Complete advanced training in 44 Federal Laws. Public procurement training. Certificate of completion of the course

Additional program names:

– Contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services: legal regulation;

– Contract manager in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs (Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ);

– Management of state and municipal procurement for managers - chairmen of commissions (Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ).

Type of additional professional education:

Advanced training (144 academic hours)

Professional retraining (260 academic hours)

Purpose of the program – improving staffing in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. Training of competent specialists in the field of planning, procurement, contract execution, audit and monitoring of procurement, as well as control in the field of procurement in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement, ensure publicity, transparency, and prevent corruption. Improving competencies that allow for the effective use of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds to meet state and municipal needs. Formation of the ability to analyze, plan purchases, choose a procurement method, and organize purchases.

Regulatory documents for program development:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs”;
  • Federal Law of June 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”;
  • Professional standard “Procurement Specialist”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n “On approval of the professional standard “Procurement Specialist”;
  • Professional standard “Expert in the field of procurement” approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n “On approval of the professional standard “Expert in the field of procurement”;
  • Methodological recommendations for the implementation of additional professional development programs in the field of procurement (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 5593-EE/D28I, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. AK-552/06 dated March 12, 2015 “On the direction of methodological recommendations”);
  • Methodological recommendations and explanations for the development of additional professional programs based on professional standards (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2015 No. VK-1032/06).

The program covers:

General principles of placement of state and municipal procurement in the context of social, political and economic processes of the Russian Federation; the main methods of procurement, the regulatory framework for the placement of state and municipal procurement, the structure of state and municipal contracts depending on the type of products purchased - goods, works, services. The program introduces the organization and practice of monitoring the placement of state and municipal procurement; the history of the development of the public procurement system in Russia, as well as modern problems and trends in the reform and development of the system of state and municipal procurement.

The program provides for a workshop that develops the key competencies of specialists in the field of management, placement, execution and provision of state and municipal procurement, allowing for the effective use of budget funds and extra-budgetary sources of financing to meet state and municipal needs.

The implementation of these goals is achieved by solving the following main tasks:

  • updating and systematization of students’ knowledge in the field of the regulatory legal framework for the placement of state and municipal procurement;
  • consideration of the general principles of placement of state and municipal procurement in the context of social, political and economic processes of the Russian Federation;
  • consideration of issues related to planning procurement activities;
  • studying ways to justify the initial (maximum) contract price;
  • familiarization with the structure of state and municipal contracts depending on the type of products purchased - goods, works, services;
  • consideration of the organization and practice of control over the placement of state and municipal procurement; the history of the development of the public procurement system in Russia;
  • strengthening students' knowledge related to participation in procurement for state and municipal needs;
  • improving skills in the field of procurement documentation;
  • formation of sustainable motivation for personal development of students;
  • provide skills in the practical application of legislation.

Form of study:



144 academic hours (1 academic hour - 45 minutes, 1 academic day - 8 academic hours of study).

Part-time and part-time education – 3 school days of full-time study, 15 school days of independent work.

Correspondence course – 18 training days of independent work.

260 academic hours (1 academic hour – 45 minutes, 1 academic day – 8 academic hours of study).

Part-time and part-time education – 3 school days of full-time study, 25 school days of independent work, 5 school days of final work development.

Part-time study – 28 training days of independent work, 5 training days of final work development.

Certification form: testing (final work) on the subject of the course.

Form of the final document: certificate of advanced training or diploma of professional retraining

Teaching materials:

  • book by V.N. Ishutina, A.N. Dolgikh “Creation, management and development of tender sales departments”;
  • procurement guidelines;
  • Customer's workbook;
  • set of slides;
  • flash drive with a set of forms and templates;
  • 3 months of consulting support.

Course speakers:



Full-time and part-time education – 12,000 rubles.

Correspondence course – 6,000 rubles.

Professional retraining:

Full-time and part-time education – 16,100 rubles.

Correspondence course – 12,000 rubles.

Additional Information:

  • Moscow city. Upon agreement, it is possible to conduct training on the customer’s premises.
  • 8-800-222-39-08
  • [email protected]
  • For repeat applications up to 10%
  • When training 2 or more people at the same time up to 10%
  • Discounts do not apply to distance learning!

In accordance with the requirements of the law on the contract system, contract service employees and contract managers must have an education in the field of procurement. Questions often arise about what kind of education we are talking about. In this article we will look at what types of public procurement training currently exist and where is the best place to get such training.

