Russian language as the language of the Russian nation. History of the origin of the Russian language. Alien speech and the main methods of its transmission

The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, the language of the Russian nation. The Russian language is part of the Slavic group of languages, which also includes Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Macedonian, Slovenian and other languages. All of these languages ​​originated from the Common Slavic language.

Russian language refers to Slavic group Indo-European family of languages. Within the Slavic group, in turn, three groups - branches are distinguished: eastern(languages ​​Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian), southern(languages ​​Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian and Slovenian) and western(Polish, Slovak, Czech and others).

Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. He has a large vocabulary and has developed expressive means used to denote all the necessary concepts in any field of human activity.

In the territory Russian Federation Russian is the official language. The state language of the Russian Federation can be considered as a system-forming factor in preserving the integrity of the Russian Federation, as an instrument for expressing the will of the people and every citizen of the country, as a necessary element for achieving uniformity government controlled and understanding of state will as a mechanism for realizing the rights and obligations of the population of Russia, as a national characteristic in international legal relations. Due to the fact that people of different nationalities live in the Russian Federation, the Russian language serves for productive interethnic communication. With the help of the Russian language as a means of communication, many problems of national importance are solved. In addition, the Russian language helps to become familiar with the riches of Russian and world scientific thought and culture. The Russian language is one of the generally recognized world languages ​​and one of the most developed languages ​​in the world.

Language, in its specificity and social significance, is a unique phenomenon: it is a means of communication and influence, a means of storing and assimilating knowledge, and the focus of the spiritual culture of the people.

The Russian language is the language of culture, science and technology. The Russian language is the primary element of great Russian literature. Works of outstanding Russian writers were created in Russian - A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol, F.I. Tyutcheva, I.S. Turgeneva, S.A. Yesenina, M.I. Tsvetaeva, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhova, I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, V.V. Mayakovsky, B.L. Pasternak, M.A. Bulgakov and other writers. Literature is unthinkable without language. Literature is the art of depiction in words, and Russian literature is the art of depiction in Russian words.

The connection of language with national character, mentality, with national self-awareness and its expression in literature was an obvious truth for all Russian writers. I.A. Goncharov wrote that “...what connects us with our nation, most of all, is language.” The impact on the reader on the part of the author of a work of art is associated, first of all, with the imagery and emotional richness of the word.

The Russian language is a huge element that maintains relative, but still ecological purity. The ocean of words is boundless, it conceals both unpredictable processes and stability thanks to the immunity of colossal strength, unique property self-cleaning. Famous philologist and literary critic M.M. Bakhtin said: “Man is first of all a word, and then everything else. The word is an instrument for a person’s fulfillment; it provides him with vital energy.” Mastery of words - an instrument of communication and thinking - is the fundamental basis of human intelligence. A person who has few words in his stock is lost, complex, and cannot find common language with the people around you. Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote about language: “...Our language is the most important part of our general behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with... You need to learn good intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. But even though it’s difficult, it’s necessary.”

The national language is the means of oral and written communication of a nation. Along with the common territory, historical, economic and political life, as well as mental makeup, language is a leading indicator of the historical community of people, which is usually called the term nation(lat.natio – tribe, people).

Russian national language by kinship, belongs to to the Slavic group of the Indo-European family of languages. Indo-European languages ​​are one of the largest language families, including Anatolian, Indo-Aryan, Iranian, Italic, Romance, Germanic, Celtic, Baltic, Slavic groups, as well as Armenian, Phrygian, Venetian and some other languages.

Slavic languages ​​come from single pre-Slavic a language that emerged from the base Indo-European language long before our era. During the existence of the Proto-Slavic language, the main features characteristic of all Slavic languages ​​developed. Around the 6th-7th centuries AD, the pre-Slavic unity disintegrated. The Eastern Slavs began to use a relatively common East Slavic tongue. (Old Russian, or language Kievan Rus). Around the same time, they formed West Slavic(Czech, Slovak, Polish, Kashubian, Serbian Sorbian and “dead” Polabian) and South Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Ruthenian and “dead” Old Church Slavonic).

In the 9th – 11th centuries, based on the translations of liturgical books made by Cyril and Methodius, the first written language of the Slavs was formed - Old Church Slavonic Its literary continuation will be the language used to this day in worship – Church Slavonic .

