"rosinkas": "we are the only ones who carry the state's money." Transformation of the Russian collection association Rosinkas into a joint-stock company - Lev Moskovkin - livejournal Are you trying to influence regulation

MOSCOW, April 11 - PRIME. One of the largest players in the collection services market, the ROSINKAS Association, despite the crisis, is increasing its transportation volumes and the range of services provided. In addition to the exclusive customer represented by the Bank of Russia, it serves the largest banks and companies, transporting money and valuables even in hard-to-reach areas. The association is actively implementing new projects, including the introduction of cases with paint, which, when opened, leave indelible stains on the money and hands of the criminal. "ROSINKAS" plans to expand the range of services up to the protection of objects where valuables are stored. The President - Chairman of the Board of the Association "ROSINKAS" Oleg Krylov spoke about plans for development, corporatization and about "black" cash collectors in an interview with Prime.

Oleg Vyacheslavovich, many are now complaining that business is going through difficult times and there are few clients. How does the crisis affect ROSINKAS?

You know, there is definitely no recession, rather, on the contrary. At the end of 2016, we transported valuables worth 22.7 trillion rubles, of which 7.1 trillion rubles went to the Bank of Russia. The volume of valuables transported by territorial collection departments in 2016 increased compared to last year by 2.4 trillion rubles or 12%, including through the Bank of Russia - by 51.7%. In general, it accounts for a third of the valuables we transport.

- What is the reason for such a high share of the Bank of Russia? Do you provide exclusive services for him?

Of course. Our main and most important task is the transportation of reserve funds of the Bank of Russia. This is our, so to speak, “exclusive”, which is not trusted to commercial carriers. The money comes from Goznak factories, and we distribute it throughout the country. Until recently, the Bank of Russia had its own division for transporting reserve funds, but now it has been abolished, and we are the only ones who transport government money. In addition, we were entrusted with the serious task of protecting the objects of the Bank of Russia - today we are in charge of up to 40% of the objects.

You probably had to do a lot to make ROSINKAS one of the most reliable carriers of money and valuables in Russia?

I came here a little over two years ago. Quite quickly it became clear that ROSINKAS could not develop under the same conditions. The “fat” years are over, economic difficulties dictate the need to earn money ourselves, and not rely only on “government orders.”

We had to rebuild a huge structure in the shortest possible time - we are one of the largest cash handling companies in the world, we employ more than 21 thousand people and more than five thousand cars! The developed Development Strategy showed that we did not use our resources enough. Many departments lived solely by transporting reserve funds. We suddenly realized that not everyone knows how to make money in tough conditions.

What technical innovations did you use during the transition to the new structure to save money and increase efficiency in your operations?

In January of this year, we adopted an IT technology development strategy. At one time we were quite far behind in this direction. Now we are trying to use and develop schemes - logistics, accounting, financial - to review existing systems and bring them to a qualitatively new level. There are also developments that allow you to remotely monitor what is happening at sites in hard-to-reach places and track vehicle routes. New technologies help us reduce costs.

We are also considering several promising projects. For example, we are studying the issue of using cases with paint, which, if opened illegally, leaves indelible stains on the money and the hands of the criminal. Such a system works in several countries, but it must be solved as a whole - integrated with electronic devices. Another argument in favor of their use is the reduction in the need to use military weapons during an attack. After all, there is always a risk of harming innocent people. But the question arises: how much will this system cost the Association, and will it pay off?

- In addition to ordering the transportation of reserve funds, you also attract commercial clients. Are there many of them, who are they?

We have several tens of thousands of commercial clients, including more than three hundred banks. We work with almost all major banks, even if they have their own collection service. An example is Sberbank, where the collection service is very well developed. Despite this, in a number of regions they assign the responsibility for servicing ATMs to us. For each client we can offer a range of services - from collection to ATM maintenance. Since we have been entrusted with the responsibility to protect the divisions of the Bank of Russia, we are ready to offer security services for places where valuables are stored to other clients. Several months ago, the Association created its own non-bank credit organization. The use of modern settlement technologies in working with clients will allow the Association to become even more competitive in the cash market.

All transported property must be insured by major insurance companies.

