Rkhtu im Mendeleev organic chemistry. Curriculum - Department of Organic Chemistry of the Russian University of Chemical Technology named after. Profile: “Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources”

All universities Columbia University Novikontas Maritime College Khakass State University named after. N.F. Katanova Khakass Technical Institute (branch of Siberian Federal University) Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after. Yessenov Aktobe Regional State University named after. K. Zhubanov West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after. M. Ospanova Almaty Management University Almaty State College of Energy and Electronic Technologies Almaty Technological University Almaty University of Energy and Communications Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after. M. Tynyshpayev Kazakh Head Architectural and Civil Engineering Academy Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after. T. Zhurgenova Kazakh National Agrarian University Kazakh National Medical University named after. S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after. Abay Kazakh National Technical University named after. K. I. Satpayeva Kazakh National University named after. al-Farabi Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after. Abylai Khan Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Forecasting Kazakh-British Technical University Kazakh-German University Kazakh-Russian Medical University International University of Information Technologies New Economic University named after. T. Ryskulova University of International Business University of Turan Donbass State Technical University Almetyevsk State Oil Institute Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute named after. A.P. Gaidar Arzamas Polytechnic Institute (branch of NSTU) Armavir State Pedagogical Academy Armavir Linguistic University Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after. M. V. Lomonosov Northern State Medical University Northern Institute of Entrepreneurship Eurasian National University named after. L.N. Gumilyov Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S. Seifullina Kazakh Humanitarian-Law University Kazakh University of Technology and Business Astana Medical University Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Astrakhan State Medical University Astrakhan State Technical University Achinsk College of Industry Technologies and Business Azerbaijan Medical University Balakovo Institute of Engineering, Technology and Management Baranovichi State University Altai Academy of Economics and Law Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts Altai State Agrarian University Altai State Medical University Altai State Pedagogical University Altai State Technical University named after. I.I. Polzunova Altai State University Altai branch of RANEPA (SibAGS AF) Altai Economics and Law Institute Technical school 103 Belotserkovsky National Agrarian University Belgorod State Agricultural Academy named after. V.Ya. Gorin Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture Belgorod State National Research University Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhov Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Berdyansk State Pedagogical University named after. Osipenko Berdyansk University of Management and Business Biysk Technological Institute (branch of ASTU named after Polzunov) Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after. I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State University named after. I. Arabaeva Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture Kyrgyz National University named after. Zh. Balasagyn Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after. Yeltsin Amur State Medical Academy Amur State University Far Eastern State Agrarian University Boksitogorsk Institute (branch of Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin) Bratsk State University Brest State Technical University Brest State University named after. A.S. Pushkin Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy Bryansk State Agrarian University Bryansk State Technical University Bryansk State University named after. Academician I.G. Petrovsky Bryansk Institute of Management and Business Bryansk Branch of RANEPA (ORAGS BF) Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after. M. Kotsyubinsky Vinnytsia National Agrarian University Vinnytsia National Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova Vinnitsa National Technical University Vinnitsa Trade and Economic Institute (branch of KNTEU) Vinnitsa Financial and Economic University Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine Vitebsk State Medical University Vitebsk State Technological University Vitebsk State University named after. P. M. Masherova Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University Far Eastern State Technical University Far Eastern Federal University Maritime State University named after. Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy Pacific State Medical University Gorsky State Agrarian University North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Technological University (SKGMI) North Ossetian State Medical Academy North Ossetian State University named after. K. Khetagurova Vladimir State University named after. Stoletov Vladimir branch of RANEPA (RAGS VF) Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture Volgograd State Agrarian University Volgograd State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture Volgograd State Medical University Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University Volgograd State Technical University Volgograd State University Volgograd Institute of Business Volgograd branch of RANEPA (VAGS) Volgodonsk Engineering and Technical Institute NRNU MEPhI Volga Polytechnic Institute (branch of Volga State Technical University) Volkovysk Pedagogical College of the GrSU named after Y. Kupara Vologda State Dairy Academy named after. N.V. Vereshchagina Vologda State University Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia Pedagogical Institute of VoGU Voronezh State Forestry Academy Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Agrarian University named after. Emperor Peter I Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Pedagogical University Voronezh State Technical University Voronezh State University Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies Voronezh Institute of High Technologies Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Voronezh Institute of Economics and Law Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance International Institute of Computer Technologies State Institute of Economics, Finance, Law and Technology Glazovsky State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko Glukhov National Pedagogical University named after. A. Dovzhenko Belarusian State University of Transport Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation Gomel State Agrarian and Economic College Gomel State Medical University Gomel State Technical University named after. BY. Sukhoi Gomel State University. Francysk Skaryna Belarusian State Agricultural Academy Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​DSPU Gorno-Altai State University Grodno State Medical University Grodno State University named after. Y. Kupala Chechen State University Dnepropetrovsk State Financial Academy Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Dnepropetrovsk State Agrarian-Economic University Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Dnepropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after. Academician V. Lazaryan Dnepropetrovsk National University named after. Olesya Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk University named after. A. Nobel National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine National Mining University Prydneprovskaya State Academy of Construction and Architecture Ukrainian State Chemical-Technological University Moscow State University of Physics and Technology (MIPT) Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR Donbass Law Academy Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport Donetsk National Medical University named after. M. Gorky Donetsk National University Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after. M. Tugan-Baranovsky Donetsk Technical School of Industrial Automation Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Drogobych State Pedagogical University named after. I. Franko Tajik State Medical University named after. Abuali ibni Sino (Avicens) Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadriddin Aini Tajik Technical University named after. M. Osimi Evpatoria Institute of Social Sciences (branch of KFU) Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute Institute of International Relations College of Railway Transport Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University Ural State Academy of Architecture and Art Ural State Conservatory named after. M.P. Mussorgsky Ural State Agrarian University Ural State Mining University Ural State Forestry University Ural State Medical University Ural State Pedagogical University Ural State University of Transport Ural State Economic University Ural State Law University Ural Institute of Business named after. I. A. Ilyina Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Ural Institute of Commerce and Law Ural Institute RANEPA (UrAGS) Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law Ural Technical School of Automobile Transport and Service Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics (branch of SibGUTI) Ural Federal University . B.N. Yeltsin "UPI" Ural Financial and Legal Institute Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (formerly EGPU) Yelets State University named after. I.A. Bunin Yerevan State University Zhytomyr State Technological University Zhytomyr State University named after. Ivana Franko Zhytomyr Institute of Nursing Zhytomyr National Agroecological University Zaporozhye Automotive Technical School Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy Zaporizhzhya State Medical University Zaporizhzhya Institute of Economics and Information Technologies Zaporizhzhya National Technical University Zaporizhzhya National University Institute of Arts and Information Technologies, Moscow branch Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas Prykarpattia National University named after. V. Stefanika Ivanovo State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering Ivanovo State Medical Academy Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy Ivanovo State University Ivanovo State Chemical-Technological University Ivanovo State Energy University named after. IN AND. Lenin Textile Institute IvSPU Moscow Regional Institute of Management and Law Izhevsk State Medical Academy Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy Izhevsk State Technical University named after. M. T. Kalashnikova Kama Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies Udmurt State University Udmurt Republican Social Pedagogical College Izmail College of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture Baikal State University Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after. A.A. Ezhevsky Irkutsk State Linguistic University Irkutsk State Medical University Irkutsk State University Irkutsk State University of Transport Irkutsk National Research Technical University Pedagogical Institute (branch of ISU) Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management Institute of Law (branch of ISU) National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine Mari State University Interregional Open Social Institute Interregional Center for Continuous Professional Education Volga State Technological University Academy of Social Education Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge Institute of Economics and Finance KFU Institute of Economics, Management and Law Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after. N.E. Bauman Kazan State Conservatory (Academy) named after. N. G. Zhiganova Kazan State Agrarian University Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Kazan State Medical University Kazan State University of Culture and Arts Kazan State Energy University Kazan Cooperative Institute (branch of RUK) Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev Kazan National Research Technological University Kazan Federal University Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Tatar State Humanitarian Pedagogical University TISBI University of Management Kalacheevsky Agrarian College Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet Baltic Information College Baltic Federal University named after. I. Kant Kaliningrad State Technical University St. Petersburg University of Service and Economics (Kaliningrad branch) Kaluga State University. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga branch of RANEPA Kamenets-Podolsk National University named after. I. Ogienko Podolsk State Agrarian-Technical University Kamyshin Technological Institute (branch of Volga State Technical University) Karaganda State Medical University Karaganda State Technical University Karaganda State University named after. E. A. Buketova Karaganda Bolashak University Karaganda Economic University Suleiman Demirel University Kemerovo State Medical University (formerly. Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute Kemerovo State University Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry Kuzbass State Technical University Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law Kerch State Marine Technological University State University of Telecommunications State Economics and Technology University of Transport European University of Finance, Information Systems, management and business Kiev State Academy of Water Transport named after. Konashevich-Sagaidachny Kiev Medical University UANM Kiev National Linguistic University Kiev National Trade and Economic University Kiev National University named after. T. Shevchenko Kiev National University of Culture and Arts Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture Kiev National University of Theater, Film and Television named after. I. K. Karpenko-Kary Kiev National University of Technology and Design Kiev National Economic University named after. V. Getman Kiev Slavic University Kiev University named after. B. Grinchenko Kiev University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kiev University of Tourism, Economics and Law International Scientific and Technical University named after. Yu. Bugaya Interregional Academy of Personnel Management National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine National Academy of Management Personnel of Culture and Arts National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit National Academy of Management National Music Academy of Ukraine named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky National Aviation University National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets National Pedagogical University named after. M.P. Dragomanova National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" National Transport University National University "Kiev-Mohyla Academy" National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources National University of Food Technologies National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine Open International University of Human Development Ukraine Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade Samara State Agricultural Academy Volga-Vyatka Institute (branch of MSAL) Vyatka State Agricultural Academy Vyatka State Humanitarian University Vyatka State University Vyatka Socio-Economic Institute Moscow Financial and Law University Kirov branch Kirovograd Flight Academy of the National Aviation University Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko Kirovograd Institute of Regional Management and Economics Kirovograd National Technical University State Agrarian University of Moldova State University of Medicine and Pharmacology named after. Nicolae Testemitanu International Independent University of Moldova Kovrov State Technological Academy named after. V.A. Degtyarev Kolomna Institute branch of MSMU Moscow State Regional Social and Humanitarian Institute Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University Konotop Institute SumSU Financial and Technological Academy Kostanay State University named after. Akhmet Baitursynov Kostroma State Technological University Kostroma State University named after. ON THE. Nekrasova Donbass State Engineering Academy Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture Donetsk National Technical University Krasnoarmeysk Industrial Institute DonNTU Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts Kuban State Agrarian University Kuban State Medical University Kuban State Technological University Kuban State University Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Kuban socio-economic institute Modern Humanitarian Academy Humanitarian Institute SFU Engineering and Construction Institute SFU Institute of Architecture and Design SFU Institute of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology SFU Institute of Natural Sciences and Humanities SFU Institute of Engineering Physics and Radio Electronics SFU Institute of Space and Information Technologies SFU Institute of Oil and Gas SFU Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology SFU Institute of Business Process Management and Economics SFU Institute of Philology and Language Communication SFU Institute of Fundamental Biology and Biotechnology SFU Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science SFU Institute of Economics, Management and Natural Resources SFU Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theater Krasnoyarsk State Architectural Institute -Construction Academy Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafiev Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport, branch of IrGUPS Polytechnic Institute Siberian Federal University Siberian State Technological University Siberian State University of Science and Technology. Academician M.F. Reshetnev Siberian Institute of Business, Management and Psychology Siberian Interregional Training Center Siberian Federal University Trade and Economics Institute SFU Institute of Law SFU Kremenchug National University named after. M. Ostrogradsky Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University Krivoy Rog National University Krivoy Rog Economic Institute KNEU named after. V. Getman Aviation Technical College Kurgan State Agricultural Academy named after. T. S. Maltseva Kurgan State University Kursk State Agricultural Academy named after. Ave. I.I. Ivanova Kursk State Medical University Kursk Institute of Social Education Regional Financial and Economic Institute Southwestern State University Tuva State University Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute (branch of Siberian Federal University) Lipetsk State Pedagogical University Lipetsk State Technical University Luga Institute (branch of Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin) Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts Lugansk State Medical University Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs named after. E.A. Didorenko Lugansk State University named after. Vladimir Dal Lugansk National Agrarian University Lugansk National University named after. Taras Shevchenko Eastern European National University named after. Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk National Technical University Lvov Commercial Academy Lvov National Academy of Arts Lvov State University of Internal Affairs Lvov State University of Physical Culture Lvov Institute of Economics and Tourism Lvov National Agrarian University Lvov National Medical University named after. D. Galitsky Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. S.Z. Grzhitsky Lviv National University. I. Franko National University Lviv Polytechnic Russian Customs Academy North-Eastern State University Ingush State University Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after. G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk Medical College named after. P.F. Nadezhdina Azov Maritime Institute Odessa National Maritime Academy Donetsk State University of Management Mariupol State University Priazov State Technical University Dagestan State Medical Academy Dagestan State Pedagogical University Dagestan State Technical University Dagestan State University Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after. B. Khmelnitsky Tauride State Agrotechnological University Belarusian State Academy of Arts Belarusian State Academy of Music Belarusian State Academy of Communications Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University Belarusian State Medical University Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after. M. Tanka Belarusian State Technological University Belarusian State University Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts Belarusian State University of Physical Culture Belarusian State Economic University Belarusian National Technical University Institute of Information Technologies BSUIR Institute of Border Guard Service of the Republic of Belarus Institute of Modern Knowledge named after. A.M. Shirokov International State Ecological University named after. A. D. Sakharova International University MITSO Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College Minsk State Polytechnic College Minsk Innovation University Minusinsk College of Culture and Art Mikhailovsky Technical School. A. Merzlova Belarusian-Russian University Mogilev State University named after. A. A. Kuleshova Mogilev State University of Food Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after. I.P. Shamyakin [Files without university] Academic International Institute Academic Law Institute Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification Academy of Labor and Social Relations of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia Air Force Engineering Academy named after. Ave. N.E. Zhukovsky All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after. S.A. Gerasimov "VGIK" Higher Theater School (Institute) named after. M. S. Shchepkina GAPOU College of Entrepreneurship No. 11 State Academy of Slavic Culture State Classical Academy named after. Maimonides State Academic University of Humanities State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin State University of Land Management State University of Management Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after. M.A. Litovchina Institute of Regenerative Medicine Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity Institute of International Law and Economics named after. A.S. Griboyedova Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education FMBTS (research center) Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law Institute of Textile and Light Industry MSUTU Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Institute of Management and Law Institute of Economics and Culture College of Urban Planning and Service No. 38 College of Multi-Level Professional Education RANEPA Literary Institute named after. A.M. Gorky Medical Institute of Continuing Education Medical College No. 1 International Academy of Business and Management International Institute of Economics and Law International Law Institute MIREA - Russian Technological University Moscow Academy of Astrology Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow Moscow Academy of Economics and Law Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. K.I. Scriabin Moscow State Academy of Water Transport Moscow State Academy of Utilities and Construction Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. S. G. Stroganova Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy Moscow Academy of Finance and Law Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university) Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering Moscow Architectural Institute (state academy) Moscow Banking Institute Moscow Mining Institute (branch NUST MISiS) Moscow City Pedagogical University Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after. V.P. Goryachkina Moscow State University for the Humanities and Economics Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Industrial University Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry named after. Yu.A. Senkevich Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University) Moscow State College of Information Technologies Moscow State Linguistic University Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University "MAMI" Moscow State Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State Regional University Moscow State Open University named after. V. S. Chernomyrdin Moscow State University of Civil Aviation Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography Moscow State University of Design and Technology Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Engineering Ecology Moscow State University of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (MGIMO) Moscow State University of Printing Arts. I. Fedorova Moscow State University of Food Production Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering Moscow State University of Transport Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after. K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Moscow State Law University named after. O.E. Kutafin Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after. E.R. Dashkova Moscow University for the Humanities Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after. I. Fedorova Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" Moscow International University Moscow New Law Institute Moscow Educational Complex named after. V. Talalikhin Moscow Pedagogical State University Moscow Psychological and Social University Moscow Socio-Economic Institute Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics Moscow Technological Institute "VTU" Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte (formerly Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law) Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. V.Ya. Kikotya Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy Moscow Art and Industry Institute Moscow Economic Institute Musical-Pedagogical State Institute named after. MM. Ippolitova-Ivanova National Institute of Business National Research Technological University "MISiS" National Research University "Higher School of Economics" National Research University "MIET" National Research University "MPEI" National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) Open University of Israel in the CIS Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the Moscow City Pedagogical University First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov Polytechnic College named after P.A. Ovchinnikova Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnessins Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Russian International Academy of Tourism Russian Open Academy of Transport MIIT Russian State Agrarian University MCHA named after. Timiryazev Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after. S. Ordzhonikidze Russian State Humanitarian University Russian State Social University Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky (MATI) Russian State Trade and Economic University Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygina Russian State University of Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkina Russian State University of Justice Russian State University of Tourism and Service Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK) Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov Russian New University Russian Peoples' Friendship University Russian University of Theater Arts Russian Chemical Engineering -Technological University named after. DI. Mendeleev Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov Capital Financial and Humanitarian Academy Theater Institute named after. B.V. Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after. E. Vakhtangov University of Russian Innovative Education University of the Russian Academy of Education Federal Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation School-Studio (Institute) named after. Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov Mukachevo State University International Institute of Business Education Murmansk State Humanitarian University Moscow State Forest University Moscow Altshul Cooperative College Russian University of Cooperation Kama State Engineering and Economic Academy Naberezhnye Chelny State Trade and Technological Institute Naberezhnye Chelny Institute KFU Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social and Pedagogical Technologies and resources Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. H. Berbekova Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Nanjing University of Science and Technology) Nezhin State University named after. N. Gogol Nemeshaevsky Agrotechnical College Nizhnevartovsk State University Nizhnekamsk Chemical-Technological Institute Kazan State Technological University Volga State Academy of Water Transport Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory named after. M.I. Glinka Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubov Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after. K. Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management RANEPA (VVAGS) Privolzhsky Research Medical University (formerly Nizhny State Medical Academy) Nizhny Tagil State Social Pedagogical Institute (branch of RGPPU) Nizhny Tagil Technological Institute (branch of UrFU) National University of Shipbuilding named after. adm. Makarov Nikolaev National Agrarian University Nikolaev National University named after. V.A. Sukhomlinsky Black Sea State University named after. Peter Mogila Novgorod State University named after. Yaroslav the Wise Novovolyn Electromechanical College Novokuznetsk Institute (branch of KemSU) Siberian State Industrial University State Maritime University named after. Admiral F. F. Ushakov Institute of Catalysis named after. G.K. Boreskov Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after. M.I. Glinka Novosibirsk State Agrarian University Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Novosibirsk State Medical University Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Novosibirsk State Technical University Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts (formerly NGAHA) Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management Novosibirsk Medical College Novosibirsk Law Institute (branch of TSU) Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking Siberian State University of Water Transport Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies Siberian State University of Transport Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Siberian Institute of Management RANEPA (SibAGS) Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute) (SRSTU (NPI)) Obninsk Humanitarian Institute Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy NRNU MEPhI Kursk College of Culture National University Odessa Maritime Academy (formerly ONMA) National University Odessa Law Academy Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies Odessa National Academy of Communications named after. A.S. Popov Odessa State Agrarian University Odessa State Ecological University Odessa State Economic University Odessa Corporate Computer College Odessa National Medical University Odessa National Maritime University Odessa National Polytechnic University Odessa National University. I.I. Mechnikov Odessa Regional Basic Medical School South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky Ozyorsk Technological Institute Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Omsk State Agrarian University named after. P. A. Stolypina Omsk State Institute of Service Omsk State Medical University Omsk State Pedagogical University Omsk State Technical University Omsk State University named after. F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University of Transport Omsk Economic Institute Omsk Law Institute Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports State University - educational, scientific and production complex (formerly Orel State Technical University) Medical Institute of Oryol State University Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture Orel State Institute of Economics and Trade Oryol branch of RANEPA Orenburg State Agrarian University Orenburg State Institute of Management Orenburg State Medical University Orenburg State Pedagogical University Orenburg State University Orenburg Institute (branch of Moscow State Law Academy Kutafina) Orsk Humanitarian-Technological Institute (branch of OSU) Orsk Medical College GBPOU Ostashkov College Osh Technological University named after. acad. MM. Adysheva Innovative Eurasian University Pavlodar State Pedagogical University Pavlodar State University named after. S. Toraigyrov Pedagogical Institute named after. V. G. Belinsky Penza State University Penza State Agricultural Academy Penza State Technological University Penza State University Penza State University of Architecture and Construction Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky State Pedagogical University named after. G.S. Skovoroda West Ural Institute of Economics and Law Perm State Academy of Art and Culture Perm State Agricultural Academy named after. D.N. Pryanishnikova Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University Perm State Medical University named after. ak. E.A. Wagner Perm State National Research University Perm Humanitarian-Technological Institute Perm Institute of Economics and Finance Perm National Research Polytechnic University Karelian State Pedagogical Academy Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after. A.K. Glazunov Petrozavodsk State University North Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Kozybaeva Kamchatka State Technical University Pinsk State Vocational Technical College of Mechanical Engineering Polesie State University Poltava State Agrarian Academy Poltava National Pedagogical University named after. V. G. Korolenko Poltava National Technical University. Yu. Kondratyuk Poltava University of Economics and Trade Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy Pskov Agrotechnical College Pskov State University Leningrad State University named after. A.S. Pushkin St. Petersburg State Agrarian University Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University Pyatigorsk State Technological University Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute (branch of Volga State Medical University) North Caucasus Institute RANEPA (SKAGS) Rezhev Polytechnic School International Economics and Humanities University named after. S. Demyanchuk National University of Water Management and Environmental Management Rivne State Humanitarian University Rogachev State Pedagogical College Academy of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University Don State Agrarian University Don State Technical University Institute of Service and Tourism (branch of DSTU) Institute of Management, Business and Law Rostov State Conservatory . S. V. Rachmaninova Rostov State Medical University Rostov State University of Transport Rostov State Economic University "RINH" Rostov Institute for the Protection of Entrepreneurs Rostov Law Institute (branch of the RPA MU) Southern Federal University Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after. P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk River School named after. IN AND. Kalashnikov Rybnitsa Branch of the Transnistrian State University named after T.G. Shevchenko Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after. P.A. Kostychev Ryazan State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova Ryazan State Radio Engineering University Ryazan State University named after. S.A. Yesenin Medical University "REAVIZ" Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Samara Academy of State and Municipal Administration Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts Samara Humanitarian Academy Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Samara State Medical University Samara State Technical University Samara State University Ways of Communication Samara State Economic University Samara Institute - Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship Samara National Research University named after. ak. S.P. Korolev (formerly SSAU, SamSU) Samarkand State Medical Institute Academy of Russian Ballet named after. AND I. Vaganova Academy of Urban Environment Management, Urban Planning and Press Baltic Academy of Tourism and Entrepreneurship Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinova Baltic Humanitarian Institute Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law Military Academy of Communications named after. CM. Budyonny Military Space Academy named after. A.F. Mozhaisky Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov East European Institute of Psychoanalysis State Polar Academy State University of Sea and River Fleet named after. S.O. Makarov Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named after. R. Wallenberg Institute of Television, Business and Design International Institute of Psychology and Management National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after. P.F. Lesgafta National Mineral Resources University "Mining" National Open Institute of Russia First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. I.P. Pavlov St. Petersburg State Transport University named after. Emperor Alexander I Russian State Hydrometeorological University Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikov St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after. A.L. Stieglitz St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after. CM. Kirova St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Institute of Mechanical Engineering St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University) St. Petersburg State Technological University of Plant Polymers St. Petersburg State Trade and Economic University St. -Petersburg State University St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts St. Petersburg State University low-temperature and food technologies St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design St. Petersburg State Economic University (formerly FINEK, INZHEKON) St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions St. Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law St. -Petersburg Institute of Hospitality St. Petersburg Institute of Management and Law Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (formerly. SPbSPU) St. Petersburg University State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia St. Petersburg University Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics St. Petersburg Law Institute of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education Northwestern State Correspondence Technical University Northwestern State Medical University them. I.I. Mechnikov North-Western Institute of Management RANEPA (SZAGS) Smolny Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after. M.E. Evseviev Mordovian State University named after. N. P. Ogarev Volga Region Institute of Management named after. P.A. Stolypin RANEPA (PAGS) Saratov State Conservatory named after. L. V. Sobinova Saratov State Law Academy Saratov State Agrarian University named after. N.I. Vavilov Saratov State Medical University named after. IN AND. Razumovsky Saratov State Technical University named after. Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State University named after. N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov Socio-Economic Institute REU named after. Plekhanov (formerly SGSEU) Sarov State Institute of Physics and Technology Sakhalin State University Sevastopol City Humanitarian University Sevastopol State University Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry Institute of Shipbuilding and Marine Arctic Technology (Sevmashvtuz) (branch of NArFU) East Ukrainian National University named after. V. Dalya Seversky Technological Institute NRNU MEPhI State University named after Shakarim of Semey Kazakh Humanitarian and Legal Innovation University Academy of Bioresources and Environmental Management Academy of Construction and Architecture (branch of KFU) Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy (branch of KFU) Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University Crimean University of Culture and Arts and tourism Crimean Federal University named after. IN AND. Vernadsky Medical Academy named after. S.I. Georgievsky Simferopol University of Economics and Management Tauride Academy (branch of KFU) Tauride National University named after. IN AND. Vernadsky Donbass State Pedagogical University Smolensk State Agricultural Academy Smolensk State Institute of Arts Smolensk State Medical University Smolensk State University Smolensk Humanitarian University Sosnovsky Agro-Industrial College Sochi State University Sochi Institute of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia North Caucasus Humanitarian-Technical Institute North Caucasus Federal University Stavropol State Agrarian University University Stavropol State Medical University Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute Stary Oskol Technological Institute (branch of NUST MISiS) Stakhanov Educational and Scientific Institute of Mining and Educational Technologies Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy Muromtsevo Forestry Technical School Sumy State Pedagogical University named after. Makarenko Sumy State University Sumy National Agrarian University Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine Surgut State Pedagogical University Surgut State University Surgut Institute of Oil and Gas (branch of Tyumen Industrial University) Komi Republican Academy of Public Service and Management Syktyvkar State University. Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar Forestry Institute (branch of St. Petersburg GLTA) Engineering and Technology Academy of Southern Federal University Taganrog Institute named after. A.P. Chekhov Tambov State Technical University Tambov State University named after. G.R. Derzhavin Tambov College of Economics and Entrepreneurship Tambov branch of RANEPA (PAGS named after Stolypin) Taraz State University named after. M.H. Dulati Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. A. Sadykova Tashkent State Dental Institute Tashkent University of Information Technologies Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Tver State Agricultural Academy Tver State Medical University Tver State Technical University Tver State University Tver Institute of Ecology and Law Tver Medical College Ternopil State Medical University named after. AND I. Gorbachevsky Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after. V. Gnatyuk Ternopil National Technical University named after. I. Pulyuya Ternopil National Economic University Transnistrian State University named after. T.G. Shevchenko Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute named after. DI. Mendeleev Volga University named after. V.N. Tatishcheva Volga Region State University of Service Tolyatti State University Siberian State Medical University Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Tomsk State Pedagogical University Tomsk State University Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics Tomsk Institute of Business Tomsk Polytechnic University Institute of Veterinary Medicine SUSU (formerly UGAVM) ) Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L.N. Tolstoy Tula State University International Kazakh-Turkish University named after. H. A. Yassawi State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies Tyumen State Academy of World Economy, Management and Law Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Tyumen State Medical University Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Tyumen State University Transcarpathian State University Uzhgorod National University East Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts East Siberian State University of Technology and Management Institute of Aviation Technologies and Management (branch of Ulyanovsk State Technical University) Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after. P.A. Stolypin Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I. N. Ulyanova Ulyanovsk State Technical University Ulyanovsk State University Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation Uman State Pedagogical University named after. P. Tychina Uman National University of Horticulture West Kazakhstan Agricultural-Technical University named after. Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Utemisov Usinsky Polytechnic College Primorskaya State Agricultural Academy Ussuri College of Technology and Management School of Pedagogy FEFU East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after. D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State University named after. S. Amanzholova Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir State Agrarian University Bashkir State Medical University Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M. Akmulla Bashkir State University Eastern Economic-Legal Humanitarian Academy Ufa State Academy of Arts named after. Z. Ismagilova Ufa State Aviation Technical University Ufa State Petroleum Technical University Ufa State University of Economics and Service Ukhta State Technical University Tyumen Industrial University Far Eastern State Humanitarian University Far Eastern State Medical University Far Eastern State University of Communications Far Eastern Institute of Management RANEPA (DVAGS) Far Eastern Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation Pacific State University Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law Khabarovsk Institute of Infocommunications (branch of SibGUTI) Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Academy Ugra State University National Aerospace University named after N. E. Zhukovsky National Technical University Kharkov Polytechnic Institute National Civil University Defense of Ukraine National Pharmaceutical University National Law University named after. Yaroslav the Wise Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts Kharkov State Academy of Culture Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture Kharkov State Veterinary Academy Kharkov Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy Kharkov State University of Nutrition and Trade Kharkov Humanitarian University People's Ukrainian Academy Kharkov Institute banking UBD NBU Kharkov Institute of Finance (branch of UGUFMT) Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University Kharkov National Agrarian University named after. V.V. Dokuchaev Kharkov National Medical University Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after. G.S. Skovoroda Kharkov National Technical University of Agriculture. P. Vasilenko Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs Kharkov National University of Urban Economy named after. A.N. Beketov Kharkov National University named after. V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University of Arts. I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics Kharkov National University of Construction and Architecture Kharkov National Economic University named after. S. Kuznets Kharkov Patent and Computer College Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute (branch of KNTEU) Kherson State Maritime Academy Kherson State Agrarian University Kherson State University Kherson National Technical University Academy of Civil Defense EMERCOM of Russia Moscow State University of Culture and Arts Khmelnytsky National University Khmelnytsky University of Management and rights Khujand State University Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture Tchaikovsky Technological Institute (branch of IzhSTU) Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch of RUK) Chuvash State Agricultural Academy Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovlev Chuvash State University named after. I.N. Ulyanova Russian-British Institute of Management Ural State University of Physical Culture Ural Socio-Economic Institute of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations FNPR Chelyabinsk State Agricultural Engineering Academy Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University Chelyabinsk State University Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law. M.V. Ladoshina Chelyabinsk branch of RANEPA (UrAGS Black Sea Fleet) Chelyabinsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation South Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (formerly ChelGMA) South Ural State University South Ural Institute of Management and Economics South Ural Professional Institute Sayano-Shushensky Branch of the Siberian Federal University Cheremkhovo Medical College Institute of Management and Information Technologies (branch of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University) Cherepovets State University Cherkasy State Technological University Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Heroes of Chernobyl Cherkasy National University named after. B. Khmelnitsky Chernigov State Institute of Economics and Management Chernigov National Pedagogical University named after. T.G. Shevchenko Chernihiv National Technological University Bukovinian State Medical University Chernivtsi National University named after. Y. Fedkovich Chistopol branch "East" of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI Transbaikal Agrarian Institute (branch of IrGSHA) Transbaikal State University Transbaikal Institute of Railway Transport, branch of IrGUPS Chita State Medical Academy Chita Institute of Baikal State University of Economics and Law Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship DSTU South Russian Humanitarian Institute Miras University South Kazakhstan Medical Academy South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova Kalmyk State University Engels Technological Institute Yurginsky Technological Institute Tomsk Polytechnic University North-Eastern Federal University named after. M.K. Ammosov International University of Business and New Technologies Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy Yaroslavl State Medical University Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Theater Institute Yaroslavl State Technical University Yaroslavl State University named after. P.G. Demidova

