The most famous poems of Eduard Asadov. Biography of Eduard Asadov. Soviet poet Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov: personal life, creativity Eduard Asadov is the best

On September 7, 1923, a long-awaited boy was born into an intelligent Armenian family, who was named Edward. Little Edik spent his entire childhood in the small Turkmen town of Merv. But the family idyll did not last long: when the boy was barely 6 years old, his father died suddenly. The mother had no choice but to return to her native Sverdlovsk with her son.

Here Edik went to school, and at the age of 8 he wrote his first poem. Later, he began to attend a local theater group, where a great future was predicted for the talented and versatile boy.

Later, Edik and his mother moved to the capital, where he continued his studies. In his senior year, he could not decide on the choice of university, torn between the desire to become an actor and a poet.

However, fate itself made the choice for him. Before the emotions from the prom had even faded, the whole country was shocked by terrible news - war. Yesterday's graduate immediately reported to the military registration and enlistment office and volunteered to go to the front.

At war

After completing a month's training, young Asadov ended up in a rifle unit as a gunner. Possessing courage and determination, he was able to rise to the rank of guards mortar battalion commander.

Despite the terrifying reality, Edward continued to write. He read his poems to soldiers who were in desperate need of simple human emotions. Like his colleagues, the young battalion commander dreamed of a new life in peacetime and made bold plans for the future.

However, all dreams were destroyed during the battle near Sevastopol in 1944. During one of the attacks, all of Asadov’s fellow soldiers died, and he decided to load the car with ammunition and try to break through the cordon. Under heavy mortar fire, he miraculously managed to carry out his plan, but on the way he received a serious wound to the head, incompatible with life.

After numerous difficult operations, Asadov learned a terrible verdict - he would remain blind for the rest of his life. For the young man it was a real tragedy. The poet was saved from deep depression by fans of his work: as it turned out, Asadov’s poems were well known outside his unit.

Creative path

After the end of the war, the young man continued his literary activity. At first, he wrote his works “for the soul,” not daring to take them to the editor.

In Asadov’s short biography, there was a case when he dared to send several poems to Korney Chukovsky, whom he considered a great specialist in the field of poetry. The famous writer at first mercilessly criticized the poems sent, but in the end he summed it up by writing that Asadov is a true poet.

After this letter, Edward literally “spread his wings”: he easily entered the Literary Institute in Moscow, and after graduating in 1951, he published his first collection, “The Bright Road.”

Eduard Arkadyevich was very lucky: during his lifetime, his work was appreciated not only by the masters of literature, but also by the general public. Throughout his life, Asadov received bags of letters from all over the Soviet Union with words of gratitude for his sensitive and heartfelt poems.

Personal life

Eduard Arkadyevich was married twice. The first marriage to artist Irina Viktorova did not last long.

The second attempt to start a family was more successful. Galina Razumovskaya became a reliable support and support for the poet, having lived with him for 36 years. The couple had no children.


Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov (1923-2004) - Soviet poet and writer.

Birth and family

Now in Turkmenistan there is a city of Mary, but almost 100 years ago it was called Mevr. It was in this place that on September 7, 1923, a boy appeared in the Asadov family, whom his parents named Eduard.

The head of the family, the father of the future poet, Arkady Grigorievich Asadov (real name and surname Artashes Grigorievich Asadyants) was from Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian by nationality. He graduated from the Tomsk Technological Institute, but almost never worked in his specialty. After the revolution in Altai, he was an investigator of the Gubernia Cheka. During the civil war he fought in the Caucasus with the Dashnaks, where he rose to the ranks of commissar of a rifle regiment and commander of a rifle company. The poet's mother, Lidia Ivanovna Kurdova, was a teacher. She met her future husband in Barnaul. In 1923, they left for the Turkmen city of Mevre, where both began to teach.

Eduard Asadov also had a “historical grandfather” (the poet later came up with such a nickname for him). Ivan Kalustovich Kurdov, also an Armenian by nationality, lived in Astrakhan at the end of the 19th century and worked as a secretary-scribe for N. G. Chernyshevsky. The great Russian thinker advised the young man to enter Kazan University. There Kurdov met Vladimir Ulyanov and also became a participant in the revolutionary student movement. Later, he studied at the university at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and worked as a zemstvo doctor in the Urals.

It was grandfather Ivan Kalustovich, an extraordinary and profound person, who had a strong influence on the worldview of his grandson, the future poet Eduard Asadov.