- Can ordinary people use your services?

Individuals can use our services for transporting money and valuables, but only through our client banks. The fact is that the state is fighting against the transportation of cash, and we cannot be sure of the legality of the origin of funds from a client “off the street”. By agreement with the bank, transportation is possible; for this we have special comfortable cars.

- Do you transport dangerous goods?

Of course, but that's a different story. We recently started doing this, and we transport everything that requires close attention and security - narcotic substances, pesticides, etc. This requires compliance with the International Convention on the Transport of Particularly Dangerous Goods and specially trained people.

- What do you consider the main problem of the collection market?

The biggest problem is the so-called “gray” and “black” collectors. “Grey” are private security companies that dump by saving on the transportation of valuables. But at least they have a license, and “black” cash collectors have neither a license, nor weapons, nor special vehicles. Unfortunately, commercial structures, trying to save money, entrust the transportation of their money to someone unknown. Several years ago, when I headed the security service of the Bank of Russia, a car carrying an amount comparable to the budget of an average region was robbed. Now there are fewer such banks, including thanks to the activities of the Central Bank to clean up the market.

-Are you trying to influence regulation?

Our market is regulated by the Bank of Russia, but the “grays” and “blacks” do not play by the rules. They work without a license without supervision and control, therefore they are rather within the competence of the internal affairs bodies. Moreover, they are attacked more often than us - it is difficult to approach us, but they have “holes” in their security.

We have created an Association in the field of cash circulation, and through it we will insist on the implementation of the transportation standard that we developed with the assistance of the banking community. The Central Bank accepted it, it works, we are trying to comply with it and become more and more modern.

- The threshold for entering the collection business is quite high. What do you have to spend money on?

Entering the market is really expensive. First of all, it is a vehicle for transportation. In addition to 300 heavy trucks - “tanks on wheels”, there are even armored jeeps that we got from the special transportation department of the Bank of Russia. But our main workhorse is the Gazelle, although there is also a large fleet of foreign cars assembled in Russia. We transport valuables over long distances in special armored carriages, and to hard-to-reach places using helicopters that we rent. We also use air transportation.

Transport is made to order, it needs to be registered and serviced. We spend about 850 million rubles a year on fuel alone, so we advocate changing the current standards that prohibit filling our cars with gas. This would allow us to save money.

In addition, it is necessary to train people and issue weapons licenses - this also costs money. The costs of a security system and insurance are high. Traditionally, most countries have structures that maintain a given quality, and clients are given the opportunity to choose among them. We also need to come to this scheme.

- Do you plan to remain a division of the Bank of Russia in the future?

The issue of our corporatization is now being considered. A corresponding Draft Law has been prepared, and it states that 100% of the shares will belong to the Bank of Russia.

From June 1, the Bank of Russia will abolish the Special Transportation Department of the Head Repository (Moscow) of the Central Repository. Simply put, it abolishes the structural unit responsible for cash-in-transit transportation. Its functions and property with a total value of more than 2 billion rubles are transferred to the Russian Collection Association (ROSINKAS). More than a thousand employees of the Department will lose their jobs: the transition from one organization to another with a reduction in wages and social package is categorically not satisfactory for them.

As Solidarity has learned, the Bank of Russia (also known as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) intends to get rid of one of its structural divisions from the beginning of summer. According to the order dated January 31 of this year, from June 1 the financial regulator will abolish the Special Transportation Department of the Head Storage Facility (Moscow) of the Central Storage Facility (hereinafter referred to as the Directorate). Yuri Afonichkin, chairman of the trade union committee of the Central Repository of the Bank of Russia, told the editors about this.

The department transports banknotes and coins of reserve funds, documents and precious metals of the Central Bank. The assets of the Department include fifty buildings and structures, one and a half hundred vehicles (special cars and special vehicles) and the necessary infrastructure - the total value of the property as of January of this year was estimated at more than 2 billion rubles. All this property, along with the functions of the Department, is transferred - as Afonichkin claims, free of charge - to the Russian Collection Association (ROSINKAS).

