Professions related to economics and finance: list. What professions are related to economics? Professions of the future in the field of economics What professions are needed for the economy for children

Professions related to the economy are often the basis of not only specific enterprises, but also entire states. Various people are interested in them, including schoolchildren who need to write a message on social studies.

Such professions include:

  • commercial agents,
  • businessmen,
  • auditors,
  • brokers,
  • accountants,
  • dealers,
  • commercial directors,
  • businessmen,
  • stockbrokers,
  • marketers,
  • managers,
  • tax inspectors,
  • entrepreneurs and other economists.

Let's take a closer look at a few of them.

The profession of an accountant involves recording the composition and sources of economic funds at various enterprises, organizations and other institutions, regardless of the form of ownership (state, joint-stock, cooperative, private).

An accountant is responsible for accounting for fixed assets, production costs, settlements with suppliers and customers, inventory, sales of products, results of financial and economic activities, and so on.

They receive primary documentation, as well as control it in the relevant accounting areas. Processing is carried out manually or using a computer. This means that people in this profession need excellent computer knowledge.

They are subject to such requirements as: the ability to work well with numbers, the ability to quickly and for a long time focus on one thing, working memory and integrity.

The profession of a broker is to provide services for concluding foreign exchange, commercial, credit and other transactions that are carried out on the stock exchange between the seller and the buyer.

He helps with professional advice if you need to take a responsible step in buying/selling a product, currency or other material assets.

In this regard, the knowledge of a person in this profession must be very extensive. A good broker is obtained if he has a good memory, quick decision-making, emotional stability, attentiveness and good dialect.

People working as merchants engage in trade in various fields. They must profitably provide the market with goods and necessary services, as well as predict demand for them.

They must have a good memory, analytical talent, communication skills and a gift for organizational skills. Merchants must be familiar with the principles and rules for classifying products, as well as the requirements for their quality.

Required to know the market and its conditions in order to determine development prospects as accurately as possible.

A manager must be able not only to organize and coordinate, but also to evaluate and stimulate the activities of staff. Its goal is to increase productivity and profits.

His responsibilities include developing a business plan based on studying supply and demand in the market. Organizes regulation of the processes of admission, selection and training of new professional staff.

The manager must have clear speech, good memory, and also a willingness to take reasonable risks, which is not an unimportant feature.

Perhaps you will find it useful:

In the current socio-economic conditions, a special role is assigned to school economic education, which is essentially designed to form economic thinking and instill the skills of rational economic behavior, to create the prerequisites for subsequent vocational training and effective practical activities of the younger generation.

The economics program has the following goals:

  • formation of the foundations of economic thinking and instilling skills in making independent decisions in various life situations;
  • social adaptation of students to ongoing changes in the life of Russian society;
  • education of citizenship and formation of humanistic and democratic values ​​and beliefs of schoolchildren;
  • professional guidance and development of schoolchildren’s abilities to work in the field of economics and entrepreneurship;
  • development of youth entrepreneurial initiative and familiarization with entrepreneurship and applied economic disciplines.

People live in a world that they have to maintain in a certain order all the time. This order allows people to cope with the inconveniences of the natural environment and provide themselves with the opportunity to satisfy constantly emerging needs. The name of this order is civilization. Civilization includes many things, but we will talk about only one of the blocks of civilization - economics, or, as it is otherwise called, economic life.

Economy- constant activity of people in order to provide themselves with the benefits of life; a science that studies the patterns of such activity. Thanks to the economy, the people of the earth can coordinate their interests and activities in order to create an ever-increasing amount of life's goods. It is the economy that makes it possible to “knit together” the activities of a huge mass of firms and those working in them for the sake of creating those vital benefits that people want to receive for their use. And the better people understand the rules of rational organization of economic activity, the faster the volume of goods they can consume grows, the fewer people die due to malnutrition or lack of medicines.

Life's goods are everything that people consume to ensure their lives and receive pleasure. Economics is a very broad concept, and to make it easier for us to talk about it, it is worth highlighting its most important components. These are trade, production, services of all kinds and the monetary system.

All over the world, in the largest firms, banks, insurance companies, government agencies and in any university or business school, you will find people with the word “economist” written on their business cards. What kind of profession is this and what do people with such qualifications do?

