Psychological test "What kind of bird are you?" Birthday test “What kind of bird are you Test what kind of bird are you

What does the test show? Using the test, you can relate yourself to three quite different and vivid personal portraits, conventionally called “Dove”, “Ostrich” and “Hawk”.

Psychological test to determine personality type.

Everyone or almost everyone loves tests, but the majority answer questions only in order to, having learned the result, evaluate - no, not themselves, but the test: how accurately the test guessed what the person knew about himself without it... Yes, tests help a person think about himself again, look at his characteristics a little “from the outside,” but the main function of popular tests is entertainment.

Test "What kind of bird are you?" Not boring, it helps to determine the type of personality, its strengths and weaknesses, to understand that there are no general recommendations, that the quality that adorns one person can hinder another. Swearing, for example, is clearly not good. But I had to teach several people to swear because they didn’t know how to do it. And in their situation, they needed it. Having passed this test and learned the results, you will receive a set of recommendations and exercises for working on yourself in order to improve the quality of your life and communication with the outside world and people.

Psychological test "What kind of bird are you?"

So, answer the questions. When answering questions, you must choose one of three answers. If in doubt, simply select the answer that best suits you. This or that answer does not mean that you are better or worse, but simply that you are this or that.

  1. I’m 12 years old, I’m getting ready to go for a walk, and my mother suddenly says: “It’s already late, you’re not going anywhere.” I:
    1. I’ll really, really ask my mom to let me go outside, but if she still insists on her way, I’ll stay at home,
    2. I’ll tell myself “I don’t want to go anywhere” and stay at home,
    3. I’ll say, “It’s not too late, I’ll go,” although mom will scold later.
  2. In case of disagreement, I usually:
    1. I listen carefully to other opinions and try to find the possibility of mutual agreement,
    2. I avoid useless disputes and try to achieve my goal in other ways,
    3. I openly express my position and try to convince my interlocutor.
    4. Video lessons on mathematics.
    5. I see myself as a person who:
      1. likes to be liked by many and to be like everyone else,
      2. always remains himself,
      3. loves to bend other people to his will.
    6. My attitude towards romantic love:
      1. being close to your loved one is the greatest happiness in life,
      2. this is not bad, but as long as they don’t demand too much from you and don’t get into your soul,
      3. it's wonderful, especially when my loved one gives me everything I need.
    7. If I'm upset, I:
      1. I'll try to find someone to console me,
      2. I try not to pay attention to it,
      3. I start to get angry and can lash out at those around me.
    8. If the boss did not quite fairly criticize my work, then:
      1. It will hurt me, but I will try not to show it,
      2. I will be outraged by this, I will actively defend myself and can express my claims in response,
      3. I will be upset, but I will accept what he is right about and will try to correct these mistakes.
    9. If someone pricks me with my shortcoming, then I:
      1. I get irritated and remain silent, chewing the resentment inside myself,
      2. I'll probably get angry and respond in kind,
      3. I get upset and start making excuses.
    10. I function best if I:
      1. on my own,
      2. leader, leader,
      3. part of the team.
    11. If I have finished some difficult work, I:
      1. I'm just moving on to something else,
      2. I show everyone that I have already done everything,
      3. I want to be praised.
    12. At parties I usually:
      1. I sit quietly in the corner,
      2. I strive to be at the center of all events,
      3. I spend most of my time helping to set the table and wash the dishes.
    13. If the cashier at the store does not give me change, then I:
      1. Naturally, I will demand it,
      2. I’ll be upset, but I won’t say anything. I don't like arguing with cashiers
      3. I won't pay attention. A small thing is not worth paying attention to.
    14. If I feel like I'm angry, I:
      1. I express my feelings and get rid of them,
      2. I feel uncomfortable
      3. I'm trying to calm myself down.
    15. When I get sick I:
      1. I become irritable and impatient,
      2. I go to bed and really expect that they will look after me,
      3. I try not to pay attention to it and hope that everyone around me will do the same.
    16. If some person has caused my strong indignation, I would prefer:
      1. express your feelings to him openly and to his face,
      2. discharge your emotions in some unrelated matter or conversation,
      3. let him know about it indirectly, for example through other people.
    17. My motto will obviously be:
      1. The winner is always right
      2. The whole world loves the one who loves,
      3. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

      You can find out the test results by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, but before you do this, I bring to your attention a short video.