For the primary trade union, the main thing is that if the Directorate is liquidated, more than a thousand people will lose their jobs (almost all of them are members of the trade union of government and public service workers). Of course, they are offered work in
ROSINKAS. But, according to Yuri Afonichkin, in this case, workers’ wages will decrease significantly.


The association “ROSINKAS” is the largest carrier of cash and other valuables in the country. The company has 78 branches, whose activities cover the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Today ROSINKAS is more than 5,200 units of special motor transport and 17.9 thousand people with special training. According to official reports, the company's profit for 2013 amounted to about 1.5 billion rubles.

According to information from the official website of the company rosinkas.ru

It should be noted here that ROSINKAS still performs part of the work on cash-in-transit transportation for the Central Bank. But, according to Afonichkin, the share of orders from the Bank of Russia does not exceed 12% of the total volume. The main field of activity of the company is servicing commercial organizations of a wide range - from banks to retail chains.

At the same time, the founder of ROSINKAS is the Bank of Russia itself, and the organization’s activities are led by nine people from the Central Bank itself, including the chairman of its supervisory board and the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Georgy Luntovsky. In other words, we can conclude that the transfer of functions from the Directorate to ROSINKAS will have little effect: after all, the management of the latter is de facto carried out by senior officials from the same Central Bank. One can also conclude that the Bank of Russia will even be able to make a profit from the reorganization: after all, the net profit of ROSINKAS for 2013 amounted to approximately 1.5 billion rubles (more current data is not provided in the reporting on the official website).

However, firstly, generating commercial profit is not the statutory goal of the Bank of Russia. And, secondly, according to Solidarity’s interlocutors in the civil servants’ trade union, the ROSINKAS charter does not imply the transfer of profit or part of it to the founder. In addition, Solidarity’s interlocutors claim that this charter has not yet been registered by the Ministry of Justice. Yuri Afonichkin also insists that the charter of the ROSINKAS association does not comply with the Civil Code:

There is no authorized capital in the ROSINKAS charter - one thing, and the Civil Code does not provide for such an organizational and legal form as an association - that’s two, he says. - And in general, this whole deal causes colossal damage to the state. Transportation of regional reserve funds is a strategic function. And it is transferred to a structure that is often engaged in commerce and puts its economic interests first. By transferring the functions of such a company, the state actually loses control over the transportation of values ​​of regional reserve funds.

At the same time, a separate order states that the Central Bank will reimburse ROSINKAS for associated costs of performing the work. According to the latest public information, in 2012 the organization’s income from the transportation of reserve funds (paid for by the Bank of Russia) amounted to about 5 billion rubles (copies of documents are available to the editors). Accordingly, by transferring an additional area of ​​work to the association of collectors, the Central Bank, in theory, should increase the costs of its services. At the same time, based on the results of work for 2015, a total of 2.3 billion rubles were spent on the activities of the Department (“total” - compared to the previous figure). This is evidenced by the internal audit data of the Central Bank. But it is worth recognizing that the comparison of the Central Bank’s costs for the operation of the two structures is very approximate due to the difference in reporting periods.

Be that as it may, the monetary and state aspects in this matter are closely intertwined with purely human interests. The pre-trade union committee reminds us of this again and again:

We are employees of the Central Bank, we have a social package in the form of preferential access to children's camps, departmental boarding houses, sanatoriums, etc. This is not the case in ROSINKAS, he says. - Do you know what is most interesting? The charter of ROSINKAS states that it is a structure of the Central Bank. But his employee is not an employee of the Central Bank. That is, he is no one at all. There was a meeting with Georgy Ivanovich Luntovsky, I asked him a question: why is this so? He refers to some special forms. I say: “Why is a ROSINKAS employee not an employee of the Central Bank?” No answer.

The trade union organization of the Special Transportation Directorate of the Central Repository of the Bank of Russia does not have the right to challenge and does not challenge the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank to carry out optimization. - But we are wary of the unlawful, in our opinion, multi-billion dollar transfer of federal property to the company “ROSINKAS”, which will earn profit in its own interests. We are in no way opposed to the ROSINKAS company - we are against the destruction of the logically structured structure for transporting valuables from the reserve funds of the Bank of Russia, and the Russian Federation in general. Structures similar to the Special Transportation Department of the Central Vault of the Bank of Russia exist in many countries around the world. When the Directorate is destroyed, a threat is created to the safety of transportation of valuables, and most importantly, a threat to the safety of personnel.

