Public libraries of the Torzhok region. Torzhok centralized library system. "Libraries and Reading in a Changing World"


Assembly of Deputies

Torzhok district

The total amount of funds for the implementation of the Program in the years 782.0 thousand rubles

in years -

Including in 2007 -

582.0 thousand rubles

Additional allocations:

Of them:

regional budget funds:

Funds of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

377.0 thousand rubles

205.0 thousand rubles

151.0 thousand rubles

54 thousand rubles

Including in 2008

Of which the local budget

200.0 thousand rubles

200.0 thousand rubles

Expected final results of the program:

ü Formation of a positive image of libraries;

ü Increasing the level of quality of reading and reading activity of rural residents

Today, the prototype of a modern rural library in the region is the model Mirnovsky rural library-branch - a multifunctional cultural center in the village.

The expansion and complexity of library functions determines the requirements for library staff. The outflow of professional young personnel and the decline in prestige and social status of the profession are alarming.

The problem of Reading has become one of the most important state tasks of protecting and security of Russian culture. Confirmation of this is the announcement of 2007 as the National Year of Reading. Target program for the development of public libraries of the municipal institution "Torzhok Central Library" "Libraries and Reading in a Changing World" for the years. caused by the need to create an information and cultural environment for the development of the local community.

ChapterII. Main goals and objectives, timing of the Program implementation

The main goal of the Program is to fully support Reading, the most important element of culture, a tool for increasing the intellectual potential of the nation, and the creative and social activity of the population.

To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

1. creating equal conditions for access to library collections and information resources of all social and age groups; for family reading; staff in modern forms and methods of work to promote reading; :

4.creation of an information and cultural environment for the development of the local community;

5.development of material and technical resources.

6. optimization of actions to modernize library science in the region, to include rural libraries in the global information process;

ChapterIII. System of program events.

The system of program activities is aimed at solving the objectives of the Program and includes:

1. Creation of an information and cultural environment for the development of the local community through:

Ø updating library collections and other information resources in the most important areas of the program in order to introduce children and adolescents to reading the best works of fiction and educational literature, to help the humanitarian education of the younger generation;

Ø creation of equal conditions for rural residents’ access to the best works of domestic and foreign classics;

Ø the use of non-traditional media in the educational process;

Ø replenishment of the fund in the main sectors of development of agriculture and household farming; periodicals on family and extracurricular reading;

Ø preservation of the fund of rare and local history books through binding works.

2. Measures to improve the management system, which are aimed at increasing the prestige and status of the profession, securing and attracting new “advanced” people to this profession, moral and material support and recognition of the merits of the best specialists in the region in the field of librarianship, as well as honoring anniversary libraries years;

3. A system of advanced training, which involves providing continuous education to the staff of rural and school libraries in the region to promote Books among readers, mutual exchange of experience in the best libraries, stimulating the development of the creative potential of libraries through project development, research and publishing activities;

4. Organization of book and reading events and campaigns that can attract the attention of the local community to books and reading, especially children and adolescents, support for family reading;

5. Strengthening material and technical resources involves creating conditions for improving the quality of library services to ensure the safety of funds and equipment, to improve the comfort of the cultural environment;

- development and improvement of information technologies through the creation of model public libraries in rural areas with access to the global information space INTERNET, a Business Information Center in support of the development of small businesses in the Torzhok region, the introduction of a new direction in servicing IBA users and electronic document delivery (EDD), improving corporate interaction within the framework of the CORBIS: Tver and Partners library system;

- major and current repairs of branch libraries in accordance with the attached estimates and defect reports.

The volume of required allocations for the implementation of program activities, deadlines and performers are presented in the Appendix “Program Activities”.

ChapterIV. Resource support for the Program.

The Program is expected to be financed from the budget of the municipal formation "Torzhok District", funds from the regional target program "Support for the development of small businesses in the Tver region for the years", additional subsidies from the regional budget for the acquisition of funds of centralized library systems, as well as the free transfer of satellite equipment to quantity (2 plates) of the State Computing Center of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Activities of the public library development program of the municipal institution "Torzhok Central Library"

"Libraries and Reading in a Changing World"

Name of events


Responsible executor

Cost of financial

costs by year

(thousand roubles)

nal budget

Other sources

Local budget

1.Acquisition of library collections

(subsidies from the regional budget

Subscription to periodicals on family and extracurricular reading

2o246 “Reader”,

20247 "Wings",

20248 "Family"

20249 “Young local historian”

“71600 “Guardian of your house”,

71600 “Chronicles of a local historian”,

71591 "Mother's Reading"

2.Improving the management system

Implementation of the subprogram “Culture of the library as an organization”

(based on quality management principles)

Central Bank Administration

Providing materials for awarding the best employees.

Assignment of title

"Best Librarian of the Year"

encouragement of the institution in the category “Best Rural Library of the Year”


Administration, Board of Directors

Holding the All-Russian Library Day

Honoring anniversary librarians based on length of professional activity and for their contribution to the development of librarianship in the region

Honoring libraries-anniversaries:


Central Bank Administration

60th anniversary:

Strashevichi s/b,

Tveretskoy s/b

Settlement administration

40th anniversary

B-Vishenskaya s/b

110th anniversary

Ostashkovskaya s/b

Rudnikovskaya s/b

December September

60th anniversary

Tredubskaya s/b


Decade of Open Doors

in library

(to help with career guidance)

Employment Center

3. Personnel training system

Department of Education

Referral to advanced training and retraining courses:

"Methodist Club"

"School of Management"

creative laboratory

“Library-developing environment for young people”

training seminar - “Modern rural library: formula for life”


the entire period

Tver College of Culture, Regional Library named after.

