Solve part 2 of social studies. Tasks C1–C4. Social science. Unified State Exam 2011. Preparation for the Unified State Exam

We present to your attention a section on preparing for the OGE in Social Studies. This subject is the third most popular after compulsory ones and the first most popular among elective exams. We are pleased to provide you with the most useful and necessary material for each task with detailed explanations and theory. We are confident that this section will help you pass the 9th grade social studies exam with flying colors!

General information about the exam

The OGE in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 31 tasks.

First part contains 25 tasks with brief answer. Second part - 6 tasks with expanded answer.

For execution exam paper in social studies is assigned 3 hours(180 minutes). Answers to tasks 1-20 are written as one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Answers to tasks 21-25 are written as a sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.

Part 2 includes the text and 6 tasks for it. To complete these tasks you must:

  • choose necessary information from the text
  • reveal (including examples) its individual provisions
  • correlate information from the text with the knowledge gained while studying the course
  • apply existing knowledge to analyze social situations
  • express and justify your own opinion.

Answers to tasks in Part 2 are written down on a separate sheet. When completing tasks Can use the draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.

Theory for the OGE in Social Studies

A brief theory for successfully completing tasks (recommended reading before analyzing the options).

Task 2 of the Unified State Exam in Society: how to solve

The difficulty of this task 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies is that it requires you to find a generalizing word for a specified number of terms. A generalizing word is a generic term or concept that includes in its meaning the meanings of other concepts and terms. As in other Unified State Examination tasks on society, the topics of the tasks can be very different: social sphere, political, spiritual, etc.

Here's an example of a task from a real world Unified State Exam test by society:

It immediately becomes clear to intelligent boys and girls that the proposed words relate to the topic “Spiritual Sphere of Society”, namely to the topic of religion. If you find it difficult to answer right away, I recommend reading my previous post "" . Having read the terms for the most knowledgeable, it immediately becomes clear that there are only two options left for the answer: cult and religion. What will be more generalizing? A cult is the worship of something.

You can experiment by placing a broom in the corner of your room. And pray to him every day, talk to him... In a month this will be the most valuable item for you :). Create a cult of the broom. What is religion? This is a specific form of worldview, awareness of the world. It is clear that the concept of “religion” includes the concept of “cult,” since a worldview may include the worship of various deities. For example, paganism Eastern Slavs: some had the cult of Perun (the god of thunder and lightning), others had the cult of the god of swamps, etc.

Or for example Orthodox Christianity: there is a cult of Jesus Christ, there is a cult of the holy spirit, there is a cult Holy Mother of God... It's clear?

OK. So the correct answer is: religion

Recommendation 2. You need to have a good knowledge of terms and concepts from various topics in social studies. Understand which terms are related to which ones, and which ones follow from them. For this purpose in my paid video course "Social studies: Unified State Exam 100 points " I have given the structure of terms for all topics of Social Science. I also highly recommend your article about.

Let's look at another task 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies:

We immediately understand that in task 2 of the Unified State Exam the topic is tested Social sphere. If you have forgotten the topic, download my free video course. If you don't do this, you will most likely make a mistake. Some people's logic is so crooked that it's simply brutal! Meanwhile, the correct answer is: “agent of socialization” - a group or association participating in an individual’s mastery of the rules and norms of society, as well as social roles. If you are not familiar with these terms, I again highly recommend downloading my free video course.

Recommendation 3. Be extremely careful! Solve tasks 2 of the Unified State Exam in social studies again and again to do this qualitatively on the machine. Here is an example of a similar task that is more difficult:

The theme “Science” from the spiritual sphere of society. By the way, I had a detailed article on this topic. People who are not very attentive will immediately make a mistake by indicating in the answer: classification basis, or theoretical validity. Between the correct answer: scientific knowledge , which includes different classifications and theoretical validity!

Part C tasks:

Article 80.

Article 81.

Article 86.

Article 87.

