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ISKROLINE 100– a modern benchtop emission spectrometer for elemental analysis of metals and alloys. The device is designed for fast and accurate spectral analysis of metals and alloys with various bases (Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Sb, Ni, Ti, Co, Mg). Any spectral lines in the range of 174 - 441 nm (including phosphorus, sulfur and carbon lines) with a resolution of 0.02-0.04 nm are available. This spectrometer allows you to solve most analytical problems in metallurgical, foundry, mechanical engineering and other industries, namely: analysis of various steels and cast irons (including phosphorus, sulfur and carbon), aluminum and copper alloys, lead, zinc and other non-ferrous alloys and metals .

“Market” for an unlimited number of steel and alloy grades, the ability to adjust and add grades. The device meets the requirements of GOST for spectral analysis methods. The accuracy of the analysis exceeds the requirements of GOST 18895-97 by 2-10 times. Dimensions of the device (WxDxH): 440 mm x 495 mm x 175 mm Weight, no more than 80 kg A certificate of initial verification of the device and employee training are included in the standard delivery package. 1 year warranty.

ISKROLINE emission spectrometers are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Optical emission spectrometer ISKROLINE 300/ 350

"ISKROLINE 300/ 350"– a modern laboratory-grade emission spectrometer for the precise analysis of metals and alloys with various bases (Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ni, Ti, Co, Mg). Any spectral lines in the range of 174 - 915 nm are available (including lines of phosphorus, sulfur, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, alkali and alkaline earth elements) with a resolution of 0.007-0.01 nm (in the range of 174-415 nm) and 0.02-0.03 nm (in the range of 415-915 nm). The device meets the requirements of GOST for spectral analysis methods. The accuracy of the analysis exceeds the requirements of GOST 18895-97 by 2-10 times.

ISKROLINE 300/350 performs more complex tasks that small-sized spectrometers (all available on the market, regardless of manufacturer) cope with worse. This is, on the one hand, a quantitative analysis of pure and ultrapure metals (pure copper, aluminum, lead, etc.), and on the other hand, a determination chemical composition complex and super complex alloys.

Iskroline 300 is designed in the form of a table and is designed for sitting work. Iskroline 350 is designed for standing work. This is an alternative version of Iskroline 300. The spectrometers differ only in size and appearance. All technical and metrological characteristics of the devices are identical. Dimensions Iskroline 300 (L x W x H, mm): 1200 x 1100 x 920. Dimensions Iskroline 350 (L x W x H, mm): 970 x 840 x 1030

Iskroline emission spectrometers are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

SPAS-01 – arc atomic emission spectrometer

SPAS-01 is a classic arc spectrometer with a discharge in air and processing of the results obtained on a computer. Designed for express analysis of the elemental composition of powder materials (including soils, geological samples, etc.), metals and alloys, as well as analysis of non-conducting samples.

Areas of use:

  • in the production of highly pure materials, such as copper cathode;
  • geological exploration laboratories for express analysis of rock samples;
  • mining for ore elemental analysis;
  • ferrous, non-ferrous, powder metallurgy for incoming inspection of raw materials and output inspection of products;
  • research institutes, etc.

As a source of excitation of spectra, the SPAS-01 atomic emission spectrometer has an arc discharge in air. Power consumption during plasma combustion is no more than 2000 W, without plasma no more than 500 W. Recording elements are linear CCD detectors. Detection limits of elemental spectral analysis solids on the SPAS-01 spectrometer according to the “3σ” criterion for most elements are in the range of 10-5 – 10-4%.

Dimensions of the SPAS-01 spectrometer (L x W x H): 1480mm x 1470mm x 1200mm.

– laser spark emission spectrometer is a unique device for analyzing a wide range of analytical samples: metals, alloys, wires, rocks, soils, ceramics, glass, etc.

A special feature of the device is the use of a combined source of excitation of spectra. A combined laser-spark emission spectrometer (LIES) combines the advantages of laser, spark and arc spectrometers and does not have their disadvantages. From the spark spectrometer, LIBS took the accuracy and reproducibility of the analysis from measurement to measurement. From an arc spectrometer - the versatility of the tasks performed, and from a laser - simple sample preparation and the ability to analyze miniature and heterogeneous samples.

