Decoding the bodygraph (map). Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Transition from Shadow to Gift Create your Gene Keys profile

Hologenetic profile- your original plan, a personal map that tells you who you are and, most importantly, why you are really here. The hologenetic profile allows you to graphically see the potential of the genetic code (DNA) and determine the current vibrations of the cells, which ultimately form the energy field (aura). Transformations Each Sequence represents a clarification of a specific aspect of your personality. And despite the fact that each of them is separate and completely independent, they are all interconnected. This means that they will be activated in parallel. Thus, you will immediately begin to notice how significantly and dynamically your life is improving.

Activation sequence- the primary and main genetic sequence of the hologenetic profile. This sequence describes the three stages of leaps of consciousness that await you on the path to the discovery of the Highest Goal: The Main Challenge of Life (difficulty, the main task), Breakthrough and Internal Stability. This sequence reveals four special Gene Keys, your Four Primary Talents, which form the vibrating field of your genius. The Activation Sequence is the starting point, the catalyst that starts the process of active transformation of life.

Venus Sequence- the core of the doctrine of Gene Keys, which carries information about our relationships: how we behave, what kind of people attract us, what kind of people we attract and why. The key of this sphere determines our goal in relationships, the quality of life as a couple. Constraint and fear in the sphere of relationships hide our potential, holding it back from manifestation in the outside world.

Pearl sequence- the final sequence that allows you to cognize and implement the teaching at the deepest level. This sequence describes the path to well-being in material world, everything that prevents a person from finding his place in society, from being a prosperous, wealthy and accomplished person is eliminated. Main principle consistency - true well-being comes from serving something greater than just the Self.

First published in Russia by Biversum Publishing House in 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, mechanically, digitally, or by any other means, including photocopying.

ISBN: 978-5-9904337-2-4

Publishing house "Biversum" LLC [email protected]

Translation into Russian: Khandiy M.V., Burkatsky D.S.

Editor: Patrakova V.V. Saint Petersburg

Printed at the Premium Press printing house

Saint Petersburg

Everyone, who reads or hears these words:

May your heart open in unconditional Love May your mind be illuminated by infinite Peace May your body be filled with the light of your Essence.

May everyone touched in this life by your thoughts, your words and your deeds

Will be transformed by the Radiance of your Presence.


Writing this book was a great adventure for me. From the very beginning 5 years ago and all this time, this book has been twirling me in a wedding dance. I know that many writers experience the same feeling about the works into which they pour their souls. The Gene Keys created a completely new landscape around me, tying together the colorful threads of my life into a huge magic carpet of pure possibilities.

Many people, familiar and unfamiliar, made this journey possible.

Sheila Buchanan and Neil Taylor have walked this journey through the Gene Keys with me from the very beginning, and I will always feel inexpressibly grateful for the endless faith, love and wisdom they have given to me and this work. This book only exists at all because of their altruistic spirit, which has sustained me all these years.

Recently, my life was blessed by the presence of Teresa Collins and Marshall Lefferts, who accepted the Gene Keys deep into my being, giving me the strength to discover new levels of synthesis and integration in the living matter of the text. Teresa and Marshall have given Gene Keys their unconditional love, time, and multifaceted talent, and continue to lend their support to this work and our growing community. Their combined skills proved invaluable in overseeing all aspects of the publication of this book. My gratitude to them cannot be expressed in words.

Of course, there have been many teachers who have influenced me over the years, and their hearts pulse through the veins of this teaching. First of all, this is Omraam Mikael Aivankhov, with whom I was in constant internal communication, and who guided me from a plane beyond ours. His prophetic understanding of the concept of the Great White Brotherhood and the coming planetary synarchy represents the bulk of the wisdom contained in the Gene Keys. I am personally enriched by the opportunity to honor and worship the purity and inner light of this great Rishi, who for many years guided me to the highest boundaries of my awareness.

In practical terms, the Gene Keys owe a huge debt to Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System. It was Ra who opened my eyes to the true nature of the I Ching and taught me how to read the codes hidden within it. I will always feel deep love and gratitude for this man who guided me to my highest nature, and whose genius paved the way for the Gene Keys themselves.

On the same practical level, I am also greatly indebted to Barbara McKinley for her excellent editing, reorganizing the text and giving it flow and natural rhythm. This is a woman of rare ability and great generosity of spirit. Also a huge thank you to Linda Rae for printing the book and Jackie Maurice for the beautiful dragonfly. Special thanks also to Melanie Eclair and Tom Paterik (a pair of heaven-sent stars) for their presentation of this book and the Gene Keys to the world.