C9.1 Philosophy

C9.2 Social psychology

C9.3 Economics

C9.4 Sociology

C9.5 Political Science

C9.6 Jurisprudence

Part C

Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Article 80.
1. Parents are obliged to support their minor children. The procedure and form for providing maintenance to minor children are determined by the parents independently.
Article 81.

2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the financial or family status of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
Article 86.
1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury to minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be called by the court to participate in bearing additional expenses caused by these circumstances .
The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional expenses and the amount of these expenses are determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.
2. The court has the right to oblige parents to participate both in the additional expenses actually incurred and in the additional expenses that need to be incurred in the future.
Article 87.
1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and care for their disabled parents in need of help.
2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of help is recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.


1) number of children;

OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


1) serious illness of the child;
2) injury to children;

Three circumstances are correctly named.

Two circumstances are correctly named.

Only one circumstance is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


Three explanations are given.

Two explanations are given.

One explanation has been given.

Wrong answer.

Maximum score


OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

OR Only explanation given.

There is only one conclusion.

Maximum score


1) What is socialization?

The wording of the plan items is correct and reflects the content of the topic.

The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.

Maximum score

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9



Part C tasks:

Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Article 80.

Article 81.
1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents monthly in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents .

Article 86.
1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury to minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be called by the court to participate in bearing additional expenses caused by these circumstances .
The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional expenses and the amount of these expenses are determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.

Article 87.
1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and care for their disabled parents in need of help.
2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of help is recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.

C1 Name any three circumstances established by law on which the amount of alimony for minor children, collected by the court in the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, depends.

C2 In the presence of which of the exceptional circumstances (in the absence of an agreement), according to the law, each of the parents can be ordered by the court to participate in bearing additional expenses for the maintenance of children?
List three exceptional circumstances.

C3 What aspects of the relationship between children and parents are regulated by each of the above articles of the Family Code? Based on your knowledge of the social science course, name any other aspect of relationships regulated by the Family Code.

C4 In some regions of Russia, local authorities apply moral sanctions to citizens who evade paying alimony for the maintenance of minor children and disabled parents, along with legal mechanisms. Using knowledge from your social studies course, give three explanations why in this case Moral measures may be effective.

C5 What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “political party”?
Using knowledge from your social studies course, write two sentences containing information about a political party.

C6 Give two manifestations of the inconsistency of social progress.
Illustrate each with an example.

C7 The graph below shows the ratio of average and minimum wages in country Z to the cost of living in 2002–2008. Draw conclusions about the relationship between a) the minimum wage and the cost of living; b) average salary with a living wage in 2002–2008. Explain why the current socio-economic situation in country Z is dangerous.

C8 You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Socialization of the individual.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

By completing task C9, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the content that is more attractive to you. To this end, select only one of the statements below.

Choose one of the statements below and express your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the problem raised.
Provide the necessary arguments to justify your position.
When completing the task, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts public life and your own life experience.

C9.1 Philosophy

“Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used, like apothecary or culinary recipes"(D. Dewey).

C9.2 Social psychology
“Man is an actor and an accomplice in the general world process” (V.M. Bekhterev).

C9.3 Economics

“In business and in sports, too many people are afraid of competition. As a result, people avoid striving for success if it requires hard work, training and self-sacrifice” (K. Rockne).

C9.4 Sociology

“The best laws are born from customs” (J. Joubert).

C9.5 Political Science

“I am not involved in politics. “You know, it’s the same as saying: “I don’t care about life”” (J. Renard).

C9.6 Jurisprudence

“The universal law is freedom that ends where the freedom of another begins” (V. Hugo).

Evaluation system for examination work in social studies

Part C

Extract from the Family Code of the Russian Federation

Article 80.
1. Parents are obliged to support their minor children. The procedure and form for providing maintenance to minor children are determined by the parents independently.
Article 81.
1. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for minor children is collected by the court from their parents monthly in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents .

2. The size of these shares may be reduced or increased by the court, taking into account the financial or family status of the parties and other noteworthy circumstances.
Article 86.
1. In the absence of an agreement and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury to minor children or disabled adult children in need, the need to pay for outside care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents may be called by the court to participate in bearing additional expenses caused by these circumstances .
The procedure for the participation of parents in incurring additional expenses and the amount of these expenses are determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.
2. The court has the right to oblige parents to participate both in the additional expenses actually incurred and in the additional expenses that need to be incurred in the future.
Article 87.
1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and care for their disabled parents in need of help.
2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of help is recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.
3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.

C1 Name any three circumstances established by law on which the amount of alimony for minor children, collected by the court in the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, depends.


The correct answer must name three circumstances established by law:
1) number of children;
2) financial situation of the parties;
3) marital status of the parties.

Three circumstances are correctly named.

Two circumstances are correctly named.

Only one circumstance is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer may include the following circumstances:
1) serious illness of the child;
2) injury to children;
3) the need to pay for outside care.

Three circumstances are correctly named.

Two circumstances are correctly named.

Only one circumstance is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the aspects of the relationship between children and parents that are regulated by each of the above articles are indicated, for example:
– obligations of parents for the maintenance of minor children (Article 80);
– the amount of alimony collected from minor children in court (Article 81);
– participation of parents in additional expenses for children (Article 86);
– obligations of adult children to support their parents (Article 87).
2) any other aspect regulated by the Family Code, for example:
– conclusion and termination of marriage;
– forms of raising children left without parental care, etc.
Any other aspect of the relationship between parents and children, regulated by the Family Code, can be named.

The aspects of each of the four articles cited and any other aspect are correctly named.

Only three or four aspects are correctly named.

Two aspects are correctly named.

Only one aspect is correctly named.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer may include the following explanations:
1) The attitude of society towards such actions is demonstrated;
this helps to reinforce the moral standard that requires both parents to support young children.
2) Such measures can affect the conscience of a citizen, perhaps he will become ashamed and he will reconsider his attitude towards fulfilling the responsibilities of supporting minor children and disabled parents.
3) Such measures can serve as a kind of warning to other defaulters and they, in order to avoid negative public opinion, will begin to fulfill their obligations.
Other explanations may be given.

Three explanations are given.

Two explanations are given.

One explanation has been given.

Wrong answer.

Maximum score


The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the meaning of the concept, for example: “ Political Party– a voluntary and sustainable organization of like-minded people, which expresses the political interests of a certain social stratum, linking their achievement with state power”;
Another definition that is similar in meaning may be given.
2) two sentences containing information about the political party, for example:
– “A political party has a program that determines its goal, strategy and tactics”;
“Based on ideological grounds, liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, and nationalist political parties are distinguished.”
Any other sentences that contain correct information about the political party can be made.

The meaning of the concept is revealed and two sentences are composed containing information about the corresponding social facility.

The meaning of the concept is revealed and one sentence is compiled containing information about the corresponding social object. OR The meaning of the concept is not explicitly disclosed, but is presented in two composed sentences, indicating that the graduate knows the social science content of this concept.

When revealing the meaning of the concept, the sentences are not composed, i.e. does not demonstrate verifiable ability to use the concept in the correct context.
OR The proposals were compiled without the use of social science knowledge.
OR Social science knowledge in the composed sentences is not involved in the context of the concept under consideration.
OR The meaning of the concept is not explicitly disclosed; one sentence is compiled containing information about the corresponding social object.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The answer should indicate manifestations of the inconsistency of social progress and provide relevant examples, for example:
1) progress in some areas dooms other areas to stagnation (during the period of industrialization in the 30s of the twentieth century, the USSR made a huge breakthrough in the development of industry, but this was achieved by reducing the standard of living, primarily of the rural population);
2) the fruits of scientific progress can be used both for the benefit of society and create new threats to it (discoveries in the field nuclear physics led to new achievements in the field of energy and the creation of nuclear weapons);
3) an obvious achievement today may result in negative consequences in the future (plowing virgin lands in the USSR initially led to an increase in grain harvest, and after a while soil erosion began)
Other manifestations may be indicated and other examples given.