Select a subject from the list Biophysical chemistry Biochemistry Geoecological foundations of environmental management Computer science Information systems Computer modeling Computer modeling of nanotechnology processes Culturology History History of Russia (Domestic history) Analytical statistics Computational mathematics Differential equations Linear algebra Mathematical analysis Statistics Pharmaceuticals Mechanics Applied mechanics Technical mechanics Crystallography Materials science Metrology, standard ization and certification Energy technology [TO DELETE] [UNSORT] Life safety Explosives and pyrotechnics Military training (Military department) Civil defense Engineering graphics Metrology Descriptive geometry Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics Fundamentals of life safety Special courses Physical education (Physical education) Engineering psychology Political science Sociology Spectroscopy Thermodynamics Physics I nuclear magnetic resonance Philosophy Analytical chemistry Quantum chemistry Colloidal chemistry Computer modeling of chemical processes Inorganic chemistry General chemical technology Organic chemistry Processes and apparatuses of chemical technology Theoretical foundations of chemistry Physical chemistry Physical foundations of materials Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories Chemical technology of plastics Chemical technology of glass and glass ceramics Chemistry Chemistry of coordination compounds Problems sustainable development Industrial ecology Ecology Macroeconomics Marketing Management General economic theory Fundamentals of industrial logistics Fundamentals of economic theory Economics of chemical enterprises Economic theory Control systems for chemical technological processes Electronics and electrical engineering Electrical engineering International law Fundamentals of law Jurisprudence English language Foreign and ancient languages ​​Speech culture German language Russian language and a culture of speech


Direction of preparation:

03/18/01 “Chemical technology”


"Chemical technology of oil and gas processing"

Qualification– Bachelor

Graduates receive a state bachelor's diploma

Form and terms of training– full-time (4 years), part-time (5 years).

Training is free and also on a contract basis.

From September 1, 2017 at NI RKHTU named after. D.I. Mendeleev opens a new profile for bachelor’s training - within the framework of the training direction 03/18/01. "Chemical Technology". The oil and gas industry is one of the leading sectors of the economy of our country. This is due not only to large volumes of natural oil and gas reserves, but primarily to their processed products, without which it is difficult to imagine our daily lives today. These are operating materials (fuels, oils, lubricants, etc.) for all types of transport and mechanical engineering equipment, energy resources, medicines, polymer materials, synthetic fibers, varnishes, paints, detergents and cosmetics and much, much more. Therefore, the prospects for studying in this profile and subsequent employment should not raise any doubts. Potential employers can include the largest oil and gas industry enterprises Lukoil, TNK, Rosneft, Gazprom, SIBUR, as well as other companies and organizations involved in the problem of oil and gas refining. You may also be in demand in other areas of activity related to organic chemistry - the basis of deep processing of oil and gas in order to obtain substances with useful properties. These are primarily industrial enterprises in the petrochemical and gas industries, the synthesis of new organic compounds, marketing of the petrochemical products market , as well as research institutes, higher education institutions, etc.

Training of bachelors according to the profile "Chemical technology of oil and gas processing" carried out at the Department of Chemical Technology of Organic Substances and Polymer Materials. The educational process is conducted by highly qualified teachers, 90% of whom have academic degrees and titles. These are mainly graduates of our institute with a specialty in “Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis.” We have modern equipment for conducting educational process and scientific research. Modern computer technologies are widely used. All this allows us to train specialists who meet modern requirements in the field of chemical technology of oil and gas processing.

Currently, our applicants, as well as foreign students (Iraq, Yemen, Turkmenistan) of the preparatory faculty of NI RKhTU, are already showing great interest in the new profile.


"Chemical Technology organic matter»

Direction of training :

03/18/01 “Chemical technology”

Qualification– Bachelor

Graduates receive a state bachelor's diploma

Form and terms of training – full-time (4 years), part-time (5 years).

Training is free and also on a contract basis.

The department was founded in 1963, has graduated more than a thousand specialists in the field of technology for the production of organic substances, has modern educational and scientific laboratories, all teachers of the department have academic degrees and titles.

