Ruslan whose name is the origin. What does the name Ruslan mean: meaning


The name Ruslan is of Eastern origin. According to one version, it is considered Turkic. According to another – Iranian. In theory, it comes from the name Arslan, which is interpreted as “lion”. At the same time, there are other versions of its origin. At the moment it is in demand among the Kazakhs and Slavs...

The male name Ruslan is rarely found in our country today, but in the past decade it was in incredible demand among new parents. It has a good meaning, promises an unusual character and has good compatibility with other names...

Conversational options: Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanka, Ruslanchik

Modern English analogues: Not available

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Ruslan is very multifaceted - on the one hand, it promises a newborn a lot of positive qualities, and on the other, those with which it is not so easy to get along with other people in the modern world. Usually the boy Ruslan is a person who has such character traits as fearlessness, speed, agility and strength, both physical and mental. There are also promises of emotionality and selfishness, which has an extremely negative impact on contact with the outside world.

He may seem kind and sympathetic, positive and peaceful, but at the first opportunity this mask is dropped, and then an aggressive man comes out, standing up for his own interests and dignity.

Advantages and positive features: the main advantage of all Ruslans, without exception, is their ability to protect their own interests. Ruslan will never give up his interests and goals, and he will never allow anyone to challenge his opinion.

Ruslan has a bad attitude towards people who try to put pressure on him with their authority, and most of all he hates selfish people and liars who achieve their goals with cunning and lies.

There is a version that the name Ruslan could come from the old forgotten name Eruslan.

Character of the name Ruslan

The character of the name Ruslan is such that it promises the man so named a good, tolerant nature, but at the same time too much suspiciousness. He has a kind character, an excellent worldview, and in himself he is patient, purposeful, principled, conflict-free, but too indecisive, which prevents him from building relationships and even establishing his own professional career. In addition, his character has such a trait as shyness, which in turn can have an extremely negative impact on a whole bunch of factors at once, and this applies to work, personal life, and relationships with friends. Moreover, he is idealistic - his character does not allow him to find bad in people, he always sees only good in everyone, which ultimately leads to disappointment and betrayal from potential friends...

On the other hand, it is worth noting that this is a theoretical parameter, and the character may be different in many ways, especially since for the most part it depends not only on the name, but also on many other factors, including parental upbringing, zodiac sign, and even the time of year under whose auspices Ruslan was born.

Early childhood

A boy whose parents decided at birth to choose the male name Ruslan, the meaning of this name usually endows him with a subtle flair, sincerity, organizational skills, excellent creative inclinations, good nature, politeness, kindness, caring, and a bunch of other equally good characteristics. In early childhood, Ruslan is a kind and very positive person; parents should not expect bad things from such a boy, especially since he also has prudence, and such that not all children have in early childhood. But meaning can also bestow many other qualities, including arrogance, and most importantly, independence - in childhood, he may be irritated by the excessive courtesy of his parents, excessive care, Ruslan may begin to experience discomfort because of this, so he will have to fight with it. On the other hand, tolerance can also give meaning, which will affect everyone without exception.

In general, he is mobile, although peaceful, active, friendly, has many comrades and like-minded people among his peers, and on rare occasions can begin to conflict with someone. His main advantage is the ability to get out of situations dry, avoid conflicts, and give in if necessary to achieve a comfortable environment in society. And in general, when little, Ruslan may seem very positive, ideal from all sides, but upon reaching new age stages, a lot can change...


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning of the name Ruslan, is most distinguished from all his peers by his craving for independence - he does not tolerate being courted and shown a lot of attention, he cannot live like this, it seems to him that they are trying to limit his freedom, but he values ​​her very much, at least this applies to most guys named Ruslan. But there are also many incredibly important advantages in it - for example, the meaning usually endows the person named in this way with purposefulness, thoughtfulness, politeness, courtesy, caring, goodwill, cheerfulness, optimism, planning and caution. Such a person rarely commits rash acts, and extremely rarely acts in accordance with someone’s promptings; Ruslan carefully weighs each step, thinks through it, and even predicts its consequences.

In studies, there may be problems, at least with the exact sciences - it just so happens that everyone named by the nominal variation Ruslan is more interested in the humanities than the exact sciences. It is also difficult for him to achieve success due to lack of self-confidence - Ruslan is too indecisive, fearful, and suspicious. But he is responsible and efficient, which is what attracts the attention of teachers - teachers like those. But with his peers, not everything is always smooth - often this boy is not taken seriously, which offends him, and ultimately forces him to retire to himself and his experiences.

Grown man

The adult Ruslan himself is very kind and positive, and this undoubtedly makes him look good in the eyes of society. Kindness, generosity, goodwill, integrity, optimism, positive attitude, sociability and friendliness, eloquence and charm, caring - all this is not a complete list of the virtues that almost all men who received the name Ruslan at birth possess. But they also have disadvantages, including excessive shyness and distrust, timidity, and indecisiveness. With these shortcomings, Ruslan has difficulty achieving success in his professional activities and career advancement.

In addition, every Ruslan depends too much on public opinion - only praise, compliments, support and approval from the people around him add strength and self-confidence to him. But he has many friends and comrades as such, but he does not trust all of them enough to dedicate them to his experiences. Gaining his trust is extremely difficult, even for the closest and most trusted people.

Interaction of Ruslan’s character with the seasons

Winter is the bearer of the name Ruslan, who is in the power of the meaning of Winter: calm, serious, thoughtful, reasonable and trying to find logic in everything. He is impetuous and has a scientific mindset - successful in science, research and professions that require the use of exclusively mental abilities.

Summer - here character traits such as openness, sincerity, sociability, ease of communication, love of humor and the desire to reduce any conflict to nothing take over. This is a too simple and frivolous boy who wants to live on constant holidays, which actually prevents him from establishing his own existence. He will fall into the hands of a simple and non-conflict girl.

Spring - this guy is temperamental and vain by nature, too emotional and self-confident, loves fame and attention, tries to be at the top of leadership. He is energetic and active, active and fearless, which helps him establish contact with the opposite sex.

Autumn - during this period a calculating and pragmatic boy is born, who has shown excessive curiosity since childhood. He is driven by the desire to develop, he cannot stand still, and, moreover, he easily directs energy in a direction that will bring benefits. For him, the main things are trust and understanding. Has an excellent character.

The fate of the name Ruslan

The fate of the name Ruslan in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, and in marriage is such that it presupposes a difficult fate for the bearer of this name. This is his fate. That every now and then he will be confronted with a variety of personal problems, with a bunch of different girls with whom he will never succeed.

So, researchers who at one time studied this parameter claim that Ruslan’s fate will bring him together with a bunch of different girls, but he himself needs to be prepared for betrayal, lies, or infidelity every time. Moreover, fate may not allow him to clash even with his true soulmate, because such a person can only appear like him, and therefore, also not ready to take the first step, and also just as shy and fearful.

On the other hand, it should be noted that the fate of the name form is a theoretical factor that has no basis. Therefore, it is not a fact that it will happen exactly as written above.

Love and marriage

Early marriage is not typical for Ruslan, since he is in no hurry to say goodbye to all the delights of a bachelor's life. He is not interested in easy victories in love affairs; he is attracted to unapproachable and mysterious women. His contradictory nature is drawn to both pragmatic and strong-willed beauties and fragile, cute creatures. Ruslan is in no hurry to choose a wife, since marriage for him is an extremely serious step in life, which cannot be rushed. He believes that a man's marital fidelity is possible only when he has had enough fun.

