The story is a big wash of pantels. Review of Panteleev’s story “The Big Wash. What proverbs are suitable for Panteleev’s story “The Big Wash”

Elena Gontsova
Leisure time for Mother's Day “The Big Wash” (based on the story by L. Panteleev)

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 41 "Breeze"

Leisure for Mother's Day based on the plot of the story

L. Panteleeva« Big Wash»

Senior preschool age

Prepared and carried out

Teacher of the highest quarter categories

Gontsova E. N.

Domodedovo 2017

Target: introduce children to the holiday Mothers through joint theatrical activities.

Educational: teach children to be caring and obedient towards their mothers.

Developmental: develop children's creative abilities, ability to work collectively.

Educational: we cultivate in children a sense of respect, love of honor mothers.

Material and equipment: two basins with water, soap and handkerchiefs, aprons, ink and pen, activated carbon, glasses, oranges, audio recording, rope with clothespins.

Preliminary work: reading story L. Panteleeva« Big Wash» .

Leisure activities

The desks are arranged in a group circle. There is a table in the middle. On the table there are two basins with water, soap and tissues, ink and a pen, and activated carbon.

Two girls are sitting at the table - Belochka and Tamara, mother (educator).

Teacher 1: Once my mother went to the market to buy meat. And the girls were left alone at home. When leaving, my mother ordered them:

Teacher 2: Behave well, don’t touch anything, don’t play with matches, don’t climb on window sills, don’t go out on the stairs, don’t torture the kitten.

Teacher 1: And she promised to bring them each an orange. The girls closed the door behind their mother with a chain and think:

Squirrel: "What do we do?"

Tamarochka: “The best thing is to sit down and draw.”

Teacher 1: The girls were tired of drawing with pencils and paints, and they decided to take daddy’s ink and draw with them.

(Tamarochka takes ink and pen).

Teacher 1: They began to dip the feather into the bottle and knocked over the bottle. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth.

Squirrel: Oh,. what a spot. Oh, Tamarochka, how will we get it!

Tamarochka: It won't hit if we tablecloth let's wash!

The girls ran to the kitchen, took a basin of water and soap and began washing.

Teacher 2: Guys, we will help you wash the girls tablecloth? (Yes)

(The teacher calls 4 girls for « washing» )

Girl: Since we are dealing with water,

Let's roll up our sleeves with confidence.

Spilled water - no problem:

Always have a rag at hand.

Apron is a friend: he helped us,

And no one here got wet.

Teacher 2 (Mother): No matter how hard we tried, it was a stain couldn't wash it. Maybe the boys can help us deal with this? (Yes)

(The teacher calls 2 boys to conduct the experiment)

Teacher 1: Ink is a liquid dye suitable for writing or depicting objects. I suggest you color the water using ink. To do this, take a pipette and drop a drop of ink into cups of water.

(Boys perform the action)

Teacher 1: What happened to our water? (the water turned blue).

Has the smell of the water changed? (the water began to smell like ink). Let's add some coal to our cups and see what happens. (add coal to water).

Teacher 1: Look what's happening with colored water? (The water became clear). How do you think we did this?

Boy: Charcoal has absorbed the dye (ink) and it is not visible, the water becomes clean and transparent.

Teacher 1: Now the tablecloth is clean! Guys, let's dry it now.

(Two boys come out and hang the tablecloth on the rope).


Together we help mom -

We wipe away dust everywhere.

We are underwear now erase,

Rinse and wring out.

Sweeping everything around

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

Hugs to mom!

(The doorbell rings. Mom comes in)

Teacher 2: Why didn’t you open it for so long? I thought thieves got in or the wolves ate you.

Squirrel: Mommy, we wanted to help you with the tablecloth wash, and they themselves ruined it.

Teacher 2: Why did you take her washed? After all, it was clean, it was only washed yesterday.

Teacher 1: And girls told mom as they spilled ink on the tablecloth.

Teacher 2: Okay, I won’t scold you for the tablecloth, but for taking the inkwell from dad’s room without asking, you really should be punished for that. If you manage to cause trouble, you will be able to answer for your sins. If you made a mistake, don’t run away with your tail between your legs, but correct it.

Teacher 1: The girls were very ashamed of their action, but their mother forgave them anyway.

Teacher 2: Well, now you can probably each get an orange (mom puts oranges in a bowl).

Teacher 1: Girls see: No, now she won’t punish me if she didn’t punish her before.

They hugged their mother, kissed her deeply, and then thought and chose her - at least not the most big, but still the best orange.

And they did the right thing.

All the children stand up and they tell poem one line at a time.

Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

Moms - there is no better way!

Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is a caress!

Moms love everyone!

Mom will smile

Mom will be sad

Mom will regret it

Mom will forgive you.

Mom - golden autumn,

Mom is the dearest,

Mom is kindness

Mom will always help out!

Mom, there is no one more precious than you,

Mom can do anything in the world

Congratulations to moms today,

We wish mothers happiness.

Publications on the topic:

The didactic game “Big Laundry” is intended for preschool children. It will help children develop visual perception and skills.

Dear colleagues, I present to you the game for young children “The Big Wash”. Purpose of the game: 1. Reinforce the primary colors with the kids;

Goal: - Develop the ability to distinguish and name primary colors (red, yellow, green, blue); -Develop fine motor skills; - Development of the sensory.

Leisure for Mother's Day in the middle group with the participation of parents Leisure time for MOTHER'S DAY in the middle group "Lilies of the Valley" (with parents) Goal: To cultivate love and respect for the dearest person - mother.

They wanted to go back, but they thought: “No, we’d better go home quickly. Otherwise we’ll get lost again.”

