Rector of the Crimean Medical University Anatoly Babanin: We can be an excellent educational base in the southern region of Russia. Career in Forensic Medicine

The university is advanced, at the level of study at Oxford and Cambridge. And this is not an exaggeration. How did you manage to raise the university to the top of medical education? The VM correspondent met with the rector of the university, Anatoly Babanin.

Anatoly Andreevich, on the territory of the university there is a church named after St. Luke. The life story of this man inextricably links Russia with Crimea...

In 1931, on the site of our university there was a women's diocesan school, next to it were the remains of a destroyed church. It was blown up by the Bolsheviks in 1927. The famous professor of medicine, Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, St. Luke, taught here for the last ten years of his life. He was blind, but continued to consult seriously ill patients and ran the local diocese. Saint Luke was an outstanding surgeon. And our professors at that time wrote all sorts of denunciations against him, people were jealous of his skill. Not long ago I managed to gain access to a declassified archive and I was surprised: the professors who taught me, whom I idolized, turned out to be such scoundrels, they wrote such nasty things about it. And about the fact that he came to classes in a cassock, and about the fact that he scolded Soviet power. I believe that we are now indebted to him,” Anatoly Andreevich points with his hand at the portrait of St. Luke in his office.

On the site of the destroyed temple, we built a church to atone for our own sins. At first they wanted to build a small chapel in the name of St. Luke. And when they started digging the foundation pit, they found a bottle with a scroll inside. It was written there that by order Alexandra III, a church is being founded at the women's diocesan school . It was 173 years ago on April 26, old style. And we discovered this bottle on April 26th! Our Archbishop Lazar said: “This is a sign, build not a chapel, but a temple.” Luckily for us, sponsors were found and the temple was built! Students go there with pleasure - after all, rather than study anatomy for five days, it is better, in their opinion, to run into a temple for five minutes! This is what concerns our history.

- I saw a lot of foreigners on the streets of the city, are they all really your students?

Yes, these are all our students. We have two thousand out of five thousand. Thanks to the funds received for their training, we are able to maintain a huge material and technical base, and we even teach Ukrainian state employees for free. In Soviet times, we reported directly to Moscow, and since then we have gained experience working with students and built a powerful base. But over the years of independence, we realized that only the training of foreigners can save us.

We were able to switch to English-language teaching in time, although we have been teaching foreigners for forty-five years. At one time, the rectors of other Ukrainian universities laughed at me: you can teach medicine in English, but how will foreigners communicate with patients without understanding the local language? However, our students are quite capable of speaking Russian after three years of study. Time showed that we were right, and subsequently all nineteen Ukrainian medical universities followed our path. Now our former foreign graduates send their children and even grandchildren to study with us!

- Crimea is now part of Russia. What are the prospects for the university?

I think that we can be an excellent base for training, including for foreigners, throughout the southern region of Russia. Something like the Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba, only on the territory of Crimea. We also have an international London certificate, the only one in Ukraine at that time. We were included in the eleventh nomination along with Cambridge and Oxford. Now our graduates receive an application along with their diploma, thanks to which they do not need to confirm their qualifications. Ukrainians did not appreciate all this, and medical officials even tried to transfer education at our university into Ukrainian. Imagine, in a region where 90 percent of the population speaks, studies and thinks in Russian, suddenly introducing education in Ukrainian! Yes, they will defiantly get up and leave! And foreigners would generally be demoralized. Fortunately, this idea was not crowned with success. Ukrainian health ministers changed so often that none of them had time to carry out this threat, and we happily remained Russian-speaking. Our successes have always irritated officials, just as, frankly, they were irritated by the pro-Russian Crimea.

- You have a clinic on the territory of the university. How long ago has she appeared?

Several years ago, we were the first to build the first university clinic. Five-story luxury building. Unfortunately, now the clinic’s contents require updating, since teaching to foreigners imposes a certain responsibility, you cannot simply dictate something to them, it is necessary to explain it clearly. Now this clinic is too small for us - only 90 beds, despite the fact that we have 60 departments and 35 of them are clinical. I would like every student to learn to work in real conditions, and not in stands.

- Did your new curators come to you from Moscow?

The university rests on two components: the educational and methodological process and research work, which is very important for the preparation of full-fledged dissertations. Representatives from Moscow visited us, noted the importance of the fact that we retained personnel, and promised to improve financing for Scientific research. We are proud that we have 108 doctors of science and 400 candidates of science and associate professors. For a provincial university, we are very strong!

- Will you have any difficulties when switching to Russian education standards?

Ukrainian and Russian systems educations are very similar. But, naturally, there will be some differences in training standards. I think they will be insignificant. They will give us a whole year to eliminate the inconsistencies. The main thing is that students do not feel them. Somehow it will be necessary to decide the fate of students from the regions of Ukraine. Previously, we were all Ukrainian citizens, but now those who have a residence permit outside of Crimea will not have the right to study at budget places and receive a scholarship. Parents are desperate. A whole delegation sat here before you. We called Moscow and were asked to wait another month to develop a specific position.

