Entertainment for speech development. Entertainment for speech development in the senior group. Entertainment for speech development “In the book corner”

Objectives of the lesson.

o consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky and poems by A. Barto;

o encourage children to show speech activity by telling program poems and fairy tales;

o evoke a joyful emotional mood in children;

o to form intonational expressiveness of children’s speech;

o strengthen children’s ability to emotionally perceive the content of works of art;

o develop the ability to convey images of characters: facial expressions and gestures.

Progress of the lesson.

Presenter 1: Guys, today we will go on a journey to the land of fairy tales and poems. Want to?

Presenter 2: Only this fabulous country is very far away. We can't get there on foot. Let's go on a steam train? The trailers get out, hitch up. Go!

Presenter 1: Guys, we have arrived at an unusual clearing. She's magical. Look how beautiful it is here! How many flowers, birds. Various fairy tales live in this clearing. Sit down and let's find out who is the first to rush to visit us.

Presenter 2: But to find out who it is, you need to solve the riddle.

Small, but remote.

Everything flies and buzzes...

Presenter 1st : Where is our fly? Here's a fly. Fly Tsokotukha. And the storyteller from a magical land, Ira Buslova, will tell us a fairy tale about a fly. And you listen carefully.

Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fly - clattering".

Leading 2nd : Fly, fly - clattering fly, what do you like to eat most?

Fly and children : Fruits!!!

Presenter 1st : Right. There are so many fruits growing in our magical meadow. Now, fly, the guys will pick fruit for you.

The game “Collect Fruits” is played: while the music is playing, children collect only fruits.

Presenter 2: Here's a fly, fruit for you ( a bowl of fruit is placed in the middle of the group, a fly flies up to it). And the guys and I know a funny song about a fly.

Children, together with the presenters, perform the musical game “Shoot, Fly, Fly Away!” (disc no. 2, track 5).

Presenter 1: What great guys! And they collected the fruit and drove away the fly. Are your hands clean? Show us ( The presenters pass from both sides and check the children’s palms. Suddenly they find a girl with dirty hands ami). What kind of girl is this? Come out to us. What kind of dirty girl is that?!

A dramatization of A. Barto’s poem “Oh, you grimy girl.”

Presenter 1: Are you really tanned? Let's check ( presenter, wet wipe, washes the nose of a grimy girl). Yes, there is polish on your neck, there is a blot under your nose.

Presenter 2: What do we guys need to do with the dirt? ( wash). Who will we call for help? ( Moidodyra).

The group includes Moidodyr. Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr". Then Moidodyr, using a damp cloth, wipes the “dirty” palms.

Presenter 2: Guys, let's all wash our hands together so that we have clean ones. Join us in a circle.

Children, together with the presenters, perform the musical game “We Wash Our Hands” (disc No. 25, track 27).

Presenter 1: Well done boys! Sit down. Hear, someone is rushing towards us ( the musical screensaver “Little Bunnies” is turned on, disc No. 25, track 36). Who could it be? Bunnies run out to the children - guys. That's right, these are bunnies.

A dramatization of A. Barto's poem "Bunny".

Leading 2nd : Guys, you and I know the round dance “The Little Gray Bunny Is Sitting.” Let's please our little guests.

Children, together with the presenters, perform the musical game “The gray bunny is sitting”

Presenter 2: Another fairy tale is hidden in our clearing. Here is the house. Whose house is this? Who lives in it? ( Cat). Right. Where is our cat...

Staging of the nursery rhyme “Tili - bom!”

Presenter 1st : Well, our journey has come to an end. We need to go to kindergarten. Delicious tea with sweets awaits us there.

Leading 2nd : The train is waiting for us. Too-too! The carriages stand. Go!

Children, together with the presenters, perform the musical game “Locomotive, chuh - chuh - chuh” (disc No. 25, track 29).

