Ways to achieve the highest level of leadership finished work. Is this a “leadership” pyramid? Moving upward requires constant development

Technologies of leadership [About Gods, Heroes and Leaders] Rysev Nikolay Yurievich

5. Leadership

5. Leadership

Before you start changing others, you need to change yourself.

After so many wonderful books about leadership that have already been written and published - reprinted, it must be said, sometimes in multi-million copies, and, I must say, often in well-deserved editions, to decide to write your own book?! This is madness! This is the height of arrogance! And if you say so, then I will certainly agree with you! I'm serious.

Still, I'll try. I like to challenge myself. This stimulates me to develop. And to change. Towards a positive change.

This book is really about leadership. Moreover, I will try to write both about the greats of this world (or rather, about the famous of this world), about whom, although enough has been said, and with sufficient respect and respect (and sometimes with hatred, and sometimes with obvious or secret envy), and about those who are not so famous and famous, but deserve the same attentive and respectful approach. Of course, here we can remember Bill Gates, and Napoleon, and Jacques Chirac, and Lenin and Trotsky, and Stalin, and Abramovich, and Khodorkovsky, and Alexander the Great, and Nasser, and Yasser Arafat, and Moses, and the founder of the Virgin Corporation ", and the head of MTV Network, and Shevchuk, and Parfenov, and Yeltsin, and Gorbachev. But…

But in general, our plan lies on a different plane. Leadership for those who are not so famous. Leadership of the unknown. Notice I didn’t say “leadership for the average” or “leadership for the average person.” No! In no case. Maybe you and I are not so famous, but we have good abilities (if not outstanding), we set ambitious life goals for ourselves, each of us has already achieved something, and each of us wants more. Each of us is great! Just not that well known. Perhaps, for now. So, leadership of the unknown.

What is leadership? To begin with, let's outline the concepts that characterize leadership from different sides, explain it, penetrate into it and emanate from it: leader, group, group members, external environment, change, influence, goals, path, interaction, cohesion, involvement, joint activity, overcoming obstacles, leader, followers, inspiration, crisis, uncertainty, initiation, beliefs and principles of the leader, responsibility, power, heroism, leader, care.

And, as we understand, that's not all. But these are the words that make up the description of leadership. How you can create a beautiful stained glass window from individual pieces of glass. In this book we will sketch out certain concepts, words and symbols, and then deal with them. Perhaps arranging them in a beautiful pattern, perhaps arranging them on shelves, perhaps stretching them out in a line and perhaps sometimes lumping them all back together.

So what is our first definition of leadership? Leadership is a relationship between a leader and a group in which the leader influences group members to move the entire group in a desired direction when the external environment is uncertain or resistant. I can't say that the definition is ideal. But what do we, mortals, want?! We can only always move towards the ideal, never getting closer to it. Such is our glorious dola!

The leader sees the image of the future, he forms the vision. A leader has goals. He also has certain principles that he communicates to the group members. A leader calls for at least two things. He talks about where to move. And he says how to move.

That is, the second definition of leadership would be as follows. Leadership is the leader’s vision of an image of future achievements, infecting people with this image and telling the group how best to move into this future.

Where there are two, there are three. So we continue to produce definitions. A leader is about change. A leader is associated with creating a certain atmosphere in a group. A leader cannot exist without a group at all. The leader is the leader, and the group is his tribe. The leader is strong. The leader is trusted. You can sometimes argue with him, but they obey him. The leader inspires, but sometimes also commands. There's a lot to think about here!

For example, how is leadership different from management? This question has already become traditional, like the question of what comes first - consciousness or matter. If you really think about it, you realize how intertwined and interconnected everything is here. So deeply interconnected that to the uninitiated eye it is simply confusing. So I would like to admit that it is absolutely useless to try to unravel this tangle. It seems reasonable to stop these useless attempts, finish writing this book and go do something simpler and more understandable. For example, go make clay pots or go windsurfing. Or maybe teaching in an elementary school? Noble and useful. So the whole point is that there we will also encounter the concept of leadership and management! So let's not give in to difficulties. Only forward!

How is leadership different from management? There is such a beautiful analogy. In peacetime, there must be management in the army. There must be planning, task setting, organization, control. This is enough for the functioning of a huge military machine. But in wartime, no lieutenant will be able to raise his platoon into battle if he is not a leader. They won’t just run in front of bullets. Naturally, one can recall the infamous firing squads that stood behind the soldiers, their own soldiers, and shot at them if they retreated. But this is not even management, this is slavery!

In my previous book on management, 11 Rules of a Leader No. 1, I focused all my attention on management. The main functions of a manager are discussed there:

1. planning and forecasting,

2. personnel selection,

3. training,

4. informing,

5. setting goals,

6. motivation,

7. administration,

8. control,

9. decision making,

10. management influences,

11. communications.

The performance of these functions allows the manager to be effective from a manager’s point of view. Although here, not everything is so simple. Doesn't a leader make decisions? Doesn't a leader have managerial influences? Doesn't a leader motivate?

How is a thought different from an emotion? It seems that everyone understands. But don’t you get emotional when you think about that person who used to be your friend but is no longer your friend? And when you plan your vacation, don’t you anticipate it emotionally?

Systematic thinking is assumed here. The whole is not the sum of the parts. A leader is not the sum of his managerial and leadership qualities (although it happens that he has accumulated qualities into a sum, but forgot to add them into a system).

Take a look at the comparison chart. It contains the opinions of several Western authors, such as John P. Kotter, Joseph K. Rost, Brian Dyman, Richard L. Daft. There were some additions from your humble servant.

As you can see, in some places the boundary between management and leadership is quite clear, but in others it is shaky and vague. But we already have a general understanding of the essence of the issue. Then let's move on.

Possible answer to the paradox.

Some economists give the following explanation. Potatoes were a staple food for the Irish poor. When prices for it increased, people cut costs on other products that were more expensive and of higher quality. A since potatoes continue to remain a relatively cheaper product in relation to others, the demand for it has increased. For example, I used to buy 2 potatoes for 1 ruble, and one apple for 6 rubles. In total I spent 8 rubles. The price of potatoes was increased by 1 ruble. I gave up the apple, but now for my 8 rubles I buy 4 potatoes for 2 rubles.