The journey leading up to this book has not been an easy one, and I want to thank some of the heroes and heroines along the way whose lives and hearts are somehow woven into this story. My thanks to: Warner Pitzal for his amazing brotherly love, Linda Lowry for her trust and devotion, Peter Maxwell Evans for his totality, Marina Efrai-moglow for her warmth and generosity, Chetan Parkin for his endless enthusiasm, Sally Searle for her sensitive friendship and Sophen Li for the constancy of her pure heart. The deep love and acceptance I felt from these people greatly accelerated my ability to dive into the higher frequencies of this message and discover the most beautiful diamonds and insights within its depths. Once again, my gratitude knows no bounds.

My penultimate thanks go to all the students I have met and gotten to know over the years. Many of them became my loyal friends, allies and, in some way, teachers. None of this would be possible without the love, support and encouragement of the community formed around this teaching. I know that great things lie ahead of us, and I am glad to experience our deepening cooperation as a unified field of consciousness. I drink to all of you!

Lastly, I must pay tribute to my family, my parents and my beautiful children who are an endless inspiration and joy to me. Above all, I bow my head to Marian, my beloved wife. Her power, magnificence and pure spirit grounded this new higher teaching. So often, it is men who get the credit for our creations. And even though the words actually came from me, Marian provided the space for that magic to happen, and for that I will always hold her in my heart more than words can express. As muse and mother, friend and wife, she grounded my dreams and was the stable ground for my heaven-sent heaven.


Welcome to Gene Keys.

This book is an invitation to start a new adventure in your life.

Despite external circumstances, every person carries something beautiful within themselves. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring out this beauty by unveiling your inner source of light - that immortal spark of genius that sets you apart from every other person on this planet.

Recent breakthroughs in biology point to a surprising truth: your DNA, the coiled code that made you who you are today, does not control your destiny. On the contrary, your attitude towards life tells your DNA what kind of person you want to become. This means that every thought, feeling, word and action that appears in your life is imprinted on every single cell of your body. Negative thoughts and emotions cause your DNA to contract, while positive thoughts cause it to expand and release tension. This process continues throughout life, from the moment you enter the world until the moment you leave it.

Based on nature's code, Gene Keys are a fundamental tool for understanding human behavior and potential. Since time immemorial, in different cultures, sages have argued that within the human body lies the code for the highest evolution of man - a transcendental state of greatest compassion and inner freedom. This is the higher purpose hidden within your DNA, for which the 64 Gene Keys were created to awaken.

By triggering a process of cellular transformation unique to each individual, Gene Keys guide you through the transformation of your belief system about who you are. Over time, this brings you to a whole new level of awareness. Presented as a kind of spiritual path, Gene Keys invite you to take a journey of contemplation that leads to powerful inner revelation and deep self-acceptance.

First published in Russia by Biversum Publishing House in 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher, mechanically, digitally, or by any other means, including photocopying.

ISBN: 978-5-9904337-2-4

Publishing house "Biversum" LLC

Translation into Russian: Khandiy M.V., Burkatsky D.S.

Editor: Patrakova V.V. Saint Petersburg

Printed at the Premium Press printing house

Saint Petersburg

Everyone, who reads or hears these words:

May your heart open in unconditional Love May your mind be illuminated by infinite Peace May your body be filled with the light of your Essence.

May everyone touched in this life by your thoughts, your words and your deeds

Will be transformed by the Radiance of your Presence.


Writing this book was a great adventure for me. From the very beginning 5 years ago and all this time, this book has been twirling me in a wedding dance. I know that many writers experience the same feeling about the works into which they pour their souls. The Gene Keys created a completely new landscape around me, tying together the colorful threads of my life into a huge magic carpet of pure possibilities.

Many people, familiar and unfamiliar, made this journey possible.

Sheila Buchanan and Neil Taylor have walked this journey through the Gene Keys with me from the very beginning, and I will always feel inexpressibly grateful for the endless faith, love and wisdom they have given to me and this work. This book only exists at all because of their altruistic spirit, which has sustained me all these years.

Recently, my life was blessed by the presence of Teresa Collins and Marshall Lefferts, who accepted the Gene Keys deep into my being, giving me the strength to discover new levels of synthesis and integration in the living matter of the text. Teresa and Marshall have given Gene Keys their unconditional love, time, and multifaceted talent, and continue to lend their support to this work and our growing community. Their combined skills proved invaluable in overseeing all aspects of the publication of this book. My gratitude to them cannot be expressed in words.

Of course, there have been many teachers who have influenced me over the years, and their hearts pulse through the veins of this teaching. First of all, this is Omraam Mikael Aivankhov, with whom I was in constant internal communication, and who guided me from a plane beyond ours. His prophetic understanding of the concept of the Great White Brotherhood and the coming planetary synarchy represents the bulk of the wisdom contained in the Gene Keys. I am personally enriched by the opportunity to honor and worship the purity and inner light of this great Rishi, who for many years guided me to the highest boundaries of my awareness.