Having completed four years of training in the profile: “ Chemical technology of organic substances"and, having received a bachelor's qualification, you will be able to work in the following areas:

  • highly efficient, environmentally friendly, energy- and resource-saving technologies of organic synthesis
  • synthesis of new organic substances, including medicines, active components of detergents and cosmetics,
  • marketing of the market for petrochemical products and chemical technologies,
  • engage in research work in the field of organic chemistry, catalysis and kinetics of organic reactions at any institute in the country, completing and defending candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Graduates of our department can work in a variety of fields related to organic chemistry as specialists:

  • Chemical engineer-technologist.
  • Chemist doing research for industry.
  • Chemist responsible for product quality control.
  • Sales representative, sales consultant.
  • Forensic chemist.
  • Environmental chemist.
  • Expert in the preservation of historical art objects.
  • Chemist-teacher.
  • Synthetic chemist
  • Chemist-scientist

Here is a far from complete list of enterprises and organizations where our graduates work: AZOT MCC "EUROCHEM", OJSC "Procter & Gamble", LLC "NIAP-CATALYSOTOR", LLC "POLIPLAST (Novomoskovsk), OJSC "Plastik", (Novomoskovsk) Uzlovaya), JSC Khimvolokno, JSC Shchekinoazot (Shchekino), Efremov synthetic rubber plant, OJSC Severstal (Cherepovets), higher educational institutions (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tula, Novomoskovsk), research institutes (Moscow, Novosibirsk), etc.

Speciality "Chemical technology of organic substances"- it's not just an excellent education, this is a guaranteed success both in the chemical industry and in research activities - which means a feeling of confidence in oneself and the future!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal Agency for Education Russian Chemical and Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev Approved by: Rector of the Russian Chemical Technology University named after. D.I.Mendeleeva V.A. Kolesnikov “____”____2007 CURRICULUM of the course “FUNDAMENTALS OF BIOCHEMISTRY” Direction 550800 “Chemical technology and biotechnology” for students of all chemical-technological specialties and students of the chemical-pedagogical department (011000) The program is approved by the Methodological Section of the Academic Council of the Russian Chemical Technology University named after. DI. Mendeleev "____"____2007 Chairman Zhilin V.F. Moscow 2007 Explanatory note The course is intended for all students of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev, studying in the direction of “Chemical technology and biotechnology” and is a logical continuation of all chemical disciplines that are studied by students in the first and second years - the theoretical foundations of chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical, physical and organic chemistry. The course introduces students to the basics of biochemistry - the science of chemical processes occurring in living cells and organisms, as well as the biological substrates involved in these processes. The place of biochemistry and its isolated sections in the system of life sciences is considered and characterizes the relationships between biochemistry, organic and bioorganic chemistry. The application of biochemical knowledge in solving chemical, technological, engineering, environmental and social problems is illustrated. The main sections of the course are devoted to the structure and functions of cells and cellular organelles, the structure and biological functions of the most important biopolymers and bioregulators (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, coenzymes, hormones). Much attention is paid to processes specific to living systems: enzymatic catalysis, metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, membrane transport, energy conversion, metabolism of xenobiotics. The distribution of lecture and seminar hours (3-0-4) is given below. To monitor the mastery of the course, it is planned to conduct rating tests. The course ends with a differentiated test. The program was compiled at the Department of Organic Chemistry. The program was compiled by prof. Traven V.F. prof. Lopina O.D. exam or Distribution of training hours by sections of the course Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name Introduction. Basic principles of cytology Amino acids and proteins Enzymes and vitamins Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids Metabolism and metabolism Energy biochemical cycles Bioregulators Hours of lek. family lab. myself. 2 2 2 2 4 5 2 9 4 2 9 4 2 7 3 1 5 3 1 5 2 2 6 5 3 10 5 3 8 Total 36 18 72 Course content 1. Introduction. Subject of biochemistry. Relationship between biochemistry and related disciplines. Static biochemistry: the study of the chemical composition and structure of substances contained in living organisms. Dynamic biochemistry: the study of metabolic processes as the basis of the activity of living organisms. Basic methods of biochemistry. 2. Basic principles of cytology. Elements of cell theory. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Cellular organelles, their structure and functions: nucleus, cytoplasm (ribosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, hyaloplasm), cell membrane and cytoskeleton. The role of water in cell life. 3. Amino acids and proteins. Amino acids: properties, classification, methods of analysis. Peptide synthesis. Primary structure of proteins. Chemical properties and methods for determining the primary structure of proteins. Intra- and intermolecular interactions that determine the spatial structure of proteins. Secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. Functions of proteins. Denaturation of proteins. The influence of the hierarchical structure of proteins on their biological properties. Methods for isolating and identifying proteins. Classification of proteins. The role of proteins in nutrition. 4. Enzymes and vitamins. Biomedical significance of enzymes. Nomenclature and classification of enzymes. Structure and catalytic properties of enzymes. Principles of enzymatic catalysis. Quantitative determination of enzymatic activity. The influence of temperature, pH, enzyme and substrate concentrations on the rates of enzymatic reactions. Regulation of enzyme activity: allosteric control, competitive and non-competitive inhibition, covalent modification and genetic control. Coenzymes and cofactors. Vitamins: definition and classification. The structure of vitamins and their role in enzymatic reactions and metabolic processes. Enzyme inhibitors as drugs. 5. Carbohydrates. Biomedical significance of carbohydrates. Photosynthesis of carbohydrates. Classification of carbohydrates and their most important reactions. Deoxy sugars and amino sugars. Disaccharides and polysaccharides: lactose, maltose, sucrose, starch, glycogen, cellulose, chitin. The role of carbohydrates in nutrition. 6. Lipids. Biomedical significance of lipids. Structure and classification of lipids. Saturated and unsaturated acids and their esters. Fats and oils. Glycerides and phosphoglycerides. Sphingolipids. Terpenes and steroids. Structure and properties of cell membranes. Eicosanoids: prostaglandins and leukotrienes. 7. Nucleic acids. Biological significance of nucleic acids. Deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acids. Nucleotides. Structure and functions in living organisms. Matrix synthesis reactions and their significance. Transmission of hereditary characteristics. Biosynthesis of proteins. Mutagenesis and hereditary diseases. Determination of nucleotide sequence. Biotechnology and genetic engineering. Bioinformatics. 8. Metabolism and metabolism. Concept of metabolism and metabolic pathways. Catabolism and anabolism. Metabolism of carbohydrates. Regulation of blood glucose (insulin and glucagon). Diabetes. Methods for analyzing glucose in blood and urine. Lipid metabolism. Storage and breakdown of fats. Oxidation and biosynthesis of saturated acids. Metabolism of proteins and amino acids. The relationship between the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. Metabolic regulation problems. Regulation and integration of metabolism in mammals. 9. Energy biochemical cycles. Endergonic and exergonic reactions in a living cell. Metabolism and production of biochemical energy. The role of ATP in energy metabolism. Metabolic pathways and associated reactions. Oxidized and reduced forms of coenzymes. Citric acid cycle. Organization of the respiratory chain. Oxidative phosphorylation. Vitamins are antioxidants. 10. Bioregulators. Classification of bioregulators: hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs and xenobiotics. Hormones as chemical regulators of the endocrine system. Classification of hormones: protein hormones, steroid hormones, amino acid derivatives. Mechanisms of action of hormones. Secondary messengers. Neurotransmitters are chemical regulators of the nervous system. The mechanism of nerve signal transmission and the role of neurotransmitters. Adrenaline and norepinephrine. Acetylcholine, its agonists and antagonists. Histamine and antihistamines. Serotonin, dopamine and antidepressants. Dopamine and drug addiction. Medicines and xenobiotics: mechanisms of action and metabolism. Basic literature: 1. Filippovich Yu.B. Fundamentals of biochemistry. - M.: Agar, 1999 Additional literature: 1. Eliot V., Eliot D. Biochemistry and molecular biology, M. YBB Biomedical Chemistry RAMS, 1999. 2. Musil Y., Novakova O., Kunz K. Modern biochemistry in diagrams. Ed. Mir, Moscow, 1981. 3. Kolman Y., Rem K.-G. Visual biochemistry. Ed. Mir, Moscow, 2000. 4. Leninger A. Fundamentals of biochemistry. Ed. Mir, Moscow, 1985, vol. 1-3.

  • Faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances and High-Temperature Materials

    Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    Technological machines and equipment for the production of high-temperature functional materials

    Bachelor's degree

    30 2018 - 194 10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

    Inorganic technology

    Electrochemical production technology

    Chemical technology of materials and devices of electronic technology and nanoelectronics

    Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms

    Full-time - 473

    Part-time - 10

    2017 - 158

    2018 - 230

    Full-time - 150 places
    RUB 232,900/year

    Part-time - 60 places
    RUB 63,100/year

    Technology of artistic processing of materials

    Bachelor's degree

    18 2017 - 217

    2018 - 215

    10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

  • Faculty of Chemical-Pharmaceutical Technologies and Biomedical Products

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    This specialty is implemented in 2 faculties:

    Medicinal chemistry


    73 2017 - 245

    2018 - 259

    20 seats

    RUB 232,900/year

    Technology of synthetic biologically active substances, chemical-pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms

    Correspondence courses within this area are offered at the following faculties:

    Full-time - 473

    Part-time - 10

    2017 - 158

    2018 - 230

    Full-time - 150 places
    RUB 232,900/year

    Part-time - 60 places
    RUB 63,100/year

  • Faculty of Petroleum Chemistry and Polymer Materials

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    Technological machines and equipment

    This direction is implemented at 2 faculties:

    Technological machines and equipment for polymer processing

    Bachelor's degree

    27 2018 - no reception 10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

    Technology and polymer processing

    Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis

    Fine organic synthesis technology

    Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms

    Correspondence courses within this area are offered at the following faculties:

    Full-time - 473

    Part-time - 10

    2017 - 158

    2018 - 230

    Full-time - 150 places
    RUB 232,900/year

    Part-time - 60 places
    RUB 63,100/year

  • Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    Chemical technology of nuclear fuel cycle materials

    Isotopic separation and application technology

    Coolant technology and radioecology of nuclear power plants

    Radiation chemistry and radiation materials science


    90 2017 - 188

    2018 - 220

    20 seats

    RUB 232,900/year

    Materials science and technology of nanomaterials and nanosystems

    Bachelor's degree

    20 2017 - 178

    2018 - 231

    10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

    Chemical technology of nanomaterials

    Bachelor's degree

    20 2017 - 214

    2018 - 243

    10 places

    RUB 270,200/year

  • Faculty of Engineering Chemical Technology

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    Chemical technology of organic nitrogen compounds

    Chemical technology of polymer compositions, gunpowders and solid rocket fuels


    50 2017 - 180

    2018 - 227

    10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

    Safety of technological processes and production

    Bachelor's degree

    26 2017 - 193

    2018 - 210

    10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

  • Faculty of Information Technologies and Management

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    Computer-aided design systems for chemical production

    Bachelor's degree

    20 2017 - 156

    2018 - 201

    10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

    Information systems and technologies

    Bachelor's degree

    31 2017 - 185

    2018 - 218

    20 seats

    RUB 232,900/year

    Basic processes of chemical production and chemical cybernetics

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time - 150 2017 - 153

    2018 - 218

    Full-time - 50 places
    RUB 232,900/year
    Nanoengineering for chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology

    Bachelor's degree

    20 2017 - 235

    2018 - 246

    10 places

    RUB 270,200/year

  • Faculty of Engineering Chemistry

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    This direction is implemented at 4 faculties:

    Corrosion protection technology

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time - 473 2017 - 158

    2018 - 230

    Full-time - 150 places
    RUB 232,900/year

    This direction is implemented at 3 faculties:

    Rational use of raw materials and energy resources

    Energy-resource-saving chemical production

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time - 150 2017 - 153

    2018 - 218

    Full-time - 50 places
    RUB 232,900/year
    Standardization and certification

    Bachelor's degree

    20 2017 - 180

    2018 - 212

    20 seats

    RUB 232,900/year

  • Faculty of Biotechnology and Industrial Ecology

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    This direction is implemented at 3 faculties:

    Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms

    Part-time courses in this area are offered only at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Industrial Ecology

