Psychological and pedagogical techniques for creating a situation of success. The situation of success as a pedagogical technique in modern educational practice Success in the classroom

This work reveals the essence of a purposeful, organized combination of conditions under which the opportunity to achieve success in the activities of both an individual and the team as a whole is created.



MBOU "Urinskaya Secondary School"

Scientific and methodological conference

“Modern education: experience, problems, prospects”

Topic: Increasing student motivation through creating situations of success in learning

Completed by: Shigina I.A.,

Deputy school director for water management


Goal of the work : to reveal the essence of a purposeful, organized combination of conditions under which the opportunity to achieve success in the activities of both an individual and the team as a whole is created.

Tasks :

  1. identify psychological factors that determine success or failure in learning;
  2. reveal the role of the teacher in increasing student motivation;
  3. diagnose students of different age groups for success in learning and determine school motivation;
  4. create a bank of success situations
  5. Relevance: V.F. Shatalov argued that in order for work at school to be effective, the “pickled cucumber” effect must work. The main thing is to create a brine. Then, no matter what the cucumber is, good or bad, once in the brine, it will be salted. How to create such a “pickle”? What to take as a basis? Many teachers believe that the main purpose of a teacher’s work is to create a situation of success for each child in the classroom. It is created through combinations of conditions that ensure success. The teacher’s task is to give each student the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, realize their capabilities, and believe in themselves. Success in learning is one of the sources of a student’s internal strength, generating energy to overcome difficulties and a desire to learn.

1.Psychological factors that determine success and failure in learning

WITH psychological point of view success - this is the experience of a state of joy, satisfaction from the fact that the result that a person strived for in his activity either coincided with his expectations, hopes (with the level of aspirations), or exceeded them.

Features of success: on the one hand, success is a purely personal, individual experience of joy; on the other hand, a collective assessment of the individual’s achievements.

For a child, joy shared with others becomes not one, but many joys. Likewise, failure shared with others becomes something else. The best option: the joy of one becomes the joy of others, and failure encourages the student to relieve the grief of those around him. Failure gives rise to the desire for success.

If a child rejoices at his achievements, does not become complacent about them, strives for new heights, and makes others happy—should I be worried? In some cases it’s worth it. It is important that success is not needed only for external effect or does not turn into an end in itself.

Success in learning depends on the following:psychological factors:

- motivation for educational activities;

- arbitrariness of cognitive processes(perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking and speech);

- the student has the necessary strong-willed and a number of other personality qualities(perseverance, dedication, responsibility, discipline, consciousness, etc.);

Skills interact with people in joint activities with them, especially with teachers and study group mates (communication skills);

- intellectual development and formation of educational activity as teaching.

Except Purely psychological factors influence a child’s success:

- means and content of training, the educational material that the teacher and student use. It must meet certain requirements. The most important of them is accessibility and a sufficient level of complexity. Accessibility ensures that this material is assimilated by students, and sufficient complexity ensures the psychological development of students. From a psychological point of view, the optimal complexity from a psychological point of view is considered to be educational material that is at a fairly high, but still quite accessible level of difficulty;

A well-thought-out system (strategy) of rewarding students for success and punishing them for failure in educational activities. Incentives must be consistentreal successand reflect not so much the student’s abilities as the efforts he makes. Punishments must playstimulating role, i.e., touch upon and activate important motives of educational activity aimed at achieving success, and not at avoiding failure.

Using encouragement in teaching

1. Encouragement is based on a positive belief in your own abilities and the abilities of others, on accepting students as they are, and not as they could be.

2.The purpose of encouragement is to help students believe in themselves and their abilities.

3. Encouragement helps students take the risk of appearing imperfect and realize that a mistake is not a failure. Mistakes can contribute to learning.

4. Encouragement is different from praise. The student does not have to earn the incentive by being the first to do so. It can be received for any positive action. Encouragement means that the student is accepted for who he is and treated with respect.

5. Reward is given for efforts shown. (In this case, the student is not made a value judgment, as in the case of praise.)

6. Encouragement begins with finding students' assets: talents, positive attitudes and goals, rather than their shortcomings. Every student has strengths.

7.Encouragement is the opposite of disapproval. Don't discourage students

By making negative remarks and exhibiting negative expectations,

Using unreasonably high and double standards,

Encouraging a spirit of competition among students and excessive ambition.

8. Encouragement is a statement that the student is trying and that it is worth trying.

2. The role of the teacher in increasing student motivation.

What role does the teacher play in motivating students? What can a teacher do to improve it?

Firstly , the teacher may emphasize learning, or the process of acquiring skills and knowledge, rather than the achievement, or product, or outcome of that process. Teachers should respond to the effort students put in, not just their performance. Students receiving specific feedback from the teacher regarding the correctness of their completion of the task, and not just marks; a specific response to how children learn, rather than to their personal characteristics and upbringing; reacting to how they learn, without reference to other students, all help students focus on learning.