If you find being a leader more difficult than you initially thought, could it be that you will try even harder to be a leader? And are you missing something from management?

The "Buridan's Donkey" paradox.

A question of this kind was posed by Aristotle. But it was Jean Buridan who finally formulated the problem.

How does a donkey, who sees two equally tasty and equally distant treats in front of him, make a choice where to go?

Buridan himself believed that a person, faced with such a problem, must make a choice towards the greater good.

Leibniz argued that a donkey, seeing two equally tasty and equally accessible haystacks in front of him, would simply die because he could not decide which one to go to.

Indeed, where will “Buridan’s donkey” go, what will guide him?

From the book Management author Dorofeeva L I

39. Women's leadership The view that women are capable of performing managerial functions at least as well as men is becoming increasingly widespread. Areas of research in the field of gender aspects of leadership can be divided into three classes.1. Gender concept

From the book Management: lecture notes author Dorofeeva L I

6. Women's leadership The view that women are capable of performing managerial functions at least as well as men is becoming increasingly widespread. Despite this, they are still a minority at middle and senior management levels (5% and 1% respectively in the US). In Russia

From the book Effective Management by Keenan Keith

Leadership In order to achieve a goal, you need to lead people. You should not completely focus only on completing the task; remember that the human factor can be decisive here. You will need: the ability to be fair and strict; skill

From the book Leadership Technologies [About Gods, Heroes and Leaders] author Rysev Nikolay Yurievich

5. Leadership Before you start changing others, you need to change yourself. After so many wonderful books about leadership that have already been written and published - republished, I must say, sometimes in multi-million copies, and, I must say, often in well-deserved editions,

From the book Bosses and subordinates: who is who, relationships and conflicts author Lukash Yuri Alexandrovich

17. Leadership and the Crisis The Crisis is believed to have begun on September 15, 2008, when Lemon Brothers Bank declared bankruptcy. Naturally, before this event, other events took place, no less serious in their consequences, but not so significant. Today is February 24, 2010

From the book Influence and Power. Win-win techniques author Parabellum Andrey Alekseevich

Leadership in business Leadership has come to be considered one of the types of effective management. Currently, the development of leaders is one of the priorities of many corporations. Leaders, among other things, must have one mandatory quality - the ability to work in

From the book Principle-Based Leadership by Covey Stephen R


From the book The Magic of Network Business. Master class for beginners author Rashidovna Osinskaya Irina

From the book Conscious Capitalism. Companies that benefit customers, employees and society author Sisodia Rajendra

From the book The Practice of Human Resource Management author Armstrong Michael

From the book Business Process Management. A practical guide to successful project implementation by Jeston John

Leadership You are who you are because that is who you wanted to be. If you really want to become someone else, then start the process of change right now. Fred Smith “The Magic of Network Business” - have you ever wondered why this title? I myself am online

From the book Productivity. Secrets of effective behavior author Stewart-Kotze Robin

Who is the leader in Ukraine? Many people call themselves this, but often do not even fully realize what it means.

First level: “position”
This is the lowest level - does not require any ability or effort to achieve. After all, anyone can be appointed to a position! There's nothing terrible about it though. It’s bad when you rely only on your position and want to be followed. This is because it only works if you have a system of leverage (job security or salary) over your followers. People follow you because they think they should.
Those who remain at the position level have difficulty working with volunteers. Why? Because position doesn't automatically lead to influence, and volunteers know they don't have to follow anyone.
But there are also positive aspects. This is your ideal position for continued growth and potential development as a leader. Use your time at this level to learn to manage yourself through prioritization and self-discipline. This way you will be ready to move to the next level.

Level two: relationship building

At this level, people choose to follow because they want to. In other words, they give permission to the leader to lead them. To develop at this level, leaders work to understand and connect with their people. You must learn to love people in order to manage them well.

The more leaders you develop, the more you change the lives of all team members
When you like people and treat them as individuals who have value, you begin to have a positive influence on them. Trust grows, which leads to respect. And the environment becomes much more positive - be it at home, work, play or volunteering.

The second level is about building strong, long-term relationships that create the foundation for the next level.

Third level: profit
The best leaders know how to motivate their people through “getting things done.” This is the essence of the third level. There are those who show results, create their influence and authority. People follow because they want to, but they no longer do so only because of the relationship, but because of their track record.
The profit margin is an area where leaders can become change agents. Work gets done, morale improves, profits go up, turnover goes down, goals are achieved. The more you produce, the more able you are to solve problems and do the right thing in difficult situations.

It is important to note here that the purpose of the five levels is not to move from one to another and grow on the new one. They are built on each other. Level 3 leaders still need to do the same things Level 2 leaders do. They simply add new strategies to the pot. And when they become effective at the third level, they are ready to add the following goals.

Level four: people development

Your aim - identify and develop as many leaders as possible, investing in them and helping them grow.
The reason is simple: the more leaders, the more missions an organization can achieve. The people you choose to develop may show great leadership potential or be diamonds in the rough, but the basic idea is the same: you invest in them and develop yourself.
The more leaders you develop, the more you change the lives of all team members. And as a result, people will follow you because of what you have done for them personally. And as an added bonus, some of these mentoring relationships will likely last a lifetime.
Develop consistently, long enough, and you can reap the rewards of the next level.

Fifth level: respect
This will require many years of work on yourself. You simply cannot reach this level unless you invest in your life and the lives of others.
Level 5 leaders develop organizations at the same level. They create opportunities that others cannot. People follow them because of who they are and what they represent. Leadership helps them gain a positive reputation.

As a result, Level 5 leaders often outperform their position, organization, and sometimes their industry.
Great leaders always need to improve themselves, the company and the people around them.

