Distribution by groups, categories, categories. Dividing a group into microgroups Examples of the use of the word classification in literature

A fairly large part of the population still lives in old houses with electrical wiring that was created for light loads. Just a couple of decades ago, our parents used household appliances that included:

    one lamp in each room;

    refrigerator, TV, tape recorder, radio, permanently installed and connected to sockets;

    several portable household appliances such as an iron, hair dryer and a small set of tools.

For these consumers, it was created, as a rule, protected by two circuit breakers or electrical plugs with an operating current of up to six amperes.

Modern household appliances have increased energy consumption, and their number in our apartments has increased sharply. Powerful vacuum cleaners, washing machines, electric stoves, heated floors, food processors, microwave ovens and other useful devices greatly facilitate our living conditions.

Even the lighting scheme consists of a varying number of general and local lamps, controlled from several places or remotely.

Therefore, the issue of modernizing electrical wiring and dividing it into groups to ensure safety and convenient use is of great importance.

What are the advantages of separated electrical wiring?

The method of isolating power lines for electrical appliances using separate lines allows you to:

    improve their management;

    simplify the consequences of destruction of emerging emergency conditions;

    facilitate repair work.

Improved management

Using the wiring separation method, you can create sections of non-switchable equipment that remains in operation in cases required by the apartment owner.

The term “non-switchable” refers to equipment that is separated into a separate group and powered by its individual protections. In the event of an accident, they will eliminate the damage that has occurred, and if the owners are absent for a long time, for example, during a trip or business trip, you can turn off the power to all non-essential devices and leave them in operation, for example, a freezer with food and powered separately from other lines.

Due to this function, energy consumption is reduced and the convenience of its management is increased. When part of the electrical circuit is running without load without load, it can simply be de-energized for safety and economy reasons.

Emergency shutdown

Let's consider an unforeseen case of power failure, when, for example, the upstairs neighbors flooded or the home handyman unsuccessfully drilled into the wall where the wire passed, triggering a problem in the power supply circuit. Of course, it is automatically eliminated by the operation of the circuit breaker.

When the wiring is done using a single line, the light disappears in the entire apartment. It will remain without electrical supply for quite a long time until the electrician restores the operation of the circuit.

The method of dividing electrical wiring into separate groups allows you to keep most of the electrical equipment in operation by disconnecting a single damaged line. At the same time, the search for a fault that has arisen is greatly simplified because the location of its formation becomes clear and there is no need to analyze the rest of the electrical circuit.

Repair work

If in the old apartment all the electrical outlets were powered, then if there was a need to repair or reconstruct the circuit in one place, it was necessary to completely remove the voltage in the distribution panel. This caused the refrigerator to stop working, stop watching television, and even often forced residents to sit in the dark or by candlelight.

By connecting consumers in different groups to separate highways, the control of the operation of household appliances is solved differently: it is enough to remove the voltage from the area being repaired, and leave all other electrical equipment in operation.

When a malfunction occurs in the socket group, it is turned off, and using the lighting circuits, you can continue to work under electric light and temporarily connect the necessary power tools to it.

If an accident occurs in the lighting network, then to carry out repairs, temporary lamps can easily be powered from the remaining lighting circuits.

Before starting work with electrical wiring, you should study existing regulations and carefully plan a new project for it.

Rules for forming consumer groups

Electrical wiring is created by separate mains powered by their own individual circuit breaker and. In this case, the following principles are observed:

1. Separate lines are created for powerful household appliances such as hobs, electric stoves, washing machines and similar devices. To power them, a 4 or 6 mm kV cable is used, and special power sockets are used as terminal switching devices;

2. each room with its own socket group is individually powered by a cable with conductors with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm square. Since the kitchen contains the most energy-consuming equipment, increased attention is paid to providing it with food;

3. Individual chains are created for the lighting circuit, not connected to the power outlet group. They can be further divided into separate sections. They are powered by a cable with a cross section of 1.5 mm sq;

4. rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, are connected with separate cables through an RCD with a sensitive response setting of 10 or 6 milliamps. To do this, at the electrical wiring design stage they are included in the “wet group” and calculated individually taking into account electrical safety standards;

5. The remaining rooms are protected from leakage currents by RCDs set to a setting of 30 mA. It is quite acceptable to connect several connections of the same type to one protection;

6. Each planned group is calculated based on current consumption. Cables and protection are selected for it. When the total power of devices exceeds reasonable limits that complicate the installation and operation process, they are divided into additional subgroups;

7. The number of sockets and switches in each room should ensure not only ease of use, but also. It is difficult to take this into account when purchasing new equipment, and spare electrical outlets will prevent such cases.