- Is studying the most important thing for a student?

The first place for a student is life and accommodation. The second is food. On the third - rest. The fourth is business, students want to earn extra money. In fifth place is a girl. And only in the sixth year - study. We are doing everything to move our studies, if not to first, then at least to second place!

- Which of the foreigners is most responsible for their studies?

Malaysians. They also have an excellent basic education. There is fierce competition among doctors in Malaysia. Five years ago, we lost the Malaysian student market due to the fact that Ukraine did not conclude an appropriate agreement with Malaysia due to endless revolutions.

- Is education expensive for foreign students?

In Europe, such education costs 15-20 thousand dollars a year, but they pay us 3.5 thousand a year.

- What problems have been in the foreground for you all these years?

Underfunding is the main one. If earlier you could go to the regional party committee and measures were immediately taken, then after the collapse of the Union no one needed you. For example, people need to be paid tomorrow, but there is no money. I’ll go to church, pray, read the Lord’s Prayer, and suddenly some decision will come! I am more glad than all the students that the temple is so close! And every time I think that the main entrance to the temple still needs to be lined with marble in order for it to be completely complete. I get such pleasure as if I had built a dacha on the southern coast of Crimea! (Laughs). I even hide my stash from my wife so that I have something to pay the craftsmen.

- How do you fill your leisure time?

I am a beekeeper, I have been working with bees for about forty years. Beekeepers are a special people; they live without decrepitude and old age. I love bees. My wife sometimes asks what she can do in the apiary all day. And I, looking at this wonderful world, at this perfection structural organization bee family, I think: “If only humanity would take at least a little from the bees, where everyone minds their own business, how many vacant positions would there be in the world that fools could not fill!” By the way, bee stings slow down the aging process and help maintain clarity of mind!

- And finally, a final question. How to slow down aging?

The main technology for slowing down aging is the kindness and sincerity with which a person should live and love life. Nothing else stimulates immune processes like this!

As a souvenir of the meeting, Anatoly Babanin presented “VM” with a collection of his aphorisms and sayings. Having opened a page in the middle of the collection, I read: “For the 75th anniversary of the university, the director of our House of Culture proposes a festive decoration of the hall with so many balloons that this will also solve the problem of the birth rate in Ukraine: all the rubber will go to balloons.”

Help "VM"

Rector of Crimean State medical university Anatoly Andreevich Babanin – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine with a course in Law, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, awarded the order President of Ukraine "For Merit" 3rd degree, academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, New York Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Medical Sciences, awarded the Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal.

Anatoly Andreevich Babanin is not only a talented leader who made the Crimean Medical University a thriving university, but also a very witty, ironic person.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Forensic medical expert of the highest qualification category.

Awarded the Honorary Badge of the President of Ukraine, the Order of Merit, III degree, the Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal, Academician of the Academy high school Ukraine, rector of the Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Anthropology, Polish medical academy, New York Academy of Medicine.

last information update: 01/26/2019 11:43

Career in Forensic Medicine

1983-present - head department. Department of Forensic Medicine with a course of law. Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky

Information about publications on the site

Forensic medical assessment of damage to the maxillofacial area (textbook for students of the dental faculty) / Babanin A.A., Sokolova I.F., Belovitsky O.V. — 2002.


  1. Babanin A.A., Vasiliev K.K., Kutsevol B.L., Kuzminsky A.A. Towards a forensic medical assessment of the health status of drivers in road traffic accidents. // Mater. III All-Russian Congress of Forensic Physicians. - Saratov, 1992. - Issue. 1.- p. 187-189.
  1. Lapteva L.A., Babanin A.A., Sokolova I.F. Study of the dynamics and activity of blood catalase to diagnose the severity of mild traumatic brain injury. // Methods and practice of forensic medicine.-Kharkov, 1990.- p. 33-35.
  1. Babanin A.A., Vasiliev K.K., Kutsevol B.L., Polunkin V.B. Towards a forensic assessment of fatal poisonings with chlorine and organophosphorus compounds. // Modern issues of forensic medicine and expert practice. - Izhevsk, 1989, - Issue. 4.-s. 63-65.

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Birthday August 19, 1940

Ukrainian scientist-morphologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine


A. A. Babanin was born on August 19, 1940 in the village of Matyash, Priluzsky district of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After graduating from KSMU in 1965, he was left for scientific work at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, where he worked as an assistant from 1966 to 1978. In 1967, he defended his thesis on the topic “The state of the evacuation-motor function of the stomach after resections using some modifications of the Billroth-2 method in the light of early evacuation disorders.” In 1976, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Materials for assessing the sufficiency of methods for connecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.” After being awarded the title of professor (1980), for some time he headed the department of normal anatomy of KSMU, but from 1982 to the present he has headed the department of forensic medicine with a course in law.

