Russian folk tales about money. A fairy tale about money - unreal. The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio

I'll tell you a fairy tale about money! But This is not a simple fairy tale, but a very useful and instructive one! Both children and parents should read it, because everyone can learn something here!

For parents, it is important primarily because this fairy tale will tell them what to do if their child wants a dog. It is useful for children in that it can teach them to go towards their goals and handle money correctly, that is, not to waste it left and right, but to accumulate it in order to get what they want. So this is also a fairy tale about money, instructive, and not just entertaining.

I could have done without this introduction, but I couldn’t resist. I think that the introduction will make it clear to many that the fairy tale touches on different areas of interest. Is it true?

Here's a fairy tale about money and not only about it...

Magic money

Whether it was a long time ago or just recently, no one knows. Once upon a time there lived a boy named Timosha and he had good, loving parents. Everyone who knew Timosha and his parents said that this was. And many looked up to this family.

Timosha was a very happy boy, because he had various interesting toys. He had a large dump truck, which none of the guys in this yard had, but Timosha was not greedy and always let the guys play with it. There was a radio-controlled helicopter. There was a tricycle. Timosha had everything. Even when he was very small, he had .

Timosha went out into the yard with his toys - and immediately all the kids gathered around him!

But one day something unexpected happened. Once Timosha ran out into the yard, but no one came to him. He looked around and saw that all the guys had gathered near the sandbox, talking there and laughing merrily.

“It’s strange,” Timosha said to himself out loud. - Why are they crowded there? I'll go have a look.

He approached the guys, but he couldn’t see what happened. He climbed and climbed between them - he barely got through. What do you think he saw there?!

That's right, guys, he saw a funny puppy there! All the guys' gazes were directed only at him. And next to the puppy stood the proud owner. Everyone forgot to think about Timosha and his toys! All around you could only hear the guys’ questions:

- And what is his name?

- Does he know how to give a paw?

- Does he bark loudly?

Timosha looked at the puppy and ran home, even forgetting all his toys.

Mom saw that the child came home sad and asked:

- Timosha, honey, what happened?

- Mom, I want a dog! Buy me a dog!

The mother sat down on her knee, hugged her son and said:

- Okay, dear, dad and I will talk about this. In the meantime, wash your hands and sit down to eat.

In the evening dad came home from work, and his mother fed him and told him:

— Our child wants a dog!

“Okay,” dad answered. “Apparently, the time has come for our child to become independent.”

The parents whispered for a long time that evening and came up with what to do.

How long and short time passed, the day that Timosha had been waiting for - his birthday!

The child was impatiently waiting for the gift to be given to him. And so they brought the box into the room. The child literally took his breath away! “There must be a dog there, there must be a dog there,” he said under his breath, so that no one would hear.

Timosh pulled the ribbon, opened the box and...

Timosha looked at his parents in bewilderment:

- Mom, dad?.. What is this?

- Son, this is a piggy bank. Piggy bank. So that you remember and don’t forget what you need it for. From this day on you will have pocket money. We will give them to you once a week. You can do whatever you want with them,” Mom said.

- If you want, you will buy yourself sweets, if you want, you will buy toys. If you want, you will put them in this piggy bank. And when this piggy bank is full, you can buy yourself a dog,” dad added.

Timosha understood and smiled:

- Thank you! - he said to his parents and hugged them very, very tightly. - I'll save up for a dog.

And so it happened. Timosha's parents gave him pocket money, but he didn't spend it anywhere and on anything, but threw it into his piggy bank dog. He will throw a coin inside, listen to its ringing and imagine how he will walk in the yard with his dog, how all the guys will gather to look at his dog and how he will proudly and joyfully answer their questions.

As the days passed, the piggy bank became heavier and heavier.

And then the day came when the last coin fell into the piggy bank. It rang dully inside and suddenly everything around Timosha and the piggy bank began to spin and shine and the child clearly heard:

- Woof! Bow-wow!

Timosha looked at the piggy bank and couldn’t believe his eyes: instead of a piggy bank, a cute little dog was sitting on the floor and wagging its little tail!