They go and think:

“If only mommy was at home. What if mom is not there? What are we going to do then?

And mom walked and walked through the forest, screamed, screamed at the girls, didn’t finish screaming and went home.

She came, sat on the porch and cried.

The hostess comes and asks:

What's wrong with you, Marya Petrovna?

And she says:

My girls are lost.

As soon as she said this, she suddenly saw her girls coming. The squirrel is walking ahead, Tamara is behind. And both girls are dirty, dirty, wet, very wet.

Mom says:

Girls! What are you doing to me? Where have you been? Is it possible to do this?

And Squirrel shouts:

Mommy! Aw! Lunch is ready?

Mom scolded the girls properly, then fed them, changed them and asked:

Well, how was it scary in the forest?

Tamara says:

I don't care at all.

And Squirrel says:

And I feel so little.

Then he says:

Well, nothing... But look, mommy, how many mushrooms Tamara and I picked.

The girls brought their full baskets and put them on the table...

In! - They say.

Mom began to sort out the mushrooms and gasped.

Girls! - speaks. - Nice ones! So after all, you collected only toadstools!

How's the toadstool?

Well, of course, it's a toadstool. And this is a toadstool, and this is a toadstool, and this, and this, and this...

Girls say:

And we wanted to eat them.

Mom says:

What do you?! Girls! Is it possible to? These are nasty mushrooms. They make your stomach ache and you can die from them. All of them, all of them, should be thrown into the trash heap.

The girls felt sorry for the mushrooms. They were offended and said:

Why throw it away? No need to throw it away. We'd rather give them to our dolls. Our dolls are good, not capricious, they eat everything...

Squirrel says:

They even eat sand.

Tamara says:

They even eat grass.

Squirrel says:

They even eat buttons.

Mom says:

Well, that's good. Give your dolls a party and treat them to toadstools.

The girls did just that.

They cooked dinner from the toadstools. For the first course, toadstool soup, for the second, toadstool cutlets, and even for dessert - we made toadstool compote.

And their dolls ate it all - the soup, the cutlets, and the compote - and nothing, they didn’t complain, they weren’t capricious. Or maybe their tummies hurt - who knows. They are a taciturn people.

Big Wash

One day my mother went to the market to buy meat. And the girls were left alone at home. When leaving, mom told them to behave well, not to touch anything, not to play with matches, not to climb on window sills, not to go out on the stairs, not to torture the kitten. And she promised to bring them each an orange.

The girls chained the door behind their mother and thought: “What should we do?” They think: “The best thing is to sit down and draw.” They took out their notebooks and colored pencils, sat down at the table and drew. And more and more people are drawing oranges. After all, you know, it’s very easy to draw them: I smeared some potatoes, painted them with a red pencil and - the job is done - an orange.

Then Tamara got tired of drawing, she said:

You know, let's write better. Do you want me to write the word “orange”?

Write,” says Squirrel.

Tamarochka thought, tilted her head a little, drooled on her pencil and - done - wrote:

And Squirrel also scratched two or three letters that she could.

Then Tamarochka says:

And I can write not only with a pencil, but also with ink. Do not believe? Do you want me to write?

Squirrel says:

Where will you get the ink?

And on dad's table - as much as you want. A whole jar.

Yes,” says Squirrel, “but mom didn’t allow us to touch it on the table.”

Tamara says:

Just think! She didn't say anything about ink. These aren't matches, they're ink.

And Tamara ran to her father’s room and brought ink and a pen. And she began to write. And although she knew how to write, she wasn’t very good. She began to dip the feather into the bottle and knocked the bottle over. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth. And the tablecloth was clean, white, just laid.

The girls gasped.

The squirrel almost fell from the chair to the floor.

Oh,” he says, “oh... oh... what a spot!..

And the spot is getting bigger and bigger, growing and growing. There was a blot on almost half the tablecloth.

The squirrel turned pale and said:

Oh, Tamarochka, how will we get it!

And Tamarochka herself knows that she will get there. She is also standing - almost crying. Then she thought, scratched her nose and said:

You know, let's say that it was the cat who knocked over the ink!

Squirrel says:

Yes, but it’s not good to lie, Tamarochka.

I myself know that it’s not good. What should we do then?

Squirrel says:

You know? Let's better wash the tablecloth!

Tamara even liked it. She says:

Let's. But what should I wash it with?

Squirrel says:

Come on, you know, in the doll bath.

Stupid. Will a tablecloth fit into a doll's bath? Well, bring the trough here!

The present?..

Well, of course, it's real.

The squirrel was scared. Speaks:

Tamara, after all, my mother didn’t allow us...

Tamara says:

She didn't say anything about the trough. The trough is not matches. Come on, come quickly...

The girls ran to the kitchen, took the trough off the nail, poured water into it from the tap and dragged it into the room. They brought a stool. They placed the trough on a stool.

The squirrel is tired - she can barely breathe.

But Tamara doesn’t let her rest.

“Well,” he says, “bring the soap quickly!”

Squirrel ran. Brings soap.

I still need blueing. Well, bring the blue!

Squirrel ran to look for the blue. Can't find it anywhere.

Comes running:

No blue.

And Tamarochka has already taken the tablecloth off the table and is lowering it into the water. It's scary to put a dry tablecloth into wet water. I dropped it anyway. Then he says:

No need for blue.

Squirrel looked, and the water in the trough was blue.

Tamara says:

You see, it’s even good that the stain was placed. Can be washed without bluing.

Then he says:

Oh, Squirrel!

What? - says Squirrel.

The water is cold.

So what?

