Programs. Textbook of rhetoric. Speech training with exercises How to switch to family education

But it is also the key to achieving success in life. After all, a person who has the skills of oratory already a priori has a much greater chance of becoming an outstanding personality, famous figure, influential person, celebrity, etc. And if this does not interest you, then, in any case, the ability to express yourself eloquently and convincingly will always serve you well and will be useful in any life situation.

Of course, today there is a very large number of all kinds of materials on the topic of oratory, such as video and audio lessons, lectures and courses, Internet portals (for example, a website), etc., and rhetoric in general is one of the compulsory subjects in educational programs some educational institutions. But, be that as it may, the most common way to obtain any information is through books, even in electronic form. And the article we present to your attention is dedicated specifically to books on the subject we study in this course. Below we will look at some of the most interesting, most popular and effective books on public speaking that will undoubtedly appeal to anyone interested in developing their public speaking skills.

This book on rhetoric was written by a German professor at the University of Bremen, H. Lemmermann, almost in the middle of the last century. The book is intended as a systematic introduction to modern rhetoric for the unenlightened reader without special philological and linguistic education. Heinz Lemmermann is trying to popularize key concepts and the principles of rhetoric that each of us needs. The textbook is suitable for both adults and schoolchildren, and in it everyone can master the course of rhetoric proposed by the author and learn to speak clearly and convincingly in public.

As we can see, today quite a large number of books are devoted to the topic of oratory, rhetoric and other related issues, each of which is interesting and unique in its own way, and each of which provides useful information necessary for study. This speaks to the importance of having a good theoretical basis and knowledge. And this is really important. But, along with this, we must not forget that, in addition to theory, there is also practice, which also plays a vital role.

Therefore, study books on public speaking and absorb new knowledge, but remember that all this knowledge must certainly be confirmed experimentally. So, use everything you learn in your everyday life.

We wish you success in mastering public speaking skills!

This book is a textbook, but for those who want to achieve something in life, it is a fascinating tutorial. With its help, without any extra effort, anyone can master the art of speaking simply, clearly and convincingly.

The purpose of the book is to teach how to consciously use rhetorical techniques in various situations. All traditional sections of oratory and all aspects of preparing for a speech are covered here. Parts of the rhetoric course are presented in an accessible form and illustrated with examples. Each paragraph in the textbook ends with a summary. Practical tasks are also given that allow you to creatively assimilate the material.

For law students, legal practitioners, and those who want to learn how to speak simply and convincingly.

On our website you can download the book "Rhetoric. Textbook" Oleg Vitalievich Petrov for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Rhetoric is the philological science of the art of speech. Many people think that public speaking is only associated with the speeches of influential personalities, politicians, etc. But this is not so. General training and teaching etiquette, speech communication through theoretical classes and exercises will be useful for anyone.

You should additionally develop etiquette and eloquence if you often speak in front of groups of people for work or study. The speaker's speech implies a monologue aimed at instilling information in the listener. The more accurately the process of influencing the audience is worked out, the more better person complies with the standards of oratory and optimizes communication with the public.

By studying eloquence, we learn speech norms, the secrets of persuading people, and the correct organization of information.

Let's look at the skills a speaker should have:

  • Well-readness is an irreplaceable quality of a speaker who has competent speech and clearly expresses his thoughts.
  • Clear pronunciation of words, mastery of diction when communicating with the audience.
  • The speaker must have a loud, correctly delivered voice.
  • Know how to cope with anxiety. The speaker knows how to control the fear of public speaking.
  • Speech improvisation. The speaker knows how to answer tricky questions, where to emphasize in speech for better perception of information, etc.

How and where is rhetoric taught?

You can learn the components of public speaking on your own. To do this, it is important to regularly practice the acquired knowledge and critically evaluate yourself and others when it comes to public speaking. You can start teaching speech culture as follows:

  • Sign up for special public speaking courses. A rhetoric school is suitable for organizing children's education and developing their verbal communication.
  • Find video lectures on the Internet or online lessons rhetoric. This way you will spend the least amount of money, both material and time, on training.
  • With the help of special literature.

The basics of eloquence are often taught in universities in philological specialties, so if you have the opportunity and you intend to take a course on this subject, be sure to do so.