    Full-time - 150 2017 - 153

    2018 - 218

    Full-time - 50 places
    RUB 232,900/year

    Part-time - 20 places
    RUB 63,100/year


    Bachelor's degree

    55 2017 - 248

    2018 - 258

    20 seats

    RUB 232,900/year

  • Faculty of Humanities

    Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education


    Production management

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms
    Full-time - 20 Full-time - 30 places
    RUB 207,800/year

    Part-time - 20 places
    RUB 62,600/year


    Criminal law

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms
    - 2017 - admission to full-time budget places was not carried out

    2018 - admission to full-time budget places was not carried out

    Full-time - 20 places
    RUB 207,800/year

    Part-time - 30 places
    RUB 66,600/year

    Civil law

    Criminal law


    Full-time and part-time forms
    - 2017 - admission to full-time budget places was not carried out

    2018 - admission to full-time budget places was not carried out

    Full-time - 25 places
    RUB 207,800/year

    Part-time - 50 places
    RUB 66,600/year

    Linguistics (on contract basis)
    Translation and translation studies

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time and part-time forms
    - 2017 - admission to full-time budget places was not carried out

    2018 - admission to full-time budget places was not carried out

    Full-time - 25 places
    RUB 207,800/year

    Part-time - 20 places
    RUB 66,600/year

  • Faculty of Natural Sciences

  • Name of areas of training and specialties Profiles included in this area of ​​training Form of study, level of education Number of budget places
    for 2019
    Total score for full-time admission to the budget Number of paid places
    for 2019,

    cost of education

    Bachelor's degree

    45 2017 - 173

    2018 - 246

    20 seats

    RUB 232,900/year

    Bachelor's degree

    30 2017 - 185

    2018 - 207

    10 places

    RUB 232,900/year

    Chemical Technology

    This direction is being implemented at the Institute of Chemistry and Sustainable Development
    and at 4 faculties:

    Chemical technology of biomaterials

    Bachelor's degree

    Full-time - 473
    2017 - 158

    2018 - 230

    Full-time - 150 places
    RUB 232,900/year
  • Faculty of Higher Chemical Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Profiles: “Production Management”; "Marketing"

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 27 points)


Full-time education – 207,800 rubles/year.
Correspondence course – 62,6000 rubles/year.

The department includes departments:

  • management and marketing,
  • economic theory.

Undergraduate students can choose one of two training profiles: production management or marketing.

By studying management and marketing within the walls of the University of Chemical Technology, you will gain knowledge that will be useful in any industry: chemical, pharmaceutical, light, as well as in banking, public administration, entrepreneurship and science.

The Department of Management and Marketing has been training specialists since 1999 and has trained over 1,200 graduates.

Upon completion of training, students receive the following diplomas and certificates:

  • state diploma,
  • certificate of NPO "Consultant",
  • certificate of completion of training in project management based on the PMIPMBoK standard.

Our students undergo internships and work:

  • in financial companies - Sberbank and VTB 24;
  • in IT companies – Mail.ru, ORACLE, Yandex
  • in consulting companies – Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst&Young.

Entrance tests (USE):

  • social studies (not lower than 42 points)
  • history (not lower than 32 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Tuition fees in 2019:

  • State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Northern Tushino";

Profile: “Civil Law”; "Criminal Law";

Entrance tests (USE):

  • social studies (not lower than 42 points)
  • history (not lower than 32 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Tuition fees in 2019:

Full-time education – 207,800 rubles/year
Full-time and part-time education – 66,600 rubles/year

Preparation is carried out at the legal department of the Russian Chemical Technical University

Students can optionally choose one of two training profiles: civil law or criminal law.

The legal department trains specialists in various areas of law. Our graduates work in forensic and environmental centers, the Bar and the Prosecutor's Office, the Justice Department and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Customs and Tax Services, the Investigative Committee, and the Legal Departments of government and commercial organizations.

Doctors and candidates of legal sciences from leading universities of the Russian Federation and employees of government bodies of the Russian Federation are involved in the educational process

Students of the Law Department undergo internships in the following organizations:

  • Department for ensuring the activities of justices of the peace in Moscow;
  • State Budgetary Institution of Moscow “Moscow City Management of Natural Areas “Mospriroda”;
  • State Budgetary Institution TCSO "Northern Tushino";
  • Administration of the municipal district of Moscow "Tverskoy"
  • Expert and forensic center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow - “Petrovka-38”.

Profile: “Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points);

218 points

RUB 232,900

Training is conducted at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Industrial Ecology

Department of Industrial Ecology.

The main task of the Department of Industrial Ecology is to train engineering personnel to solve applied environmental problems (water purification, waste recycling, monitoring of environmental facilities). Environmental specialists find themselves in the field of environmental regulation and environmental certification.

Graduates Departments of Industrial Ecology are engaged in:

  • Development of water treatment and water purification technologies;
  • They use analytical and instrumental methods for monitoring environmental quality, cleaning it, and recycling waste.
  • Developing complex technologies for processing industrial waste;
  • Developing a complete list of environmental permitting documentation.
  • Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation (state environmental assessment)
  • JSC Phosagro
  • JSC "Moskoks"
  • JSC "Ion Exchange Technologies"
  • JSC "Mosvodokanal"
  • ENPO "Inorganika"
  • Eurasian National University named after. L.N. Gumileva (Kazakhstan)
  • Jan Evangelista Purkynė University (Czech Republic)
  • JSC "Bayer Material Science"
  • PJSC "Sibur Holding"

Profile: "Biotechnology";

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 37 points);
  • chemistry (not lower than 47 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

55, of which 6 places under a special quota

258 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

Training is carried out at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Industrial Ecology

The main goal of the Department of Biotechnology is to train personnel for state enterprises and joint-stock companies that produce biotechnological products for technical, food and medical purposes, for leading research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Graduates of the Department of Biotechnology

  • develop methods for obtaining medicines, diagnostic drugs, food products and additives;
  • use biological objects and methods to control the quality of the environment, clean it, restore soil fertility and dispose of waste;
  • develop complex technologies for processing renewable raw materials;
  • master the basics of food, medical, agricultural and ecobiotechnology.

Key partners and employers:

  • Federal Research Center "Fundamentals of Biotechnology" RAS"
  • Institute of Molecular Genetics RAS
  • National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
  • LLC "Nestlé Russia"
  • CJSC "Partner"
  • Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov
  • JSC Biocad
  • Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after honorary academician
  • N. F. Gamaleya
  • FKP "Shchelkovsky Biocombine"
  • High Technology Center "ChemRar"
  • International Biotechnology Center "Generium"

Profile: “Corrosion protection technology”;

Entrance tests (USE):

  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places per direction in 2019:

473, of which 48 places under a special quota

230 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

Preparation is carried out at the Faculty of Engineering Chemistry.

This profile trains students in the field of protective metal, polymer and composite coating technologies for aviation, rocket and mechanical engineering, automotive, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries.

Students of the profile practice and carry out research work in Russian and foreign research and production organizations.


  • Collini Wien GmbH, Vienna, Austria,
  • Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland,
  • VSB-TUO – Higher School of Mining and Metallurgy – Ostrava University of Technology, Ostrava, Czech Republic,
  • JSC Scientific and Production Enterprise Radiosvyaz, Krasnoyarsk,
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after. A. N. Frumkin RAS (IPHE RAS), Moscow,
  • JSC "Research Center for Electronic Computer Technology" (JSC "NICEVT"), Moscow,
  • Laboratory of Electrochemical Synthesis and Corrosion, Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after. D. V. Sokolsky, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
  • CJSC NPO Lakokraspokrytie, Khotkovo, Moscow region,
  • OJSC Aviation Corporation RUBIN, Moscow

Profiles: “Rational use of raw materials and energy resources”;
"Energy-resource-saving chemical production."

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 33 points);
  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

150 of them special quota - 15 places

Passing score for the course* in 2018:

218 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900

Training in this area is carried out by 3 departments of the faculty:

- Department of Membrane Technology

The department's scientific research covers areas related to the technological principles of separation and purification of liquid and gas mixtures.

Every year, students of the department undergo practical training at the following enterprises:
  • CJSC "Metahi" (Volkhov),
  • JSC "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers" (Voskresensk),
  • LLC "TEKON Membrane Technologies" (Moscow),
  • NC "Low-tonnage chemistry (Staraya Kupavna),
  • LLC "Germany and Applications" (Novomoskovsk),
  • Novomoskovsky Chlor LLC (Novomoskovsk),
  • Voronezh-Aqua LLC (Chelyabinsk),
  • PJSC PhosAgro (Cherepovets).

The department cooperates with the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus), the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Center for Scientific and Technological Cooperation Nauka Innov), the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Annabino University (Annaba, Algeria), Universidad de Oviedo (Oviedo , Spain) and Environment Canada (Ottawa, Canada).

- Department of Innovative Materials and Corrosion Protection

Students gain knowledge in the field of rational management of technological, organizational and economic resources of innovative chemical technologies, including:

  • organization and management of the implementation and use of advanced scientific achievements in the field of organizational, managerial, technical, economic and technological processes of high-tech industries at all stages of the life cycle of the chemical technological system;
  • modeling of organizational, managerial, technical, economic and technological processes of high-tech industries at all stages of the life cycle of a chemical-technological system;
  • organization and management of the design of technologies, equipment, processes and production chemical-technological systems of high-tech industries; application of planning methods for high-tech research, development and experimental technological projects to create new chemical technologies and high-tech energy-resource-saving products.

After studying at the department, bachelors receive a unique “broad technological and managerial qualification”, which allows them to further work both as a chemical engineer and in the field of organization and management of enterprises.

Every year, students of the department undergo practical training at the following enterprises:

  • CJSC NPO Lakokraspokrytie (Khotkovo, Moscow region),
  • OJSC Aviation Corporation RUBIN (Moscow),
  • Collini Wien GmbH (Vienna, Austria),
  • VSB-TUO – Higher School of Mining and Metallurgy – Ostrava University of Technology (Ostrava, Czech Republic),
  • JSC Scientific and Production Enterprise Radiosvyaz (Krasnoyarsk),
  • (Moscow city),
  • JSC "Research Center for Electronic Computer Technology" (Moscow),
  • Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland)

- Department of Logistics and Economic Informatics

Graduates of the Department of Logistics and Economic Informatics can successfully solve the following complex problems that are important for increasing the economic efficiency and competitiveness of production, enterprises and supply chains of the chemical and petrochemical complex (NGCC):

  • engineering of optimal technological schemes and automated control systems for the operation of energy-resource-saving industries and supply chains; project management for engineering energy-saving, environmentally friendly production and supply chains of NGCC;
  • analysis and management of production, financial and environmental decisions of industrial enterprises and supply chains;
  • organizing and conducting energy audits at industrial, commercial and municipal enterprises;
  • optimization of energy and resource efficiency of production, enterprises and chains of oil and gas chemical complex and small-tonnage chemicals;
  • selection and practical use of corporate information systems, business processes and material resources of enterprises.

Bachelors after studying at the department can work:

  • in the field of engineering and organizational and technical activities: in design organizations and research institutes, in companies in the oil and gas chemical, fuel and energy and chemical complexes;
  • in the field of logistics and supply chain management, organizational, economic and administrative activities in the field
Bachelor's graduates of the Department of LogEcI for many years receive high potential for sustainable development of their business careers both in various sectors of industry and entrepreneurship, and in the service sector.

Internships and practices:

  • OJSC "Gazekonomika";
  • JSC "MosNPZ";
  • OJSC Lukoil, OJSC Gazprom Neft;
  • LLC "MosStroyTransGas";
  • Merz Pharma Group LLC;
  • FSUE “Enterprise for Radioactive Waste Management “RosRAO”;
  • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after N.S. Kurnakov RAS,
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after. A.N. Frumkin RAS,
  • Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS,
  • Institute of Economics RAS,
  • Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS,
  • MSTU im. N.E. Bauman (National Research University),
  • Higher School of Economics (NRU),
  • JSC "Shchekino-Azot"
  • State Unitary Enterprise "BashNefteMash"
  • OJSC "Salavatnefteorgsintez" and "Novoufimsky Oil Refinery",
  • OJSC "GazEkonomika",
  • GC "RosElectronics"
  • JSC "MosNPZ"
  • University of Genoa (Italy),
  • Technical University (Veszprem, Hungary),
  • University of Manchester (UK) and Imperial College (London, UK),
  • Catalan Polytechnic University (Barcelona, ​​Spain).