So Timosha got a dog. What he called it is up to you.

And the adults still can’t believe that a miracle happened, and only Timosha knows that magic money helped him!

That’s where the fairy tale about money took its toll. Now you know what to do if a child wants a dog. And to know how to teach your child to consciously and correctly handle money, take a look here.

By the way, maybe there is something else to learn from this fairy tale? How do you think?

By the way, I took part in a competition with this fairy tale about money "Let's create magic". The jury here was also very fabulous! This is: Alina Kachanovskaya, project "Elephant in a Box", Maria Kostyuchenko, “Learning by Playing” school, Yulia Matroskina, project "TOPICS"

And after such a fairy tale, I suggest you and your child watch the good old cartoon “Mitten”, in which the child also wants a dog:

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If you are the parent of a younger child school age, be prepared for the fact that one day your baby will begin to be interested in completely non-childish money issues. And his future financial situation and economic literacy will largely depend on how correctly you cover them from a pedagogical point of view.

This past generation of parents, who raised their children in the spirit of communist values, could with a clear conscience brush aside a child who suddenly became interested in money with the words: “I’m not old enough yet!” And the modern age of market relations dictates its own rules of the game: only those who, from a young age, are accustomed to correctly managing their financial resources and promptly replenishing their dwindling reserves, achieve success. Instilling in a child the ability to value his own and respect what belongs to others is not an easy task, but it is now mandatory for all parents.

What are the most tricky questions regarding money issues that “” can turn to his father and how to answer them? This is what we will talk about now.

1. “Why don’t I have my own money?”

And really - why? We are not talking about money given to a schoolchild to buy lunch or pay for travel, but about the most “pocket money” - money that he can spend at his own discretion with a clear conscience. Psychologists are convinced that it is necessary to allocate money for a child’s personal needs! Another thing is that their payment must be carried out in accordance with certain rules.

- Firstly, you cannot spoil your child with too large sums.

“Secondly, they should be issued not on a “when needed” basis, but on a strictly specified day of the week or month.

- Thirdly, you cannot punish with rubles, depriving a child of the promised payment for his offense. But it is also unacceptable to compensate for thoughtlessly spent or lost pocket money - thereby you will encourage squandering and carelessness in financial matters.

The main lesson that a child should learn when receiving a regular “salary” is that his money loves to count, and spending it is his personal responsibility!

2. “Why do my friends receive so much more money from their parents than I do?”

In addition to the money topic, this issue touches on another absolutely non-childish issue - social inequality. Don't worry: sooner or later you will have to talk about this anyway, so just think ahead of time about what you will tell your child and how.

First of all, put aside shame and do not even think about apologizing to your child for the inability to provide him with large sums for personal needs. Without undue embarrassment, explain that your income is somewhat lower than that of the parents of the friends in question. If your child doubts the reliability of your words, tell him in detail how your family budget is spent.

However, it may also happen that after “reconciling debit with credit” the child turns out to be right: you can afford to give him more money for pocket needs. Another thing is that you do not consider his needs to increase subsidies to be really justified. In this case, explain to him that the extra funds are being set aside for expanding the living space, vacation, buying a new car, etc. And, most importantly, emphasize that his invaluable contribution will be in saving for the implementation of the plan!

3. “Is our family poor?”

Such a question can both lead to a dead end and upset any parent, but it cannot be left unanswered. In order not to provoke the formation of an inferiority complex in the child, make do with a streamlined formulation: “We are just not rich.” Give examples of families you know whose income is even lower. And emphasize that true wealth lies not in the amount of money, but in the ability to manage it correctly. And the main values ​​that can only be truly happy man, impossible to buy or sell: the love of loved ones, the respect of others, loyalty to the family and its traditions, the warmth of the hearth.

4. “Will you pay me to do housework?”

There can be only one answer: under no circumstances! Material rewards for academic success or sporting achievements are a completely acceptable form of encouragement, but payment for doing household chores is an extremely vicious practice! Stimulation of this kind completely undermines all the foundations of normal family relations: then the husband must pay his wife for the cooked dinner, the wife must pay her husband for the repaired faucet, and the grandmother must pay her grandson for the delivery of medicines from the pharmacy!