In 1996 he was elected rector of KSMU. His activities as rector are associated with the university’s overcoming the financial crisis of the post-perestroika period and a significant increase in the university’s fame and prestige abroad.

Scientific activity

A. A. Babanin is the author of about 280 scientific works(of which - 5 monographs) on various issues of morphology, experimental surgery (mainly devoted to various methods of connecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract) and forensic medicine (mainly devoted to the forensic assessment of the consequences of alcohol intoxication); prepared 26 candidates and 5 doctors of science. He is the author of a number of inventions; his research in the field of intestinal sutures played a significant role in the creation and introduction into practice of the biological suture material “Biofil”, produced from the dura mater.

Titles and awards

A. A. Babanin is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1998), academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (1996); Academician of the Polish Academy of Medical Sciences (1998), member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1999). He was also awarded the Order of the President of Ukraine “For Merit” III degree, the Order of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir I degree, the Gold Medal of Albert Schweitzer, the Order of Peter the Great I degree, gratitude at the 9th international exhibition “ Modern education in Ukraine - 2006."

A. A. Babanin is known for his soft, ironic humor. Based on notes kept by Prof. for many years. K. A. Efetov, several editions of a small collection “Aphorisms and jokes from different years” were published. Here are some of them:

  • “You need to invest money in science, like in a luxurious woman”
  • “Immunological makeweights in surgical dissertations are like shiny trinkets for the Papuans”
  • “Student time is a reward received at the beginning of life, and you need to earn it all your life.”
  • “Students of the Faculty of Medicine learn everything and as a result know nothing. Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics are distinguished by the fact that they at least know pediatrics.”
  • “Having learned that the head of the department foreign languages prefers cognac to champagne, I realized that this department is in good hands"
(1940-08-19 ) (72 years old) Place of Birth: A country:


Scientific field: Alma mater: Known as:

Developer of biological suture thread "Biofil"

Awards and prizes

see article

Anatoly Andreevich Babanin(genus. August 19 ( 19400819 ) ) - Ukrainian scientist-morphologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1998), since 1996 - rector of the Crimean State Medical University them. S. I. Georgievsky.


A. A. Babanin was born on August 19, 1940 in the village of Matyash, Priluzsky district of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After graduating from KSMU in 1965, he was left for scientific work at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, where he worked as an assistant from 1966 to 1978. In 1967, he defended his thesis on the topic “The state of the evacuation-motor function of the stomach after resections using some modifications of the Billroth-2 method in the light of early evacuation disorders.” In 1976, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Materials for assessing the sufficiency of methods for connecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.” After being awarded the title of professor (1980), for some time he headed the department of normal anatomy of KSMU, but from 1982 to the present he has headed the department of forensic medicine with a course in law.

In 1996 he was elected rector of KSMU. His activities as rector are associated with the university’s overcoming the financial crisis of the post-perestroika period and a significant increase in the university’s fame and prestige abroad.

Scientific activity

A. A. Babanin is the author of about 280 scientific works (of which 5 monographs) on various issues of morphology, experimental surgery (mainly devoted to various methods of connecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract) and forensic medicine (mainly devoted to the forensic assessment of the consequences of alcohol intoxication ); prepared 26 candidates and 5 doctors of science. He is the author of a number of inventions; his research in the field of intestinal sutures played a significant role in the creation and introduction into practice of the biological suture material “Biofil”, produced from the dura mater.

Titles and awards

A. A. Babanin is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1998), academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (1996); Academician of the Polish Academy of Medical Sciences (1998), member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1999). He was also awarded the Order of the President of Ukraine "For Merit" ІІІ degree, the Order of St. Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles, 1st degree, the Gold Medal of Albert Schweitzer, the Order of Peter the Great, 1st degree, gratitude at the 9th international exhibition "Modern Education in Ukraine - 2006".

A. A. Babanin is known for his soft, ironic humor. Based on notes kept by Prof. for many years. K. A. Efetov, several editions of the small collection “Aphorisms and jokes from different years” were published. Here are some of them:

  • “You need to invest money in science, like in a luxurious woman”
  • “Immunological makeweights in surgical dissertations are like shiny trinkets for the Papuans”
  • “Student time is a reward received at the beginning of life, and you need to earn it all your life.”
  • “Students of the Faculty of Medicine learn everything and as a result know nothing. Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics are distinguished by the fact that they at least know pediatrics.”
  • “Having learned that the head of the department of foreign languages ​​prefers cognac to champagne, I realized that this department is in good hands.”