On October 4, Maxwell's new book, "The 5 Levels of Leadership," was published. Here's what he says about this book:

"Leadership is one of my passions. I have dedicated over thirty years of my life to helping others learn what I know about it. I spend about eighty days a year teaching people about leadership. In the last few years, I have been teaching it to people on six continents. The topic is endless. Why? Because there are so many ups and downs in leadership. If you want to make a positive impact on the world, leadership will help you do it.
I started thinking about the topic of leadership back in 1976, and to this day I ask myself a lot of questions. Who is a leader and what is leadership? And how does it work? Unfortunately, not many people find the right answers to these questions. Some people associate leadership with a leadership position. But I know bad leaders who held good positions and good leaders who did not hold any positions at all. You agree with me? Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the sooner people learn to increase their influence over other people, the more effectively they will lead. And the more I thought about the concept of leadership, the more it emerged in my mind. The concept of the 5 Levels of Leadership took me about five years to complete. I was asked when are you going to write a book about this? As you can see, I can finally answer this question."

And now excerpts from the book about all these levels:

  1. Position. A good leader can change himself, he brings people together and creates a team, builds organizations, influences society, and has the potential to influence the whole world. But never forget that a position is just a starting point. This is the entry level of leadership. A positional leader's influence is based on position. Positional leadership is based on the leadership position. I think it is wrong to use your authoritative status in order to manipulate people. Status is a poor substitute for influence. People who occupy only the first level of leadership may be bosses, but they will never become leaders. They have employees under them, not team members. They rely on norms, rules, policies and organizational charts to control their subordinates, who will follow their boss only to the established boundaries of authority. And subordinates, as a rule, do only what is required of them. If a leader is at the entry-level or first level, then at times when additional effort and time are required, the leader rarely gets both.
    Positional leaders tend to find it difficult to work with volunteers, young people and people with a high level of education. Why? Because positional leaders have no influence over these types of independent people.
    This position is the only level that does not require any effort to achieve. Anyone can hold this position. This means that Level 1 is the starting point, but every leader must strive to go beyond it. And, like every level of leadership, it has its pros and cons.
    Just as in life we ​​have to step over the dark periods and enjoy the white ones, so in leadership there are both positive and negative aspects. Getting your first leadership position is always something to celebrate. "Pros" of the 1st level:
    1. Leadership positions are usually given to people who have leadership potential. Often people take a certain leadership position because someone in management suggested it. This probably seems obvious. But think about the consequences: it usually means that the person with some authority believes that the new leader has potential. It's a good news. So if this is a completely new position for you, celebrate the fact that someone in power believes in you.
    Also, I want to congratulate you and wish you good luck as this is just the first step in your leadership journey. You are invited to a desk, assigned a seat, and you can take part in a game called leadership. You will have the opportunity to express your opinions and make decisions. But never forget your original goal - to show your manager and your team that you deserve the position.
    2. A leadership position is a way of power. When a person receives a position and title, at the same time he acquires a certain amount of authority. Often at the beginning of a leadership journey, when power is limited, most leaders must prove themselves in this small way before they receive greater authority. No man is a true leader until his appointment is approved by the minds and hearts of others.
    As a new leader, you must use power wisely to help the people who follow you. Do this and people will give you even more power. When this happens, you become a leader, not just in a leadership position.
    3. A leadership position is an invitation to grow as a leader. There should always be a connection between obtaining a leadership position and meeting certain requirements. One of the main requirements is personal growth. I learned this early in my life from my father, who loved to say: “To whom much is given, much is demanded.”
    The journey through the 5 Levels of Leadership will only be successful if you commit yourself to continuous development. If you believe that position makes a leader, it will be quite difficult for you to become a good leader. You will be tempted to stay where you are and enjoy the benefits of that position, rather than strive to grow and become the best leader you can be.
    4. A leadership position allows potential leaders to shape and define their leadership. A leadership position gives you the opportunity to decide which type of leadership is closer to you. When you first rise to the first level of leadership, your leadership page is empty and you can fill it out as you wish! What kind of leader do you want to be? Think about this seriously. Do you want to be a tyrant or create your own leadership team? Do you want to humiliate people or, on the contrary, elevate them? Do you want to give orders or ask questions? You can design the style you want.
    You need to carefully understand what leadership style you will use in practice, taking into account your habits. What will you do to organize your workspace? What will you do every day when you come to work? How will you treat people? What will your business ethics be? The sooner you embark on your leadership journey, the more potential you will gain, and also, start developing good habits now.
    A good leader can change himself, he brings people together and creates a team, builds organizations, influences society, and has the potential to influence the whole world. But never forget that a position is just a starting point.
    Since the 1st position is the lowest level of leadership, it has a large number negatives . I see eight main points:
    1. The first leadership position is often misleading. Most often, people treat a person depending on the status he occupies. Once you have a certain title or position, people will identify you with it. However, the positions and titles are misleading. A position always promises more than it can deliver.
    2. Leaders who rely on positions often do not value other people. There are people who rely only on their leadership position, often giving it the main place, and not their main job. For them, position is more important than work and contribution to the development of the organization. This kind of work attitude does not contribute to good relationships with people. In fact, positional leaders are often irritated by their subordinates, to them they are merely interchangeable cogs in a larger organizational machine, or even seen as an obstacle to their goal of advancing to the next position. As a result, the morale of a department, group, or organization suffers.
    3. Positional leaders bring their politics. When leaders prioritize influencing other people, the organization's environment tends to become political. And this is where the manipulation begins. Positional leaders focus more on control than on developing the organization. They only work for status. They do everything possible to get a large staff and a large budget under their command. They try not for the benefit of the organization, but for the sake of expanding and protecting their own territory. These leaders not only create a vicious cycle of posturing and maneuvering, but also a vicious cycle of competition.
    4. Positional leaders value order over responsibilities. Poet T.S. Eliot said: "Half the evil that happens in the world is due to people who want to feel important... They don't want to hurt... but in a constant struggle they want everyone to think well of them." This is what positional leaders strive for: they do everything in order to feel and look important. Positional leaders rely on their power. They expect the people to serve them, but they themselves do not look for ways to serve the people. For them, it is more important to look and appear than to do something. They value status more than teamwork. As a result, they tend to emphasize the importance of rules and regulations and, conversely, ignore relationships. This is not at all conducive to teamwork and a positive work environment.
    And if you have the right, as a leader, to do something, this does not mean at all that such an action will be correct. Placing emphasis not only in accordance with duties and position is often a sign of the maturity of a leader.
    5. Positional leaders are often lonely. Positional leaders can become lonely if they do not understand the purpose of the leadership position. Being a good leader does not mean trying to become king of the hill and keeping to yourself. Good leaders and managers help the people on their team rise to the top. If you climb to the top of a hill alone, you will certainly feel your loneliness. But if you find yourself there with someone else, then the loneliness recedes.
    6. Leaders who remain in this 1st position for a long time risk stopping in their development. Whenever people use their status to manage people for long periods of time without having true influence, they are identified only as positional leaders and rarely receive additional opportunities for advancement in that organization. They can move in a straight line, but rarely upward.
    If you have also delayed being a positional leader, then my book will help you. However, you must recognize that the longer you rely solely on your position, the more difficult it will be for you to change others' perceptions of your leadership style. Often you need to change your position to regain influence over people.
    7. High turnover is important for a positional leader. When a person relies solely on his position in leadership, the result is almost always high turnover. In one of my books there is a chapter called: “people leave people, not companies.” In it, I explain how people often join a job because they want to be part of a particular company, but leave almost always because they are running away from specific people.
    Every company has its own turnover, and this is inevitable. And this is the question every leader should ask himself: “Who is leaving us?” Organizations run by 1st position managers tend to lose their best people and attract average or below average employees.
    8. Positional leaders receive only a small portion of their subordinates' best abilities. People who rely on their positions and titles are the weakest of all leaders. They rely on their attitude to help them do the hard work. As a result, they receive only little return from people. Some people who work with a positional leader may be strong, ambitious, innovative and motivated, but they will rarely remain so under such leadership.
    The greatest disadvantage of Level 1 leadership is that it is neither creative nor innovative. If a leader does not learn to work at level 1, then he will have no choice but to go in search of another job.

