Christmas words and idioms in English you might not know. New Year vs Christmas: useful Christmas vocabulary for the New Year holidays English expressions on the theme New Year

1. to look forward to the holiday- look forward to the holiday
2. Bethlehem– Bethlehem (a city in Palestine, south of Jerusalem; birthplace of Jesus Christ)
3. The Star of Bethlehem- Star of Bethlehem
4. Jesus Christ- Jesus Christ
5. Christmas holidays- Christmas holidays
6. Christmas card– Christmas card

7.white Christmas– Christmas with snow
8. Christmas Eve- Christmas Eve
9. on Christmas Day- At Christmas
10. at Christmas- At Christmas
11. on Christmas morning- on Christmas morning
12. a Christmas Tree- Christmas tree
13. Father Christmas- Santa Claus
14. Santa Claus– Santa Claus (American Santa Claus)
15.Jack Frost- Father Frost
16. a red robe– red caftan
17. gloves- gloves
18. long white beard– long white beard
19. – reindeer
20. a sleigh- sled
21. chestnuts– chestnuts
22. the fireplace- fireplace
23.the chimney– chimney
24. a Carol- New Year's song with religious content
25. colored lights– flashlights
26. glistening glass balls- New Year's balls
27. a tinsel- garland
28. a holly with red berries– holly (its evergreen branches with red berries are traditionally used to decorate the house at Christmas)
29. Christmas wreath– Advent wreath (in England, a traditional home decoration for Christmas)
30. a stocking- stocking hang up- hang
32. to be hungry with- hung
33. a candle- candle
34. to light a candle- light a candle
35. to decorate- decorate
36. special decorations– special decorations
37. to celebrate(all over the country) – celebrate (all over the country)
38. to congratulate- congratulate
39. to wish each other- wish each other
40. to toast- raise a toast
41. a wish- wish
42. to make a wish- Make a wish
43. to come true- come true
44. to tell a fortune- guess
45. to send greeting cards(Christmas cards) – send Christmas cards
46. Christmas meal- Christmas meal
47. a holiday meal- festive dinner
48. Christmas turkey– holiday turkey

49. Christmas pudding– holiday pudding
50. a treat– treat
51. to wrap up gifts- wrap gifts
52. to leave the gifts under the tree- leave gifts under the tree
53. to sit down to dinner- sit at the table
54. merry- funny
55. midnight– midnight
56. a guest- guest
57. to invite- invite
58. to give presents- give gifts
59. to get (receive) a present– receive a gift
60. to be visiting- to be visiting
61. to visit smb/ to go to see- go for a visit
62. popular– popular
63. popular gifts– regular gifts
(a box of chocolate, books, records, a photo album, computer games, a video cassette, perfume)
64. hand-made gifts– homemade gifts
65. to prepare for- prepare to
66. to put up- put, install
67. to put up a tree- put up a Christmas tree
68. to represent- represent, symbolize
69. to listen to the speech of the Queen- listen to the queen's speech
70. a relative- relative
71. to stay up late- stay up late

Everyone's favorite New Year holidays are coming very soon. It is not surprising that preparation for them is increasingly becoming a favorite topic of conversation. But if you are discussing the arrival of Santa Claus with your foreign colleagues, you may hear some New Year's vocabulary that can leave you stumped. Let's see what "White Christmas" is, how you can shorten the word Christmas and how the New Year will be on English language.

Christmas vs New Year

Many people know that in Europe the main emphasis of the New Year holidays falls on Christmas. This is what all the children look forward to. As we know, Catholic Christmas is celebrated earlier than Christian Christmas and falls on December 25th. So it is on the night of December 24-25 that gifts magically appear under the tree.

Traditionally, Christmas in Europe is celebrated with your family. But on New Year’s Day you can go somewhere with friends, or you can stay at home and sleep all night. So it’s not surprising that there are many more interesting Christmas idioms and expressions than New Year’s ones. By the way, New Year will be in English New year's day, and Christmas - Christmas.

English expressions on the theme New Year

We have put together a selection of expressions that will be useful to you if you want to chat with foreign friends on the topic New Year.

