Developmental tasks for children in the Russian language. Preparing for school part 15. Development of attention Cups

Elena Lebedeva
Entertaining game tasks in the Russian language

Entertaining Russian language.

1) Game tasks aimed at practicing spelling norms.

A game "Vocabulary Lotto"

Each child receives a card with 8 vocabulary words written on it. The teacher or student takes cards out of the box and reads the words. The child who has such a word on the card covers it with a chip. At the end of the game, we identify the winner, that is, who was the first of the children to close the words. Then the teacher gives exercise: copy down words, perform mutual testing, rate each other.

Cards for the game

fun cucumber

dog vegetables

shop ax

birch harvest

quick cucumber

milk student

shop teacher

birch car

A game "Smooth landing"

When practicing a topic or spelling, this game stimulates interest, activating the whole class. Children do not know to whom the ball will fly and what word or question will be asked. For example, the topic is being studied "Spelling unstressed vowels". The teacher throws the ball and says the word "earthen". The student catches the ball and says the test word "earth". The one who answered the question correctly can sit down; the one who failed task, continues to stand and tries to correct the situation.

A game "I work as a wizard"

The guys get tasks: turn nouns into singular feminine adjectives.

Table - dining room

Furniture – furniture

Sofa - sofa

This game is played in pairs. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and pairs are identified - winners - wizards who not only formed the words correctly, but also wrote them without errors.

A game "Who is faster?"

Rearrange the syllables. Write down the words you receive and divide them into syllables.

Rock the seagull

Reed mouse

Canopy spring

Early hole

Our tire

Pine pump

2) Game tasks aimed at developing orthoepic norms.

A game “Compose a text and voice it”

Students are offered a set of words that may present some difficulties in pronunciation. The words are written on the board. Task students – compose a coherent text in 2-3 minutes (using these words) and read it, observing spelling standards. The teacher can appoint experts who must listen carefully to the text and make a conclusion about compliance with pronunciation standards. Example: words are given - kilometer, driver, centner, nettle, beet, centimeter.

A game "Invite a friend over for lunch"

Students are given a list of lunch menus to which they must invite a friend. On the menu, of course words written down: sorrel, pies with cottage cheese, plum or pear compote, meatballs. Children need to turn to friends by reading the menu to them without mistakes. You can play up the situation of friends meeting.

A game "Announcer Competition".

Students need to read the proposed text, paying attention to the highlighted words. “A supervisory group should be created for monitoring and control. It is expected that it will be formed in the period from the 3rd decade of the current month to the end of the quarter.”

3) Game tasks aimed at speech development.

Such games are very useful for 1st grade students, because how they develop speech, cognitive interest, imagination, hand motor skills.

A game “Let’s write down a fairy tale”

The teacher reads a fairy tale or story to the children (preferably a short one, consisting of 4-5 main episodes, to begin with), then invite him to retell the text. It's quite difficult: For almost all children, coherent retelling causes difficulties. Calm your child down and encourage him to write down the story so he can read it later. You can write down a fairy tale using pictures. Children draw several squares on a piece of paper. Together with the children we remember what was said at the beginning of the fairy tale. For example, about a girl who left the house. In a square they draw a girl near the house. Then they draw the continuation of the fairy tale in the same way. The teacher helps to divide the fairy tale into meaningful parts.

As a result, children sketch the entire plot in pictures and retell the tale using their illustrations.

A game “Let's compose!”

Invite the children to write a fairy tale. Determine the theme - come up with fairy tales about bunnies. Then discuss what role will the bunny play in the fairy tale?: he can live in the forest and be friends with animals, or he can be a toy that was given to a boy; a bunny can act in a fairy tale as a coward and, conversely, as a brave man. Or maybe come up with a fairy tale about how difficult it is to spot a white bunny in the snow? After a few minutes, the children tell stories, which are discussed and evaluated. Highly appreciated receives the most consistent, detailed and original tale.

A game "Magical forest"

Each participant in the game receives a sheet of paper and pencils. Unfinished images are made on the sheet (see below).

Children need to draw a magical forest and then tell about it interesting story. Then you look at the drawings, listen to the stories and note the most complete and original ones.

A game "Complete the word"

The presenter names part of the word (books) and throws the ball. The child must catch the ball and complete the word (.ha).

The child and the adult can take turns acting as the leader.

Make as many words as possible from the given set of letters: a, k, s, o, i, m, p, m m, w, a, n, i, s, g, s

Name the words opposite in meaning: Subtle - Sharp - Clear - Loud - Low - Healthy - Victory - etc.

A game "Who is bigger?"

Make up as many words as possible (nouns) of letters that form a word.

For example: PHOTOGRAPHY – reef, shooting range, mountain, bargaining, grotto, draft, count, etc.

Adding other letters is prohibited!

Other options can be used:

A root word is suggested: table, cat, house, etc. It is necessary to find as many derivative words for it as possible in the shortest possible time. For example: HOUSE - house, house, house, house, housewife, housewife, housewife, housewife, etc.

4) Game tasks, aimed at systematizing knowledge about parts of speech.