      Four "YES" for happiness.

      Excerpt from Mikhail Efimovich Litvak’s seminar “How to recognize your script and get out of it”

      The test is taken from Nikolai Kozlov’s book “How to Treat Yourself and People, or Practical Psychology for Every Day”

      If you liked the article and found it useful, subscribe to updates.

a) A glass of coffee, tea or juice.
b) Sandwich or boiled egg.
c) Something significant.

2. During vacation or weekends, do you wake up at about the same time as on weekdays?

a) Yes, you do it out of habit.
b) No.
c) When and how.

3. How accurately can you determine a period of time equal to a minute without using a watch? Ask your loved ones to help you complete this task. Result:

a) More than a minute.
b) Less than a minute.
c) Almost got it right.

4. Remember what time of day you quarrel with someone more often than usual:

a) Towards the evening, when fatigue takes its toll.
b) In the morning, when you are not in a good mood.
c) You can’t say for sure.

5. Imagine if the choice of rest time were not tied to your work, what time would you go to bed?

a) Around midnight.
b) About after one o'clock in the morning.
c) Around 22 o'clock.

6. Think you could easily refuse:

a) From evening tea drinking - 3.
b) From morning coffee and (or) tea.
c) You don’t care when to drink tea or coffee.

7. If you need to get up in the morning not at seven o’clock, but at six, will you go to bed early?

a) Most likely not.
b) Yes, definitely.
c) Go to bed at the usual time, regardless of getting up.

8. How do you feel when the alarm clock rings early in the morning?

a) React calmly.
b) You feel like throwing the alarm clock out the window.
c) Depends on what time you went to bed the night before.

Sum up your scores using the table and see the conclusions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 0 0 3 6 6 3 6 3
b 3 3 6 3 0 6 0 6
V 6 6 0 0 3 0 3 0

0-18 points. Lark. Doctors call the “lark” mode more natural for a person. “Larks” are less susceptible to heart disease and all kinds of vascular problems.

21-33 points. Owl. Whatever a person may think, scientific research shows that activity at night does not have the best effect on health. "Owls" are predisposed to hypertension and angina.

36-48 points. Pigeon. The average between “night owl” and “lark” is arrhythmic. “Pigeons” adapt to circumstances more easily than others, but are prone to depression.

Agree, it’s so nice when they call you a bird. I especially want to hear such affectionate words from individuals of the opposite sex: “you are my swallow!”, “dove,” “birdie.”

In a women's magazine we found a special bird horoscope, behind which we are all birds. Which ones exactly and what it means - find out by your month of birth.

Birthday in January - you are Chibis

Your motto is patience and work will grind everything down! Lapwings are very hardworking, like their patron birds. They have patience and are very responsible. They are sure to complete any task to the end.

Birthday in February - you are a Toucan

Toucans always use the opportunity to stand out and surprise others with their brightness (clothing, makeup, hairstyle). Although sometimes it is precisely because of this tendency that people born under the Toucan sign are not taken seriously.

Birthday in March - you are Nightingale

You are a subtle and sensitive person. The Nightingale often prefers to remain in the shadows, but still always delights others. Nightingale has special abilities in the field of art - music, painting, literature. Nightingale people often get everything by themselves, and most importantly, without any special financial costs!

Birthdayin April - you are a lark

Who gets up early - God gives him! This is about people born under this sign. You always have a lot of strength and energy. Larks never lose heart. A good mood is their calling card. These birds are good friends and the soul of any company!

Birthday in May - you are a Swan

You are beautiful at heart and graceful. Lebed’s sense of dignity, as well as his sense of justice, is heightened, which leads to some distance from the team. People born under this sign do not tolerate lies.