English expressions with the word Christmas

First of all, don't be surprised if you notice that someone spelled Christmas as Xmas. This does not mean that a person is not familiar with correct spelling. Xmas is a popular abbreviation of the word Christmas. This abbreviation has already become so established in speech that it is printed without embarrassment on greeting cards and posters.

There are many expressions with the word Christmas. Today we will talk to you about simple phrases that are translated literally, and about phraseological units, the translation of which will have to think about.

Christmas phrases

Christmas phraseological units and idioms

Now you are completely savvy in New Year's vocabulary. Visit our website, read articles about the New Year holidays and recharge yourself with the Christmas spirit with the benefit of your English.

Why do people hate spending Christmas alone?
- Because it means that no one loves them.

Christmas only comes once a year, but that's more than enough.

- Nothing. Just wondering how you'll celebrate Christmas if you kill Santa?

On all the faces, no matter where you looked, celebration was visible: he was licking his head, imagining how he would break his fast with sausage; the girls thought about how they would skate with the boys on the ice; The old women whispered prayers more diligently than ever.

The night of the cheerful corpses of Christmas trees.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to discern the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ through all the layers of its packaging.

Christmas: the season of trading things you can't afford for things you don't need.

Do you want to sit on my lap and ask me for something for Christmas?
- No thanks. I don’t want to run to venereologists later.

Christmas is when Santas turn into buyers to make the dreams of sellers come true.

Christmas is when a father tries to convince his children that he is Santa Claus and his wife that he is not Santa Claus.

Sorry, sorry. Celebrated Christmas Eve on the roof. So starstruck that my brains almost flew out! Don't worry, the fat guy will come to you later.

Christmas is the time of year when we have to buy things that no one wants and give them to people we don't like.

If there is no Christmas in your heart, you will not find it under the tree.

Waking up after the Christmas holidays is like being hit in the face by fifteen Mondays at once.

Here's a real miracle: everyone receives more Christmas cards than they sent themselves.

Don't be afraid that your Christmas tree will be too small. In the eyes of children, it is always three-dimensional.

Alcohol, tears, police... So it's Christmas again.

A Christmas gift? You know I don't like Christmas!
- What's wrong with Christmas?
- I don’t even know where to start. Indoor trees, the overuse of the words “cotton wool beard,” and that absurd one-sock tradition. Everyone knows that socks come in pairs. Who uses one sock?
- One-legged pirate.
- And this is a thought. Thank you, I feel better now.

Christmas is the Disneyland of Christianity.

Homer and the dog lived together - like Christmas and suicidal thoughts.

Whether Santa Claus exists or not, that's not why I love Christmas. When I was a child, no matter how bad things got, my mother always managed to make Christmas Eve magical. Every year she acted out The Nutcracker. And I thought that if she did this in our tiny apartment, when we were all alone and we had almost no money, it gave me hope that everything would work out. I love this feeling, this feeling of hope. You know, this is crazy. On one of the shortest and darkest nights of the year, people of all religions celebrate the triumph of light. Plus, who doesn't love gifts?

If you want to celebrate Christmas like you've never celebrated before, try going to

What's the news?
- I got a role in a Christmas play. I am a lobster.
- Omar? In a Christmas play?
- Yes, the first lobster.
- So the newborn Jesus was surrounded by lobsters?
- Yes.

Have we forgotten the original meaning of Christmas - the coming of Santa Claus into the world?

Remember what the spirit of Christmas is all about.
- In desperation?

Santa Claus is better than anyone in the world at finding the right address, but he has absolutely no understanding of colors and sizes.

Christmas comes even to the battlefield.

From a commercial point of view, if Christmas didn't exist, it would have to be invented.

Why kill so many Christmas trees?
To celebrate one and only birthday?

Many girls never grew up and see Santa Claus in every man.

Gifts are not the main thing. Christmas means the smiles of passers-by, the joy of friends and family, the expectation of a miracle in the eyes of children...

Youth is when you are allowed to stay awake on New Year's Eve; average age- when you force yourself not to sleep on New Year's Eve.

Christmas is not the time of year. This feeling.