Economy- a science that studies how people use the limited resources available to satisfy their unlimited needs for the goods of life. The very name of this science came from Ancient Greece and was created by combining two words: “eikos” - “economy” and “no-mos” - “law”, so that the word “economics” literally translated from ancient Greek means “laws” farms." Since economics studies human behavior, it falls into the category of social sciences, just like history or philosophy.

But unlike history or philosophy, economics is a very specific science, built on the analysis of numbers and the use of various kinds of calculation methods, sometimes quite simple: four operations of arithmetic plus powers, and sometimes quite complex. Accordingly, it is better not to aspire to this profession for a person who does not like to work with numbers and who is disheartened by any calculations.

To be or not to be an economist?

Think about what associations you have with the word “economist”? Bank employee, minister of finance, merchant, accountant, broker, marketer? The range of economic specialties is truly so wide that in economics a wide variety of people can find something they like. Economics majors are the future, which is why more and more universities are training economics specialists in various fields.

Economic specialties have common features and differences. Primarily, these characteristics relate to the requirements for school training and thinking characteristics. Thus, all faculties that prepare economists must take mathematics and a foreign language.

Possession of mathematical knowledge provides the ability to build models of economic processes and carry out complex mathematical calculations. For an economist, a foreign language (or better yet, more than one) is a passport to the most modern areas of applied economics. Many experts say that without knowing English, it is impossible to be an economist, since most of the concepts and concepts of economics developed in English-speaking countries. A second foreign language (German or French) opens the door for a budding economist to prestigious Moscow universities, which are increasingly cooperating with European educational institutions and offering their students internships abroad. Any specialist in the field of economics must have a well-developed ability to analyze, find different ways to solve the same problem, and not shy away from programming and electronic labor support.

Conventionally, all economic specialties, from the point of view of the psychological portrait of a specialist, can be divided into several groups. Each of the groups makes special demands on human nature (rate of work capacity and switching of attention) and his interests.

  • Firstly, the most traditional understanding of the profession “economist” is long-established specialties, for example, accountant, audit specialist. Insurance and tax specialists are often included in this group. The main focus of their activities is verification (control), data analysis, strict adherence to instructions, development of rules and forms of activity of specialists. The greatest success in such specialties is achieved by patient and punctual people who know how not to reduce the quality of work during monotonous work. These specialties in terms of the content of work are very close to the legal profession, and professional training always includes a number of disciplines related to legislation. More and more universities are training accountants and auditors in the profile of one or another sector of the economy.
  • Secondly, traditionally economics has been a field of scientific research. Such specialties as “world economy”, “mathematical methods in economics”, “economic sociology”, “economic psychology” are very promising areas for those who are interested in fundamental science and would like to try themselves in explaining various economic phenomena. It is worth recalling that one of the 2004 Nobel Prizes was awarded to a specialist engaged in research in the field of economic psychology. The desire to discover something new, a combination of creative thinking and a penchant for analysis are very desirable qualities for a future economist. Economic science is a close interweaving of the methods of the exact sciences and humanitarian problems. Therefore, if you are equally successful and interested in mastering both the humanities and the exact sciences, you should think about economics. There is also such an applied aspect of economic science as marketing, which reflects the close intertwining in economics of mathematics and humanitarian subjects (psychology, political science, cultural studies).
  • Third, there is a whole group of economic specialties closely related to management: “economics and enterprise management”, “state and municipal finance”, “banking management”, “financial risk management”, “finance and credit”. As you know, money is an essential component of power, therefore almost all management specialties are closely related to the field of economics. Anyone who plans to pursue a career in financial management must be able to make both operational and strategic decisions, be a leader, and combine risk-seeking and caution. Ambition and resilience to stress are important characteristics for an effective manager.
  • Fourth, economic activity is related to commerce. The ability to sell requires not only communication skills, but also good economic knowledge. Trade is the basis of microeconomics. The commercial “vein” manifests itself in the fact that a person finds unexpected ways to make money and strives to do his own thing. Many modern businessmen have an economic education or are trying to get it. A businessman is a bit of a financial manager, a marketer, and an accountant.
  • Finally, specialties related to financial “games” are becoming increasingly popular: broker, dealer in a bank. They are based on the constant risk of a specialist who, on the one hand, has information, and on the other, is not afraid to act in a situation of uncertainty. A specialist of this profile must be distinguished by quick reaction, a combination of intuition and a sharp analytical mind. It is also necessary to know that you cannot spend your entire professional life engaged in this activity, so “players” sooner or later go into other economic specialties.