  • Information on the official website of KSMU (link verified on September 2, 2011)
  • “Professors-morphologists of Ukraine”, comp. Skripnikov M. S., Maksimuk Yu. O., ed. "Divosvit", Poltava, 2002, ISBN 966-8036-01-8 (in Ukrainian)


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Scientists by alphabet
  • Born on August 19
  • Born in 1940
  • Born in Komi
  • Members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine
  • Rectors of Ukrainian universities
  • Doctors of Crimea
  • Honored Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Anatoly Andreevich Babanin(born August 19, 1940) - Crimean morphologist scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1998), corresponding member RAS (2016); in 1996-2015 - rector of the Crimean State Medical University named after. S.I. Georgievsky.


A. A. Babanin was born on August 19, 1940 in the village of Matyash, Priluzsky district of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. After graduating from KSMU in 1965, he was left for scientific work at the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery, where he worked as an assistant from 1966 to 1978. In 1967, he defended his thesis on the topic “The state of the evacuation-motor function of the stomach after resections using some modifications of the Billroth-2 method in the light of early evacuation disorders.” In 1976, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Materials for assessing the sufficiency of methods for connecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.” After being awarded the title of professor (1980), for some time he headed the department of normal anatomy of KSMU, but from 1982 to 2015 he headed the department of forensic medicine with a course in law.

In 1996 he was elected rector of KSMU. His activities as rector are associated with the university’s overcoming the financial crisis of the post-perestroika period and a significant increase in the university’s fame and prestige abroad.

In January 2015, against the backdrop of the inclusion of the Crimean Medical University in the newly created Crimean Federal University, he was dismissed from the post of rector of KSMU by decree of the head of Crimea Sergei Aksenov.

Scientific activity

A. A. Babanin is the author of about 280 scientific works (of which 5 monographs) on various issues of morphology, experimental surgery (mainly devoted to various methods of connecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract) and forensic medicine (mainly devoted to the forensic assessment of the consequences of alcohol intoxication ); prepared 26 candidates and 5 doctors of science. He is the author of a number of inventions; his research in the field of intestinal sutures played a significant role in the creation and introduction into practice of the biological suture material “Biofil”, produced from the dura mater.

Titles and awards

A. A. Babanin is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016), an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, an Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1998), an academician of the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology (1996) ; Academician of the Polish Academy of Medical Sciences (1998), member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1999).

He was also awarded the Order of the President of Ukraine “For Merit” III degree, the Order of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir I degree, the Gold Medal of Albert Schweitzer, the Order of Peter the Great I degree, gratitude at the 9th international exhibition “Modern Education in Ukraine - 2006”.

A. A. Babanin is known for his soft, ironic humor. Based on notes kept by Prof. for many years. K. A. Efetov, several editions of the small collection “Aphorisms and jokes from different years” were published. Here are some of them:

  • “You need to invest money in science, like in a luxurious woman”
  • “Immunological makeweights in surgical dissertations are like shiny trinkets for the Papuans”
  • “Student time is a reward received at the beginning of life, and you need to earn it all your life.”
  • “Students of the Faculty of Medicine learn everything and as a result know nothing. Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics are distinguished by the fact that they at least know pediatrics.”
  • “Having learned that the head of the department of foreign languages ​​prefers cognac to champagne, I realized that this department is in good hands.”


  1. 1 2 3 Corresponding members of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine - BABANIN Anatoly Andreevich (Ukrainian). NAMS of Ukraine. Retrieved June 14, 2015. Archived from the original on March 20, 2012.
  2. 1 2 Part Russian Academy Crimean scientists were elected (Russian). (28.10.2016). Retrieved February 1, 2017.
  3. Aksenov officially dismissed Babanin from the post of rector of the Crimean Medical University, (01/28/2015). Retrieved June 14, 2015.
  4. The rector of KSMU Babanin was officially fired, (29-01-2015). Retrieved June 14, 2015.
  5. Professor Anatoly Andreevich Babanin (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) (Russian) // Bulletin of problems of biology and medicine. - Poltava, 2010. - Issue 3. - P.10-12. - ISSN 2077-4214.
  6. Professor Anatoly Andreevich Babanin (Russian) // WORLD OF MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. - All-Ukrainian public organization Scientific partnership of anatomists, histologists, embryologists and topographic anatomists in Ukraine, 2010. - T.6, issue 4. - P.184. - ISSN 2079-8334.
  7. 1 2 Today, August 19, Anatoly Andreevich Babanin turned 75 years old! (Russian). (08/19/2015). Retrieved June 16, 2016.
  8. We congratulate Professor Anatoly Andreevich BABANIN, rector of our university on significant date– Happy 70th birthday! (Russian). Newspaper "Medical Bulletin". (September 2010). Retrieved June 16, 2016.
  9. Anatoly Babanin. Aphorisms and jokes from different years / comp. K. A. Efetov and M. V. Grushevich. - Simferopol: Elinho, 2007.
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