Work program on the topic: Regulations on student self-government in the dormitory and Regulations on student self-government in the dormitory, Regulations on the review-competition for the best living room Regulations on student self-government in the dormitory.  Kadomsky tech

Regulations on the competition

"I live here"

(Best dorm room)

1 General provisions.

1.1 The competition for the best dormitory room “I live here” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held among students of the Forestry Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) living in the dormitory.

1.2 These regulations define the purpose, objectives, conditions and procedure for holding the competition.

1.3 Aimed at improving educational work at the Institute, increasing the social and public activity of students.

1.4 Organizers of the Competition:

Deputy Director of LTI for Social educational work

Student Council of Dormitories

1.5 Responsible for the competition:

Student Council of Dormitories

1.6 The terms of the Competition are approved by the director’s order.

1.7 Venue of the competition: dormitories No. 3,4,5 (Novgorodsky Ave., buildings 2,3,4)


2.1 The purpose of the competition is to attract students to directly participate in activities to improve the quality of living conditions in dormitories

2.2 Competition objectives:

Carrying out purposeful work to intensify educational work in dormitories;

Systematization of organizational measures to maintain order and rules of residence;

Coordination of interaction between the administration, student government of the Institute and the hostel;

Optimization of living and living conditions for students in the Institute’s dormitories;

Increasing respect for the property of S(A)FU.

Promoting the effective work of student government in the hostel;

3 Procedure for holding the competition.

3.1 The competition is held in all dormitories simultaneously, in the rooms where LTI students live, every academic year.

3.2 During the competition, the winning room and laureates in the following categories are determined:

Best women's room

Best men's room

Original interior idea

3.3 To conduct the competition, a commission is created that evaluates the participants’ rooms. The following may be involved in the work of the commission: heads of dormitories, members of the board of curators, members of the student council of the Institute, members of the PPOS, members of the SSU and the heads of the dormitory floors.

3.4 The composition of the commission changes depending on the stage of the competition.

3.5 The competition is held in accordance with the content of the competition in three stages:

3.5.1 First stage – all dorm rooms participate. To do this, you must submit an application for participation to the organizers in any form. It is possible to nominate rooms for the competition from a section, floor, etc. The commission collects and processes applications for participation in the Competition, makes the initial selection, and determines the participants moving to the next stage.

Composition of the commission:

Members of the student council of the dormitory,

Floor leaders.

3.5.2 The second stage - among the rooms that have passed this stage, the commission, in accordance with the criteria, selects the candidate rooms, assigns the appropriate score with a brief annotation

Composition of the commission:

Dormitory Student Council,

Commandant of the hostel.

3.5.3 The third stage – a commission of applicants determines the best dorm room and the winners in the nominations. A second visit to the rooms by the commission is allowed

Composition of the commission:

Representative of the Institute administration;

Representative of the students' trade union committee;

Representative of the hostel administration;

Chairman of the student council of dormitories.

3.5.4 Based on the submission of the Deputy Director of the Institute for social and educational work, an order for the Institute is issued with approval overall results Competition, determining its laureates and winners.

4 Contents and criteria of the competition.

4.1 At the first stage, the rooms participating in the competition are selected by open voting, among those living in the section, or nominated independently. The commission selects participants for the next stage.

4.2 At the second stage, the selection committee is guided by the following criteria (the maximum score is indicated in brackets):

Cleanliness of the room (10);

Section cleanliness (10);

No arrears in payment (5);

Compliance with the rules of residence in the hostel (10);

Safety of hostel property (10);

Compliance with the duty schedule (7);

Greening the room (5);

Participation of residents in cultural, sports, labor and socially useful events (15);

4.3 At the third stage, winners and laureates are determined in accordance with the data received. A rating table of participating rooms is compiled with the corresponding points.

5 Competition results

5.1 Guided by the content of the Competition, each criterion is assessed separately according to point system. The collected competitive points for each criterion are summed up.