Birthday in June - you are a Parrot

These birds are bright, lively, and sociable. Parrots talk a lot and cannot imagine their life without a telephone. From lack of communication, they can become depressed. Parrots easily and quickly learn everything new and grasp knowledge on the fly.

Birthday in July - you are Malinovka

You are a true family man, you care about your loved ones, you are faithful to your loved ones. Robins are wonderful parents. But these birds endure loneliness very hard.

Birthday in August - you are Magpie

These people love everything bright. Colorful things are so attractive to Magpies that they can lose their sense of proportion. You are warm and friendly and love to be the center of attention.

Birthday in September - you are Raven

Crows are distinguished by good health and ingenuity. This helps people of this sign to benefit even in a losing situation. Crows are often very perceptive and see things that others do not pay attention to.

Our Unconscious knows more about us than consciousness. And shares this information through associations, chosen symbols, images... We offer a test that will help your Unconscious reveal information about you.

Think and choose: what bird do you look like?

  • Eagle
  • Pigeon
  • Sparrow
  • Peacock
  • Gull
  • Crow
  • Owl

Eagle. You have wisdom and observation. You know how to see both details and the big picture. You try to be fair, look at the situation from different angles, and respect opinions that differ from yours. If you strive for leadership, recognition, respect, and your authority are important to you. You know how to take responsibility and can be successful in a leadership position. You know how and love to plan, control the situation and its development, you have strategic thinking. You can just lower your control a little and take a more relaxed approach to life, sometimes just go with the flow...

Pigeon. You are open, a little naive, and you yourself may suffer from it. You have ideals, a desire for the best, this inspires respect. But some views and expectations may be overly idealistic and divorced from reality. Naivety can lead to victimization, and idealism leads to disappointment. A sober assessment of reality, without idealization and without depreciation - this is the optimal balance. Learn to defend yourself and, if necessary, show aggression - of course, in a healthy way. And maintain inner purity - most likely, your loved ones see and appreciate it.

Sparrow. You strive to be invisible and not stand out. Behind this are usually fears and distrust of the world, and avoidance of competition. The desire for invisibility can interfere with implementation and become self-limiting. Try to find a safe, welcoming environment in which you can open up; rely on the support of loved ones. Your advantages include hard work, responsibility, you are a good performer who does not strive for leadership. You know how to act quickly and navigate new situations. You need a little more courage and self-confidence!

Gull. You love to dream and fantasize. You have goals and dreams that you strive for. The internal value system according to which you live. You can be called a principled person. However, dreams sometimes become your refuge, an escape from reality. It is important not to run away from problems, but to solve them. Moreover, you have a fairly high level of creativity, and you can approach difficulties creatively. Also, do not hesitate to turn to your loved ones for support and help. There is no less good in the real world than in dreams, it’s just that this good can sometimes be harder to find...

Peacock. You need attention and recognition. Often external brightness and demonstrativeness hide internal insecurity. Perhaps you lacked attention and approval as a child. You are not aggressive, you do not provoke conflicts,

but your brightness and desire to show success can make others jealous. By demonstrating success, people strive to gain approval, but instead they receive envy... Develop self-confidence and do not rush to declare yourself, first understand why you want to do this and what may follow?..

Crow. You have a sense of humor and self-irony, sometimes this is an irreplaceable thing. You will not be denied ingenuity and even cunning, you know how to get out of difficult situations. But you can sometimes put yourself in them in search of adventure, out of curiosity. You have a “greedy mind”; you absorb new information easily and with pleasure. Most likely, studying and mastering new things come easily to you, and you quickly begin to navigate unfamiliar situations. A little less risk, more calm, leisurely decisions - that's what you can think about.

Owl. You have an interest in the spiritual side of life, perhaps even in mysticism. You make decisions slowly and thoroughly, first you look closely and collect information. And in general, the position of an observer is typical for you. You are selective in your contacts and more of an introvert. Solitude is simply necessary for you; it provides an opportunity for reflection and rethinking. You prefer your own opinion to someone else’s borrowed opinion. Sometimes you take things too deeply and to heart. Don't complicate life unnecessarily, it's already complicated.

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