If you want to “try” yourself in economic activity, refer to the test included in table 4. The first column lists the various economic specialties. Each subsequent column includes a characteristic of the specialty.

"Do you want"- the most common explanation of why a person wants to become an accountant, banker, etc.;

"Can You"- describes one of the main requirements for a specialist;

"Did you know that"- reflects one of the “shadow” sides of the profession, which you need to know about and be prepared for;

"Are you ready"- indicates what you can do now to master your chosen specialty.

Read all the statements, put “+” if you agree, “-” if you don’t. Count the pluses for each row of the table: 4-5 pluses mean that this specialty is interesting to you; 2-3 - indicate the instability of your interest; 1 - or their absence indicates that this specialty is not very interesting to you.

First, pay attention to the number of advantages in the first line - this is an indicator of your disposition towards economic professions in general. The optimal option, characterizing interest in economic professions, is 4-5 pluses in the first line of the table and the same number of pluses in one or two specialties. If according to the first line you have more advantages, then economic specialties are interesting to you, but you have not yet chosen your path. If there are more advantages in one or more specialties than in the very first line, then it is worth clarifying the basic requirements for economic specialties. It may also happen that you choose several economic specialties at once, i.e. 4-5 pluses will be more than two lines. Then return to the description of each group of specialties in the text - it has its own list of requirements for the psychological characteristics of a person. Try to understand yourself - what kind of character and temperament you are and what specialties you like.

It’s easy to try yourself in economics now - many universities have clubs for young economists, and competitions are held for those who want to study economics. A real test of strength will confirm better than any test your interest and reserve of abilities for mastering economic specialties.

I am an economist?


Do you want

Can you

Did you know that

Are you ready

Do you believe that

Common features

Understand what is happening through the prism of economic processes, lives in the “world” of money

Constantly monitor changes in economic laws and use them in your work

Economists are often tempted to use their official position for personal gain.

Do mathematics, major subjects for admission to the Faculty of Economics

Economics is the sphere that rules the world


Act as a controller, be an impartial judge, identify the general, notice the little things

Study and evaluate similar documents on screen and in print

Occupational disease of specialists; decreased visual acuity

Work on financial reports, prepare projects, remember the topics and contents of many documents

An economist-accountant is the second person in a company and enterprise after the manager


Study economic development, look for reasons for changes in the economies of different countries

Finding a well-paid job is very difficult - you can find yourself in the situation of being a specialist who is overqualified

Learn foreign languages, practice scientific research

Research in economics determines the political and social “design” of the world


Manage financial organizations, make decisions regarding the economic development of various structures

Find different options for solving economic problems, be able to insist on your own and argue that you are right

The manager constantly thinks about work and has irregular working hours.

Master leadership skills, study financial management

The economic training of a manager is the key to his professional success


Find the best ways to generate profit for the organization and engage in sales

Be able to benefit from any experience, even negative ones, learn on the job

Small business is not always a predictable process; you must constantly be prepared for the unexpected

Participate in youth commercial projects, master a wide variety of skills, and not be afraid to take on a job that is not always prestigious

Small business is the basis of the middle class, and the economic competence of a businessman ensures its prosperity


Make money using your own intuition, try your luck

Be in constant nervous and mental tension, quickly respond to changes in the environment

Work involves the risk of losing and the need to invest your own funds in the development of the business

Be interested in securities, complex profit-making schemes

It's better to earn money once and a lot than little by little throughout your life

List of some economic specialties and monthly salary in US dollars

  • Director, manager and administrator of retail stores - 500-2000
  • Manager of a wholesale company for work with chain stores - 2000
  • Ordinary operational employees of Central Bank branches in Moscow - 400-500
  • Head of department of Central Bank-2000 (in large-scale - additional 500 - 1000)
  • Chief accountant - 800-3000
  • Accountant - 300-1000
  • Financial Director - 1500-5500
  • General Director of the company - 2000-9000
  • Advertising Director - 1500-5000
  • Sales Manager - 450-1500
  • Merchandiser - 200-500

Today in the labor market, professions related to economics enjoy special priority. This area is so multifaceted that it covers almost all areas of human activity. Let's find out what professions are related to economics? Let's focus on the most popular options and study them in more detail.