Two manifestations of the inconsistency of progress are indicated, and corresponding examples are given.

One manifestation of the inconsistency of progress is indicated, one or two example(s) are given.
OR Two manifestations are indicated, one example is given.

Only one or two manifestations of the inconsistency of progress are indicated.

Only examples are given that do not illustrate the position.
OR The answer is incorrect.

Maximum score


The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) conclusions from the given data, for example:
– Minimum wage in 2002–2008. was below the subsistence level, i.e. did not provide satisfaction of basic human needs.
– Average salary in 2002–2008. slightly exceeded the subsistence level, i.e. made it possible to satisfy an extremely limited set of human needs.
Other conclusions may be drawn.
2) explanation, for example: a similar situation (poverty) slows down economic development and creates the preconditions for social conflicts.
Another explanation may be given.

Two valid conclusions are made and an explanation is given.

One valid conclusion is made and an explanation is given.

Only two valid conclusions have been made.
OR Only explanation given.

There is only one conclusion.
OR Reasoning given general out of context

Maximum score


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:
– the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic;
– compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a plan of a complex type.
One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:
1) What is socialization?
2) Types of activities that influence the socialization of the individual.
3) Socialization throughout life
a) from infancy to youth
b) mastering new social roles in adulthood
c) does socialization continue in old age?
4) Institutes (agents) of socialization:
a) the importance of family in primary socialization;
b) the role of education in the socialization of the individual;
c) what experience do peers share;
d) The media as agents of socialization.
5) The importance of socialization for the individual
A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan is possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms.

Individual points of the plan do not reflect the content of the topic.
The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.
The wording of the plan items reflects the content of the topic.
The structure of the answer does not fully correspond to the plan of a complex type (there is no specification of individual points)

The plan in terms of content and structure does not reveal the proposed topic.

Maximum score

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9

Criteria for assessing the answer to task C9


K1 - Revealing the meaning of the statement

The meaning of the statement is revealed OR the content of the answer gives an idea of ​​​​its understanding

The meaning of the statement is not revealed, the content of the answer does not give an idea of ​​​​its understanding.

K2 - Presentation and explanation of the graduate’s own position

The graduate’s own position is presented and explained.

The graduate’s own position is presented without explanation (simple agreement or disagreement with the judgment of the author of the statement).
OR Own position graduate is not represented.

K3 - Nature and level of judgments and arguments presented

Judgments and arguments are revealed based on theoretical principles, conclusions and factual material. During the discussion, various aspects of the problem are revealed.

When revealing several aspects of a problem (topic), judgments and arguments are presented based on theoretical principles and conclusions, but without using factual material.
OR One aspect of the problem (topic) is revealed and an argument is given based on theoretical principles and factual material.
OR When revealing several aspects of a problem (topic), judgments and arguments are given based on factual material, but without theoretical conclusions.
OR Several aspects of the problem are revealed with a lack of theoretical or factual argumentation.

Several aspects of the problem (topic) are listed without argumentation.
OR Only one aspect of the problem (topic) is touched upon, only factual or only theoretical argumentation is given.

Only one aspect of the problem (topic) is touched upon without argumentation.
OR Arguments and judgments do not correspond to the thesis being substantiated

Intensive "Second part of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies"!

Social studies is the most popular elective subject on the Unified State Exam. At the same time, the average score turns out to be low. In 2018 Russian schoolchildren scored an average of 55 out of 100 points. Only 30% of graduates scored over 61 points.

Why the low results?

Applicants make basic mistakes:

In the argumentation of the answer;

To illustrate the answer with examples;

In drawing up a plan;

In working with terminology;

In dates and events.

And what? Now don't give up on "society"?