Edward's earliest childhood memories were narrow and dusty Central Asian streets, colorful and very noisy bazaars, bright sun, orange fruits and golden sand. This all happened in Turkmenistan.

When the boy was only 6 years old, his father passed away. He left at a young age, the man was just over 30 years old. A man who survived the revolution, war, battles died of intestinal obstruction. After the tragedy, the mother could not stay with her little son in the place where her beloved husband died. They moved to their grandfather in the Urals, in the city of Sverdlovsk.

All the childhood years of the future poet passed in the Urals. In Sverdlovsk, he and his mother went to first grade: she taught, and Edik studied. When the boy was 8 years old, he composed his first poems. Here he was accepted into the Pioneers, and then into the Komsomol. He spent time at the Palace of Pioneers attending drama classes. And with the boys they went to the factory to see how people worked there. The boy was deeply touched then by the kind smiles and warmth of the workers, and the beauty of the human labor he saw.

It was the Urals that the poet always considered his favorite place on the planet, the country of his childhood, and dedicated poems to it: “Poem about the first tenderness,” “Forest River,” “Rendezvous with Childhood.”

Mom was an excellent teacher, and in 1938 she was invited to work in Moscow. She and Edik moved to the capital of the USSR. After the calm Sverdlovsk, Moscow immediately seemed huge, hurried and very noisy. Here the young man plunged headlong into poetry, clubs and debates.

When the time came to graduate from school, he was confused - which institute to choose, literary or theatrical. But the war decided everything for the guy.


On June 14, 1941, the graduation ceremony took place at the Moscow school where Eduard studied. And a week later the war began. He could not help but hear the call: “Komsomol members to the front!” And instead of applying for admission to the institute, the young man came to the district Komsomol committee with another piece of paper, where he stated his request to take him to the front as a volunteer. In the evening he was at the district committee, and the next morning he was already riding in a military train.

First, he was sent to Moscow, where the formation of the first units of the famous Guards mortars was underway. Then he ended up near Leningrad, where he served as a gunner of the wonderful and formidable weapon of the Katyusha mortar. Then, with the rank of officer, he commanded a battery of the 4th Ukrainian and North Caucasian fronts. He fought well, dreamed of victory every minute, and in the rare intervals between hostilities he wrote poetry.

At the end of the spring of 1944, Eduard was seriously wounded in a battle near Sevastopol. He was driving a truck with ammunition, a shell exploded nearby, a fragment hit him in the face, almost half of his skull was crushed. Only God knows how, with such a wound, the young man managed to drive the car to his destination.

Then followed a series of hospitals and operations. For twenty-six days doctors fought for the young life. When consciousness returned to him for a moment, he dictated a couple of words to write to his mother. Then he fell into unconsciousness again. They saved his life, but they could not save his eyes. Asadov remained blind and wore a black half-mask on his face until the end of his life. For this feat, the poet was awarded the Order of the Red Star.


While still in the hospitals after being wounded, Eduard Asadov again wrote poetry. It was poetry that became for him the goal for which the young man decided to live in spite of all deaths, after the terrible verdict of the doctors that he would never see the light of the sun again.

He wrote about people and animals, about peace and war, about love and kindness, about nature and life.

In 1946, Eduard became a student at the Literary Institute, which he graduated in 1951 and received a diploma with honors. While studying at the institute, a competition was announced among students for the best poem, Asadov took part and became the winner.

On May 1, 1948, the magazine “Ogonyok” was published, in which Asadov’s poems were published for the first time. It was a holiday, happy people were walking past to demonstrate, but probably no one felt greater happiness than Edward on that day.

In 1951, his first book of poems entitled “Bright Roads” was published. After this, Eduard Asadov became a member of the USSR Writers' Union. He began to travel around the Soviet Union, to big cities, small villages, meeting with his readers and talking. Much of these conversations were later reflected in his poems.

His popularity grew, and readers flooded the poet with letters, people wrote about their problems and joys, and he drew ideas for new poems from their lines. Fame did not in any way affect Asadov’s character; he remained a modest and kind person until the end of his life. Most of all in life he believed in goodness.

His collections of poems were published in circulations of 100 thousand and were instantly sold out from bookstore shelves.

In total, about 60 collections of his poetry and prose were published. It’s impossible to name the best poems of the poet Eduard Asadov, because they all touch the soul so much, penetrate so deeply into the consciousness that sometimes they change people’s outlook on life. No wonder they say: “Read Asadov’s poems, and you will see the world and life in a completely different way”.