Secondly , the teacher can increase students' motivation by reducing competition between them. The collaborative approach and the mastery approach are ways to help students avoid making negative inferences about the reasons for their performance as a result of comparing it with the performance of other students. Compared to a typical classroom approach to learning, it is more likely that learning in a collaborative structure and learning to mastery will provide a sense of success for students who need it.

Third , the teacher needs to help students evaluate their performance based on causal factors other than ability. This is important because judgments of ability are related to self-esteem and self-confidence, with negative judgments having the most detrimental effect on a student's desire to try to do well. As noted, one way to do this is to reward effort rather than performance with incentives so that students see effort rather than ability as the reason for success.

Another way is to introduce a new causal factor - strategy. Strategy refers to the method in which you do something. If a student performs poorly on a test, it may not be due to ability or lack of effort in preparation. The problem may be poor study skills and poor test-taking skills, both of which are strategies. By helping students view (failed) strategies as causes of failure, helping them improve their strategies, and praising them for their efforts to do so, teachers can turn failure into success for many students.

Fourth , the teacher should strive to set realistic goals to increase the likelihood of success and students' personal assessment of their abilities.

Fifthly , teachers need to constantly monitor the information they send to students about the causes of academic failure and adjust their feedback statements to students accordingly. Audio and video recordings can be very helpful in this regard. Teachers should be aware of whether and how they convey to students the message that they perceive them as incapable, and should try to change such language and the manner in which they convey it.

At sixth , teachers themselves need to avoid a state of learned helplessness as a result of their own perceived failures and disappointments experienced in the classroom.

3. Results of a survey on success in learning and determination of school motivation

3.1 I conducted a voluntary anonymous survey of students to determine school motivation. The survey was conducted selectively in different age groups: 2nd grade, 5th grade, 9th grade

The results are presented in the diagram:

Do you like school?

Are you always happy to go to school?

Do your teachers often praise you?

Question 2. What words do teachers use to praise you?

(most often: Well done! Rarely: “Clever girl”, “Wonderful”)

Question 3. Have there been times when teachers did not notice your success?

Question 4. When do you feel confident?

Question 5. Do you like it when your teachers praise you?

4. Bank of success situations

Conditions for creating a situation of success

  1. Kindness of others:the disposition of those sitting, smiles, friendly encouragement, expectation of performance and interest in the future result - all this relieves psychological tension, reduces the fear of failure, and initiates the subject’s activity.

The latter can be increased due to the high motivation of the proposed activity. “We really need this because...”, “This is important for you because...”. Emphasizing the importance of a task immediately increases a person’s perception of their own importance, and therefore fills them with greater confidence in their abilities.

  1. Removing Fear - a special operation necessary for every child who craves success and is afraid of failure. Therefore, the teacher says: “It’s not difficult at all... Even if it doesn’t work out, it’s okay, we’ll look for another way...” or “We’ll all help you.”
  2. This operation is supported by another influence -"hidden instructions": this is veiled help to a person who must learn to do without help, to fully rely on his own resources; but now he cannot cope with the work yet, because he is small, inexperienced, inept, and timid. The teacher says: “You remember, of course, that it’s better to start with...” or “It’s usually more convenient to start with...”, or “The main thing here is probably...”. The hidden instruction initiates a representation in the child’s mind; he sees the picture of the object that should be formed in the course of his activity. This representation provides the basis for the subject’s independent steps.
  3. Friendly positive reinforcement - advance : announcement of virtues that a person has not yet had time to demonstrate, but which others endow him with. For example: “You, being so smart (strong), will certainly succeed...”.
  4. "Personal exclusivity": “Only you could...; It is in you that we have great hope.” This operation assigns responsibility by mobilizing the subject.
  5. Pedagogical suggestion- an intonation-rich, mimically designed way of convincing the student of great faith in him. This element entirely depends on the pedagogical technique, the degree of its development in a particular teacher.
  6. Completes the ped system. operationsassessment of the product of activitychild. It will determine whether the child (after all) experiences the joy of success. The assessment should be detailed, not holistic: “You were especially successful...”, “What I like most is the way you...”, “This fragment is amazing...”.

Techniques for creating success situations

Emotional strokes

The teacher praises you in class: “you guys are great,” “you’re smart,” “guys, I’m proud of you.”

But is this only praise? Or a statement of fact? Maybe the child is trying because he believed the teacher: “Yes, I’m great, yes, I’m smart. I deserve these words. I will always prove that I’m smart and well done!” We instill in the child faith in himself.

“The deficit in the joy of learning is generated by the deficit in the joy of teaching” (Belkin A.S.)

"Give me a chance" technique

We are talking about a situation prepared in advance by an individual teacher, in which the child gets the opportunity unexpectedly, perhaps for the first time, to discover his own capabilities and abilities. The teacher may not prepare for such a situation on purpose, but his educational gift will be manifested in the fact that he will not miss this moment and will correctly evaluate it; will somehow be able to materialize.