All customers, without exception, are required to create or assign. Legislative requirements are established for them, and one of them is: customers are required to improve the level of qualifications and professional education of employees of contract services and commissions, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement (Article 9 No. 44-FZ).

According to the requirements for the professional composition of the customer’s commission and the composition of the contract service, the commission must be formed from persons who have undergone professional retraining or advanced training in the field of procurement or who have special knowledge related to the procurement object (Part 5 of Article 39 No. 44-FZ). Contract service employees and contract managers must have higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement (Part 6, Article 38 No. 44-FZ).

Distance online course “Management of state and municipal procurement:, or . Advanced training according to 44-FZ with the issuance of a certificate.

So that customers can conduct their purchases competently and not fall under unscheduled inspections and fines from regulatory authorities, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has developed recommendations that, in fact, are direct guidelines for action.

See Guidelines for the implementation of additional professional development programs in the field of procurement.

Regulations and deadlines

The minimum period for mastering advanced training programs in the field of procurement must be at least 108 hours for employees of contract services and purchasing commissions of the customer. For managers of customer organizations - at least 40 hours.

Recommended forms of training are full-time and part-time. If an educational organization conducts training on a part-time basis, then the full-time (classroom) part must be at least 40 hours (for heads of customer organizations - at least 16 hours).

During training, distance educational technologies can be used, including online classes using Internet resources. The essence of this form of training is simple. A person gets access to educational materials (most often this is a course of video lectures) and, after studying the materials, completes homework (takes testing). Based on the test results, a corresponding certificate of advanced training is issued. All that is required from a person is to have free time, a computer and Internet access. He chooses the time of his training independently.

Online training is convenient because the employee does not take time off from his main job and undergoes training at a time convenient for him. In modern conditions, this form of training is very relevant, since almost every person has a computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) and Internet access.

It must be remembered that in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 76 of Law No. 273-FZ the following may be allowed to master additional professional programs:

  • persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
  • persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Please note that, according to methodological recommendations, specialists of the customer’s contract service must undergo retraining every three years.

Where can I get training in public procurement?

We recommend attending seminars and conferences on 44-FZ and 223-FZ. In addition, for those who have no time, there is a convenient format - webinars. You can find out all the latest information from the world of procurement with practical application without leaving your home or without leaving your workplace. By the way, participants can ask questions online on topics that interest them.

Our experts review the most current and important topics. You will refresh your knowledge, learn all the innovations, and figure out how to properly participate in electronic trading. Webinars will be useful for both beginners and experienced professionals.

If you decide to improve your qualifications and obtain the appropriate document, then electronic trading courses are suitable for you. There is quite a large selection of such educational programs on the Internet. But please note that courses for customers and suppliers may differ greatly. For example, specialists in the field of government procurement are trained in procurement planning, drawing up schedules and procurement plans, posting information and working in the Unified Information System, concluding contracts, etc. The course program for suppliers may include information about digital signatures, training on passing accreditation at sites, drawing up applications for participation, selection, evaluation and participation in tenders, obtaining a bank guarantee, and ways to defend your interests.

Hello, dear colleague! Today’s article will focus on government procurement training. After all, you must agree that knowledge in the field of public procurement is needed by absolutely all participants in this process: Customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities, authorized and specialized organizations.

If suppliers themselves have the right to decide whether they need to undergo training to participate in government procurement and tenders, then representatives of Customers must necessarily have higher or additional professional education in the field of procurement.

In this article we will take a detailed look at what types of public procurement training currently exist and where it is best to get such training. So let's get started...

1. Requirements for training in public procurement within the framework of 44-FZ

Let's first turn to and see what requirements for the education of officials are established in it.

So, according to Part 1 of Article 9 of 44-FZ, the contract system in the field of procurement provides for the activities of the Customer, a specialized organization (SO) and a control body (CA) in the field of procurement on a professional basis with the involvement qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of procurement.

In addition, Customers and specialized organizations must take measures to maintain and improve the level of qualifications and professional education of officials involved in procurement, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Art. 9 44-FZ).

Since July 1, 2016, the provisions of Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for employers to apply professional standards have been in effect. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n professional standard “Procurement Specialist”. And by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n it was approved professional standard “Expert in procurement” .

In accordance with professional standards specialist in the field of procurement must have:

  • Secondary vocational education;
  • Additional professional education - advanced training programs and professional retraining programs in the field of procurement;

A expert must have:

  • Higher education - specialty, master's degree;
  • Additional professional education - advanced training programs / or professional retraining programs in the field of procurement.