Clothes cannot be washed in cold water. When cold, just rinse.

Squirrel says:

Well, never mind, let's rinse then.

Squirrel was scared: suddenly Tamarochka would force her to boil the water.

Tamara began to lather the tablecloth with soap. Then she began to squeeze her as expected. And the water is getting darker and darker.

Squirrel says:

Well, you can probably squeeze it out already.

“Well, let’s see,” says Tamarochka.

The girls pulled the tablecloth out of the trough. And there are only two small white spots on the tablecloth. And the whole tablecloth is blue.

“Oh,” says Tamarochka. - We need to change the water. Bring clean water quickly.

Squirrel says:

No, now you drag it. I also want to do laundry.

Tamara says:

What else! I put a stain on it, and I’ll wash it off.

Squirrel says:

No, now I will.

No, you won't!

No, I will!..

Squirrel began to cry and grabbed the trough with both hands. And Tamarochka grabbed the other end. And their trough swayed like a cradle or a swing.

“You better go away,” Tamarochka shouted. - Go away, honestly, otherwise I’ll throw water at you now.

The squirrel was probably afraid that it would actually splash - it jumped back, let go of the trough, and at that time Tamarochka pulled it - it tumbled, off the stool - and onto the floor. And, of course, water from it also ends up on the floor. And it flowed in all directions.

This is where the girls really got scared.

The squirrel even stopped crying out of fear.

And the water is all over the room - under the table, and under the closet, and under the piano, and under the chairs, and under the sofa, and under the bookcase, and wherever possible. Small streams even ran into the next room.

One day my mother went to the market to buy meat. And the girls were left alone at home. When leaving, mom told them to behave well, not to touch anything, not to play with matches, not to climb on window sills, not to go on the stairs, not to torture the kitten. And she promised to bring them each an orange.

The girls chained the door behind their mother and thought: “What should we do?” They think: “The best thing is to sit down and draw.” They took out their notebooks and colored pencils, sat down at the table and drew. And more and more oranges are being painted. After all, you know, it’s very easy to draw them: I smeared some potatoes, painted them with a red pencil and - the job is done - an orange.

Then Tamara got tired of drawing, she said:

- You know, let's write better. Do you want me to write the word “orange”?

“Write,” says Squirrel.

Tamarochka thought, tilted her head a little, drooled on her pencil and - done - wrote:

And Squirrel also scratched two or three letters that she could.

Then Tamarochka says:

“And I can write not only with a pencil, but also with ink.” Do not believe? Do you want me to write?

Squirrel says:

-Where will you get the ink?

- And on dad’s table - as much as you want. A whole jar.

“Yes,” says Squirrel, “but mom didn’t allow us to touch it on the table.”

Tamara says:

- Just think! She didn't say anything about ink. These aren't matches, they're ink.

And Tamara ran to her father’s room and brought ink and a pen. And she began to write. And although she knew how to write, she wasn’t very good. She began to dip the feather into the bottle and knocked the bottle over. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth. And the tablecloth was clean, white, just laid.

The girls gasped.

The squirrel almost fell from the chair to the floor.

“Oh,” he says, “oh... oh... what a spot!”

And the spot is getting bigger and bigger, growing and growing. There was a blot on almost half the tablecloth.

The squirrel turned pale and said:

- Oh, Tamarochka, we’ll have a blast!

And Tamarochka herself knows that she will get there. She is also standing, almost crying. Then she thought, scratched her nose and said:

- You know, let's say that it was the cat who knocked over the ink!

Squirrel says:

- Yes, but it’s not good to lie, Tamara.

“I myself know that it’s not good.” What should we do then?

Squirrel says:

- You know? Let's better wash the tablecloth!

Tamara even liked it. She says:

- Let's. But what should I wash it with?

Squirrel says:

- Come on, you know, in a doll bath.

- Stupid. Will a tablecloth fit into a doll's bath? Well, bring the trough here!

- The present?..

- Well, of course, it’s real.

The squirrel was scared. Speaks:

- Tamarochka, my mother didn’t allow us...

Tamara says:

“She didn’t say anything about the trough.” A trough is not matches. Come on, come quickly...

The girls ran to the kitchen, took the trough off the nail, poured water into it from the tap and dragged it into the room. They brought a stool. They placed the trough on a stool.

The squirrel is tired - she can barely breathe.

But Tamarochka doesn’t let her rest.

“Well,” he says, “get the soap quickly!”

Squirrel ran. Brings soap.

- We still need blueing. Well, bring the blue!

Squirrel ran to look for the blue. Can't find it anywhere.

Comes running:

- No blue.

And Tamarochka has already taken the tablecloth off the table and is lowering it into the water. It’s scary to put a dry tablecloth into wet water. I dropped it anyway. Then he says:

- No need for bluing.

Squirrel looked, and the water in the trough was blue.

Tamara says:

“You see, it’s even good that they put the spot on.” Can be washed without bluing.

Then he says:

- Oh, Squirrel!

- What? - says Squirrel.

- The water is cold.

- So what?

— You can’t wash clothes in cold water. When cold, just rinse.

Squirrel says:

- Well, nothing, let's rinse then.

Squirrel was scared: suddenly Tamarochka would force her to boil the water. Tamara began to lather the tablecloth with soap. Then she began to squeeze her as expected. And the water is getting darker and darker.

Squirrel says:

- Well, you can probably squeeze it out already.

“Well, let’s see,” says Tamarochka.

The girls pulled the tablecloth out of the trough. And there are only two small white spots on the tablecloth. And the whole tablecloth is blue.

“Oh,” says Tamarochka. - We need to change the water. Bring clean water quickly.