"follow us" technique

For an underachieving student, the teacher finds an intellectual sponsor. Sponsor means providing at his own expense, disinterestedly, free of charge, not bound by any requirements or coercions.

The most effective way is to involve a high school student in intellectual sponsorship. This offers many benefits. Here is the realization of the feelings of the “elder”, and the awareness of one’s own intellectual “I”. At the same time, it is flattering for a weak student to accept the help of a senior and feel his attention. He does not experience his humiliating weakness in front of his classmates; he has an advance of trust in the capabilities of his sponsor.

Acceptance of “Delayed marking”

A mark is given only when the child deserves either a positive or an increased mark. This should not be confused with an assessment! Mark - fixed grade. Assessment can be different, it is always necessary and mandatory. And a mark is only when it speaks of movement and forward, of the child’s achievement. You shouldn’t rush into bad grades, your child needs to be given a chance!

Reception "Eureka"

The secret of the technique is simple: it lies “in the teacher’s desire to awaken the thoughts of the students, to give everyone the opportunity to make their own small discovery, and to turn those around them into accomplices, to include them in the creative process” (Amonashvili Sh.A.).

So, it is necessary to create conditions under which the child, while completing a learning task, unexpectedly comes to a conclusion that reveals something previously unknown.

The teacher’s merit will be to not only notice this deeply personal “discovery”, but also to support the child in every possible way, set new, more serious tasks for him, and inspire him to solve them.

A child, especially in the lower grades, who already has some accumulated intellectual reserve, but cannot really use it, resembles a mechanism wound up by the spring of cognition, which needs an initial push. “The success of a discovery cannot happen in a vacuum. It must be prepared for a long time and patiently, revealing to the child possible connections and relationships...” (Sukhomlinsky V.A.).

Technique “Intellectual inversion”

(changing the position of components, placing them in reverse order)

There is a continuous process of mutual enrichment of knowledge. Schematically, it can be represented as follows: the teacher receives knowledge, transfers it to students, and they, in turn, having accumulated a certain reserve and the ability to independently acquire it, enrich the intellectual fund of the teacher. So, schoolchildren also develop their own intellectual potential. You can even talk about the potential of the class.

Formula: the teacher’s potential gives rise to a group of potentials that constantly interact with each other in order to “charge” the student’s potentials, the teacher must tirelessly replenish his own, and the stimulus for this process is the mental growth of the students, by “connecting” to which the teacher receives a new charge of energy.

“Intentional error” technique

We are used to the fact that only the teacher can point out mistakes to students. When such an opportunity is given to a student, you should see how proud his face shines: he discovered a mistake from the teacher himself!

The “intentional error” technique can be used, taking into account age, only on material known to students, which is used in the proof as supporting knowledge.

Reception "horizon line"

This phenomenon has been known since early childhood. No matter how much you approach the place where the imaginary merger of heaven and earth takes place, it will always move away, beckon, and lead you to infinity. The same is true when a child becomes interested in something.

Of course, every teacher has more than one technique for creating a “success situation,” and I really want to hope that these techniques will greatly help students cope in difficult situations, increase their self-esteem, motivation, and avoid situations of “failure.”


By creating situations of success, the teacher actualizes in the structure of the need-motivational sphere of the student’s personality the dispositions to achieve success in any activity and, above all, in educational and cognitive activities. The actualization of these dispositions leads to a change in the student’s perception of educational and any other life situation. In this case, his attention becomes selective, and he himself can biasedly perceive and evaluate the motivation for achieving success. Thus, we draw a conclusion about the relationship between success in learning and achievement motivation.

There is no doubt that the student must experience a situation of success. Success supports the motivation of a student’s cognitive activity. Of course, the degree of success depends on the level of abilities, skills of the student and the degree of effort made. But this is the task of the teacher - to identify and reveal the inner potential of the student. At the same time, the formation of motivational attitudes in a child is determined by the behavior of the teacher himself, his style of management, communication, his attitude towards his subject and his teaching activities. All this is an indispensable condition for students to develop faith in their strengths and their ability to achieve. Only by forming the need for knowledge can one evoke motives in learning that are adequate to it. That is why the knowledge and skills of the teacher to carry out special work to stimulate and motivate the educational activities of schoolchildren are so significant.

The desire to learn arises when everything or almost everything works out. The student’s personal interest in acquiring knowledge appears. It has been proven that the basis of any person’s creative, active well-being is faith in one’s own strength. The establishment of this belief is impossible without acquiring the experience of achieving and experiencing success. It has long been no secret to anyone that a child who has never known the joy of achievement, who has not experienced the pride of having overcome difficulties, loses interest and desire to learn.

Each teacher can create a “success situation” in his lessons if he is engaged in the formation of educational and cognitive motivation of students. “Situation of success” is a combination of conditions that ensure success, and success itself is the result of such a situation.

