Solving systems of linear inequalities graphically. Solving exponential inequalities Solving double inequalities online

First, a little lyrics to get a feel for the problem that the interval method solves. Let's say we need to solve the following inequality:

(x − 5)(x + 3) > 0

What are the options? The first thing that comes to mind for most students is the rules “plus on plus gives plus” and “minus on minus gives plus.” Therefore, it is enough to consider the case when both brackets are positive: x − 5 > 0 and x + 3 > 0. Then we also consider the case when both brackets are negative: x − 5< 0 и x + 3 < 0. Таким образом, наше неравенство свелось к совокупности двух систем, которая, впрочем, легко решается:

More advanced students will (maybe) remember that on the left is quadratic function, whose graph is a parabola. Moreover, this parabola intersects the OX axis at points x = 5 and x = −3. For further work, you need to open the brackets. We have:

x 2 − 2x − 15 > 0

Now it is clear that the branches of the parabola are directed upward, because coefficient a = 1 > 0. Let's try to draw a diagram of this parabola:

The function is greater than zero where it passes above the OX axis. In our case, these are the intervals (−∞ −3) and (5; +∞) - this is the answer.

Please note: the picture shows exactly function diagram, not her schedule. Because for a real graph you need to count coordinates, calculate displacements and other crap that we have absolutely no use for now.

Why are these methods ineffective?

So, we have considered two solutions to the same inequality. Both of them turned out to be quite cumbersome. The first decision arises - just think about it! — a set of systems of inequalities. The second solution is also not particularly easy: you need to remember the graph of the parabola and a bunch of other small facts.

It was a very simple inequality. It only has 2 multipliers. Now imagine that there will be not 2, but at least 4 multipliers. For example:

(x − 7)(x − 1)(x + 4)(x + 9)< 0

How to solve such inequality? Go through all possible combinations of pros and cons? Yes, we will fall asleep faster than we find a solution. Drawing a graph is also not an option, since it is not clear how such a function behaves on the coordinate plane.

For such inequalities, a special solution algorithm is needed, which we will consider today.

What is the interval method

The interval method is a special algorithm designed to solve complex inequalities of the form f (x) > 0 and f (x)< 0. Алгоритм состоит из 4 шагов:

  1. Solve the equation f (x) = 0. Thus, instead of an inequality, we get an equation that is much simpler to solve;
  2. Mark all obtained roots on the coordinate line. Thus, the straight line will be divided into several intervals;
  3. Find out the sign (plus or minus) of the function f (x) on the rightmost interval. To do this, it is enough to substitute into f (x) any number that will be to the right of all marked roots;
  4. Mark the signs at the remaining intervals. To do this, just remember that when passing through each root, the sign changes.

That's all! After this, all that remains is to write down the intervals that interest us. They are marked with a “+” sign if the inequality was of the form f (x) > 0, or with a “−” sign if the inequality was of the form f (x)< 0.

At first glance, it may seem that the interval method is some kind of tinny thing. But in practice everything will be very simple. Just practice a little and everything will become clear. Take a look at the examples and see for yourself:

Task. Solve the inequality:

(x − 2)(x + 7)< 0

We work using the interval method. Step 1: replace the inequality with an equation and solve it:

(x − 2)(x + 7) = 0

The product is zero if and only if at least one of the factors is zero:

x − 2 = 0 ⇒ x = 2;
x + 7 = 0 ⇒ x = −7.

We got two roots. Let's move on to step 2: mark these roots on the coordinate line. We have:

Now step 3: find the sign of the function on the rightmost interval (to the right of the marked point x = 2). To do this, you need to take any number that is greater than the number x = 2. For example, let's take x = 3 (but no one forbids taking x = 4, x = 10 and even x = 10,000). We get:

f (x) = (x − 2)(x + 7);
x = 3;
f (3) = (3 − 2)(3 + 7) = 1 10 = 10;

We find that f (3) = 10 > 0, so we put a plus sign in the rightmost interval.

