Psychological problems in a modern family presentation. Modern family: problems and prospects. Theme of the classes of the “Happy Family” club

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Family is the most important element of social structure

Young families are: 1. Young family (before the birth of the first child) 2. Young family (with a small child of pre-school age)

Families are distinguished: A young family is a family at the initial stage of its development, at the stage of implementing marital choice. It reveals the usual phenomenon of discovering another person and “grinding in” of characters, i.e. changing your entire lifestyle. There are three main types of young families: - The first type is traditional. Families of this type are characterized by the spouses’ orientation exclusively towards family values, towards a two-child family. The leader in the family, at least formally, is the husband. However, leadership in the family is largely determined by leadership in the economic and everyday sphere of its activities (finance, housing arrangement). The circle of friends of spouses, as a rule, is common and quite limited, perhaps even temporarily withdrawing into family affairs. Leisure is often shared and closed. - The second type - spouses are focused primarily on personal development and have a focus on a small family. Social-role balance is observed (if possible, the help of the spouses' parents is used). A family can be both open and closed to the microenvironment. The type of leadership is democratic: joint or separate according to the spheres of the family’s life. - The third type - young spouses are focused primarily on entertainment. At the same time, the husband and wife have both common friends and each their own, as a rule, from their previous circle. Reproductive attitudes for a childless or small family. Leadership in the family can be either authoritarian or democratic.

Basic social functions of the family Economic and household functions. The family acts as an economic and household community within which diverse human needs are satisfied. In this process, intra-family relationships are also formed, the content of which is largely determined by the type of economic activity (the sphere of “household chores”). This includes: a) organizing meals in the family; b) acquisition and maintenance of household property, clothing; c) improvement of the home, creation of comfort; d) organization of family life and everyday life; e) creating and spending a family budget.

Basic social functions of the family The recreational and psychotherapeutic function of the family is explained by the fact that the physical and mental forces spent by a person in the labor process can best be restored and recreated in the family. In addition, the expression “my home is my castle” convincingly confirms the idea that a healthy family is the most reliable support, the best refuge where a person can hide from the troubles of the world around him. Spouses may be different in character and temperament, but the mood that one experiences should be understandable to the other. An important role is played by emotional support, including the degree of trust and self-disclosure, turning to another person as a confidant. Moreover, oddly enough, men often need such support. This is because wives provide more emotional support than husbands.

Main family problems Housing problem. With the transition to the formation of a housing market, only a small minority of newlyweds can purchase it on their own, with the help of parents or an enterprise. In addition, there is a direct correlation between deteriorating living conditions and worsening family conflicts. The worse the living conditions, the more difficult it is to find an acceptable solution to the conflict.

Housing problem

Main problems of the family Financial and economic problems are experienced by almost the entire population, especially affecting low-income families, large families, and families with children. The state strives to provide possible assistance in the maintenance and upbringing of children. However, firstly, centralized funds are not enough, and secondly, the available funds are not always used rationally. Thus, issuing money to mothers whose children do not attend child care institutions places a burden on the budget, but does not solve the social problems of mothers. Funds spent on maintaining a network of preschool institutions and protecting jobs would be much more beneficial than distributing benefits. In addition, centralized budget funds are not enough, so the activities of local authorities are very important, as they seek, using internal resources, the opportunity to provide assistance to families living on their territory.

The main problems of the family The problem of employment and unemployment, on the one hand, and the problem of women's employment and double workload, on the other. Double workload for women, i.e. their participation in social labor and their predominant fulfillment of duties in the domestic service of home and family is a problem that was recognized and began to be studied quite a long time ago. Women's unemployment is a way to solve the problem of double female employment. The negative impact of unemployment on the health and social and mental well-being of people is well known. Ideally, a woman should have the right to choose a development program along the lines of career self-fulfillment, or along purely family responsibilities, or both at the same time. And society should create opportunities for her to advance and to combine family and business responsibilities.

Employment problem

Employment problem

Basic family problems The problem of family planning. Today, socio-economic conditions have changed dramatically, and the idea of ​​having many children is becoming a thing of the past. Large families are more common in rural areas. Meanwhile, in this important and delicate problem, humanity has developed a whole set of measures that allow spouses (especially women) to decide for themselves when and how many children they want to have. Providing opportunities for family planning is one of the primary prerequisites for the formation of a civilized society.