In practical terms, the Gene Keys owe a huge debt to Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System. It was Ra who opened my eyes to the true nature of the I Ching and taught me how to read the codes hidden within it. I will always feel deep love and gratitude for this man who guided me to my highest nature, and whose genius paved the way for the Gene Keys themselves.

On the same practical level, I am also greatly indebted to Barbara McKinley for her excellent editing, reorganizing the text and giving it flow and natural rhythm. This is a woman of rare ability and great generosity of spirit. Also a huge thank you to Linda Rae for printing the book and Jackie Maurice for the beautiful dragonfly. Special thanks also to Melanie Eclair and Tom Paterik (a pair of heaven-sent stars) for their presentation of this book and the Gene Keys to the world.

The journey leading up to this book has not been an easy one, and I want to thank some of the heroes and heroines along the way whose lives and hearts are somehow woven into this story. My thanks to: Warner Pitzal for his amazing brotherly love, Linda Lowry for her trust and devotion, Peter Maxwell Evans for his totality, Marina Efrai-moglow for her warmth and generosity, Chetan Parkin for his endless enthusiasm, Sally Searle for her sensitive friendship and Sophen Li for the constancy of her pure heart. The deep love and acceptance I felt from these people greatly accelerated my ability to dive into the higher frequencies of this message and discover the most beautiful diamonds and insights within its depths. Once again, my gratitude knows no bounds.

My penultimate thanks go to all the students I have met and gotten to know over the years. Many of them became my loyal friends, allies and, in some way, teachers. None of this would be possible without the love, support and encouragement of the community formed around this teaching. I know that great things lie ahead of us, and I am glad to experience our deepening cooperation as a unified field of consciousness. I drink to all of you!

Lastly, I must pay tribute to my family, my parents and my beautiful children who are an endless inspiration and joy to me. Above all, I bow my head to Marian, my beloved wife. Her power, magnificence and pure spirit grounded this new higher teaching. So often, it is men who get the credit for our creations. And even though the words actually came from me, Marian provided the space for that magic to happen, and for that I will always hold her in my heart more than words can express. As muse and mother, friend and wife, she grounded my dreams and was the stable ground for my heaven-sent heaven.


Welcome to Gene Keys.

This book is an invitation to start a new adventure in your life.

Despite external circumstances, every person carries something beautiful within themselves. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring out this beauty by unveiling your inner source of light - that immortal spark of genius that sets you apart from every other person on this planet.

Recent breakthroughs in biology point to a surprising truth: your DNA, the coiled code that made you who you are today, does not control your destiny. On the contrary, your attitude towards life tells your DNA what kind of person you want to become. This means that every thought, feeling, word and action that appears in your life is imprinted on every single cell of your body. Negative thoughts and emotions cause your DNA to contract, while positive thoughts cause it to expand and release tension. This process continues throughout life, from the moment you enter the world until the moment you leave it.

You are the only architect of your evolution.

Our planet is in the midst of a monumental transition in which humanity will play a central role. The anticipation of a huge quantum leap is in the air. Gene Keys offer us a vision of a completely different world from the one we see today. They show us a world where people are guided by higher principles such as love, forgiveness and freedom. Such a world is not a dream - it is the next stage of our natural evolution, and it depends on each of us discovering the higher purpose contained in our DNA.

Passed the first Activation according to the Civil Code with Maxim Braga. So:
- I liked Maxim’s presentation style and depth. It is clear that the person is passionate about what he does and explains the material very deeply, clearly and as if he is putting all the knowledge into your chest!
- I decided to take the course because I’ve been in Human Design for a long time, and GK was also interested. I decided to look deeper.
- I had no expectations before the course, I knew that it depended on me :)
- All invites are related to how I saw my dark sides in a new way and how I learned to accept them. You cannot exist without the Shadow, humanity really needs them, as well as the level of Siddhi. Another thing is that everyone strives to be in gifts all the time, but this is not true. It’s only true that you learn to switch the frequency and track that you are now in the Shadows, but don’t run away and don’t get upset. Man is a computer in which codes are embedded, their manifestation is fractal in all directions. It can manifest itself in any way, it depends only on the person and the intention.
- Definitely, I became more aware after the training. I realized my real talents and became calmer. This helped develop our school Answers in You even stronger and reach a new level. I began to share my infantas and talk more, since these are my gifts :)
- I believe that the course on Civil Code from Maxim may not be useful to everyone. Specifically, it will be useful only to those people who want to develop. If you are looking for a magic pill and want everything to be chewed for you and put in your mouth, but you don’t want to do the work yourself, then the course is not for you. For everyone else, people striving for awareness and happiness, the course will go like clockwork, you will discover your talents and learn to live in harmony with yourself. Results will increase at all levels of life!