Boristsevskoe/p, (Strashevichskoe/p,





(3 times a year)

Central Bank, OKIO, rural administration, settlement administration, educational institutions

Work of the Local History Club

Central Bank, rural libraries, VIEM, media

2. Reading for the younger generation

Participation in the All-Russian project “Young Russia Reads”

Information marathon

“READIMER launched: the year of reading begins”:

Rural libraries

Festival of Readings for children and teenagers

“Together with a book in the New Year”


DB, Department of Education,

State Institution "Social Shelter for Children and Adolescents", State Institution "Torzhok Boarding School for Orphans"

· Reading Leader competition


· series of exhibitions of children's creativity

"I am a book illustrator"

Children's and Youth Book Week

“Long live the book!


March, April

-"I am reading! Think! I’m creating!” - the finest hour of book lovers (awarding the best readers of 2006)

“A good fairy tale lives nearby”

Program of events for summer camps

"Summer Reading for the Heart and Mind"

MU "Torzhok Central Library", Department of Culture, Department of Education and Youth Policy

3.Support and development of family reading

Days of information for educators, teachers, librarians of schools in the Torzhok region, young parents.


DB, s/f, Department of Education and Youth Policy, educational institutions

Marathon of parent meetings in kindergartens and schools “Your child and reading - tips for parents”


DB, s/f, Department of Education and Youth Policy, educational institutions

Celebration of Reading Dynasties “Reading: Dialogue of Generations”

5. Strengthening the material and technical base:


Development of information technologies

Automation Department, Head branches

Creation of model public libraries in rural areas (computerization, connection to the INTERNET)

Vysokovskaya s/b

Budovskaya s/b

Slavninskaya s/b

Development of the project “We’ll save everything that’s valuable together”

State Computing Center of the Ministry of Culture

Creation of a Business Information Center" (within the framework of the regional target program "Support for the development of small businesses")

Telephony, modem

Central Bank, DE, TOUNB

Updating the computer database

Ministry of Culture

MU "Torzhok Central Bank"

List of accepted abbreviations:

TOUNB - Tver Regional Library named after.

Central Bank - central library

S/f – rural branch libraries

OKIO – department of acquisition and processing of literature

OMID – department of methodological and innovative activities

GIVC – State Information and Computing Center of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

ROOV - district public organization of war and labor veterans

VIEM – All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum

Work plan for rural libraries - branches of MBUK "Torzhok Central Library"

November 2013


4.11. “On the Day of the October Revolution” conversation on history

23.11. “N.N. Nosov - 105 years" book exhibition, pro-pit quiz


5.11. All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important” reading competition

9.11. “Drawing your lovely image” drawing competition

23.11. “We live among people” conversation


4.11. “There will be no unrest in Russia” oral journal

16.11. “Tolerance - what is it?” hour - dialogue

24.11. series of events for Mother's Day

25.11. “Heroes of funny books” literary KVN based on the works of N. Nosov and V. Dragunsky


9.11. Conversation about the life and work of I. S. Turgenev

16.11. “Me and others” conversation-discussion

23.11. “The Little Mistress of the Big House” game program for Mother’s Day


4.11. “National Unity Day” wall newspaper, congratulations. Excursion to the local history corner “A people lives as long as its historical memory lives”

12.11. “Titmouse Day” - “Feed the titmouses and all the small birds” book. exhibition, conversation

21.11. “Your health is in your hands” book exhibition, “Harmful consequences of smoking” conversation with the invitation of a medical worker

30.11. "Mother's Day" evening of relaxation, gatherings


1.11. In the world of animals" book exhibition, drawing competition "My feathered brothers"

24.11. Literary page “Reading poems about Mother”

27.11. holiday, dedicated Mother's Day


1.11 “Our strength is in unity” interactive conversation

16.11. “Cars, cars literally filled everything...” Eco-investigation

23.11. “Mothers and Daughters” quiz for Mother’s Day

29.11. “Note to parents and teachers” information hour for World Information Day


8.11. “To Turgenev I.S. - 195 years” book exhibition

11.19. “The life and work of N. Nosov, conversation, loud readings with discussion of the stories “Dreamers”

29.11. “Dedicated to Mom” book exhibition, review


1-4.11. “Minin and Pozharsky” book exhibition-review

15.11. “Autumn - poets about nature” book exhibition, loud readings

25.11. “Holiday for Mothers” game program


3.11. “National Unity Day” is cognizant. conversation

15.11. “Native hands protect the affectionate comfort of home” oral journal,

holiday program “For Moms”

25.11. “Dear Mom” festive program


1-30.11. stand “Seasons. Autumn. November"

5.11. “Golden Autumn” conversation - quiz

9.11.” Turgenev I.S. - 195 years" book exhibition, conversation "About Turgenev"

22.11. “Nosov N.N. - 105 years” exhibition-review, loud readings, quiz

23.11. “Mother’s Day” holiday + exhibition “For Moms”