To look at the world differently and start living for real, just read the following poems by Eduard Arkadyevich:

  • “When I encounter bad things in people”;
  • “I can really wait for you”;
  • “Never get used to love.”

Asadov also has prose works: the story “Front-Line Spring”, the stories “Scout Sasha” and “Lightnings of War”. Eduard Arkadyevich was also involved in translations of Uzbek, Kalmyk, Bashkir, Kazakh and Georgian poets into Russian.

Personal life

The first time the poet married a girl he met in the hospital. It was the artist of the Central Children's Theater Irina Viktorovna, but family life did not go well, and they soon separated.

He met his second wife at the Palace of Culture, where he was supposed to read his poems with other poets. Mosconcert artist and master of artistic expression Galina Valentinovna Razumovskaya performed with them at the concert. They talked a little and joked. And then he read his poems from the stage, and she listened backstage. Then she came up and asked permission to read his poems at her concerts. Edward didn’t mind; the artists had not yet read his poems from the stage.

This is how their acquaintance began, which grew into a strong friendship. And then the strongest feeling came - love, the only one that people sometimes wait for a very long time. This happened in 1961, they were both about 40 years old.

For 36 years they were together both at home and at work. We traveled with programs all over the country, she helped him conduct creative meetings with readers. Galina became for the poet not only a wife and friend, she was for him a faithful heart, a reliable hand and a shoulder on which he could lean at any moment. In 1997, Galina died suddenly, within half an hour, from a heart attack. Eduard Arkadyevich survived his wife by 7 years.

Death of poet

Death overtook the poet in Odintsovo on April 21, 2004. He was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow. He left a will in which he asked to bury his heart in Sevastopol on Sapun Mountain, where he was seriously wounded, lost his sight, but remained alive. On Sapun Mountain there is a museum “Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol”, which has a stand dedicated to Eduard Asadov. Museum workers say that the poet’s will was not fulfilled; his relatives opposed it.

His poems were never included in the school literature curriculum, but thousands of Soviet people knew them by heart. Because all of Eduard Arkadyevich’s poetry was sincere and pure. Each of his lines found a response in the soul of a person who had read Asadov’s poems at least once. After all, he wrote about the most important things in human life - Motherland, love, devotion, tenderness, friendship. His poetry did not become a literary classic, it became a folk classic.

Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov is the most famous and beloved Soviet and Russian poet among readers, with whose work almost everyone has been familiar since school. In many ways, Asadov became the voice of his era. But unlike other poets of his time, he did not curry favor with the authorities and was far from socialist realism. We will tell you further about the life and work of this amazing man, who left us not so long ago.

Biography of Eduard Asadov: childhood

The future poet was born on September 7, 1923, at the height of the civil war in the small town of Mevre (Turkmenistan). He was born into an intelligent family, both parents served as teachers. But during wartime, Edward’s father, like many, quit teaching and went into service, soon becoming a commissar and receiving command of a rifle company. Little Edward dreamed of night shooting for many years.

My father died very early, he was only 30 years old, it happened in 1929. But not from a combat wound, as one might expect, but from intestinal obstruction. After this, Lidia Ivanovna, the poet’s mother, could not stay at her previous job and went to Sverdlovsk with her 6-year-old son. A few years later she was offered a place at a Moscow school, and the family moved to the capital.

Here Edward graduated from school in 1941.


The biography of Eduard Asadov indicates that the poet highly valued the ability to love in a person. He worshiped this feeling and believed that there was nothing more important and valuable in the world.

As for religion, he was an atheist. And the point here is not a matter of party orientation - he was never an ideological opponent of religion, but something completely different. According to Eduard Arkadyevich, if the Creator existed, he could not allow all the horror that is happening around and the suffering that befalls man.

Asadov was even ready to become a believer if someone explained to him why everything worked this way. But he believed in goodness and believed that he would save the world from destruction.

Start of the war

The biography of Eduard Asadov is filled with many different military conflicts. But the most terrible thing, of course, is the time of the Great Patriotic War. So, having graduated from school in 1941, young Edward is going to enter a university, deciding what to further connect his life with - theater or literature.

But fate made the choice for him, making huge changes to his life. The war began exactly a week after the school prom. The ardent youthful character did not allow the poet to sit out in the rear, and on the very first day he went to the military registration and enlistment office. Just a day later he was sent to the combat zone.