The teacher’s task is to give each of his students the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, realize their capabilities, and believe in themselves.


1. Aleshina L. How to evaluate the success of schoolchildren. Children's health. – 2005. - No. 1. – P. 18-13.

2. Belkin A. S. Situation of success. How to create it? – M., 1998.

3. Bityanova M. Academic performance and success // School psychology. – 2003. - No. 40. – P. 4.

4. Lopatin A. R. Counter efforts, success - failure in the educational process // Pedagogy. – 2003. - No. 8. – P. 41-48.

5. Lopatin A. R. Creating a situation of success is the basis for the humanization of the educational process // Public education. – 2004. - No. 8. – P. 143

6. Markova A.K. and others. Formation of learning motivation: A book for teachers. M.: Education, 1990

7. Titova T. E. Motivation for success: advice to parents of first-graders Primary school. – 2007. - No. 10. – P. 11-12.

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“Secondary school No. 2 in Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov region”


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Techniques for creating a situation of success in the classroom

V.F. Shatalov argued that in order for work at school to be effective, the “pickled cucumber effect” must work. The main thing is to create a brine, then no matter what the cucumber is, good or bad, once in the brine, it will be salted. How to create such a “pickle”? Many teachers believe that the main purpose of a teacher’s activity is to create for each student a situation of success in the classroom. It is created by a combination of conditions that ensure success. The teacher’s task is to give each student the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, realize their capabilities, and believe in themselves. We, adults, love it when colleagues and managers notice our successes and endeavors and duly appreciate our contribution to a positive cause. For students of different classes, even more than for adults, the psychological atmosphere in which they find themselves is just as important, when even a small student’s success is encouraged (at least with a kind word). To create a situation of success in the lesson, you can use various techniques and methods. I'll tell you about some of them.
    Creating a favorable psychological atmosphere while working in class. This
    Calm, friendly tone of the teacher. Friendly relationship between teacher and student. Never call a student by his last name and use it only if there is a need to show severity and show dissatisfaction with the offense committed.

    Support an unsure student while completing assignments in class. This support is constantly needed. To do this, you can use the phrases: “Good”, “Very good” and “Well done”, “You did better today than yesterday!”, “Already much better! Keep trying!” etc.

    Select tasks, differentiated by degree of difficulty, which allows you to include each student in the work during the lesson.
  • Develop a system of differentiated questioning (tasks of varying degrees of difficulty; weak ones can be given tasks like “do it according to the model”, “restore the record”).

    Creating a microclimate of cooperation and mutual assistance in the classroom. For example, through conducting independent educational work in pairs or groups; When completing an individual task, take the help of a more successful student.

    Multi-level homework so that everyone can choose their own level of assignments and complete it.

    Offer a musical slide presentation in class.

    Creating situations of success can be achieved through the use of effects in the lesson that develop interest in learning:
    The effect of novelty; Diversity effect; Entertaining effect; The effect of captivating forms and method of presentation; The effect of using bright artistic means; Imagery effect; Game effect; The student's surprise effect; Search effect; Paradoxical effect.
There are many methods and techniques for creating these effects, and each teacher has their own. Here are some of them:

    The use of various “highlights”, which are good because they awaken the imagination of students, create a feeling of success in them, and help to enliven the lesson. They are used both when studying a new topic and when summing up results.

For example,

1) Connection of homework with a new topic; the students themselves “discover” the topic. In order to prepare for the perception of new material and discover the lesson's intent, the practical part of the homework is checked. Using the key - the alphabet (encrypted letters) it is determined which word is encrypted. It is emphasized that it was the correctly completed homework that helped discover the topic of the lesson, that the students did it themselves.

2) In order to awaken interest in the upcoming work, students complete the task: “What is more.” But due to insufficient knowledge, a problematic situation is created when executing some examples. The motive is that there is not enough knowledge, so new rules of comparison are needed! The students agree that this problem needs to be solved.

    Organization of search activities through the creation of problem situations, laboratory research, practical work, experiment.

For example,

    Practical work in 9th grade when studying geometry topics

"Circumference". Students are asked to measure the length of two circles, their diameters and find the ratio of the length to the diameter of the circle. Then conclude that this ratio does not depend on the length of the circle and its diameter. Thus, the formula for circumference C = П* is obtained D

    A 5th grade math lesson on the topic “Adding and subtracting ordinary fractions with like denominators.” Two columns of examples on addition and subtraction with answers are written down. Students analyze the answers they receive and formulate rules for adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators.

    Using gaming techniques. Conducting final classes in the form of a game.

    When studying new material, show connections with other subjects.

    When performing group work. When working collectively, each student is busy, each child wants to look knowledgeable and capable. Therefore, each participant in the collective business becomes interested. Yes, if he receives a positive grade for his work, then his desire to work in class increases even more.