Entertainment scenario “Country of Correct Speech” for children of senior preschool age

Description. The entertainment scenario “Country of Correct Speech” is intended for children 6-7 years old. While having fun, children consolidate their knowledge of the units of speech: sentence, word, syllable, sound, letter, vowel sound, consonant sound. Practice word formation and inflection. The script will be useful for speech therapists and preschool teachers.
Consolidating and applying acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in speech therapy and music classes, creating a positive emotional mood in children.
Integration educational areas: “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music”.
Correctional and educational.
Systematize children's knowledge on the topics studied.
Correctional and developmental.
To consolidate children's knowledge about units of speech: sentence, word, syllable, sound, letter, vowel sound, consonant sound.
Strengthen the skills of correct sound pronunciation.
Improve the skills of syllabic analysis of words.
Improve inflection and word formation skills;
Practice working with deformed sentences;
Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
Correctional and educational.
Foster independence, activity, and self-confidence.
Pictures of fairy-tale characters; speech games“Collect pictures”, “Magic tables”, “Scattered words”, “Vases and flowers”, “Sound streams”, two trays, dummies of vegetables and fruits.
Guys, do you know what speech is? Speech is the ability to speak.
What does our speech consist of? (children's answers)
We talk to each other using sentences.
How do you get offers?
Syllables are formed from sounds; Syllables are assembled into words, and words are made into sentences.
Today I invite you to the land of correct speech. I have been living in this country for many years. And every day there are more and more inhabitants in it, because everyone wants to speak correctly and beautifully. This country is magical, but there are cities with the most ordinary names.
Pinocchio runs in to the music.
Hello guys! I heard you are going on a trip. I also really love to travel. I love different adventures. I once ran away from Papa Carlo and ended up in the land of Fools. It was terribly inter-r-resno.
Wait, Pinocchio, but today the guys and I are going on a trip not to the land of Fools, but to the land of Correct Speech.
Yes, yes, I have heard something about such a country. But I know little about her...
Don't worry, Pinocchio! Do you want us to take you with us and you will learn a lot about your native speech?
Of course I want!
Great! On your journey, you will find difficult tasks, interesting meetings and, of course, exciting games.
So, are you guys ready to go on a journey? (Yes)
Let's check your readiness!


Guess the word. It begins with the sound [s] or [s].
- A tall, slender coniferous tree? (pine)
- The most talkative bird? (magpie)
- Night-bird? (owl)
- The number following the number six? (seven)
- A very useful bird with a yellow breast? (magpie)
- The color of the sea? (blue)
- Whiskered fish? (som)
- What do we see when we sleep? (dream)
- An insect that resembles a helicopter? (dragonfly)
Well done boys! You answered all the questions correctly. You can go on a trip. And traveling with a song is always more fun.
Song of the speech therapist's choice.

1st stop – Zvukograd. Visiting Zvukoznayka

Guys, Zvukoznaika really likes to play with sounds and has prepared a game for you.
Game “Assemble the pictures into your boxes.”

Those objects that begin with a vowel sound are in a red box, and those that begin with a consonant are in a blue box.
Well done boys!

Stop 2 - Bukvograd. Visiting Bukvoeshka.

The letter reader wants to check how well you know the letters. He came up with unusual riddles for you.
Look carefully at the picture. What is the hedgehog carrying in the basket? What is the bear carrying in the bag?

In reality, you won't be able to answer this question accurately. Because the hedgehog's basket is covered with a handkerchief, and the bear's bag is tied.
Now I will reveal these secrets to you! Magic tables will help me with this.
If you want to know
What's in the basket, what's in the bag?
Cross out the letters quickly
Those that you will meet in twos.
And the remaining letters
Quickly put it into a word
And then you can find out
What's hidden inside.
(children read “apples” and “mushrooms”)
Well done!

Stop 3 - Slogovoy village. Visiting Malvina.

Look, Malvina is meeting us. At her school she teaches everyone to read words. But a mischievous wind flew in and rearranged all the syllables in the words. Let's collect the scattered words.
Game "Scattered Words"

These syllables are the trouble!
Scattered in all directions
“mo-ny-li” and “na-ny-ba”
What kind of miracle is this word?
Find the place of the syllable,
Collect the syllables into a word.
To make the task easier to complete, there are picture hints on the board. Read the syllables and name the fruits!
can-ny-li, na-ny-ba
Let's continue our walk around the village.

Stop 4 – Visiting Little Red Riding Hood.