Squirrel says:

- No, now you drag it. I also want to do laundry.

Tamara says:

- What else! I put a stain on it, and I’ll wash it off.

Squirrel says:

- No, now I will.

- No, you won’t!

- No, I will!

Squirrel began to cry and grabbed the trough with both hands. And Tamarochka grabbed the other end. And their trough swayed like a cradle or a swing.

- Better go away! - Tamara shouted. “Go away, honestly, otherwise I’ll throw water at you.”

The squirrel was probably afraid that it would actually splash - it jumped back, let go of the trough, and at that time Tamarochka pulled it - it tumbled, off the stool - and onto the floor. And of course, water from it also ends up on the floor. And it flowed in all directions.

This is where the girls really got scared.

The squirrel even stopped crying out of fear.

And the water is all over the room - under the table, and under the closet, and under the piano, and under the chairs, and under the sofa, and under the bookcase, and wherever possible. Small streams even ran into the next room.

The girls came to their senses, ran around, began to fuss:

- Oh! Oh! Oh!..

And in the next room at that time the kitten Fluffy was sleeping on the floor. As soon as he saw that water was flowing under him, he jumped up, meowed, and started running around the whole apartment like crazy.

- Meow! Meow! Meow!

The girls are running and the kitten is running. The girls scream and the kitten screams. The girls don't know what to do, and the kitten doesn't know what to do either.

Tamara climbed onto a stool and shouted:

- Squirrel! Get on the chair! Quicker! You'll get wet.

And Squirrel was so scared that she couldn’t even climb onto the chair. She stands there like a chicken, cowering and just know, shaking her head:

- Oh! Oh! Oh!

And suddenly the girls hear a call.

Tamara turned pale and said:

- Mom is coming.

And Squirrel hears it herself. She shrank even more, looked at Tamara and said:

- Well, now we will...

And in the hallway again:

Once again:

“Ding! Ding!”

Tamara says:

- Squirrel, dear, open it, please.

“Yes, thank you,” says Squirrel. - Why should I?

- Well, Squirrel, well, dear, well, you’re still standing closer. I’m on a stool, and you’re still on the floor.

Squirrel says:

- I can climb onto a chair too.

Then Tamarochka saw that she still had to go open it, she jumped off the stool and said:

- You know? Let's say that it was the cat who knocked over the trough!

Squirrel says:

- No, it’s better, you know, let’s wipe the floor quickly!

Tamara thought and said:

- Well... Let's try. Maybe mom won't notice...

And then the girls ran in again. Tamara grabbed the wet tablecloth and let it crawl across the floor. And Squirrel runs after her like a tail, fussing and just know to yourself:

- Oh! Oh! Oh!

Tamara says to her:

“You better not groan, but rather quickly drag the trough to the kitchen.”

The poor squirrel dragged the trough. And Tamara to her:

- And take the soap at the same time.

-Where is the soap?

- What don’t you see? There it is floating under the piano.

And the call again:


“Well,” says Tamarochka. - We should probably go. I’ll go open it, and you, Squirrel, quickly wipe the floor. Make sure that not a single spot remains.

Squirrel says:

- Tamarochka, where does the tablecloth go next? On the table?

- Stupid. Why is it on the table? Shove it - do you know where? Shove it further under the sofa. When it dries, we iron it and lay it out.

And so Tamarochka went to open it. She doesn't want to go. Her legs are shaking, her hands are trembling. She stopped at the door, stood, listened, sighed and asked in a thin voice:

- Mommy, is that you?

Mom comes in and says:

- Lord, what happened?

Tamara says:

- Nothing happened.

- So what’s taking you so long?.. I’ve probably been calling and knocking for twenty minutes.

“I didn’t hear,” says Tamarochka.

Mom says:

“God knows what I was thinking... I thought the thieves got in or the wolves ate you.”

“No,” says Tamarochka, “nobody ate us.”

Mom took the net with meat into the kitchen, then returned and asked:

- Where is Squirrel?

Tamara says:

- Squirrel? And Squirrel... I don’t know, somewhere there, it seems... in a large room... doing something there, I don’t know...

Mom looked at Tamara in surprise and said:

- Listen, Tamara, why are your hands so dirty? And there are some spots on the face!

Tamara touched her nose and said:

- And we drew this.

- What did you draw with charcoal or mud?

“No,” says Tamarochka, “we drew with pencils.”

And mom has already undressed and goes into the large room. He enters and sees: all the furniture in the room has been moved, turned over, you can’t understand where the table is, where the chair is, where the sofa is, where the bookcase is... And under the piano Squirrel is crawling on her haunches and doing something there and crying at the top of her voice.

Mom stopped at the door and said:

- Squirrel! Daughter! What are you doing there?

A squirrel leaned out from under the piano and said:

But she herself is dirty, very dirty, and her face is dirty, and there are even stains on her nose.

Tamara didn’t let her answer. Speaks:

- And this is what we wanted, mommy, to help you - to wash the floor.

Mom was happy and said:

- Well, thank you!..

Then she approached Belochka, leaned over and asked:

- What is it, I wonder, that my daughter washes the floor with?

She looked and grabbed her head:

- Oh my God! - speaks. - Just look! After all, she washes the floor with a handkerchief!

Tamara says:

- Ugh, how stupid!

And mom says:

- Yes, it’s really called helping me.

And Squirrel cried even louder under her piano and said:

- It's not true, mommy. We are not helping you at all. We overturned the trough.

Mom sat down on a stool and said:

- This was still missing. What trough?

Squirrel says:

- The real one... Iron.

- I wonder how it got here - the trough?

