Project global warming on earth. Global warming: causes and consequences. Fighting global warming

Global warming

Orlova Ekaterina

Global warming

Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. Our planet is heating up and this is having a catastrophic effect on the Earth's ice caps. The temperature rises, the ice begins to melt, the sea begins to rise. Around the world, sea levels are rising twice as fast as they were 150 years ago. In 2005, 315 km 3 of ice from Greenland and Antarctica melted into the sea; for comparison, the city of Moscow uses 6 km 3 of water per year - this is global melting. In 2001, scientists predicted that sea levels would rise by 0.9 meters by the end of the century. This rise in water levels is enough to affect more than 100 million people around the world, but already many experts fear that their forecasts may be wrong.

Causes of global warming

Climate systems change both as a result of natural internal processes and in response to external influences, with geological and paleontological evidence showing long-term climate cycles that take the form of glaciations. The causes of such climate changes remain unknown, but the main external influences include: changes in the Earth's orbit (Milankovitch cycles), solar activity (including changes in the solar constant), volcanic emissions and the greenhouse effect. According to direct climate observations (temperature changes over the past two hundred years), average temperatures on Earth have increased, but the reasons for this increase remain the subject of debate, but one of the most widely discussed is the greenhouse effect.

The results of two large-scale projects to study the causes of global warming turned out to be sensational. The authors of the studies have proven that humanity’s contribution to the total volume of carbon dioxide emissions is at least 10%. Industry and agriculture around the world are constantly increasing the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which acts like a film in a greenhouse and prevents excess heat from dissolving into space. And the emissions of millions of cars, the production of metals and building materials are accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

The rise in infrared absorption began simultaneously with the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century and continues to this day. Over the past 250 years, 1,100 billion tons of carbon dioxide have been released into the atmosphere, and half of this amount has occurred in the last 35 years. In the pre-industrial era, its concentration was 280 parts per million, by 1960 it reached 315 parts per million, and in 2005 it was 380 parts per million. Now it is increasing even faster, by about two points per year. According to paleoclimatic studies, our planet has not encountered such a rate of accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide for at least 650 thousand years.

Greenhouse gas emissions

The greenhouse effect was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and first quantitatively studied by Svante Arrhenius in 1896. It is the process by which the absorption and emission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases causes the atmosphere and surface of the planet to warm. On Earth, the main greenhouse gases are: water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and ozone. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4 have increased by 31% and 149%, respectively, since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. These concentration levels have been reached for the first time in the last 650 thousand years, a period for which reliable data have been obtained from polar ice samples. About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by humanity remain in the atmosphere. About three-quarters of all greenhouse gas emissions over the past 20 years are caused by the use of oil, natural gas and coal. Most of the remaining emissions are caused by changes in the landscape, primarily deforestation. This theory is also supported by the facts that the observed warming is more significant: 1. in winter than in summer; 2. at night than during the day; 3. in high latitudes than in middle and low latitudes. It is also a fact that the rapid heating of the layers of the troposphere occurs against the background of a not very rapid cooling of the layers of the stratosphere.

Why global warming sometimes leads to colder temperatures

Global warming does not mean warming everywhere and at all times. In particular, in any area the average summer temperature may increase and the average winter temperature may decrease, that is, the climate will become more continental. Global warming can only be detected by averaging temperatures across all geographic locations and all seasons. According to one of the hypotheses, cold currents may appear (a branch from the El Niño current, which runs along the Northwestern coast of the United States and brings cooling to this territory), the transformation of the Gulf Stream from warm to cold, etc. This will cause a significant drop in average temperatures in Europe (while temperatures in other regions will rise, but not necessarily in all), as the Gulf Stream warms the continent by transporting warm water from the tropics.

According to the hypothesis of climatologists M. Ewing and W. Donn, there is an oscillatory process in which glaciation (ice age) is generated by climate warming, and deglaciation (exit from the ice age) by cooling. This is due to the fact that in the Cenozoic, with the thawing of the polar ice caps, the amount of precipitation in high latitudes increases. Subsequently, there is a decrease in the temperature of the deep regions of the continents of the northern hemisphere with the subsequent formation of glaciers. When the polar ice caps freeze, glaciers in the deep regions of the continents of the northern hemisphere, not receiving enough recharge in the form of precipitation, begin to thaw.

One of the most visible processes associated with global warming is the melting of glaciers.

Over the past half century, temperatures in southwest Antarctica, on the Antarctic Peninsula, have increased by 2.5 °C. In 2002, an iceberg with an area of ​​over 2,500 km² broke off from the Larsen Ice Shelf, which has an area of ​​3,250 km² and is over 200 meters thick, located on the Antarctic Peninsula. The entire destruction process took only 35 days. Before this, the glacier remained stable for 10 thousand years, since the end of the last ice age. The melting of the ice shelf led to the release of a large number of icebergs (over a thousand) into the Weddell Sea. However, the area of ​​Antarctic glaciation is growing. An acceleration of the process of permafrost degradation has been noted.