Rhetoric: A Study Guide for Self-Study

Self-study involves the acquisition of specialized literature. Since public speaking consists of many aspects, consider the fact that when choosing a book, one rhetoric textbook may contain the language of business communication, etiquette, and another will train practical skills. We offer you a list of successful aids for learning public speaking at home:

“General rhetoric”, Koshansky N.F. 1829

« General rhetoric" - one of the very first works on this science, which was written by professor of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum N.F. Koshansky. In his book, he develops the subject of general and specific rhetoric, a system of rules for the formation of speech, and describes various stylistic compositional forms. Private rhetoric includes types of literature and their interaction. General rhetoric - the basic rules of literature. Koshansky divided the book into three sections:

  • Invention is a section where Koshansky explains how to understand an object that contains a source of information and thoughts. To convey this to the reader, he talks about “sources of invention,” which describe the thought process of the brain.
  • Arrangement is the part of the book that teaches how to correctly form the structure of a speaker’s essay or speech. The main idea of ​​this section is learning to express your thoughts briefly and naturally.
  • Expression of thoughts – a section aimed at developing skills related to correct presentation ideas on paper and out loud.

Koshansky used simple language, with minimal water content, in order to create communication with the reader “on an equal footing.”

“Theory of rhetoric”, Rozhdestvensky Yu.V. 1997

In his book, the author encourages the reader to comprehend modern problems rhetoric, touches on aspects of the development of means of information transmission, focuses on the theory of the language of business communication. Etiquette and culture of behavior business man is the underlying theory of the book. Rozhdestvensky explores communication through oral and writing, electronic communications, presents the material in an expanded form. The reader gets acquainted with the tradition of Russian and European rhetoric, their features and differences. The author pays close attention to the theory of development of Russian language learning.

Kokhtev N.N. “Rhetoric” – 1994

An informative textbook that describes the techniques of successful public speaking and the use of other components of oratory in practice. A succinctly described history of rhetoric, based on the statements and experiences of public figures, will help the reader to penetrate deeper into speech culture, and special exercises will consolidate the skills acquired in the theoretical part.

“Pedagogical rhetoric in questions and answers”, Ippolitova N.A. 2011

Pedagogical rhetoric is oratory and the culture of speech used in pedagogy. It includes features pedagogical communication, communication connections. Ippolitova in this textbook talks about practical application speech culture, focuses on the basic concepts of professional pedagogical rhetoric, highlights the specifics of professional eloquence.

“Rhetoric”, Kuznetsov I.N. 2013

In his book, Kuznetsov dwells in detail on the problems of oratory and eloquence. Intensive sections on preparation for public speaking, on conducting polemics. The textbook incorporates the traditions of the Western school of rhetoric and modern aspects of the development of oratory. The manual contains general practical advice for resolving speech problems. Suitable for students, university teachers and self-study oratory.

Rhetoric Guides for Students

If you are a student educational institution regardless of your specialty, and want to learn etiquette, the basics of speech culture, then we offer you a list of special educational literature for students:

“Rhetoric and culture of speech”, Pavlova L.G., Vvedenskaya L.A. 2012

A textbook on the study of oratory and the fundamentals of polemics for university students and schoolchildren. To the greatest extent, Pavlova and Vedenskaya focus on the culture of speech, preparing a speaker for public speaking, and the ability to maintain a dialogue. The manual can be used during training in advanced training courses. Designed for those who want to independently understand the intricacies of public speaking and be a convincing and confident speaker.

"Rhetoric. Speech training with exercises”, Lemmerman Heinz 1986

A textbook by a professor at the University of Bremen, which was published twice in Germany. In addition to theoretical skills, this book also comprehensively presents the practical side of public speaking. A special feature of the manual is the presentation of difficult-to-understand material. in simple language without excess water. After reading, you will learn how to debate correctly, master the basic rules and features of public speaking. Heinz Lemmermann aimed his course at students seeking to improve their speaking skills.

“Practical rhetoric”, Sternin I.A. 2008

In his book, Sternin collected explanations of the rules, concepts, techniques of rhetoric, and practical exercises for practicing the learned material. The main focus of this textbook is on public speaking, from the aspect of what position to stand in to a step-by-step analysis of the structure of the speech, and a detailed elaboration of each part. Tutorial Suitable for university and college students, as well as professionals who want to brush up on their knowledge of public speaking skills.

"The Art of Rhetoric. A manual on eloquence”, Golub I.B. 2005

This book is intended for those who want to improve their level of cultural speech. In accessible language Irina Golub tells the reader about the intricacies of eloquence, gives advice on developing accurate and expressive speech, prevents the occurrence of common logical and stylistic errors. The manual is designed for high school students, students humanitarian specialties.

“Rhetoric: Theory and practice of speech communication”, Zaretskaya E.N. 2002

Doctor of Philological Sciences Zaretskaya E.N. developed this textbook for teaching the author’s course at Moscow State University. It examines the process of speech communication, the importance of oratory as the basis of human communication.