Electrical Circuit Planning Principles

Taking into account the specifics of human memory and the complexity of the upcoming work, before starting it, it is necessary to carefully think through everything and create a project on paper. To do this, draw up a sketch or drawing of all rooms to scale and mark on it the locations of electrical panels, all lamps with switches, sockets and responsible consumers.

You can use the developer’s drawings, as already described in the article. A similar plan is kept in the documentation of the housing and communal services.

If you have difficulty finding this document, then using a piece of paper, a pen, a ruler and a tape measure, it is not difficult to take measurements of the apartment premises yourself and draw a furniture arrangement plan on a sketch. Its location has a significant impact on the rational placement of sockets, switches, lamps and the ease of their use.

Then, on this plan, the locations of electrical points are indicated and the layout of wires and cables to them is analyzed.

Specialized programs make it much easier to draw up an apartment plan and carry it out efficiently with strict adherence to construction designations. As an example, we provide a review of the free OnLine service Roomle.

Its location on the Internet and registration method are shown in the picture below.

All you need to do is enter your email address, create and write down a password and click the register button. The initial window of the service will open in front of you.

Start working with the “Create a new plan” item and continue with its simple design. The service has a sufficient set of tools.

The practical use of its functions is intuitive and does not cause difficulties. At the initial moment of opening its window, you will be provided with a training video to watch. We recommend that you study it, although you can skip it and return to it at any convenient time.

He shows simple working techniques that will help not only create a picture to scale and print it on paper, but also view its visual image in axonometry or 3D volumetric representation.

Possible layouts for laying electrical lines

All power cables are connected at one end to the apartment distribution panel. Moreover, along the input line, the voltage comes from the higher power supply panel, and all outgoing lines can be made according to one of three connection schemes:

1. radially from the common center to the periphery;

2. via a loop due to the sequential connection of all consumers to one common line;

3. in a combined way.

This scheme is best suited for separating wiring into groups of consumers and is characterized by increased reliability.

However, it requires increased consumption of cables of various sections. Due to this, the requirements for savings are not met, and the scope of installation work is further complicated.

In its structure, the scheme for sequential connection of consumers contradicts the principles of dividing wiring into separate groups, because it simply unites them with a common line, as shown in the picture below for consumers of lighting lines and outlet junction boxes.

In the old layout of electrical wiring diagrams for apartments and buildings, the loop method was considered the main available method. It allowed significant savings on the length of cables and wires. In modern conditions, due to increased safety requirements, it is abandoned, but individual elements of the loop are used for mixed connections.

This method combines elements of the first two options. It is most often used in modern apartments.

By correctly taking into account the power distribution of household appliances and thoughtful selection of cable and wire brands for them with protection from circuit breakers and RCDs, an optimal balance is created between:

    reliability and safety of operation of the electrical equipment circuit;

    costs of material and monetary resources for its creation.

Features of installation of consumer groups

After the electrical wiring of the apartment has been completely planned and calculated, and a project for its installation has been created and the necessary materials have been purchased, installation work begins. To do this, all the locations of electrical points are marked and drawn directly on the walls, ceiling and load-bearing building structures.

Then their location is clarified once again and the laying of electrical lines from the apartment panel is marked. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the heating, gas supply, water supply, sewerage and other vital technological systems laid in the apartment.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to comply with the following. They are designed for buildings constructed from all types of building materials, including and. It should be noted that wires and cables can be laid in a closed or open way using different technologies and methods.

Hello, dear guests and subscribers of the site!

After reading this article, you will find out how to correctly divide electrical wiring into separate groups and why this should be done at all.

Previously, in old houses there was one circuit breaker in the electrical panel, which turned off everything at once: all the sockets and all the lighting in the apartment.

The main consumers were a couple of lamps, a table lamp, a TV, an iron and an electric razor, and sometimes something else.