Main family problems Intrafamily cruelty. The majority of murders in our country (not counting victims of military and ethnic conflicts) occur on domestic grounds. The number of children admitted to hospitals as victims of parental abuse is increasing. Children's traumatologists also note increased cruelty, sometimes fanaticism, on the part of those who beat them. An increasing number of children are running away from home, unable to bear the abuse of their parents. The number of social orphans is growing - i.e. children who came into the care of the state with living parents or at least one of them. Problems recognized by the world initiate serious research and technological programs aimed at preventing family aggression and helping its victims. Temporary shelters are being created for victims of abuse by husbands, and legal assistance is provided to those who are beaten. But practice shows that it is not so easy for a woman to leave an abusive spouse - there is a disapproving reaction from public opinion, financial dependence on her husband, and fear for her and her children’s future.

The family is the natural and basic unit of society and has the right to protection by society and the state

Positive results of solving the housing problem Increasing the birth rate Moral satisfaction of families

Forms and methods of social work of services with young families

Basic state guarantees Improvement of the relevant regulatory and legal framework is of great importance in the social protection of families. The following laws have been developed and adopted: “On state benefits for citizens with children”; “On the procedure for assigning and paying monthly compensation to women with children under three years of age who were dismissed due to the liquidation of enterprises, institutions, and organizations”; “On improving the system of state social benefits and compensation payments to families with children and increasing their amounts”; “On compensation payments to families with children, students and other categories of persons”; “On the state system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the protection of their rights, etc.”

Effective family policy Decent wages Improvement of the entire atmosphere in society Long-term efforts of the authorities and elite

Effective family policy Additional income tax deductions for employees A significant discount on vouchers to resorts and sanatoriums if all family members are vacationing Encourage family small businesses

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In our time: Family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship ties, a common way of life, and mutual moral and material responsibility. The family is the environment in which the conditions for the mental, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the child are formed. Family is the main support in life, a source of morality, love, respect, a guarantee of peace and harmony in society. “The family is created, and is not given ready-made, and no rights, no responsibilities are given ready-made, but they all flow by themselves, one from the other. Then only this is strong, then only this is holy. The family is built by the tireless work of the family.” F.M.Dostoevsky

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Modern family in the world: Swedish family: Child “out of divorce” Chinese family: 1 family – 1 child Finnish family: no “male” and “female” responsibilities Family in Germany: Family and marriage are the basis of the state Japanese family: Patriarchy, personal example American family: independence, independence, “a place in the sun”

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Modern Russian family - development trends INCREASE: Divorced families Single-parent families Remarriages Single parents Number of illegitimate children Number of single people Childless families (every 10 family is infertile, every 6 has a problem with conception) DECREASE: Number of children Number of large families

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Our women Russia – 80 million women. The average age is 37 years. 20% of women initiate marriage without registration. 50% are married. The woman is self-sufficient. The roles in the family were practically equalized. One woman - one child. 45% of women initiate divorce.

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Our men Average age is 60 years. A Russian man is a warrior, a winner, but not in the role of a father. The father is needed in the family as a symbol. In Russia there is no cult of the father, there is a cult of the mother.

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Men are teachers Before the revolution In the 80s of the 20th century Today Women work at school - men win competitions (20-18%). An educational institution without men is incomplete. The majority of teachers are men. 30% of men work in schools. Less than 12% are men.

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Types of families Prosperous family: - common interests, spiritual connection; - relationships are built on respect for each other; - creative approach to family education; - material well-being. The goal is to instill family values ​​and foster a thirst for parenthood. Formally, a prosperous family: - external well-being; - loss of family values; - Parents are not involved in upbringing. The goal is education for life in society. Dysfunctional families: - lack of family traditions; - upbringing is not accepted as a parental responsibility; -material problems. The goal is survival in society.

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How are children different today? Uninhibitedness Hyperactivity Poor health Independence Interactivity Demanding Egocentrism

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Traditionally, parents spend time in the family on children. MOMS spend 85% of their free time on activities and communication with the child: games; Reading books; Team work; conversations with the child. DADS devote 25% of their time to their children: passively watching TV and videos; computer games; car trips.

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What difficulties do parents have when raising a child? Difficulty in choosing a punishment - 6% Lack of friends for the child - 9% Difficulties with behavior - 32% Lack of mutual understanding - 8% Difficulties in organizing free time -19% Difficult to answer - 26%

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Short recommendations Give your child a choice; Accept your child's individuality; Pamper your children wisely; Encourage a breadth of interests; Take care of the future family happiness of your children; Express satisfaction with your child more often. Don't forget to talk to your child; Listen to your child's questions; Watch what and how you say yourself; Show, don't tell; Spend more time together. Forms of work with families: Pedagogical conversations with parents; Thematic consultations for parents; Parent group meetings; Information stands for parents; Organization of matinees in kindergarten; Leisure activities together with parents; Individual counseling for parents; Thematic exhibitions; Open classes for parents and more. etc. The goal is to show what your children can do.