Inerta 50– autonomous installation for purification (purification) of argon or other inert gas (helium, neon, xenon or krypton). Removable impurities: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, moisture.

Areas of application:

  • argon purification for spark and arc emission spectrometers;
  • purification of argon or helium for chromatographic analysis;
  • wherever required high degree purification of inert gases.

The residual level of inert gas contamination at the outlet is less than 1 ppm, argon at the outlet is 99.9999% pure.

X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is one of the most objective and adequate methods for studying the composition of a substance, since it is direct. The object being studied is subjected to an exciting effect - this can be a flow of electrons, protons, X-rays or gamma radiation with energy sufficient to transfer the atoms of the sample to an excited state. The excitation energy is such that when atoms transition to the ground state, fluorescence appears in the X-ray range. The spectral composition of this radiation clearly corresponds to the elemental composition of the object. Devices for spectral analysis (spectrometers) in one way or another decompose fluorescent radiation into a spectrum, which is studied and analyzed using methodological and mathematical apparatus.

The physical foundations of the method were developed in the first half of the 20th century. In the process of developing the theory and practice of the XRF method, its areas of application covered almost all aspects of human activity: science, technology, agriculture. It is needed wherever it is necessary to quickly and accurately determine the chemical composition of a substance. It is also important that the object does not suffer from the impact x-ray radiation, which made the use of the method indispensable in art history, criminology, and examination.

However, despite the high demand for the XRF method, its use for a long time remained available only to laboratories of large and wealthy enterprises and universities. The fact is that almost until the end of the last century, the development of the XRF hardware base followed the path of increasing the power of the spectrum excitation source: an X-ray tube, a radioactive isotope, a linear accelerator, a synchrotron. For example, the weight of only the high-voltage power source of an X-ray tube with a power of several thousand watts (typical power for such devices) was tens and hundreds of kilograms. Such a powerful X-ray flow required reliable biological protection; the generated heat had to be removed using water cooling. Thus, the spectrometer was a bulky unit that consumed a lot of energy and required a separate room, as well as qualified personnel for operation and maintenance. The price of such a device reached many hundreds of thousands of dollars, which, coupled with high operating costs, made the device inaccessible to laboratories of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, due to the complexity and high cost, the number of devices produced was not enough to meet demand.

It is obvious that to introduce the XRF method into widespread analytical practice, a fundamentally different approach is needed. The new approach is based on theoretical and experimental work K. Anisovich and employees. The works are devoted to calculating the aperture ratio and energy resolution for the basic circuits of crystal diffraction spectrometers. The results of theoretical calculations, confirmed experimentally, exceeded all expectations. It turned out that with a correctly calculated ratio of the distances between the elements of the circuit, the total aperture ratio of spectrometers made according to an optimized X-ray optical scheme (the so-called high-aperture circuit) is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than the total aperture ratio of traditional spectrometers. In practice, this meant that to obtain analytical characteristics comparable to the characteristics of commonly used high-power stationary spectrometers, an X-ray source hundreds of times less powerful is sufficient. The spectrometer, built according to the new design, had a power on the X-ray tube of only 3-4 Watts, and was a small a desktop device without the disadvantages of bulky and expensive installations. It must be said that the correctly selected ratio of distances and angles of the X-ray optical scheme made it possible to level out another drawback of classical crystal diffraction devices - the strong dependence of the readings on the inaccuracy of sample placement. But most importantly, it became possible to establish serial production of inexpensive X-ray crystal diffraction spectrometers that are accessible to small laboratories. In 1989 K.V. Anisovich founded and headed the NPO SPECTRON, whose main goal was to satisfy the huge demand for X-ray spectrometers accessible to the masses. It was this ambitious requirement - the introduction of XRF into mass analytical practice - that became the corporate slogan of the enterprise, an idea that governed all its activities, starting with the smallest details.

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Fourier transform infrared spectrometers produced by Infraspec - a convenient and reliable tool for solving research, analytical and industrial problems. We offer the best price-quality ratio, services and individual approach to every client.

Laboratory IR Fourier spectrometer FSM 2203 designed for research requiring increased spectral resolution, including qualitative and quantitative analysis of gases. The device operates in the mid-IR region of the spectrum and has an optical port for inputting radiation from an external source.