A game "Domino"(on this topic "Verb")

Each participant in the game receives a card, which is divided into two parts. In one part the beginning of the rule or the formulation of the question is written, in the other the continuation of the answer. Children must connect all the cards using the domino principle.

What suffixes do verbs have in the past tense before the suffix -l-? Verb conjugation is the change of verbs by persons and numbers.

What is the most common way to express a verb in a sentence? Are verbs present, past and future tense?

What ending do II conjugation verbs have? In a sentence, the verb is most often predicate.

A game "Zebra"(on this topic "Noun")

The game can be played in groups. Each group receives strips of white and black paper. Questions on the topic are written on the white stripes, and children need to write down the answers on the black ones. Alternating stripes with each other, children make a drawing "zebras". The winner is the group that writes down the answers to the questions the fastest and most correctly.

A game "Gathering the Harvest"(on this topic "Adjective")

This game can be played at the end of a lesson or at the end of studying a given topic. The teacher gives the children pictures of apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots (you can have a few for each child; there is a basket on the table. Offers to children: “Let’s reap the harvest. It is necessary to formulate a rule on the topic "Adjective" and place the picture in the trash. The wording of the rules should not be repeated. Let's see who can put the most fruits and berries in the basket."

A game "Clean slate"

Children really like this game. To organize it, before explaining new material, questions are written down at different ends of the board, which can be expressed either in the usual form or in a diagram. They should be built on the material of a new topic. The teacher reports that as the material is explained, students will participate in the game: “Look at the board, it is filled with various questions. The answers to them are contained in my explanation. From time to time I will ask if you are ready to answer a question. If you give the correct answer to it, then the question is erased. Task in this game the board is clean by the end of the lesson.”

Another variant (when the game is not played for the first time)games may include some competition: “Which row of students will help clear more questions from the board?” If some questions remain unanswered, then they automatically become homework for the children. task.

5) Lexico-phraseological games.

A game “Collect, explain, prove”

The game can be played individually or in teams, groups, or pairs. Children are given a set of words on strips of paper. For a certain time, it is necessary to compose phraseological units, explain the meaning, give an example from life or a literary work. For example: HOW, MAKAR, WHISTLES, ON LANGUAGE, WIND, TURNING, IN POCKETS. IN MITTENS, DROPPED, CALVES, INTO WATER, DIDN’T DRIVE, HEDGEHOG.

A game “Guess what!”

The teacher throws the ball to the child and names phraseological units. Students catch the ball and explain the meaning. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.

For example: skin and bones - thin; leaky memory - forgetful; with all sails - quickly. Washing the bones - discussing; even a nosebleed is a must; close at hand - close; like a fish in water - confident.

A game "Vice versa"

This game is similar to the previous one, only in reverse. The teacher calls words to the children, and the children must replace them with phraseological units.

For example: accurate - not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Unexpectedly - out of the blue. It's cramped - there's no room for an apple to fall. It’s dark – you can’t even poke your eyes out.

A game "Auction"

In this game, the winner is the one who is the last to name a phraseological phrase in which the names of animals, birds, and insects appear.

For example: buy a pig in a poke, every sandpiper praises his swamp, monkey’s work, take the bull by the horns, a mosquito won’t hurt your nose.

6) There is another type of games, hallmark which is external rules. They are called training. These include:

1) Board games; (dominoes, lotto);

2) games based given algorithm(rebuses, crosswords, charades, puzzles).

Educators and psychologists have proven that compiling interactive games by children themselves contributes not only to better assimilation educational material, but also development writing, systematization of knowledge by topic, develops attention, thinking, ability to highlight the main thing, develops cognitive activity

During the lessons, you can offer children solutions to crossword puzzles compiled by both the teacher and the children.

On this topic "Noun" 3rd grade

On this topic "Pronoun" 3rd grade

A post that should have been written a long time ago: how to teach Russian to children who come to learn from scratch in preschool age. With adults, everything is clear: there is a RCT method, there are RCT textbooks, there are tests. What to do with small children who have to learn Russian from scratch in the format foreign language? We don’t have a clear, understandable, step-by-step methodology. Textbooks, actually, too.

We have an hour a week + homework, at best, and a child who learned to say hello on the way to class. I’ll tell you how I see the solution to this problem, and below I’ll give a comment from Ekaterina Protasova and a very useful quote from her manual.

RCT for kids?

What can we take from RCTs, techniques that classic form Not suitable for preschoolers at all?

1.Basic principles of teaching.

For example, information that the teacher must give a speech model at the beginning of a task or game. Not just “now we’ll play shop,” but speech patterns: what the child says, what the adult says. When we have a new teacher at our school who is not familiar with the RFL methodology, we have to constantly remind about speech models and check their presence at every lesson. We show the task and how to perform it, we talk through what the child should say.

Reason for lack of progress #1: lack of speech patterns from the teacher.