2.11. “The strength of Russia is in the unity of peoples” patriotic hour

12.11. “Lviv and the Georgian estate” presentation in Nikolskoye

29.11. “My beloved MOTHER” poetry competition


9.11. “To Turgenev I.S. - 195 years" book exhibition, review

16.11. “Then we were all Russian” lesson of tolerance (about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of different nationalities) together with Ladyinskaya s/b

20.11. “Great rights of little people” educational event


4.11. “National Unity Day” book exhibition, conversation

7.11. cycle “Film screening” viewing of the feature film “The Elusive Avengers”

16.11. “A world of people without disunity and aggression” book exhibition, interview

21.11. “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family” literary quiz

23, 28, 29,30.11. series of quizzes “Meet the children’s writer” + screening of cartoons (Nosov, Lagerlöf, Lewis, Dragunsky)


2.11. “We are Slavs” (for the 55th anniversary of Maria Semyonova) book exhibition, conversation-review

8.11. “205 years of A.A. Voskresensky" hour of communication

22.11. “You are the only one - beloved, dear” literary lounge

29.11. “We wish our mothers...” festive program


9.11. “To the 195th anniversary of I.S. Turgenev" book exhibition. conversation

12.11. “Day of meeting wintering birds” conversation

21.11. Stop Smoking Day “Learn to say: “No!”

23.11. Loud readings of N. Nosov’s stories “Dreamers”, discussion


1.11. “With pride about Russia” educational event

7.11. “1917 in the history of Russia” educational hour

15.11. “Then we were all Russian” (about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of different nationalities) a lesson in tolerance together with Dudorovskaya s/b

22.11. Loud reading of N. Nosov’s work “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”


6.11. “School of Wizards” (science fiction writers for children) literature review

22.11. “A new book has arrived” presentation of new arrivals in the village of Glukhovo


9.11. “195 years - I.S. Turgenev" exhibition-review

20.11. “We are children -. .." educational hour for World Children's Day

25.11. “Mother’s Day in Russia” information hour, “Mom is the first word” stories about mom + drawings “my beloved mommy”


3.11. “My homeland is Russia” conversation

9.11. “Great, mighty, free” story about the Russian writer I.S. Turgenev

16.11. "Round Dance of Friendship" game program

22.11. Loud readings “Reading books by N. Nosov”

30.11. “Take care of the hearth” festive evening


2.11. “We are One” book exhibition, conversation

14.11. “Yesenin’s sadness is still alive” (meeting with the writer-poet N. Bogomolov in the literary drawing room)

11.19. to the 135th anniversary of the founding of the school named after. A.A. Voskresensky (exhibitions, dedication to the school, “Grandfather of Russian Chemistry” for the 205th anniversary of the great scientist, participation in joint events

22.11. “Great and mighty” Russian language lesson in the library + exhibitions “Dictionaries are different”, “About the work of V.I. Dahl"


1.11. “Day of National Unity” exhibition-view

12.11. “Green Sail” competitive event on ecology

16.11. “Be kind and humane” exhibition-reflection. Blitz survey of children “Are you tolerant?”

24.11. “Family values ​​- Moms are all important. “We need all sorts of mothers” conversation with children


1.11. “We are proud of Russia, we live in Russia!” book exhibition, conversation

A series of conversations for the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

14.11. “We are Russians!”

22.11. "I have a right"

30.11. “We are all equal, we are all different”

28.11. “The Art of Being a Mother” theme evening, photo exhibition “Simple Truths of Family”


8.11. “Letter to Murzilka” review of children's periodicals

21.11. “Life without a cigarette”, “Famous writers about tobacco smoking” book review

conversation, conversation


1.11. conversation on the book by V.I. Kostylev "Minin and Pozharsky"

12.11. “From the History of Russia” book exhibition

16.11. “Tolerance, what is this word?” conversation

20.11. “Children’s rights” conversation

29.11. holiday "Mother's Day"


7.11. "Red Day of the Calendar" history hour

20.11. "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin" loud readings, "Children's Laughter" competitions, quiz dedicated. Nikolai Nosov

21.11. “Greetings Day” games, competitions, quizzes

30.11. “And it’s all about mom” wall newspaper


4.11. "We are together!" educational - game program

28.11. “One hundred questions to the authorities” interactive event (the head of the Strashevichi settlement Baranova N.G. is visiting the youth)


7.11. “Literary calendar” (November) exhibition-exposition

14.11. “Greetings from Dunno” crossword conversation

16.11. “The land where we live” competitive measure

28.11. “Mom is my sunshine” poetic hour


2.11. “I love you, Russia!” quiz

9.11. "Seasons" quiz

25.11. “100 questions for adults” (meeting of young people with the head of the Strashevichi village)


8.11. An hour of communication with I.S. Loud readings by Turgenev

15.11. “My Tolerant World” drawing competition

20.11. “Fate is at the tip of the needle” conversation

29.11. “Let there always be a mother” lesson of kindness


1.11. “Symbols of Russia” exhibition - quiz

5.11. History hour “National Unity Day. Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky"

15.11. "What is friendship?" conversation - reflection

22.11. “Thank you, dear!” festive evening

28.11. “We will study the laws, we will know our rights” legal game


3.11. “Russia, Motherland, Unity” book exhibition

16.11. “The Journey of a Droplet” educational hour

30.11. “Soul of Mercy” folklore gatherings


2.11. “From ancient Rus' to modern times” conversation

29.11. “I bless my mother’s hands” festive evening


2.11. “National Unity Day” book exhibition, conversation

23.11. “Merry heroes of N. Nosov” quiz

30.11. "Mother's Day" festive evening


2.11. “Save yourself, Russia” concert program

12.11. “Zinovy ​​- Sinichkin” educational program

16.11. "Law on the Rights of the Child" polymath - lotto

11.19. “Znamenskoye - Rayok - a masterpiece of architectural creativity by N.A. Lviv" literary evening