Laboratory IR Fourier spectrometer FSM 2211 designed for quantitative and qualitative research in the near-infrared range. It has all the advantages of the NIR spectral analysis method: high information content of the data obtained, speed and accuracy of measurements, does not require preliminary preparation of samples and special education personnel.

Universal laboratory IR Fourier spectrometers FSM 1201/1202 designed for routine measurements and scientific research in the mid-IR region of the spectrum. Spectrometers are used for quantitative analysis and quality control of products in the chemical, petrochemical, fuel, pharmaceutical, food and perfume industries, for environmental control, forensic and other types of examinations.

American instrument-making company, specialization - analytical instrumentation, instruments for optical methods chemical analysis, continuous analytical monitoring of the technological process (laboratory, portable, industrial analytical equipment for the chemical, petrochemical, food, pharmaceutical industries). Manufacturer of laboratory, portable and industrial NIR spectrometers (laboratory, portable and on-line industrial analyzers operating in the near-infrared region). Manufacturer of optical components for analytical and scientific instruments, medical and technological equipment(solid-state lasers, LED laser modules). Brimrose Corporation manufactures laboratory, portable and industrial optical spectrometers for the near and mid-infrared region of the spectrum (optical spectrometers for the near and mid-IR range, NIR spectrometers) designed to solve applied analytical problems - identification chemical compounds in field conditions, storage and unloading areas, analysis of the component composition and measurement of the moisture content of raw materials, analytical control of technological parameters in production, quality control of finished products in the chemical, petrochemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Brimrose Corporation's Acoustic Optic Tunable Filter Near Infrared spectrometers or AOTF-NIR spectrometers feature a compact, rugged design (portable and industrial), no moving parts, and fast spectrum scanning (process control, chemical reactions in real time). The company also produces a 16-channel optical multiplexer as a cost-effective solution for parallel control of several technological processes. Brimrose Corporation produces a whole family of spectrometers for the near and mid-infrared range (AOTF-NIR spectrometers) and analytical systems based on them (NIR spectrometers - analyzers, AOTF-NIR analyzers): portable portable NIR spectrometer - analyzer ("Hand-held" AOTF -NIR analyzer), compact and mobile laboratory NIR spectrometer - analyzer (miniature laboratory NIR analyzer), desktop laboratory NIR spectrometer - analyzer, industrial flow NIR spectrometer - analyzer, multichannel industrial flow NIR spectrometer - analyzer (analytical system includes NIR spectrometer and 16 channel optical multiplexer), compact industrial NIR spectrometer - analyzer (Free Space AOTF NIR analyzer), multi-purpose industrial NIR spectrometer - analyzer for monitoring the chemical composition and thickness of protective coatings on the surface of materials, the thickness of the lubricant layer on the surface of parts and products (ThinFilm NIR analyzer), in-line NIR spectrometer - analyzer of the composition of petroleum products for measuring the characteristics of motor fuel, octane number of gasoline, in-line NIR spectrometer - analyzer of the chemical composition and moisture content of seeds, fruits, food products ("Seed Meister" NIR analyzer), in-line NIR spectrometer - analyzer of pharmaceutical products for continuous quality control of tablets (Tablet NIR Analyzer).
The analytical system "Seed Meister" AOTF NIR analyzer is designed for high-speed sorting of hybrid seeds (corn, soybean, coffee, watermelon, peanut seeds), sorts up to 60 seeds per minute according to such criteria as the content of oil, protein, starch, moisture, sugar in the seeds , unsaturated organic acids, and the measurement is carried out in parallel for all parameters. The NIR seed analyzer allows in some cases to predict the germination of crop seeds. The automated NIR analyzer "Seed Meister" can be used in Food Industry for continuous sorting of fruits and fruits (apples, pears), determination of fruit sugar content. An automated NIR analyzer can be used in the food and fishing industries for product quality control, continuous determination of protein, oil, water content in a product (continuous measurement of humidity and chemical composition).
The automated analytical system for the pharmaceutical industry Tablet NIR Analyzer provides continuous, non-contact, non-destructive quality control of finished dosage forms (tablets, capsules) in pharmaceutical production. The automated NIR analyzer Tablet NIR Analyzer operates in parallel in transmission and reflection modes (both measurement modes can be used simultaneously), directly on the conveyor belt it controls the chemical composition of tablets, determines the chemical composition and measures the thickness of the coating of tablets. The automated analytical system Tablet NIR Analyzer has an industrial design made of stainless steel (NEMA 4X), an optical system for parallel spectral analysis of tablets on a conveyor belt in reflection and transmission mode, a built-in industrial computer and software for continuous analysis and quality control of pharmaceutical products.