    The content of the material for oral exercises should be designed for students of different categories. The teacher himself determines who is given what task in oral calculation, so that the child is sure to complete it. Develop skills and abilities, reason according to an algorithm: for the strong, this is a model; for the average and weak - the ability to speak out is formed. Questioning students in different types of lessons must be structured differently.
    During a lesson in learning new material, after an explanation, all students are questioned along the chain, where it becomes clear what is understood and what is not, and a program for further work is drawn up, taking into account what was successful in the lesson and what was not. When reinforcing new material, the first to answer at the board are strong students who clearly know the material, know how to solve correctly and quickly, and speak competently, thereby giving low-performing students the opportunity to listen to the material again through a friend’s explanation.
    The use of additional material in the lesson also creates a situation of success in the lesson. These are historical references, essays on mathematical topics, crosswords, poems about mathematics, etc. The use of visual aids allows you to activate both visual and auditory memory.
  • The use of various control methods: self- and mutual control, included control, testing, diagnostics based on the quality of acquired knowledge, the “Evaluate yourself!” assessment system.

    Timely identification of problems in students’ knowledge and skills and elimination of deficiencies and difficulties. The necessary correction should be carried out in the same lesson as the control or invited to an additional lesson. In an additional lesson, give a task that cannot be ignored.

A situation of success cannot arise out of nowhere. It must be prepared for a long time and patiently, showing the student the connection between what he has achieved and what he has not yet been able to achieve. The student should be constantly instilled in him that he can achieve what has not been achieved, that he has enough strength and intelligence, using suggestion, support, and an attitude toward tomorrow’s joy. He must be convinced that he owes the slightest success, first of all, to himself.

A true teacher, who himself experiences the joy of learning, always strives to create a “situation of success” for any student, even the not very capable one, allowing him to feel this joy.

List of used literature

  1. A.S. Belkin. “Situation of success. How to create it." M., “Enlightenment”, 1991.

    Kazakova E. “The path up the ladder of success.” Public Education - 1996 - No. 6 – p. 87 – 90.

    “Situation analysis is a condition for success.” Public Education. – 1996 - No. 1. – p.80-84.

    “The situation of success in the lesson.” Elementary School. – 2003. - No. 4. p.90-93.

Materials used and Internet resources 2. , Deputy Director for Research and Development . Methodical studio "Situation of success"