  2. Permission. The transition from the first level to the second, from position to resolution, is the first meaningful step in leadership. Why do I say this? Because management and leadership are about influence, nothing more, nothing less. Leaders who rely on their position to manage people rarely influence them. If their subordinates do what they ask, it is because the subordinates know that they must work to get paid, keep their jobs, prevent possible reprimand, and so on.
    On the contrary, when a leader learns to operate at the level of permission and permission, everything changes. People do more than simply obey orders. They begin to follow the leader. And they do it because they really want it. Why? Because the leader begins to influence people and build relationships, only the position itself is no longer so important for him. Building relationships creates the basis for effectively influencing others. The more deeply a leader can understand the idea of ​​relationships, the more thoroughly he will be able to guide people.
    When people feel loved, cared for, valued and trusted, this translates into teamwork and good relationships with the leader. And so the entire work environment can change.
    The movement to Level 2 is an important development in leadership because it is where followers allow their leaders to guide them. People are moving from the state of subordinates to the state of followers, and this is a movement! Remember, leadership always means moving forward. It can never be static. No movement, no leadership.

  3. Productivity. But before I define and value Level 3 in a leader's life, I want to clarify how the levels work. The 5 levels are like a building - higher levels build on lower ones. Every leader must visit each level to get to the next. The 2nd level is built on the 1st level. It is impossible to be a 3rd level leader if you have not mastered the 2nd level - permission. But once you've built relationships with your people and built a team, you're ready to focus on delivering results.
    Results qualify and differentiate true leaders from people who simply occupy leadership positions. Good leaders always strive for results and get them. They can have a significant impact on the organization. Not only can they be productive individually, but they can also help the team achieve results. This ability gives leaders credibility and expands their reach.
    No one can falsify level 3. Either you have certain results, and you add them to your past achievements, or you have nothing. Thomas Watson, founder of IBM, noted that "outstanding leaders of all ages have created their own quotas and continually increased them." Here is a good description of Level 3 Leadership. At this level, leaders are motivated and productive. As a result, they create momentum and develop an environment of success that makes the team better and stronger.
    Another benefit of Level 3 leadership is attracting high-performing people. Creators attract creators. They respect each other and cooperate with pleasure. They carry out common plans. Ultimately, this leads to growth of the organization.
    Leaders may pass Level 1 for an endless number of reasons: They demonstrate promise. They have connections. Leaders who are good at getting along with others, with some effort to teach people certain skills, can rise to Level 2. But some people will never rise from level 2 - resolution, to level 3 - effectiveness. Why? They can't imagine the results. This usually happens due to a lack of self-discipline, work ethic or skill. However, if you want to reach higher levels of leadership, you need results. And there are no other ways.

  4. Development. Effective leaders understand that in order to become better leaders, they must continually grow and develop. At Level 3, the emphasis is on personal and corporate productivity. The ability to create a high-performing team, department, or organization most accurately indicates a high level of leadership skills. But to get to the top levels of leadership and create a better organization, a leader must move from producing to creating. Why? Because people are the most important asset in any organization.
    Good leaders, having reached level 4, invest their time, energy, money and knowledge in the development of other people, potential leaders. They look at each person for their potential for growth, regardless of their status, position, age or experience. Every person has potential. This practice brings out the best in people and what the best qualities help the team grow. The development of one person lays the foundation for the development and success of other team members. Making the right decisions shows how competently and correctly management is structured, and whether managers take their work seriously. Leaders who don't put effort into putting their decisions into action risk leading to poor performance and also risk losing the respect of their team members.
    Leaders need to shift their focus from achieving results for team members to developing their potential. And focus 20 percent of your attention on personal productivity, and the remaining 80 percent on developing and managing other people. This can be very difficult for managers who do not see the potential in their employees, but it is a much-needed change that can fundamentally change the organization's performance and show the way to a bright future.

  5. Vertex."It is rare that a leader reaches Level 5. Not only is leadership at this level the culmination of the other four levels, but it also requires not only a high degree of skill, but also an innate ability to lead. Leaders at the pinnacle of leadership are fundamentally different from everyone else They are a cut above and bring success to everything they deal with. Leadership at this level serves as a crane for the entire organization and creates an environment that benefits everyone by contributing to their success. Level 5 leaders often have influence that goes beyond outside of their organization.
    Most leaders, when they reach the top, become successful in their careers. But level 5 is not a place of rest, but a position in which you need to stop and evaluate your success. This is the place that has the greatest impact on their lives. This is why leaders reaching the top level must make the most of this time. With gratitude and humility, they must develop and raise up as many leaders as they can, take on many challenges, and expand their positive influence beyond their own organization and business.”