Christmas is a holiday for those who are surrounded by loving people.
- And you?
- But not me. When I was young and famous, I was greedy and stupid. And now I’m lonely, wrinkled and no one needs me.

Merry Christmas to all my friends except two!

Sheldon, didn't you like the movie at all?
- No, quite the opposite. I think the Grinch is a very real and entertaining character. And I was on his side until the very moment he succumbed to social convention, returned all the gifts and saved Christmas. Well, what a bummer?

You can’t imagine how lonely it can sometimes be on Christmas night...

Fining Santa Claus on Christmas, where are we going? All that remains is for the Easter Bunny to get vaccinated against rabies...

This becomes a family tradition. We forget Christmas! But here's the funny thing - we never forget suitcases.

They flew by quickly, these days, filled with the aroma of pine branches and a Christmas tree, in the flickering light of Christmas tree candles, in the sparkle of sparkles and tinsel, they flew by like in a dream, where every minute of life is equal to one heartbeat.

The truth of Christmas is that we are not alone.

Brick, have you made a list for Santa?
- This year I would like to get answers: what is the true meaning of Christmas, what is our purpose, what is the meaning of life?
-...Maybe a bicycle?

The moon and stars are shining
And they seem cold as ice.
Let's hope it snows
Will decorate this Christmas.

She's at home, I hope she's sleeping,
And if I fall asleep now,
then we will meet in a dream,
After all, Christmas is a time for magic...

Christmas is a time of expectation. If you've been good, a fat man in a red fur coat will sneak into your house and leave you gifts. But Santa Claus doesn't exist. On the most wonderful day of the year, we celebrate lies.

Christmas is not a date, it is a worldview. That's why I'm trying to fix the situation somehow.

Today, almost the entire English-speaking world celebrates the most magical holiday of the year - Christmas. You and I, being diligent students, use this as another reason to replenish our lexicon new expressions. So hurry up and open our gift - a selection of 12 cool expressions related to Christmas.

Christmas came early (this year)– Christmas started earlier this year – use this expression when you hear very good news.

Did you hear that Rob and Cate are parents now? Christmas came early this year for them!
Did you hear that Rob and Kate are now parents? Christmas came early for them!

Like turkeys voting for (an early) Christmas– literally “like turkeys voting for an early Christmas” – the expression is used when a person understands that some event will end badly for him, but he brings it closer because he has come to terms with it. That is, like a turkey who realizes that he will be eaten at the holiday, but votes for an early Christmas.

Can also be used to mean “digging a hole for yourself.”

The idea that drivers would choose to have speed limiters in their cars would be like turkeys voting for Christmas.
The idea that drivers would want speed limiters in their cars sounds like Christmas turkeys voting.

The more the merrier- how more people If you invite someone to your place, it’s not a holiday, the more fun everyone will have!

– Can I bring my girlfriend to the holiday party?
– Sure, the more the merrier.
– Can I bring my girlfriend to the party?
– Of course, the more (guests), the merrier.

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth– who would have thought that the saying “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” has an English-language alternative, and not a simple one, but a literal one! As in Russian, this expression says that you need to be grateful for the gifts you receive, even if they are not exactly what you dreamed of.

I know you wanted an iPhone for Christmas, but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
I know you wanted an iPhone for Christmas, but you can't look a gift horse in the mouth.

To trim the tree– decorate the New Year/Christmas tree, usually with the whole family.

My family usually trims the Christmas tree with red and green lights and wooden ornaments.
My family usually decorates the Christmas tree with red and green lights and wooden ornaments.

Don't get your tinsel in a tangle– don’t tangle your tinsel into a knot/tangle, i.e. Don’t ruin your holiday by trying to make it too perfect. Perfectionists, take note. 🙂

You're trying too hard. Have a break, don’t get your tinsel in a tangle.
You're trying too hard. Relax, don't get all the tinsel into a ball.

Excellent video with a selection phrasal verbs to describe Christmas troubles.

Good things come in small packages– good gifts are not always the largest in size, and even a tiny gift can be the best for you. Great reminder.