As it gets stronger feudal fragmentation and the overthrow of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the Great Russian, Little Russian and Belarusian nationalities are formed. Thus, the East Slavic group of languages ​​falls into three related languages: Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian. By the 14th – 15th centuries, the language of the Great Russian people took shape with Rostov-Suzdal and Vladimir dialects at its core.

Russian national language begins to take shape in the 17th century in connection with the development capitalist relations and the development of the Russian people into nation. Phonetic system, grammatical structure and basic vocabulary of Russian national language inherited from the language Great Russian people, formed in the process interaction between northern Great Russian and southern Great Russian dialects. Moscow, located on the border of the south and north of the European part of Russia, has become the center of this interaction. Exactly Moscow business vernacular had a significant impact on the development of the national language.

The 18th century became an important stage in the development of the Russian national language. During these times, our compatriots spoke and wrote using a large number of Old Church Slavonic and Church Slavonic elements. What was required was the democratization of the language, the introduction into its structure of elements of the living, colloquial speech of merchants, service people, the clergy and literate peasants. Main role in theoretical foundation of Russian language played by M.V. Lomonosov. The scientist creates a “Russian grammar”, which has theoretical and practical significance: ordering of literary language and development rules for using its elements. “All sciences,” he explains, “have a need for grammar. Oratorio is stupid, poetry is tongue-tied, philosophy is unfounded, history is incomprehensible, jurisprudence without grammar is dubious.” Lomonosov pointed out two features of the Russian language that made it one of the most important world languages:

- "the vastness of the places where he dominates"

- “your own space and contentment.”

In the Petrine era, due to the appearance in Russia of many new objects and phenomena The vocabulary of the Russian language is updated and enriched. The flow of new words was so enormous that even a decree of Peter I was needed to normalize the use of borrowings.

The Karamzin period in the development of the Russian national language is characterized by the struggle for the establishment of a single language norm in it. At the same time, N.M. himself Karamzin and his supporters believe that, when defining norms, it is necessary to focus on Western, European languages ​​(French), free the Russian language from the influence of Church Slavonic speech, create new words, expand the semantics of those already used to denote those emerging in the life of society, mainly secular, new objects, phenomena, processes. Karamzin’s opponent was the Slavophile A.S. Shishkov, who believed that Old Slavonic language should become the basis of the Russian national language. The dispute about language between Slavophiles and Westerners was brilliantly resolved in the works of the great Russian writers of the early nineteenth century. A.S. Griboyedov and I.A. Krylov showed the inexhaustible possibilities of lively spoken language, the originality and richness of Russian folklore.

Creator the same national Russian language became A.S. Pushkin. In poetry and prose, the main thing, in his opinion, is “a sense of proportionality and conformity”: any element is appropriate if it accurately conveys thought and feeling.

In the first decades of the 19th century, the formation of the Russian national language was completed. However, the process of processing the national language in order to create uniform spelling, lexical, spelling and grammatical norms continues, numerous dictionaries are published, the largest of which is the four-volume “ Dictionary living Great Russian language" V.I. Dalia.

After the October Revolution of 1917, important changes took place in the Russian language. Firstly, a huge layer of secular and religious vocabulary, which was very relevant before the revolution, “dies out.” The new government destroys objects, phenomena, processes and at the same time the words denoting them disappear: monarch, heir to the throne, gendarme, police officer, privat-docent, footman and so on. Millions of believing Russians cannot use openly Christian terminology: seminary, deacon, Eucharist, Ascension, Our Lady, Savior, Dormition, etc. These words live among the people secretly, latently, awaiting the hour of their revival. On the other side. a huge number of new words appear, reflecting changes in politics, economics, culture : Soviets, Kolchak member, Red Army soldier, security officer. A large number of complex abbreviated words appear: party contributions, collective farm, Revolutionary Military Council, Council of People's Commissars, commander, Prodrazverstka, tax in kind, cultural enlightenment, educational program. One of the striking distinctive features of the Russian language of the Soviet period – interference of the opposite, The essence of this phenomenon lies in the formation of two opposing lexical systems, positively and negatively characterizing the same phenomena that exist on opposite sides of the barricades, in the world of capitalism and in the world of socialism : scouts and spies, liberating soldiers and occupiers, partisans and bandits.