30.11. “Everything is warmed by the warmth of your eyes” concert and game program

Central Intersettlement Library

7.11. study for rural librarians “Professional communications and project storytelling” (in the business center at 10.00)

21.11. “Model library as an innovative structure of library and information support for villages” creative laboratory based on the Vysokovsky Rural Library

22.11. "Lessons of a bibliographer" ».

“Planning priorities for 2014” group and individual consultations

Advanced training courses “Modernization of rural libraries as a means of changing the situation in the local community” in Moscow. Participants:

Shaimardanova V. M. librarian of the Mirnov Rural Library, Fedorenko M. A. director of the MBUK "Torzhok Central Library"

SPK (regional) in November:

“Information support for entrepreneurial activities” seminar.

Participants: Soboleva N.N. Vysokovskaya s\b, Vasilyeva S.N. Moshkovskaya s/b,

Zhuravleva E.A. village b-ka KIIS;

“Methodological service: modern development trends” seminar, participant Shakhova E.D. Ch. librarian of MBUK "Torzhok Central Library"

Business center:

Entrepreneurial Emergency" - providing free information and consulting assistance to the population /weekly/

Maintenance of the website “Public Libraries of the Torzhok Region”,

Practical course “Electronic citizen”

Training of library staff under the “Person and Information” program

compiler: ch. librarian E.D. Shakhova

The first public libraries.

But it was not only the residents of the city that the zemstvo leaders cared about. They saw strength in the peasantry and promoted education in the countryside. Since the early 90s, they began to appear first public libraries. In 1893, one of the first libraries appeared in the Prechisto-Kamenskaya province. In 1895, the provincial zemstvo decided to establish 12 libraries (1 per county) to commemorate the birth of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna (previously, this is how events in the life of the reigning persons were celebrated). See Appendix No. 1.

If you look at the map of the location of libraries in the county, you can see that libraries were mainly concentrated around the city, and a large number of them were in the west of the county. Apparently it was evident that it was in these places that the most advanced intelligentsia was located (in the city, of course, and in the west there was Pryamukhino, which for a long time was the cultural center of the county). The Russian zemstvo intelligentsia saw its calling in serving the people, and it was the intelligentsia that took charge of libraries. From Appendix No. 1 it is clear that librarianship was carried out mainly by teachers and doctors.

The famous Russian book publisher Florenty Fedorovich Pavlenkov bequeathed 100 thousand rubles to open 2 thousand public libraries in the most remote and poor villages, counting 50 rubles for each library. He also bequeathed the remains and income that could be obtained upon fulfillment of all the instructions made in his will for the library business and for its further development. Pavlenkov’s executors decided that libraries should be opened in equal shares with the zemstvo. Novotorzhskoe / zemstvo decided to open three libraries named after. F. F. Pavlenkova: in Dmitrovsky /at the medical center/, in Andriyanov, Pryamukhinskaya volost and in Vladenin, Klimovskaya volost. Unfortunately, the further fate of this decision is unknown. Were these libraries open? In 1901, it was noted that the city government could offer only one item - s. Dmitrovskoye, at the newly opened outpatient clinic, where doctor Popova kindly takes care of this matter. Again, it is unknown whether this library was open or not. Moreover, Pavlenkov’s executors offered to send the publisher’s books for reading rooms instead of 150 rubles.

In 1901, at a zemstvo meeting, a report on libraries and reading rooms was read out / see. application no. 2/: “This year, the number of library reading rooms in the county should increase from 18 to 25, i.e. increase by seven. The administration could, however, open only three libraries - Shcherbovskaya, Pryamukhinskaya named after. P. A. Bakunin and Ramenskaya. As for the three libraries named after. F. F. Pavlenkov, then they have not yet been authorized to open by the Governor, and - a petition has not yet been filed for the opening of one library ...

Library named after Pavel Aleksandrovich Bakunin is also housed in his own building. The latter was built by Maria Alexandrovna Bakunina in the garden near the Pryamukhino estate.”

In the same report, for the first time, an analysis of the activities of libraries was carried out: “The activities of libraries for the past 1900-1901 academic year, as can be judged from the reports of the managers, did not differ in particular intensity compared to the previous year. the Gruzinskaya, Maryinskaya, Klimovskaya, Upirvichi libraries the number of readers and the number of book lending increased, in other libraries /Ostashkovskaya, Sukromlenskaya, Vydropuzhskaya/ both decreased by quite large figures...No changes - Povedskaya Library. Such relatively weak activity of some libraries, in the opinion of the council, cannot be explained by anything other than the lack of books in them. The reason is that orders are late, the warehouse cannot cope. Bookstores don't fulfill orders quickly enough. The administration does not intend to open new libraries next year other than those that were established to open last year, thinking that for greater success in out-of-school education it is necessary to first clarify in more detail and eliminate the shortcomings that exist in existing library-reading rooms on the one hand and on the other. organizing the supply of books to their warehouse on the other.”