At first, I was saddened by the size of my gift, but I thought to myself that good things come in small packages. I was not mistaken because inside there were keys to a new car!
At first I was upset about the size of my gift, but then I reminded myself that size is not the most important thing. And I was not mistaken - inside were the keys to my new car!

Christmas comes but once a year– Christmas comes once a year - a popular excuse for those who like to allow themselves to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale and not deny themselves anything.

Come on, eat one more slice, for Christmas comes but once a year!
Come on, have another piece, because Christmas only comes once a year!

The holiday spirit– holiday spirit (mood), the not-so-secret ingredient for a truly merry Christmas. 🙂

Christmas isn’t here yet and I’m already feeling the holiday spirit.
Christmas hasn't even come yet and I'm already in a festive mood.

Cold turkey– literally translates as “cold turkey” and brings to mind the usual leftovers from the New Year’s table.

But in fact, this expression has a deeper meaning - it refers to a situation when a person is suddenly deprived of a habit that brings him pleasure. For example, someone loves sweets very much and cannot live without them, but at some point all the sweets are taken away from him - this is real cold turkey.

Joe used to smoke, but he quit cold turkey and hasn’t gone back to it since.
Joe used to smoke, but he quit abruptly and hasn't picked up the habit since.

Stocking stuffer– a small gift that will fit into a Christmas stocking.

Maddie went to the store today to look for some stocking stuffers for the children.
Maddie went to the store today to look for little gifts for the children.

White Christmas– a snowy Christmas is a common occurrence in Russia, but in the UK, for example, snow on Christmas Day is very rare.

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

We hope that our selection helped you maintain a festive mood and you learned many useful English expressions. and learn these phrases through training. Merry Christmas!

Exactly in a week, the Catholic world will celebrate perhaps the most beloved holiday abroad - Christmas. We are sure that not only traditions, but also jokes about Christmas troubles in English can convey the holiday atmosphere.

Humor is always closely connected with the mentality of people, so today's jokes will allow you to look behind the scenes of the life of the British and Americans.

Christmas is a religious holiday, and atheists are not supposed to celebrate it. But who would refuse gifts, a decorated Christmas tree, festive fuss and just a great mood?

No one, so all people prepare for Christmas with equal joy and great scope. And some even begin to believe in God thanks to this holiday.

I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays.

Once I wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up on this idea - they don’t have holidays.
Henry Youngman

As you can see, before Christmas everyone is equal: both believers and atheists. Everyone wants to celebrate the occasion and get maximum positive emotions. Moreover, Christmas is such a warm and bright holiday that you want it to never end or to be repeated at least several times a year. However, some people are not at all upset that Christmas happens so rarely - only once a year, they even find some advantages for themselves in this.

Alfie was listening to his sister practice her singing.
“Sis,” he said, “I wish you’d sing Christmas Carols.”
“That’s nice of you, Alfie,” she replied, “but why?”
Alfie replied, “Because then I’d only have to hear your voice once a year!”

Alfie listened to his sister learn to sing.
“Sis,” he said, “I’d like you to sing Christmas carols.”
“That’s so nice of you, Alfie,” she replied, “but why?”
Alfie replied: "Because then I'll only have to hear you sing once a year."

Yes, singing relatives are not a Christmas present at all. Yet most people look forward to Christmas. They think in advance what gifts will please their loved ones, and boldly go shopping.

Moreover, many people know that on the eve of the holiday it will be difficult to buy a really good gift, so they buy surprises as early as possible. Moreover, some people need to have time to send gifts to their relatives on the other side of the country, so shopping begins almost in September. However, even such insight does not save some.

Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.

Send your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.
Johnny Carson

Judging by the latest joke, Russian Post is doing its dirty work in America too! Nevertheless, pre-holiday shopping is a pleasure that you cannot deny yourself. And some people generally consider the process of shopping one of the most interesting and joyful stages of the holiday.

Sales, pre-holiday bustle, window displays decorated with garlands and the smell of tangerines - all this turns shopping into a wonderful pastime.

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go to shopping.