Nowadays, the Russian national language continues to develop in the post-Soviet space. Among modern characteristic features the most important languages ​​are:

1) replenishment of the vocabulary with new elements; first of all, this is borrowed vocabulary denoting objects and phenomena of the political, economic and cultural life of the country: electorate, extreme sports, business center, conversion, clone, chip, iridology, HIV infection, audio cassette, cheeseburger, jacuzzi;

2) the return to use of words that seemed to have lost such an opportunity forever; first of all this religious vocabulary: lord, communion. Annunciation, Liturgy, All-Night Vigil, Epiphany, Metropolitan;

3) the disappearance, along with objects and phenomena, of words characterizing Soviet reality: Komsomol, party organizer, state farm, DOSAAF, pioneer;

4) destruction of the system formed as a result of the action interference of the opposite.

Russian language is the largest language in the world. In terms of the number of people speaking it, it ranks 5th after Chinese, English, Hindi and Spanish.


Slavic languages, to which Russian belongs, belong to the Indo-European language branch.

At the end of the 3rd – beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The Proto-Slavic language, which is the basis for the Slavic languages, separated from the Indo-European family. In the X – XI centuries. The Proto-Slavic language was divided into 3 groups of languages: West Slavic (Czech, Slovak arose from it), South Slavic (developed into Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian) and East Slavic.

During the period of feudal fragmentation, which contributed to the formation of regional dialects, and the Tatar-Mongol yoke, three emerged from the East Slavic independent language: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Thus, the Russian language belongs to the East Slavic (Old Russian) subgroup of the Slavic group of the Indo-European language branch.

History of development

During the era of Muscovite Rus', the Middle Russian dialect arose, the main role in the formation of which belonged to Moscow, which introduced the characteristic “akan”, and the reduction of unstressed vowels, and a number of other metamorphoses. The Moscow dialect becomes the basis of the Russian national language. However, a unified literary language had not yet emerged at that time.

In the XVIII–XIX centuries. Special scientific, military, and naval vocabulary received rapid development, which was the reason for the appearance of borrowed words, which often clogged and burdened native language. There was a growing need to develop a unified Russian language, which took place in the struggle of literary and political movements. The great genius M.V. Lomonosov in his theory of “three” established a connection between the subject of presentation and the genre. Thus, odes should be written in a “high” style, plays and prose works in a “medium” style, and comedies in a “low” style. A.S. Pushkin in his reform expanded the possibilities of using the “middle” style, which now became suitable for ode, tragedy, and elegy. It is from the language reform of the great poet that modern Russian traces its history literary language.

The emergence of Sovietism and various abbreviations (prodrazverstka, people's commissar) are associated with the structure of socialism.

The modern Russian language is characterized by an increase in the number of special vocabulary, which was a consequence of scientific and technological progress. At the end of XX - beginning of XXI centuries lion's share foreign words comes into our language from English.

The complex relationships between the various layers of the Russian language, as well as the influence of borrowings and new words on it, have led to the development of synonymy, which makes our language truly rich.

The Russian national language has a complex and long history, its roots go back to ancient times.

Russian language belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages. Among the Slavic languages, Russian is the most widespread. All Slavic languages They show great similarities among themselves, but the ones closest to the Russian language are Belarusian and Ukrainian. The three of these languages ​​form the East Slavic subgroup, which is part of the Slavic group of the Indo-European family.

The development of the Russian language in different eras took place at different rates. An important factor in the process of its improvement was the mixing of languages, the formation of new words and the displacement of old ones. Even in prehistoric times, language Eastern Slavs was a complex and variegated group of tribal dialects that had already experienced various mixtures and crossings with the languages ​​of different nationalities and contained the rich heritage of centuries-old tribal life. Around the 2nd-1st millennium BC. From the group of related dialects of the Indo-European family of languages, the Proto-Slavic language stands out (at a later stage - around the 1st-7th centuries - called Proto-Slavic).