Let's move on to the last point - we need to note the signs on the remaining intervals. We remember that when passing through each root the sign must change. For example, to the right of the root x = 2 there is a plus (we made sure of this in the previous step), so there must be a minus to the left.

This minus extends to the entire interval (−7; 2), so there is a minus to the right of the root x = −7. Therefore, to the left of the root x = −7 there is a plus. It remains to mark these signs on coordinate axis. We have:

Let's return to the original inequality, which had the form:

(x − 2)(x + 7)< 0

So the function must be less than zero. This means that we are interested in the minus sign, which appears only on one interval: (−7; 2). This will be the answer.

Task. Solve the inequality:

(x + 9)(x − 3)(1 − x )< 0

Step 1: set the left side to zero:

(x + 9)(x − 3)(1 − x ) = 0;
x + 9 = 0 ⇒ x = −9;
x − 3 = 0 ⇒ x = 3;
1 − x = 0 ⇒ x = 1.

Remember: the product is equal to zero when at least one of the factors is equal to zero. That is why we have the right to equate each individual bracket to zero.

Step 2: mark all the roots on the coordinate line:

Step 3: find out the sign of the rightmost gap. We take any number that is greater than x = 1. For example, we can take x = 10. We have:

f (x) = (x + 9)(x − 3)(1 − x);
x = 10;
f (10) = (10 + 9)(10 − 3)(1 − 10) = 19 · 7 · (−9) = − 1197;
f (10) = −1197< 0.

Step 4: placing the remaining signs. We remember that when passing through each root the sign changes. As a result, our picture will look like this:

That's all. All that remains is to write down the answer. Take another look at the original inequality:

(x + 9)(x − 3)(1 − x )< 0

This is an inequality of the form f(x)< 0, т.е. нас интересуют интервалы, отмеченные знаком минус. А именно:

x ∈ (−9; 1) ∪ (3; +∞)

This is the answer.

A note about function signs

Practice shows that the greatest difficulties in the interval method arise in the last two steps, i.e. when placing signs. Many students begin to get confused: which numbers to take and where to put the signs.

To finally understand the interval method, consider two observations on which it is based:

  1. A continuous function changes sign only at those points where it is equal to zero. Such points split the coordinate axis into pieces, within which the sign of the function never changes. That's why we solve the equation f (x) = 0 and mark the found roots on the straight line. The numbers found are “borderline” points separating the pros and cons.
  2. To find out the sign of a function on any interval, it is enough to substitute any number from this interval into the function. For example, for the interval (−5; 6) we have the right to take x = −4, x = 0, x = 4 and even x = 1.29374 if we want. Why is it important? Yes, because doubts begin to gnaw at many students. Like, what if for x = −4 we get a plus, and for x = 0 we get a minus? But nothing like this will ever happen. All points on the same interval give the same sign. Remember this.

That's all you need to know about the interval method. Of course, we have analyzed it in its simplest form. There are more complex inequalities - non-strict, fractional and with repeated roots. You can also use the interval method for them, but this is a topic for a separate large lesson.

Now I would like to look at an advanced technique that dramatically simplifies the interval method. More precisely, the simplification affects only the third step - calculating the sign on the rightmost piece of the line. For some reason, this technique is not taught in schools (at least no one explained this to me). But in vain - because in fact this algorithm is very simple.

So, the sign of the function is on the right piece of the number line. This piece has the form (a ; +∞), where a is the largest root of the equation f (x) = 0. In order not to blow your mind, let’s consider a specific example:

(x − 1)(2 + x )(7 − x )< 0;
f (x) = (x − 1)(2 + x)(7 − x);
(x − 1)(2 + x)(7 − x) = 0;
x − 1 = 0 ⇒ x = 1;
2 + x = 0 ⇒ x = −2;
7 − x = 0 ⇒ x = 7;

We got 3 roots. Let's list them in ascending order: x = −2, x = 1 and x = 7. Obviously, the largest root is x = 7.