Here are some quotes from his new book:

  1. You can go to the next level, but you will never get to the next one without going through the previous one. Now that you have become familiar with the levels of leadership and grasped the basics, you understand that a leader always climbs the so-called ladder and only after conquering one step can you climb to the next.
  2. Each person occupies his own level. Leadership develops dynamically and changes with environment and attitude. This is what I talk about in the book “5 Levels of Leadership”. Each of us, working in the same organization, can occupy our own level. Someone on my first day at work recognizes only my position, and someone in whom I invested my knowledge and time, helped him rise to the next level, elevates me to the 4th level of leadership.
  3. The higher you rise, the easier it is to lead. Here's some good information. The more you work to rise above and become an excellent leader, you will find that it becomes increasingly easier for you to lead others. You become more effective at leading others because your influence increases as you move to higher levels. The higher the level of influence, the more people are willing to follow you. Limited influence is a limited management style, and the higher the influence, the greater the effectiveness of leadership.
  4. The higher you go, the more time it takes. What's more difficult? Just take a position - level 1 or get permission from people to help them rise to the next level? Everything is pretty transparent. It takes time, effort and a willingness to develop positive relationships with people. How to move from level 2 to level 3? It takes effort and time. Level 4 generally requires total dedication, where you develop people and mentor them to become good leaders. If you want to become a Level 5 leader, you will need to devote a lot of time to developing leaders who will in turn develop other leaders.
  5. Progression from level to level is slow, but falling can happen quickly. Some people ask me: “How long will it take me to become a level 5 leader?” My answer is: much longer than you think. Building is always more difficult and takes longer than destroying. At that time, it is alarming to think about how quickly one can fall from a high level of leadership. I hope you find solace in this: Once you have risen to a higher level, there is a protective layer beneath you, like a safety net to hold you in case you fall. Therefore, the further and higher you go, the more secure leadership becomes for you.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to say when this book will appear in Russia, but what is presented here already gives a general idea and tasks for understanding oneself and one’s actions.

Read more here: http://www.ori-krem.lact.ru/e/2588953-pyat-urovney-liderstva


The book 5 Levels of Leadership changes the usual view of leadership. Leadership is about promoting your team. It is possible to be a leader without having any power, and to hold a high position without being a leader.

Leadership is constant work, hard but rewarding. You cannot become a leader once and for all, and the higher the level of leadership, the more difficult it is to maintain your position. The book 5 Levels of Leadership is one of the best for leaders.

5 Levels of Leadership - Book Review

First level of leadership. Position

First level leader only formally considered a leader. Such leadership does not depend on hard work, talent and experience, but arises as a result of a combination of circumstances. It is based only on the privileges that a person's position or position gives him. There is nothing wrong with the highest position. It's bad if it becomes the only lever of pressure. For a first-level leader who does not strive for further development, the concept of “team” does not exist. He is the boss, and those around him are subordinates. He orders, they carry out.

The leader of the first level is a character more negative than positive. Here are its main characteristics:
does not value people;
prone to micromanagement;
remembers his rights, forgetting about his responsibilities;
usually lonely;
does not tolerate changes;
His department has staff turnover and poor performance

What do you need to do to move to the second level of leadership?

If a first-level leader wants to become a true leader and move to a higher level, he should complete the following points in his development plan:
thank the people who brought you to a leadership position;
try to get better every day;
Answer the following questions frankly: “Who am I? What are my values? What leadership practices do I want to apply?”;
think of yourself not as a boss, but as a person with leadership potential, rethink your goals;
think about the mission of the organization you work for, define your role in it, think about what you can do as a leader;
shift the priority from rules to interpersonal relationships;
Discuss with employees not only work topics;
mention your job title less often;
learn to say: “I don’t know”;
Find a mentor who will inspire you to lead.

Second level. Relationship

Second level leader I differ from a first-level leader in that I perceive others as partners, and not as soulless robots who must complete a certain amount of work in a given time. He sees each employee as an individual, takes into account individual characteristics and is interested in everyone’s life. Long-term interpersonal connections are formed in the team, the atmosphere becomes more positive and trusting, and the work becomes more effective. John Maxwell is convinced that you can love people and not be a leader, but it is impossible to be a leader and not love people.

Second level of leadership is qualitatively different from the first in that now people follow the leader voluntarily. They turn from subordinates into followers, that is, a movement begins, without which there is no real leadership.
A second-level leader is characterized by:
the desire to create a favorable working atmosphere not only for oneself, but also for the entire team;
the presence of numerous acquaintances and communication channels;
understanding the value of each person;
trust in people.
Second level leaders may face some challenges:
some people do not take second-level leaders seriously, considering them too soft;
For ambitious people, second-level leadership is a heavy burden, because they are used to getting everything at once;
For second-level leaders, employees often “sit on the neck”;
Second-level leadership is difficult for introverts because it involves complete openness.

What needs to be done to move to the third level of leadership?

Even if you were previously a misanthrope, learn to treat all people well, otherwise you will not be able to grow as a leader;
live in harmony with yourself - a person who does not love himself is not able to love others;
at least once a week, say something positive to each team member;
accept each employee not only as a professional, but also as an individual with strengths and weaknesses;
learn to enjoy the work process and teach this to your employees;
find time for personal communication with each employee;
become the main inspirer of the team;
be caring and frank.

Third level. Productivity

At the third level, the leader becomes the initiator of changes in the work process, he solves complex problems and leads people in the most confusing situations. Team members see positive changes in work and trust their leader. It happens that productive people mistakenly consider themselves third-level leaders. However, remember that all true leaders are productive, but not all productive people are leaders.

Third level leaders have the following distinctive features:
they are productive and encourage employees to work productively by personal example;
they create an atmosphere conducive to effective performance;
they solve problems themselves, rather than delegate their solution;
they create cohesive teams.