Already in Kievan Rus (9th - early 12th centuries), the Old Russian language became a means of communication for some Baltic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic, and partly Iranian tribes and nationalities. Relations and contacts with the Baltic peoples, with the Germans, with the Finnish tribes, with the Celts, with the Turkish-Turkic tribes (Hunnic hordes, Avars, Bulgarians, Khazars) could not but leave deep traces in the language of the Eastern Slavs, just as Slavic elements are found in Lithuanian, German, Finnish and Turkic languages. Occupying the East European Plain, the Slavs entered the territory of ancient cultures in their centuries-long succession. The cultural and historical ties of the Slavs established here with the Scythians and Sarmatians were also reflected and separated in the language of the Eastern Slavs.

In the ancient Russian state, during the period of fragmentation, territorial dialects and adverbs developed that were understandable for a particular area, so a language that was understandable to everyone was needed. It was needed by trade, diplomacy, and the church. The Old Church Slavonic language became such a language. The history of its emergence and formation in Rus' is connected with the Byzantine policy of the Russian princes and with the mission of the monastic brothers Cyril and Methodius. Interaction between Old Church Slavonic and Russian spoken language made possible the formation of the Old Russian language.

The first texts written in Cyrillic appeared among the Eastern Slavs in the 10th century. By the 1st half of the 10th century. refers to the inscription on a korchaga (vessel) from Gnezdov (near Smolensk). This is probably an inscription indicating the owner's name. From the 2nd half of the 10th century. A number of inscriptions indicating the ownership of objects have also been preserved.

After the baptism of Rus' in 988, book writing arose. The chronicle reports “many scribes” who worked under Yaroslav the Wise. Mostly liturgical books were copied. The originals for East Slavic handwritten books were mainly South Slavic manuscripts, dating back to the works of students of the creators of the Slavic script, Cyril and Methodius. In the process of correspondence, the original language was adapted to the East Slavic language and the Old Russian book language was formed - the Russian translation (variant) of the Church Slavonic language.

In addition to books intended for worship, other Christian literature was copied: the works of the holy fathers, lives of saints, collections of teachings and interpretations, collections of canon law. The oldest surviving written monuments include the Ostromir Gospel of 1056-1057. and the Archangel Gospel of 1092

The original works of Russian authors were moralizing and hagiographic works. Since the book language was mastered without grammars, dictionaries and rhetorical aids, compliance with language norms depended on the author’s erudition and his ability to reproduce the forms and structures that he knew from model texts.

Chronicles constitute a special class of ancient written monuments. Chronicler, outlining historical events, included them in the context of Christian history, and this united the chronicles with other monuments of book culture with spiritual content. Therefore, the chronicles were written in book language and were guided by the same body of exemplary texts, however, due to the specifics of the material presented (specific events, local realities), the language of the chronicles was supplemented with non-book elements.

In the XIV-XV centuries. the southwestern variety of the literary language of the Eastern Slavs was the language of statehood and Orthodox Church in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Principality of Moldova.

Feudal fragmentation, which contributed to dialect fragmentation, the Mongol-Tatar yoke, and the Polish-Lithuanian conquests led to the XIII-XIV centuries. to the collapse of the ancient Russian people. The unity of the Old Russian language gradually disintegrated. Three centers of new ethno-linguistic associations were formed that fought for their Slavic identity: northeastern (Great Russians), southern (Ukrainians) and western (Belarusians). In the XIV-XV centuries. On the basis of these associations, closely related but independent East Slavic languages ​​are formed: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

In the XIV-XVI centuries. The Great Russian state and the Great Russian people are taking shape, and this time becomes a new stage in the history of the Russian language. The Russian language during the Muscovite Rus' era had a complex history. Dialect features continued to develop. 2 main dialect zones took shape - Northern Great Russian approximately to the north of the line Pskov - Tver - Moscow, south of N. Novgorod and Southern Great Russian to the south from the specified line to the Belarusian and Ukrainian regions - dialects that overlapped with other dialect divisions.

Intermediate Central Russian dialects arose, among which the Moscow dialect began to play a leading role. Initially it was mixed, then it developed into a coherent system. The following became characteristic of him: akanye; pronounced reduction of vowels of unstressed syllables; plosive consonant “g”; ending “-ovo”, “-evo” in the genitive case singular masculine and neuter gender in pronominal declension; the hard ending “-t” in 3rd person verbs of the present and future tense; forms of the pronouns “me”, “you”, “yourself” and a number of other phenomena. The Moscow dialect is gradually becoming exemplary and forms the basis of the Russian national literary language.