As his wife, he chooses a sweet, calm and modest girl with an attractive appearance and a sharp mind. She must be obedient. Her task is to emphasize and complement the wealth of her bright spouse, who even views marriage as a way of self-affirmation. In turn, Ruslan tries to do everything so that his relatives do not need anything.

He is sacredly faithful to his wife, so he will never forgive betrayal on her part. Ruslan is a real jealous person and can cause a scandal for her even for harmless flirting. In family relationships, he is the unconditional authority and head of the family, so not a single important decision is made without his approval.

Ruslan as Father

It is impossible to say with 100% accuracy exactly how Ruslan will manifest himself when he becomes a father. But there are a lot of qualities in his character that indicate that he certainly won’t be a bad dad. Children come into his life at an already mature age, which is why they can be called long-awaited.

He takes care of his children with all his inherent love. At the same time, he does not allow them to become impudent and sits on his head. Ruslan’s paternal love lacks a sense of self-denial in relation to his offspring, and in the process of upbringing he most often uses the “carrot and stick” method. He does everything possible to ensure that children have a happy childhood in which they can get everything they need. For this, they must behave diligently and study diligently.

Children never doubt their father’s love for a moment and always feel it. Even if Ruslan's marriage breaks up, he will never distance himself from his offspring. He will actively participate in their lives, giving them his warmth and care. He has a slightly stronger connection with his son, because Ruslan is one of those men who follow the unwritten rules of a self-respecting man: house, tree, son.

Horoscope named after Ruslan


Ruslan, who was born during the reign of the zodiac sign Aries, is passionate and open, easily makes contact with people and calmly walks through life despite any obstacles. He despises flattering people and has an extremely negative attitude towards liars. In women, this boy values ​​only attentiveness, devotion, and calmness.


Taurus - and this bearer of the name Ruslan is demanding and arrogant, does not accept criticism and other people's opinions, and defends his own views to the last. He easily enters into conflict and quarrel, and is ready to defend his dignity as long as necessary. He will not betray or lie - a faithful friend, husband, and father of the family. If he loves you, then forever.


Gemini is characterized by such character traits as charm and sociability, artistry and positive thinking. He is the soul of any company, a welcome guest and just a good ally. The lady of his heart will require recognition of his talents and merits, passion and submission in everything without exception; he needs a compliant lady by birth.


Cancer is honest and noble, craving attention. For the sake of attention, he will do anything, even flattery and deception, which pushes people away. But she can easily turn into an angel, someone whom everyone will admire. With anyone he is gentle, kind, passionate and devoted - he will stand behind her like a wall.

a lion

Leo - here given the name Ruslan - has a bright and multifaceted character. Emotional and self-confident, an adventurer by nature, loves risk and quick victories. He is a leader, and everyone around him understands this - to be close to him means to obey him and please him in everything. Not a tyrant, but does not accept disobedience from his wife.


Virgo - this sign promises compatibility with almost all signs, but his woman should be passionate and bright, so that everyone would envy him. A leader, domineering, but reasonable and calm. He can easily become offended and withdrawn, but he will do it unnoticed so that no one sees his weakness.


Libra - a boy born under this zodiac sign, and named Ruslan, will be romantic, passionate, charming and impressive. He is a conqueror of hearts, eager for constant change. Love is not for him - even having fallen in love with the only one, he will dream of others.


Scorpio is an egoist, no matter what you look for, power-hungry and mean-spirited, he will easily lie or betray, but not without benefit. He is selfish and never regrets what he has done. To attract attention, he is ready for anything, even incredible meanness - ladies need to be as careful as possible with this.


A Sagittarius named Ruslan is promised courtesy and honesty, delicacy and sincerity. This type is always in the attention of others, rarely moves away from noisy companies, craves adventure, but only to the point of falling in love. If he falls in love, he will change for the better, become touchy and vulnerable.


Capricorn is pragmatic and thoughtful, calculating, judicious, emotional, but is guided exclusively by reason and logic. Excessively patient and self-possessed - it’s impossible to piss him off. He will be quite demanding when it comes to choosing a wife and will spend a long time going over things.


Aquarius usually has determination and self-confidence. No one will force opinions on him; he is original in his thinking, independent and self-sufficient. Lives by his own rules, has personal considerations regarding moral values. Compatible only with strong-willed and decisive ladies.


Pisces, on the other hand, have a subtle mental organization and live in a world of illusions, which is typical for Pisces. This will become attentive and generous towards the weaker sex, but at the same time idealizes them too much, and therefore is often disappointed. Fickle and unreliable, he gives up on things halfway.

Compatibility with female names

Ruslan's best compatibility in terms of feelings and love can only be achieved with Anna, Ada, Emma, ​​Dora, Bronislava, Marianna and Evdokia.

A truly strong and happy marriage will be built with Lilia, Rosa, Susanna, Edita, Tamara, Faina, Gloria and Isabella.

And an alliance with Ksenia, Seraphima, Flora, Nora, and Eleanor will definitely not be successful.

A name is the key to understanding a person, to his soul, hidden secrets and mysteries. The name Ruslan is truly beautiful, and it can tell a lot about its owner.

A man with this name has a strong and persistent character, he is brave and honest, but at the same time somewhat narcissistic. To find out what else this name hides, we will try to study and understand what the name Ruslan means.

Secrets of history

To feel the essence of a name, its main meaning, it is worth studying its origin, because usually a lot of interesting things lie hidden in the depths of history. So, the name Ruslan is of Iranian origin; According to some sources, its origin is considered to be Turkic-Persian. One thing is certain: it came to Russia from the East.

In Russia, this name became known thanks to epics about the great hero, as well as after the appearance of Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. It is very difficult to say unambiguously whose name this is – Russian or Tatar. After all, from the Tatar language it is translated as “Russian lion”, and from Slavic – “light brown”.

It is important to note: despite the fact that, according to some sources, this name is Russian, it is not Orthodox, therefore this name is not in the calendar. Thus, at baptism the child will need to be given a different, Orthodox name. But regardless of a person’s nationality and whether he is of Russian origin or some other, this name perfectly characterizes its owner.

Personality Features

Everyone knows that character is formed at an early age and its characteristics are largely influenced by the name. A boy named Ruslan will have a difficult and at times complex character. He will constantly demand attention to himself, need praise and approval, and will take punishment and criticism with hostility.

This boy has a big heart, he tends to worry about both himself and his friends. He is easily hurt or offended, and he tends to remember the offense for a long time. Parents must learn to be tolerant and loving, since any negative message will only alienate the child and instill distrust in his soul.

This child is a true dreamer and should be given the opportunity to be creative. In addition, Ruslan will also be able to develop well and achieve serious results in sports. Parents should remember that Ruslan’s complex character is perfectly neutralized by a hobby or hobby, since the boy is ready to devote a lot of his time to this.

Young Ruslan's difficult character worsens, he becomes hot-tempered, aggressive and self-centered. He is purposeful, and if he wants to achieve something, he begins to live by the principle “I see the goal - I see no obstacles,” and no matter how difficult the peak may be, he will conquer it. If he can direct this power, for example, to playing sports, he will achieve high results.

In his youth, as in childhood, Ruslan loves attention, so he often goes where there is a lot of public that can appreciate all his talents. It is important for this young man to make an impression, and even if he does not have outstanding abilities, he will strive to be noticeable.

With age, Ruslan's character undergoes some changes: outwardly he becomes more correct, tactful, he easily builds relationships with people, his courtesy and diplomacy can only be envied. But in fact, this man is a dangerous predator, and you should not mess with him, because he will remember any of your criticism or “wrong” words.