Leadership is an exciting journey, but only the most talented and committed to their work find the strength and incentive to continually grow.

What do you need to do to move to the fourth level of leadership?

High productivity is not the ultimate dream of a true leader;
people are the main asset of the company;
educating new leaders is a difficult and lofty goal, but it is through it that the mission of any successful company is realized

Become the kind of team member you would dream of;
become a productive leader, not just a productive person, that is, help employees become productive;

Understand what each team member is strong at;
Discuss the company’s mission with the team as often as possible;
meet regularly with the team: analyze failures, praise successes, discuss goals and make plans;
create situations of success;
become an agent of change - think about what can be changed in the team’s work for the better, and invite the team to make these changes;
Don't forget about the second level: close personal relationships make a professional team stronger.

Fourth level. Development

At the fourth level, people follow a leader because he was able to change their lives. Such relationships are long-lasting and productive. A second-level leader changes the atmosphere, a third-level leader changes the process, and a fourth-level leader promotes internal change among team members. At the highest levels of leadership, the leader's primary role is not production, but development. Level 4 leaders invest time, energy, and money in developing people and developing leaders within the team. They are confident in themselves and their team, but know that everyone can make mistakes.

The leader of the fourth level is distinguished by the fact that:
focused on people's growth and development;
does not strive to be the only leader in the company or its division;
strives to make the organization successful in the long term by helping others become leaders;
does not suffer from perfectionism;
for him the process is more important than the result.
Only a leader can raise another leader. This process occurs in several stages:
recruitment - search for potential leaders;
positioning - choosing a suitable position; a person can become a leader in one position, but not develop in another;
modeling - the future leader must see what it means to be a leader;
support - assistance in work;
development - leaving the comfort zone;
creating a situation of success;
assessment - whether they can be leaders without outside help.

Fifth level. Vertex

The fifth, the most complex and highest level, is not accessible to everyone. To achieve it, it is not enough to be purposeful, hardworking and skillful. Great leaders create Level 5 organizations within which new leaders grow. At this level, people are influenced not only by personal communication with the leader, but also by his image and reputation. Level 5 leaders transcend their position, company, and sometimes industry.
The goal of a Level 5 leader is not just to get the job done or to get people to follow him, but to develop new leaders who will inspire and lead people. Level 5 leadership is not a job, but a lifelong endeavor.
Being a fifth-level leader is not easy: at some point it may seem that having reached the top, you can stop and reap the benefits of past activities; The possibility of star fever cannot be ruled out either.

John Maxwell's tips for helping Level 5 leaders stay on top of their game:

Leave room at the top for other leaders;
support leaders who have the potential to grow to level five;
create a circle of people who will support and stimulate each other’s personal growth;
be a role model;
create a legacy.

John Maxwell's 10 Laws of Leadership

1. You can go to the next level, but the previous level will still remain with you. It is impossible to get to the fifth floor by destroying the foundation or lower floors.
By moving from the first level to the second, you do not give up your position, it just ceases to be of decisive importance, and interpersonal relationships come to the fore. As you rise to the third level, you maintain good relationships with your colleagues, but at this stage your professionalism becomes most important.
2. Different relationships require different levels of leadership.
At home, you can be a fourth-level leader - a caring father who takes his children to extracurricular activities and plays basketball with them, and a loving husband who brings his wife coffee in bed, accompanies her to theater premieres and helps organize her business. In a relationship with a neighbor, you are a second-level leader, and this is enough to jointly plant trees in the yard and occasionally drink a glass of beer. But at work you cannot rise above the first level, because you control every movement of your subordinates and do not tolerate objections.
3. The higher you rise, the easier it is to lead people.
You are trying to interest employees in a new project. If you are a first-level leader, then work will begin only if your superiors sign the corresponding order. A second-level leader can persuade people, and they may agree because they feel good about him. At the third level, the leader is an authoritative professional who, in the opinion of employees, is capable of leading them to professional victories.
4. Reaching each new level requires more time and effort than moving to the previous one.
The first level leader was simply lucky enough to be appointed to the position. It will take more than one day to establish trusting relationships with employees and move to the second level. And sometimes life is not enough to reach the fifth level.
5. Rising to a new level takes a long time, but you can “fall off the pedestal” quickly.
Building is always more difficult and takes longer than destroying. Trust is gained slowly, and one thoughtless act or careless phrase can end a long-term relationship.
6. The higher you rise, the more you give to others and the more you receive.
People respect the leader as a professional and strive to achieve professional heights themselves. As a result, productivity increases, which means income and career prospects increase. The leader's influence on team members increases, and as a result, mutual trust increases and the working atmosphere improves.
7. Moving upward requires constant development.
If a person relies only on his experience, it is unlikely that he will move to the next level. A true leader strives to learn and develop.
8. If you don't improve your leadership, you are limiting yourself and the people who follow you.
People choose those who are stronger than them as leaders. If you are a “C” leader, then those who follow you will work and develop poorly. Such a team will never be effective.
9.When you change positions or places of work, you begin to conquer leadership levels anew.
Your achievements are nothing if you start working in a new place with new people. You will once again have to climb the leadership ladder: form good relationships, demonstrate professionalism, develop employees and develop them into leaders.
10 Moving to a higher level is not possible alone.
Being a leader means leading others and constantly helping them become better. If you go it alone, you are not a leader. Without followers, it is impossible to move even from the first level to the second.

Since leadership is largely built on relationships of the “leader-follower” type, rather than “boss-subordinate,” then in this respect it differs significantly from management. Unlike a boss, a leader not only directs, but also leads his followers. And they, in turn, not only follow the leader due to their subordinate status, dictated by their official position, but also experience a psychological need to follow him.

The goals and objectives of management differ at different levels of activity, therefore there are different leaders. From this point of view, leaders are distinguished at three levels.

1. Leaders of small groups (this can be the elite of the upper levels of government or the leadership core of an enterprise or organization), who have the greatest power in a given community and have common interests. As a person in authority, the leader forms the group itself. In addition, its formation is based on the personal qualities of the leader, which are constantly subject to direct assessment by each of the group members in the process of its joint functioning. Since the activity of a leader involves close, without any intermediaries, personal communication with his immediate environment, personal qualities play a decisive role in maintaining a leading position, namely: the ability to control the situation and make decisions; to take responsibility; the ability to make the right choice.