2.Grammatical and speech formulas

In essence, language consists not of words, but of formulas. For example, “I want to buy” is a formula. We change the last word in the formula: I want to buy an apple, I want to buy milk, I want to buy fish, strawberries, yogurt, cheese... And we have many offers. Language is a constructor, we change one word in the formula - a new statement appears, add the particle “not” - a new statement appears. In the lesson plan and program, we first prescribe what speech formulas we give to the children, and only then the vocabulary. Formulas and phrases are more important than words. There is no point in learning words outside of formulas, there is no point in learning words outside of context.

Reason for lack of progress #2: we learn words, not formulas. Children often come to us who know a lot of words on topics: animals, fruits, vegetables, home, clothes. But they cannot speak even in the simplest sentences.

3.Order of presentation of grammar

Grammar? Preschoolers? For kids? “These are children,” what grammar. We have two problems with our attitude to grammar: grammar is often understood as spelling (from the word “competently”?), grammar is often understood as theory (“the accusative case answers the questions “who, what”, in the feminine gender the ending changes to -u, -yu, exceptions are nouns with a soft sign at the end"). At the same time, grammar is simply the structure of a language, its skeleton, without which we will again be left with a jumble of words “by topic.”

If you are not familiar with the RCT methodology, you can simply open the RCT textbook for adults or, for example, the table of contents of Nina Vlasova’s RCT textbook for children. Look in what order the authors give the cases. This choice is not random; it is determined by the frequency of use of cases in speech. At the same time, the authors do not take ALL meanings of the cases, but select the most necessary ones at the elementary level.

For example, in the prepositional case these meanings are:

Place: in a bag, on the sofa;

Transport: ride, sail, fly on something, etc.

Is it possible to avoid all this grammar, studying cases?

It is possible if you place the child in an environment. For example, if you have a Russian-language kindergarten. Do we tell the child that
learning the prepositional case? No, of course, the child just plays, completes tasks, learns to speak as part of the study of individual speech formulas.

Reason for lack of progress #3. There could be many reasons for this, in fact. Cases need to be automated in speech. So that a child, having once said “I want to buy milk,” hears himself and understands that something is wrong, “they don’t say that,” you need to think again. This automation may be missing. Just “understanding the topic” is not enough. Just saying it correctly a few times is not enough.

There may be a lack of gradualism and step-by-step elaboration.

There may not be enough games to practice, or there may not be enough games to use what you have learned in your own statement, in your speech. There may be a lack of spaced repetition of what has previously been learned.

The cases in this paragraph are for example. There are a lot of other topics: gender, number, agreement of nouns and adjectives, etc., but the general approach remains the same.

Or maybe not an RCT?

Maybe not an RCT, not instead of an RCT, but together with it. You can take benefits for monolingual children with speech impairments and developmental delays. These are grammatical and lexical notebooks by Kosinova, materials for the development of coherent speech of children with special needs by Arbekova, etc. You can partially take general developmental materials for kids.

But I have never seen an effective program for non-Russian-speaking children, built only on materials for monolinguals without additions or processing. It's all about the difference in goals. Each manual solves its own problems, and the authors of speech therapy manuals for monolinguals have completely different tasks than teachers and parents who want their child to learn to speak Russian.

You can look for ideas in English materials for kids. There are a lot of ideas there, I myself subscribe to dozens of blogs of American kindergarten teachers and teachers of English as a second native language. But the procedure for introducing grammar in Russian is still different. They are more about the design of the assignment, the presentation of the material, and game options.

Reason for lack of progress #4. A “patchwork quilt” of many aids that helps to spend the lesson time, but does not solve specific problems. There are a lot of printouts and cards, but there is no unified system. If the system is not in the program, then systematic language learning will also not work.

Or maybe just play?

You can do an experiment. Go to the teaching community and ask how to teach Russian to kids who are learning it from scratch. I bet one of the first comments will be: "Which lessons? Which programm? Kids learn through play, just play. To the store, to the zoo, to dolls, to bingo. I liked this lotto about dishes: link. You can also sing songs and dance in a circle.”

If you spend several hours with your child every day, then just communication and just play will be a developing and learning environment. Download the lotto about dishes, memorize the songs, take out the toy cash register and start playing. If you have an hour a week, then “just playing games” will just kill a lot of time without achieving anything.

Therefore, we return to a systematic approach: what grammar are you practicing, what formulas can you derive from it, what vocabulary will you need in the process, what games can you come up with to practice vocabulary and formulas. There are games, they are at the end of the chain. And they work for a specific task. And they do it! We include songs as a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, a round dance as a break, lotto as an interval repetition of the previous topic (and do not forget to repeat not only vocabulary, but vocabulary inside a sentence, inside a formula). Look, everything was useful, everything had a place inside the system.

Reason for lack of progress #5. Well, you understand, I guess. Games are not built into the program, into the system. And in this case, you can play for 5 years, and the child will not speak even the most basic Russian. And not because...