Look, Little Red Riding Hood has prepared a gift for you. A whole basket of flowers.
Game "Vases and Flowers"
Look: the flowers are of unprecedented beauty.
The flowers have pictures in the middle (shows)
Vases are also not simple
Syllable patterns everywhere (arranges vases)
We will take flowers with you
And we’ll distribute it into vases.
It may not be difficult, you just have to be careful
And, of course, not right away
Take flowers and put them in a vase:
Name the picture by syllables
And by the way, choose a diagram (Nikitina A.V.)
(children name the picture, determine the number of syllables and put the flower in the vase)

Stop 5 – Sound stream

The guys, while we were picking flowers, did not notice how we approached a sound stream.
The stream is running and babbling
The task tells us.
Game "Collect shells"
Guys, collect shells with pictures where the sound L is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word (invites 3 children to complete the task) .
Well done boys. Now we'll play with the stream.
Music game“Streams and Lakes”, music by E. Tilicheeva.

Stop 6 - City of Artists

Game "Mysterious Animal"
Look, the artist Tube meets us. Tube loves to fantasize and drew an unusual, mysterious animal.
Do you guys think such an animal exists? (No)

Look and tell me what animals it looks like? Whose head? Whose ears? Whose body? Whose tail? Whose paws?
Well done, children, you solved the riddles of Tube. And it's time for us to move on.

Stop 7 - Poets Street. Visiting Tsvetik.

The poet Tsvetik meets us.
Come on, children, don't yawn!
Change the word quickly!
A pine tree grew on the shore - and next to it... (pine trees)
A beautiful star is burning - and next to it... (stars)
The tomato turned red, and next to it... (tomatoes)
Here is one gnome, here is a second gnome - and together this is... (gnomes)
Well done boys!
Guys, let’s show Tsvetik how we learned to read poetry loudly and expressively.
Children read poems about spring
It's time to move on.

Stop 8 - Sportivny Lane

Sportacus meets us.
Attention, friends! I announce the relay race!
I invite 2 teams of 5 people each. Team Roma and team Lada.
Teams line up in a column. At the signal, each team player runs to the table on which vegetables and fruits are laid out. Roma's team chooses everything needed for compote, and Lada's team chooses everything needed for borscht (children put fruits and vegetables on different trays).
-Well done! We completed the task of Sportacus!

Stop 9 - City of Writers

Berylyaka meets us. He came up with a game for you.
Game "Is this right?"
Berylyaka will tell you the wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.
- It's spring. (Spring has come).
- The bright sun will shine. (The bright sun shone.)
- Birds flew in from the south. (Birds flew in from the south).
- She began to build nests and hatch chicks. (They began to build nests and hatch chicks.)
- Well done!
Well, that's it, guys. Our journey through the land of correct speech has come to an end. Each of us learned something new today, and each of us showed our knowledge and skills. I think that you will now be permanent residents of this country.
Thanks guys, I learned a lot from you. You are so smart, dexterous, skillful.
Now it's time to say goodbye
See you soon, my dear friends!

Grodskaya I.K. Speech holiday “Our native language”

Summary of entertainment on speech development in senior group

Description of material: This summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers of older groups.
Target: Development of coherent speech.
1. Consolidate knowledge of fairy tales.
2. Improve children's ability to solve riddles.
3. Develop monologue, dialogic, coherent speech.
4. Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales and friendship.
Equipment: tape recorder, flower with petals, toy fairy of beautiful speech, illustrations with fairy tales
course of entertainment:
: - Guys, when you came to the group today, did you notice anything unusual? (unusual flower).
Educator: Who do you think could have given it to us? (children's answers).
-And it was given by the Fairy of Beautiful Speech, who lives in the Land of Knowledge. She was in a hurry and left “Rechtsvetik” with tasks. Whoever copes with the task better will be in for a surprise, so try very hard. And the tasks are written on the petals of the speech flower. By completing the tasks, we will show the fairy of beautiful speech what we have learned over the year. So, are you ready?
So 1 task the fairy of beautiful speech suggests remembering the fairy tale about the merry tongue. I will tell the fairy tale and you will show the movements of the tongue.
The fairy tale “About the Merry Tongue”
The mouth is a house, lips are doors.
Who lives in this house?
In this house, my friend,
Cheerful Tongue lives.
Oh, and he's a smart boy,
And a little naughty.
(The mouth is open, a narrow tongue is shown several times. Exercise “Arrow”.)
Our Cheerful Tongue
He turned on his side.
Looks left, looks right...
And then forward again,
Take a little rest here.
(Exercises “Clock”, “Snake”.)
Tongue opened the window,
And it's warm outside.
Our tongue stretched out
He smiled at us widely,
And then I went for a walk,
sunbathe on the porch.
(Exercise “Smile”, “Sting”, “Arrow”.)
Lying on the porch
He ran to the swing.
He flew up boldly...
But it's time to get down to business.
(Exercises “Spatula”, “Swing”.)