Squirrel says:

— We washed the tablecloth.

- What tablecloth? Where is she? Why did you wash it? After all, it was clean, it was only washed yesterday.

“And we accidentally spilled ink on it.”

- It’s not even easier. What kind of ink? [where did you get them?

Squirrel looked at Tamara and said:

“We brought it from dad’s room.”

- Who gave you permission?

The girls looked at each other and were silent.

Mom sat, thought, frowned and said:

- Well, what should I do with you now?

The girls both cried and said:

- Punish us.

Mom says:

- Do you really want me to punish you?

Girls say:

- Not, no so much.

- Why do you think I should punish you?

- And because, probably, we washed the floor.

“No,” says mom, “I won’t punish you for this.”

- Well, then for washing the clothes.

“No,” says mom. “And I won’t punish you for that either.” And I won’t do it for spilling ink either. And I won’t say anything about writing in ink either. But for taking an inkwell from dad’s room without asking, you really should be punished for that. After all, if you were obedient girls and didn’t go into daddy’s room, you wouldn’t have to wash the floor, wash the clothes, or overturn the trough. And at the same time, you wouldn’t have to lie. Indeed, Tamara, don’t you know why your nose is dirty?

Tamara says:

- I know of course.

- So why didn’t you tell me right away?

Tamara says:

- I was afraid.

“But this is bad,” says mom. - If you manage to cause trouble, you will also be able to answer for your sins. If you made a mistake, don’t run away with your tail between your legs, but correct it.

“We wanted to fix it,” says Tamarochka.

“We wanted to, but we couldn’t,” says mom.

Then she looked and said:

- And where, I don’t see, is the tablecloth?

Squirrel says:

— It’s under the sofa.

- What is she doing there - under the sofa?

“She’s drying there with us.”

Mom pulled out the tablecloth from under the sofa and sat down on the stool again.

- God! - speaks. - My God! It was such a cute tablecloth! And look what it has become. After all, this is not a tablecloth, but some kind of doormat.

The girls cried even louder, and mom said:

—- Yes, my dear daughters, you have caused me trouble. I was tired, I thought I’d rest - I was just going to do a lot of laundry next Saturday, but apparently I’ll have to do this now. Come on, failed laundresses, take off your dresses!

The girls were scared. They say:

- For what? And then, they don’t wash clothes in clean dresses, don’t wash floors, and don’t do any work at all. Put on your dressing gowns and quickly follow me to the kitchen...

While the girls were changing clothes, mom managed to light the gas in the kitchen and put three large pots on the stove: in one there was water to wash the floor, in the second there was boiling laundry, and in the third, separately, there was a tablecloth.

Girls say:

- Why did you put it separately? It's not her fault that she got dirty.

Mom says:

- Yes, of course, it’s not her fault, but you still have to wash it alone. Otherwise all our underwear will be blue. And in general, I think that this tablecloth can no longer be washed. I'll probably have to paint it blue.

Girls say:

- Oh, how beautiful it will be!

“No,” says mom, “I think it won’t be very beautiful.” If it were really beautiful, then people would probably put blots on the tablecloth every day.

Then he says:

- Well, enough chatting, take a rag each and let's go wash the floor.

Girls say:

- For real?

Mom says:

- What did you think? You've already washed it like a toy, now let's do it for real.

And so the girls began to really clean the floor.

Mom gave them each a corner and said:

- Watch how I wash, and you wash it the same way. Where you have washed it, do not walk around clean... Do not leave puddles on the floor, but wipe them dry. Well, one or two - let's start!..

Mom rolled up her sleeves, tucked in the hem and went to wave a wet rag. Yes, so cleverly, so quickly that the girls can barely keep up with her. And of course, they don’t do it as well as their mother. But still they try. The squirrel even got up on her knees to make it more comfortable.

Mom tells her:

- Squirrel, you should lie down on your stomach. If you get so dirty, then we will have to wash you in the trough later.

Then he says:

- Well, please run to the kitchen and see if the water in the laundry bin is boiling.

Squirrel says:

- How can you tell whether it is boiling or not?

Mom says:

- If it gurgles, it means it’s boiling; If it doesn’t gurgle, it means it hasn’t boiled yet.

The squirrel ran into the kitchen and came running:

- Mommy, gurgling, gurgling!

Mom says:

“It’s not mommy who’s gurgling, but the water is probably gurgling?”

Then mom came out of the room to get something, Squirrel to Tamara and said:

- You know? And I saw oranges!

Tamara says:

- In a net in which the meat hangs. Do you know how much? As many as three.

Tamara says:

- Yes. Now we'll have oranges. Wait.

Then mom comes and says:

- Well, scrubbers, take the buckets and rags - let's go to the kitchen to wash the clothes.

Girls say:

- For real?

Mom says:

- Now you will do everything for real.

And the girls, together with their mother, actually washed the clothes. Then they really rinsed it. They really squeezed it out. And they actually hung him in the attic on ropes to dry.

And when they finished working and returned home, their mother fed them lunch. And never in their lives had they eaten with such pleasure as on this day. They ate soup, porridge, and black bread sprinkled with salt.

And when they had dinner, mom brought a net from the kitchen and said:

- Well, now you can probably each get an orange.

Girls say:

- Who wants the third one?

Mom says:

- Oh, that's how it is? Do you already know that there is a third one?

Girls say:

- And the third one, mommy, do you know who? The third - the biggest - is for you.

“No, daughters,” said the mother. - Thank you. Perhaps even the smallest one is enough for me. After all, today you worked twice as hard as I did. Is not it? And the floor was washed twice. And the tablecloth was washed twice...