Nowadays, there are many more electrical appliances, and the requirements for modern electrical wiring have also increased.

Modern distribution systems have grown significantly in size, and their filling has also changed significantly.

Washing machines, electric water heaters, air conditioners, various audio and video equipment. Lighting is rarely limited to one lamp or chandelier under the ceiling - various lighting, sconces, built-in lamps are widely used, and besides, all this beauty is often .

The modern kitchen has perhaps the largest concentration of household appliances: electric stoves, electric ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, steamers, multicookers, food processors, electric kettles and many other necessary and useful appliances.

In order to distribute the load, ensure protection and safety of operation, as well as for ease of use, electrical wiring is divided into groups.

For rooms and devices with a damp environment (so-called “wet” groups), it is necessary to install differential protection for a leakage current of 10 mA. It can be a bunch or a difavtomat.

For the remaining groups, differential protection is installed for a leakage current of 30 mA.

Lighting groups are made with a 3x1.5 mm2 cable and are protected by a 10A circuit breaker.

Socket groups are made with a 3x2.5 mm2 cable and are protected by a 16A circuit breaker.

Powerful consumers with a power of more than 3.5 kW (electric stoves, some types of electric ovens, etc.) are connected directly to the cable or through a special power socket using a cable of the appropriate cross-section (4 or 6 mm2), with the installation of a machine of the required rating.

Let's summarize.

Dividing electrical wiring into groups allows you to distribute the load, ensure protection and safety of operation, and make operation convenient.

In the event of an accident in one of the groups, the rest remain operational.

If repairs are necessary in one of the groups, you can turn it off and continue to use the others. For example, when repairing lighting, you can plug a light bulb into a socket and carry out repairs even in the dark.

It is necessary to calculate the current load for socket groups and lighting, and, if necessary, divide the group into two or more.

Dividing electrical wiring into groups leads to an increase in the size of the electrical panel, but significantly increases ease of use.

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Dividing electrical wiring into groups

Every modern apartment, country house or cottage is equipped with household appliances and engineering equipment that consume large amounts of electricity. In the science of electrical phenomena, the use of electricity for practical purposes, it is customary to call such consumers loads. Proper division into groups of electrical wiring in an apartment at an input voltage of 380 or 220 volts will help improve the ease of use of the electrical network.

Dividing electrical wiring into groups

Due to the use in housing of a large number of electrical appliances such as washing machines, air conditioners, boilers, various audio and video equipment, the load on modern electrical wiring has increased. The kitchen takes first place in the house in terms of the concentration of household appliances - electric stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, steamer, electric kettle and many additional equipment that consume a large amount of electricity.

For example, a three-phase input (380 V) and in order to avoid overload on it, all phases must be evenly distributed. Otherwise, the voltage on the phase wires will differ from each other up or down. In the case where there is a single-phase power supply equal to 220 V, voltage drops ranging from 150 to 280 V can lead to breakdown of electrical appliances.

Also, during such work, there is an increase in electricity consumption for equipment that is not protected from voltage surges in the network. Therefore, it is very important to correctly distribute the loads among the phases.

Load distribution in a 380 volt brush in a country house

To distribute the load and ensure protection and safety during operation, electrical wiring is divided into groups. This method will allow you to separately control the current supply of individual devices or a set of electrical consumers. This method is convenient when carrying out repair work, since you can turn off the desired power supply group. In various emergency situations - neighbors flooded, a nail was unsuccessfully driven into the wall, which damaged the wiring. After turning off the emergency unit, you can continue to use the remaining lines.

Phase distribution at 380 volt distribution machine
  • Large household appliances, which act as powerful energy consumers, are installed separately with the installation of a circuit breaker in the distribution box. Such equipment is an electric stove, an electric oven, an electric kettle, a water heating device, an air conditioner, and a washing machine.
  • It is recommended to make a group of sockets for each room (living room, bedroom, nursery, office) in individual blocks.
  • The kitchen is a very busy part of any home, where sockets should also be made separately.
  • The lighting system is made as an individual unit; if possible, it is better to make the lighting for each room separately.
  • The sanitary unit, which is included in the most dangerous premises according to the electrical safety system, where there is high humidity, must also be carried out by a separate group.