Chemist A.A. Voskresensky
But despite the existing difficulties, the number of libraries is still increasing from year to year. So in 1901 there were 19 libraries in the district, in 1908-27, in 1912-28. Zemstvo expenses for libraries amounted to 1011 rubles.

Simultaneously with the emergence of a wide network of public libraries, the question of organizing libraries at schools arose. This movement in our district was started by the famous Russian chemist Alexander Abramovich Voskresensky. After retiring, Voskresensky acquired the Melenka estate /d. Mozhaitsevo / and began to petition in 1870 for the opening of a school in the village. In 1878, the Mozhaitsevsky 2-grade Ministerial School was opened “... as a result of A. A. Voskresensky’s donation of a house on his estate and capital for its maintenance.” At the school there was a library in which there were 1054 textbooks, 284 books for extracurricular reading, 99 manuals for teachers, etc. Every year A. A. Voskresensky allocated 100 rubles to replenish the library. This order was carried out by his heirs, at least until 1887.


Throughout the 20th century, libraries themselves and librarianship in general changed: their organization, material resources, forms and methods of work, content, and relationship with readers.

The place and role of libraries in public consciousness has changed.

By the end of the 70s, there was a need to unite disparate libraries into a single network. In 1979, on January 1, 1979, on the basis of the Decision of the Torzhok City and District Council of People's Deputies dated November 13, 1978. No. 242/239 “On the organization of a centralized service system for state public libraries in the city of Torzhok and the Torzhok region”, the centralization of state public libraries was carried out, providing for the unification of previously independent libraries into a centralized library system with a common book collection and staff, unified management, centralized acquisition and processing literature.

Centralization was carried out for the purposes of:

Ø further strengthening the role of libraries in promoting the policies of the party and government;

Ø strengthening mass propaganda of the book;

Ø improving the forms and methods of organizing and managing library science,

Ø eliminating the isolation and disunity of libraries,

Ø expansion and deepening of their functions,

Ø eliminating unjustified duplication in replenishing book collections;

Ø introduction of labor specialization.

The Torzhok centralized library system was organized. The district library was placed at the head of the system, which became known as the Central Library of the Torzhok Central Library. Bobkova Valentina Ivanovna was appointed director of the system.

44 libraries merged into the Torzhok Central Library: 40 rural and 4 city libraries. Names of rural libraries as branches:

3. B-Vishenskaya
4. B-Petrovskaya
5. B-Svyattsovskaya
6. Bogatkovskaya
7. Budovskaya
8. Voropunivskaya
9. Vysokovskaya
10. Glukhovskaya
11. Georgian
12. Dudorovskaya
13. Ilyinskaya
14. Kalininskaya MIS
15. Kartsovskaya, now Bulatnikovskaya
16. Klimovskaya
17. Klokovskaya
18. Ladyinskaya
19. Lipigskaya, now Tredubskaya
20. Luzhkovskaya
21. M-Vishenskaya
22. Maryinskaya
23. Manuylovskaya, now Rudnikovskaya
24. Maslovskaya
25. Mirnovskaya
26. Moshkovskaya
27. Nikolskaya
28. OPH named after. Lenina, now Slavninskaya
29. Povedskaya, now Ostashkovskaya
30. Pirogovskaya
31. Rusinskaya
32. Selikhovskaya
33. Strashevicha
34. Struzhenskaya
35. Sukromlenskaya
36. Talozhenskaya
37. Tveretskaya
38. Tupikovskaya
39. Filitovskaya, liquidated
40. Yakonovskaya.

In addition to rural branches, there are 4 central library libraries in the city of Torzhok:

1. Central District Library (Zagorodnaya St., 36)

2. Children's library (Zagorodnaya str., 36)

3. City Library named after. Gorky (Leningradskoe shosse, 25)

4. Children's library branch (Kalininskoe highway, 37-G.)

But the network of libraries in the city of Torzhok and the region is not limited to the Central Library; there are a number of libraries with which public libraries have collaborated:

I . Trade union libraries

1. JSC "Vagonzavod" st. Engelsa, 3

2. OJSC "Pozhtekhnika Leningradskoye Shosse, 16-A"

3. JSC "Mars" st. Lunacharsky, 121

4. JSC "Torzhok Gold Seamstresses" st. Kalininskoe highway, 19

5. AOTZ "Torzhok Shoe Factory" Tveretskaya embankment, 82

III. Information Bureau

1. JSC "Vagonzavod" st. Engelsa, 5

2. OJSC "Pozhtekhnika" Leningradskoye Shosse, 34

3. OKB "Pozhtekhnika" Leningradskoye Shosse, 40

4. JSC "Poligrafkrasok" st. Mira, 51

5. JSC "Mars" st. Lunacharsky, 121

6. Art. node Torzhok st. Vokzalnaya, 31

7. Branch of PKB MPS st. Engelsa, 7-B

8. VNII Lna st. Lunacharsky, 35

9. OPH Kalininskaya MIS village Zeleny Torzhok district.

IV. Special libraries

1. UPP VOS st. Belinskogo, 10

2. Music school st. Dzerzhinsky, 105

3. All-Russian Historical and Ethnographic Museum st. Bakunin. 6

4. Military unit 32882 (officers club) st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 5

5. Art school of gold embroidery st. Lermontova, 6

V. SUZOV libraries

1. Peduchilische st. Leningradskoe highway, 19

2. Torzhok Polytechnic College st. Studencheskaya, 3

3. Humanitarian and Industrial College Leningradskoye Shosse, 44

VI. TSU Libraries

1. Vocational school No. 27 Krasnaya Gora, 1

2. Vocational school No. 32 Leningradskoe shosse, 24

3. Vocational school No. 36 3rd lane. Bakunina, 4 VII. Libraries of schools - gymnasiums

1. Secondary school No. 1 st. Dzerzhinsky, 100

2. Secondary school No. 2 st. Civil, 5

3. Secondary school No. 3 st. Marksa, 25

4. Secondary school No. 4 st. Gogolya, 24

5. Secondary school No. 5 st. Mira, 30-A

6. Secondary school No. 6 Leningradskoe highway, 63

7. Secondary school No. 7 st. Dzerzhinsky, 119

8. Secondary school No. 8 st. Volodarsky, 3

9. Boarding school st. Kirova, 31

10. Incomplete school No. 1 (basic) st. Dzerzhinsky, 111

If we also take into account preschool libraries, then at the moment there are only 98 libraries in the city of Torzhok and the region.

September 1901

Library name Opening time, city Room Manager 1900 1901
Number of books Number of books/in Number of readers Number of books Number of books/in Number of readers
Prechisto-Kamenskaya At the volost. board Peasant of the village of Moshki Vladimir Petrovich
Chebrokhinskaya / b. Pryamukhinskaya/ With a doctor. point Doctor Grigory Petrovich Berdichevsky
Borkovskaya /b. Kozmodemyanovskaya/ At school Uch. Andrey Fedorovich Pukhlimsky
Vydropuzhskaya In a house allocated to local residents. Uch. Grigory Andreevich Razygraev
Ostashkovskaya In a separate room. at school Uch. Vasily Pavlovich Shanturin
Maryinskaya At vol. true Uch. Fyodor Ivanovich Nevsky
Talozhenskaya In the house of M. V. Vsevolozhsky Uch. Alexander Mikhailovich Krylov
Baranjegorskaya At vol. ed. Uch. Anatoly Alekseevich Voinov
Klimovskaya At vol. ed. Uch. Ivan Evdokimovich Galkin
Sukromlins-kaya April In a rented house Uch. Fedor Fedorovich Troshin
Zherikhovskaya March 1896 At the hospital Doctor Sergey Andreevich Rozanov
Georgian In a rented house Uch. Sergei Andreevich Nesterov
Upirvichi January 1897 When sick Fel. Nikolai Ilyich Bogomolov
Mednovskaya At vol. pry"vl. Uch. Viktor Nikolaevich Kazansky
Arkhangelskaya September 1, 1898 In the priest's house St. Sergei Prilutsky
Dubrovskaya In the house of landowner A.K. Kudryashev Uch. Nikolai Ivanovich Pobrein
Safenyevskaya At school Uch. Efrem Ivanovich Razumovsky
Povedskaya At vol. ed. Kr. V. P. Eliseev

Appendix No. 2

School Where is Books
For studying For vn/h textbooks
1. Urban
Vlasyevskaya Torzhok -
Uspenskaya Torzhok
Ostolopovskaya Torzhok -
2. Ministry of Public Education
Vydropuzhskaya Vasilievskaya volost BY
Mozhaitsevskaya Maryinskaya volost
Sukhonivskaya Dorskoy volost
3. Zemsky
Pryamukhinskaya Pryamukhinskaya volost
Zagorskaya Sukromlinskaya volost -
Mednovskaya Mednovskaya volost -
Yamskaya-male Novotorzhskaya volost -
Maryinskaya Maryinskaya volost -
Kuninskaya Baranjegorsk parish - -
Vladeninikaya Klimovskaya volost -
Dmitrovskaya Georgian volost -
Moshkovskaya Moshkovskaya volost
Prechisto-Kamenskaya Prechistokamenskaya volost
Kazitsynskaya Povedskaya volost -
Khvoshneselishchenskaya Klimovskaya volost -
Mlevchiska Moshkovskaya volost -

Appendix No. 4


COUNTIES Schools and courses for adults Museums and exhibitions People's houses and clubs Folk theaters cinemas Fine art studios Book trade Cultural and educational clubs Cultural and educational organizations and associations Sports clubs Reading huts
Kimry - -
KORCHEVSKOI - - - - - -
NOVOTORZHSKY - - - - - -
Rzhevsky - - - -
STARITSKY - - - - - - - -
TVERSKAYA - - - - - - - -
Total for the province

Appendix No. 7

Library type Name




p/o Vydropuzhsk



Art. Likhoslavl


Library type




Moshkovskaya parish

P/o Moshki-Fideevo




Art. Spirovo


Library type



P/o B-Borok


P/o B-Borok

Prudovskaya parish

Art. Likhoslavl


P/o Kudryashovo


P/o B-Borok


Library type



P\o Kuvshinovo

Appendix No. 8


Heard 22/U1 About the state of work of the reading hut. /Doc. T. Malinina/.