“We only have an hour a week”

I write about this very often and continue to write because an hour a week also makes sense if you have a flexible program, systems approach, specific tasks for each lesson and tasks with games that solve these problems. If you see the rhythms of the students and adapt to them. If you see potential, an opportunity to move to a new, more complex level, and take advantage of this opportunity. If you're trying to figure out why it's not working, rather than explaining everything for an hour a week. If you are ready to temporarily take on a problem student individual training, this also often helps catch up with the group. If both you and your parents understand that you are moving forward in small steps, it cannot be otherwise with such a volume of work and such short classes. But you are making progress.

About homework

And lastly: what to do with homework. Here's my option. If the child has Russian-speaking family members, they will help him repeat what he has learned in class and help him make a couple of worksheets. If there are no Russian speakers in the family, what remains are songs, educational videos for kids on YouTube, or short videos specially recorded by you for homework. And so on until the child learns to read. As soon as I have learned, we have the opportunity to assign tasks to complete independently. Copybooks, match the word and picture, worksheets with elementary tasks and vocabulary familiar to the child. The child grows up, Russian progresses, homework becomes more complicated.


1 Learning Russian Workbook for children 6 7 years old

2 LEARNING RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Workbook for children 6 7 years old Kazan Tatar book publishing house 2012

3 UDC: *00 BBK Rus I32 Compilers: S. M. Gaffarova, C. R. Gaffarova, G. M. Bilalova Reviewer: Z. G. Sharafetdinova, Candidate of Philological Sciences Cover artist Yulia Shchetinkina Artist Vlada Semyonova I32 Learning Russian language: workbook for children 6-7 years old / [author: S. M. Gaffarova, C. R. Gaffarova, G. M. Bilalova]. Kazan: Tatar. book publishing house, p.: ill. The proposed workbook is an appendix to the manual for educators “Learning the Russian language.” The notebook is intended for collaboration adult and child 6 7 years old. The content of the workbook assignments is compiled in accordance with the topics studied in classes on teaching children the Russian language. Based on the practical material of lexical topics, the child accumulates, enriches and consolidates vocabulary, coherent speech skills develop, mental operations improve, and coordination of hand and finger movements develops. UDC: *00 BBK Rus Tatar book publishing house, 2012

4 DEAR TEACHERS TEACHING CHILDREN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! The proposed workbook is part of the educational and methodological kit for teaching children preschool age Russian language and an appendix to the manual for educators “Learning the Russian language.” The notebook is intended for joint work by an adult and a 6-7 year old child. The main purpose of the workbook is to help teachers organize and carry out work on teaching children the Russian language. In the process of working in a notebook, children will be able to master various speech skills and abilities, and learn to transfer them into free speech communication. The tasks proposed in this notebook are based on the principle of gradual complication. Colorful illustrations help keep the child interested in classes. Along with the main tasks of teaching preschoolers the Russian language, the workbook includes educational and game tasks aimed at developing fine motor skills, graphic skills, and visual perception of children. The children's activities presented in the workbook are used as part of the lesson (3 4 minutes). Dear teachers! Before starting classes, familiarize yourself with all the tasks, be sure to read them before completing the task with your child, this will make it easier for you to guide the children during the lesson. The tasks in the workbook are grouped by topic and arranged in accordance with the sequence of lessons. Therefore, when completing tasks, do not break their sequence. Remember that a preschooler’s performance capacity is low. If the child’s interest in completing a task wanes, interrupt the work and return to it later, at a later time. individual work with baby. Don't forget to encourage your child during class. Good luck to you and your children!

5 KINDERGARTEN Task 1 for lesson 2. Look at the picture. Without counting, how can you find out whether there will be enough scoops for all the children? Draw lines from the scoops to the children. Who didn't have enough? Give this girl another toy. Tell me, what toy did you give her? 4

6 Task 2 for lesson 5. Color the girls’ clothes so that they differ in color. Give the girls names. Tell us about the clothes according to the example: “Masha has a yellow T-shirt, and Nastya has a green one,” etc. 5

7 Task 3 for lesson 7. Tell me what the gnomes do. Color the gnomes' hats. Name the colors. 6

8 AUTUMN Task 1 for lesson 1. Look at the picture. Tell me what you see. Color the cloud with seven raindrops. 7

9 Task 2 for lesson 5. Name the vegetables and fruits, then color them. Use the arrows to place vegetables in a box and fruits in a basket. Tell me what you put in the box and what in the basket. 8

10 Task 3 for lesson 10. Circle the dots of the animals. Say who likes what and point with arrows. 9

11 Task 4 for lesson 11. Trace the forest first with your index finger, then with a pencil. Color the trees and grass green, and the tree yellow. Count how many green trees there are. 10

12 HOUSE AND YARD Task 1 for lesson 4. Look at the picture. Tell me what you see. Where (who) should these items be carried? Show with an arrow. eleven

13 Task 2 for lesson 5. Help Tanya and Vanya get dressed. Draw red lines from Tanya to her clothes and blue lines from Vanya to his clothes. Color the children's clothes. Name the colors. Make up sentences based on the example: “Tanya has a red jacket,” etc. 12

14 Task 3 for lesson 10. Look at the picture. In which hand does Pinocchio have a comb, in which hand does he have a toothbrush? Color the towel in Little Red Riding Hood's right hand red and the one in the left hand blue. Tell me which hand has which towel. 13