Since the beginning of the 1970s, the temperature of permafrost soils in Western Siberia has increased by 1.0 °C, in central Yakutia - by 1-1.5 °C. In northern Alaska, temperatures in the upper permafrost layer have increased by 3°C since the mid-1980s.

Increased frequency and intensity of hazardous weather events and the spread of infectious diseases. They cause significant economic damage and threaten the stable existence of ecosystems, as well as the health and life of people. Scientists' findings suggest that ongoing climate change may lead to even more dangerous consequences in the future if humanity does not take appropriate preventive measures, as well as an increase in average annual temperature by 0.8 degrees Celsius, and this is just the beginning. If carbon dioxide emissions continue to grow at the same rate, by 2050 the planet will become 1.5 degrees warmer than it is now, and by the end of the 21st century - by 3 degrees. To understand how this threatens humanity, it is enough to remember that 3 million years ago, when average annual temperatures were 2-3 degrees higher than today, the level of the world's oceans was 25 meters higher than now. And an increase in the planet's temperature by just a degree will raise the world's oceans by 5-6 meters. It's not just the greenhouse effect itself, but also its secondary consequences. Thus, an increase in temperature triggers numerous processes that increase its pace. For example, polar snow and ice strongly reflect the sun's rays and maintain the cold climate of the Arctic and Antarctic. When they melt, the soil is exposed or the water surface increases, which absorb solar radiation much more strongly. The melting of tundra permafrost zones leads to the evaporation of carbon dioxide accumulated there, as well as methane, which absorbs infrared rays 20 times stronger. An increase in the temperature of the surface layers of the world's oceans near the equator leads to the fact that hurricanes arising there are becoming more frequent and destructive. Warming temperatures will lead to more frequent and severe droughts and dramatically increase the risk of widespread wildfires.

They are also frightened by the lack of drinking water, the increase in the number of infectious diseases, and problems in agriculture due to droughts. But in the long term, nothing awaits other than human evolution. Our ancestors faced a more serious problem when temperatures rose sharply by 10°C after the end of the Ice Age, but this is what led to the creation of our civilization. Otherwise they would probably still be hunting mammoths with spears.

10 myths about global warming.

1). Global warming is a natural process. The person is not involved here.

Most likely not (temperature increases, especially since the 70s, far exceed natural changes).

2). In any case, the consequences will be gradual.

Severe storms are becoming more frequent, and history has proven that a sharp change in climatic conditions can occur suddenly, literally in just a few years.

3). Global warming will lead to a global flood.

If warming continues at the same rate, the level of the world's oceans will rise by 1 meter. If we assume that all the glaciers melt, which, of course, is impossible, then the water will rise by 10 meters. And if you consider that the average height of land above sea level is 840 meters, then you shouldn’t worry so much about flooding.

4). Global warming is the sole cause of sudden, unpredictable weather changes.

Far from the only one. There are a number of natural, cyclical processes to which global warming has nothing to do. And they are what can cause sudden warming or cooling. Such factors can include ocean currents, cyclones, changes in the Earth's magnetic field, and simply coincidences.

5). Carbon dioxide emissions are too small to cause global warming.

I would like to believe, but so far the facts deny this. Based on statistical data that can be trusted, graphs of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and temperature at this time were constructed. They match.

6). Due to global warming, the temperature will soon rise so much that we will all die.

Not that much and not soon. Over the past 100 years, the temperature has increased by 0.7°C, - 1°C. And according to the most daring forecasts, in the next 100 years it may rise by another 4.6°C, but most likely this increase will not exceed 2°C. Less likely, but there are models that predict even colder weather.

7). This will only benefit agriculture.

Carbon dioxide may increase the yield of some crops, but it will also increase the number of weeds and pests. Plants will not be able to grow well in the same place due to climate change.

8). The causes of global warming are known.

Many people believe that man is entirely to blame for global warming and that only by stopping industrial activity can a catastrophe be avoided. In fact, the problem of climate change is so new that it is now impossible to say with certainty about its causes. The fact that it is happening is a fact, but the fact that it is the result of anthropogenic human activity is far from the only version. For example, there is a version that this is the result of natural processes occurring in the Sun - Earth - Space system.

9). We know how to fight global warming, we have the technology

The strategic plan is in development. There are several large-scale options for combating global warming, but they are all from the realm of science fiction, and they require colossal investments comparable to the US budget, but many small changes are better than one big one.

10). We can't do anything about it.

Everyone can now contribute to the fight against global warming, even if simply by following recommendations in consumer activities.

Solving Global Warming

This problem is dealt with by organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, WHO, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Weather Watch (WWW), International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCNR), World Charter for Nature, etc. International public organizations play a major role (GreenPeace). It was found that the main cause of global warming is the accumulation of CO 2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. Later, due to scientific developments, as well as the experience of a number of countries, it was revealed that a reduction in CO 2 in the atmosphere can be achieved by:

Reducing the use of natural fuel in industry and replacing it with new types of energy (nuclear, solar, wind energy, tidal energy, geothermal sources);

Creating less energy-intensive processes;

Creation of waste-free production and closed-cycle production lines (it has now been shown that in some processes waste constitutes 80-90% of the feedstock).