Numbers specialist

Professions related to economics and finance are widespread nowadays. And one of the first that comes to mind is: Not a single company, be it a large international corporation or a small office, can do without the services of a competent accountant. varied - from accruals to building good relationships with regulatory authorities, for example, the tax inspectorate. In addition, he keeps records of material assets, expenses, income, calculates product costs, and deals with financial issues with suppliers and subcontractors.

As a rule, an accountant specializes in one area of ​​financial accounting, but at the same time he has an understanding and understanding of all existing areas. His work activity is more focused on talking with numbers and documentation rather than on contact with people. Although he often has to communicate with representatives of government agencies and legislation, since the activities of the accounting department are controlled not only by the management of the enterprise, but also by regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties. In this regard, a professional accountant in his head has to not only reconcile debits with credits, but also keep all the serious financial transactions ever carried out so that the inspection authorities cannot find fault, and everything is done cleanly and within the law.


No enterprise can be imagined without the position of economist. This is a truly universal specialist who can apply his knowledge in industry, commerce, business, banking, economic spheres and even politics.

The economist is one of the key links in the organization. It is he who sets the right tone for the movement of all employees, sets the right priorities, and defines goals in order to lead the team of employees to the most profitable result.

The position of economist speaks for itself. Its main issues include: analysis and planning of the economic activities of the enterprise; calculations of material, labor and financial costs; development of measures to ensure savings, increase efficiency and productivity of work, more rational use of all types of resources, identify reserves, prevent losses and unproductive expenses.


What professions are as closely related to economics as an economist or a financier? We got to know the first one a little, now it’s time to understand what the second specialist in this field does.

In Russia, the profession of financier received recognition not so long ago. Just twenty years ago, any large organization made do with the services of one or three accountants - and that’s all. Today the market dictates clear conditions to us, and serious companies can no longer imagine their activities without the position of a financier on their mandatory staff.

This is a specialist who is obliged to manage money capital in such a way as to increase it. Due to his duty, he is obliged to invest assets in investment funds, real estate, precious metals, securities, etc. At the same time, he must sensibly assess the situation on the market, comparing possible income, expenses, and risks.

A representative of this profession must clearly see the economic and political situation of the country in order to correctly analyze new information. Must have a good knowledge of the legislation and, on occasion, skillfully operate with knowledge, be, so to speak, fully armed. Possess strategic thinking, love to work with numbers, graphs, reports. This is where the experience or education of an accountant-economist would come in handy.


There are also professions related to economics among regulatory authorities, for example, auditors. In our country, they are considered to be an accountant of the highest category who has sufficient experience to carry out a full audit of financial statements and documentation. And also provide consulting services in terms of competent organization of the same accounting.

Of course, the auditor’s scope of activity is not limited to just monitoring the work of the accounting department. He also audits the financial documents of various companies. Evaluates their reliability, looks at whether the reports and transactions comply with tax requirements and legal norms. Analyzes the performance of organizations from a financial point of view. The profession of an auditor has its own difficulties: firstly, in the work there are difficult cases that have already reached the arbitration court (bankruptcy claims); secondly, the imperfection of our legislation and the constant amendment of existing laws force a specialist to tactfully maneuver between the interests of clients and the state.

Financial analyst

Another one related to the field of economics is the very concept of “analytics” - this is an important component of the life of every person. You can’t do without it at work, especially in areas of activity that relate to finance, profit and capital.

The main responsibility of the analyst is to carefully analyze the digital data, on the basis of which certain conclusions will be drawn. In his work, it is important both to be able to analyze the information received and to correctly explain it. Analysis is usually carried out in different ways. It all depends on the goals that a particular company sets for itself.

It is also mandatory for the analyst to assess the macroeconomic environment as a whole, since it has a direct impact on the activities of an organization or a particular industry. In order to see the real picture and clearly display the situation on the market, the analyst must monitor all areas of the economy. If we talk about working in a specific company, then a financial analyst must keep control not only of cash flows, but also take into account other areas of its activities.

Other professions related to economics

Social science and life itself dictate to us that we must not lose sight of many equally important and daily necessary professions. These are: cashier, trader, broker, entrepreneur, businessman, commercial director, marketer, commodity expert, estimator, collector, credit consultant, sales representative, etc. And these are not all professions related to economics. The list can go on for a long time. Some of them can exist independently, others work better in collaboration with related specialties.

It is important to understand that professions related to economics have not only become an integral part of our lives and are in demand, but also enjoy great success both when choosing a future specialty and in the labor market, since they touch literally all aspects of a person’s life.