15 WINTER Task 1 for lesson 1. Help Tanya and Vanya choose outerwear, shoes, and hats. Name them, color them. Draw blue arrows from Vanya to his clothes, red arrows from Tanya to her clothes. Tell me what kind of clothes Tanya has, what kind of clothes Vanya has. 14

16 Task 2 for lesson 2. What shoes are needed in different time of the year? Connect with arrows. Color the pictures showing the seasons. 15

17 Task 3 for lesson 4. Look at the picture. How are these snowmen different? Color the pictures. Tell us about each snowman. 16

18 Task 4 for lesson 5. Find and circle the items you need in winter. Name them and say according to the example: “This is a fur coat. A fur coat is needed in winter,” etc. 17

19 Task 5 for lesson 10. Decorate the New Year tree. Glue balls, cones, toys, a star. Tell us what toys you hung on the Christmas tree. Name their colors. 18

20 Task 6 for lesson 11. Look at the picture. Color the boys' clothes. Tell us about the clothes of the boy who walks ahead and pulls the sled. What clothes does the boy sitting on the sled wear? What is the boy walking behind wearing? 19

21 WILD ANIMALS Task 1 for lesson 1. Look at the pictures. Name the animals we saw today in winter forest. Guide them to the forest using the arrows. What animals have we not seen in the winter forest? Find them and circle them with a blue pencil. Why didn't we see a bear and a hedgehog in the forest? 20

22 Task 2 for lesson 2. Name the animals that people look after. Circle them in green. Name the animals that live in the forest. Trace them with a blue pencil. 21

23 Task 3 for lesson 5. Look at the picture and say what animals you see. How many houses are there? What numbers are on the houses? Solve problems on the cards the animals are holding and help them find their home. 22

24 Task 4 for lesson 8. Name the animals and say where they live. Connect the pictures with an arrow. Let the arrow say: “I live here.” 23

25 Task 5 for lesson 10. Look at the picture, name the animals. Color the giraffes and the tree. Tell me whether mother giraffe is standing to the right of the tree or to the left. And his cub? 24

26 CITY AND TRANSPORT Task 1 for lesson 1. Which car goes to the right and which to the left? Circle the pedestrians who walk to the right with a red pencil, and those who walk to the left with a blue pencil. 25

27 Task 2 for lesson 5. Look at the picture and say what you see. Complete the picture: stick a bus, a truck, a plane, a helicopter. Make up sentences based on the example: “The bus is traveling along the road,” etc. 26

28 Task 3 for lesson 10. How are clowns different? Color the collar of the clown in the middle green, the collar of the clown to his left red, the collar of the clown to his right yellow. Tell me who has what collar. 27

29 SPRING Task 1 for lesson 1. Name the seasons and show pictures depicting them. Glue a snowflake under the picture of winter, a green leaf for spring, a red flower for summer, and a yellow leaf for autumn. 28

30 Task 2 for lesson 7. Look at the pictures. Who do you see? What do children and animals do? Circle the pictures where the children do the right thing. Tell me in which picture the boy does the wrong thing. Cross it out. 29

31 Task 3 for lesson 10. Name the birds. Connect the wintering birds with the feeder with a line, and circle the migratory birds. thirty

32 GOING TO SCHOOL SOON Task 1 for lesson 5. Look at the picture and say what you see. Select school supplies, use the arrow to “put” them in your briefcase, and put the toys on the shelf. Explain your choice. 31

33 Educational publication Authors and compilers: Gaffarova Syabilya Mullanurovna Gaffarova Chulpan Rakipovna Bilalova Gulnaz Minnakhmatovna LEARNING THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Workbook for children 6 7 years old Editor Kh. G. Faizrakhmanova Art editors M. D. Vazieva, L. R. Vafina, R. Kh. Khasanshin Technical editing and computer layout M. I. Danilevskaya Proofreader A. R. Shaidullina Original layout signed for printing Format / 16. Conditions. oven l. 3.36 + incl. 0.10. Circulation Order State Unitary Enterprise "Tatar Book Publishing House" Kazan, st. Bauman, 19. Tel./fax: (843) Our books can be purchased at the following addresses: Kazan, st. Dekabristov, 2. Marketing department of the Tatar book publishing house. Tel.: (843) Kazan, st. Bauman, 29/11. Company store of the Tatar book publishing house. Tel.: (843) Branch of OJSC "Tatmedia" printing and publishing complex "Idel-Press" Kazan, st. Dekabristov, 2.

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M. V. BEDENKO DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS LOGIC Notebook for classes with children 5 6 years old Fourth edition MOSCOW "VAKO" 2018 UDC 373.2 BBK 74.102 B38 0+ The author expresses gratitude to the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Tatyana

Practical aids on the development of children's speech The grammar of the Russian language is very complex. In a fairly short period of time, children must master a huge number of grammatical categories at a practical level.