Dmitry Bogatsky

Hello, Maxim!)
Phew, finally I give it feedback) In general, I decided to go through the entire sequence again during this time, because... I then flew out of the 3rd sphere from the deep practice of contemplation and transformation. I was not allowed further into the depths. It seems that external circumstances appeared in response to internal resistance...) but in the end, all this helped to make an important choice, it was not easy, but I remembered my gift of determination😄
Now I notice how over time my keys at the frequency of the gift are opening up more and more. It’s as if new shades, colors, meanings were added to the flow of life)
Special thanks for the practice with Pavel! At that moment for me it was what I needed)
I did something similar on every sphere, and the results were very pleasing)
I finally stopped running somewhere, rushing, let go of the bustle, found clarity in my head and support inside through grounding in my body. A balance between solitude and external activity began to naturally develop. I returned to creativity again) This is my happiness😊
The passage of activation included in the implementation, gave the impetus to move forward along my path. Exactly in my own way.
Overall, it was a cool experience of immersing oneself, developing awareness, and healing. It is especially valuable that I was able to find my rhythm, although the 5th key turned out to be the most difficult to live through)) But again, through rooting in the body and awareness, this began to work out. This became key for me at this stage. Now I feel more and more inspiration and desire to create)) I also noticed that my perception has become easier, I no longer cling to what could previously bring discomfort)) Another level of acceptance, which means freedom. The feeling now is as if I have returned Home, to my real self, contact has been established again))
And therefore, Max, I thank you with all my heart for everything!🙏 For our journey, the creation of a common space, for your openness, warmth and sensitivity) You have the gift of conveying knowledge, your experience simply and clearly) This is very valuable! Once again, thank you very much for your contribution to each participant!😊🙌

Ivetta Mineeva

Getting to know GK is life before and after, I’m 33 and I’ve always run from life, from myself, from people. In constant internal dissatisfaction, good salary and excellent attitude, everything was devalued by my lack of self-acceptance, everything was not as it seemed to me
I left that job and the team, took the “bundle” of the Civil Code and went along the road to myself, now my life is fuller than ever, grateful to all the people who loved me, for the kindness of the world to me, but now the most valuable place and sense of self, a lot of knowledge has opened up and awareness thanks to your generosity The Secrets of Life and Maxim Braga, I thank you friends and wish you blessings a hundred times more than you give, with love your Natalie

Natalia Mikulina

I’ve been slowly mastering the Gene Keys for a year now. I decided to take my time and calmly work through each area of ​​the first and second sequence. I come back and work again and again, opening up new facets. I am very grateful to Maxim and your project. You are doing a great job, with very good content :) Human design didn’t work at all, but GC immediately responded and won my heart. I think it’s also about R. Rudd, a man who radiates warmth and very pleasant energy into the world. I wish your project prosperity and all the best! Hugs, Alesya

Alesya Bondarenko

I came to the Civil Code having tried a lot of teachings and methods before. Anxiety, worry and dissatisfaction were always my faithful companions. The search for external support, the desire to assert oneself externally was always accompanied by either another failure, or even if something was successful, new fears and experiences came. I’m just at the beginning of the journey of learning GK, I’m going through “Activation” again. But now, I know that here is the most important thing that I was missing before. I begin to understand my true needs, I get to know my fears, and do not run from them as before. It’s difficult to express it in words, but My focus of attention is shifting more and more inside of me. You feel something very solid, very powerful inside yourself. An understanding comes that there is some kind of internal support that is much stronger than all external ones. I can describe for an infinitely long time everything that is happening to me now. These are emotional ups and downs, and then rethinking, internal revelations and letting go of things that are no longer needed. And then it becomes easy and serene. But we have so many internal “anchors”. There is so much to process, accept or let go. For me, this is a lifelong process. The path together with the GK fills life with great colors and depth. You begin to accept yourself and others as they are, you don’t want to judge anymore. It sounds strange, but even in the negative manifestations of yourself and others you see love. I see so much love and warmth inside each of us, as well as pain due to the true desire to bring it all out. Only our fears block everything, confuse our minds and close our hearts. Thanks to Maxim and all the guys who support this project. Many thanks to Maxim for his sincere desire to help and constant support in this process.
Knowledge about Gene Keys is an invaluable gift to everyone who wants to find inner balance, who is tired of the endless struggle with external circumstances, who has tried meditation, yoga, perhaps sought answers in religion or somewhere else, and who felt at certain moments some restrictions. There are no restrictions, no rules. There is only following your true inner motives.

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Your Gene Key Profile

Together with the book “Gene Keys”, your profile is a means of unlocking the enormous potential of your life. Combining astrological calculation with an archetypal understanding of genetics, your profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you act, and, most of all, why you are here. To fully understand your profile, please study the Golden Path program - a journey of transformation that will show you how to apply this knowledge to your life.

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