Baptism of fire

The first battle in which Eduard took part took place near Moscow, on the Volkhov Front. The biography of Eduard Asadov shows that during the war he proved himself to be a brave and brave man who never ran away from the enemy and amazed those around him with his determination and courage. Until 1942, Asadov was a gunner, and then he was appointed commander of the entire weapons crew. His fellow soldiers treated him with great respect, so no one opposed this appointment.

And Eduard Assadov did not have time to make enemies among the soldiers. He managed to write poetry even during this difficult time, reading them to his comrades during short breaks. This is another reason why he was so loved and respected by those around him. Later, in his works, he depicted similar moments of calm, when conversations were held about love, and soldiers remembered their home and loved ones.

Sevastopol battles

In 1943, the poet Eduard Asadov received the rank of lieutenant, after which he was sent to the North Caucasus Front, and later transferred to the Fourth Ukrainian Front, where he rose to the rank of battalion commander.

The most difficult battle for Asadov was the battle near Sevastopol - his battery was destroyed, leaving only useless shells that other batteries needed. Then the poet made an almost suicidal decision - to load the ammunition onto a truck and take it across open, well-exposed terrain to the neighboring line. Already not far from the target, a shell exploded next to the car, which blew off part of Asadov’s skull and deprived him of his sight. Later, doctors assured that he should have died instantly after this, but he managed to deliver his cargo and only then lost consciousness.

Scary awakening

Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov woke up already in the hospital, where he was told 2 pieces of news. First, his case is unique, since after such an injury he should not have retained motor functions, the ability to speak and think clearly. The second was much sadder - he would never be able to see again.

In the first days after hearing this, he did not want to live anymore. The nurse who cared for him saved the poet from despair. She said that it was shameful for such a brave and courageous person to think about death. Asadov realized that his life was not over yet. He begins to write poetry again - about war and peacetime, about nature and animals, about human nobility and faith, about meanness and indifference. But the first place was occupied by lines about love. The poet dictated his poems to those around him and was sure that only this wonderful feeling could save a person.

Post-war time and further fate

In 1946, Eduard Asadov was admitted to the Literary Institute. A collection of the poet's poems was first published in 1951. The book was a success and was highly acclaimed. That is why Asadov was immediately accepted into the CPSU and the Writers' Union. It was also important that he graduated from the institute with honors.

The poet's popularity begins to grow. He travels all over the country, reads his poems, and receives a huge number of letters from fans. No one can remain indifferent after reading his poems. I received many thanks from women. They were delighted that the poet managed to feel their pain and experiences so subtly. Despite such incredible popularity, Asadov’s character did not change; he remained simple and pleasant in communication, never boasted of his fame or showed arrogance.

The writer's post-war life was calm and happy. It was as if fate had decided that the past trials had been enough.

In 1988, Asadov received the title of Hero of the USSR. The poet's former commander worked for many years to receive this award.


The poet Eduard Asadov died in 2004. He bequeathed to bury himself in Crimea on Sapun Mountain. It was at this place that he once lost his sight and almost died. However, this posthumous wish was never fulfilled. Relatives buried the poet in Moscow. Many admirers of his talent came to see off the great poet on his last journey, who sincerely regretted the death of this brave and sincere man.

Eduard Asadov: personal life

Since childhood, the poet dreamed of meeting the same love that his parents found. He dreamed of a “beautiful stranger” and for the first time took up writing poetry dedicated to her.

The writer’s first wife was a girl who visited him in the hospital for a long time after being wounded. However, the marriage did not last long, and the couple soon separated because she fell in love with someone else.

In 1961, Asadov met Galina Valentinovna Razumovskaya, who became his second and last wife. The children of Eduard Asadov from this marriage were never born, but the couple’s life together was very happy. Galina read poetry and performed at concerts and evenings. She was an artist by profession and worked at Mosconcert. At one of the evenings the poet met her.

Subsequently, Galina took an active part in her husband’s work, attended all his performances, recorded his poems, and prepared books for publication. She died in 1997, making Asadov a widower.


Eduard Asadov wrote a lot during his life. His poems were dedicated primarily to love. He also touched on themes of war and nature. The poet's first poems were published in the magazine Ogonyok. Later, Asadov admitted in an interview that he considered this day one of the happiest in his life.