Squirrel says:

“But the ink was spilled only once.”

Mom says:

- Well, you know, if you had spilled ink twice, I would have punished you like this...

One day my mother went to the market to buy meat. And the girls were left alone at home. When leaving, mom told them to behave well, not to touch anything, not to play with matches, not to climb on window sills, not to go out on the stairs, not to torture the kitten. And she promised to bring them each an orange.

The girls chained the door behind their mother and thought: “What should we do?” They think: “The best thing is to sit down and draw.” They took out their notebooks and colored pencils, sat down at the table and drew. And more and more people are drawing oranges. After all, you know, it’s very easy to draw them: I smeared some potatoes, painted them with a red pencil and - the job is done - an orange.

Then Tamara got tired of drawing, she said:

You know, let's write better. Do you want me to write the word “orange”?

Write,” says Squirrel.

Tamarochka thought, tilted her head a little, slobbered on the pencil and was done - she wrote:

And Squirrel also scratched two or three letters that she could.

Then Tamarochka says:

And I can write not only with a pencil, but also with ink. Do not believe? Do you want me to write?

Squirrel says:

Where will you get the ink?

And on dad's table - as much as you want. A whole jar.

Yes,” says Squirrel, “but mom didn’t allow us to touch it on the table.”

Tamara says:

Just think! She didn't say anything about ink. This is not match ink.

And Tamara ran to her father’s room and brought ink and a pen. And she began to write. And although she knew how to write, she wasn’t very good. She began to dip the feather into the bottle and knocked the bottle over. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth. And the tablecloth was clean, white, just laid.

The girls gasped.

The squirrel almost fell from the chair to the floor.

Oh,” he says, “oh... oh... what a spot!..

And the spot is getting bigger and bigger, growing and growing. There was a blot on almost half the tablecloth.

The squirrel turned pale and said:

Oh, Tamarochka, how will we get it!

And Tamarochka herself knows that she will get there. She is also standing - almost crying. Then she thought, scratched her nose and said:

You know, let's say that it was the cat who knocked over the ink!

Squirrel says:

Yes, but it’s not good to lie, Tamarochka.

I myself know that it’s not good. What should we do then?

Squirrel says:

You know? Let's better wash the tablecloth!

Tamara even liked it. She says:

Let's. But what should I wash it with?

Squirrel says:

Come on, you know, in the doll bath.

Stupid. Will a tablecloth fit into a doll's bath? Well, bring the trough here!

The present?..

Well, of course, it's real.

The squirrel was scared. Speaks:

Tamara, after all, my mother didn’t allow us...

Tamara says:

She didn't say anything about the trough. The trough is not matches. Come on, come quickly...

The girls ran to the kitchen, took the trough off the nail, poured water into it from the tap and dragged it into the room. They brought a stool. They placed the trough on a stool.

The squirrel is tired - she can barely breathe.

But Tamara doesn’t let her rest.

“Well,” he says, “bring the soap quickly!”

Squirrel ran. Brings soap.

I still need blueing. Well, bring the blue!

Squirrel ran to look for the blue. Can't find it anywhere.

Comes running:

No blue.

And Tamarochka has already taken the tablecloth off the table and is lowering it into the water. It's scary to put a dry tablecloth into wet water. I dropped it anyway. Then he says:

No need for blue.

Squirrel looked, and the water in the trough was blue.

Tamara says:

You see, it’s even good that the stain was placed. Can be washed without bluing.

Then he says:

Oh, Squirrel!

What? - says Squirrel.

The water is cold.

So what?

Clothes cannot be washed in cold water. When cold, just rinse.

Squirrel says:

Well, never mind, let's rinse then.

Squirrel was scared: suddenly Tamarochka would force her to boil the water.

Tamara began to lather the tablecloth with soap. Then she began to squeeze her as expected. And the water is getting darker and darker.

Squirrel says:

Well, you can probably squeeze it out already.

“Well, let’s see,” says Tamarochka.

The girls pulled the tablecloth out of the trough. And there are only two small white spots on the tablecloth. And the whole tablecloth is blue.

“Oh,” says Tamarochka. - We need to change the water. Bring clean water quickly.

Squirrel says:

No, now you drag it. I also want to do laundry.

Tamara says:

What else! I put a stain on it, and I’ll wash it off.

Squirrel says:

No, now I will.

No, you won't!

No, I will!..

Squirrel began to cry and grabbed the trough with both hands. And Tamarochka grabbed the other end. And their trough swayed like a cradle or a swing.

“You better go away,” Tamarochka shouted. - Go away, honestly, otherwise I’ll throw water at you now.

The squirrel was probably afraid that it would actually splash, jumped back, let go of the trough, and at that time Tamarochka pulled it - it tumbled, off the stool, and onto the floor. And, of course, water from it also ends up on the floor. And it flowed in all directions.

This is where the girls really got scared.

The squirrel even stopped crying out of fear.

And the water is all over the room - under the table, and under the closet, and under the piano, and under the chairs, and under the sofa, and under the bookcase, and wherever possible. Small streams even ran into the next room.

The girls came to their senses, ran around, began to fuss:

Oh! Oh! Oh!..

And in the next room at that time the kitten Fluffy was sleeping on the floor. As soon as he saw that water was flowing under him, he jumped up, meowed, and started running around the apartment like crazy:

Meow! Meow! Meow!

The girls are running and the kitten is running. The girls scream and the kitten screams. The girls don't know what to do, and the kitten doesn't know what to do either.

Tamara climbed onto a stool and shouted:

Squirrel! Get on the chair! Quicker! You'll get wet.