A high position in society is of particular importance to this man; he is attracted by power, money and status. Very often, in an intense effort to conquer these peaks, Ruslan deprives himself of real human happiness. This man believes in himself and his strengths, in the fact that he is the chosen one, and it must be said that fate is often on his side.

Also, when exploring the meaning of the name Ruslan, it is important to pay attention not only to the difficult character of this man, but also to other features that distinguish him from the owners of other names.

With all Ruslan’s desire to achieve what he wants, he tries to maintain decency and not cross forbidden boundaries. But sometimes there are moments when the end justifies the means, and then the norms of morality and morality will no longer matter to him. This man’s health is excellent, and the reason for this is regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Regardless of nationality, this man has no end to the ladies. They love him, they follow him, they dream about him. Ruslan himself is excellent at caring, but if a woman “got to him easily,” then he automatically loses interest in her, because he is looking for a real mystery.

Ruslan attaches particular importance to leadership in the family, so he will not tolerate arbitrariness from his wife. He is a loving husband, but overly jealous, so his wife should be careful and remember that any provocations can end badly for her. This man loves children, but tries to raise them, not forgetting about discipline.

Ruslan has a wonderful, flexible mind, but, unfortunately, he is hasty in his conclusions, and is not ready to take anyone’s expert opinion on faith. Male thinking is structured in such a way that men trust only reason, and Ruslan is no exception. His intuition is not developed enough only because he is not used to listening to it.

Ruslan will make an excellent leader, especially in those companies that value toughness, on the one hand, and diplomacy, on the other. He is excellent at negotiating, he is responsible and results-oriented. This person is a careerist, and he will storm the career ladder over and over again until he achieves what he wants.

Between man and woman

When exploring the meaning of the name Ruslan, it is important to pay attention to the compatibility of his name with female names. It is the study of compatibility that allows you to better understand which women can bring happiness and which ones can bring disappointment.

and Ruslan are a wonderful couple! It is Anna who is able to tame the difficult temper of this man and turn him into a kind, flexible and loving spouse.

And Ruslan is a restless couple. They have every chance to build a strong family, but only when they learn to say “no” to selfishness and narcissism.

In addition, it will be useful for everyone who bears this wonderful name to learn something more about themselves:

  • Ruslan does not celebrate his name day, since, according to the church calendar, this name is not Orthodox and is not given at baptism.
  • Affectionate variants of the name are Rusya, Ruslanchik, Ruslya, Rusik.
  • The talisman stone is aventurine.
  • The totem animal is a lion.
  • The patron plant is dandelion.

A name means the whole world! By studying names, you get to know other people's worlds and universes. Author: Daria Potykan

According to Popov

A person with this name is made for political games. The desire for fame and perseverance on the path to achieving it are reinforced by the ability to find a common language with both comrades and opponents. However, it is pointless for opponents to expect mercy from Ruslan.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Ruslan is good-looking, emotional and loving. His burning gaze attracts women to him, they fall in love with him and try with all their might to keep him near them. Ruslan is characterized by emotional looseness and courage; he is not averse to taking risks, caring little about the consequences. He is like that in intimate relationships - if Ruslan has his eye on a woman, he will achieve his goal. At the same time, he is selfish enough to follow his own interests in sex and take care of his health and keeping in good shape. Ruslan does not like routine, does not like sexual encounters to always take place in the same way, according to a pattern, with constantly repeated caresses, the same words, and poses. He shows greater freedom of action in erotic play in preparation for intimacy. Not every partner is able to fully accept his sexual behavior, but he is patient, does not get irritated, and gradually introduces her to what is for him

completely acceptable. Ruslan adheres to the rule that the pleasure of partners should be mutual. Likes to talk with his partner about sexual topics, enlightening her theoretically.

Ruslan is full of liveliness and strength, he has an innate sense of humor, he is able to make fun of himself in case of failure. He is jealous and, although he himself cheats on his wife more than once, he does not forgive her infidelity. Not every woman, even the most beautiful woman, is able to awaken a strong attraction in him. Ruslan must win her, he does not accept obsessive and assertive women, and he will not tolerate his wife’s desire to impose her style of sexual behavior on him.

According to Higir

The name is borrowed from the Turkic-Tatar languages, comes from the word “arslan” - lion.

Little Ruslan is emotional, fickle in his desires, capricious and somewhat cunning. He loves to be praised and sulks for a long time if his good deeds are not noticed.

Often this is a narcissistic person. Popularity by any means is one of Ruslan’s ways of self-affirmation. Persistent work, which someday, in the future, may be followed by a good reward, is not for Ruslan. He needs everything now, he needs quick fame - to be recognized on the streets, to be written about in the newspapers. Perhaps that is why he gravitates towards artistic or political activities. The desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else, is manifested in Ruslan’s readiness to speak on the radio, give interviews, and ultimately make his name: popular. For Ruslan, his wife is one of the opportunities to assert himself. She must certainly be beautiful, slender, and have such external characteristics that her appearance in any company stops conversations and arouses everyone's admiration. At the same time, Ruslan is jealous. If the attention of men to his wife becomes, in his opinion, excessive, he can flare up and, regardless of the rules of decency, thoroughly ruin the evening. They are married twice (exceptions are very rare). They love children and parents. This love, however, is devoid of self-denial; Ruslan, rather, satisfies not the child’s need for fatherly attention, but his own need for the manifestation of fatherly feelings. A little lazy, squeamish. Likes to drink. The risk of becoming an alcoholic is assessed as low. Very punctual.

For living together with Ruslan, Agnia, Gella, Elena, Irina, Maya, Margarita, Natalya, Oksana, Olga, Raisa, Tamara are most suitable. Less successful choices are Ada, Valeria, Dominica, Clara, Lyubov, Marina, Marta, Rimma, Rose, Sofia, Ella, Yana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan, "Lion"

Energy of the name and character: Oddly enough, the name Ruslan in the modern Russian sound is not very suitable for a hero, unless he is an intelligent hero with a very fine spiritual organization. Of course, this is just a predisposition, and it is not a fact that it will fully affect Ruslan himself.

First of all, it should be noted such features of the energy of the name as lightness and some isolation from the earth, which, most likely, will find expression in Ruslan’s dreaminess and romanticism. The name seems to carry its owner to unknown heights. This influence is further enhanced by fairy-tale images associated with Pushkin’s fairy tales and familiar to everyone from childhood. However, this leads not only to daydreaming, but also significantly affects the development of pride, which, when the dreamy Ruslan collides with real life, can become very painful. In fact, if little Ruslan is pleased to imagine himself in this fairy-tale image, then there is no need to expect such recognition from others. Moreover, ridicule, and therefore resentment, cannot be ruled out; it is very, very difficult to match the character of a fairy-tale hero in order to assert oneself in such an image. Therefore, the fairy tale remains in dreams, and Ruslan, whose name, by the way, does little to incline towards conflicts and confrontation, chooses a different line of behavior in life.

Most likely, the dreams and experiences of childhood will make Ruslan a rather secretive and ambitious person. Outwardly, he will be quite peaceful, sociable, and may even seem to be an open person, but most often this turns out to be just acting. At the same time, the lack of firmness in the energy of the name in such a situation can turn out to be very dangerous, since painful pride craves self-affirmation, and the inability to openly assert itself can put Ruslan on the path of secret intrigues. You can avoid this state of affairs, but to do this you need to either cultivate strength of character yourself, or rid your pride of pain, which is much more difficult.