Explain to your child that participation in family affairs is not hired labor, but a manifestation of care for loved ones, which is one of those unconditional values ​​discussed above. And if you yourself doubt the correctness of this statement, then try for a moment to imagine what can await you in old age: you need help, and your own offspring agrees to provide it only after receiving monetary compensation!

5. “Is it possible to do homework for classmates for money?”

The question, of course, is not an easy one: on the one hand, we live in a time when the ability to profitably “sell” your knowledge and skills is very useful; on the other hand, early entry into commodity-money relations can cause the child to develop perverted ideas about the norms of interaction with other members of society. How to be?

First, ask the aspiring entrepreneur what kind of help his classmates need. If lagging comrades ask to explain misunderstood material to them, there can be no question of any payment for his “pedagogical services”! If a hopeless lazy person is ready to buy the entire task completed for him, do not deprive the child of the opportunity to earn extra money on his own knowledge. He himself will repeat what he has learned, and let his parents worry about the successes of his careless classmate!

In an unknown country, like in any other, people lived. Yes, this country was... not that magical... no, although... Of course it was magical! And one of the features of this country was that it was isolated from the other world.

There were roads, of course, but they didn’t lead anywhere. You could wander and wander along them, but in the end they brought you back. And people somehow got used to it, got used to the idea that there was no particular place to go. And they did not strive to explore other unknown worlds. And no one came to them from outside.

As in any other country, people worked, sowed their daily bread, baked pies, practiced pottery, and kept livestock. But what’s interesting is that they had money, and the amount of this money did not decrease or increase. They were made a long time ago from stainless and heavy metal. And they were shaped like pyramids, and there were no numbers or letters on them, only glitter. They were cast by the master goldsmith at the order of the elders in a certain quantity. At the same time, the number of pyramids was such that there was enough for everyone. And old, and young, and, naturally, Mature. The master died, and the secret of making money was lost. So in this country, the amount of money remained constant. And there was no temptation to increase or decrease them.

Acquisitiveness was not common among these fabulous people, and money was kept in children's rooms. Children loved to play with them, not realizing that this was a measure of exchange, and that in each pyramid there was a share of the labor of their parents. That the pyramid contains some energy that can be exchanged for food, clothing and other valuables.

But, nevertheless, life developed in such a way that the pyramids were concentrated in the hands of two families. And the most amazing thing is that there was no enmity between these two families. And these families were engaged in different crafts. The first is baking, the second is pottery. The people were hardworking and responsible.

But one day the inexplicable happened... A family of bakers' money disappeared one night in the strangest way. There were still some in the evening, but in the morning they were gone. At first they thought it was a theft, but the money never surfaced anywhere. No one began to buy more provisions and clothing, and the innkeepers’ income did not increase.

About a quarter of the city’s money disappeared from the city’s circulation, which affected trade and financial affairs.

And a meeting of elders took place, and it was decided to abolish money. Since this happened once, it can happen again, right? And people began to live without money. It’s unusual, of course, but they did. And everyone’s existing pyramid money was collected, counted, and put under a barn lock.

And the goods-service-exchange began. They exchanged the results of their labor with each other, but it seemed to them that they, each individually, were missing out on “their benefit” in the exchange. Everyone tried to work less and benefit more from the results of others’ work. And the decline began.

Seeing this, the elders at the next meeting decided the following: to cut the existing pyramids into even pieces and distribute them in the proportion in which they were withdrawn from circulation. That's what they did, but the family of bakers was left with nothing. And, nevertheless, money swirled around the country instead of barter and everything returned to circles...

Did you believe it? No, what happened cannot come back. It seems that everything is the same as before, but no... Everything is completely different.

But this would not be noticeable if not for the attentive gaze of the Beholder. The differences are many. Relationships, thinking and even smells... Just as money left, it entered the life of a fairy-tale land again. And, what is most curious, they began to concentrate again in the hands of two families. Despite everything. And the loss that happened earlier never happened again...