Therefore, a program was developed that should lead to the achievement of a number of main goals. First, the entire planet will move to strict energy conservation standards, similar to those currently in effect in the United States only in California. The UN program also addresses environmental problems in various territories, problems of human health and well-being, protection of terrestrial ecosystems, the World Ocean, vegetation, wild animals, environmental energy issues, as well as environmental education and information, trade, economic and technological aspects. The WHO program includes a special section on research on environmental protection and its impact on human health. Much attention is paid to the possibility of increasing the incidence of already known infections (malaria and other natural focal infections), as well as the possibility of the emergence of new infections. The WMO program provides for the development of methods for long-term forecasting of possible climate changes and its impact on humans, as well as the influence of various factors on the climate. The practical significance of the program is that it will help people use climate data in planning and regulating all aspects of human activity. The IUCNPR program summarizes the experience of all countries in the field of nature conservation, identifies the main environmental problems of our time and proposes a system of rational methods for managing biosphere resources. The WWW program coordinates the activities of all interested countries in the field of collection and exchange of meteorological information and has three world centers - in Moscow, Washington and Melbourne.

The global industry will switch to modern energy-saving technologies; in particular, it will be possible to double the efficiency of fossil fuel power plants due to more complete use of residual heat. A million large wind power generators will be put into operation. 800 powerful coal-fired power plants will be built, the emissions of which will be completely free of carbon dioxide. 700 nuclear power plants will be built, and none of the currently operating ones will be closed. The global fleet of cars and light trucks will completely switch to vehicles that travel at least 25 km per liter of gasoline. Over time, all cars will receive hybrid engines, which will allow them to turn on only electric motors powered by batteries on short routes. To supply them with electricity, another 0.5 million wind generators will be built. The area under crops for agricultural crops that can serve as raw materials for the production of biofuel from plant cellulose will be sharply expanded. Tropical countries, with the help of the international community, will reverse deforestation and double the current rate of tree planting.

Already, many highly developed industrial countries have strict environmental laws in place: requirements for the purification of emissions have been established, new technologies are being developed to prevent air pollution, standards for vehicle exhaust gas emissions have been tightened, etc. In some countries (USA, Canada) a central environmental management body has been created. Its goal is to develop national environmental standards that ensure improvement of the environmental situation and control over their implementation. The specifics of Japanese culture (the cult of housing, people, health) make it possible to solve all problems not at the level of government agencies, but at the level of the city or district, which gives good results. In general, it must be said that in Europe, air emissions controls are not as strict as in the United States.

Consequences of global warming

Approximate diagram of the consequences of global warming.

The social aspect of this program is also great. Climate change will affect the interests of everyone on the planet. Moreover, this can continue for a long period. A possible change in the economy of the state can lead to a change in the entire way of life of people in a particular territory. In addition, the predicted rise in the level of the world's oceans and, in connection with this, the flooding of large land areas will require not only the construction of protective structures, but also the resettlement of entire peoples, which can cause social upheaval. The big problem of this plan will be the impact of climate change on human health, and, above all, the need to adapt to new climatic conditions. It is possible that new diseases will appear and the level of existing diseases will increase. All the changes that occur on Earth do not pass without leaving a trace on our body. Our barbaric attitude towards the Earth has made it aggressive for us. The ecological tragedy of the Earth has turned into a physical and moral tragedy of man. Even conservative estimates predict that over the next 60 years, rising sea levels will destroy a quarter of all homes within 150 meters of the coast. Recent research paints a more alarming picture. By the end of the century, sea levels could rise by as much as 6 meters, and this could all happen to us all due to melting. Data analysis shows that over the past century, our planet Earth has warmed one degree above average. According to scientists, in the next 50 years the temperature will rise by another 3-5 degrees, which will lead to dire consequences both for the Earth and for people and wildlife.

China, which is one of the main suppliers of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, will at the same time feel the greatest negative consequences of warming in the 21st century. According to forecasts, even a rise in sea level of 0.5 m will lead to flooding of about 40 thousand km 2 of fertile plains. The most vulnerable will be the vast low lower reaches of the large rivers Yellow, Yangtze and others, where the average population density sometimes reaches 800 people/km2. In addition, coastal erosion will intensify significantly, which will lead to serious socio-economic consequences, especially in large cities located on sea coasts. Changes on well-developed shores, for example, the Black and Azov Seas, where natural development will be combined with intensive anthropogenic impact, i.e. removal of sediment from beaches, construction of dams and dams on rivers, creation of bank protection structures, etc. Sandy embankments separating estuaries in the North-Western Black Sea region and the Sea of ​​Azov, as well as spits of the Northern Azov region, will be destroyed most intensively. Flooding of coastal lowlands is expected in the Kuban delta. Coastal slopes composed of fragile loess will begin to retreat faster. In the area of ​​Odessa, Mariupol, Primorsko-Akhtarsk, in addition to the erosion of ledges, landslide and landslide processes will intensify, and the destruction of the banks can reach catastrophic proportions. Ice coasts, in conditions of rising air and surface water temperatures, will be subject to rapid destruction due to melting ice and the collapse of overhanging ice blocks. It is possible that the number of icebergs will increase in the areas of their distribution (Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya), and in the waters of the Barents, Kara and Laptev seas.