L. I. Mosyagina Workbook on ecology for children of primary preschool age (from 3 to 4 years old) 2016 BBK 74.100.5 M.84 Mosyagina L. I. M.84 Workbook on ecology for children of primary preschool age

COMPLIANCE WITH FGOS E. A. ULYEVA LOGIC Notebook for children 6 7 years old Second edition, revised MOSCOW VAKO UDC 373 BBK 74.102 U51 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis

F i. and EDAGOGY Y.N. Kislyakova Formation of social and everyday orientation skills in children with developmental disorders RE O ZI TO RI Y BG U yrshshvsh 0 shshch and for preschool and junior sh CORRECTIONAL EDAGOGY

N.V. Nishcheva for boys and girls from 4 to 7 years old PREPARE THE HAND FOR WRITING St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2019 BBK 74.102 N 71 Nishcheva N.V. N 71 Copybooks for boys and girls from 4 to 7 years old. Preparing your hand for

State-owned educational institution Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "Nyagan boarding school for students with disabilities health” Agreed upon by the methodological council protocol 4

N. V. Nishcheva Notebook for children of middle preschool age with OHP (from 4 to 5 years old) Middle group St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2019 BBK 74.102 N71 Nishcheva N. V. N71 Notebook for middle preschool children

Dear parents and teachers! The partial program “Learning to Count Together” is designed to teach the basics of mathematics to preschoolers of all ages, starting from 3 years old. It includes colorfully decorated

Lesson 1 1. Development of perception (integrity of the object). Introduction to the concepts of “whole”, “part”, “half”. 2. Orientation in space. Introduction to the concepts of “high - medium - low”, “high low”,

O. E. ZHIRENKO E. V. KOLODYAZHNYKH COPYBACKS for preschoolers Notebook for classes with children 6 7 years old MOSCOW “VAKOSH” 2019 UDC 373.29 BBK 74.102 Zh73 0+ Zh73 Zhirenko O.E., Kolodyazhnykh E.V. Recipes for preschoolers:

UDC 372.3/.4 BBK 74.102 G 12 Gavrina S. E. G 12 Big Book preparation for school for children 4-5 years old. Reading, counting, logic, fine motor skills / S. E. Gavrina, N. L. Kutyavina, I. G. Toporkova, S. V. Shcherbinina;

COMPLIANCE WITH FSES M. V. BEDENKO DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS LOGIC Notebook for activities with children 5 6 years old MOSCOW VAKO UDC 373.2 BBK 74.102 B38 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis

E. A. ULYEVA SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Notebook for classes with children 6 7 years old MOSCOW "VAKO" 2017 UDC 373.2 BBK 74.102 U51 0+ U51 Ulyeva E.A. Speech development: notebook for classes with children 6-7 years old. M.: VAKO, 2017. 64 p.

N. V. Nishcheva Notebook-simulator for developing skills of sound analysis and synthesis in children of senior preschool age (from 6 to 7 years old) St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2018 Dear teachers and parents

S. Yu. Kondratyeva, N. V. Lebedeva MATHEMATICAL GAMES IN PICTURES Development of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers Workbook St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2017 BBK 74.102 K64 Reviewers:

Mathematics middle group 1. Look at the picture. a) Find two objects and color them green. Find one object and color it in Blue colour. b) Connect two objects with the number two. Connect

8th edition, corrected by Mozyr “White Wind” 2 0 1 5 UDC 373.21 BBK 74.102 G68 REVIEWERS: Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor department doshk. Pedagogy and Psychology State Educational Institution "Academy of Postgraduate Education"

O. A. Chistova Rebuses are a means of speech and cognitive development for preschoolers Workbook for joint activities between adults and children Issue 1 St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2018 1 BBK 74.100.5 Ch68 Ch68

COMPLIANCE WITH FGOS E. A. ULYEV PREPARE YOUR HAND FOR WRITING Notebook for classes with children 4 5 years old MOSCOW VAKO UDC 373 BBK 74.1 U51 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of an order

BBK 74.100.5 A94 A94 Afanasyeva I. P., Shklyaruk I. A. Workbook for preschoolers 6 7 years old. Issue 2. St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2018. 32 pp., color. ill. (Together we learn to count). Dear

Developed in accordance with FGT N.V. Nishcheva Didactic material for subgroups speech therapy classes V younger group kindergarten St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2013 BBK 74.3 N71 N71 Nishcheva N.

S. Batyaeva My first stories. Album for speech development Series “You and your child” Editorial Manager Leading Editor Artists Proofreader Layout T. Shaposhnikova T. Fisher A. Dremova, E. Rubtsova G. Shkatova

M. V. BEDENKO DEVELOPING LOGIC Notebook for activities with children 6-7 years old MOSCOW "VAKO" 2018 UDC 373.2 BBK 74.102 B38 0+ B38 Bedenko M. V. Developing logic: notebook for activities with children 6-7 years old. M.: VAKO, 2018.