Valery Allaverdyan

A significant place in introducing preschoolers to economics is given to fairy tales. A folk tale instills in children such “economic” personality traits as hard work, frugality, prudence, and practicality.

Based on well-known fairy tales, problem situations are drawn up, the solution of which contributes to the child’s development of logic, originality, and independent thinking. A fairy tale has social, moral, pedagogical, and educational potential and creates rich opportunities for the development of a child’s creative imagination and cognitive activity. It transforms the listener from an object into a subject of interaction.

An author's fairy tale, the content of which is educational material (economic, environmental fairy tale), invented by a teacher or children, has its own specifics. It develops the child’s personality and creative essence, focusing on the necessary knowledge and skills. Using the plots of fairy tales, you can develop the creative and intellectual potential of preschool children.

Immersion in a fairy-tale atmosphere helps a preschooler to intensify his own activities, easily and naturally master necessary knowledge and skills.

Yastrebova L., Malgina N.

Fairy tale« Budget Keepers»

Once upon a time there was a Wallet. He loved it when they carefully opened it, taking out banknotes. He kept them in his different pockets. Large bills were kept in a special section and kept under lock and key. They were used to purchase large items, groceries, toys, purchase furniture, pay rent, electricity, gas. Those of lesser value were in a different section. They were used to buy travel tickets, newspapers, pies and other small items.

Most often the wallet was not very thick. But there were special days when the bills filled him so much that he was afraid that his buttons and clasps would not hold up and his skin would burst. How he loved such moments! On such days it was often opened.

But there were also sad days. Then it seemed that the owner had forgotten about him, because he was almost empty inside. And he was transferred from one place to another.

One day, a beautiful, bright, shiny Card appeared next to the Wallet. The wallet became wary:

“Hello,” he said. - I am Wallet. I am the keeper of the family budget.

And I am a plastic card. Now I will be the custodian of the family's funds.

But where do you keep the bills?

“They are in me,” Card answered proudly.

But you are so thin and small,” the Wallet was amazed, “and you have no pockets at all.” Where are they located?

“I don’t need pockets,” Card smiled mysteriously. - I keep the secret of magic numbers that only the owner knows. Using them, he can buy everything he needs and even put some bills in your pocket.

“So they won’t forget about me,” thought the Wallet and was very happy. And then he enthusiastically suggested to Card:

Let me take care of you. I have a lot of pockets, and among them there is a safe place for you. And you will remain so beautiful and bright for a long time.

The card wanted to refuse, but, after thinking, it got into the pocket of the Wallet. The wallet thought: “Now the owner will never forget about me, and the Card will be in order.” And the Card thought: “How warm and cozy it is in the pocket of the Wallet and he will always have fun.”

And then they realized how good it is when someone needs you.

Fairy tale « The story of one river»

This happened in those days when the gods ruled the world. In one ancient city there lived a man named Neil. He was a very greedy, rich and important gentleman who believed that everything that nature gives belongs only to him, and only he can dispose of it as he pleases.

At this time, nature was truly amazing and extraordinary. Unprecedented animals and birds lived in the forests, and there were a lot of fish in the rivers; Everything around was fragrant with bright colors. There was a legend that a miracle river flows far from this city. It is so clean and transparent that all the fish that live there are visible from the shores.

The greedy Neil found out about this. He gathered his servants and went in search of this miracle river.

I saw the Nile River and couldn’t believe my eyes: it was wide, crystal clear, and there were no visible fish in it. Then he ordered his servants to catch everything that was in this river, and the servants set to work. They fished for a day, two, three until they caught everything that was there.

Nile became even richer and greedier. Now I wanted to drain this river. He ordered his servants to dig the deepest well in the world and transfer all the water from it to his well.

That's what the servants did. For a long time they carried water from this miracle river until they completely drained it. Nile became the richest in his city, since water in those days was worth its weight in gold.

The gods found out about this, became angry and summoned the Nile to them.

Why did you catch all the fish? - asked Neptune.