Zaretskaya’s communication diagram is an important component of the textbook. Its use determines the successful construction of communication channels in an organization, as a result of which the scheme has become widespread in corporate etiquette. It includes the following basic elements: message, sender, addressee. In addition to philological specialties, the textbook is also intended for lawyers and teachers.

“Language and business communication: norms, rhetoric, etiquette”, Koltunova M.V. 2000

The first systematic manual on rhetoric. Koltunova emphasized the use of the culture of oratory, as well as the “business communication” section of rhetoric. The training is based on a number of questions: how to write business letters how to write resumes, reports, orders; how to behave in negotiations and other public meetings. In a book for everyone theoretical block many life examples and exercises for self-control. The target audience of the manual is management students.

When choosing a book, pay attention to the language of writing, and if it contains a lot of incomprehensible scientific definitions, then do not waste your time and look for another manual. By putting effort into the process of studying the material, after some time you will improve your verbal communication and public speaking skills.

  • Psychology

Preface to the first edition (1962) There is a funny joke going around in the musical community; Playing the piano is not difficult at all: just press the right finger at the right time on the right key. This joke applies to rhetoric as well; It’s not at all difficult to make a speech: just speak the right words at the right time at the right address. But it's easier said than done. You don't become a pianist or speaker in one day. The pianist endlessly trains his fingers until he can play the keyboard fluently; Only long-term and persistent training in speech and thinking will allow you to master the art of oratory. You may have heard about someone you know: he knows, but is bad at expressing his thoughts. Many people are sincerely convinced that they cannot make speeches. “This is not given to me. This is a gift that I am deprived of." And at the same time they will make a small speech about how they cannot make speeches. What a paradox! Anyone who can speak can master the art of speaking: it is important to know the basic rules and, of course, to practice. Every question, every sentence and every conversation is a speech in miniature. Why can't you make a longer speech, and also in the presence of listeners? The proposed textbook is intended as a systematic introduction to modern rhetoric. Its purpose is to help develop speaking skills and conduct discussion; briefly, coherently and in an accessible form to reveal the “iron” rules that have proven their effectiveness in public speaking practice. We are talking about instruction not in literary reading, but in speech practice, no matter in what area of ​​life. This book is mainly the result of experiences and reflections from pedagogical, as well as political and everyday life. I also interviewed all sorts of small, medium and large "minds" and was surprised that they all knew what to say on a topic like rhetoric. The task of a student of public speaking is not to skim through this book and grab a few funny examples, but to practice speech exercises every day (!) for several minutes. Anyone who is not ready to carefully and slowly work through the most important provisions proposed in the textbook should not even begin. For beginners eager to learn, I recommend taking this difficult food in homeopathic doses so as not to suffer from spiritual “indigestion.” It is best to do the exercises with friends. Then each controls the other and, in addition, represents the public. Something will always work out if you add persistence and patience. I appreciate your criticisms and additions. However, let's think about the following: the ability to speak does not imply talking incessantly. Today, thanks to newspapers and radio, as well as the epidemic of various events in the modern industry of all kinds of contacts, we are experiencing the inflation of the word. Words must be handled carefully and with a sense of responsibility. A good speaker says less, but says better. The Word is neither good nor evil; it can help, but it can harm or destroy. “The word must be a bridge. But it can also be a wall,” said Albrecht Gees. When working on this book, I observed three principles that ancient experts on rhetoric paid attention to: “docere, delectare, movere” - to teach, to please, to motivate. Not everyone who works through this book will become a good speaker, but I hope to be stronger in rhetoric than before. Lilienthal-Trupe near Bremen May 1962 Heinz Lemmermann Preface to the revised edition (1986) This textbook is written for schoolchildren, for independent learners and simply for interested persons, that is, for representatives of various professions and occupations who want to master rhetoric. The proposed textbook is not a scientific treatise, not a book of recipes for all cases of rhetoric, but a kind of useful reference book that provides “insurance” in practical rhetoric. This book has been well received by readers for about 24 years and has gone through many editions. I am glad that some of her ideas and new concepts have entered the specialized literature. The structure of the book has been largely preserved. Changes and additions have been made to the content as dictated by time. At the same time, the results of experience, scientific findings and reflections of recent years are taken into account. Today, an important aspect of any activity is discussions, debates and negotiations. This range of topics is covered in my book “School of Debates. Articles on dialogical rhetoric". The book was published in 1986 by the Oltsog publishing house, conceived as a supplement to the present one, as a “Textbook, part 2.” What applies to speech is also true for writing: not a single book is so good that it cannot be improved. I therefore hope for further constructive criticism. With all my heart I thank my wife Ruth, who typed the text and reviewed it critically at Lilienthal-Trupe near Bremen May 1986 Heinz Lemmermann.

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