He hurried to his yard,
To fix the fence.
He quickly got down to business
And the work began to boil.
(Exercise “Fence”.)
Nails, hammer and pliers -
Things a carpenter needs.
The hammer knocks "knock-knock!"
He is tongue's best friend.
(The mouth is closed. The teeth are exposed. With the tense tip of the tongue, tap on the teeth, repeating “t-t-t” repeatedly.)
There's a can of paint next to it.
The fence needs to be updated.
The tassel began to dance,
Our fence is unrecognizable.
Exercise "Painter".)
Our tongue finished the job.
He can rest safely
- I'll take my horse for a walk,
I'll play the harmonica for her.
I'm playing football
And I'll score a goal.
A very difficult task -
Drive the ball into the goal.
(Exercises “Horse”, “Accordion”, “Football”.)
The sun hid behind the mountain,
The tongue went home.
He locked the door.
He lay down in bed and fell silent.
(Exercises “Slide”, “Spatula”.)
Well done, you completed the first task. Let's tear off the second petal.
“Say the opposite” task
Pinocchio is cheerful, and Pierrot is sad
The crow is heavy and the butterfly is light
The witch is evil, and the fairy is good
The highway is wide, but the path is narrow
The ocean is deep and the puddle is shallow
The snake is smooth, and the fox is fluffy,
The wolf in the forest is hungry, but the dog in the forest is well-fed
It's hot in summer and cold in winter,
The pine is tall and the Christmas tree is low
The tights are long and the socks are short
The bun is soft, but the cracker is hard
It's dark at night and light during the day
The cobweb is thin, but the rope is thick
The star is small, but the sun is big

We tear off the next petal.
- Children, do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers)
Guess the riddles.
1) Escaped from the dirty
Cups, spoons and pans
She is looking for them, calling them.
And on the way tears are shed. (Fedora) Fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”
2) And the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit) Fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”
3) Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess. (Emelya) Fairy tale “At the command of the pike.”
4) Waited for mother with milk
And they let the wolf into the house,
Who were these
Small children? (Seven little goats) Fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”
5) Above my simple question
You won't spend much effort
Who is the boy with the long nose?
Made it from logs. (Papa Carlo) Fairy tale “The Golden Key”
4 petal task.I have cubes on which vowel and consonant sounds are written. But they are all mixed up. Your task is to sort the cubes into 2 groups. 1 vowels. 2 consonants. But in order not to get confused, first let’s remember how vowel sounds differ from consonants.
5 petal. I will read poetry to you, and you will correct mistakes. And the team captain will show how many syllables are in the added word. Examples of poems:
Smoke billows out of the oven, and a delicious BOOT bakes in it. (that's right - pie)
A bee will drink nectar from a flower and make sweet ICE. (honey)
The steamboat floats along the river, and it puffs like a CANDLE. (stove)
Who cracks nuts finely? Well, of course it's a HEATING HEATTER. (squirrel)
Rumbling just in case, a HEAP of rain brought us. (cloud)
And we have one more petal left. The fairy of beautiful speech opened the book and saw a drawing, but it is not colored. You need to color only those objects in which the sound (L) is found. Well done, you completed all the fairy’s tasks. And she left you a surprise, help yourself.
Our red flowers
Spreading the petals
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying.
Our red flowers
Petals close
They shake their heads,
They fall asleep quietly.

Program content: Create a happy mood and positive attitude in children. Create a desire to take part in games. Strengthen the ability to listen attentively to speech, finish words and phrases. Clarify, expand and generalize children’s ideas about toys. Foster a caring attitude towards toys, develop the child’s emotional responsiveness.

Material: Masha doll, box, doll chair, note, elephant, bear, bunny, plane, cockerel.

Progress of entertainment

Children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle. There is a knock on the door and the Masha doll appears.

Masha: Hello! My name is doll Masha. I brought you a beautiful box.

Educator: Hello, Masha! Thank you! Where's your box?

Doll Masha whispers in the teacher's ear.

Educator: Children, the doll Masha hid the box and we need to find it.