Permafrost in 2025 and 2050

If the above forecast estimates of moderate (and even more so sharp) climate warming in the northern regions come true, then by the middle of the new century the appearance of permafrost in Russia will change significantly.

A comparison of modern permafrost characteristics with predicted ones was carried out by compiling a consistent series of small-scale maps. In addition to purely permafrost characteristics (distribution of permafrost, their thickness, temperature, ice content, depth of seasonal thawing), to assess possible changes in permafrost, it is necessary to take into account the composition of rocks, as well as the relief and the entire complex of landscape conditions. The diagram given in the article shows four zones. The first is formed by territories that are not part of the modern permafrost region. Here, seasonal soil freezing to depths of no more than 4 - 5 m. By the middle of the 21st century. the depth and area of ​​distribution of seasonal freezing will be reduced. The three remaining zones cover the modern area of ​​permafrost and differ from each other in different degrees and timing of the onset of widespread deep thawing of permafrost from above. Its beginning is taken to be the moment when the soil layer, thawed over the summer, does not completely freeze the next winter and the roof of permafrost begins to progressively decrease. The time interval during which such rocks will completely thaw depends not only on climate warming, but also on the composition and ice content of the rocks, their temperature and thickness, and on the influx of heat from below - from the depths of the Earth. This melting can last for years, decades, hundreds and thousands of years. The second zone from the south is the areas where permafrost will be thawing everywhere by 2020. It will form only within the West Siberian Lowland. Currently, only rare islands are found here. After their thawing, the southern boundary of the permafrost will retreat to the north by 300 km or more, the thawing of ice-swollen peatlands will be accompanied by intense subsidence of the surface, but this will not bring serious changes to the natural environment and human activity: permafrost peatlands are rare and are practically not involved in economic development. The third zone unites two subzones, the boundaries between which are very intricate and are not shown in our diagram. The first (from the south) includes territories where permafrost will begin to melt everywhere only by 2050. The fourth zone of relatively stable permafrost includes the northern part of the permafrost zone (the uppermost layer of the earth’s crust, characterized throughout the year or at least for a short time (but at least a day) negative temperature of soils and rocks and the presence or possibility of the existence of underground ice) with the lowest temperatures of rocks - from -3 to -1°C. Their thickness is measured in hundreds of meters. Given the predicted scale of climate warming, deep thawing of permafrost in this area is excluded. Only the area of ​​the taliks will increase slightly.

Winter precipitation will contribute to an increase in the temperature of permafrost rocks, and summer precipitation will lead to their destruction due to increased thermokarst (the process of uneven subsidence of soils and underlying rocks due to the melting of underground ice), thermoerosion (a combination of thermal and mechanical effects of flowing water on frozen rocks and ice), thermal abrasion (a combination of processes of thermal and mechanical destruction of the shores of reservoirs under the influence of surf on coastal areas composed of frozen rocks containing a large number of underground ice bodies), as well as landslide processes. They will manifest themselves most clearly on accumulative plains composed of high-ice rocks, i.e. where permafrost strata, due to their low temperatures and high thickness, will remain generally stable. When the upper ice horizon is destroyed, the surface is significantly deformed and, if protective measures are not taken in a timely manner, a threat looms over engineering structures.

Global warming by the middle of the 21st century. can lead to a shift in the boundaries of vegetation zones (tundra, temperate forests, steppes, etc.) potentially by hundreds of kilometers. Thus, in the northern regions of Eurasia, the boundaries of plant zones will move north by 500-600 km, and the tundra zone will significantly decrease in size. According to UNEP, the climate change forecast will result in an accelerated decline in the areas of tropical forests and savannas in Africa. The given data on changes in the natural zoning of Russia are generally favorable for the development of agriculture. This follows from the fact that the maximum increase with climate warming is in the zone of broad-leaved forests, which is associated with a region of sustainable and highly productive agriculture, as well as in the zone of steppe and forest-steppe, where effective grain farming is possible. A significant increase in the area of ​​land (by 4.7 million km2, i.e. 1.5 times more modern) potentially suitable for agriculture is expected. In a number of countries (USA, UK, Sweden, Austria, etc.) experiments have been carried out on studying a number of cultivated plants under conditions of elevated CO 2 concentrations. It has been established that when the concentration is doubled in many plants, the amount of transpiration (evaporation of water by the plant) decreases and the leaf surface increases. In forestry, against the backdrop of improved growing conditions for forest formations, favorable environmental parameters may arise for the growth and reproduction of various insect pests, which will lead to the emergence significant foci of forest diseases. Therefore, the measures already being taken to combat deforestation, to increase the rate of reforestation and improve the use of wood - all this will create optimal conditions for the development of forestry in the 21st century.