5.3 The results of the competition are approved at a meeting of the Asset Council.

5.6 The winners will receive prizes, gifts and certificates signed by the director.

5.7 The results of the competition are brought to the attention of all students through the newspaper “Faculty”, curators, posted on information boards in the dormitories, and on the institute’s website.


about the annual review-competition “Me and My Home” 201 3-2014 academic yearof the year

among the dormitories of Penza State University

"Best hostel", "Best room", "Best thfloor"

I.General provisions

1.1. The review competition “Me and My Home” among dormitories (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held among students living in dormitories of Penza State University, and is aimed at improving educational work at the university, increasing the social and public activity of students.

1.2. The competition is designed to solve the following problems:

· intensification of educational work in dormitories;

· systematization of organizational measures to maintain order and rules of residence;

· coordination of interaction between the university administration and student government of faculties and dormitories;

· optimization of living and living conditions for those living in university dormitories;

· increasing respect for university property;

· promoting the effective work of student government in the hostel.

II. Competition nominations

· "The best women's room."

· "The best men's room."

· « Best floor».

· "Best hostel"

The winners in each category are determined among all dormitories participating in the Competition.

At the end of the Competition, laureates in the following categories can be determined in each individual dormitory:

· The room is exceptionally clean;

· “Green Oasis” (greening the room);

· Room with a friendly atmosphere.

III. Organizing Committee of the Competition

3.1 For organizational and methodological support of the Competition, an organizing committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), expert groups (commissions) approved by the vice-rector for educational and social work PGU (Appendix 1).

3.2 Organizing Committee of the Competition:

- collects and examines materials for the Competition;

- accepts applications for participation in the Competition;

- determines the procedure for the work of the expert council, the procedure for conducting an examination of the submitted materials;

- determines the order, form, date of the final To the course;

- organizes the final competitive events, a solemn award ceremony for the winners;

- provides information about the progress and results of the Competition on the PSU website.

3.3. Expert groups (commissions):

Evaluate materials submitted to the Competition;

Visit dormitories, evaluate rooms, floors, dormitories according to submitted applications;

The results of the Competition are summed up in nominations.

IV. Organization of the Competition

4.1 Everyone can take part in the Competition living in dormitories X Penza State University, which provided the Organizing Committee with a complete set of documents.

4.1.1. "Best room":

· application for participation in the Competition in the prescribed form (Appendix 2.3);

· photographs of the room (from 3 to 8 pieces);

· reviews from residents, the chairman of the student council of the dormitory, the head of the dormitory, and floor leaders about the rooms participating in the Competition.

4.1.2. "Best floor":

· application for participation in the Competition in the prescribed form (Appendix 4);

· presentation (video) of the floor (public areas, rooms).

4.1.3. "Best hostel":

· application for participation in the Competition in the prescribed form (Appendix 5);

· presentation of student dormitory in the formatMicrosoftPowerPoint (or video) ( historical reference, our head, acquaintance with the hostel, student government and its activities, sports life of the hostel, participation in cultural events, etc.);

· attachments (at the request of the participants): diplomas, letters of gratitude, publications in the media, a book of reviews about the events.

4.2. The competition is held in three stages:

· Stage I (until December 25, 2013) – all rooms, floors, dorms participate. To do this, you must submit an application for participation to the Organizing Committee (campus). The Commission collects and processes applications for participation in the Competition.

· Stage II (until March 15, 2014) – all rooms, floors, dormitories that have applied for I stage, must provide the Organizing Committee with the documents listed in clause 4.1. The commission selects applicants to participate in III stage based on the submitted materials and the results of visiting rooms, floors, dormitories in accordance with the criteria specified in clause 5.2.1; 5.2.2; 5.2.3, assigns the appropriate score with a brief annotation. A rating table is compiled for all nominations with the corresponding points.

§ Stage III (until April 25, 2014) – the commission determines the winners in the following categories:

· "The best women's room."

· "The best men's room."

· “Best floor.”

· "Best hostel"

A second visit to the rooms by the commission is allowed.