Why did you drain the river? - asked Zeus. -Who gave you the right to destroy what nature has created?

But Neil had nothing to answer the gods. And then they decided that he could atone for his guilt only if he returned everything to normal. Neil was unable to accomplish this, despite his wealth and power. Then the gods punished the greedy master and turned him into a long and wide river. And this spell will disappear only when people have exhausted all the water from this river.

After this, people decided that this should not happen again on Earth. They will always conserve water and use it only for its intended purpose. They will try to ensure that the rivers never disappear from the face of the Earth and that people like the Nile never return to us.

Since then, that river has flowed and every year it becomes deeper, more beautiful and wider.

A year has passed. But the peasant did not lose heart, since he still had a lot of money left. And suddenly one Saturday the blind man did not find the jug in place. No matter how much he groped with his hands under the tall date palm tree, he could not feel anything: only a deep round hole remained in the ground from the jug.

Ero took his wallet, put it in his bosom and hurriedly walked towards the river that flowed in the ravine. He had barely disappeared from sight when the Turkish woman’s husband arrived. You know, hubby,” said the Turkish woman, “a guy in a high hat just walked by here.” He said that he was coming from the other world and knew our Muyo. Life is bad for poor Muyo there; he doesn’t even have money for tobacco and coffee. I gave the guy your wallet so that he would give it to Muyo in the next world.

They began to bargain and each tried to fool the other. In the end, they decided: whoever sold the nuts would pay two pennies extra for the wool. But since he didn’t have any money, he asked for a deferment - they say, he would give these two pennies at home. But the second one preferred to wait: he knew that at home his deception would be revealed. Pleased with each other, they fraternized and exchanged bags. Each one went his own way with a sly grin, confident that he had deceived the other. However, upon returning home, both realized that they had been made fools.

Well, he saw that the grease would be greasy, so he gave Mi-hal his apartment. And the general is not averse to grabbing it sometimes. So Michal became a general - for one day. He dressed up in a general's uniform, received his dad wonderfully, and treated him wonderfully. The lackeys serve them, the silver rings. Dad feasted, had fun, left Michal money, a carriage and horses and went home.

The grandfather, who doted on him, gave his favorite money for education, and then one fine day Jamie set off on the road with a strong walnut stick and a wallet in his pocket. He crosses a mountain, passes a marshy heath, spends the night on an armful of heather, and the next morning arrives at Mr. Orrack's school. He knocks on the door with his walnut stick: knock-knock-knock! - the door opens, and Mr. Orrack himself appears on the threshold.

As soon as she said this, the prince felt that he should see the beautiful Pomegranate Seed. He took his fiery sword, mounted his horse, took with him a cache of gold just in case, and set off. He traveled all over the forests and mountains, but could not find her. He sat down on the grass to have a snack and rest a little, when suddenly he saw: a doe came up to him, looked at him and ran away. He galloped after her. He climbed seven mountains, descended seven mountains, crossed seven gorges, and kept chasing after her.

The prince already knew that Sura Menggala had deceived him, and it was not he, but Rexha, who took the letter to the ruler of Wonogiri. However, the prince did not get angry - on the contrary, he began to sympathize even more with the ill-fated Sura. “Yes, Sura is unlucky, but will he never know joy? I’ll try again!” - thought the prince and ordered Sura to be called to him. Pale, trembling with fear, Sura appeared before him. He thought that the prince was angry with him because of the letter, but he was mistaken

A long time ago, in the place of a deep ravine, there was a narrow stream; no one threw logs across it, let alone a bridge. The stream is shallow, the water is at the very bottom, but you still can’t jump over it. Whether someone is walking with luggage, empty, taking off their shoes, crossing a stream - it’s a hassle, and that’s all. And in winter it’s even worse, the icy water makes your bones ache. A wondrous stone lay by that stream; people called it the stone of the immortal. If you look at the stone from a distance, it looks like an old man is lying down; if you come closer, you will see the eyes, eyelashes and beard. They say that this stone turned into an immortal twice. About that time two amazing stories happened there.

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