It is quite possible to score more than 80 points!

Why are we so sure? From year to year, our students pass with 100 points and enter the budget places. results Unified State Exam students- Studios for the Unified State Exam 2018 from 70 to 100 points.

What do we offer?

Come to the express course "Second part of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies" (5 lessons). We start on November 19th, just in time for the holidays!

The intensive course is led by Oksana Mikhailovna Alieva, a teacher of the highest category since 2007, an Unified State Exam expert. Teaching experience since 1993

In 5 days we will analyze the topics:

1. “Man and Society”,

2. "Economy"

3. “Sociology”,

4. "Political Science"

5. "Right."

Express preparation, Olympiad tasks and everything secrets of the Unified State Exam 2019 are waiting for you in these 5 days! Unique lectures, a lot of problem solving and analysis of the tasks of the second part.

You will learn:

1. Which universities and faculties require the Unified State Exam in social studies;

2. Olympiad as an alternative to the Unified State Exam;

3. Main errors in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies 2018;

4. How not to lose points on the Unified State Exam (“underwater rocks”);

5. What changes are there in the Unified State Exam 2019;

6. How to learn theoretical material correctly and what literature to use;

7. Solving economic and legal problems for Olympiads and the Unified State Exam.

And you will also receive:

1. Legal dictionary,

2. Clichés for writing essays,

3. Charts, tables and much more

Come to our The educational center on Strastnoy Boulevard

Unified State Exam results 2010 in social studies showed that reading and understanding texts is becoming an urgent problem for the subject. Indicators of completing tasks for analyzing and interpreting fragments of original texts containing information have become lower than in previous years.

How to work with text in an exam

1. Where to start working with text?

Before answering questions and completing tasks, read the text carefully. Direct answers to many questions are contained in the text itself.

It is important in the process of preliminary reading to clearly determine to which content line of the social studies course the proposed text belongs (“Society”, “Cognition”, “Spiritual life of society”, “Economic sphere of life of society”, “ Social relations", "Politics" and "Law". This correlation is necessary because, as has been noted more than once, some tasks involve the use of contextual knowledge.

2. Is it necessary to determine the main idea of ​​the text?

Determine the main idea of ​​the text.

3. In what order should I answer the questions?

The general principle is simple - answer in the order in which they are presented in the work. It is sometimes impossible to complete the subsequent task if the answer to the previous question is not found.

4. How to understand for yourself- Should I look for the answer in the text or should I remember what was studied in class?

5. What to pay attention to when completing tasks?

read the assignment carefully;
understand what exactly is required for a successful response;
understand what parts the task consists of;
try to complete all the tasks;
if you can only answer part of the task, be sure to write down the answer (each element of the answer is scored, an incomplete but correct answer will earn you extra points);
do not go beyond the scope of the question, do not try to write everything you know about the problem, do not evaluate the author’s opinion and do not try to express your point of view, unless this is directly provided for by the task;
try to illustrate your answer with specific facts;
Having formulated the answer, check its correctness.

The first task of four (C1) is aimed at identifying awareness of perception and accuracy of reproduction of information contained in the text. It is required to find and present in the answer the information contained in the text in the form in which it is given in the author's text. The second task (C2) is aimed at reproducing and interpreting information. The third task (C3) most often involves characterizing the text. This task involves the use of additional knowledge on the subject. The fourth task (C4) is aimed at using the knowledge obtained from the text in another situation. Tasks C3 and C4 are the most difficult. The reason for the difficulties is that graduates do not pay attention to the requirement to perform “based on the text.”