At the same time, the leader must satisfy the interests of the group, without going beyond the limits of law and civil norms and without making his environment dependent on his benefits. In this case, he must have the ability business, intellectual and communication leader (emotional leader).

A business leader is distinguished not only by the ability to organize any business or work, but also by personal entrepreneurship and pragmatism in assessing the situation and his actions. He is able to organize any business, establish the necessary business relationships and, in general, ensure the success of the entire group. The power of an intellectual leader rests on the ability to solve complex problems and find innovative solutions. He serves as the “think tank” of the group; people turn to him on all issues, because he is erudite, knows a lot, can explain or help find the necessary information. A communication leader is characterized by sociability, the ability to relieve tension within a group and create psychological comfort. He acts as a kind of center of spiritual communication for the group, so people are drawn to him because they know that they can receive some kind of worldly advice or sympathy.

Naturally, the strongest leadership position will be with a person who combines all three components, but such versatility is extremely rare. As a rule, the most common combination of any two of them (for example, emotional and business, information and business), which turns out to be quite sufficient to ensure leadership in the group. In addition, the leader’s behavioral style has a significant impact on the leader’s relationship with the group and his authority.

2. A second-level leader is the leader of a social movement or a specific organization (for example, the head of a trade union, director of an enterprise, etc.). In its activities, individual workers, work collectives as a whole, or even, perhaps, entire social strata and groups see an opportunity to solve their pressing problems and satisfy their interests. At this level, the leader influences his environment both through his personal qualities and through the fact that his followers advance the leader a certain degree of their trust and support. Due to psychological characteristics, the masses of people feel the need for a leader. Since he acts as a spokesman for their interests, denotes the goal and the path to achieve it, the more significant his activity is.

3. A third-level leader is a manager whose leadership is represented in the form of a social institution (management of a corporation that unites several large enterprises and firms). If for a leader of the first level his personal characteristics are of fundamental importance, and their influence at the second level is quite significant, then at the third level, as a rule, they do not have a decisive influence on the leader’s behavior and attitude towards him. Leadership of this magnitude presupposes the concentration of all power within oneself. To do this, the leader needs to take into account the interests of the broad public base of the organization he leads. What matters here is not so much the leader’s personal qualities as his ability to formulate the most general goals and objectives, demonstrate high constructive and creative qualities, communicate with a circle of people of higher rank and be able to convince them. The activities of a leader at this level are determined by his personal management culture and ability to maintain relationships with political authorities.

2. Types of leaders depending on their functions

Depending on the content and the functions prevailing in its activities, the following types can be distinguished.

1. Leader-organizer. He is distinguished by the fact that he attributes all the tasks facing the team to himself and therefore actively acts, resolving the difficulties that arise in the process of their implementation. He is a convinced optimist and is always confident that most problems that arise can be safely resolved. Such a leader is more prone to rewards and knows how to convince his employees by proving rather than imposing his point of view on them. If he needs to express his disapproval of the actions of a particular employee, then he prefers to do this as correctly as possible, without humiliating the personality of the subordinate. Due to the possession of such abilities, people follow him, knowing in advance that he will not offer an empty deal. It is these leaders who are visible in any informal group.

2. Leader-creator. He himself creates specific situations and almost always resolves them successfully. Such a leader attracts people first of all with his ability to see something new in every business or task and take on their solution even if, at first glance, it may seem that they are insoluble or even dangerous. He not only commands, but also invites people to cooperate, discuss the problem and find possible ways to solve it. He is able to give any instructions or set any task in such a way that they will not only interest his subordinates, but will also cause a surge in the creative activity of his employees.

3. Leader-performer. He clearly captures the prevailing mood in the team and is therefore able to mobilize people to complete the task. As a rule, the executive leader stands out when a specific situation has already been created. He works within the framework of solving the problem identified by the creative leader, thereby coming to his aid in solving private issues.

4. Leader-fighter What distinguishes him is that he is the first to meet any danger and, without hesitation or delay, enters into the fight against problems that impede the realization of the goals set by himself or his followers. He is not afraid of the unknown, because he is a strong-willed, self-confident person, always ready to defend his goals, views and beliefs to the end. He is not inclined to make concessions and regards them as his personal defeat. A significant disadvantage of such a leader is sometimes the reluctance and lack of time to fully consider all possible options for his actions and analyze their consequences.

5. Positions of a leader-diplomat are based on his excellent knowledge of the emerging or already existing situation, its nuances and hidden details. He is aware of all the gossip and gossip and therefore knows well who, how and with what levers he can influence. Such a leader prefers to hold confidential meetings in the circle of closest like-minded people from among his subordinates, where he can allow himself to openly say what everyone knows, thereby diverting attention from his plans, which he does not advertise. By compromising or even making concessions when solving problems, this leader still achieves his goals. If he had used all his awareness and abilities for evil, then he could well be considered a master of intrigue.

6. Leader-comforter. He respects people, treats them kindly, he is polite and helpful, and is capable of empathy.

Therefore, people are drawn to him, since he is disposed towards them and is always ready (at least morally) to support them in difficult times.

By leadership style can be distinguished autocratic leader, managing the team with tough, directive methods and relying on the authority of the authorities; Democratic leader, for whom power is largely an attribute of his official position, his leadership potential is based on attention to people, taking into account their opinions; liberal leader, uniting the team with its democratic ideas, but giving its like-minded people complete freedom of action, since each of them knows “his own maneuver.” Based character professional activity, a leader can be situational, i.e. able to create and resolve only certain, similar situations, or universal, possessing the qualities of a situational leader, which allows him not only to act effectively in various, dissimilar situations, but also to prove himself as an organizer. Based scale tasks facing leaders, we can distinguish the following types of leadership: household leader(for example, in a family, class, study group, etc.); social leader- he manifests himself in various (social, creative, sports and other) associations, or, for example, the leader of the trade union movement; and, of course, one cannot help but say about the political leader, which means state and party leaders, as well as public figures. In addition, in organizations and teams, a distinction is made between formal and informal leadership.