And Squirrel was so scared that she couldn’t even climb onto the chair. She stands there, cowering like a chicken, and just know, shaking her head:

Oh! Oh! Oh!

And suddenly the girls hear a call.

Tamara turned pale and said:

Mom is coming.

And Squirrel hears it herself. She shrank even more, looked at Tamara and said:

Well, now it will be for us...

And in the hallway again:

Once again:

“Ding! Ding!”

Tamara says:

Squirrel, dear, open, please.

Yes, thank you,” says Squirrel. - Why should I?

Well, Squirrel, well, honey, well, you’re still standing closer. I’m on a stool, and you’re on the floor after all.

Squirrel says:

I can also climb onto a chair.

Then Tamarochka saw that she still had to go open it, she jumped off the stool and said:

You know? Let's say that it was the cat who knocked over the trough!

Squirrel says:

No, it’s better, you know, let’s wipe the floor quickly!

Tamara thought and said:

Well... Let's try it. Maybe mom won't notice...

And then the girls ran in again. Tamara grabbed the wet tablecloth and let it crawl across the floor. And Squirrel runs after her like a tail, fussing and just know to yourself:

Oh! Oh! Oh!

Tamara says to her:

You better not groan, but rather quickly drag the trough to the kitchen.

The poor squirrel dragged the trough. And Tamara to her:

And take the soap at the same time.

Where is the soap?

What don't you see? There it is floating under the piano.

And the call again:


Well, says Tamarochka. - We should probably go. I’ll go open it, and you, Squirrel, quickly wipe the floor. Make sure that not a single spot remains.

Squirrel says:

Tamara, where does the tablecloth go next? On the table?

Stupid. Why is it on the table? Shove her - you know where? Shove it further under the sofa. When it dries, we iron it and lay it down.

And so Tamarochka went to open it. She doesn't want to go. Her legs are shaking, her hands are trembling. She stopped at the door, stood, listened, sighed and asked in a thin voice:

Mommy, is that you?

Mom comes in and says:

Lord, what happened?

Tamara says:

Nothing happened.

So what’s taking you so long?.. I’ve probably been calling and knocking for twenty minutes.

“I didn’t hear,” says Tamarochka.

Mom says:

God knows what I was thinking... I thought the thieves got in or the wolves ate you.

No, says Tamarochka, no one ate us.

Mom took the net with meat into the kitchen, then returned and asked:

Where is Squirrel?

Tamara says:

Squirrel? And Squirrel... I don’t know, somewhere there, it seems... in a large room... doing something there, I don’t know...

Mom looked at Tamara in surprise and said:

Listen, Tamara, why are your hands so dirty? And there are some spots on the face!

Tamara touched her nose and said:

And we drew this.

What did you draw with charcoal or mud?

No,” says Tamarochka, “we drew with pencils.”

And mom has already undressed and goes into the large room. He enters and sees: all the furniture in the room has been moved, turned over, you can’t understand where the table is, where the chair is, where the sofa is, where the bookcase is... And under the piano Squirrel is crawling on her haunches and doing something there and crying at the top of her voice.

Mom stopped at the door and said:

Squirrel! Daughter! What are you doing there?

A squirrel leaned out from under the piano and said:

But she herself is dirty, very dirty, and her face is dirty, and there are even stains on her nose.

Tamara didn’t let her answer. Speaks:

And this is what we wanted, mommy, to help you - to wash the floor.

Mom was happy and said:

Well, thank you!..

Then she approached Belochka, leaned over and asked:

And what is it, I wonder, that my daughter washes the floor with?

She looked and grabbed her head:

Oh my God! - speaks. - Just look! After all, she washes the floor with a handkerchief!

Tamara says:

Ugh, how stupid!

And mom says:

Yes, this is really what they call helping me.

And Squirrel cried even louder under her piano and said:

It's not true, mommy. We are not helping you at all. We overturned the trough.

Mom sat down on a stool and said:

This was still missing. What trough?

Squirrel says:

The present which...Iron.

But how, I wonder, did it get here - the trough?

Squirrel says:

We washed the tablecloth.

What tablecloth? Where is she? Why did you wash it? After all, it was clean, it was only washed yesterday.

And we accidentally spilled ink on it.

It's not even easier. What kind of ink? Where did you get them?

Squirrel looked at Tamara and said:

We brought it from dad's room.

And who allowed you?

The girls looked at each other and were silent.

Mom sat, thought, frowned and said:

Well, what should I do with you now?

The girls both cried and said:

Punish us.

Mom says:

Do you really want me to punish you?

Girls say:

Not, no so much.

Why do you think I should punish you?

And because, probably, we washed the floor.

No,” says mom, “I won’t punish you for this.”

Well, then for washing the clothes.

No, says mom. - And I won’t punish you for this either. And I won’t do it for spilling ink either. And I won’t punish you for writing in ink either. But for taking an inkwell from dad’s room without asking, you really should be punished for that. After all, if you were obedient girls and didn’t go into daddy’s room, you wouldn’t have to wash the floor, wash the clothes, or overturn the trough. And at the same time, you wouldn’t have to lie. After all, in fact, Tamara, don’t you know why your nose is dirty?

Tamara says:

I know of course.

So why didn't you tell me right away?

Tamara says:

I was afraid.

But this is bad, says mom. - If you manage to cause trouble, you will also be able to answer for your sins. If you made a mistake, don’t run away with your tail between your legs, but correct it.

“We wanted to fix it,” says Tamarochka.

We wanted to, but we couldn’t,” says my mother.

Then she looked and said:

And where, I don’t see, is the tablecloth?