Before you begin dividing electrical wiring into groups, you should draw up a floor plan with the locations of sockets and powerful household appliances, lamps, and switches marked. Knowing in advance which electrical connection points will be used, you can avoid reworking the wiring in the future.

Diagram of phase separation in a 380 volt brush in an apartment

The set of sockets and lighting fixtures is calculated from the electrical load for this row. In the event that the power of all connected units exceeds the norm permissible for this system, the block is divided into two or, if necessary, a larger number of lines.

Connection diagram for machines with input voltage 220 V

In rooms with high humidity levels, differential protection for current leakage of 10 mA is installed. The most suitable devices for installation are a circuit breaker in combination with or a complex protective device that performs the protective functions of two devices. The following combinations of cables with circuit breakers will allow you to protect the powered circuit from overloads and short-circuit currents:

  1. For other lines, a differential protection system is installed for a leakage current of 30 mA.
  2. Lighting is provided by a cable with a cross-section of 3x1.5 mm2, automatic protection 10 A.
  3. It is better to make sockets with a 3x2.5 mm2 cable and 16 ampere circuit breaker protection.
  4. Consumers with a power of more than 3.5 kW - electric ovens, electric stoves - must be connected directly to the electrical cable with the installation of a circuit breaker of the required rating.

Load distribution diagram in an apartment with a 220 volt supply in the apartment

Select circuit breakers and cross-section of supply wires according to the busiest phase. Uneven distribution of phase loading and unaccounted for asymmetries in the distribution of current load lead to serious errors in the selection of wire sections, which leads to overload of the electrical system - overheating, breakdown, risk of fire. When purchasing an electrical cable, it is recommended to choose wires with fire safety ratings.

Method for calculating electrical power

For distribution into groups of electrical wiring when designing electrical network circuits in apartments, country houses, cottages, dachas and other small objects in which the voltage does not exceed 15-25 units. A simple and effective calculation method is used using Microsoft Excel tables. The following information should be included in the summary:

  • load name;
  • voltage power;
  • number of loads;
  • indicator of the power that is used;
  • demand ratio;
  • cos value

After entering all the data, the system will automatically recalculate the estimated electricity and estimated power.

  1. You need to enter a list of loads present at the site or devices that are planned to be installed. The correctness of compiling a table depends on the careful selection and indicators of the data that are entered into the table.
  2. The principle of creating a table is not complicated - all residential loads should be collected into groups, the electrical power is calculated for each group separately. Using this method, it will be easier to distribute the power across phases.
  3. All indicators for calculating the table must be taken from the passport data of the units.
  4. It is important to consider the difference between current distribution in single-phase and 3-phase loads. A single-phase load respectively loads one phase; in a 3-phase load, the currents are distributed evenly across three phases. The exceptions are the capacity utilization indicator and the demand indicator.

Single-phase and three-phase voltage are calculated using different formulas.

Formula for single-phase load: I=W*1000/U/N,

where I is load current A.

W – indicator of the power of the electrical appliance kW.

U – phase voltage 220 V.

N – number of devices that are included in the group.

Formula for 3-phase load: I=W*1000/(U*1.74),

where I is load current A.

W – power of the electronic unit kW.

U – linear voltage 380 V.

Table for calculating the required wire cross-section depending on the load

Cable cross-section, mm 2

Open wiring

Gasket in channels



power, kWt

power, kWt

power, kWt

power, kWt

Distribution by groups, categories, categories

The first letter is "k"

Second letter "l"

Third letter "a"

The last letter is "I"

Answer to the question "Distribution by groups, ranks, categories", 13 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word classification

The process of separating homogeneous bulk material according to the size of its pieces

Formalized problem solved by methods of artificial intelligence and applied statistics

Systematization of objects, phenomena

Final race report

Definition of the word classification in dictionaries

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
CLASSIFICATION (from Latin classis - category, class and... fication) in logic - a system of subordinate concepts (classes of objects) of any field of knowledge or human activity, used as a means of establishing connections between these concepts or classes...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-i, f. see classify. System, according to something. .classified. K. Sciences. Library k. adj. classification, -aya, -oe.