A comment

Nikolay Vodyanov, Chairman of the Trade Union of State Institutions and Public Service Workers of the Russian Federation:

In essence, the functions of the Department are being transferred to “outsourcing”. What confuses me in this regard... I saw them (ROSINKAS - P.O.) documents: this organization’s charter is not registered by the Ministry of Justice. How can we say that this is an independent organization if its charter is not registered by the state?! This is some kind of amateur activity! Well, this cannot be, this is nonsense, I have never seen this in my life. There is a charter, and it is very strange. It says there that it is a non-governmental organization. That is, the state entrusts its securities, documents, money to a non-governmental organization for transportation and safety. This is strange to me. But even if we can survive this, how can we still explain that their charter has not been registered? Does the state not recognize them?

Yes, in the end, it is the bank’s business to determine who is worthy and who is not worthy of transporting its valuables, but here we are talking about government securities. As far as I know, there is no evidence that, for example, the FSB considers this organization reliable or verified. But it seems to me that in this case there should be some kind of agreement with the FSB.

And if you look from the point of view of the trade union, then our ideology says: we cannot support any decision that infringes on the interests of the members of our trade union. Here we are talking about the fact that a thousand people remain without work. Moreover, these are people who have been professionally engaged in their current activities all their lives - with weapons in their hands they risked their lives or provided work for those who took risks. And now they are all being asked to go outside. What they are offered as an alternative is frivolous: a salary like that of an average watchman who is not responsible for anything. Naturally, I cannot support such a proposal. My opinion is that in this case strategic state interests are already affected.


“...The department is engaged in the transportation and maintenance of banknotes and coins of reserve funds, precious metals from refineries to the storerooms of the Bank of Russia. The security system for the transportation of valuables created in the Central Vault of the Bank of Russia successfully contributes to the reliable protection of valuables, preventing or minimizing the consequences of criminal attacks.

In the Central Vault of the Bank of Russia, a system of security measures for the transportation of reserve funds has been built, implemented and constantly improved, in close cooperation with the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, JSC Russian Railways, JSC Federal Passenger Company.

Employees of the Department are employees of the Bank of Russia and have a similar social package. In the Central Storage system, during its existence there has not been a single case of theft of valuables, death of workers, or failure to meet deadlines for the transportation of valuables due to the fault of the Special Transportation Department.

In these conditions, the decision taken in December 2015 by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia to liquidate the Office, and ultimately to destroy the well-established and justified reserve funds from the point of view of ensuring the safety of transported valuables and the safety of the system’s employees, is incomprehensible.

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated January 31, 2013 No. OD-291, the Special Transportation Department of the Head Repository of the Central Repository of the Bank of Russia is abolished from June 1, 2016. The Russian Collection Association (ROSINKAS) is assigned the rights and obligations to organize and carry out transportation and escort of valuables using special transportation.

More than 1,000 employees of the Department are subject to layoffs. Buildings, structures, land plots, technical equipment, armored special vehicles and commercial vehicles, which are federal property, are transferred free of charge to the ROSINKAS association.

Proposals for employment of dismissed employees of the Department will lower their social status, since they will be hired at lower salaries, will lose additional pay for length of service, and social benefits that are due to employees of the Bank of Russia, because ROSINKAS employees are not employees of the Bank of Russia.

ROSINKAS, according to the law on the Bank of Russia, is also part of the structure of the Bank of Russia, but by the nature of its activities it is a commercial organization with special statutory tasks and does not have its own real estate and authorized capital. The legal status does not correspond to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The ROSINKAS Charter is not registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. ROSINKAS territorial collection divisions are not legal entities. The data available about ROSINKAS characterizes the insufficient provision of technical means to ensure transportation and the corresponding contingent of trained collection personnel, which jeopardizes the safety of transportation of valuables.

When carrying out these activities, ROSINKAS becomes a monopolist in the transportation of valuables of the Russian Federation. In this regard, all costs associated with transportation (insurance fees for transportation, operating costs, maintenance of a special transport fleet, its renewal, etc.) fall on the Bank of Russia.