The poet first drew plots for his works from his own past, and then began to take as a basis letters from fans and stories told by acquaintances and friends. The main thing for the poet was the reality of the situation and the sincerity of his experiences.

From Asadov's works it is clear that he had a keen sense of justice. And his poems have always been characterized by the uniqueness of intonation and a sense of life’s truth. The main themes of the poet's post-war work are loyalty to the Motherland and courage. His poems are imbued with life-affirming force; a charge of vital energy and love is felt in them.

Eduard Asadov lived a difficult youth. Interesting facts about the writer’s life, probably for this reason, are associated with this period and mainly relate to wartime. So, here is the most interesting information from the poet’s biography:

  • Initially, during the Second World War, Asadov was assigned to the crew of a special weapon, which later received the name Katyusha.
  • In 1942, he became the commander of a rifle crew. But no one appointed him to this position. It’s just that after the previous commander was wounded, the young man took over his responsibilities, since all this happened during the battle.
  • During his stay in the hospital, the poet was constantly visited by girls he knew. During the year that the treatment lasted, six of them proposed marriage to the poet.
  • Asadov's great-grandmother came from a noble St. Petersburg family, and in her youth an English lord fell in love with her, to whom she reciprocated. But the happiness of the young people was hindered by relatives. However, the lovers decided to remain true to themselves and got married against the will of their elders. Assadov admired this story since childhood. And this is exactly how I imagined true love.

From all this we can conclude that Asadov was not just an outstanding poet, but also an extraordinary personality.

Eduard Asadov is a man of a very difficult fate, and an outstanding Soviet poet. Having lost his sight in the war when he was only 20 years old, he did not give up, but received a literary education, began publishing, and by the sixties of the last century he became one of the most popular poets in the USSR. The authorities supported him, the hero of the Soviet Union, in every possible way: the poet’s literary evenings attracted large concert halls for decades, Eduard Asadov published poems and prose in huge editions, which invariably became bestsellers.

Asadov died in the Moscow region on April 21, 2004. The result of his creative activity is 47 books, including collections of poetry and prose, as well as many translations of poets from various republics of the USSR. The poems of Eduard Asadov, which contain only motives that do not lose relevance over time, are very popular today. He is a true classic of Soviet literature.

Eduard Asadov before the war
Due to a combat wound, Asadov's life was tragically divided into pre-war and post-war stages.

Eduard Asadov was born on September 7, 1923 in the Turkmen city of Mary (which then still bore the old Persian name - Merv). His father is Artashes Asadyants, an Armenian from Nagorno-Karabakh, his mother is Russian; they met in Barnaul, where Artashes Grigorievich worked as an investigator in the Cheka. Later, in Marw, both worked as teachers.

The poet's name at birth was Eduard Artashezovich Asadyants, which was later “Russified” into Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov, by which he became known.

After the death of Artashes Grigorievich, the family moved to Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), and 10 years later - to Moscow. Eduard Asadov wrote poetry from the age of eight, but before the war it was only a hobby, and not serious creativity. Until the summer of 1941, his life developed in a completely ordinary way - a pioneer organization, the Komsomol... Asadov graduated from school a week before the start of the war, and immediately went to the front as a volunteer.

Assad during the Great Patriotic War
During the war, Eduard Asadov quickly advanced through the ranks, starting as a mortar gunner and rising to the rank of battery commander. Participated in battles on the North Caucasus, Leningrad, and Fourth Ukrainian fronts. During the war, he managed to graduate from the Second Omsk Artillery and Mortar School - in six months he studied a two-year course and became an officer.

The tragedy occurred on May 3, 1944, during the battles for Sevastopol. Asadov drove a car loaded with ammunition to a nearby battery, which was in dire need of it for artillery preparation. The truck came under fire from the air, and Asadov was seriously wounded by shrapnel in the head. Despite the terrible wound, he managed to complete the combat mission.

However, doctors were unable to save Asadov’s sight - he lost both eyes, and for the rest of his life he wore a special half mask on his face.

The poet's list of military awards is impressive: Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the Order of the Patriotic War, first degree, and the Red Star.
Post-war life, literary activity
Asadov managed not only to survive after being wounded, but also to maintain energy and interest in life. Blindness prompted him to decide to take poetry seriously. Immediately after the war, Asadov entered the famous Gorky Literary Institute. He graduated from it in 1951, in the same year he published his first collection of poetry, and joined the Writers' Union.