List of sources




Global warming Goals Goals 1. Show the relevance of the environmental problem at the present time 2. Consider the environmental situation in the world Work plan Work plan 1. Consequences of an environmental disaster 2. Ice drift. 3. Figures and facts on Earth’s climate change. 4. Impact of global warming on animals. 5. Environmentally hazardous industries. 6. Measures to improve the environmental situation. 7. Homework. Research methods Research methods 1. Proposing hypotheses, assumptions 2. Awareness of the problem 3. Searching for appropriate sources of necessary information 4. The process of solving problems.

The work was carried out by Spirina Marina Ivanovna, teacher of geography and biology. Spirina Marina Ivanovna, teacher of geography and biology, Municipal Educational Institution "Cherdyn evening (shift) secondary school" Perm region

Global problems of humanity are a set of socio-natural problems, the solution of which determines the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and require the united efforts of all humanity to be solved. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and affect all countries of the world. This is a set of socio-natural problems, the solution of which determines the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization. These problems are characterized by dynamism, arise as an objective factor in the development of society and require the united efforts of all humanity to be solved. Global problems are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and affect all countries of the world.

Classification of global problems Environmental Environmental Demographic Demographic Prevention of world nuclear war Prevention of world nuclear war Use of the world ocean Use of the world ocean Peaceful space exploration Peaceful space exploration Overcoming the backwardness of developing countries Overcoming the backwardness of developing countries Food Food energy and raw materials energy and raw materials

Environmental problem Environmental degradation (deforestation and soil depletion) Environmental degradation (deforestation and soil depletion) Pollution with solid, liquid and gaseous waste Pollution with solid, liquid and gaseous waste Poisoning of the environment with chemicals created in the production process Poisoning of the environment with chemicals, created during the production process

7 Most apocalypse scenarios, which come out with alarming regularity from the pens of the most authoritative scientists, involve a terrible environmental catastrophe. Ecologists trying to prevent deadly climate change constantly frighten humanity with a global flood that will result in the melting of glaciers, the movement of the poles, powerful hurricanes, terrible drought and other cataclysms that threaten enormous destruction and casualties among the population. Someone even proved that after warming there will be a severe cold snap. Recent research conducted under the auspices of the UN has completely deprived earthlings of the opportunity to escape from a global catastrophe. A new computer model has shown that global warming could exceed a critical threshold already this century and become a rapid, irreversible process. Man is no longer able to stop global warming. First of all, this means that we do not have a single way to at least somehow delay the environmental catastrophe that threatens us in the coming decades. Consequences of an environmental disaster

A giant piece the size of 11,000 football fields has broken off from an ice shelf in the Canadian Arctic.

The mass of ice began drifting 16 months ago from the coast of Ellesmere Island, which is located approximately 800 km from the North Pole, but then no one noticed it. Scientists have discovered a drifting ice island that leaves ice and ice fragments behind you in satellite images. A few days later, the floating shelf was carried away from the shore several miles. He traveled about 60 kilometers to the west, until he was frozen in sea ice and due to early winter. Ice drift

Experts fear that prevailing winds will carry the ice island uncontrollably drifting south into the Botfort Sea and into the area of ​​offshore oil and gas fields. The Eilis Ice Shelf, with an area of ​​approximately 106 sq km, was one of the six largest in the Canadian Arctic. According to scientists, this is the largest such event in Canada in 30 years, and clearly indicates climate change towards warming. According to scientists, the area of ​​the remaining Canadian ice shelves has decreased by 90% compared to 1906. Canada's ice shelves are made up of ancient ice that is over 3,000 years old. They swim in the sea, but are connected to the mainland. Scientists say that glaciers are becoming more fragile every year due to rising average annual temperatures. The Arctic has many shelves much larger than the Eilis, but warming threatens that many glaciers will begin to break off from the Arctic ice mass and drift.

Let us present some figures and facts confirming the process of global warming and climate change on planet Earth. From 2002 to 2005, due to the melting of the Antarctic shelf alone, the level of the World Ocean increased by 1.5 mm; from 1996 to 2005, ice melt in Greenland doubled; the overall increase in water level is about 3 mm per year; Since the pre-industrial period of the mid-18th century, concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane have increased by 31% and 149%, respectively, about half of the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide has occurred since 1965.

Compared to the 70s. last century, the average ice thickness in the Arctic decreased from 3 m to 1 m 80 cm

Greenhouse gas emissions Changes in solar activity Observed warming is within the limits of natural climate variability Warming has been observed for too short a time, so it is impossible to say with certainty whether it is happening at all Causes

Forecasts The report of the group of the Intergovernmental Commission on Climate Change (Shanghai, 2001) presents seven models of climate change in the 21st century. The main conclusions made in the report are the continuation of global warming, accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, an increase in surface air temperature (by the end of the 21st century, an increase in surface temperature by 6 °C is possible); an increase in surface air temperature (by the end of the 21st century, an increase in surface temperature by 6 °C is possible); sea ​​level rise (on average 0.5 m per century) sea level rise (on average 0.5 m per century) The most likely changes in weather factors include The most likely changes in weather factors include more intense precipitation; more intense precipitation; higher maximum temperatures, an increase in the number of hot days and a decrease in the number of frosty days in almost all regions of the Earth; at the same time, heat waves will become more frequent in most continental areas; higher maximum temperatures, an increase in the number of hot days and a decrease in the number of frosty days in almost all regions of the Earth; at the same time, heat waves will become more frequent in most continental areas; reduction of temperature spread. reduction of temperature spread.