Of course, there are always exceptions, but usually Ruslan quite actively strives for a high position and status in life, although those around him may not notice this until his dreams come true and he finally receives the coveted recognition of society. The only pity is that on this path, Ruslan begins to understand too late that in pursuit of illusory, selfish dreams, he loses the opportunity to live in simple human happiness, which can always be found in sincere love, true friends, and even in an ordinary sincere conversation.

Secrets of communication: Ruslan often avoids open conflict, however, you should not rejoice over your victory, Ruslan is capable of remembering an insult for a long time, and who knows if he will ever have the opportunity to repay his offenders? If you want to gain his favor, then it is not useful to take into account that, like all secretive people, he, most likely, really needs human warmth and participation. Try to show him a little of this warmth, and it is quite possible that a completely different person will appear in front of you.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Ruslan

Bogatyr Ruslan Lazarevich is the hero of numerous ancient Russian legends, with whose name legends associate many such glorious feats as single combat with rival heroes, battles with fairy-tale monsters and even countless hordes of enemies. In addition to such indispensable features of the epic hero as courage and strength, Ruslan often stood up for the defense of the weak and offended, and in battle he preferred to act not only with a sword, but also with his head.

Legend has it that once Ruslan Lazarevich set off on a journey to fight the “Green King Fire Shield”. His goal was to obtain the monster's liver - the only medicine with which he could restore the sight of his blind father and twelve other heroes. Already on the way to the king, Ruslan, passing through the battlefield, saw a huge head of a giant, who told him about the treasure sword hidden under it: only with the help of this magic sword, the head told him, can you kill the king - and even then only with the help of cunning.

Having obtained the sword, Ruslan really resorts to cunning and, having arrived in the city, is hired to serve the king, since it is impossible to fight him in any other way: The Fire Shield, sitting astride an eight-legged horse, burns the enemy who gets close with one breath. Ruslan promises the tsar to get the treasure sword, and, seizing an opportune moment, strikes the tsar with this very sword.

The ending of this legend is interesting, more like a true story than a fairy tale. Having defeated the Fire Shield, Ruslan marries the princess he saved, but he himself leaves for the sunny city, where, forgetting his wife, he remains with the queen of the city. Meanwhile, his son, Ruslan Ruslanovich, grows up and, arriving at the walls of the sunny city, challenges his father to battle. In a long duel, Ruslan recognizes his son by the ring that he once left for his wife, and, ashamed of his behavior, safely returns back to his family.

Ruslan is a truly international name, common in Russia and many other countries. The name has ancient eastern roots, and comes from the Turkic name Arslan, which means “lion”. Researchers believe that the name Ruslan came into use after the publication of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Starting from the 10th-11th centuries, the generally accepted tradition of naming children according to the Orthodox calendar excluded the use of this name in Rus' until the 19th century. The name continued to be used in Russia by Muslim peoples, and therefore was not completely forgotten. After the 1917 revolution it became official. Now the name Ruslan is no longer perceived as Muslim, since this is what boys of various nationalities are called, including Catholics and Orthodox.

Among the famous owners of the name Ruslan one can note such outstanding personalities as the poet-publicist Ruslan Khasbulatov, the first president of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, Russian football players Ruslan Nigmatullin and Ruslan Pimenov, Ukrainian chess player Ruslan Ponomarev and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In Orthodoxy there are no saints with the name Ruslan, therefore the holy martyr Rusticus, presbyter of Paris, is considered the heavenly patron of all Ruslans. It is with this name that Ruslan should approach the Sacraments, ask for protection and help. This saint is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church; there is an icon of him in the St. Daniel Monastery.

According to legend, Rustic accompanied Saint Dionysius during his wanderings around the world. He converted many to Christ, for which he was captured by the pagans and thrown into prison. For the spread of Christianity and their unwillingness to renounce Christ, Saints Rusticus and Dionysius were subjected to severe torture and then beheaded.

All holders of the name Ruslan, baptized under the name Rustik, can celebrate their name day on October 16.

Personality characteristics

Ruslan has a phlegmatic type of character, which means he is calm, balanced, and conservative. The energy of the name gives a man masculinity, firmness, and justice. He is lucky in life, endowed with enormous strength, both physical and mental, is not afraid of any work and is always successful.

Negative character traits include Ruslan’s narcissism, his constant desire to assert himself and prove his superiority. He is very attracted to various prizes, awards, and encouragements - all this pleases his pride and makes him feel important. Ruslan perceives any gift of fate as a tribute to his personality.

Ruslan is a person with an active social position, leading a busy life full of impressions. Sometimes he lacks independence, which is more than compensated by activity in society. He is a liberated person, and energetic comfort will always come first for him. Ruslan makes contact easily even if the interlocutor is unfriendly.

Ruslan craves communication, cannot imagine himself without society, and always talks more than listens. Everything he does is done with his heart, all emotions are natural - Ruslan can quite sincerely cry from resentment and happiness.

This person is not prone to self-examination, but this does not mean that he has a poor inner world. Under unfavorable factors, Ruslan can really become a superficial person - not delving into the essence of the matter, rarely thinking about his own or other people's words, living one day at a time. Everything will depend on willpower, self-organization, effort and, to a large extent, on upbringing.


Little Ruslan is a restless and capricious child, requiring increased attention. He is characterized by excessive emotionality, violent expression of emotions and desires. He is cunning, early learns how to skillfully manipulate adults and play on their feelings.

The baby does not like loneliness, prefers cheerful companies and noisy games. It is difficult for a boy to “curb” his emotions, and parents need to teach the child how to behave correctly in a given situation. It is very important to direct the child’s overflowing energy into a positive direction - for example, send him to a sports section. At the same time, it is very important to develop patience and perseverance in Ruslan, without which it will be difficult for him to study at school.

It is very important that parents become friends for the growing Ruslan, who will always understand and support, and not strict judges and critics.


To maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body, Ruslan just needs to eat right and not acquire bad habits. But Ruslan often tests his health, follows his whims, can get involved in gambling and everything that adds adrenaline to his blood.

He is susceptible to depression, especially when there is a lack of communication and misunderstanding on the part of people close to him. But still, Ruslan pays a lot of attention to his appearance, which allows him to maintain good physical shape for a long time.


Ruslan is attracted to striking women with pronounced sexuality. He likes to treat his woman like a spoiled princess and be proud of her appearance. And women reciprocate his feelings - as a rule, a man never feels a shortage of fans.

Ruslan's sexuality is active, bright, dominant. He can charm women with his assertiveness and determination; a strong “masculinity” is the main secret of his success with the opposite sex. Next to him, it is easier for a partner to show her “femininity” - to feel weak, fragile, and in need of protection. However, often this man’s romances turn out to be short-lived, and his feelings are superficial.

Behind the façade of Ruslan’s self-confidence lies a fear of failure and doubt, therefore, like any other man, he needs a woman who is not only liberated, but also quite delicate, generous with praise.

Marriage and family, compatibility

As a rule, the owner of the name Ruslan is a good family man who values ​​his loved ones. The spouse and children will feel protected next to a man for whom family will always be a priority. But even his beloved wife, Ruslan will not allow him to command and impose his lifestyle. He is possessive and jealous, which sometimes greatly complicates family life.