V. Contents and criteria of the Competition

5.1. At the second stage, all participants who submitted applications for participation (in all nominations) provide the Organizing Committee with a package of documents specified in clause 4.1. The commission selects applicants for participation III stage, guided by the following criteria:

5.2.1 "Best women's/men's room"

· the door is the calling card of the room;

· sanitary condition of the room;

· conditions for classes;

· no arrears in payment;

· Fire safety ;

· safety of the room's property;

· compliance with the check-in procedure, compliance with the rules of residence in the hostel;

· participation in duty on the floor, section, kitchen, watch;

· Carrying out instructions from the floor supervisor;

· landscaping the room;

· creativity to the decoration of the room;

· participation of residents in cultural, sports, labor and socially useful events;

· feedback from the head of the dormitory and the dormitory guards.

TOIIIRooms that score from 55 to 65 points are allowed into the stage.

5.2.2. "Best floor" (assessed on a 5-point system):

· sanitary condition (corridor, kitchen, washroom, toilet, etc.);

· compliance with the rules of residence by all residents;

· Fire safety;

· participation of residents in cultural and sports events;

· creative approach to floor design;

· stand - the business card of the floor;

· feedback from the chairman of the Student Council and the head of the dormitory.

TOIIIFloors that score from 30 to 35 points are allowed to enter the stage.

5.2.3. "Best hostel"

· existence of a regulatory framework ( up to 80 points):

¾ Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” No. 000 of 01.01.2001;

¾ State Charter educational institution higher vocational education"Penza State University"(approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on January 22, 2002);

¾ Housing Code of the Russian Federation -F3;

¾ Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of dormitories for employees of organizations and students of educational institutions”;

¾ Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 25 “On approval of the rules for the use of residential premises”;

¾ Regulations on the PSU Campus (instructions on the provision of places in dormitories and internal regulations No. 000.7;

¾ Instructions on the certification of students living in campus dormitories (I PSU 7;

¾ Regulations on the Student Council of Dormitories (PKO PSU 7

· ensuring the safety of residence (technical equipment, fire safety, compliance with sanitary standards, visitor register, compliance with access control - electronic passes); (up to 50 points);

· quantity and quality of events held: cultural events, physical culture and sports, lectures, promotions, etc. (for participation - 5 points; for 3rd place - 10 points, for 2nd place - 15 points, for 1st place - 20 points; for non-participation in any event - 10 penalty points are deducted); ( by total points);

· efficiency of public self-government bodies (Student Council):

¾ duty of residents on shift ( up to 20 points),

¾ holding sanitary days, cleanup days ( up to 20 points),

¾ action plan for the 2013/2014 academic year. carried out by the student government body, the campus administration, the PSU V&SR department, and reporting on its implementation ( up to 20 points);

¾ minutes of meetings of the Student Council ( up to 10 points);

¾ teacher visit log ( up to 5 points);

· the state of the level of offenses in the hostel, committed by persons living there (the number of offenses, the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent them); ( up to 50 points);

· assessment of living conditions:

¾ general view of the hostel building and the surrounding area; ( before 20 points)

¾ appearance household premises: kitchens - for each up to 10 points, toilets - for each up to 10 points, washrooms - for each up to 10 points (the number of points for each object is summed up and divided by the number of objects inspected); ( up to 30 points)

· aesthetic condition of the hostel:

¾ availability, intended use, equipment and condition of common rooms (sports or gyms - up to 10 points; self-training room - up to 10 points, etc.);

¾ availability and condition information stands, visual planning of activities, information content, functionality, originality of stands; ( before 5 0 points) ;

¾ landscaping of the dormitory(up to 10 points) .

When summing up the results of the Competition for the best dormitory, the commission takes into account the number of applications submitted for participation in the nominations: “Best women’s room”, “Best men’s room”, “Best floor”.

TOIIINo more than two dormitories with the highest number of points are allowed to enter the stage.

VI. Results of the Competition

6.1. Guided by the content of the Competition, each criterion is assessed separately using a point system. The collected competitive points for each criterion are summed up.

6.3. The results are approved at a meeting of the Competition commission.

6.4. Based on the results of the Competition, a rating table of participating rooms, floors, and dormitories is compiled.

6.5. The winners and laureates of the Competition receive diplomas and valuable gifts.

The place where we grow up...