Wikipedia Meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Classification is “a special case of applying the logical operation of dividing the scope of a concept, which represents a certain set of divisions (dividing a certain class into types, dividing these types, and so on).” “Classification is a meaningful order of things...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.N. Ushakov
(asi), classifications, g. (book). Action according to verb. classify. A system for distributing objects or concepts of any area into classes, divisions, categories, etc. Classification of plants. Classification of minerals. Classification of sciences.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Same as: classification. Distribution system homogeneous objects or concepts by class, category, etc. according to distinctive features and properties.

Examples of the use of the word classification in literature.

120 French fairy tales belonging to various types were taken as source material. classifications Aarne and Thompson.

The main tools of research were means of observing facts and logical means - comparison, selection, generalization, abstraction, classification, definitions of concepts, conclusions, hypotheses, etc.

Anticipating the objections of criticism in advance, let us therefore point out the fact that in practice the stages of understanding, as a rule, either do not change as consistently as in the proposed adapted classifications, or even occur simultaneously.

Thus, at the beginning of the Tale of Bygone Years, he put an outline, borrowed from Amartol, of the division of the land between the sons of Noah and this geographical classification, or table, he added his own list of Slavic, Finnish and Varangian tribes, giving them a place in the Afetova part.

We suspect that a simple attempt classifications is simply a new manifestation of the atomistic, connectionist worldview.

​​​​​​​​It is important for any coach to have in his or her kit various techniques for dividing a group into pairs and micro-groups. After all, division is an excellent opportunity to further influence the dynamics of training. And the method of division can become a separate exercise, carry some content and even an opportunity for discussion.

I have collected both the most standard and original division methods.

Calculation. Division into “first-second”

The group stands in a line or in a circle and is divided into first, second, third, fourth...

This method can be decorated if the division is done in some foreign language. To do this, you can turn to a group; someone probably knows how to count in a foreign language.

Using the same principle, you can divide the group into fruits, such as oranges, apples and pears.

Division by quality.

The coach takes turns calling people from the group who have a certain quality.

For example, a group needs to be divided into 4 micro groups. First, the coach calls on the 4 bravest participants. (They can later be appointed captains). They stand facing the group. Behind them the captains (in a line) stand “the most beautiful”, their coach also calls them from the general group. Next, behind the “beautiful” ones stand the “smartest”, etc. Variations of characteristics can be very different: the most creative, the strongest, the most creative. At the end of the separation, a few people will remain - the most cautious ones. They can be asked to choose their own group. This division allows you to gather people who are different from each other in each group.

Leader selection. Call participants according to the number of teams you need. They become captains and begin to recruit team members one by one from the general group.

Division according to arbitrary criteria. You can unite people into a microgroup based on one arbitrary characteristic, for example, by seasons, hair color, clothing. If the group is large enough to need to be divided into two subgroups, ask participants to stand in four corners. In one corner are those who were born in the spring, in the other, those who were born in the summer, etc. Next, combine the subgroups as you wish. It is important to geographically designate the place where groups will gather.

Cards or cards. There are several options here. If there are two groups, then they can be divided according to the color of the suit given to the participant. If it’s two, three or four, then simply according to the given suit, etc. You can use any cards to replace the cards.

Game "Atoms and Molecules". Each of the participants is declared to be a lonely atom wandering in space. Participants undergo “Brownian motion,” encountering other atoms and even undergoing mild collisions. But at the coach’s command, the atoms combine into molecules. The trainer names the number of atoms in a molecule.

Division into two or more characters. For example, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, wolves and hares, Tom and Jerry, Timon and Pumbaa, the fox and the bun, heaven and earth, gingerbread and cookies. on the king, prince, king and prince; on Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan; for hearts, diamonds, crosses and spades; for winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Multi-colored stickers. Participants stand in a circle and close their eyes. The coach attaches a colored piece of paper to each person’s back. At the coach's command, everyone opens their eyes. After which all participants must silently unite into groups.

"Sounds of Mu". The entire group turns into animals. First, the trainer must divide everyone into “first-second-third-fourth”, then assign each one to an animal. For example, the first become cats, the second become dogs, the third become cows, and the fourth become donkeys. The number of animals must be equal to the number of groups needed. The task of the group, after the coach’s command, is to find their relatives. You cannot speak, but you can only reproduce the sounds of your animal. The group unites into a flock and announces its readiness.

It is possible that someone has some other interesting ways to divide the group. Share, friends!

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