Ruslan's house is always open to friends; he is a wonderful host and hospitable person. A man prefers active leisure, so it is good if the family lives in a private house or has a dacha. Ruslan's wife will have to learn to pay enough attention to her husband, otherwise he will easily find solace on the side. In addition, a man completely lacks such a concept as “personal territory”, so one should accept that he will not perceive his wife’s “personal territory” either. Ruslan will strive to control everything and everyone around him.

The most successful marriage for Ruslan is possible with women named Irina, Oksana, Olga, Tamara, Margarita, Natalya and Elena. You should avoid relationships with Valeria, Marina, Sophia, Yana, Christina, Veronica.

Business and career

Ruslan is an energetic, active, sociable, and passionate man. Monotonous, painstaking work that does not help unlock potential is not suitable for such a person. Ruslan craves recognition, and he needs a profession in which he can satisfy his thirst for communication and always be in sight.

Ruslan can make a brilliant lawyer, teacher, law enforcement officer, politician, free entrepreneur or advertising agent. He will also feel quite comfortable in leadership positions. But Ruslan is not ready to gain his position slowly; he wants everything at once, which could prevent him from building a successful career. He is determined to achieve quick results.

In general, Ruslan can be called a careerist who is ready to work hard and intensively for the sake of professional success and public recognition. In a team, he feels like a fish in water, has an innate ability to win over people and use their energy to achieve his goals.

Talismans for Ruslan

  • Patron planet - the Sun.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Virgo and Leo.
  • The most successful time of year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky color - green, orange, brown.
  • The totem animal is the lion, symbolizing strength, confidence, personal power, as well as “predatory” feelings - such as anger and aggression. The lion totem forces a person to control his temperament and aggressive impulses, teaches him to correctly express his emotions so as not to scare people away from him.
  • Totem plant - plane tree and dandelion. Sycamore (or plane tree) is an ornamental tree that represents mercy, strength of character and love. The ancients believed that the plane tree deepens consciousness and enhances attention, so it was under this tree that many scientific discussions took place. Since ancient times, this tree has been surrounded by honor and respect among various peoples of the world. Dandelion is a symbol of healing and hope. An infusion of this unpretentious flower will help people whose totem it is to find healing from many diseases.
  • Talisman stone - jasper and aventurine. Jasper is a magic stone that protects against the evil eye, evil thoughts and rumors. The stone is a vigilant guardian of any hiding places, for example, with documents or family heirlooms. If there are jewelry or products made from jasper in the house, family relationships become more harmonious and calm. The stone can become a talisman of good luck, family happiness and material wealth. Aventurine helps a person to reveal the subconscious and hidden creative potential, and also helps in finding the meaning of life. The stone has a positive effect on the psyche of its owner, calming and removing negativity.


Aries- passionate, open, optimistic nature. He is always full of ideas and plans for the future, sometimes he likes to brag and thereby cause a storm of applause. Ruslan-Aries has a powerful, extraordinary character, and a weak nervous system. He is often hampered by a complete lack of diplomacy and the inability to subtly approach different situations. In the family and in the team, the despotism characteristic of a man often manifests itself - he strives to control everyone and everything, to always be aware of all events. Very often, behind the external self-confidence of Ruslan-Aries, sentimentality and an inferiority complex are hidden. For this reason, he can be very jealous, although he himself will not lose interest in other women until he is very old.

Taurus- a demanding, straightforward person who does not know how to play around and deceive. He is careful and slow, practical, accustomed to planning everything in advance, and not living one day at a time. This is a business person who knows how to work and “make” money, who is not afraid of any, even the hardest physical labor. Ruslan-Taurus, like no one else, embodies all the qualities of a real man, and he needs the same wife - one who values ​​traditional family values, is impeccably faithful and thrifty. He himself does not belong to the category of irresponsible Don Juans, and the financial side of life with him is excellent. Divorce in the family of Ruslan-Taurus is practically excluded, but if this does happen, then the man will worry for a long time, and will not marry a second time soon.

Twins- a charming, artistic, sociable personality. In society, he behaves violently, trying in every possible way to attract attention to his person. He has a lively and critical mind, and his character is very changeable and difficult to understand. For all his apparent openness and goodwill, he is a very secretive person who never reveals his true plans, thoughts and feelings. The process of adaptation to new circumstances and society takes Ruslan the Gemini a minimum of time, but most of his knowledge is superficial, and friendships do not last long. A woman in his company receives a huge amount of attention, however, family life with him is not stable, both financially and in terms of relationships. Usually, more than one marriage happens in the life of Ruslan the Gemini.

Cancer- a delicate person, filled with a sense of inner nobility, but at the same time not too self-confident. He has a very subtle mental organization, distinguished by sensitivity and emotionality. But most of his grievances and emotions are not noticeable to others, since, afraid to show his vulnerable soul, Ruslan-Cancer hides behind a mask of composure and a wonderful sense of humor, which sometimes develops into sarcasm. He can truly open up only to close people, so he, like no one else, needs words of support and love, and criticism must be very careful and delicate. The priority in life for this man will always be his family and children - he will make a faithful, caring, loving spouse and caring father. “Both in sorrow and in joy...” - for Ruslan-Cancer these are far from empty words.

a lion- a bright, extraordinary personality, a great adventurer and optimist. Often in his aspirations he ignores all prohibitions and goes over his head, although there is no deliberate cunning or meanness in his nature. On the contrary, he is noble and forgiving, especially towards those who are weaker and less successful. However, Ruslan-Leo’s ambitions do not always keep up with his capabilities, so there is a danger of getting stuck in a debt hole for a long time. The love for beautiful women and a luxurious, carefree life force a man to look for a way to make good money, although money itself is not interesting to him, and he spends it easily. In the family, he will definitely be a leader, sometimes despotic and very jealous, but in return he will give a lot - all his bright love, care and loyalty. But a woman should never step on his sick pride and always remember that with praise and a kind word you can achieve much more from Ruslan-Leo than with reproaches and insults.

Virgo- a proud and businesslike man who strives for perfection in everything. He is practical, prudent, does not get caught up in trifles, and is confident that any problem can be sorted out and solved in a logical way. Ruslan-Virgo has a strong will, but sometimes he is too critical, selfish and picky. Caution in everything is his life principle, which protects him from great losses, but also does not lead to great success. By nature, the man is not very romantic, but he treats his family with great trepidation and does everything so that his loved ones do not need anything. Life together with Ruslan-Virgo will be characterized by stability, the absence of scandals and major financial upheavals, so he needs a calm, home-loving spouse who does not require romance and frequent changes. The man does not strive to become the head of the family, but he will not allow himself to be pushed around either.

Scales- a romantic, impressive man, a real conqueror of women's hearts. Due to his natural charm, he is able to find a common language with the most reserved person and easily fit into any team. Ruslan-Libra is a born diplomat, who in every possible way avoids conflicts and open quarrels, and does not like to take responsibility. He is not a leader by nature, although he cannot be denied practicality and rationalism. He can save money for something for a long time, and then spend it in one day in a fit of generosity. This person takes marriage extremely seriously, but even in this case, he will always cheat on his wife. The doors of Ruslan-Libra's house are always open to numerous friends, and he will spend part of his time with them outside the home. But at the same time, the wife will not feel deprived of anything - this man’s care and attention will be enough for everyone.

Scorpion- a strong-willed, courageous, purposeful person, very demanding of himself and others. Sometimes he can be cruel and dangerous, because he is afraid of only one thing in this life - losing his loved ones. Neither human rumor, nor the loss of his own reputation, nor any dangers or difficulties can frighten or break him. However, underneath the external equanimity lies a passionate nature, but the man does not allow himself to relax for a minute. The life of Ruslan-Scorpio is active, intense - he devotes himself completely and completely to any business, like passion. Only the same bright, passionate nature can get along with him, who will not be afraid of the unbridled temperament of a man. A wise woman will find in Ruslan-Scorpio a wonderful husband and a caring father to her children. But she will have to learn one inviolable rule - her husband is the head of the family, and this will never change.