How to Succeed

If a child is deprived of joy and self-confidence, then it is difficult to hope for his bright future. “Pedagogy is the science of the creativity of education,” wrote S. Soloveichik.
The role of the situation of success in educational activities
In recent years, the phrase “success situation” has become common among educators. No one argues that it is positive emotions that become the most important stimulus for a child in learning activities. But sometimes we forget that in pedagogy there seems to be no single recipe or rule on how to create such a situation. After all, it needs to be created on the basis of an individual approach, weighed, taking into account many factors.
Children can forgive a lot, but not indifference on the part of the teacher. According to survey results, the children of such teachers behave as if the lesson belongs only to them, and not to the whole class. How to achieve such success? Sometimes it is the “Spark of God,” most often it is skill brought to the level of art.
Psychological and pedagogical mechanism of the situation of success.
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “success” and “success situation”
A situation is a combination of conditions that create success.
Success is the result of exposure to this situation.
It is the teacher who can create the situation. Please keep in mind:
a one-time experience of success can radically change the psychological state and well-being of a child,
can become a trigger for the further development of the child as an individual,
will give you the opportunity to feel self-confidence,
there is a desire to achieve better results,
a feeling of inner well-being arises, which affects the attitude towards the world and people around us.
At first glance, it seems that the teacher, having created such situations several times, achieves the main thing - he motivates interest in the subject and cognitive activity. But there is also a second side to this process - constant success can create indifference and have a detrimental effect on the child’s volitional qualities: he is no longer able to overcome obstacles, gets lost in difficult situations and is dominated by the motive of “avoiding failures.” Why does such a paradox arise?
Firstly, success achieved at the cost of little effort can lead to overestimation or overestimation of one’s capabilities.
Secondly, when experiencing some strong emotion, relaxation necessarily follows. It is during this period that the child should not be offered the next, more complex task. This activity will be less successful than the previous one. A certain period of rest is needed.
Thirdly, the experience of success may fade if the result (important, significant for the student) is not adequately assessed by others.
Fourthly, the emotion of success will not become a strong experience if the results are insignificant for the child (pass the essay).
By reducing the importance of success (in comparison: music - 12 points and literature - 6 points), adults have a negative impact on the formation of attitudes towards subjects, and therefore on attitudes towards the educational process. Therefore, it is important to know the individual characteristics of each child in the class where you teach. Children need to be encouraged if the desired result is unattainable by nature or the physical condition and mental development of the child. To do this, there is a comment on the result of this child’s activity (mark the best).
Chain of actions to create a situation of success:
setting for activity (emotional preparation, test, reminder - motivational stage,
ensuring activities (creating conditions for successfully solving a task) - organizational stage,
comparison of the results obtained with the student’s expectations is an effective stage.
Creating a situation of success at the motivational level.
Research by psychologists has shown that the level of a child’s knowledge acquisition directly depends on the level of formation and motivation for learning. We all know the thesis that a teacher’s work in a lesson without the motivation of students and their personal circumstances is equivalent to working in an empty office. Thus, every teacher is faced with the task of forming a mindset among students for successful completion of a task, a sense of co-creation and involvement in action, and overcoming difficulties that may arise along the way or in the process of action. In other words, the teacher is obliged to form the motive for the student’s achievements.
A situation may arise that is inappropriate for your setup, for example: someone has already done something similar and can quickly get the job done, while someone has difficulty understanding the task at hand. In this case, a negative attitude comes from misunderstanding and reluctance to overcome difficulties, that is, in the end result the child expects an already known negative result. Agree, it is convenient for a teacher to work with those who can complete the task faster and better. Then the question arises: what to do with others? The advice is simple: you should take into account the emotional mood, draw a prospect for successful completion, and connect it with an example that would indicate the successful completion of tasks in past times. Sometimes it is necessary to neutralize the student's failure and reluctance, even the memories of them, and then create the prospect of a new search for the conditions for completing the task. You can emphasize the significance of the student’s efforts and give additional tasks for individual work on this topic. After consultations, find an opportunity to praise the student and complicate the task.
The teacher can offer different motives for achievement:
desire to solve interesting problems independently,
gain authority from your comrades,
become a leader
consider your activities from the point of view of its usefulness for yourself in the future and its usefulness to other people,
establish new contacts with those who easily solve similar problems.
At the stage of motivation of educational activities, the teacher, relying on the emotional memory of students, organizes situations with the aim of updating or neutralizing emotions for further activities. This stage is called psychological. Here it will be useful to use psychological and pedagogical techniques:
1. Rosenthal effect or inspiration effect: You can do it, you will definitely succeed. If the teacher convinces the student and supports him at first (tracks, controls), then success will definitely come.
2. The “Emotional Stroking” technique is a statement of any, even small, success of the child, which will give the strength to believe in the possibility of getting a positive result, faith in oneself and one’s strengths, the teacher’s openness to trust and involvement in success.
3. The “Announcement” technique is a rehearsal of a future action, creating a psychological mood of confidence. These are additional tasks (by analogy) for the class and individual ones for individual students. It is advisable to announce questions for independent work in advance and name the names of students whom the teacher wants to interview on the topic or individual paragraphs. You can conduct a trial test.
4. Technique “Be equal!” contains the following steps:
Psychological attack;
Emotional blocking;
Choosing the main direction;
Choice of equal opportunities;
Unexpected comparison;
This technique means that the teacher blocks assumptions about failure in one area of ​​the student’s activity, distracts his attention from the next failure, the teacher is obliged to find the type of activity that the student is capable of and he will be able to realize himself successfully, thereby ensuring his success.
Creating a situation of success at the organizational stage.
Teacher's task– to interest the student in the cognitive process.
At this stage, many children experience psychological stress, which is reflected in an internal conflict: THE TASK IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE, BUT THERE IS NOT ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE. The teacher’s help is especially important here - to get involved in the work correctly, overcome fear or fatigue, and stimulate activity. For children who require organizational control, the teacher must supervise the beginning and completion of work, providing intellectual and emotional support to the child.
Students who require assistance in the process of completing work need approval of individual elements of the process; their step-by-step implementation is only encouraged.
Students who do an excellent job on their own should be given the right to choose tasks of increased complexity.
Specific circumstances will determine the choice of certain techniques to create a situation of success. These may include such techniques as How:
Emotional stress relief,
Change of activities,
Hall help,
Peeking into a textbook (at the teacher's expense)
Types of success situations. Methodology for their implementation
1. “Give me a chance” technique A pre-prepared situation in which a student can unexpectedly discover his or her capabilities.
2. “Follow Us” technique Diagnosis of the intellectual background of the team, selection of a knowledge sponsor, recording of results and its evaluation.
3. “Emotional outburst” technique Useful for those students who react emotionally to praise and criticism. The teacher’s task is to release energy and redirect it into a chain of actions with his kind words of support.
4. “Inspiration” technique The technique is based on precise calculation - choosing a source of intellectual stimulation:
Realized or unexpected joy of the student; teacher support; creating a competitive situation; new incentives for everyone’s self-development.
5. “Earik” technique A technique for creating conditions under which a student, while completing a task, unexpectedly discovers his capabilities, previously unknown to him. The teacher’s task is to see this, support the student and set a new goal for him, discussing an algorithm of actions with the student to achieve success. Secretly.
6. “Special error” technique Use taking into account the age and personal characteristics of the child. Be sure to use familiar or previously studied material.
Remember! Every child has inclinations that can be developed into abilities. See them, develop them - this is the main task of a teacher!