* This area of ​​training is implemented at 3 faculties

Profile: “Standardization and certification”;

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 27 points);
  • chemistry (not lower than 36 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 36 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

212 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

232,900 rubles

Training is carried out by the Department of Standardization and Engineering Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Engineering Chemistry.

The high demand for graduates in this area is due to the fact that their activities are aimed, first of all, at ensuring the safety and quality of products and services, and, ultimately, the quality of life in general.

Standardization, metrology and certification are tools for ensuring the quality of products, works and services - an important aspect of multifaceted commercial activities.

Standardization is based on the latest achievements of science, technology and practical experience and determines progressive as well as economically optimal solutions to many national economic, industrial and intra-production problems. Organically uniting functional and applied sciences, it helps to strengthen their focus and the rapid introduction of scientific achievements into practical activities.

Standardization makes it possible to streamline, plan and program the development of the economy, science and business, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs and a decent life of every member of society. The creation of a modern competitive domestic economy and international integration in trade and industry depend on the level of professional training of students - future specialists who are proficient in methods of ensuring quality, high technological level and innovative development of industry. The role of standardization and metrology as effective tools in the implementation of economic and social policies of the state, the elimination of technical barriers to trade and production is growing significantly every year.

Graduates work in the following areas:

  • establishment, implementation and control of norms, rules and requirements for products (services), the technological process of their production, use (consumption), transportation and disposal;
  • participation in the creation of quality management systems in relation to specific conditions of production and sales of products based on domestic and international regulatory documents;
  • ensuring the functioning of systems for confirming the compliance of products, processes and services with specified requirements.

A graduate in the direction 27.03.01 “Standardization and Metrology” is prepared to solve the following professional problems:

  • planning work on standardization and certification
  • development of draft standards, methodological and regulatory materials, technical documentation;
  • monitoring compliance with established requirements, current norms, rules and standards;
  • development and implementation of quality management systems
  • carrying out certification of products, technological processes, services, quality systems, production and environmental management systems of the enterprise;
  • development of plans, programs and methods for performing measurements, testing and control;
  • development and implementation of measures to control and improve product quality;
  • analysis and assessment of production and non-production costs to ensure the required product quality;
  • development of working design and technical documentation.

Employment of graduates

Specialists in this area are in demand in various industries and services. Graduates can carry out their professional activities in departments of management and quality control, in standardization services, in metrological services, in testing centers or laboratories, in regional centers of standardization and metrology, in educational institutions, in certification and accreditation bodies and other organizations.

Graduates work in the following positions:

  • quality director, head (engineer) of the quality department, standardization department, technical control department at enterprises and organizations in various industries
  • manager (employee) in certification bodies and departments;
  • expert in the field of certification of products, services and management systems;
  • chief metrologist, metrological service engineer.

The need for specialists working in the field of standardization and metrology has increased sharply in recent years, and this area of ​​activity consistently ranks among the most in demand. Our graduates successfully work in the Federal State Institution "Russian Center for Testing and Certification - Moscow (Rostest-Moscow)", Gokhran of Russia - Moscow, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "GKNPTs named after M.V. Khrunichev", OJSC "OKB "Kristall", regional certification centers, and other enterprises.

Profile: “Basic processes of chemical production and chemical cybernetics”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 33 points);
  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

150 of them special quota - 15 places

Passing score for the course* in 2018:

218 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900

Training in this profile is carried out by 2 departments of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Management:

  • Department of Cybernetics of Chemical Technological Processes (KHTP);
  • Department of Computer-Integrated Systems in Chemical Technology (CIS HT).

Department of Cybernetics of Chemical Technological Processes is developing:

  • innovative resource-saving technologies;
  • supercritical technologies for creating aerogel-based materials with unique properties; mathematical and computer modeling;
  • microfluidics for experimental research and industrial applications of laboratories on a chip, biosensors, fine chemical synthesis;

Department of Computer-Integrated Systems in Chemical Technology trains specialists in the field of:

  • environmental and industrial safety;
  • analysis of the risk and consequences of chemical accidents;
  • management of environmental quality and safety of chemical production;
  • modeling and design of computer-integrated environmentally friendly and safe chemical production;
  • modeling and design of microprocessor control systems, automated control systems for technological and production processes;
  • development of computer simulators and automated training systems using network technologies and remote access tools.

* This area of ​​training is implemented at 3 faculties of the university.

Profile: “Information systems and technologies”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • computer science and ICT (not lower than 40 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

31, of which there is a special quota - 4 places

Tuition fees in 2019:

232,900 rubles.

Training is carried out at the Faculty of Information Technologies and Management.

The priority objective of this area of ​​training is to train a young specialist who will be able to realize himself in any areas related to computerization, automation and information technology. You can't do without a love of exact sciences and programming.

A graduate with a bachelor's degree is engaged in research activities in various fields, using IT as the main tool for computing, modeling and analyzing the subject of research. He develops, implements and maintains information systems and technologies. This presupposes the ability to use modern information technology methods (for example, artificial intelligence methods), mastery of new information technologies (virtual reality systems) and a wide range of programmer-developer tools.

The main areas of application of professional skills are the development of software and databases of information systems, process automation, computerization of business, production and scientific research.

It should be noted that not only chemistry and chemical technology are the objects of application of the acquired knowledge. This could be other industries, transport, environmental safety, digital economy and others. The main emphasis in training is not so much on the area of ​​application of knowledge, but on professional mastery of modern methods and means of information technology, universal for any field.

After completing the training, each graduate becomes competent in the following issues:

Programming in high-level languages ​​in integrated development environments;
- Development of software related to receiving, processing, storing and presenting information, including processing of big data;
- Development of specialized application software;
- Formation of an information system from existing components, its adaptation, operation and prevention of threats in relation to the data used;
- Creation of web servers, web applications and Internet sites.

Internships and practices:

  • - OOO NPO ProTech
    - CJSC "Bashmakovsky Flour Mill"
    - LLC "NPK Electrooptika"
    - JSC "Honeywell"
    - Administration of the urban settlement of Monino
    - LLC NPO Lakokraskokrytie
    - CHPP-21, branch of Mosenergo OJSC
    - Institute of Applied Mathematics named after. M.V.Keldysh RAS,
    - JSC “Scientific Center “Low-tonnage Chemistry”,
    - Cyril and Methodius LLC,
    - JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG,
    - Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS,
    - Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics, Faculty of Bioengineering and Informatics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

To conduct a variety of research, the department actively cooperates with other universities in our country and other countries of the world:

  • - Institute of Physics and Chemistry RAS named after. A.N. Frumkina,
    - Institute of Applied Mathematics named after. M.V. Keldysh RAS,
    - National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute",
    - University of Paderborn (Germany),
    - Beijing Institute of Technology (China),
    - South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova (Kazakhstan),
    - Catalan Technical University (Spain),
    - University of Karlsruhe (Germany).
    - University of Leeds (UK).

Profile: “Computer-aided design systems for chemical production”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • physics (not lower than 36 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 36 points)

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

20, of which 2 places according to a special quota

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

201 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

The bachelor's program includes mastering programming languages, multimedia technologies, computer and system architecture, information security and information protection, geometric modeling in CAD and much more. A graduate of this program is in demand on the labor market as a specialist who is able to understand the intricacies of technological processes, information technologies, and is able to manage chemical and technological processes.


  • OOO NPO ProTech
  • CJSC "Bashmakovsky Flour Mill"
  • LLC "NPK Electrooptika"
  • JSC "Honeywell"
  • Administration of the urban settlement of Monino
  • LLC NPO Lakokraspokrytie
  • CHPP-21, branch of Mosenergo OJSC
  • Institute of Applied Mathematics named after. M.V.Keldysh RAS,
  • JSC "Scientific Center "Low-tonnage Chemistry",
  • LLC "Cyril and Methodius"
  • JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG,
  • Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics RAS,
  • Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics, Faculty of Bioengineering and Informatics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Profile: “Nanoengineering for chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

20, of which 2 places according to a special quota

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

246 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 270,200/year.

Training is conducted at the Faculty of Information Technology and Management

Training in this area of ​​training is conducted by the Department of Cybernetics of Chemical Technological Processes.

As part of the “Nanoengineering” training area, she is engaged in:

  • development of innovative supercritical technologies for creating materials with unique properties based on aerogels;
  • mathematical and computer modeling, planning and processing of experimental results;
  • microfluidics (microfluidics) for experimental research and industrial applications of laboratories on a chip, biosensors, fine chemical synthesis;
  • information systems and the use of artificial intelligence methods in chemistry, petrochemistry, oil production and refining, nanotechnology, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Students enrolled in this direction not only study the application of existing chemical-technological, biotechnological and chemical-pharmaceutical nanoprocesses, but also themselves develop new technologies, unique (ultra-light, ultra-hard, etc.) materials, predict their properties and confirm these properties experimentally using high-tech equipment from the laboratories of the International Russian-Swiss Educational and Scientific Center for the Transfer of Pharmaceutical and Biotechnologies.

The role and contribution of nanoengineering in modern industrial production is growing at an extremely rapid pace, and therefore the demand for professionals with appropriate training will increase at a tremendous speed every year. For example, carbon nanotubes are used for mechanical strengthening of materials, in fuel cells, in electrically conductive and energy-intensive materials. Aerogels - in pharmaceuticals, in highly efficient sorption processes or as a base with a large specific surface area for applying a catalyst. Computing devices based on nanomaterials are miniature, have increased computing power and high density of information recording. Tissue and cellular engineering, the creation of implants, targeted delivery of drugs in the human body - this is already the present, in which students and graduates - nanoengineers - work.

Students regularly participate in educational and scientific events (conferences, olympiads, hackathons), including international ones, and undergo internships at universities in Western Europe.

The education received allows nanoengineer graduates not only to successfully work in the relevant fields of science, technology, technology and industry, but also to continue their studies in master's and postgraduate studies, including at leading foreign universities.

Profile: “Safety of technological processes and production”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 35 points);
  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

26, of which 3 places are subject to a special quota.

Passing score in 2018:

210 points.

Tuition fees in 2019:

232,900 rubles

Training is conducted at the Faculty of Chemical Technology Engineering.

Department of Technosphere Safety.

Training in this area is carried out with priority in the field of organizational, managerial, expert, supervisory, inspection, audit and research activities. Graduates of the department are trained to ensure the safety of technological processes and production in one of the most demanding industries for reliable, efficient and safe operation - the chemical and petrochemical industries.

Graduates are in demand:

  • At enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industries;
  • In research and design institutes;
  • In public and private insurance companies, industry trade unions;
  • In organizations of Rostechnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Labor;
  • In security forces and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;
  • In public and private organizations for the management, supervision and control of technological safety and labor activity.

Profiles: “Chemical technology of organic nitrogen compounds”; “Chemical technology of polymer compositions, gunpowders and solid rocket fuels.”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 35 points);
  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points);
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points).

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

50, of which there is a special quota of 5 places.

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

227 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

232,900 rubles.

Training in the specialty 05/18/01 Chemical technology of energy-saturated materials and products is carried out at the Faculty of Chemical Technology Engineering. The Faculty of ICT is the only one in Moscow that provides training in these profiles.

Duration of training – 5.5 years. Upon completion of training, graduates receive the qualification of Specialist – Process Engineer.

Training is carried out in two profiles:

    Chemical technology of organic nitrogen compounds
    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Nitrogen Compounds (CHTOCA)

    Nitrogen compounds are the basis of modern energy-intensive materials - explosives, gunpowder, solid rocket fuels, pyrotechnic compositions, nitrogen compounds are widely used in the national economy, many industrial technologies cannot be implemented without the use of useful energy of combustion and explosion.
    The chemistry of nitrogen-containing substances underlies the production of effective medicines, biologically active materials, high-molecular compounds, surfactants, etc.
    Graduates of the department are chemical technologists of a wide profile, which allows them to work in institutes of the Academy of Sciences and industry research institutes, at industrial enterprises, in expert laboratories of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB. Graduates of the department are also in demand in organizations related to the synthesis and technology of organic compounds, physical and chemical research.