For the second group of positions (i.e. “Expert in procurement”), it is mandatory not only to have appropriate education, but also work experience - at least 5 years in the field of procurement, including in management positions at least 3 years .

2. Types and forms of public procurement training

Now let's talk to you about the types and forms of public procurement training. Conventionally, three types of training can be distinguished:

  • Higher and secondary specialized education in the field of procurement;
  • Additional professional education in the field of procurement;
  • Independent training to participate in government procurement;

Below we will look at each type of training in detail.

Higher and secondary specialized education in procurement

This type of training involves several forms of training:

  • Full-time;
  • extramural.

Training can be paid (commercial basis) or free (budgetary basis). Based on the results of training, a diploma of higher or secondary specialized education is issued.

A document confirming the presence of higher education in the field of procurement serves directly diploma (state and non-state standard) .

Additional professional education in procurement

Additional professional education (advanced training courses) involves the following forms of training:

  • Full-time;
  • extramural;
  • distance form (online training);
  • seminars.

Seminar— a form of educational and practical training for a group of students on a specific topic. Most often, government procurement seminars last 1-2 days.

Currently, distance learning in government procurement under 44-FZ is very popular among students. The essence of this form of training is quite simple. A person gets access to educational materials (most often this is a course of video lectures) and, after studying the materials, completes homework (takes testing). Based on the test results, a corresponding certificate of advanced training is issued. All that is required from a person is to have free time, a computer and Internet access. He chooses the time of his training independently.

Online training is convenient because the employee does not take time off from his main job and undergoes training at a time convenient for him. In modern conditions, this form of training is very relevant, because Almost every person has a computer (laptop, tablet, smartphone) and Internet access.

In accordance with clause 1, part 10, article 60 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the increase or assignment of qualifications based on the results of additional professional education is confirmed certificate of advanced training or professional retraining diploma .

At the same time, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 76 of 273-FZ, the following may be allowed to master additional professional programs:

  • persons with secondary vocational and (or) higher education;
  • persons receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

Additional education in the field of procurement, as a rule, is paid.

Self-training for participation in government procurement

Self-paced learning is more suitable for suppliers who do not require diplomas or advanced purchasing certifications. Such training also involves several forms:

  • Seminars on government procurement for suppliers;
  • Webinars;
  • Trainings on participation in tenders;
  • Coaching (individual training);
  • Skype consultations;
  • Online schools on government procurement;
  • Study of Federal laws, video lessons, articles, as well as judicial practice and the practice of the FAS.

Webinar (online seminar, web conference) — a type of web conference, holding online meetings or presentations via the Internet. In essence, this is the same seminar, only via the Internet.

Training— a method of active learning aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities. Those. This is training with a practical focus.

Coaching- This is individual training with a trainer (a specialist in the subject area). This is perhaps the most expensive and most effective form of training. Coaching can also take place via Skype consultations.

Skype consultations - these are consultations with a specialist on one or more issues online via the Internet.

Online schools on government procurement — these are electronic platforms (websites) on which educational materials on the topic of public procurement are posted. A person pays for access to the school and gets the opportunity to study the materials there, do homework, and ask questions. The listener can purchase access to both specific material and subscribe to school materials for a certain period (month, six months, year). An example of such a school is the online school “ABC Tenders”.

Self-training in government procurement can be either paid or free. After all, you can find a lot of useful materials in the public domain, incl. and on my website, where you are now.

Recommendation: Beginning suppliers should start their training in government procurement by studying. It will bring you up to date and serve as an excellent foundation for your further development in this area. You can find other educational books on government procurement.

Personally, I believe that the best government procurement training for suppliers is practice. It is the practice of preparing applications and participating in tenders. However, one cannot do without theory either. At one time, I also received training in government procurement in Moscow. But still, I gained most of my experience by directly participating in auctions (, etc.).

3. Where can I get training in government procurement?

Currently, many educational institutions offer various public procurement training courses. There are training programs for both 44-FZ and 223-FZ. There are also programs separately for suppliers and separately for Customers.

However, it is worth considering that 72-hour advanced training programs in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs are only suitable for training specialists from supplier companies.

For specialists of customer organizations, including specialists who are state civil servants undergoing training in additional educational programs, advanced training of at least 108 hours must be provided (for managers - at least 40 hours).