At this time, in living speech, a final restructuring of the categories of time occurs (the ancient past tenses - aorist, imperfect, perfect and plusquaperfect are completely replaced by a unified form with “-l”), the loss of the dual number, the former declension of nouns according to six stems is replaced by modern types of declension and etc. The written language remains colorful.

In the 2nd half of the 16th century. In the Moscow state, book printing began, which was of great importance for the fate of the Russian literary language, culture and education. The first printed books were church books, primers, grammars, and dictionaries.

A new significant stage in the development of the language - the 17th century - is associated with the development of the Russian people into a nation - during the period of the increasing role of the Moscow state and the unification of Russian lands, the Russian national language begins to form. During the formation of the Russian nation, the foundations of a national literary language were formed, which is associated with the weakening of the influence of the Church Slavonic language, the development of dialects ceased, and the role of the Moscow dialect increased. The development of new dialect features gradually stops, old dialect features become very stable. Thus, the 17th century, when the Russian nation finally took shape, is the beginning of the Russian national language.

In 1708, the division of the civil and Church Slavonic alphabet took place. Introduced civil alphabet, on which secular literature is printed.

In the XVIII and early XIX 19th centuries Secular writing became widespread, church literature gradually moved into the background and, finally, became the lot of religious rituals, and its language turned into a kind of church jargon. Scientific, technical, military, nautical, administrative and other terminology developed rapidly, which caused a large influx of words and expressions from Western European languages ​​into the Russian language. The impact was especially great from the 2nd half of the 18th century. The French language began to influence Russian vocabulary and phraseology.

Its further development is already closely connected with the history and culture of the Russian people. The 18th century was reformist. In fiction, science, and official business papers, the Slavic-Russian language is used, which has absorbed the culture of the Old Church Slavonic language. In everyday life it was used, in the words of the poet-reformer V.K. Trediakovsky, “natural language”.

The primary task was to create a single national language. In addition, there is an understanding of the special mission of language in the creation of an enlightened state, in the field of business relations, and its importance for science and literature. The democratization of the language begins: it includes elements of the living oral speech of ordinary people. The language begins to free itself from the influence of the Church Slavonic language, which has become the language of religion and worship. The language is being enriched at the expense of Western European languages, which primarily affected the formation of the language of science, politics, and technology.

There were so many borrowings that Peter I was forced to issue an order to limit foreign words and terms. The first reform of Russian writing was carried out by Peter I in 1708-1710. A number of letters were eliminated from the alphabet - omega, psi, Izhitsa. Letter styles were rounded and Arabic numerals were introduced.

In the 18th century society begins to realize that the Russian national language is capable of becoming the language of science, art, and education. M.V. played a special role in the creation of a literary language during this period. Lomonosov, he was not only a great scientist, but also a brilliant language researcher who created the theory of three styles. Possessing enormous talent, he wanted to change the attitude towards the Russian language not only of foreigners, but also of Russians, he wrote “Russian Grammar”, in which he gave a set of grammatical rules and showed the richest possibilities of the language.

He fought for Russian to become the language of science, so that lectures would be given in Russian by Russian teachers. He considered the Russian language one of the most powerful and rich languages ​​and cared about its purity and expressiveness. It is especially valuable that M.V. Lomonosov considered language a means of communication, constantly emphasizing that it is necessary for people to “consistently move in common affairs, which is controlled by the combination of different thoughts.” According to Lomonosov, without language, society would be like an unassembled machine, all parts of which are scattered and inactive, which is why “their very existence is vain and useless.”

Since the 18th century Russian language becomes a literary language with generally accepted norms, widely used in both book and colloquial speech. The creator of the Russian literary language was A.S. Pushkin. His work enshrined the norms of the Russian literary language that later became national.

The language of Pushkin and writers of the 19th century. is a classic example of literary language up to the present day. In his work, Pushkin was guided by the principle of proportionality and conformity. He did not reject any words because of their Old Slavonic, foreign or common origin. He considered any word acceptable in literature, in poetry, if it accurately, figuratively expresses the concept, conveys the meaning. But he opposed the thoughtless passion for foreign words, as well as the desire to replace mastered foreign words with artificially selected or composed Russian words.