Example assignment

Text for tasks C1-C4.
The state in a market economy

All agents of the economy are united by a single market space of the country, where the same rules of the game are monitored and supported by special state institutions... The market itself is not able to support competition. Maintaining and stimulating competition in economic sphere- function of the state. By fighting monopoly and supporting competition, the state is both within the market model and outside it, guaranteeing the stability of the market system as a whole. Supporting stability plays no less a role than protecting competition. From the verified, active role of the relevant state institutions depend on the favorable social climate in the country, the stability of the financial system, and... expansion of production public goods- especially in the sphere of services, education, science, health care, culture, - the creation of a legal field in the business sphere... Therefore, even in a theoretical market model, the state plays a crucial role - preserving the market system itself by expressing common, or public interests. No private business, no matter how gigantic it may reach, by its nature can ignore its own interests and shoulder the interests of the entire society. However, the state can only cope with such responsibilities if it is part of a democratic society. In such a society, along with the market mechanism, a democratic mechanism of voter control over the state apparatus has been established, and the judicial system provides legal protection to all citizens in accordance with the law.

(A. Porokhovsky)


C2. The author lists the socio-economic phenomena of society, which are directly dependent on the active role of the state in their regulation.
Name any three of them and illustrate one with an example.




C1. What three economic functions Are states in a market economy named in the text?

The correct answer must contain the following items:
1) the socio-economic phenomena given in the text are named:
- favorable social climate in the country, stability of the financial system;
- expansion of production of public goods;
- creation of a legal framework in the financial sector.
2) one of the socio-economic phenomena is illustrated by an example, for example:
- adoption of the Civil Code (legal framework);
- fight against corruption (favorable social climate);
- reform of the education and health care systems (production of public goods).
Other examples may be given
Three phenomena are named, one is illustrated with an example 2
Three phenomena are named without an example OR two phenomena are named, one of them is illustrated by an example 1
Less than three phenomena are named without examples OR one phenomenon is named and illustrated with an example OR the answer is incorrect 0
Maximum score 2

C3. The author of the document emphasizes the role of the state in maintaining and developing competition. Based on the text and knowledge of the social studies course, provide three evidence of the importance of competition for a market economy.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)
The answer may include the following items explaining the role of competition:
1) ensures freedom of market pricing;
2) creates conditions for the realization of the economic freedom of the producer, promoting the independence of the economic choice of the consumer;
3) stimulates improvement of the quality of goods and services produced;
4) stimulates reduction of production costs.
Other correct answers are possible.
Three positions indicated 3
Two positions indicated 2
One function specified 1
Wrong answer 0
Maximum score 3

C4. Different points of view are expressed on the issue of the relationship between a market economy and democracy. What position does the author take? Name the two arguments he gives and explain either of them with an example.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)
The correct answer must contain the following elements:
1) the author’s opinion is given: only in a democratic society can the state ensure the functioning of a market economy;
2) two arguments are given, for example:
in a democratic society
- a mechanism for voter control over the state apparatus has been established;
- the judicial system provides legal protection to citizens.
3) an example is given as an explanation, let’s say:
- an entrepreneur can go to court with a claim about the illegality of the actions of the city department in relation to his enterprise;
- voters can demand from their MP a report on his voting on economic issues.
Other arguments and other examples may be given
The author's point of view is indicated, two arguments are named, one example is given 3
The author's point of view is indicated, two arguments are named, an example is not given, OR the author's point of view is indicated, one argument is named and one example is given OR the author's point of view is clearly not given, two arguments and one example are given 2
The author's point of view is indicated, an argument is given without an example OR the author's point of view is indicated, an example is given, there are no arguments OR the author's point of view is clearly not given, two arguments are given, there is no example OR the author's point of view is not clearly indicated, one argument and an example are given 1
The author's point of view is indicated, but the argument and example are not given, OR the answer is incorrect. 0
Maximum score 3
Used materials:
1. Demo version control measurement materials of the unified state exam in social studies.
2. Lazebnikova A.Yu. Social science. Unified State Exam: collection of tasks: Toolkit to prepare for the exam/A.Yu. Lazebnikova, M.Yu. Brandt. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2010.
3. Rutkovskaya E.L., Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Social science. Solving complex tasks/FIPI. – M: .Intellect – Center, 2010.
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