Economist is a specialist in the field of economics, an expert on economic issues. Economists are called both scientists (that is, specialists in the field of economic science) and practitioners who work in the field of research, planning and management of the economic activities of an enterprise. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics and economics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

An economist is one of the most important specialists in an enterprise. The job of an economist is to correctly set priorities and goals to obtain maximum profits with minimal losses.

Features of the profession

The responsibilities of an economist include: conducting an economic analysis of the organization’s work to improve the efficiency of its activities.


  • plans and improves the activities of the enterprise;
  • participates in determining the system of remuneration and incentives for all categories of employees, calculates the organization’s need for personnel;
  • plans costs, use of resources, expenses and profits of the enterprise;
  • exercises control over the process of performing financial and economic activities.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession: The profession of “economist” is in high demand in the labor market. The versatility of the profession allows you to find work in any sector of the economy. Having special economic knowledge, you can safely open your own business without the risk of becoming unprofitable.
Disadvantages of the profession: High responsibility: the success of the enterprise depends on the work of an economist. Quite a lot of competition in the labor market due to an overabundance of specialists. Painstaking work with numbers.

Place of work

The profession of “economist” is in demand in almost all areas:

  • Government institutions dealing with economic issues (Ministry of Finance, Central Bank);
  • industrial and agricultural enterprises;
  • educational institutions (teaching activities);
  • Hotel and restaurant business;
  • organizations and enterprises of small, medium and large businesses;
  • financial organizations (banks, tax inspectorates, pension funds, insurance agencies);
  • research institutes, Academy of Sciences.

Important qualities

High intellectual performance, developed logical memory, high concentration, ability to work with large amounts of information, ability to competently express and prove one’s point of view (orally and in writing), responsibility, organization, self-confidence. Active life position, penchant for research activities.

Training to become an economist

In this course you can get a profession as an economist in 6 months and 10,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to obtain a profession within the framework of additional education. In addition to retraining programs, the Academy offers advanced training courses in the main areas and specializations within this professional field. Distance learning is possible.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!


Salary as of September 17, 2019

Russia 35000—65032 ₽

Moscow 45000—100000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

To gain extensive experience, it is better for a novice economist to start working in a small enterprise. Here he will quickly become acquainted with the real state of affairs in the Russian economy and organization in particular. From the first days he will have to solve a whole range of problems, and not work in one direction. The career growth of an economist is to achieve the position of chief economist, and subsequently, financial director, subject to a high level of development of management competencies.

Famous Economists

Historians consider Aristotle to be the first economist, who built theories about the exchange of goods, their value and utility.

Bukharin Nikolai Ivanovich, Gaidar Egor Timurovich, Gromyko Andrei Andreevich, Keynes John Maynard, Marx Karl Heinrich, Ricardo David, Smith Adam, Struve Petr Berngardovich.

The basis of all state and public life is the economy. This is the basis that allows the development of culture and education, defense and medicine, public projects and social service. Without money, no sphere can exist. And they need planning, accounting, distribution and a huge documentation base.

A universal computer program has not yet appeared that allows one to completely replace a specialist in the field of economics. Therefore, professions belonging to this area are in demand always and everywhere. The demand for specialists is still at the proper level.

Today there are already quite a lot of economists. At the same time, thousands of young people are constantly entering universities who want to connect their lives with the financial sector. Any government agency, enterprises, private firms and public organizations need such specialists. This is why economic professions are so in demand.

Having received an education, you can choose a field of activity in micro- or macroeconomics, external finance, or become a specialist in a narrow profile - such people are highly valued on the labor market.

What types of professions are there in economics?

To better understand your own capabilities and the educational options offered, we present to your attention a list of the most common and necessary specialties related to finance.

  • Cashier

Perhaps this is not the most prestigious profession in the field, but it is necessary and in demand. In order to become a cashier in a supermarket, theater or fitness club, a higher education is not required.

However, a candidate for the position of cashier-operator (conducts financial transactions) or foreign exchange cashier (specializes in currency exchange) will be asked for a diploma when applying for a job in a bank. These workers have an average salary for the industry, the opportunity to improve their skills and move up the career ladder.

  • Bank employees

This is not a specialty as such. A bank teller is simply a bank employee. Since the range of activities of such organizations is quite wide, they need different employees, many of them are required. Most often, their orientation within the economic sphere is determined not during the education process, but during employment and then, directly during work.