Mass spectrometric control is an integral part of nuclear fuel production technology at all its stages, starting with the production of UF 6 in sublimation production and control of the enrichment process in separation production and ending with the production of fuel rods and their reprocessing. In addition, this method is the only analytical method for control and certification of finished products.

Our company, together with OJSC UEKhK, FSUE EZAN and LLC Uralpribor, produces and supplies to the market specialized mass spectrometers of the MTI-350 series (-350G, -350T, -350GS and -350GM), intended for re-equipping nuclear industry enterprises with modern means for carrying out precision measurements of isotopic, elemental and chemical composition. Mass spectrometers of the MTI-350 series are distinguished by the uniqueness of their analytical characteristics, high reliability and increased service life in industrial conditions.

Features of mass spectrometers of the MTI-350 series:

  • high dispersion ion optical system;
  • an ion source with a molecular mode of sample flow into the ionization chamber;
  • multi-collector ion receiver with adjustable position of collectors;
  • injection system with reduced consumption of sample substance;
  • electronic part made using modern components;
  • control system based on an industrial computer of increased reliability;
  • specialized software for automatic determination of elemental and isotopic composition

Mass spectrometric complex MTI-350G

The spectrometer is designed for operational analysis of the isotopic composition of uranium in the gas phase (in uranium hexafluoride). Specialized software included in the device allows you to control the operating modes of the mass spectrometer and its individual systems, carry out setup and adjustment of the device, perform analysis in automatic mode.

Main characteristics:

  • the upper value of the range of mass numbers at an accelerating voltage of 8 kV is not less than 360;
  • resolution - no less than 1000;
  • sensitivity threshold for uranium - no more than 10 ppm;
  • sample consumption - no more than 1 mg/h;
  • isotopic sensitivity threshold - no more than 10 ppm;
  • memory factor - no more than 1.004;
  • the relative standard deviation of a single measurement of the isotopic composition of uranium hexafluoride is not more than 0.02% for the uranium-235 content in the range of 1 - 5%;

The MTI-350G mass spectrometer is registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments under No. 23457-02 and has a certificate RU.C.31.005.A No. 13014.

Mass spectrometric complex MTI-350T

The spectrometer is designed to analyze the isotopic composition of uranium, plutonium and mixed fuel
(MOX fuel) in the solid phase.

Main characteristics:

  • accelerating voltage value - 8 kV;
  • the upper value of the range of mass numbers at an accelerating voltage of 8 kV is not less than 300;
  • resolution - no less than 800;
  • isotopic sensitivity threshold at a shift of 1 amu. from peak 238 U - no more than 10 ppm;
  • the limit of the permissible standard deviation of the random component of the relative error when measuring the atomic fraction of the uranium-235 isotope with a content of 1.0% is no more than 0.04%;
  • operating mode: continuous, 24 hours a day;
  • service life - at least 10 years.

Mass spectrometric complex MTI-350GS

The spectrometer is designed for operational control of the technological process of sublimation production of uranium hexafluoride.

The spectrometer allows simultaneous analysis of the content the following substances: hydrogen fluoride (HF), nitrogen (N 2), oxygen (O 2), fluorine (F 2), argon (Ar) and uranium hexafluoride (UF 6).

Mass spectrometric complex MTI-350GM

In 2014, work was completed to test an upgraded version of the MTI-350G mass spectrometer with improved technical and analytical performance.

The main advantage of the new MTI-350GM mass spectrometer is the complete automation of the instrument’s hardware, ensuring the execution of all necessary adjustment and configuration procedures in automatic mode, or when using remote access via LAN. The hardware and software complex of the MTI-350GM mass spectrometer allows for continuous round-the-clock measurements of the isotopic composition of uranium hexafluoride in a fully automatic mode without human intervention. Thus, MTI-350GM can be operated as part of an unmanned production system that does not require the presence of an operator.

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