You can find advanced training programs on the website of the Institute of Purchasing and Sales Management named after. A.B. Solovyova - // , as well as the professional retraining program “Management of state, municipal and corporate procurement” - // .

A lot of interesting training programs are presented on the website of the Institute of State and Regulated Procurement, Competition Policy and Anti-Corruption Technologies (Institute of Public Procurement) - // .

You can also find good training programs on the website of the Center for the Development of Competition Policy and State Order of the Institute of Higher School of State University RANEPA - // .

These are not all educational institutions that provide training in the field of procurement. You can choose an institution and a curriculum that meets your requirements.

This concludes my article. I hope that the material contained in it was useful to you. Good luck and see you in the next issues.

Procurement specialists must undergo training in accordance with 44-FZ. This is not a whim of customers, but a requirement of the law. There are many options for training to work under 44-FZ. We will tell you more about them in the article.

Mandatory training according to 44-FZ

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development, contract managers, managers and specialists of contract services must undergo training in procurement 44-FZ. Namely, take the courses “Management of state and municipal procurement” (volume of at least 108 hours) or undergo professional training (at least 250 hours).

What is included in the training of specialists in 44-FZ

Training of a contract manager under 44-FZ covers all aspects of government procurement. Specialists study working in the Unified Information System, placing and changing documentation, drawing up plans and schedules, choosing a method for identifying a supplier, regulations for procurement procedures, preparing reports and much more. Also during the training, they are taught to work with suppliers, representatives of regulatory authorities and other procurement participants.

Please note that since 2017, you cannot work as a procurement specialist with only a contract manager certificate, which is issued after completing a short course.

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Where can you get training under 44-FZ with the issuance of a certificate

You can get training in the field of procurement under 44-FZ at universities. It can be full-time and part-time. The course of lectures usually lasts 8-11 days. The advantages of this type of training in 44-FZ trading include the opportunity to ask questions directly to the teacher and communicate with colleagues. However, there are also disadvantages. One of them is a waste of time and increased cost of offline training.

You can choose distance learning in government procurement under 44-FZ. It costs less and takes much less time. As a rule, participants are provided with recordings of webinars, which can be viewed at any time.

We offer high-quality training in accordance with 44-FZ with the issuance of a diploma. Our advantages:

  • convenient class schedule;
  • several formats to choose from;
  • issuance of training certificate 44-FZ;
  • compliance of the program with the recommendations of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • experienced lecturers who have been working in the procurement field for several years;
  • favorable price/quality ratio;
  • more than 3 thousand satisfied students from all over the country;
  • absence of intermediaries;
  • training not only procurement specialists, but also suppliers;
  • taking into account all changes in legislation.

There is also the option of self-study according to 44-FZ, but it can only act as additional education. On the EIS website in the “Documents” section, users have access to:

  • current versions of Federal laws in the field of procurement;
  • decrees and orders of the Government;
  • clarifications from the Ministry of Economic Development;
  • training materials (user manuals, videos, etc.)

Arbitrage practice

In an example from judicial practice, we will show why the lack of training in accordance with 44-FZ does not relieve the contract manager from liability. Let's consider the decision of the Yashaltinsky District Court dated July 25, 2017 in case No. 12-11/2017. The customer and the participant entered into a contract for the reconstruction of the building of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Yashalta Hospital Colony of the Administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Republic of Kalmykia" into a kindergarten. The government contract was successfully completed. However, the report was never posted in the EIS. Later it appeared in the system, but with a delay of 288 days.

The responsibility for posting the reports lay with the contract manager. After the inspection, the prosecutor opened a case of an administrative offense under Part 1.4 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It was sent to the FAS Office for consideration on the merits. By a resolution of the head of the Kalmyk OFAS Russia, the contract manager was found guilty of committing an administrative offense. He was fined 15 thousand rubles.

The specialist did not agree with the punishment and filed a complaint in court. He emphasized that the contract manager and contract service employees must have higher or additional education in the field of procurement. He was appointed to the position by order of the Head of the Yashalta RMO. At the same time, the specialist does not have a specialized education. In his opinion, the decision to assign the duties of a contract manager to a person who does not have higher professional or additional education in the field of procurement is in itself invalid.

However, the court decided differently. In his opinion, the specialist’s actions are correctly qualified under Part 1.4 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. He was in the position of a contract manager and did not post a report in the Unified Information System, which is his direct responsibility. As a result, the complaint was not satisfied.

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