After hearing the report of the head. RONO Comrade Malinina about the work of reading huts, the bureau of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks notes some improvement in the work of reading huts in January-March 1944. The work on the participation of reading huts in ongoing shows of rural amateur performances has been significantly revived, circles have begun to work especially well choral, literary, dramatic at the reading huts in Talozhensky s/s, Dumanovsky, Andreyanovsky, Bolshe-Petrovsky, Bolshe-Svyattsovsky, Samotelkinsky and others. In a number of reading huts, reference work is organized (Talozhensky s/s, Dubrovsky, Klimovsky). Forms of mass agitation and propaganda are diversified, readings of fiction, question-and-answer evenings and other forms are held (Talozhenskaya, Berezaevskaya, Timofeevskaya, etc.). However, along with the positive aspects, there are a number of serious shortcomings in the work of reading huts: 7 reading huts do not have their own premises - they carry out work in the premises of village councils (Proletarskaya, Sukromlenskaya, Samotelkinskaya, Pechenskaya, Manuylovskaya, Bolshe-Vishenskaya and Bolshe-Svyattsovskaya). The existing premises of the reading huts are in extremely disrepair, the buildings have not been renovated, there is no glass, the windows are carelessly sealed with straw and tow, the doors do not lock (Pogorelovskaya, Klimovskaya, Ramenskaya, Ilyinskaya, etc.). In addition, the work of most reading rooms is extremely monotonous, reflecting the interests only of young people. The councils of reading huts do not carry out any work to unite the cultural forces of the village at the reading huts, therefore, until now, reading huts have not turned into centers of all cultural and mass work in the village.

The Bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan All-Union Communist Party (b) DECIDES:

1. To oblige the Executive Committee of the District Council to provide hut-reading rooms in Sukromlensky, Samotelkinsky, Pechensky, Manuylovsky, Proletarsky, Bolshe-Svyattsovsky village councils - by April 10 this year. G.

2. Before the start of field work, carry out the necessary repairs in the reading huts of Ilyinsky, Golovino-Gorsky, Pogorelovsky, Klimovsky, Ramensky village councils.

3. Oblige RONO to create at all reading huts councils of reading huts from representatives of village councils, from teachers and other cultural forces of the village - April 15 this year. g., obliging the councils of reading huts to approve monthly work plans for reading huts and submit them to the Regional Educational Institution no later than the 5th of each month.

4. Demand from the secretaries of party organizations the day-to-day management of the work of the councils of reading huts, widely involving the forces of the local intelligentsia in their work, turning the reading huts into centers of all politics. mass work in rural areas. To provide party organizations with practical assistance in the construction of reading huts in connection with the transfer of basic work methods to the field, to production units and brigades.

5. Discuss this decision at party meetings, outlining practical measures that will provide more specific guidance to the councils of the reading huts and revitalize the entire work of the reading huts.

P.p. Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan All-Union Communist Party (b)-Chizhov V.V.

Appendix No. 9


Executive Committee of the Torzhok City Council of Workers' Deputies

- On the issue - On the results of a public review of the work of cultural and educational institutions.

After hearing the report of the head. department of cultural enlightenment of the work of the City Executive Committee comrade. Abalishin - On the results of a citywide review of the work of cultural and educational institutions in the city of Torzhok, the City Executive Committee notes:

That as a result of the citywide review in the period from November 15, 1945 to January 1, 1946, 15 libraries, 10 red corners, 2 assembly halls of the club - the “Paris Commune”, the Concert Hall and the Zvezda cinema. The work of a number of cultural and educational institutions has improved significantly, such as: the red corner of the Kozhzavod, the Leckert Facility and the May 1 artel, the assembly halls of secondary schools - No. 1 and No. 2, the library of the pedagogical college, the Flax Institute, school No. 1, school No. 2, vocational school, the Paris Commune club, their work is aimed at preparing for the upcoming elections to the Supreme Council of the USSR.

Along with the noted achievements, there are a number of serious shortcomings in the work of cultural and educational institutions, which include the following libraries - City Mass Library named after. Maxim Gorky, the Polytechnic School, the Industrial College are not staffed, not heated, not equipped and not systematically heated, the budget for 1945 has not been fulfilled, no work is being done with readers, mass propaganda work for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR is poorly organized.

The red corners at the bakery, brewery and carriage depot are not equipped and not heated. At the enterprises of the food processing plant, the city construction office and the repair and construction office, the “2nd Five-Year Plan”, “Multi-Industry”, “Renewed Labor” artels, in the presence of released cultural workers, there are absolutely no red corners.

The concert hall is in disrepair. Over the past two years, the hall has not been renovated, the existing equipment is in disrepair, the hall is not systematically heated, and very little cultural and educational work is carried out.

The Paris Commune club has recently improved its work, but is not fully prepared for work in winter conditions: there are no second frames in the windows, there is no fuel supply, there is an unsanitary condition in and around the club, the internal routine is not well organized, which leads to hooliganism of individual visitors.

This year the Zvezda cinema is working much better than last year - it has been renovated, partially equipped, heated, special sessions for children have been organized, a second wiring from the city power plant has been connected, but the cinema is still operating unsatisfactorily, there are interruptions in work, mixing up of pictures , large crowding of spectators, the foyer is not equipped.

All the noted shortcomings in the work are a consequence of the fact that the leaders are decidedly not afraid to create normal conditions in their cultural and educational institutions, and the ongoing public review could not yet raise their work to the proper height. The Executive Committee of the City Council DECIDED:

1. To consolidate some positive results of the public review and in the future propose to the manager. The department of cultural education of the work of Comrade Abalishina systematically monitors the work of all cultural and educational institutions of the city by checking the work on the ground and at least once a month conducts seminars and meetings with employees of cultural and educational institutions.