Great success did not come immediately, but by the mid-1960s, the whole country already knew the poems of Eduard Asadov. Asadov published dozens of books, worked for Literaturnaya Gazeta, Ogonyok and other publications, as well as the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. He married actress Galina Razumovskaya.

After the collapse of the USSR, Asadov continued to engage in literary activities. His work has been rewarded with no fewer awards (including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, fourth class) than his military exploits.

Poembook, 2013
All rights reserved.

Eduard Asadov is a lyric poet who fascinated people with his poetic lines about love, life, friendship, and fidelity. He still has many admirers. Eduard Asadov has been dead for a long time, but he still leaves a mark in the soul of every poetry lover.

A person sees a reflection of his experiences in the poet’s poems and, after reading the lines, rethinks himself. The article discusses a brief description of the poems and describes the deep feelings of the writer.

The writer's childhood

Eduard Asadov was born into an intelligent Armenian family. Then no one could have imagined that in 1923, on September 7, a future celebrity appeared. Asadov's parents were teachers. They devoted a lot of time to raising their son, took up reading, and talked about the beautiful world around them. Most likely, it was his bright attitude towards life that eventually brought the writer celebrity.

The boy's father died when he was only six years old. Mom had no choice but to move to her father Ivan in the city of Sverdlovsk. Edward studied well and attended a theater club.

When the boy entered second grade, he wrote his first lines of poetry. Asadov’s mother was invited to work in Moscow. They moved to the capital in 1939.

On Soviet Army Day, February 23, Eduard read his poems to the public. This was his first performance. He was 16 years old then. However, the biography of Eduard Asadov, of course, did not end there. His life is just beginning.

Youth years

Asadov was a creative person. Therefore, he doubted where he should go. He had two options: literary and theater institutes. However, the dream is not destined to come true. On June 22, after the school prom, the war began. The young man didn’t think twice and joined the army as a volunteer.

Eduard served faithfully and faithfully near Moscow and Leningrad. Already in 1942 he was appointed gun commander. However, he did not stop writing poetry, devoting all his free time to creativity. Many poems about the war were included in numerous collections of poems.

In the fall of 1942, the young man entered the Omsk Artillery Mortar School, which he graduated with straight A's. After studying, Eduard received the rank of lieutenant. In the spring of 1943, Asadov was appointed head of communications for the division. Over time, he became deputy battalion commander. He gave his all to the service. Therefore, he later became a battalion commander.

During a responsible mission, Asadov was seriously wounded, and he found himself between life and death. The doctors fought for the hero with all their might and performed a miracle. The young man survived, but, as it turned out, misfortune still overtook him. The biography of Eduard Asadov is complex, and at times it is difficult to read, because the writer has gone through a difficult path.

The tragedy of Eduard Asadov

As mentioned earlier, the writer was a battalion commander. When most of the soldiers were dead, Assadov noticed that they had a lot of ammunition left. He decided that they would be very needed in the neighboring part. Therefore, without thinking twice, Eduard and his driver took the remaining ammunition there.

However, it so happened that they were traveling through an open area. The enemies noticed them and opened fire. A shell exploded near the car, wounding the writer. The shrapnel took off most of the skull. Therefore, doctors at the hospital decided that his injury was incompatible with life. They believed he had only a few days left. However, a miracle happened. Eduard Asadov survived, whose biography is of interest to many to this day.

That's not all, because the writer lost his sight, without which life becomes much more difficult. He traveled to different hospitals, and everywhere the specialists gave the same verdict: it was impossible to restore vision.

The writer dropped his hands. He didn’t want to live and didn’t understand why he was saved. It seemed that it was impossible to exist without the colors of the world. Nevertheless, he continued to write and decided to devote himself entirely to creativity. The biography of Eduard Asadov is full of impressions. After reading it, every person thinks about his life and feels its value.

Biography of Eduard Asadov: personal life

When the writer was wounded in the war, he was hospitalized. There he was visited by numerous fans. Six of them loved Edward and themselves offered him their hand and heart. As a result, the writer could not resist. He chose his life partner. The young people got married, but soon divorced.

Eduard Asadov did not stop and in 1961 he married a second time. They met at one of the evenings where the future wife read poetry. She was well acquainted with the writer’s work and fell in love with him. Soon they became husband and wife.

The poet's wife worked as an artist in the Moscow concert. When her husband had literary evenings, she always attended them. She liked that the public enthusiastically accepted the blind writer and was proud of her beloved.