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Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want our friends to say about us: How good your family is!

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"Family in modern society"
Completed by: 10th grade student Denis Diveev Supervisor: technology teacher Kormyshova N.I.
Sampur 2016

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“The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the security of the entire large human society depends” Felix Adler, American educator

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Purpose: To analyze changes in family values ​​in modern society.

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Objectives: to study attitudes towards marriage and family in the past and present; consider the role of the family in the life and development of modern society; find out what is the attitude of modern youth towards the family through the analysis of data from a social survey among students in grades 9-11.

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The relevance is due to the alarming state of the modern Russian family, the complexity of the demographic situation in today's Russia, the need to familiarize students with understanding family values, the problems of orphanhood with living parents, and the goals of social and demographic policy in the Russian Federation. The key to a prosperous society is a happy family, and family values ​​are destined to live on condition that they are treated with care and passed on to future generations.

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From time immemorial, traditional family functions have existed. The family was an economic unit, and living in a family from this point of view was simply necessary: ​​for a single woman or a single man in a village of the past, say, it was very difficult to feed themselves. On this basis, families were created to run a common household. Up to 10-12 children were born and raised in a family, and this was not considered a large family. This was the norm. Finally, within the family, inheritance from older generations passed to younger ones.
At the origins of the family...

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What happened to all these functions now? How have family values ​​transformed among modern youth?

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Reproductive function The most important function of a family is the reproduction of its own kind. So that the human race does not cease to exist, society does not turn into a boarding school for the elderly, and the population level does not decrease, it is necessary that every Russian family have at least 2-3 children.

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The problems of modern society that hinder childbearing include early marriage, which constitutes a risk category and accounts for half of all divorces. If in European countries the marriageable age is 28 years, in Japan - 30-33 years, then in our country the bar is reduced to 18 years.
Another side of the fertility problem is illegitimate children. Now every third child in Russia is born out of wedlock, and in the age group of mothers 16-18 years old - almost half.

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It cannot be replaced by any other institution. But unfortunately, the educational role of the family is declining. This is due to changes taking place in the family. In a modern family, spouses are formally equal. But most of the worries actually fall on the woman, including raising children. There are often families where children are simply left to the streets, to their own devices, or they strive to do business by washing cars, collecting bottles, etc., forgetting about studying at school.
Educational function

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The economic function abruptly came to a standstill. Society has become much richer, everyday services are much better, so today a person can live alone without harm to his health.
Economic function

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Restorative function
The recreational (restorative) function of the family is important in the life of every person. It should become a place of relaxation and inspiration, self-confidence, the need for loved ones to create a sense of psychological comfort, and maintain a high vitality.

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One of the most important indicators of the quality of a family union is the level and quality of interpersonal relationships between spouses.
Interpersonal relationships of spouses in the family
In order to find out the attitude of modern youth towards the family, a sociological survey was conducted among students in grades 9-11.

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No. 1. At what age is it better to start a family?

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No. 2. Is it necessary to register a marriage?

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Modern family: problems and prospects

In our time: Family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship ties, a common way of life, and mutual moral and material responsibility. The family is the environment in which the conditions for the mental, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the child are formed. Family is the main support in life, a source of morality, love, respect, a guarantee of peace and harmony in society. “The family is created, and is not given ready-made, and no rights, no responsibilities are given ready-made, but they all flow by themselves, one from the other. Then only this is strong, then only this is holy. The family is built by the tireless work of the family.” F.M.Dostoevsky

Modern family in the world: Swedish family: Child “out of divorce” Chinese family: 1 family – 1 child Finnish family: no “male” and “female” responsibilities Family in Germany: Family and marriage are the basis of the state Japanese family: Patriarchy, personal example American family: independence, independence, “a place in the sun”

Modern Russian family - development trends INCREASE: Divorced families Single-parent families Remarriages Single parents Number of illegitimate children Number of single people Childless families (every 10 family is infertile, every 6 has a problem with conception) DECREASE: Number of children Number of large families

Our women Russia – 80 million women. The average age is 37 years. 20% of women initiate marriage without registration. 50% are married. The woman is self-sufficient. The roles in the family were practically equalized. One woman - one child. 45% of women initiate divorce.