2. Considering the particularly abnormal conditions in the work of the city library named after. Maxim Gorky to propose to the head. by the housing department of Comrade Basmanova, by February 15, 1946, provide appropriate premises for the city library. Head By the same date, the cultural enlightenment department of Comrade Abalishina will staff the library with the best proven personnel.

3. Oblige the managers of the enterprises of Comrade Sadov’s Bread Factory, Comrade Sinyakov’s Brewery, and Comrade Usachev’s Wagon Depot to heat the Red Corners premises at their enterprises every day.

Offer to Comrade Kisalev - a food processing plant, Comrade Sokolovskaya - the "Multi-industrial" artel, Comrade Mikhailov - the "2nd Five-Year Plan" artel, and Comrade Voinov - the "Renewed Labor" artel to allocate a special room for the Red Corner by February 20.

4. Considering that the concert hall is under the jurisdiction of a pedagogical school, propose to Comrade Tikhomirov by February 1, 1946, to carry out repairs in the concert hall, repair the equipment and heat the premises on a daily basis.

5. Considering that recently the Paris Commune club has received a lot of help, propose to Comrade Lelyanov to consolidate the existing improvement in work and in the future maintain the club in exemplary form, heat it daily, complete the completion and glazing of 2 frames. Establish order during concerts and evenings.

6. Oblige the director of the Zvezda cinema, Comrade Tikhomirov, to strengthen visual campaigning on the premises of the cinema for the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR by February 20 this year, organize an information desk, a showcase and installation.

7. Oblige all heads of cultural and educational institutions to keep records of work and submit it on time.


3 Extract from the Tver scribal books of Potap Narbekov and the clerk Bogdan Oadeev, 1626. - Tver: Topo-Lithography by F. S. Muravyov, 1901.

4 Catalog of books from the student library of the Tver Theological Seminary. Vol. II: Books received by the library in 1912-1915 - Tver: Printing house of the magazine "K Sv'tu", 1916.

5 Kudryavtseva M. Novotorzhsky Zemstvo Library: From the history of our region // Novotorzhsky Bulletin. - 1991. - January 12.

6 Kucherova E. Novotorzhsky libraries: History // Novotorzhsky Bulletin. - 1993. - October 23, November 17, December 22.

7 Materials for the history of the Tver provincial zemstvo, 1886-1911. T. 8-Tver, 1910.

8 Primary schools of the Tver province in the 1909-1910 academic year. - Tver: Printing house of the Provincial Zemstvo, 1910.

9 Memorable book of the Tver province for 1865. - Tver, 1865.

10 Pletner Yu. V. Grandfather of Russian chemistry (A. A. Voskresensky). -Kalinin, 1959.

11 Pokrovsky V. Historical and statistical description of the Tver province. T. 1.-Tver, 1879.

12 The Moscow government donated books to Torzhok // Tver provincial news. - 1999. - July 14-20.

13 Suslov A. A., Fomin A. A. Torzhok and its surroundings. - 2nd ed. reworked -M.: Moscow. worker. Kalinin, department, 1983.

14 Suslov A. The city of Torzhok and the Novotorzhsky district: Historical and economic essay. - Kalinin, 1958. _

From the prehistory of the Shcherbovsky library: one of the representatives of the Povalo-Shveikovsky noble council, Timofey Nikolaevich, married Olga Nikolaevna Bakunina, who owned the village of Shcherbovo. A member of the provincial and district zemstvo, Timofey Nikolaevich actively participated in the commission on public education. Olga Nikolaevna opened a public library in Sherbov at her own expense.

Public library in Torzhok.

One of the first serious affairs of the Novotorzh zemstvo in the field of culture was the opening of a public library in the city. It was opened in the late 60s on the initiative of V.N. Lind, A.A. Bakunin, T.N. Povalo-Shveikovsky, I.I. Petrunkevich. The library was located on the former Drovyanaya Square, next to the former State Bank building. The famous writer Maria Aleksandrovna Vilinskaya-Markovic / Marko Vovchok / donated dozens of copies of her books to the newly organized library. She constantly visited the library. During her visit to the city in 1871, together with translator Tatyana Sergeevna Lvova, she conducted literary readings and communicated with teachers and youth.

The public library was maintained and replenished with funds from the zemstvo, as well as through donations from the Novotorzh nobility and merchants (the society at that time was characterized by charity).

In 1873, the library already had 1,306 volumes, not counting magazines.

In 1880, in a local study “Essay on the economic life of Torzhok”, the public library was classified as a trading establishment, since the library sold books and stationery. The library's main income came from reading fees for books lent out to people's homes.

“The total number of annual subscribers ranges from 100 to 150 on average, which, with an average subscription price / for the 2nd category / 8 rubles per year, will amount to a gross income of about 1000 rubles. The most widely read magazines are subscribed in two copies, others in one.

The entire cost of issuing books and magazines is about 300 rubles. Library managers, in addition to maintenance, receive from 10 to 15 rubles a month.”

Magazines for the library began to be subscribed to in 1870. At first there were 2 of them - “Bulletin of Europe” and “Domestic Notes”. In 1894 the library received

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