In the 19th century A real struggle unfolded for the establishment of language norms. The collision of heterogeneous linguistic elements and the need for a common literary language raised the problem of creating unified national language norms. The formation of these norms took place in a sharp struggle between different trends. Democratic-minded sections of society sought to bring the literary language closer to the people's speech, while the reactionary clergy tried to preserve the purity of the archaic “Slovenian” language, incomprehensible to the general population.

At the same time, an excessive passion for foreign words began among the upper strata of society, which threatened to clog the Russian language. It was conducted between the followers of the writer N.M. Karamzin and Slavophile A.S. Shishkova. Karamzin fought for the establishment of uniform norms, demanded to be freed from the influence of the three styles and Church Slavonic speech, and to use new words, including borrowed ones. Shishkov believed that the basis of the national language should be the Church Slavonic language.

The flourishing of literature in the 19th century. had a great influence on the development and enrichment of the Russian language. In the first half of the 19th century. the process of creating the Russian national language was completed.

In the modern Russian language there is an active (intensive) growth of special terminology, which is caused, first of all, by the needs scientific and technological revolution. If at the beginning of the 18th century. terminology was borrowed by Russian from German language, in the 19th century. - from French, then in the middle of the twentieth century. it is borrowed mainly from in English(in its American version). Special vocabulary has become the most important source of replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian general literary language, but the penetration of foreign words should be reasonably limited.

Thus, language embodies national character, national idea, and national ideals. Each Russian word carries experience, a moral position, properties inherent in the Russian mentality, which are perfectly reflected by our proverbs: “Everyone goes crazy in their own way,” “God protects the careful,” “Thunder will not strike, a man will not cross himself,” etc. And also fairy tales , where the hero (soldier, Ivanushka the Fool, man), getting into difficult situations, emerges victorious and becomes rich and happy.

The Russian language has inexhaustible possibilities for expressing thoughts, developing various topics, and creating works of any genre.

We can be proud of the works of great people written in Russian. These are works of great Russian literature, the works of scientists well known in other countries. To read the original works of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol and other Russian writers, many study the Russian language.

The national Russian language means a linguistic system of phonetic, lexical and grammatical units and rules that has evolved over the centuries and which distinguishes the language of the Russian nation from any other language.
The Russian national language is heterogeneous. It includes individual varieties, each of which has its own scope of application. As part of the national Russian language, one can distinguish a core, a center - the literary language, and a periphery, which is formed by territorial and social dialects (jargons, professionalisms, slang, argot), various sublanguages, and the area of ​​vernacular. The share of these components may change, for example, the modern state of the Russian language is characterized by a decrease in the share of dialectisms, but an expansion of the vocabulary and scope of use of slang vocabulary. All these forms of existence differ from each other, but are united - at their core - by a common grammatical system and general vocabulary.
The Russian national language, like many other languages, has gone through a long evolutionary path and continues to develop.
The national Russian language is beginning to take shape XVII century parallel to the formation of the Moscow State. The formation of a nation and a national language is associated with the formation of a state, the strengthening of its borders, economic and political ties between individual territories. The Slavic tribes in Kievan Rus of the 15th - 16th centuries, although they represented one nationality, were not yet a nation. Nations arise during the period of overcoming economic fragmentation, the development of commodity circulation and the emergence of a single market.
U different nations the process of formation of the nation and language took place in different time and went different ways. The Russian national language developed on the basis of the Moscow dialect, which already by the 15th - 16th centuries. lost its territorial limitations. Its features, such as akanye, hiccups, pronunciation of a back-lingual plosive sound and some others, are still preserved in the modern Russian language. In addition, the Old Church Slavonic language played a significant role in the formation of the Russian national language. There is a noticeable influence on the Russian language and many other languages, for example, French and English.
K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “Language is the most living, the most abundant and lasting connection, connecting the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one great, historical living whole...” And indeed, language, like a chronicle, tells us about how our ancestors lived, what peoples they met, and with whom they entered into communication. All events are preserved in folk memory and passed on from generation to generation using words and stable combinations. Proverbs and sayings can tell us a lot about the history of the Russian people.
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