Our men Average age is 60 years. A Russian man is a warrior, a winner, but not in the role of a father. The father is needed in the family as a symbol. In Russia there is no cult of the father, there is a cult of the mother.

Men are teachers Before the revolution In the 80s of the 20th century Today Women work at school - men win competitions (20-18%). An educational institution without men is incomplete. The majority of teachers are men. 30% of men work in schools. Less than 12% are men.

Types of families Prosperous family: - common interests, spiritual connection; - relationships are built on respect for each other; - creative approach to family education; - material well-being. The goal is to instill family values ​​and foster a thirst for parenthood. Formally, a prosperous family: - external well-being; - loss of family values; - Parents are not involved in upbringing. The goal is education for life in society. Dysfunctional families: - lack of family traditions; - upbringing is not accepted as a parental responsibility; -material problems. The goal is survival in society.

How are children different today? Uninhibitedness Hyperactivity Poor health Independence Interactivity Demanding Egocentrism

Traditionally, parents spend time in the family on children. MOMS spend 85% of their free time on activities and communication with the child: games; Reading books; Team work; conversations with the child. DADS devote 25% of their time to their children: passive viewing of TV and video; computer games; car trips.

What difficulties do parents have when raising a child? Difficulty in choosing a punishment - 6% Lack of friends for the child - 9% Difficulties with behavior - 32% Lack of mutual understanding - 8% Difficulties in organizing free time -19% Difficult to answer - 26%

Short recommendations Give your child a choice; Accept your child's individuality; Pamper your children wisely; Encourage a breadth of interests; Take care of the future family happiness of your children; Express satisfaction with your child more often. Don't forget to talk to your child; Listen to your child's questions; Watch what and how you say yourself; Show, don't tell; Spend more time together.

Directions of work of preschool educational institutions and families Encourage parents in raising children as a subject of social relations; Preservation and promotion of health; Development of parent initiatives (parental committee) Physical education of the child and his family Nurturing the child’s aesthetic senses; Formation and education of a family leisure culture; “Learning together” Information and pedagogical education of parents

Forms of work with families: Pedagogical conversations with parents; Thematic consultations for parents; Parent group meetings; Information stands for parents; Organization of matinees in kindergarten; Leisure activities together with parents; Individual counseling for parents; Thematic exhibitions; Open classes for parents and more. etc. The goal is to show what your children can do.

Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, drive away grievances and quarrels, I want our friends to say about us: How good your family is!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

What is a family? A family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility. In the theory of family law, the family...

“Educational and entertainment event “Seven to Seven” as a form of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family”

Goals: Creating a living creative union of adults and children for the full development of the child and self-realization of adults. Objectives: Teach parents to observe the child, study him, look...

Sociological research

show that the upbringing of a child is influenced by:

  • Family - 50%
  • Media, television - 30%
  • school - 10%
  • street -10%.

Moral education is:

  • Gradual enrichment of knowledge, skills, experience.
  • development of the mind.
  • Formation of attitudes towards good and evil.
  • Formation of such personality qualities as ideology, humanism, citizenship, responsibility, hard work, nobility and the ability to manage oneself.

Mark Twain:

“Be patient. When I was 14 years old, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him. But when I turned 21, I was amazed at how much this old man had become wiser over the past 7 years.”

  • Up to 5 years - complete faith in parents: “parents know, understand, understand everything”;
  • 6-11 years – partial faith in parents, suspicions arise that parents still don’t know something;
  • 12-16 years old - no faith in parents: “parents don’t know anything, don’t understand anything, don’t understand anything”;
  • 17-25 years old – the makings of faith in parents: “parents don’t know much, but...”;
  • 26-35 years - restoration of partial faith in parents: “parents still know something, understand something and understand something;
  • 36-45 years old – complete faith in parents: “parents know a lot, understand a lot, understand a lot;
  • Over 45 years old - full recognition of parents: “parents knew the answers to all the questions, they were right in everything.”

Children are witnesses, they learn to live from life.

  • The child is constantly criticized, he learns... ( hate).
  • The child lives in enmity, he learns... ( be aggressive).
  • The child lives in reproaches, he learns... ( live with guilt).
  • The child grows up in tolerance, he learns... (understand others).
  • The child is praised, he learns... ( to be noble).
  • The child grows up in honesty, he learns... (to be fair).
  • The child grows up in safety, he learns... ( believe in people).
  • The child is supported, he studies... ( value yourself).
  • The child is ridiculed, he learns... (to be closed).
  • He lives in understanding and friendship, he learns... (finding love in the world).

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