For those who find it easier to reason graphically, I will mark these roots on the coordinate line. Let's see what happens:

It is required to find the sign of the function f (x) on the rightmost interval, i.e. to (7; +∞). But as we have already noted, to determine the sign you can take any number from this interval. For example, you can take x = 8, x = 150, etc. And now - the same technique that is not taught in schools: let's take infinity as a number. More precisely, plus infinity, i.e. +∞.

“Are you stoned? How can you substitute infinity into a function?” - you might ask. But think about it: we don’t need the value of the function itself, we only need the sign. Therefore, for example, the values ​​f (x) = −1 and f (x) = −938 740 576 215 mean the same thing: the function on this interval is negative. Therefore, all that is required of you is to find the sign that appears at infinity, and not the value of the function.

In fact, substituting infinity is very simple. Let's return to our function:

f (x) = (x − 1)(2 + x)(7 − x)

Imagine that x is very big number. Billion or even trillion. Now let's see what happens in each bracket.

First parenthesis: (x − 1). What happens if you subtract one from a billion? The result will be a number not much different from a billion, and this number will be positive. Similarly with the second bracket: (2 + x). If we add a billion to two, we get a billion and kopecks - this is positive number. Finally, the third bracket: (7 − x). Here there will be a minus billion, from which a pathetic piece in the form of a seven was “gnawed off”. Those. the resulting number will not differ much from minus billion - it will be negative.

All that remains is to find the sign of the entire work. Since we had a plus in the first brackets and a minus in the last, we get the following construction:

(+) · (+) · (−) = (−)

The final sign is minus! And it doesn’t matter what the value of the function itself is. The main thing is that this value is negative, i.e. the rightmost interval has a minus sign. All that remains is to complete the fourth step of the interval method: arrange all the signs. We have:

The original inequality was:

(x − 1)(2 + x )(7 − x )< 0

Therefore, we are interested in the intervals marked with a minus sign. We write out the answer:

x ∈ (−2; 1) ∪ (7; +∞)

That's the whole trick I wanted to tell you. In conclusion, here is another inequality that can be solved by the interval method using infinity. To visually shorten the solution, I will not write step numbers and detailed comments. I will only write what you really need to write when solving real problems:

Task. Solve the inequality:

x (2x + 8)(x − 3) > 0

We replace the inequality with an equation and solve it:

x (2x + 8)(x − 3) = 0;
x = 0;
2x + 8 = 0 ⇒ x = −4;
x − 3 = 0 ⇒ x = 3.

We mark all three roots on the coordinate line (with signs at once):

There is a plus on the right side of the coordinate axis, because the function looks like:

f (x) = x (2x + 8)(x − 3)

And if we substitute infinity (for example, a billion), we get three positive brackets. Since the original expression must be greater than zero, we are only interested in the positives. All that remains is to write out the answer:

x ∈ (−4; 0) ∪ (3; +∞)

In the article we will consider solving inequalities. We will tell you clearly about how to construct a solution to inequalities, with clear examples!

Before we look at solving inequalities using examples, let’s understand the basic concepts.

General information about inequalities

Inequality is an expression in which functions are connected by relation signs >, . Inequalities can be both numerical and literal.
Inequalities with two signs of the ratio are called double, with three - triple, etc. For example:
a(x) > b(x),
a(x) a(x) b(x),
a(x) b(x).
a(x) Inequalities containing the sign > or or - are not strict.
Solving the inequality is any value of the variable for which this inequality will be true.
"Solve inequality" means that we need to find the set of all its solutions. There are different methods for solving inequalities. For inequality solutions They use the number line, which is infinite. For example, solution to inequality x > 3 is the interval from 3 to +, and the number 3 is not included in this interval, therefore the point on the line is denoted by an empty circle, because inequality is strict.
The answer will be: x (3; +).
The value x=3 is not included in the solution set, so the parenthesis is round. The infinity sign is always highlighted with a parenthesis. The sign means "belonging."
Let's look at how to solve inequalities using another example with a sign:
x 2
The value x=2 is included in the solution set, so the bracket is square and the point on the line is indicated by a filled circle.
The answer will be: x)

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