Squirrel says:

It's under the sofa.

What is she doing there - under the sofa?

She's drying there with us.

Mom pulled out the tablecloth from under the sofa and sat down on the stool again.

God! - speaks. - My God! It was such a cute tablecloth! And look what it has become. After all, this is not a tablecloth, but some kind of doormat.

The girls cried even louder, and mom said:

Yes, my dear daughters, you have caused me trouble. I was tired, I thought I’d rest; I was just going to do a lot of laundry next Saturday, but apparently I’ll have to do this now. Come on, failed laundresses, take off your dresses!

The girls were scared. They say:

For what? And then, they don’t wash clothes in clean dresses, don’t wash floors, and don’t do any work at all. Put on your dressing gowns and quickly follow me to the kitchen...

While the girls were changing clothes, mom managed to light the gas in the kitchen and put three large pots on the stove: in one there was water to wash the floor, in the second to boil the laundry, and in the third, separately, a tablecloth.

Girls say:

Why did you put it separately? It's not her fault that she got dirty.

Mom says:

Yes, of course, it’s not her fault, but she still has to wash it alone. Otherwise all our underwear will be blue. And in general, I think that this tablecloth can no longer be washed. I'll probably have to paint it blue.

Girls say:

Oh, how beautiful it will be!

No,” says mom, “I think it won’t be very beautiful.” If it were really beautiful, then people would probably put blots on the tablecloth every day.

Then he says:

Well, enough chatting, take a rag each and let's go wash the floor.

Girls say:

For real?

Mom says:

What did you think? You've already washed it like a toy, now let's do it for real.

And so the girls began to really clean the floor.

Mom gave them each a corner and said:

Watch how I wash, and you wash too. Where you have washed it, do not walk around clean... Do not leave puddles on the floor, but wipe them dry. Well, let's start once or twice!..

Mom rolled up her sleeves, tucked in the hem and went to plow with a wet rag. Yes, so cleverly, so quickly that the girls can barely keep up with her. And of course, they don’t do it as well as their mother. But still they try. The squirrel even got up on her knees to make it more comfortable.

Mom tells her:

Squirrel, you should lie down on your stomach. If you get so dirty, then we will have to wash you in the trough later.

Then he says:

Well, please run to the kitchen and see if the water in the laundry bin is boiling.

Squirrel says:

How can you tell whether it is boiling or not boiling?

Mom says:

If it gurgles, it means it’s boiling; If it doesn’t gurgle, it means it hasn’t boiled yet.

The squirrel ran into the kitchen and came running:

Mommy, gurgling, gurgling!

Mom says:

It’s not mommy who’s gurgling, but the water, probably, who’s gurgling?

Then mom came out of the room to get something, Squirrel to Tamara and said:

You know? And I saw oranges!

Tamara says:

In a net in which the meat hangs. Do you know how much? As many as three.

Tamara says:

Yes. Now we'll have oranges. Wait.

Then mom comes and says:

Well, scrubbers, take the buckets and rags - let's go to the kitchen to wash the clothes.

Girls say:

For real?

Mom says:

Now you will do everything for real.

And the girls, together with their mother, actually washed the clothes. Then they really rinsed it. They really squeezed it out. And they actually hung him in the attic on ropes to dry.

And when they finished working and returned home, their mother fed them lunch. And never in their lives had they eaten with such pleasure as on that day. They ate soup, porridge, and black bread sprinkled with salt.

And when they had dinner, mom brought a net from the kitchen and said:

Well, now you can probably get an orange each.

Girls say:

Who wants the third one?

Mom says:

Oh, how's that? Do you already know that there is a third one?

Girls say:

And the third one, mommy, do you know who? The third - the biggest - is for you.

“No, daughters,” said the mother. - Thank you. Perhaps even the smallest one is enough for me. After all, today you worked twice as hard as I did. Is not it? And the floor was washed twice. And the tablecloth was washed twice...

Squirrel says:

But the ink was spilled only once.

Mom says:

Well, you know, if you had spilled ink twice, I would have punished you like that...

Squirrel says:

Yes, but you didn’t punish after all?

Mom says:

Wait, maybe I’ll punish you after all.

But the girls see: no, now she won’t punish her if she didn’t punish her before.

They hugged their mother, kissed her deeply, and then thought and chose for her - although not the biggest, but still the best orange.

And they did the right thing.

The story Big wash - L Panteleev
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Panteleev "Big wash"
The book tells about two sisters Belochka and Tamara.
One day my mother was getting ready to go to the store and told the girls to behave well, and in return she would bring them oranges and left.
The girls decided to draw, but they quickly got bored with it. They took ink from dad and spilled it on the tablecloth. They decided to wash the tablecloth. They brought a chair and a trough into the room, put the tablecloth in the water. They started washing. They lathered the tablecloth well with soap, and the water turned blue from the ink. They decided to change the water, they began to argue about who would change the water. They argued and argued and overturned a trough of water. The water poured out in all directions. Squirrel and Tamara got scared, ran around, didn’t know what to do, they decided to blame everything on the kitten. But then the bell rang. Mom came! They ran in, began to hide the tablecloth, the trough, and wipe the floor.
Mom thought that something had happened to the girls. But when mom saw what the girls had done, she decided to punish them for taking ink without asking. After all, if they had not taken the ink, then none of this would have happened.
Mom, Belochka and Tamara began to really mop the floor, really wash, really rinse, really wring out and really hang the laundry in the attic.
When they finished cleaning, they received the promised oranges. They kissed their mother and gave her the best orange. Because she still did not punish them. And their mother told them that if they had spilled ink a second time, she would definitely punish them.
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