Where did Masha hide the box?

The doll Masha sits on a chair, and the children and the teacher look for the box.

Educator: Look how beautiful the box is. It says “For children who love and take care of their toys. Masha."

Educator: Children, what do you think is in the box?

Children offer their own options.

Educator: Let's open the box and see what's in it.

What's there? That's right, our favorite toys are in the box!

Sit on the chairs, and I will show you the toys.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher takes it out of the box and shows the first toy.

Educator: Who is this?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Look and tell me what Mishka has?

Children: Head, torso, paws, eyes, ears.

Educator: What color is Teddy Bear? (Brown)

Educator: Do you know a poem about Mishka?

Children recite poems “Teddy Bear”, A. Barto “Dropped Teddy Bear on the Floor”

Educator: Children, is it okay to tear off Mishka’s paw? We will not offend our Bear, we will smile at him and play with him.

Game “The bear walked through the forest”

The bear was walking in the forest

Teddy Bear was looking for everything

For a long, long time he searched

He sat down on a chair and dozed off.

The children stood up quietly

And they ran up to Mishutka.

Mishka - Mishka, get up!

Catch up with the kids!

Educator: Thank you Mishka for playing with the kids, sit down and relax.

The teacher places Mishka on a chair next to the doll Masha. Children sit on chairs.

Educator: I wonder what other toys are in this box.

The teacher shows the second toy.

Educator: Who is this?

Children: Bunny!

Educator: Look and tell me, what does the bunny have?

Children: Head, body, paws, long ears, short tail, fluffy fur.

Educator: What color is the bunny? (White)

Educator: Do you know a poem about a bunny?

Children recite A. Barto’s poem “The Mistress Abandoned the Bunny.”

Educator: Children, did the hostess do well? (No). The bunny was probably completely frozen in the rain. Show how the bunny sat wet in the rain.

Children show.

Educator: We won't leave Bunny anywhere, we'll make him laugh and play with him.

Game “The gray bunny is sitting”

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, he needs to warm his paws.

This is how you need to warm your paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, he needs to warm his feet.

Jump, jump, jump, you need to warm up your feet.

Educator: Thank you Bunny for playing with the kids, sit down and rest.

The teacher seats Bunny next to Mishka. Children sit on chairs.

The teacher takes out the third toy.

Educator: Who is this?

Children: Cockerel.

Educator: And what does the cockerel have?

Children: Head, body, paws, tail, wings. On the head there is a golden comb and an olive beard. The cockerel has a beautiful multi-colored tail. And there are spurs on my feet.

Educator: And we'll sing a song about the cockerel.

Song "Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb"

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb

Oil head, silk beard.

Why do you get up early and sing songs loudly?

You don't let the kids sleep.


Educator: In his family, the cockerel is the father. And who, mom? (Chicken) What about the kids?

Children: Chickens.

Educator: Let me be a mother chicken, and you will be my chicken babies. Logorhythmics “Hen and Chicks”

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the kids - yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

Don't go far.

Row with your paws, look for grains

They ate a fat beetle, an earthworm,

We drank a full trough of water.

Educator: Sit the cockerel next to other toys.

Educator: Here's another toy!

Children: Airplane.

Educator: Just like the real thing. It has (I show, the children call it) wings, a nose, wheels. Do you know who flies the plane? (Pilot).

The teacher offers to tell the children A. Barto’s poem “Airplane”.

Educator: Do you want to fly like airplanes?

Outdoor game "Airplane"

We start the plane.

We put our hands in flight,

We accelerate, we fly

We land and sleep.

Educator: Oh, look, our toys are tired and want to sleep. Who else was hiding in the box? (Elephant).

Educator: What does an elephant have? Head, body, paws, eyes, tail and large ears.

The teacher offers to recite A. Barto’s poem “Elephant”.

It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep,

Lay down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy Teddy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

He nods his head -

He bows to the elephant.

Educator: Show the elephant how to sleep.

Children show how to sleep.

Educator: Our toys are a little tired. Let them sleep in the box for a while and then we will play with them. Children, what toys did Masha bring you? (Teddy Bear, Bunny, Cockerel, Airplane, Elephant). Toys want you not to hurt them or break them.

Educator: Now let’s say goodbye to Masha and say our magic words how we will play together.

We'll play together

Don't offend anyone.

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