The biography of the poet Eduard Asadov is fascinating. Thanks to it, a person will better understand the writer’s works and look at him with completely different eyes.

Titles and awards of Eduard Asadov

The writer made a huge contribution to Russian literature. The government appreciated his merits and by its decree awarded E. Asadov the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Through his creativity, Asadov strengthened interethnic cultural ties.

Eduard Asadov fought sparingly. He was devoted to his homeland, often risked his life, for which he was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War and the Red Star, and of Sevastopol. In 1989, Asadov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is still remembered and loved to this day.

The writer's creative activity after the war

Eduard Asadov left behind a huge poetic legacy. The poet's biography and poems reveal a unique, pure world without malice and hatred. He wrote on a high note about everything: about life, nature, war and love.

In order for his creative activity to continue successfully, the hero of our article entered the Literary Institute in 1946. He graduated from his studies as an excellent student. Two years later, his poems began to appear on the pages of magazines.

The first collection was published in 1951. Then he became very popular. He gained many readers who fell in love with his soulful poems and wrote him letters of various kinds. Some people praised the poet, others asked him for advice. The writer tried to devote as much time as possible to each reader.

Now Asadov began to be invited to literary evenings so that he could delight people with his poems. Despite the fact that he became a famous person, his character did not change for the worse. Asadov remained a modest and kind person.

It was not difficult for Edward to write; he was inspired by his readers. Thanks to them, he knew that he had a goal towards which he walked with confident steps.

About the poems of Eduard Asadov

They often say about a writer: “he did not become a poet, he was born one.” This is true. Asadov wrote from the heart about what he saw, heard or read. That's why readers loved him so much. Wonderful poet Eduard Asadov. His biography and poems tell us that he is also a Man. And very few poets can convey feelings and experiences the way the writer did.

Asadov has many poems about love. In them he described his experiences and feelings. Almost every reader admires how vitally, in poetic form, he conveyed his emotions and attitude towards life. He wrote not only about sadness, but also about happy love. Therefore, anyone who reads his poems will find something of their own in them.

During the war years, the writer composed heartfelt poems about peace, anger and sadness, about girls whom soldiers would not soon see. Knowing the poet’s biography, it is easy to imagine that every word was written in creative torment. In his poems, he asked that he not be forgotten as a writer and a front-line soldier who loved his Motherland and fought for it, and even at the front composed poems in his free moments.

Poems and miniatures of the writer

Asadov composed various poems. He was no stranger to lengthy poems and very short miniatures. He found peace of mind in writing. I wrote poems in days of inspiration, when I wanted to tell a story.

I created miniatures when several interesting lines sounded in my head. In order not to forget them, he typed or wrote short poems instantly. That's why he always had a notepad and pen in his pocket.

Asadov wrote miniatures about women, nature, love and did not forget about life’s difficulties. It was about them that he wrote most.

The life of Eduard Asadov is over

The Moscow Kuntsevo Cemetery received the poet on April 21, 2004. He really asked that his heart be buried in Sevastopol on Sapun Mountain. It was there in 1944 that he accomplished a military feat.

The death of Eduard Asadov brought fans a lot of sad emotions. After all, there will be no continuation of his creative activity. Thank you for leaving behind many books that can be re-read regularly.

Many people came to bury the great poet and prose writer. Even at the cemetery they read his poems and dedicated theirs to him. After all, everyone knew that Eduard Asadov was a creative person with a kind soul and great love for the people.

He lived to be 81 years old and experienced a sometimes difficult, sometimes happy life. Before his death, he said that he did not regret anything. He walked with the black one for many years and saw nothing, but felt everything.


Not long ago there lived a wonderful poet, Eduard Asadov. The biography, which is impossible to tell briefly, touched the hearts of most people. They loved the poet, but did not know the main thing - that he had been blind for many years. At first I suffered from this. A little later, when he saw the meaning of life, he continued his creative activity and was even able to receive a honors diploma from the institute.

There are people who did not like the poet Eduard Asadov. The biography of the lyricist will not be interesting to them. Many writers criticized his poems and poems. They believed that his work was not worthy of attention. It’s good that there were few such critics.

The biography of Eduard Asadov will teach readers a lot. Indeed, despite his problems and tragedy, the poet did not stop, but continued to develop. This is a lesson for every person. Thanks to a writer, you can rethink yourself and understand the meaning of life. Learn, develop, no matter what. Someday your time will come to become a successful person.

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