On this problem, the labor collective and the primary trade union organization of the Central Repository of the Bank of Russia prepared appeals to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, addressed to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalov, to the newspaper “Solidarity”.

I consider it possible to support the appeals of the labor collective and the primary trade union organization of the Central Repository of the Bank of Russia.

Transferring the strategically important function of transporting funds, valuables and precious metals to a commercial structure will have a negative impact on the economic security of the country. This creates risks of disruption of uninterrupted cash circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, and also jeopardizes the safety of valuables.”

From a memo from Nikolai Vodyanov addressed to FNPR Chairman Mikhail Shmakov.

Transformation of the Russian collection association ROSINKAS into a joint-stock company

18. 218310-7 The State Duma, as a result of a short discussion, approved the first reading bill “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” (in terms of eliminating the legal uncertainty of the status of the Russian Collection Association (ROSINKAS) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia )).
The document was submitted by the government on 07/05/17.
Presented by Deputy Minister of Finance Alexey Moiseev.
Member of the Financial Market Committee Alexey Izotov.
Nikolay Kolomeytsev. It will lead to an increase in salaries, as in Russian Railways.
Moiseev. It won't.
Andrey Alshevskikh. The most effective form of state unitary enterprise.
The bill provides for the transformation of the Russian Collection Association (ROSINKAS Association) into a joint-stock company "Russian Collection Association" with the Bank of Russia's share of participation in its authorized capital in the amount of 100% and sets the deadline for such a reorganization - no later than 01/01/2018.
Property owned by the ROSINKAS Association, regardless of the type of property right, is recognized as federal property, the powers of ownership, use and disposal of which are exercised by the Bank of Russia, and is transferred by the Bank of Russia as a contribution to the authorized capital of JSC Russian Collection Association. The transfer of property is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.
First reading 327 29 0 11:34

Transcript of discussion
18th point. Draft federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)'.
Alexey Vladimirovich Moiseev reports.
Moiseev A.V. Dear Ivan Ivanovich, dear deputies. We bring to your attention a bill that was developed in order to eliminate the legal uncertainty of the status of the Russian Collection Association.
Currently, the ROSINKAS association is a legal entity that is part of the structure of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and ensures its activities in terms of organizing cash circulation. At the same time, its organizational and legal form does not belong to any of those currently provided for by civil law and goes deep into Soviet organizational and legal forms.
The bill provides, accordingly, for the transformation of the ROSINKAS association into a joint-stock company "Russian Collection Association" with a share of the Bank of Russia in its authorized capital in the amount of 100 1 percent, and sets the deadline for such a reorganization to 1
January 2018. The transformation of the ROSINKAS association into a joint-stock company is necessary in order to ensure proper control within the framework of corporate procedures by the Bank of Russia, as well as bringing it into compliance with current legislation.
In addition, the bill establishes the procedure for the specifics of transferring property as a contribution from the Bank of Russia to the authorized capital of the specified company.
At the same time, the bill proposes to include the ROSINKAS association among its organizations included in the Bank of Russia system. Please support.