There is no success without cooperation

Pedagogy is one. This is the science of human upbringing, which includes training, education, moral, physical, aesthetic and other development.

Pedagogy is the science of the art of education. (S. Soloveichik) (p.6)

Power in the hands of a smart educator is like a traffic controller’s baton, which gives movement to one flow, slows down another, and overall ensures the safety of each student’s movement and prevents disaster (p. 8).

The ability to properly use power, punish the guilty, and encourage the worthy speaks of the high professionalism of the teacher (p. 9).

If in those around the Personality (teacher) he sees Personalities (students), recognizing their uniqueness, respecting their thoughts, feelings, right to freedom of choice, then thereby recognizing their equality, their right to cooperation, no matter what official relationship they have (p. .10)

Cooperation in pedagogy is mutual respect for individuals, willingness to help the self-realization of their capabilities, and optimistic faith in the future.

Cooperation is, first of all, a position, a kind of starting point in the activities of an Educator, a Teacher, an educator, be it parents or social activists (p. 10).

The starting point ultimately determines the fate of the child; it highlights the teacher’s pedagogical credo and his principled position. It concentrates the spiritual, intellectual, even physical strength of the teacher, the degree of his ethical education (p. 10).

Teacher's egocentrism– events “for show”, “for show”, the pursuit of prestigious places (ostensibly for the team, but in reality for the teacher). Egocentrism is accompanied by lack of initiative, indifference, and moral infantilism.

The reverse form of egocentrism – paedocentrism – is an extreme form of pedagogical indifference or pedagogical helplessness. Such educators provide their students with freedom of action, remaining in the position of an outside observer at a time when intervention is necessary, when the teacher is required to fully devote his mind, energy, and heart (p. 12).

Treating a child as an individual presupposes the ability and ability of a teacher to put himself in the position of a student, to be imbued with his states and feelings (p. 14).

One-sided emotional contact is the beginning of an individual approach to the child, and two-sided - personal. An individual approach to education is a subtle instrument that every educator should hold in their hands, and a personal approach is the ability to play it, and so that the child’s soul sounds in response (p. 15).

In order to correctly understand the emotional life of children, you should be able (and learn to do so) to put yourself in the position of a child, to remember your own states in similar situations; constantly enrich the world of your feelings, analyze them (p. 18).

“Success changes a person.
It makes a person self-confident, gives him dignity, and a person discovers qualities in himself that he did not suspect about before,”
states Joy Brothers.

Why does a student lose interest in studying? Is the school to blame for this? How can we create conditions under which learning will be a joy for the student? K.D. Ushinsky believed that “only success maintains a student’s interest in learning.” Without a feeling of success, a child loses the desire to learn. Achieving success is one of the important and desirable goals of any person: without self-affirmation, human life becomes meaningless. It is very important that this state becomes habitual for the developing personality.

The child needs to be helped to achieve success in educational activities, this will help relieve their aggression, overcome isolation and passivity, and uncertainty. The student must be convinced that he is quite capable of knowing and understanding the educational material no worse than his comrades, therefore, “difficult” does not mean “impossible.” Creating a situation of success in the classroom affects not only the mood of students, but also the quality of learning.

We, adults, love it when our successes are noticed and appreciated. It is also important for students to receive encouragement even for small successes. Any student works better and shows his abilities in a friendly environment. At all stages of the lesson, you can use the “emotional stroking” technique. “If you don’t know what to praise your child for, come up with it!” - every teacher should arm himself with this simple recommendation from psychiatrist and psychotherapist V. Levi. You need to let students know that you believe in their abilities and create an environment of cooperation and mutual assistance in the classroom. The main function of praise is to convey the teacher’s sincere belief in the capabilities of his student. After all, every student needs positive assessment and approval of his activities and achievements. This is the only way to convince a child to study, and to study with pleasure.

The teacher’s task is to constantly find good reasons to verbally encourage his students.

For example,

As a practical teacher, at each stage of the lesson I use various methodological techniques to create a situation of success.

At the beginning of the lesson, atstage of knowledge updating , I often use the “Catch a mistake!” technique. (the teacher intentionally makes a mistake that the children must find and correct). For example, in 7th grade, much attention is paid to solving equations, and students very often make mistakes when moving terms or opening parentheses. We invite them to find the error when solving equations.

The “Warm-up” technique involves the whole class in the activity, and even those children who are usually silent and shy about public speaking work. Students are asked to quickly answer questions in unison. Here are examples of questions on the topic “Divisibility of numbers”:

    What number is a divisor of any number?

    Is 555 divisible by 3?

    Name the smallest prime number.

    Is 31 a prime number?

    Can the number of colors in the rainbow spectrum be divided by 3 without a remainder?