Global warming, illustration

Global warming is causing more and more changes in the environment. The most famous of them are the melting of glaciers, rising sea levels and associated rumors about the possibility of a new “global warming” in the future. However, there are things that are not so striking to the average person, but are visible only to a specialist. In particular, this is how warming affects the planet's wildlife. Biologists studying this problem, meanwhile, are ready to sound the alarm. Their observations showed that entire schools of cod, whiting and sole (a family of fish in the order flounder) are leaving their usual habitat and heading to northern latitudes. The same schools that still remained in this sea went to a much greater depth of habitat. Scientists came to the conclusion that the reason for the atypical behavior of the fish was the increase in water temperature in the North Sea. Impact of global warming on fish

The effects of global warming affect more than just fish behavior. Many representatives of the Earth's fauna change not only their habitat, but also their established “habits”. Researchers have found that recently brown and Himalayan bears have stopped hibernating, since due to warming they can now easily get food at any time of the year. In Africa, warming, on the contrary, makes animals starve. The increase in drylands threatens the existence of elephants, rhinoceroses, lions, leopards and buffaloes. So soon the number of animals listed in the Red Book may increase sharply. And the reason for this will not be so much unregulated shooting, as was the case in the last century, but rather the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Criticism of the theory of global warming D. Balamy D. Colman B. Lomborg

The most environmentally hazardous industries Coal mining Production of artificial materials, military-industrial complex Concentrating them in one place Energy

Measures to improve the environmental situation Transfer of outdated production facilities to environmentally friendly technologies Use of a complex of wastewater treatment facilities Taking into account geographical features in the design and construction of enterprises Introduction of effective technologies Creation and implementation of environmental programs Elimination of environmentally harmful technological processes

Recent research conducted under the auspices of the UN has completely deprived earthlings of the opportunity to escape from a global catastrophe. A new computer model has shown that global warming could exceed a critical threshold already this century and become a rapid, irreversible process. Man is no longer able to stop global warming. First of all, this means that we do not have a single way to at least somehow delay the environmental catastrophe that threatens us in the coming decades. Lesson summary List of used literature 1. shtml 2. shtml V.P. Maksakovsky. Geography textbook for grade 10 educational institutions M.: Prosveshchenie, 2007

Rationale for the chosen topic I chose the topic “Global Warming” because, in my opinion, it is relevant at the present time. Due to the accelerated growth of man-made interference in nature, man is actively interfering with the natural processes of all the layers of the Earth. As a result, uncontrolled climate change and destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere occurs. That is why the environmental problem has now become perhaps the main problem for the survival of mankind. Methodological recommendations for using the work This work can be used as a lesson-conference, the final lesson in studying the course “. Economic and social geography of the world". The practical significance lies in the fact that the proposed methods can promote cognitive activity and the formation in students of positive personality traits and a responsible attitude towards the environment. Can be used by teachers in various departments of the school.

MBOU Nizhnemaktaminskaya secondary school No. 2

Educational project

(research work)

about the work done

Completed the work: Islamov Damir

Municipal educational institution Nizhnemaktaminskaya secondary school No. 2

Almetyevsky district

Republic of Tatarstan

Head: , geography teacher

"Global warming. Ecological catastrophy"

Municipal educational institution of Nizhnemaktaminsk secondary school No. 2,

Almetyevsky district.

Supervisor: .

I. Introduction.

The topic of my project is “Global Warming”. The chosen topic interested me for several reasons. Firstly, this is a very relevant topic in the current modern world, secondly, this is a very serious problem, because our future life and the lives of other people depend on it, thirdly, this problem, I think, can be solved by us, people and so I want to look into this topic, this will be my research.

Goals and objectives:

2) Find out: Is global warming really happening on Earth?

3) Determine: what impact does this problem have on people’s lives;

4) Find out: what has been achieved over the years in the field of studying global warming?

Stages of work:

1. Study the reasons contributing to the emergence of “global warming”

2. Conduct a survey among students

3. What is “Global Warming?” - find reference material

4. Consider influence issues global warming affects the lives of people, cities, and entire states.


In order to strengthen their position in the world, people diligently pretend that it has already been strengthened, said the famous French moralist, philosopher Francois de La Rochefoucauld.

And in fact, in the twentieth century, many mistakes were made in the field of economics and nature conservation. People wanted to show that they can do anything and can be responsible for others. This is what ruined the man, his self-confidence led to the fact that we found ourselves in such a situation. And we people now in the 21st century must correct the mistakes of our ancestors, and not allow our planet to perish.