N. V. Nishcheva Methodological set of the “Childhood” program Workbook for the development of speech and communication abilities of children of senior preschool age (from 6 to 7 years old) St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS

S. Yu. Kondratieva, L. V. Fedotova GETTING READY TO COUNT CORRECTLY Development of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers Workbook St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2016 BBK 74.102 K64 Reviewers: E.

S. Yu. Kondratyeva, E. A. Myshkina, L. V. Fedotova Formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children: Space, time St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2018 BBK 74. 102 K64 K 64 Kondratyeva S. Yu.,

N. V. Nishcheva Notebook-simulator for developing the skills of sound analysis and synthesis in children of middle preschool age (from 4 to 5 years old) St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2018 BBK 74.102 N71 N71 Nishcheva N. V.

Municipal autonomous educational institution Lyceum 17, Khimki WORKBOOK for the course “Psychology of Communication” Last name, first name Group The workbook is the author’s collection based on well-known

E. A. ULYEVA CREATIVE TASKS SEASONS WINTER Notebook for classes with children 5 6 years old MOSCOW VAKO UDC 373 BBK 74.1 U51 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of an order

O. E. Litvinova STORY PICTURES FOR WORKING WITH EARLY PRESCHOOL CHILDREN St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2015 BBK 74.100.5 L64 Litvinova O. E. L64 Scene pictures for working with early children

Calendar and thematic planning of the main educational program preschool education implemented in MBDOU for 2018-2019 academic year Week Holiday according to calendar Date 1 minor 2 minor Average

Methodological kit for the partial program “Welcome to Ecology!” O. A. Voronkevich Welcome to ecology! Workbook for children 4 5 years old (middle group) Part 1 St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS

MATHEMATICS SPEECH DEVELOPMENT LITERACY THE WORLD AROUND Dear parents and teachers! In front of you is a notebook with test tasks, with the help of which you can assess the level of development of your child, determine

COMPLIANT WITH FSES O.A. Shmeleva WORKBOOK FOR CLASSES WITH CHILDREN VAKO UDC 373. BBK 74.0 Ш7 The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of an order of the Ministry of Education

Natalia Lisovets St. Petersburg "BHV-Petersburg" 2014 UDC BBK 372.881.161.1 74.102 L63 L63 Lisovets N.V. Russian language for kids. St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2014. 228 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-9775-0905-3 Collection of games

O. E. ZHIRENKO E. V. KOLODYAZHNYKH COPYBACKS for preschoolers Notebook for children 6 7 years old MOSCOW VAKO UDC 373.29 BBK 74.102 Zh73 6+ The publication is approved for use in the educational process on the basis of an order

N. V. Nishcheva Notebook for teaching literacy to preschool children 2 St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2018 BBK 74.102 N71 Nishcheva N. V. N71 Notebook for teaching literacy to preschool children 2. St. Petersburg.

E. A. ULYEVA PREPARE THE HAND FOR WRITING Notebook for classes with children 3 4 years old NEW EDITION VAKO 1 UDC 373.2 BBK 74.1 U51 0+ U51 Ulyeva E.A. Preparing your hand for writing: a notebook for classes with children 3-4 years old. M.: VAKO,

Task 1. Look at the pictures. What flowers appear directly from under the snow? This happens in the first spring month - March. Show me the snowdrops. Task 2. Look at the picture. What flowers appear directly

BBK 74.113.8 K67 K67 Korneeva, G. A. First steps in mathematics: a workbook for children of senior preschool age / G. A. Korneeva. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2016. 96 p. (Pre-school time). ISBN 978-5-360-07666-7

Petrova Anna Sergeevna, teacher-speech therapist, MADOU Murmansk 151; Pshuk Elena Nikolaevna, teacher, MADOU, Murmansk 151 USE OF THE GAME COMPLEX “CAVROGRAPH CASTER” V.V. VOSKOBOVICH AT FORMATION

N. V. Nishcheva Methodological set of the “Childhood” program Workbook for the development of speech and communication abilities of children of senior preschool age (from 5 to 6 years old) St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS

N. V. Nishcheva Notebook for teaching literacy to preschool children 1 St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2018 BBK 74.102 N 71 Nishcheva N. V. N 71 Notebook for teaching literacy to preschool children 1. St. Petersburg.

Publishing house AST Moscow UDC 373: 51 BBK 22.1ya71 U34 Tutorial For primary education O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedova FAST COUNTING TRAINING Executive editor V. Makagonenko Technical editor

COMPLIANCE WITH FSES E. A. ULYEV CREATIVE TASKS SEASONS AUTUMN Notebook for activities with children 5 6 years old MOSCOW VAKO UDC 373 BBK 74.1 U51 The publication is approved for use in the educational process in

Methodical set of the “Childhood” program N.V. Nishcheva Workbook for the development of speech and communication abilities of children of primary preschool age (from 3 to 4 years old) St. Petersburg CHILDHOOD-PRESS

O. A. Ivashova E. E. Ostanina I am learning to calculate Numbers 1 20. Tabular addition and subtraction Workbook on mathematics for school class Moscow LLC "Cyril and Methodius" 2007 UDC 373.167.1:51 BBK 74.262 I

Manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions Mozyr “Vysnova” 2 0 1 8 UDC 373.21 BBK 74.100.5 P32 Series founded in 2018 Authors: teacher-speech pathologist of the highest qualification category

Thematic set of educational games Online school “Learning by playing” Autumn Cut out the pictures on the next page and put on the playing field only those that depict autumn Pictures for cutting out (to

Lesson “How wild animals winter” Topic: “How wild animals winter” Purpose: developing ideas about how different animals winter. Objectives: Educational: getting to know the lifestyle of some animals

For the development of cognitive and speech activity of young children Didactic game“Dress up the Christmas tree” Equipment: 3 Christmas trees, cardboard Christmas balls (4 each red, blue, yellow, reverse

October September Month, date theme of the week 4 Gifts of Autumn (19.09-23.09) 5 Autumn. Wild animals of our forests. (26.09-30.09) 1 I am a person. Body parts. (03.10 07.10) OOD Cognitive development (the world)

E. A. ULYEVA MATHEMATICS Notebook for classes with children 5 7 years old MOSCOW “VAKOSH” 2019 UDC 373 BBK 74.102 U51 We thank the staff of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education of the Moscow Institute

Here is a complete archive of free electronic journal Ship.

Preschoolers are characterized by curiosity and desire. Boring primers and dry presentation of material repels children from further development. The presented magazine was created for a variety of activities with the child, as an aid for parents and educators. Bright pictures and interesting exercises are suitable for children who are getting ready to go to school. Cognitive tasks allow you to saturate your developing mind with useful knowledge without interrupting the gameplay.

The Korablik electronic magazine contains carefully selected tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. The collected exercises activate logical thinking baby, allow you to apply existing knowledge in practice. Each edition contains exciting exercises that every preschooler will enjoy. Convenient presentation of material promotes rapid memorization of new knowledge.

A fascinating magazine has collected on its pages useful material, which is able to lay the necessary foundation for further training. Together with interesting exercises, the child will develop in the right direction, train his mind and increase his potential.

Brief content of the Korablik magazine by numbers:

Preparing your hand for writing, mathematics, the world around you.

Mathematics, logic, the world around us.

Preparing the hand for writing, thinking.

Mathematics, preparing your hand for writing.

Preparing the hand for writing, mathematics, logical thinking.

Ship No. 6 (download/view in JPEG format)

Development of hand motor skills, mathematics, thinking.

Logic, thinking, memory development.

Ship No. 9 (download/view in JPEG format)

Preparing the hand for writing, developing speech.

Fundamentals of labor education, logical thinking.

Mathematical concepts, hand motor skills.

Logical thinking, the world around us.

Development of attention, mathematics, logical thinking.

Preparing the hand for writing, mathematical concepts.

Speech development, mathematics, the world around us.

Understanding the environment, preparing the hand for writing.

Mathematics, development of hand motor skills.

Classes to develop speech by writing sentences and stories.

The world around us, nursery rhymes.

Mathematics for kids: classification.

We develop attention and fine motor skills of children's hands.

We compare objects and develop children's attention.

We develop attention, ingenuity, fine motor skills, and look for patterns.

We learn to observe, compare and generalize.

We compare objects according to their internal characteristics and solve logical problems.

We teach children the classification of objects.

Classes to develop the intellectual abilities of children 5-6 years old.

Literacy classes for children 5-6 years old.

Articulation gymnastics.

Games and exercises on the topic “Man and his health.”

The world around us, environmental education, speech development.

Tasks for the development of thinking in children.

Lessons with letters and syllables.

Children's first steps into mathematics.

Complexes of developmental exercises.

Physical education classes for the development of motor creativity of preschool children.

Mathematics for preschoolers.

Complexes of developmental activities to prepare children of senior preschool age for school.

We teach children safe behavior, classes on the topic “Winter”.

Lessons on the topic “Winter”.

Math classes for preschoolers.

Tasks for the development of speech in preschool children.

Classes on teaching children to read.

Classes to teach children 4-5 years old to read through play.

Classes on teaching reading to children 4-5 years old.

Classes on teaching reading to middle preschool age.

Cards-tasks in mathematics 1st grade.

Lessons on the theme “Autumn”.

Mathematics, writing.

Exercises for developing memory, exercises for developing attention.

Lesson notes for teaching children 4-5 years old to read and write; exercises for developing attention and thinking.

Developmental exercises for preschoolers.

We develop hand motor skills, develop attention, thinking, mathematics for preschoolers, classes on speech development.

Literacy classes, speech development classes.

Riddle games, developing hand motor skills, math problems.

Unconventional methods of improving children's health, developing logical thinking (lotto), solving crossword puzzles.

Tasks for the development of thinking, tasks for teaching children to read and write, tasks for preparing a child for learning to write.

Cut-out pictures, crosswords.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 1-10.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 11-21.

Intellectual readiness for school: lessons 22-32.

Games and tasks to develop a child's attention, thinking, and memory.

Tasks for preparing your hand for writing (we draw in cells).

Exercises and problems in mathematics for primary grades.

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