In 5th and 6th grades, one of the main learning goals is to develop strong computational skills. This is achieved by repeated repetition of the same type of exercises, which leads to loss of interest. Overcome fatigueat the stage of consolidation of knowledge The technique “Creating game situations” (“Game with numbers”, “Decipher the word”, “Restore the chain”) will help.

For example, task: arrange the answers of the examples in ascending order, and you will find out the name of the metal that burns:

J 0.35+0.392 G 5-4.573 M 3.087-2.84

A 2.174-1.9 I 0.72+0.004 N 1.5-1.028

Before explaining a new topic, it is important to use the technique

“Advancement” of a successful result: “The topic is difficult (easy, there are difficulties, etc.), but I have no doubt: you will succeed, you will definitely cope.” Introducing a motive: without this, further study of the topic is impossible, you must help each other, be attentive

Helps the teacher express his firm conviction that the children will definitely cope with the task, instills in the child confidence in their strengths and capabilities. It is shown why this activity is being done.

Atexplaining new material It is well known in the classroom that nothing attracts attention and stimulates the mind like something amazing. At this stage I use the “Surprise!” technique. For example, in 8th grade, when studying the topic “Quadratic Equations,” you can surprise students by immediately, without solving, naming the roots of the given quadratic equations. Children will also want to learn how to do this quickly. Thus, you can lead students to the topic “Vieta’s Theorem”.

Proving theorems in geometry causes difficulties for students. Therefore, during the proof, I give a short ready-made plan according to which they can independently prove the theorem. For example, when proving the theorem on the area of ​​a triangle (the area of ​​a triangle is equal to half the product of a side and the height to that side), the proof plan could be as follows:

1. Perform additional construction: up to the parallelogram ACMV.

2. Prove the equality of triangles ABC and MCB.

3. Draw a conclusion about the equality of the areas of these triangles.

4. Find the area of ​​triangle ABC as half the area of ​​parallelogram ACMB. Draw a conclusion.

The outline allows the entire proof to be covered and students develop a sense of completeness, which leads to confidence.

Sections 10kl

When carrying out independent and control work it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of students. There are schoolchildren who are very slow and do not have time to complete the work, or the student understands the topic, but makes mistakes due to inattention or haste. In this case, the “Give me a chance” technique is successful. In the next lesson, during the analysis of the work, we discuss in detail the mistakes made and the children have the opportunity to improve their results; I prepare individual tasks and invite students to complete them. Guys who are satisfied with their results can be consultants for weak students. They themselves offer their help, I allow it, on the condition that the “ward” can explain what he did.

When conducting independent and test work, I make sure to differentiate the level of difficulty of tasks, and students know what needs to be solved at “3” and what at “4” and “5”. The need for a differentiated approach to students stems from the fact that they differ in their inclinations, level of training, perception of the environment, and character traits. The teacher’s task is to enable students to express their individuality, creativity, eliminate feelings of fear and instill confidence in their abilities.

The “Announcement” technique can be used by a teacher when he wants to warn about upcoming independent or test work. The meaning of this technique is that topics and assignments on the educational material are discussed in advance. Such preparation creates a psychological mindset for success.

When organizing homework students often performcreative works: make up crossword puzzles, find historical material on the topic, give examples of the application of the studied material in life, in other subject areas,perform drawings using coordinates, find different ways to solve one problem,Usually such tasks are performed on a voluntary basis and are incentivizedteacher with high grades and praise.

Algorithm for creating a situation of success in the classroom.

The first prerequisite is an atmosphere of goodwill in the classroom.

The second condition is the removal of fear - advance payment to children before they begin to implement the task.

The key point is high motivation: for what? For what? For what?

Brief expressive impact on students - pedagogical suggestion (Success! Get to work! Etc.)

Pedagogical support during the work process (some students are afraid to go to the board, have complexes, are embarrassed, in this case you can say: it’s okay, I’ll help, we came to learn, if there is a mistake, we will correct it, it is necessary to convey the idea that we are all trying, searching, making mistakes, this adds confidence, “removes” the fear of making a mistake, of a difficult task )

Rules that ensure a situation of success.

* Do not punish with harsh criticism of the student.

* Cheer for the slightest success, approve for the slightest victory, for helping others, so that the joy of victory is moral.

* Timely note the successes and achievements of students in all types of activities. It is especially important to do this publicly so that everyone knows about the encouragement of this particular student. For example, in my class children participate in distance olympiads and competitions; I make sure to present them with certificates in front of the whole class, thereby stimulating them for further creative activity.

* Use a more differentiated grading system at a certain stage of training: an incentive grade for diligence, for effort, diligence, for an unexpected, albeit weak answer from a poorly performing student, and grades for the quality of the result.

* Use assignments containing creative elements in lessons. After all, a student, even if he does not have pronounced abilities, may draw well, count quickly, etc.

Success is a source of inner strength in a child, generating energy to overcome difficulties and a desire to learn. The child experiences self-confidence and inner satisfaction. It’s safe to say that success in school is tomorrow’s success in life!

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