I. 1.1 The beginning of global warming.

After studying media materials and the Internet, I studied materials about what causes global warming. There are several versions of the beginning of global warming, I am inclined to one.

For the first reason Global warming began in the 50s of the last century. The so-called carbon dioxide accumulated in the atmosphere; today its concentration is 385 ppm3, and before the 1950s the concentration was 267 ppm3. To solve this problem it is necessary to reduce carbon dioxide to 350 ppm3.

For the second reason, the movement of lithospheric plates has been affecting the Earth’s climate in recent years. After all, lithospheric plates move continents north and south, thereby changing their location. They are the ones who destroy plateaus, mountains, plateaus, etc.

For the third reason strong release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. After the industrial revolutions in the 17th century, levels of greenhouse gases began to increase.

About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by humanity remain in the atmosphere. Anthropogenic greenhouse gases have an even stronger effect on the Earth's climate; their concentration is very high. Anthropogenic gases appeared as a result of the use of oil, coal, natural gas, and various ores. In particular, the impact of the greenhouse effect since 1750, according to the IPCC, is 8 times higher than the impact of changes in solar activity

In my opinion, it was the third reason that started this global warming. Glaciers on the mountains are disappearing, which leads to an imbalance of water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere; in Greenland and Antarctica, 315 cubic km of ice melted into the sea, the level of the Pacific Ocean has increased by several meters in 3 years.

What do my classmates think? Which reason will they choose as the main one? Basic? I conducted a survey "GLOBAL WARMING, ECOLOGICAL DISASTER" at my school and got these results:

11% of respondents believe that warming began in the 50s of the last century.

Due to the accumulation of so-called carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Even fewer people, 5% of respondents, chose the second reason - the movement of lithospheric plates. And 86% of our school students agree with my opinion that the greenhouse effect has become such a “destroyer” of our temperature balance on Earth.

And so, 11% of students voted for Carbon Dioxide, and 5% for the movement of lithospheric plates. These indicators tell us how the media influences our minds. After all, we receive initial information from news, radio, and Internet news. And I think this problem needs to be looked at more deeply.

I. 1.2 What is Global Warming

(the note)

Global warming is the process of increasing the average annual temperature of the Earth and the World Ocean. Global warming entails not only an increase in the water level of the World Ocean, but also the expansion of deserts, the disappearance of glaciers, the appearance of frequent droughts or, on the contrary, rainy days, the acceleration of the power of hurricanes, tornadoes, whirlwinds, but this will also bring us a reduced level of harvest, which can cause famine and crisis in the country, the world. It turns out that LCD monitors can have a significant impact on global warming. They are produced using nitrogen trifluoride, which is 17 times more dangerous to the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. There is already 4 times more of this gas in the atmosphere than expected.

I. 1.3. How global warming affects people's lives, the lives of states and their economies.

There are various incidents happening in the world due to Global Warming, here are a few of them:

A polar bear among the bare snowless land is no longer nonsense. Polar bears come to the waters of Hudson Bay in October-November, waiting for the water to freeze before they begin to hunt. Now, due to global warming, ice melts earlier and forms later. Therefore, bears are often left without food - they simply do not have time to fatten up due to the short hunting period.

The Swiss parliament has approved preliminary measures to move the border with Italy at the Matterhorn mountain, caused by melting glaciers. The border between Switzerland and Italy was established in 1861, when Italy was still a monarchy. Along with the ice sheet of the Alps, the border also disappears. According to the World Glacier Monitoring Service in Zurich, the Alps suffer more than the other half of the glacial landforms in the region. Almost 90% of Alpine glaciers are currently less than 1 square kilometer in area. As the ice melted due to rising temperatures, it “moved” a fairly significant distance. The difference between the old and new borders will be from a few meters to 100 meters. According to the UN, the region's global average temperature has risen 0.76 degrees Celsius (1.37 Fahrenheit) since the pre-industrial era, when people began using more polluting fossil fuels to fuel energy and power machines.

Countries in Europe and Central Asia are facing serious consequences of climate change. Due to rising water levels in the Black Sea, numerous ports and cities in the coastal regions of Russia, Ukraine and Georgia are already under threat. Many countries in the region are unable to seamlessly adapt to new climate challenges.

The World Bank warns about this in its report “Adaptation to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia.” It emphasizes that “poor environmental protection in the past and unreasonably inflated infrastructure in countries outside the European Union are fraught with dangerous consequences. These countries are becoming painfully vulnerable to the effects of even minor climate change.” The report, presented at the climate conference in Bonn, said that, contrary to popular belief, the region is already facing the consequences of climate change. Since the beginning of the 20th century, average temperatures in the Europe and Central Asia region have already increased by 0.5ºC in the south and 1.6ºC in the north (Siberia), and by the middle of the 21st century the temperature is expected to rise by 1.6 – 2.6ºC. Temperature changes in the north are expected to be more noticeable during the winter months. In the next 20-40 years, the number of frosty days there will decrease by 14-30. In the south of this region, climate change will be most noticeable during the summer months, with an increase in the number of hot days over the same period at 22-37.