A student dormitory is a kind of school of life. Almost everyone, coming to another city to study, plunges into the fun and carefree student life in the hostel! But you can argue with the fact that she is carefree. Each of us is accustomed to ready-made food, washed clothes and the care of our beloved parents, but in the hostel we now have to do all this ourselves, so the hostel is the place where we grow up.

In order for life in a hostel to not seem so monotonous and boring, everyone uses their imagination and tries to bring something new, for example, changing the design of their room. It is for such creative, talented and economical residents of the hostels that the student trade union committee annually holds the “Best Room on Campus” competition, where the most comfortable, creative and clean rooms are identified. The first stage of the competition was recently completed, in which hostels No. 2, 5 and 1 took part.

In the first dormitory, members of the commission visited 9 rooms. The individuality of the residents was visible in each. In the dormitory, all the rooms are standard, but students arrange it in their own way, each bringing something of their own.

During our tour, we learned what talented guys live there: some write poetry, some draw...

Applications, postcards on the walls, the coat of arms of the room, many rooms have flowers, some replaced the chandeliers, hung photographs of friends, family - we saw all this in almost every room.

Separately, during the inspection of the rooms, their creative presentation was assessed. The owners of the rooms read poems by Pushkin, sang famous songs or own composition about life in a hostel, songs in Mongolian. In one room there was a “cozy cap”: the guest puts it on and names a number from 1 to 8. The hostesses read from the list what the guest supposedly thinks about the room. On the way to the room, footprints were made from colored paper in the corridor.

In addition to all this, some showed their culinary talents, so the jury had the opportunity to taste amazingly delicious cakes and pastries more than once.

When our commission arrived at hostel number 2, the friendly commandant strongly advised us to go to room number 319, promising that we would really like it. After we went through all the rooms that participated in the competition, we finally decided to follow her advice. The delight that the commandant expressed to us about the creativity of the guys living in her was confirmed and complemented by our delight! The walls of the room were covered with fabric instead of wallpaper.

The curtains in front of the room's entrance are made from the same fabric, and on the wall there is a huge fan with dragons depicted on it. In general, it’s difficult to convey in words, you need to see it with your own eyes.

And in the fifth dormitory, after examining all the rooms, we gathered in the dining room and drank tea and homemade cakes with great pleasure.

All the participants knew each other, and there was no sense of competition between them, so we sat in a warm, friendly atmosphere!

All the guys were hospitable and the jury certainly liked them!

Now the participants are preparing for the second stage of the competition, in which each room must make a film about their life in the hostel. The residents are not limited in ideas, so we will soon see how they will surprise us again. I would like to wish them good luck.

Irina Anikyeva, M-10-1;
Anastasia Diogenova, YuM-09-1

The results of a raid on the sanitary condition of the living rooms of the technical school dormitory as part of the competition for the “Best Room” in the 2015-2016 academic year.

On March 31, 2016, a planned raid was carried out in the technical school dormitory to check the sanitary condition of the rooms. Such raids are legal and justified, since they are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on holding a competition for the best student room in the dormitory. The commission consists of: Deputy Director for Management and PR Selezneva I.N., Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management Smagina I.V., Head. departments Makarova E.E., teacher additional education Kislyakova A.V., prefect of the 2nd floor Borisova E., 3rd floor Moskvitina A., dormitory teacher Dmitrieva T.A. I checked the rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the hostel.