3. Psychoanalytic approach

In foreign psychology, the psychoanalytic approach to the problem of leadership is most popular. From the point of view of S. Freud's psychoanalytic theory, leadership is considered as a two-pronged psychological process: on the one hand, a group process, and on the other, an individual one. It is based on the ability of leaders to attract people to themselves, to subconsciously evoke feelings of admiration, adoration, and love. The adoration, veneration or worship of one person by the masses of people can make him a leader. According to the psychoanalytic approach, ten types of leadership are distinguished.

1. "Sovereign" or "patriarchal leader" appears in the image of a strict, but beloved parent (father or mother). He is able to instill in others confidence in their own abilities, give them a charge of positive energy, reduce the influence of negative emotions or completely displace them.

2. "Leader Leader" For those around him, the personality of such a leader acts as a kind of carrier of group standards, which all members of the group try to imitate. People associate the realization of their goals and desires with the personality of the leader.

3. "Tyrant". He becomes a leader only because he instills in those around him a feeling of unquestioning obedience or unbridled fear. Therefore, those around him consider him strong and omnipotent. Essentially, a tyrant leader is a strong, dominant, authoritarian personality. He is usually feared and humbly obeyed.

4. "Leader-organizer" unites people, acting for them as a real force necessary to satisfy their interests and needs, maintaining the “I-concept” in their minds.

5. "Leader Seducer" acts as a “magical force”, giving vent to human emotions, thereby relieving their internal tension and preventing possible conflicts. He becomes a leader thanks to his ability to play on other people's weaknesses. His followers adore him and very often do not notice his individual, sometimes very significant, shortcomings.

6. "Hero Leader" This type manifests itself especially in situations of group protest - thanks to his courage, others are guided by him and see in him a standard of justice. He carries people along with him and is able to sacrifice himself for them.

7. "Bad example." Such a person can also act as a leader, since he acts as a kind of source of emotional infection for other, usually conflict-free personalities.

8."Idol Leader" He attracts people, attracts them and positively infects his surroundings. Therefore, he is loved and even idolized and idealized. This type of leadership is very similar to a charismatic leader.

In Freud's psychoanalytic approach to the problem of leadership, two more types of leaders are distinguished - the “Outcast” and the “Scapegoat”. However, they are, in essence, anti-leaders, since they are the object of the aggressive aspirations of the team, and very often the group unites to fight them. At the same time, as soon as these anti-leaders disappear, the formed group may begin to disintegrate, since the principle that unites it disappears.

4. Manager and leader: general and different

Now that the concepts of “manager” and “leader” have begun to receive quite close attention, one can often hear opinions that these concepts are identical. However, this is not the case. Yes, such concepts as “manager” and “leader” are certainly similar, for example in the fact that both the manager and the leader have power and manage people, but they are by no means identical.

Approaches to the problem of leadership existing in modern management are based on leadership qualities, the behavior of the leader and the situation in which he acts. It is quite obvious that the possession of one person with a set of certain knowledge and outstanding abilities is always rated by other people much higher than the similar qualities of other members of the group. Therefore, a person with a set of certain qualities, such as self-confidence, a sharp and flexible mind, competence and professionalism, strong will, the ability to understand the peculiarities of human psychology, and outstanding organizational skills, becomes a leader. This approach is the basis for trait theory, which explains the phenomenon of leadership from the point of view of personal qualities.

However, not every manager has the entire set of listed qualities. This does not mean that he cannot be a leader in his organization. At the same time, a successful manager is not necessarily an effective leader. Their main characteristics seem to be on different planes. The main quality of a leader is a clear vision of a goal, which to others appears only in very vague outlines or is not visible at all. The main quality of a manager (leader) is to ensure the achievement of the set goal in all possible effective ways.

In 1937, two young brothers Dick and Maurice McDonald opened a small roadside restaurant for motorists in Pasadena (USA), which quickly became a great success. Their business began to grow and develop rapidly: the volume of annual sales increased significantly, and the brothers annually divided among themselves a profit of 50 thousand dollars - an amount that ensured they belonged to the financial elite of the city.

However, they were wonderful managers, but, unfortunately, mediocre leaders. Their acquaintance in 1954 with a man named Ray Kroc significantly changed things. From 1955 to 1959 R. Kroc managed to successfully open 100 restaurants. In 1961, Kroc bought the exclusive rights to their restaurant from the brothers and set about transforming it into an American institution and then a global institution. By 1998, there were already over 21 thousand restaurants in 100 countries. Thus, Ray Kroc's business acumen, coupled with his leadership abilities, helped him turn several restaurants into the McDonald Corporation, which is now known in many countries around the world.

There are differences between a leader and a manager in many positions, some of them, the most common and most common, are presented in Table 1:

Table 1. Differences between a leader and a manager

The wide variety of the above types of leadership is largely due to the wide range of tasks they solve. However, in general, management is influenced by the following properties:

1) the motives and basic beliefs that guide the leader in trying to achieve a certain position;
2) the environment in which the leader begins his activities and his previous experience;
3) leader style

A leader's motives and beliefs determine how he perceives his environment and his operating environment, directly influencing his leadership style.

The above typology of leadership is not exhaustive, since it is impossible to cover the entire complex and diverse phenomenon of leadership. Objective reality is always much richer than theory and often gives rise to combined types of leaders. In different situations, the group nominates different people as a leader, and sometimes it becomes a person who does not have the above set of personal qualities, just as another person may have these qualities, but not be a leader. This is the basis of the situational approach to leadership, which explains its nature by saying that a leader becomes the person who, when any situation arises, has such personal qualities, abilities and experience that allow him to effectively and optimally resolve it in the interests of the entire organization or team. Thus, the leader in a team can become the person who is able to lead it to the resolution of situations, problems, tasks that have arisen, who carries the most important personal traits for this team and shares the values ​​that are inherent in this team.

Consequently, the leader personifies the entire team, the organization, acting as its mirror. A person who becomes a leader in one group may not become a leader when he moves to another team, since the latter has different values ​​and expectations and requirements for a leader.

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