Global warming will inflict enormous costs on national economies. After all, the law came into force that until 2030, each state is obliged to pay 75 million dollars every year. But this is very necessary because if the average annual temperature rises by two degrees,

The consequences of melting glaciers will be catastrophic for many countries around the world. And this will have an even greater impact on the countries’ infrastructure and its reserves.

Global warming probably does not play a significant role in people’s lives, but although hurricanes and earthquakes, which have become more frequent, cause great harm to the homes of people living in seismic zones. What if we take as an example the powerful 10-magnitude earthquake in Haiti. 170,000 people were killed and several hundred thousand were injured. The UN is actively working to prevent the consequences of the earthquake, but this is very difficult.

We also need to think about why global warming happened, maybe we are the culprits of all this. And everything that we have done can be corrected through joint efforts. This, of course, will take many decades, but we must take action now, right now. For example, go out to clear forests, parks, and streets of garbage. Do not use tobacco products, which emit toxic substances that also damage the atmosphere. I believe that if all layers of the Earth’s population unite, the restoration of the atmosphere of our planet will go even faster.

I.1.5 Technologies of the future.

Waste-free technology is a technology that implies the most rational use of natural resources and energy in production, ensuring environmental protection.

It seems to me that we should switch to more waste-free production, because we modern people are developing and becoming intellectually smarter than our predecessors. I heard that technologies are already being developed in developed countries of the world: Russia, USA, Canada, South Africa, etc.

Waste-free technology in the energy sector.

When burned, solid and liquid fuels are not fully used and also form harmful products. There is a technique for burning fuel in a fluidized bed, which is more efficient and environmentally friendly. Gas emissions must be purified from sulfur and nitrogen oxides, and the ash formed as a result of filtration must be used in the production of building materials.

Waste-free technology in metallurgy.

It is necessary to widely use solid, liquid and gaseous waste from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, along with a simultaneous reduction in emissions and discharges of harmful substances. In non-ferrous metallurgy, it is promising to use the liquid bath smelting method, which requires less energy and causes fewer emissions. The resulting sulfur-containing gases can be used in the production of sulfuric acid and elemental sulfur .

Waste-free technology in transport.

At the latest car show in Detroit, the most interesting models running on an electronic battery instead of gasoline were shown. As car creators say, in the near future this will be the most popular energy for cars. It will cost much less and last longer than gasoline or gas.

I. 1.6 (additional block) Is global warming an exaggeration or not?

The famous British naturalist and TV presenter David Bellamy believes that the main reason for the increase in the Earth's temperature is that in South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia the number of

tropical forests, home to 2/3 of the planet's animals and plants. And the belief of Global Warming is greatly exaggerated.

A Russian theoretical physicist came to a similar conclusion; he claims that there is poor moisture transfer of plants on the planet, because their natural habitats – forests – are being destroyed. “But the greenhouse effect has nothing to do with it,” said the scientist.

The founder of the Weather Channel, journalist John Coleman, believes that global warming is a scam. He believes that some scientists want to profit from this, and politicians want to increase their popularity ratings

Anatoly Wasserman believes that the greenhouse effect is not as dangerous as they write about it in the media.

Hacker boom!!!

Below I present materials that I was able to find using the Internet on this issue.

In November 2009, some hacker programmers uploaded archival folders of scientists’ communications onto the Internet: here are their most common articles:

On November 16, 1999, Phil Jones wrote: "I just used Mike's trick from Nature and added real temperatures to each series of hide the decline." Critics say the letter is an admission of deception on Jones' part. Jones claims that this montage of two dissimilar graphs was described by him in the literature, and he used the word “trick” not in the sense of “trick” or “deception”, but as a description of a complex operation accessible only to professionals.

On March 11, 2003, Jones wrote: "I will write to the magazine and tell them that until they get rid of this problematic editor, I will not do business with them." Critics say Jones demonstrates his willingness to go to any lengths to prevent critical writers from appearing in reputable journals. Jones claims

that the editor allowed "garbage" to be published and he was simply trying to improve the quality of Climate Research.

On June 4, 2003, Michael Mann wrote: "It would be good to try to limit the supposed medieval warm period, although we do not yet have a hemispheric temperature reconstruction for that time."

Another equally famous climatologist B.P. Alisov wrote in the 50s of the twentieth century that climatology is unthinkable without merging with geography. Climatic characteristics that are not linked to the general physical and geographical situation lose their specific meaning and practical significance.

Theoretical significance of the work The point is that as a result of a detailed study of relevant scientific and geographical sources, valuable information was obtained that helps broaden our horizons about the peculiarities of the development of natural processes and phenomena, in particular climate, in modern civilized society.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results and conclusions obtained can serve as a scientific basis for the practical activities of meteorological services and environmental organizations. Also, the results of the work may be useful to students of geographical specialties at universities, geography teachers and secondary school students.

When writing the work, methods such as analytical, comparative, statistical, empirical, and the method of geographical forecasts were used.

The work consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix. The work contains 7 tables and 16 figures.

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