The goals of the raids are to improve living conditions and ensure the safety of property, cultivate the aesthetic inclinations of the student’s personality, develop student self-government and self-service in the hostel, develop partnerships between the management of the technical school, the administration of the hostel and student government bodies in the technical school and hostel.
During the inspection, the commission found that students living in the dormitory, for the most part, are sympathetic to the administration’s efforts to clean the dormitory and maintain order in their rooms, in public places and on the territory of the hostel. The commission noted special order and cleanliness in the rooms and public areas of the 3rd floor where the girls live. All rooms are clean, beds are neatly made, there are clean curtains on the windows, things are neatly placed on bedside tables and cabinets, carpets and rugs add coziness to the rooms. The commission noted the order in the kitchen and toilet room on the 3rd floor.
Most of the rooms on the 2nd floor (young men live) are also kept clean and tidy, which was noted with satisfaction by all members of the commission. The commission made the only comment: in many rooms the dust was not wiped off from the furniture, mirrors, and lampshades. Only 2 rooms, 207 and 212, received unsatisfactory ratings. At the time of inspection, these rooms had not been cleaned. In room No. 207 (living: Rezanov E., Vustyan V., Borisov I., Tsytsulin S., - group No. 31, Borisov E. - group TM-21) dirty dishes were found, dust on the windowsill, bedside tables, wet The floors were not cleaned. In room No. 212 (currently occupied by two students Amelin O. - group TM-21, Sutyagin S. - group TM-31) the same shortcomings have been identified. The boys were given a warning.

Based on the results of the raid, the rooms were given the following ratings:
203 k. - excellent, 303 k. - excellent,
204 k. - excellent, 304 k. - good,
205 k. - good, 305 k. - satisfactory,
206 k. - excellent, 306 k. - excellent,
207 k. - unsatisfactory, 307 k. - excellent,
208 k - excellent, 308 k - excellent,
209 k. - satisfactory, 309 k. - good,
210 k. - good, 310 k. - good,
211 k. - satisfactory, 311 k. - good,
212 k. - unsatisfactory, 312 k. - excellent,
213 k. - satisfactory, 313 k. - good,
215 k. - satisfactory, 315 k. - good,
216 k. - excellent, 316 k. - excellent,
217 k. - good, 318 k. - excellent.
218 k. - good, 219 k. - good,
220 k. - good, 222 k. - good,
224 k. - good


About the competition for the best room in the dormitories of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology

"Under the roof of your house"

General provisions

1.1. The competition for the best room in the dormitories of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology “Under the roof of your house” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held in accordance with the comprehensive plan of educational, socio-psychological and cultural work of the university in the 2015 - 2016 academic year.

1.2. The direct organizer of the Competition is the educational department. The competition is held with the assistance of the Student Council of St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Technology, the trade union committee of students and graduate students and the directorate of the dormitory complex.

1.3. The purpose of the Competition is to develop a responsible attitude of students towards property in university dormitories, compliance with rules and regulations of residence, as well as supporting students’ motivation in developing housekeeping skills, creating comfort, and interior design.

Conditions and procedure for the Competition

2.1. Students and graduate students living in dormitories can take part in the competition: No. 1 - st. Bukharestskaya, 150,

No. 2 – Novoizmailovsky Ave., 8,

No. 3 - st. Prazhskaya, 14.

2.2. The competition is held in the following categories:

· “Best dorm room » (rational use living space, taking into account the organization of space for learning; creating a homely atmosphere and comfort; inclusion in the design of various elements related to profession and hobbies);

· "Christmas mood" - joint design of a common space - a dormitory block in a New Year's theme (creative approach to design, use of original New Year's decorations and decorative elements).

2.3. The winners of the Competition (I, II, III place) are identified within each dormitory separately, i.e. students living in the same dormitory compete under equal living conditions.

2.4. To participate in the competition, students must submit an application to the department for educational work in the selected nomination (Appendix 1), and in the nomination "Best dorm room" photos of the room. Send photo and application by email [email protected].

2.5. The competition is held in two stages. At the first (correspondence) stage, the expert commission examines the submitted applications and photographs of the rooms, determining the leaders who are allowed to participate in the second stage of the Competition (no more than six participants in each nomination).

2.6. The second (in-person) stage includes a visit by the expert commission to the rooms and blocks of the Competition participants and a presentation by students of their rooms (decorated blocks).

2.7. The expert commission includes: vice-rector for educational work (chairman of the commission), head of the administrative and economic department (deputy chairman of the commission), employee of the department for educational work, chairman of the Student Council of SPbGIKiT, chairman of the trade union committee of students and graduate students of SPbGIKiT, dormitory commandants, chairmen Student councils hostels, other specialists invited by the organizers.

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