    Chemical technology of polymer compositions, gunpowders and solid rocket fuels
    Department of Chemistry and Technology of Macromolecular Compounds (HTMC).

    Gunpowder is used in all types of weapons: in small arms and artillery, in rocket engines as solid rocket fuels (SRF), including for intercontinental ballistic missiles and medium-range missiles, such as Topol-M, Yars, Caliber " and "Mace".
    The areas of application of gunpowder and TRT are much wider than the military: these are space technology, powerful gas generators, automatic fire extinguishing installations, emergency rescue systems for pilots and astronauts, car airbags, intensification of oil production, mineral exploration and many others. High-power sources of electrical energy have been created on the basis of plasma gunpowders for searching for minerals at great depths.

Energy-rich materials are sources of concentrated energy. All types of weapons that form the basis of the country's defense potential have been created on their basis. These include explosives (HE), gunpowder, solid rocket fuels and pyrotechnic compositions.

Profile: “Chemical technology of nanomaterials”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 35 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

20, of which 2 places according to a special quota

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

243 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 270,200/year.

Training is conducted at the Department of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Specialists in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnology are able to modify materials by adding nanoparticles and nanostructures, thereby improving existing properties or adding new characteristics to the material. Areas of science and technology in which such changes are possible include cosmetology, space, pharmacology, paint and varnish and many other industries.

Advantages of the direction:

Physical chemistry and technology of nanomaterials is an interdisciplinary field. By studying in our specialty, you gain in-depth knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, computer modeling

Opportunity to contribute to progressive fields of science and technology, to work in high-tech enterprises

Excellent teachers - highly qualified specialists in their field. The department has two corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Branches of the department work in institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences; academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading scientists speak at scientific seminars of the department

Opportunity to study and work abroad after graduation. For example, one of our graduates works in France in the laboratory of Nobel Prize winner Jean-Marie Lena

The department is headed by a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education (2011) and the Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2007)

If you love and know chemistry well, and are also not indifferent to physics, come to us.

Graduates work:

  • All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM) is the largest materials science state enterprise in the USSR and the Russian Federation, developing materials for aviation and space technology
  • National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna)
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science named after. A.A. Baykova RAS
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after. A.N. Frumkin RAS
  • Institute of Organoelement Compounds named after. A.N. Nesmeyanov RAS
  • Institute of Solid State Physics RAS (Chernogolovka)
  • Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka), etc.

“Chemical technology of nuclear fuel cycle materials”; “Technology of separation and application of isotopes”; “Coolant technology and radioecology of nuclear power plants”; “Radiation chemistry and radiation materials science”;

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 35 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

90, of which there is a special quota of 9 places.

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

220 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

Preparation is carried out at the Institute of Materials of Modern Energy and Nanotechnology - IFH.

The history of the Institute of Materials of Modern Energy and Nanotechnology - IPC (IMSEN-IPC), created in 2007 on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry (IPC), begins in the mid-twentieth century, when a new direction in science and technology arose - nuclear energy. The development of the industry has currently led to the need to increase the training of specialists in the field of nuclear chemical technology, nanotechnology and radioecology.

IMSEN-IFH today is a scientific and educational division of the RKhTU named after. DI. Mendeleev, which has modern educational and scientific laboratories equipped with unique licensed laboratory installations for conducting research in the field of radiochemistry, radioecology, separation of stable isotopes, mechanochemistry of rare metal raw materials, extraction and sorption purification of rare and trace elements, chemical technology of nanomaterials.

The high professional level of employees and the modern research base of IMSEN-IFH in partnership with enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and leading scientific and industrial organizations allows the division to continue to train highly qualified specialists for the industry and solve the most important problems in a number of priority areas development of science, technology and engineering of the Russian Federation.

Profile: “Materials science and technology of nanomaterials and nanosystems”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 35 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

20, of which 2 places according to a special quota

Passing score in 2018:

231 points.

Tuition fees in 2019:

232,900 rubles.

Training is conducted at the Department of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology.

Modern materials science has long gone beyond the study of the iron-carbon system, as well as other metals and their alloys. In almost all areas of technology, new materials with improved properties (mechanical, thermophysical, optical, electrical, etc.), including nanomaterials, are in great demand. For example, more than half of the Boeing 787 aircraft consists of composite materials with carbon nanofibers, which significantly lighten its weight, and your brand new smartphone runs on a processor located on a chip about one billionth of a meter in size!

Materials chemists are involved in:

  • creation and research of materials of inorganic and organic nature, including nanomaterials for various purposes;
  • develop processes for obtaining new materials and products for many areas of engineering and technology (mechanical and instrument engineering, aviation and rocket and space technology, nuclear energy, solid-state electronics, nanoindustry, medical equipment, sports and household appliances, etc.), and also manage them quality at various stages of production.

During training in the direction 03.22.01 "Materials Science and Materials Technology" at the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev students will study disciplines related to the physico-chemistry of nanomaterials and nanosystems, the production, properties and application of materials of various classes, methods of research and analysis of materials using specialized equipment, as well as quality management and patent law.

Organizations - partners, places of practice and research work of students:

  • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after. N.S. Kurnakova;
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after. A.N. Frumkin;
  • Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after. IN AND. Vernadsky,
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science named after. A.A. Baykova
  • JSC "Composite" (Korolev)
  • Research Institute "Polyus" named after. M.F. Stelmakha
  • All-Russian Research Center for Aviation Materials (VIAM)
  • NPP "Technology" named after. A.G. Romashina (Obninsk).

Profiles: “Technology and polymer processing”; “Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis”; “Technology of fine organic synthesis”; “Chemical technology of natural energy carriers and carbon materials”;

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 33 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for full-time training in 2019:

473, of which there is a special quota of 48 places.

Passing score for full-time study in 2018:

230 points

Full-time tuition fees in 2019:

232,900 rubles

Training is carried out at the Faculty of Petroleum Chemistry and Polymer Materials.

Students specialize in the field of plastics technology, organoelement and inorganic polymers, biomedical polymers, ion exchangers, paint and varnish composite materials and coatings, polymer adhesives, sealants and compounds, surfactant production, fine organic synthesis and many others.

  • Gazpromneft LLC,
  • Moscow oil refinery,
  • HC "Composite"
  • Transneft

* this area of ​​training is implemented at 5 faculties of the university

Profile: “Technology of artistic processing of materials”;

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 35 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 45 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for training in 2019:

18, of which there is a special quota of 2 places.

Passing score for the training direction in 2018:

215 points

Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

A highly qualified team of specialists in the field of chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials and the design of products made from them work in this area of ​​training. The department carries out scientific and development work on the creation of thermal insulation and structural composite materials, the synthesis of complex oxides, and the production of special coatings. Students undergo internships in workshops, large and small industries, design studios, and participate in international and all-Russian competitions and conferences. International partners of the department are enterprises and organizations from Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland.


  • RSC Energia
  • Rovese, Poland (Fryanovsky Ceramic Plant LLC,
  • LLC "Kuchinsky Ceramic Plant");
  • SystemSrl, Italy (Rus System LLC)

Profiles: “Technology of inorganic substances”;
“Technology of electrochemical production”;
“Chemical technology of materials and devices of electronic technology and nanoelectronics”;
"Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials"

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 33 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places for full-time training in 2019:

473, of which there is a special quota of 48 places.

Passing score for full-time training in 2018:

230 points

Full-time tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

Preparation is carried out at the Faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances and High-Temperature Materials

The faculty unites the most important areas in chemical technology - the technology of inorganic substances and high-temperature materials.

The faculty's work includes the development of technologies for basic inorganic synthesis, complex processing of mineral raw materials and industrial waste, water treatment, water purification, as well as chemical technologies for ceramics and refractories, functional composites and nanomaterials, including catalysts and adsorbents.

Highly qualified personnel are being trained in the development of modern and advanced materials for the defense complex, medicine, aviation, astronautics, control and navigation systems, electronics, and advanced products of heavy and light industry.

Students work in the field of crystalline and nanocrystalline materials technology for solid-state electronics and photonics. As part of the profile, experts are trained in the field of diagnostics and refining of natural precious stones, capable of creating synthetic precious stones that are indistinguishable from natural ones. The department creates technologies for new crystals and thin-film nanostructures for various functional purposes.

The departments of the faculty have a significant number of scientific contacts in Russia and abroad, students undergo practical training at leading enterprises in the field of chemical technology of inorganic substances and high-temperature materials.

Work on the creation of technologies for new materials at the faculty is included in the list of priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering, approved by the President of the Russian Federation.


  • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS
  • JSC Scientific Research Institute of Technical Glass
  • State Research Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Keldysh Center"
  • FSUE State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials"
  • PJSC PhosAgro
  • JSC MCC "EuroChem"
  • JSC Research Institute Polyus named after. M.F. Stelmakh"
  • JSC "Institute of Glass", JSC "Composite"
  • JSC “Research Institute of Structural Materials “NIIGRAFIT”

* this area of ​​training is implemented at 5 faculties of the university

Profile: “Technological machines and equipment for the production of high-temperature functional materials”

Entrance tests (USE):

  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 29 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 36 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)

Number of budget places within the framework of training in the profile “Technological machines and equipment for the production of high-temperature functional materials” in 2019:

30, of which there is a special quota of 3 places.

Passing score for the budget in 2018:


Tuition fees in 2019:

RUB 232,900/year.

Preparation is carried out at the Faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances and High-Temperature Materials

This area trains specialists in the field of design of technological equipment. The training course combines a powerful block on the chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials, as well as on the development of modern technological equipment for creating materials used in the defense complex, medicine, aviation, astronautics, control and navigation systems, electronics, advanced heavy and light products industry.


  • JSC Scientific Research Institute of Technical Glass,
  • FSUE State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials",
  • JSC "Institute of Glass",
  • JSC "Composite"
  • JSC “Research Institute of Structural Materials “NIIGRAFIT”,
  • ORP "Technology" named after A. G. Romashin.

Reception 2019

  • Theoretical and experimental chemistry
A graduate of this direction will be able to conduct experimental research using a given methodology, including the selection of research objects, technical means and test methods. Graduates of the faculty successfully work in research laboratories of research institutes, in higher educational institutions and in production
  • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after. N.S. Kurnakov RAS
  • Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry named after. A.N. Frumkin RAS
  • Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS
  • State Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds
  • Scientific Center for Expertise of Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. honorary academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Description of profiles
Theoretical and experimental chemistry Students are engaged in research at the departments of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, quantum chemistry, general silicate technology, technology of inorganic substances and electrochemical processes, as well as at the center for experimental research of organic materials for energy and optoelectronics of the Russian Chemical Technology University.

Faculty students present the results of their research at Russian and international conferences and publish them in leading domestic and foreign scientific journals.

Having received deep fundamental knowledge in the field of chemistry, physics and mathematics, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences carry out their diploma theses at leading departments of Mendeleev University, as well as at research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Reception 2019

Description of profiles
Theoretical and experimental chemistry Starting this year, RKhTU and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) will implement a unique modern curriculum to train students in the field of chemistry, physics, and materials science within the framework of the “Chemistry” direction. For this purpose, a new department was opened as part of the Institute of Chemistry and Sustainable Development - “Organic and hybrid materials for energy conversion and storage”

The task of the new department is to develop scientific research in the field of solar energy, aimed at creating new sources, converters and energy batteries that are characterized by the highest possible efficiency and eliminate negative impacts on the environment.

Students will have access to the world-class research infrastructure built at Skoltech to carry out their research projects under the guidance of Skoltech faculty. The most successful graduates will be able to continue their studies at Skoltech's master's program.

Reception 2019

Profiles implemented in the specialty
  • Medicinal chemistry
Field of activity of graduates Graduates of this specialty have a high level of knowledge and skills and easily find work, both in Russia and abroad.
  • Institute of General Genetics named after. N.I. Vavilova RAS
  • State Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds
  • Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after. N.S. Kurnakov RAS
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry named after. N.D. Zelinsky RAS
  • Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after. V.M. Gorbatov RAS
  • Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry named after V.N. Orekhovich
  • Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS
Description of profiles
Medicinal chemistry Research work Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Synthesis are carried out at the intersection of chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry and physiology of plants and animals, with significant attention paid to research on the design and synthesis of new compounds, the study of their mechanism of action and the creation of scientific foundations for the production technology of biologically active substances.