Sagittarius- a sincere, open man, with a charming smile and a clear mind. His bright head is always full of ideas, his character is full of optimism, and his soul is always young. Under the influence of his bright aura, those around him also see the world in brighter colors and begin to believe in miracles. Ruslan-Sagittarius’s brilliant business qualities, ability to think strategically and work with information, including fundamentally new ones, help him realize his many plans. A man is always open to new knowledge and new technologies. A man looks at marriage ties with great apprehension, as he is afraid of any obligations and is very afraid of losing his independence. But even with this situation, there are usually more than one marriages in the life of Ruslan-Sagittarius. A cloudless family life cannot be a guarantee that one day a man will not want to regain freedom.

Aquarius- an original and independent personality, easy-going and pleasant to talk to. It is difficult for him to tune in to achieving one goal, so his plans are rarely implemented, and the results are not always satisfactory. The nature of Ruslan-Aquarius is unpredictable - he is capable of dangerous adventures and strange actions, he easily treats violations of various rules, laws, and morality. Family life with this man is as unstable as his financial situation. In his wife, he wants to see, first of all, a friend and like-minded person who will listen to him, delve into him, and sympathize. He will turn out to be an unimportant owner, as well as a breadwinner. Ruslan-Aquarius is not characterized by responsibility, he will not understand the intricacies of the female soul, and if family life no longer suits him, he will easily break off the relationship.

Fish- a person with a fine mental organization, endowed with a vivid imagination. Possessing enormous natural potential and many talents, he experiences difficulties in realizing them, since he is very unsure of himself and does not know how to deal with circumstances. He prefers to go with the flow and wait for gifts of fate, rather than act. But with wise, and most importantly, tactful leadership, Ruslan-Pisces can achieve significant results. He is not a spender at all and knows how to count money very well, but the main thing in his life is love and family. He really needs a strong rear, a reliable and cozy home where he is loved and expected. He needs guardianship and moral support, which a man first receives from his parents, and then wants to receive from his wife. She will need a lot of patience and love to withstand her husband's impracticality and some irresponsibility, as well as his touchiness.

Forms of the name Ruslan

Short form of the name Ruslan. Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanka, Ruslanchik, Rustic, Rusya, Ruska. Short and diminutive options: Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanchik, Ruslanych, Rusyan

Patronymic names: Ruslanovich, Ruslanovna; colloquial form: Ruslanych

Name Ruslan in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 魯斯蘭 (Lǔ sī lán). Japanese: ルスラン (Rusuran). Kannada: ರುಸ್ಲಾನ್ (Ruslān). Hindi: रुस्लान (Ruslāna). Ukrainian: Ruslan. Greek: Ρουσλάν (Rouslán). English: Ruslan (Ruslan).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Ruslan, Rouslan, French Rouslan

Latin transliteration in a Russian passport - Ruslan

Origin of the name Ruslan

The origin of the name Ruslan is rooted in the heroic Iranian epic about Rustam, the son of Zalazar (the poem “Shahname” by the Persian poet Ferdowsi). The Turkic peoples sang him already as Arslan Zalzar, and then in the 17th century among the Slavic peoples he already appears as the hero Eruslan Zalazarovich, or Lazarevich. Translated from the Turkic language, Arslan means “lion”. Accordingly, Ruslan is the Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan. You can find a translation of the name Ruslan from Slavic as “blond”.

The name Ruslan is actively used among Kazakhs along with the name. Recently, the feminine form of this name has become actively used -.

Character of the name Ruslan

As a child, Ruslan manifests himself as a capricious child. He is characterized by increased emotionality and inconstancy of desires. He always needs to hear praise from others. If he does not feel this, he begins to be offended. Among his peers he always behaves easily, boldly and relaxedly. He can take rash risks without worrying at all about the possible consequences. In friendship he is ready to show selflessness. With age, Ruslan's character becomes explosive and selfish. He is often extremely categorical in his judgments. As for actions, the owner of this name is always directed only forward.

In fact, passions boil in him and he is a very passionate person. To achieve his goals, he is ready to resort to tricks, deception and intrigue. Although Ruslan avoids conflicts, on the way to the desired goal he can lose both friends and the respect of loved ones, and make himself an enormous number of enemies. Ruslan is vindictive and vindictive. He can carry a grudge for years and will definitely take the opportunity to take revenge. Despite these shortcomings, Ruslan has one undeniable advantage - he is a very purposeful person and will definitely achieve his goal, no matter how circumstances prevent him from achieving it. Ruslan is a fighter to the core. He often starts playing sports only for the purpose of learning not to give up and fight to the end. Most often, Ruslans are well physically developed and strong men.

Astrological features of the name Ruslan

Planet- Sun

Color of the name Ruslan- golden

Auspicious tree- plane tree

Treasured plant- dandelion

Patron of the name Ruslan- a lion

Talisman stone- aventurine

Numerology of the name Ruslan

Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


The planet Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Ruslan as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Ruslan

The meaning of the name Ruslan for life

Ruslan is good-natured, loves people, but himself even more. All his actions are aimed at achieving his own benefit. At the same time, he does not forget about his loved ones, those who are truly dear to him. Ruslan is emotional, capricious, like a child, and has an unstable nervous system. He is greedy for praise and loves flattery. He takes indifference to his person very painfully. The desire to be in the center of attention, recognized and loved by everyone is his driving force. For this he is ready to do anything. He studies better than anyone in order to attract attention, is neat and pedantic in order to be different from his peers, charming and witty in order to please girls. Persistent work, the application of any mental effort, the need to give up something familiar are possible only if there is no other opportunity to win the love and respect of others. However, most often Ruslan succeeds in this without much difficulty. He is charming, attracts women, smart and practical, which makes it possible to look respectable in the eyes of like-minded people. In love, Ruslan also shows a certain self-interest: his wife should look so as to highlight him favorably. He is pleased that she is smart and courteous, everyone likes her, knows how to behave in high society, is attractive, can carry on small talk, and attract the attention of the right people. Ruslan is a good family man, a thrifty and thrifty husband. He loves to eat heartily, prefers high-quality products, for which he spares no expense. Ruslan loves children, but even here his selfishness manifests itself; he takes more from communicating with children than he gives to them. He needs to experience the love of children, their attention, for which he is willing to pay generously. Ruslan is very jealous; the beauty and charm of his wife can cause scandals. In the tides of jealousy, Ruslan is harsh and unrestrained.

Meaning of the name Ruslan for sex

Ruslan does not like routine, he is depressed if sexual meetings take place as if according to a template, with constantly repeated caresses, the same words, and poses. He is a proponent of greater freedom of action in erotic play in preparation for intimacy. Not every partner is able to fully accept his sexual behavior, but he is patient, does not get irritated, and gradually introduces her to what is the norm for him. Ruslan adheres to the rule: the pleasure of partners should be mutual. Likes to talk with his partner on sexual topics, enlightening her theoretically. He never discusses his love affairs with friends.

