Russian spinning wheels. Presentation for the art lesson “Russian spinning wheel If you can’t spin in winter, there will be nothing to weave in summer

Give to students
initial information about
spinning wheel and decorative-thematic composition in its
Cultivate respectful
attitude towards one's ancients
roots and memory of ancestors.
Develop creative
activity, hard work,
accuracy and skill
use the received
knowledge about ornament
decorating a spinning wheel model.

Lesson plan:
Conversation about history
purpose and traditions
paintings of Russian spinning wheels.
the concept of "spinning wheel", its
basic elements.
variety of types
distaff and feature
their paintings.
artistic task.
completing the task.

Russian folk song "Spinner"

An abandoned village, huts drowned in snowdrifts.
A dim light glimmers slightly from a lonely window.

The flickering light barely illuminates the seated woman.
In front of her is a spinning wheel with a tow, in her hand is a spindle.

That's what they are - Russian spinning wheels!

Labor people in the old days
were thinking about
production items
and everyday life were
beautiful. These
artistically, with
tastefully made
spinning wheels
the people's desire for

The spinning wheel is a tool for hand
The spinning wheel is a tool for
hand spinning –
It consisted of
vertical riser with
blade to which
the tow was tied
for spinning, and bottom
– horizontal
seats for spinners.

Spinning wheel - personification
Russian peasant woman
Many poets have sung the praises of the spinning wheel
as the personification of Russian
peasant woman who managed
despite the difficult fate,
maintain the strength of spirit,
love of freedom, kindness,
A maiden singing in a hut
Spinning, and a friend of winter nights,
A splinter cracks in front of her, wrote A. S. Pushkin.

Among the many works that
performed by peasant women, spinning and
weaving were the most
labor-intensive. Strain and weave
it was necessary for the whole family, and even
taxes must be paid in canvas. That's
a woman sat at a spinning wheel for a long time
winter nights.
Spinning usually began at
end of November and continued throughout
Hand spinning was very
unproductive. The most
a skilled spinner, working from dawn to
dawn, could strain a day about
460 arshins of yarn (approximately 300
meters). And to get at least 20
a yard of fabric (about 15 meters),
it was necessary to spin at least 20
thousand meters of yarn.

To prepare
dowry for yourself
girl should
was spinning and weaving with
6-8 years old. In museums
small ones are stored
children's spinning wheels.

The spinning wheel was not only a tool
labor, but also a product
art: to brighten up the heavy
labor, it was decorated with carvings or
painted. Often the spinning wheel was
gift: the groom gave a spinning wheel
the bride, the father - the daughter, the husband - the wife.
Everyone wanted to give a gift to
joy and surprise. Here
the creative imagination of the master is not
had boundaries. The spinning wheel was becoming
the pride of its owner,
was inherited from
mother to daughter, from grandmother to
granddaughter Now many of these
spinning wheels are kept in our museums
countries. But the name of the one who gave
spinning wheel, hidden from us. Although on
some spinning wheels have
deeds of gift, but how much will it reveal?
we have this, for example, inscription: “This
Avdotya Stepanovna's spinning wheel. Whom
I love him, I give him...”

Two people worked on the spinning wheel
craftsmen: one carved it
made of wood, another decorated
painted. Shape and finish
show that the carver
the tree was the same
talented artist,
like a painter.
It's interesting that out of many
hundreds of spinning wheels stored in
our museums, not a single one
repeats another. Yes and
it seems that every spinning wheel
endowed with its own
individual traits,
has its own unique

Types of spinning wheels
have become distant
time. On each
small area
had its own form
spinning wheels, your tricks

Spinning wheels came to us from ancient times. It was traditionally women's work - spinning yarn. “The spindle whorl” was the name of the spinning wheel in Ancient Rus'. From autumn until Lent, in the “low lights” by a splinter, with a quiet song, the spinners sat at their work until midnight. The spinning wheels that came to us from the distant past, none of them repeat the other. Each has its own peculiarity. Apparently, every owner of a spinning wheel, and the owner, most likely, put their efforts, invention and imagination into decoration, convenience, and to make work easier. In Rus', spinning wheels were made from maple, aspen, birch and linden.

First there was manual twisting of yarn, and then the spindle and spinning wheel were invented. The spinning wheel was originally invented in Ancient Rome. The yarn from the first ancient spinning wheels varied in quality and thickness. It depended on the breed of sheep, what time of year the sheep was sheared and many other factors. How was the entire spinning process carried out? The large wheel was set in motion with the right hand, and the strand was pulled out with the left hand and brought to the spindle. Depending on the angle of inclination of the strand to the spindle, the strand was twisted or wound.