Department of Chemistry and Technology of Biomedical Products trains specialists in the development of biologically active substances and the creation of materials for medical and biological purposes. The absence of general technological disciplines in the curriculum and in-depth study of chemical disciplines allows students to become specialists in the development of biologically active substances.

The place of practice and research work is the departments of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. DI. Mendeleev (inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, quantum chemistry), as well as research laboratories of RAS institutes and other organizations.

Reception 2019

Description of specialty
A special feature of training in this specialty is the minimization of technological disciplines in the curriculum and in-depth study of chemical disciplines, as well as a larger number of hours allocated to research work.

The curriculum is designed in such a way that it gives students the opportunity to choose certain disciplines (in particular, special courses) depending on the scope of their scientific interests. From the very beginning, students are engaged in research work, acquiring the skills and qualifications necessary for independent scientific work. Starting from the second year of study, students are allocated one day a week to carry out compulsory scientific work.

Professors from the Russian Chemical Technical University named after D.I. participate in teaching basic chemical courses. Mendeleev and leading employees of the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who have high ratings of publication activity and citation rates of their scientific publications.

Thanks to the participation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, VHC students gain access to advanced scientific infrastructure (laboratories, instruments, libraries, electronic resources, etc.) and quickly join leading scientific teams. This ensures the most effective combination of fundamental training with obtaining real practical skills in the scientific field and, as a result, achieving qualifications of the highest level.

Reception 2019

Field of activity of graduates Bachelors receive a modern fundamental university education, which allows them to realize their potential in fundamental science, work in the government apparatus and expert environmental and production structures.
  • Public Joint Stock Company "PhosAgro"
  • Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) RAS
  • Institute of Problems of Ecology and Evolution (IPEE) named after A. N. Severtsov RAS
  • Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
  • State Hydrological Institute
  • Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor)
Description of profiles
The direction of training is aimed at those interested in ecology and rational use of natural resources. At this level of development, ecology as a complex science combines the theoretical and practical provisions of various sciences: biology, chemistry, mathematics, geography, physics, epidemiology, biogeochemistry, sociology. The application of knowledge and skills in these areas allows for the most efficient and rational use of natural resources with minimal impact on the environment.

Bachelor's students receive systematic education in the field of ecology, environmental management, green chemistry and sustainable development.

During their studies, students carry out research work in leading Russian and foreign scientific centers. In the summer, students do internships at the “Living Collection” collective center of the A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, the Valdai branch of the State Hydrological Institute, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources ( Rosprirodnadzor).

Reception 2019

The level of education Bachelor's degree
Form of study Full-time and part-time forms
Entrance examination (USE)
  • mathematics (professional level) (not lower than 33 points)
  • chemistry (not lower than 43 points)
  • Russian language (not lower than 45 points)
Full-time) 473, of which special quota - 48 places, target quota - 47 places
Number of budget places for training in 2019 ( extramural) 10, of which special quota - 1 place, target quota - 1 place
Passing score for the field of study in 2018 ( Full-time) 230 points
Tuition fees in 2019 RUB 232,900/year
Profiles implemented in the direction
  • Chemical technology of synthetic biologically active substances, chemical pharmaceuticals and cosmetics
Field of activity of graduates The unique specialization and level of training make graduates of the EDNC department in demand by expert units of law enforcement and special agencies of Russia: the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice, the FSB, the Customs Committee and others, as well as medical institutions conducting research in the field of clinical pharmacology and toxicology, forensic chemical examination, narcology and doping analysis.
Graduates of the faculty have no problem enrolling in a master's program to continue their studies and find work in research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in enterprises and firms dealing with any biologically active forms of substances.
  • State Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology
  • Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.D. Zelinsky RAS
  • Russian Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov
  • Research Institute of Pharmacology named after. V.V. Zakusova
  • High Technology Center "ChemRar"
  • Institute of Organoelement Compounds named after. A. N. Nesmeyanova RAS
  • Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after. Academicians M. M. Shemyakin and Yu. A. Ovchinnikov RAS
  • Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova
  • Moskhimfarmpreparaty JSC named after. ON THE. Semashko
Description of profiles
Chemical technology of synthetic biologically active substances, chemical pharmaceuticals and cosmetics The range of disciplines studied by students at Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Synthesis is very diverse and covers all types of biologically active substances. The range of activities of graduates is wide: from pharmaceutical analysis and quality control of medicines to chemistry and technology of agrochemicals. During their studies, students master and develop technological schemes, the action of biologically active substances and the mechanisms of organic reactions.

Within the framework of the “Chemical Technology” direction, work Department of Chemistry and Technology of Biomedical Preparations is aimed at specialized training of technologists in the field of chemistry of biologically active compounds and materials for medical purposes with in-depth study of areas of natural science related to medicine. For this purpose, the training program is structured in such a way that students are given time to study the basics of anatomy and physiology, methods of instrumental medical diagnostics, the molecular foundations of pathophysiology and other special disciplines.

Department of Technology of Chemical-Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics (TCFiKS).A specialist in the field of chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic technologies must have knowledge and skills not only in the field of development, production and quality control of final products, but also in the field of chemistry of individual components that are part of finished forms of medicinal and cosmetic products. The curricula include disciplines that allow students to receive fundamental basic training in the field of the natural sciences: inorganic, organic, physical, colloidal, analytical chemistry, mathematics, physics. The scientific directions of the department are quite diverse - from the development of compositions for cosmetic and medical purposes to the synthesis and research of solutions of biologically active and surface-active compounds.

The most prominent representatives of biologically active substances are medicinal and narcotic compounds. Without analysis, it is impossible to talk about any medicine, and it is also impossible to start producing a medicine if an analysis method has not been developed. For this purpose, ultra-precise and new modern instruments are used, the operation of which is taught to students Department of Expertise in Doping and Drug Control (EDNC).

This is one of the oldest departments of the Faculty of Chemistry, founded in 1869. Outstanding chemists worked here, whose names make up the glory of Russian science - A.M. Butlerov, N.A. Menshutkin, A.E. Favorsky, S.V. Lebedev. In the post-revolutionary years, the department was headed by professors Konstantin Aleksandrovich Taipale, Boris Nikolaevich Dolgov, Ivan Aleksandrovich Dyakonov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich Ogloblin, Anatoly Alekseevich Potekhin, who made a major contribution to the development of organic chemistry.

Since 2007, the department has been headed by Professor Mikhail Anatolyevich Kuznetsov.

Department of Organic Chemistry today

Currently, the educational process at the Department of Organic Chemistry is led by 8 professors (to which, in principle, we must add the director of the Institute of Chemistry I.A. Balov), 9 associate professors, 2 senior teachers and 4 assistants. Among the teachers and staff of the department, 10 people have a Doctor of Chemical Sciences degree, 18 have a Candidate of Sciences degree. The educational work of the department includes general courses and workshops in organic chemistry, introduction to spectroscopy, lectures on physical methods for studying organic substances and stereochemistry of organic compounds, as well as special courses in various sections of synthetic and analytical organic chemistry for masters and graduate students.

The department prepares bachelors and masters in two specializations: general and synthetic organic chemistry, as well as analytical organic chemistry, and is actively involved in the training of graduates within the framework of the interdepartmental specialization - environmental chemistry. Every year about 20 bachelors and masters graduate from the department. Every year, 4–8 graduate students are admitted, most of whom successfully defend their PhD theses on time. Graduates of the department are in great demand in the labor market both in Russia and abroad. Faculty, staff, students and graduate students of the department actively participate in international scientific cooperation. Good scientific contacts have been established with universities in Germany (Karlsruhe, Leipzig, Ulm), Austria (Graz), France (Marseille, Strasbourg), USA (Buffalo, Bowling Green, Los Angeles).

Modern scientific topics of the Department of Organic Chemistry have strong historical roots. Here, first of all, it should be noted that they originated from the works of A.E. Favorsky research in the field of functionalized acetylene and diacetylene derivatives, which are now being intensively carried out in the groups of prof. I.A. Balova and A.V. Vasilyeva. Pioneering works of prof. I.A. Dyakonov on the chemistry of diazo compounds, carbenes, small cycles were continued and developed in the works of professors M.A. Kuznetsova, A.P. Molchanova, V.A. Nikolaeva, M.S. Novikova, A.F. Khlebnikov and their students. Prof.'s legacy B.V. Ioffe in the field of chemistry of organic derivatives of hydrazine, chemistry of heterocyclic compounds is being developed by prof. M.A. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor. V.V. Sokolov, and his analytical topics are enhanced by the works of prof. I.G. Zenkevich and L.A. Kartsova.

Based on the results of the scientific activities of teachers, staff, students and graduate students of the department, about 100 articles are published annually in leading international and domestic journals, dozens of abstracts of reports at international and all-Russian conferences. All-Russian and international conferences on current problems of organic chemistry are regularly held at the department, including youth conferences with wide international participation. The scientific developments of the department are supported by grants from the Russian Science Foundation, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grants from the President, the government of St. Petersburg, and international grants. Teachers of the department have repeatedly received prestigious awards from St. Petersburg University "For pedagogical excellence" (A.A. Kartsova, 2005, M.A. Kuznetsov, 2009, M.S. Novikov, 2012) and for the best scientific works (A.F. Khlebnikov, 2011).

Main directions of scientific research

  • Chemistry of unsaturated and strained carbo- and heterocyclic systems. Carbenes, diazo compounds, small rings (azirines, aziridines, diaziridines, cyclopropanes, cyclopropenes, triangulans), framework and spiro-jointed structures, 1,3-dipoles, cycloaddition reactions. Doctor of Chemical Sciences prof. M.A. Kuznetsov, A.P. Molchanov, M.S. Novikov, A.F. Khlebnikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor. A.S. Konev, N.V. Rostovsky, A.S. Pankova, A.V. Stepakov, Ph.D., Art. teacher.. O.A. Tomashenko, Ph.D., ass. HER. Galenko, M.M. Efremova, Ph.D. T.A. Kornilov.
  • Chemistry of reactive intermediate sextet particles, diazo compounds and ylides. Diazocarbonyl and diazodicarbonyl compounds. Photochemistry. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, prof. M.A. Kuznetsov, A.P. Molchanov, V.A. Nikolaev, M.S. Novikov, A.F. Khlebnikov, Ph.D., Associate Professor. A.S. Konev, A.S. Pankova, Ph.D. Ass. Yu.Yu. Medvedev.
  • Chemistry of acetylene and diacetylene derivatives. Synthesis and transformations of functionalized diacetylenes, enediynes, synthesis of new fused heterocycles based on them. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, prof. I.A. Balova, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. A.V. Vasiliev, Ph.D., Associate Professor I.A. Boyarskaya, N.A. Danilkina, V.N. Sorokoumov, Ph.D., Art. Rev. A.G. Lyapunova, Ph.D., ass. V.N. Mikhailov.
  • Hydrazine derivatives and polynitrogen compounds. Aminoaziridines. Aminonitrenes, azomethine ylides and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions. Three-, five- and six-membered nitrogen heterocycles. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, prof. M.A. Kuznetsov, Ph.D., Associate Professor. A.S. Pankova.
  • Aziridines, oxiranes, thiiranes, thietanes, amidines, sulfonamides and sultams. Aromatic and non-aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen atoms. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor V.V. Sokolov.
  • Analysis of organic compounds using gas and liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, including studies of the environment, biological objects, and pharmaceuticals. Analysis and separation of mixtures of biologically active compounds using high-performance liquid and thin-layer chromatography, capillary zone electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic chromatography, development of new options for organic analysis for medical diagnostic purposes. Development of new methods for chromatographic and chromatographic-spectral identification of organic compounds, creation of databases of analytical parameters. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. I.G. Zenkevich, prof. L.A. Kartsova, Ph.D., Associate Professor. E.A. Bessonova.

More detailed information about the areas of research of various scientific groups can be found at

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