Compatibility of the name Ruslan and patronymic

Ruslan Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich - a narcissistic person, cannot stand criticism, does not tolerate comments and instructions. He is vain and ambitious, but he is not interested in his career, but in popularity, the desire to be famous, loved and respected by everyone. Ruslan envies the successful and famous, and will never miss the opportunity to become the same. Ruslan is talented, artistic, and witty. His charm attracts others, and his cheerful disposition and cheerfulness conquer women. Ruslan loves the opposite sex, but he loves himself even more. He is flattered that he is successful with women, and loves them because they love him. He is not a conqueror, he strikes up relationships only with those women who liked him. However, he chooses his wife himself and, if he falls in love with someone, he will definitely achieve reciprocity. Ruslan has good appearance, is impressive and gallant. She likes to dress beautifully, follows fashion, and spends a lot of time in front of the mirror. Ruslan is punctual and obligatory. Reliable friend, devoted and good family man. He loves children, but does not participate in their upbringing; sometimes it seems that he is indifferent to them. He begins to seriously pay attention to them when they grow up, when he can talk to them about something sensible, read a moral lesson, and give advice. Ruslan diligently improves his home, loves comfort and coziness, and spares no expense for this. He is pleased to see the admiring faces of his friends when they are in the house. He is hospitable and generous; frequent parties do not tire him. Ruslan enjoys being in society, he needs to be in sight of everyone, he cannot live a full life without it. Ruslan is jealous and vigilantly monitors his wife’s behavior. He is often tormented by doubts and suspicions, but without good reason he does not admit it, he is too proud and proud. His wife himself is averse to having an affair on the side, but even here he is driven not by passion, but by narcissism. He needs to feel like an unsurpassed man, to know that he is still in shape and is not giving up his positions.

Ruslan Aleksandrovich, Arkadievich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich,. Maksimovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Yakovlevich are highly emotional, sexy, energetic and temperamental. He loves material goods, but will not overwork himself, will not exhaust himself with hard physical labor. Cunning, smart, selfish. He knows how to benefit from everything, he has his own interest in everything. He is good as a mediator, he always manages to conclude a profitable deal and fool the most experienced partners. He has an analytical mind and good intuition. Ruslan is careful and prudent in choosing friends and especially his wife. For him, his wife is one of the opportunities to attract attention to his person. She must certainly be beautiful, elegant, have good manners, excellent taste and such external characteristics as to evoke admiration among others. But at the same time he is unusually jealous. If the attention of men, in his opinion, manifests itself too intrusively, in an indecent form, he can explode, say stupid things, upset the whole evening. The wife should only highlight him favorably, and not overshadow him. Ruslan has artistic abilities, knows how to fit into an unfamiliar company, and feels comfortable in any society. In family relationships, Ruslan is balanced, loves peace and stability. Attentive to children, loves parents. True, this love is not sacrificial in nature, Ruslan never forgets about himself. If he visits his parents, it is because he considers it his duty, he knows that he will always find love and attention in his parents’ house. Ruslan is a little lazy, doesn’t like to do housework, but he can do anything when he’s in the mood: repair, make things, help his wife. He willingly goes to the market, knows how to bargain, loves good quality products. She loves to eat delicious food and appreciates her wife’s culinary skills. On occasion, he will definitely brag about this to his friends, and often invites them to his place to taste some exotic dish. He can prepare a festive dinner himself after reading an unusual recipe.

Ruslan Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is calm and balanced. Unlike his namesakes, he does not spend so much effort to please others, but he is not indifferent to public opinion about himself. He has an extraordinary appearance that cannot go unnoticed. He is laconic in conversations, but with his whole appearance he arouses interest in himself. His calm voice and soft intonation have a calming effect on everyone. He is intelligent, smart, diplomatic. Ruslan is practical and prudent, thorough in everything, thinks through his every step. He is careful in choosing friends and lovers. He knows how to win over a woman, win and conquer any beauty. He takes a wife from an intelligent family, good-looking, smart and balanced. He gets married late, when he has already tried and learned a lot. Before marriage, he has many sexual relationships, often with several partners at the same time. Analyzes their behavior, attitude towards themselves, compares, finds out which of them is sexier, smarter, more pleasant to communicate with. He dates his future wife for a long time, can interrupt the relationship and resume it again until he decides that she really suits him as his wife. In marriage, Ruslan is economical, he loves that there is always everything in the house, so that the family does not need anything. He knows how to do everything, but does not always have the desire to tinker with something - he does household chores according to his mood. He does not tolerate pressure, he is the master of the house and knows what to do and when. He is strict with children; from the outside it may even seem cold. However, this is not so, Ruslan simply does not want to pamper them, he is trying to give them a good education and comprehensive development. Much attention is paid to their intellectual development and spiritual formation. He spends his free time with his family and reads a lot. He makes a good career, he manages to occupy a high position in society. He is not arrogant, tries not to arouse the envy of others, and not to attract the attention of others to his personal life. He values ​​tranquility and a measured lifestyle above all else.

Ruslan Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is sociable, quick-witted, smart, endowed with a rich imagination. Ruslan is handsome, loving, easily carried away and cools down quickly. His gaze radiates love of life and sexuality. Women adore Ruslan, fall in love at first sight and compete with each other. He is emotionally uninhibited, somewhat careless and reckless. Cheerful and witty. Ruslan does not know defeat, he always achieves the woman he likes. He loves himself very much, takes care of his appearance and fitness. If his heart is not occupied by anyone, he will have a sex partner just to maintain his health. Ruslan does not like routine, monotony. He quickly gets bored with one partner. He often changes them or has several at once. He does not bind himself to any obligations, he is freedom-loving and independent. He builds relationships with women in such a way that they have no opportunity to bother him, he doesn’t even give his phone number to anyone. If he wants to see one of them, he calls himself. He takes a long time to choose his wife and is in no hurry to burden himself with family troubles. He takes a temperamental, pretty and intelligent woman as his wife. He is very jealous, so he values ​​loyalty most in a woman. Any freedom in the behavior of his wife can cause an explosion of emotions; in this state, Ruslan does not control himself and does not think about the consequences. He is hot and unrestrained. Ruslan is economical, but this lies in the fact that he knows how to organize everything so that he does not have to do anything around the house. He earns decent money and always has the opportunity to hire specialists who will do everything to the highest standard. His house is a full cup. He succeeds in everything, he is the darling of fate. At the same time, Ruslan is very responsive, always ready to help his neighbor, for which his friends love him, and his friends are looking for opportunities to become his friends. His neighbors are happy to visit him at home; everyone likes his hospitality, family relationships, abundance and comfort. Ruslan is generous and happy to everyone who loves him. He has no ill-wishers, or at least he doesn't know about them.

Ruslan Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is outwardly restrained, but any little thing can throw him off balance. Ruslan knows how to hide his emotions, but you shouldn’t make him angry. He is very original, which cannot go unnoticed. Doesn't like to sit at home, is sociable, energetic, partial to parties and entertainment, and beautiful women. Ruslan is full of vitality, he has an innate sense of humor, and is able to laugh at himself. He is jealous, perhaps because he himself cannot remain faithful and does not often change girlfriends. In marriage, Ruslan is also rarely faithful to his wife. He chooses a wife who is temperamental. If the spouse does not meet his sexual desires, the first marriage may end in divorce. Ruslan does not tolerate pressure, he is the leader in the family, the wife must come to terms with this if she wants to save the marriage. He is a good family man, a loving father. Ruslan often gives birth to daughters, whom he idolizes. He pays a lot of attention to their upbringing and education, but not directly, but from the outside, watching how they grow, he can hire a governess, a nanny, and enroll them in prestigious colleges and then universities. He manages to embody in his daughters what he would like to see in himself, to give them what he could not get himself. His family does not lack anything; providing for the family is his main task. Ruslan has a good relationship with his wife’s parents, his mother-in-law adores him, and his father-in-law is his best friend. Ruslan loves his parents very much and never forgets. Family feelings are strongly developed in him. Ruslan is making a fast career and at a young age already occupies a good position in society, has many friends from high society. His friendliness and desire to help leave no one indifferent. Ruslan is loved and respected.