Spinning was done by women, but improvement and invention were the work of men. In 1530, Jurgens of Brunswick invented a foot-powered spinning wheel, which allowed both hands to spin the yarn. The spinning wheel began to be called a self-spinning wheel. It made it possible to pull, twist and wind the thread. The last two operations were mechanized to some extent, but partial twisting still had to be done manually. It was only in 1735 that John White, a mechanic by profession, invented a traction mechanism consisting of two traction rollers, which finally replaced the woman’s hands. But not quite, on such a spinning wheel it was possible to use already prepared fibers, that is, partially elongated. The invented carding machine later helped with this. It was then that the same John White assembled a fully mechanized spinning machine. This happened in 1741. Yes, his car was too bulky and expensive.

The next spinning wheel was the spinning jenny, invented by Hargvis. He named her in honor of his beloved daughter. Everything was good in this machine, but there was one drawback - the drawing was insufficient, and the yarn turned out weak - it was necessary to add flax thread to strengthen the yarn. And as often happens in technology, this is what happened - all the shortcomings of previous spinning wheels were taken into account, and the advantages were combined in one - this is how Arkwright made his spinning machine. The spinning process was fully automated. But then, as time passed, the shortcomings were noticed again, and again they were remade and improved. Is it really possible to describe everything so simply on one page, everything that the spinning wheel itself had to experience and those who, with a love of work and technology, put a lot of effort and effort into making the spinning wheel what we see today.

The history of the spinning wheel, its development and improvement, is much broader than can be described in one article. In parallel with the development of the spinning wheel itself, its drive was constantly improved. Self-spinning wheels replaced hand spinning wheels. In later times, animals (donkeys) were used as traction force.

Steam engines replaced manpower, and in the age of global electrification, the electric motor became the heart of the spinning wheel. The electric drive began to be used not only in industrial machines. It also found its application in household spinning wheels. The small size of the electric motor helped create convenient compact electric spinning wheels. The productivity of which has become significantly higher.

Author: teacher kindergarten: Glebova Yu.A. Links: The presentation is published on the website: www.

Read the proverbs and think about what will be the topic of our lesson today? Hyperlink to slide 2.

Don't be lazy to spin, you'll dress well

The lazy spinner has no shirt

You won't be able to weave in winter, there will be nothing to weave in summer.

Today in class:

  • What is a spindle whorl?
  • Who knows what a spinning wheel looks like? Have you seen how they spin?
  • What is the structure of a spinning wheel?
  • Does the spinning wheel have decorations?

Five-five sheep

The haystack was pinched,

Five-five sheep

They ran away

Pot-bellied lamb

Dancing merrily.


Which Russian fairy tales contain lines dedicated to the spinning wheel?

Three maidens by the window

Spinning late in the evening...

A.S. Pushkin

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

... Since the princess is young,

Waiting for my dear brothers,

Spinning while sitting under the window...

A.S. Pushkin

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

... In the hut, the old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow. And my brother is sitting on the bench, playing with silver apples...

Russian folktale

"Swan geese"

Yes, somehow a misfortune happened: the old woman’s spinning wheel broke... So the old woman said: “Go, grandfather, into the forest, cut down a tree. Let's make a new spinning wheel..."

What is the structure of a spinning wheel?

Russian folktale

"The most expensive"

A hand spinning wheel consisting of a vertical part where the tow is tied and a horizontal part (bottom) where the spinner sits. The vertical part consisted of a scapula and a neck (leg). The spinning wheel, especially the spinning wheel, was often decorated and painted.

There are two types of spinning wheels based on their design: solid(made from the root and trunk of birch or spruce) and composite(consisted of two parts, horizontal and vertical)

What is the structure of a spinning wheel?









We work using the appliqué technique - making a spinning wheel. Hyperlink to slide 13.

Spinning wheel device


Check yourself.


  • Look how diverse Russian spinning wheels are: they differ in size, blade shape, legs, and decorative decorations.

The spinning wheels were decorated with flowery paintings or small patterns, and sometimes with carvings and paintings at the same time.

What types of paintings do you know? What kind of craft will we get acquainted with in the lesson?

r o s p i s

  • Feature Mezen painting - the presence of stripes and tiers.
  • Despite the fact that geometric patterns are made up of the same type and even monotonous elements, on each spinning wheel the pattern looks unusual, giving originality to the entire spinning wheel.

Practical work:

  • Make a sketch of the decoration of the spinning wheel blade with painting.
  • For work, I suggest you use motives Mezen painting .
  • Pay attention to the shapes of birds and animals. Who do they remind you of?

Complete the sentences

  • Today in class I...
  • Most of all I liked…
  • The most interesting thing in today's lesson was...
  • The most difficult thing for me today was...
  • Today in class I felt...
  • Today I realized...
  • Today I learned...
  • Today I thought...
  • Today's lesson showed me...
  • I want to know more about...


  • Find proverbs and sayings about spinning and the spinning wheel.


  • Goryaeva N.A., Ostrovskaya O.V. Decorative and applied art in human life - Moscow: Education, 2000.
  • Dorozhin Yu.G. Workbook basics folk art: Mezen painting - Moscow: Mosaic-Sintez, 2000.
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