  • Accountant

No institution, even the smallest one, can do without this specialist. His duty is to take into account all business transactions directly or indirectly related to finance, in accordance with the law. An accountant is an irreplaceable person:

  • knows everything about the financial situation of the organization;
  • resolves all current issues and emerging economic problems with management;
  • contacts government agencies;
  • submits reports to the tax office.

An accountant needs a higher education. Without work experience, you are unlikely to be hired for such a serious position. However, every young specialist has the opportunity to gain knowledge by working as an assistant accountant, and then make a career.

This activity is associated with enormous responsibility and risk. All the company’s money passes through the hands of a professional, and if suspicion of something falls on an accountant, he may even be subject to criminal prosecution. You need perseverance, attention, accuracy, consistency and a systematic approach to work. It is important not to be lazy, improve your qualifications, and keep abreast of changes in legislation. Such professionals are valued, they receive good remuneration, have guarantees and bonuses.

  • Auditor

This is a highly qualified accountant. His responsibility is to review financial statements and advise on important issues in the field. The “highest achievement” of an auditor’s activity is the consideration of insolvency claims in arbitration courts. Of course, a professional receives good money, is valued by his superiors and respected by his colleagues.

Becoming a specialist of this level is not so easy. Even with a higher education and honors diploma, a young accountant will not be hired for such a position right away. And, having a position as an auditor in a prestigious company, you need to constantly improve your level of knowledge.

The work is difficult due to the need to go on business trips and conduct intense negotiations. You need good analytical skills, operational and long-term memory, and a desire to work accurately and painstakingly with numbers.

  • Economist

Despite the fact that all specialists in the financial field are often called economists, there is a separate profession under this name. Economists are theorists and experts in the field of money. They plan, study, compare, optimize and manage. In organizations and enterprises, economists develop a budget, monitor the quality of its implementation, and control reporting.

  • Financier

The list continues with a specialist in the field of financial transactions and investments. He understands the relationship between risk and the opportunity to gain income in each individual situation. Bankers, investors, traders are financiers.

This profession allows you to combine the responsibilities of a theoretician-economist and a practicing accountant. Requires excellent knowledge of the field and outstanding analytical skills.

  • Securities market specialists

This field requires a basic economic education as well as knowledge related to the world of stocks. Brokers are intermediaries between the seller and buyer of securities. Dealers are actually those who conclude transactions, and use their own financial resources for this and work on their own behalf. When receiving an application from a broker to buy and sell various types of securities, the dealer needs to find a balance between supply and demand and sell the shares most profitably. This specialist works in conditions of constant lack of time and information. Simply put, he must predict the upcoming price. The dealer is guided by his own intuition, knowledge, and experience in this area of ​​economic relations.

Such specialists need the ability to quickly make profitable and correct decisions, have high analytical skills, emotional stability, vision, and the ability to adequately accept and correct their mistakes.

Dealers and brokers are truly professionals if they have received a higher education in economics. But, in addition to the university, to successfully work on the stock exchange you need to replenish your knowledge from time to time in specialized courses. Success in the profession largely depends on self-education.

  • Commercial Director

A specialist who carries out transactions for the sale of goods and services produced by the enterprise. The goal of his activities is to obtain maximum profits and conclude long-term contracts. His areas of competence also include studying demand for goods, searching for consumers and establishing contacts with them, and determining advertising policies. The commercial director also takes care of reducing costs, optimizing personnel, and organizing the supply of raw materials.

An analytical mind, the ability to productively summarize information, extract the most important and beneficial for your enterprise, strong-willed and emotional stability and communication skills - these are the irreplaceable personality traits of a person in this position.

Education can be obtained at economic, legal, financial, and social universities. To take this position, you need to work for some time as an accountant, financier, or economist in a company, establishing yourself as an active and successful employee.

  • Marketer

Conducts market research. With its help, it becomes clear to management what products with what characteristics and in what quantities need to be produced. The marketer creates a so-called “product image” that is attractive to the consumer. Appearance, properties, packaging, information about the product - all this is a product of the marketer’s activities.

Important personal qualities are imaginative thinking, analytical mind, social and psychological intuition. Education as a marketer can be obtained at universities at the faculties of economics and sociology.

Economic specialties are numerous; in the modern world, specialists of a wide variety of types are required. Having received an education, they have the opportunity to gain experience and make a career, bringing real benefits and improving the well-being of their enterprise.

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