Alexey Nikolaevich Izotov, a member of the Financial Market Committee, makes a co-report.
Izotov A.N., UNITED RUSSIA faction.
Dear Ivan Ivanovich, dear colleagues, indeed, the Russian Collection Association was created during the existence of the State Bank of the Soviet Union, in 1987. For 30 years now, it has had an indefinite organizational and legal form; it needs to be brought into compliance with the Civil Code, in accordance with our legislation.
Similar changes have been made to such organizations as Savings Bank, Russian Railways, Russian National Reinsurance Company, National Payment Card System, and similarly it is already planned to reorganize, or rather, bring the organizational and legal form of ROSINKAS "in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The Committee, in its conclusion on the bill, especially emphasized that the implementation of the stated goals of the bill should not create conditions conducive to the emergence of risks of ineffective implementation of the public legal function of ROSINKAS.
We have received assurances from the government, the Bank of Russia, as well as representatives of ROSINKAS that these fundamental conditions will be observed.
Well, we also had comments of a legal and technical nature regarding the bill. Nevertheless, the committee believes that these comments can be taken into account when preparing the bill for the second reading and the Financial Market Committee recommends that the State Duma adopt it in the first reading.
Thank you.
Chairman. Thank you. Colleagues, do you have any questions? Eat. Turn on question recording mode. Show the list. Kolomeytsev Nikolay Vasilievich. Kolomeytsev N.V. Thank you.
Dear Alexey Vladimirovich, please tell me, it’s written in your conclusion, financial and economic conclusion, that no costs will be required. Well, you just change the forms with the name. These are already costs.
At whose expense will it be? And I understand that, just like in the railways, this will lead to a sharp increase in the salaries of management personnel and, of course, these are also costs. What will they cost? Due to an increase in the cost of collection or due to what? Thank you.
Moiseev A.V. Nikolai Vasilievich, I’ll start from the end.
Firstly, banks are not at all obliged to use ROSINKAS collection; they can use any other collection if they do not like ROSINKAS collection. This is the first.
Second. Forms, I think we have agreed with the Central Bank that they will use forms, pens, badges and pictures as they are used and new ones will be printed only when the old ones run out.
And thirdly, as for salaries, salaries within the Central Bank’s estimates are approved by the central financial council, which includes some representatives, including your faction. So please, you can specifically instruct them to monitor this. And we, for our part, will also promise to ensure that there is no sharp increase in wages.
Chairman. Thank you.
Alshevskikh Andrey Gennadievich.
Alshevskikh A.G., faction "UNITED RUSSIA".
Thank you.
Alexey Vladimirovich! Well, first of all, I would like to ask why it is taking us so long to reorganize this organization? The most interesting thing is that here is an interview from 2004 with the then management, they then no longer supported the idea of ​​​​reorganization, because the most optimal form was still a State Administration. This is the first thing.
Second. According to federal law, since we are making it a joint-stock company, nevertheless, according to federal law, the main goal and task of a joint-stock company is to make a profit. To what extent will there be a conflict with federal law after the reorganization, because I don’t think they will work for much profit, but still? And after the reorganization into a joint-stock company, won’t this lead to the first step that decisions will then be made to privatize this enterprise?
Moiseev A.V. Well, again, I’ll start from the end. The bill that was proposed to you directly states that to consolidate the share of the ROSINKAS associations 100 percent in the ownership of the Bank of Russia and, accordingly, any attempt to privatize will be... Firstly, they will not exist, but if they exist, then you will have to agree, because this will be directly written in the law. This is the first. That is, 100 percent ownership of the Bank of Russia is directly stated in the law. This is the first.
Second. As for the fact that the joint stock company has some kind of profit, yes, that’s exactly what it is. However, we have many joint stock companies, including the Small Business Support Corporation, which you discussed here.
Braverman was asked exactly the same question on Wednesday, and he answered, I can offer you the same answer. Yes, of course, this is the goal - making a profit, while this is a regulated society, and its margin will, of course, be regulated, including within the framework of the National Financial Council, which includes representatives of the State Duma.
One last thing about this form. I believe that a joint stock company is a much more successful form. I must say that we saw this in the example of, for example, Goznak, which also became a joint-stock company a year ago, and when we can manage all corporate processes much better through the corporate procedures that are provided for by our legislation, when it is a joint-stock company. When it is not clear what, excuse me, it is not clear how to manage it. In fact, only telephone law applies, and there are no real legal grounds for a higher organization to manage.
In this situation, through the mechanism of corporate procedures, which are fixed both in the Civil Code and in the law on joint stock companies, it is much easier to manage and reporting is much more transparent. Therefore, I believe that the form of a joint stock company is much more suitable than any other.
Chairman. Thank you, Alexey Vladimirovich. Colleagues, will there be anyone willing to speak? I do not see. There are no takers.
I'm putting the bill to a vote. Turn on voting mode. Show the results.
Voting results (11 hours 34 minutes 50 seconds)
327 people voted for 72.7%
29 people voted against 6.4%
Abstained 0 people 0.0%
356 people voted.
94 people did not vote 20.9%
Result: adopted The bill was adopted in the first reading.

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