Characteristics of the name Ruslan by season

“Winter” Ruslan is serious, silent, assiduous.

“Autumn” - since childhood he has been thoughtful, attentive, and inquisitive beyond his age. Can become an engineer, driver, or researcher. He gravitates towards technology and electronics. The name matches patronymics: Viktorovich, Andreevich, Alekseevich, Yuryevich, Zakharovich, Grigorievich, Naumovich.

“Summer” is sociable and charming.

“Spring” is a narcissistic person, loves flattery, and devotes a lot of time to his appearance. Ruslan can work as a designer in the military industry, or as a television operator. This is a good business manager.

Positive traits of the name

Ruslan is honest, even noble. He is more than endowed with imagination and intuition. Ruslan is free in his views and is not attached to external circumstances.

Negative traits of the name

Ruslan is firm and proud, but he lacks some activity and openness, a clear focus on achieving the goal. Ruslan's pride can be too painful. If he suppresses his pride, then he simply carries his grievances inside himself, which greatly complicates his life and turns him into a nervous, irritable person.

Choosing a profession by name

The gift of imagination and improvisation helps Ruslan to succeed in many professions. His dreams will come true only if Ruslan is confident in what he is doing. Success is likely in the creative field.

The impact of a name on business

The influence of a name on health

Being a sensitive person, Ruslan needs a normal psychological climate in the family and at work, and recognition of his successes. Otherwise, he may experience depression.

Psychology of the name

If you decide to joke about Ruslan, then think about whether it’s worth doing it. You can get a rather harsh answer and make an enemy in Ruslan.

Interests and hobbies of Ruslan Loves children and parents. True, this love is devoid of self-denial. Ruslan, rather, satisfies not the child’s need for paternal attention, but his own need for the manifestation of paternal feelings. Likes to drink. The risk of becoming an alcoholic is low.

Ruslan's implementation in society Ruslan was created for the political game. The desire for fame and perseverance on the path to achieving it are reinforced by the ability to find a common language with both comrades and opponents. However, opponents cannot expect mercy from Ruslan.

Everyday persistent work is not for Ruslan. He needs quick fame and widespread popularity. Perhaps this is why he gravitates towards political or artistic activities. The desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else, is manifested in the willingness to speak on the radio and give interviews.

Ruslan's career and business Ruslan is a little lazy, but very punctual. In difficult situations, he forgets about his ambitions and serves the cause, people selflessly and with reckless courage. He is full of energy. He has an innate sense of humor - and when he fails, he is able to make fun of himself.

Famous people named Ruslan

Ruslan Lazarevich, Eruslan Lazarevich (hero, hero of numerous ancient Russian legends, with whose name legends associate many glorious exploits. The hero of an ancient Russian fairy tale, known already in manuscripts of the 17th century. The tale of Eruslan Lazarevich, telling about the numerous military and love adventures of the young and beautiful hero, was liked by ancient Russian readers for the variety of its content and, having switched to lubok, spread widely among the people. Its influence is noticeable even in some retellings of epics about Ilya Muromets.)
Ruslan Khasbulatov ((born 1942) Russian politician, scientist and publicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991))
Ruslan Aushev ((born 1954) famous Russian political and public figure, first president of the Republic of Ingushetia, since 1991 - chairman of the Committee for Internationalist Soldiers under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS; Hero of the Soviet Union (1982))
Ruslan Kireev ((born 1941) Russian prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Head of the prose department in the magazine “New World”. Author of the books “Lessons of Love”, etc.)
Ruslan Ponomarev ((born 1983) Ukrainian chess player. Fourth FIDE world champion (2002-2003). Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. In 1998 he became the youngest grandmaster in the world. In 2002 he became the youngest world chess champion (according to FIDE) . Champion of the XXXVI and XXXIX Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian national team. Vice-champion of Europe among men in 2001. In 2002, took 2nd place at the international tournament in Linares. Two-time finalist of the FIDE World Cup 2005, 2009. Winner of the international tournament in Dortmund (2010 ).)
Ruslan Pimenov ((born 1981) football player who played for the Russian national team)
Ruslan Nigmatullin ((born 1974) Russian football player, goalkeeper. Former player of the Russian national football team. The best football player in Russia in 2001.)
Ruslan Chagaev ((born 1978) Uzbek professional boxer, Tatar by nationality. Former world heavyweight champion according to the World Boxing Association (WBA) (2007 - 2009). Asian and world amateur heavyweight champion (81-91 kg).)
Ruslan Salei ((1974 - 2011) Belarusian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2002))
Ruslan Nurtdinov ((born 1980) Russian hockey player, forward)
Ruslan Bodelan ((born 1942) Ukrainian politician)
Ruslan Muratov ((born 1960) Russian composer, laureate of the television competition “Song of the Year”)
Ruslan Zabransky ((born 1971) Ukrainian football player (forward))
Ruslan Goncharov ((born 1973) Ukrainian figure skater who performed in ice dancing together with Elena Grushina. With her they are bronze medalists of the Winter Olympics in Turin, bronze medalists of the 2005 World Championships, multiple medalists of the European Championships.)
Ruslan Tarpan ((born 1971) entrepreneur, philanthropist, deputy of the Odessa City Council (1994 - 2010))
Ruslan Elinin ((1963 – 2001) real name - Nurudinov; Russian poet, publisher, organizer of literary life)
Ruslan Khvastov ((born 1973) Ukrainian fashion designer, costume designer. Laureate of the 2003 Nika film award in the nomination for the best work of a costume designer for his work in the film “Chekhov’s Motifs” by Kira Muratova. Member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine and the Union Russian cinematographers.)
Ruslan Batsayev ((1962 - 2005) police lieutenant colonel, Hero of the Russian Federation (2006))
Ruslan Lysenko ((born 1976) Ukrainian biathlete, International Master of Sports)
Ruslan Eyvaz ogly Maharramli ((born 1985) Azerbaijani football player, also a futsal player)
Ruslan (Khalid) Yamadayev ((1961 - 2008) Russian politician. In the early 90s, he participated in bandit formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, then, together with federal troops, he actively fought against Wahhabism. Deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation (2003-2007). )
Ruslan Batyrshin ((born 1975) professional hockey player, defenseman)
Ruslan Alekhno ((born 1981) Belarusian and Russian pop performer, winner of the People's Artist competition in 2004 on the Rossiya TV channel, participant in Eurovision 2008)
Ruslan Gulyaev ((born 1982) Russian statesman, political and public figure)
Ruslan Sasin ((born 1982) Russian actor)
Ruslan Grinberg ((born 1946) Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2006), academician of the International Academy of Management, director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2005), editor-in-chief of the magazine “World of Changes”. Laureate of the N.D. Kondratiev gold medal 2007 year "for outstanding contribution to the development of social sciences.")
Ruslan Shuvalov ((born 1967) midfielder; Master of Sports of the USSR (1988) in bandy)
Ruslan Dzhigurda ((born 1969) chansonnier, pop artist, singer)
Ruslan Kartoev ((born 1988) Russian and Moldavian football player, midfielder)

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