Whoever said that money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.
Bo Derek

Of course, this quote comes from a woman. Who else, if not the fair sex, extols shopping? Ladies are ready to spend hours shopping, choosing cute Christmas little things for their loved ones. As for men, only a few are able to endure an 8-hour marathon through shopping centers. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer, reluctantly, to give their lady a credit card and hope for the best. And in vain...

Why do women live longer than men? Shopping never causes heart attacks, but paying the bills does.

Why do women live longer than men? Shopping never gives you a heart attack, but paying bills does.

But, no matter how much men avoid going to the pains of shopping, they still have to buy a gift for their lady. Satisfying the whim of a beloved woman is not always easy, but some men are very resourceful and cunning: they manage to find a way out even from very difficult situations. difficult situations. So the hero of the next joke managed to find the right approach to purchasing gifts.

A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas.
After hearing about this extravagant gift, a friend of his said, “I thought she wanted a car.”
“She did,” he replied. "But where was I going to find a fake Jeep?"

A young man bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas.
His friend, hearing about such an extravagant gift, said: “I thought she wanted a car.”
“Yes, I wanted to,” answered the young man, “but where would I find a fake jeep?”

The wily young man from the previous joke gave his wife a not very pleasant surprise. We don’t know what the lady answered, but the child in the next joke made an original joke about his father. The moral is this: when you give a gift, be prepared that in return you may also be given a very original gift.

For Christmas, I gave my son a BB gun. He gave me a sweater with a bull’s-eye on the back.

I gave my son a BB gun for Christmas. He gave me a sweater with a target on the back.

A child with a good sense of humor sometimes turns into a real punishment for his parents! On the other hand, some parents also make rather cruel jokes on their children, and even the bright holiday of Christmas does not stop them from making jokes.

For example, one dad quickly and easily solved the problem of getting up early. And it can be justified: after a stormy celebration, you really want to sleep a little longer on Christmas morning! If your children also wake you up on January 1 at 6 am, adopt this life hack.

I tell my kids that Santa is fat because he eats the children who get up early on Christmas morning. That way, I get to sleep in.

I told my kids that Santa is fat because he eats children who get up early on Christmas morning. Now I can sleep longer.

An original approach to parenting will help you get enough sleep through Christmas. On the other hand, some guys are already disappointed by the holiday.

For example, the little girl in the following joke was struck by the technical backwardness of Santa Claus. The younger generation cannot imagine themselves without gadgets. It seems that soon children will not be interested in anything other than computers.

As a little girl climbed onto Santa’s lap, Santa asked the usual: “And what would you like for Christmas?”
The child stared at him open mouthed and horrified, then gasped: “Didn’t you get my e-mail?”

As soon as the little girl climbed onto Santa Claus's lap, he asked as usual: "What would you like for Christmas?"
The child stared at him in fear with his mouth open, then with difficulty squeezed out: “Didn’t you receive my e-mail?”

Yes, our generation could not even imagine that letters to Father Frost (or Santa Claus) could not be carefully written by hand, but printed on a convenient laptop and sent without leaving home.

The problem of quickly delivering letters has been solved, but there are some other Christmas problems that haunt people from generation to generation. For example, people from any country and any age will understand the following joke.

No matter how carefully you stored the light last year, they will be snarled again this Christmas.

It doesn't matter how neatly you stacked your garland last year, it will still be a mess come Christmas.
Robert Kirby

Oh, those garlands! How much precious time we spend folding it neatly at the end of the holiday. But on New Year's Eve or Christmas Eve, the same thing happens every year: we turn on “Home Alone” and with a sigh we begin to untangle the unruly lights. Although, you must admit, this is just a minor trouble that can be endured. No matter what problems or troubles we face all year, Christmas gives even the most desperate people a chance to start everything from scratch: more correctly, better, wiser.

The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn’t matter what mood you’re in or what kind of a year you’ve had — it’s a fresh start.

The whole point of Christmas is that it almost doesn't matter what mood you're in or what kind of year you've had - it's a fresh start.
Kelly Clarkson

We congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and wish that in the coming new year you receive only pleasant gifts from life, and that your loved ones understand and delight you all 366 days. Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas!

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