle is real.

Yellow and red -

The skin is satin.

The apple is ruddy

All the best for children!

And more about the apple:

Apple is a wonderful fruit

I'm growing here and there

Striped, colored

Fresh and bulk

My juice is also good for everyone,

helps against diseases.

They call me a pear.

I'll tell you, and you listen:

Love me, children!

I am the most useful person in the world.

And I am a melon - yellow side.

Who here, children, is sick?

Delicious, honey, I will drive away the illness.

I'm round and smooth

Big, heavy, sweet.

My flesh is red -

The medicine is wonderful.

I am an overseas guest, banana,

I swam across the ocean.

The sun asked me

Transfer my power to you.

We shared an orange.

There are many of us, but he is alone!

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the swift.

And for the wolf the peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!

Run away in all directions!

I have a prickly side

On the top of the head there is a crest.

Wonderful taste

I'm called Pineapple.

P.S. It is advisable to tell the story when the child sees a carrot, tomato, banana with his own

eyes. You can learn with your mother in the kitchen or dacha, looking at vegetables and fruits,

describing their shape, color and taste. Rhymes will be remembered faster if the child

there will be a “living example”.

Another great poem by Irma Fink:

Vegetables and fruits

All sizes and colors

Vegetables and fruits.

Enough for ten mouths

Stock up on food.

Wonderful fruit - pineapple,

And big, too.

If you eat it all at once,

There's no need for dinner.

Is this an optical illusion?

Blue, blue -

A thick eggplant is ripening,

It is long in shape.

The garden is proud of its grapes,

The branches bent.

When the grapes ripen,

Come on, kids!

And jam and compote

From ripened cherries,

Red juice stained my mouth -

All questions are unnecessary.

Fragrant and sweet

Yellow pear.

I ate three, now I'm full

Little Ksyusha.

An acorn is ripening on the oak trees -

This is pig food.

Crunches juicy on the teeth

At Dinky Pig's.

Nose tickles the aroma


Warming the spring garden

Sun glare.

Yellow, sunny lemon,

It is useful with tea,

And without tea it is sour -

We know about this.

Carrots sleep underground.

What is she dreaming about there?

Let's threaten with a frown

Show yourself, girl!

Filled with ripe juice


I made my way to her with a basket

Nice girl.

Cucumber, cucumber,

He's lying in the garden

The daredevil winked at me -

Everything will be fine.

Not a ruddy bun

rosy cheeks,

This is a peach barrel -

My daughter's favorite fruit.

What kind of tree is in bloom?

Fruit, not fruit, but a miracle!

I’ll tell you, kids,

The plum is ripening.

Foreigner persimmon

It will fall on our saucer,

How good is it?

But it's a little sticky.

We'll bake a big pie

with apple filling,

Apple juice in a glass

Irinka and I are full.

Poems about vitamins

A short scene in verse about vitamins:

Vitamin A

Remember the simple truth -

Only he sees better.

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin B

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal at breakfast.

Black bread is good for us -

And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help.

Well, it's better to eat lemon,

Although it is very sour.

Vitamin D

Fish oil is the healthiest!

Even if it's disgusting, you have to drink it.

He saves from diseases.

Without diseases, life is better!

Child: I never lose heart

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Poems about which foods contain which vitamins

Vitamin A"

Where can you find vitamin A?

To see and grow?

And carrots and apricots

They carry the vitamin within themselves.

It is found in fruits and berries.

We can't count them all.

Vitamin "B"

Beets, apples, potatoes,

Turnip, pumpkin, tomato...

Vitamins "B" have

And they will be able to give them to us.

“B” - in the outer part of the cereals,

Although it is not the same there.

It's not a problem at all

Group "B" is always there.

Vitamin C"

But we eat “S” with cabbage soup,

And with fruits, vegetables,

It's in cabbage and spinach,

And in rose hips, in tomatoes,

Search on the ground -

And in salad, in sorrel.

Onions, radishes, turnips, rutabaga,

And dill, parsley, cranberries,

Both lemon and orange

Well, we eat “C” in everything!

“C” is the vitamin in cauliflower,

In dill, fresh vegetables;

He will put it into action again

There’s a cheerful row of tired cells. I think it’s from such rhymes-sentences that your kids

Your appetite will quickly appear. Grow up healthy!

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