The longest metro bridge is 2145. The Novosibirsk metro bridge is the longest metro bridge in the world. A pleasant journey along the metro bridge

Does everyone remember that the metro bridge in Novosibirsk was recently painted? So, this was a great reason to walk along the metro bridge and look inside it. Let's talk about the Novosibirsk metro?

1. Distillation metal structure on the section Rechnoy Vokzal - Studencheskaya

Speaking of civil defense, in the section from the portals of the tunnels on the left bank to the Studencheskaya station, two distillation MKs per tunnel were installed in parallel, the space between them should serve as a gateway in front of the protected shelter. The hermetic doors are great! The hermetic doors of my dreams. They must save them from all misfortunes from the surface, from floods to the most powerful blast wave of an atomic strike.

2. Continuing the theme of GO. The empty block of the VOMDov chamber, in which the FVU (Filter Ventilation Units) should have been located.

Ideally, if there is a direct threat of a missile strike, sirens will sound throughout the city, and people will have 15 minutes to take shelter in the subway. After 15 minutes, all hermetic seals - station and distillation valves - will be closed. The metro, namely stations and tunnels, will turn into a large bomb shelter. All main hermetic seals in the ventilation shafts will close, only the air filters will remain open, which will provide clean air to the shelter.

But this is ideal, but in reality none of this will happen in the Novosibirsk metro. Because all the FVUs are empty, all the release chambers are not sealed, the cable lugs in the distillation MKs are not caulked, and these MKs themselves have never been tested, all the hermetic seals in the passages will never close, because the kiosks will not allow them to do this. And the funny thing is, all the toilets in the stages (yes, there are toilets for ordinary people in the tunnels) are welded shut.

3. Filming a passing train from the pressure door

But why is everything in this state, you ask? Yes, all because there were problems with financing during the construction of the launch complex. And most of the tunnel structures were excluded back in 1985, with the hope of being built later. Therefore, three hefty special facilities by Novosibirsk standards were started, but unfinished, “Chambers” No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6, one of which was supposed to be TESORPGA ( thermal power plant providing backup power generator-battery), which was supposed to provide water and electricity to the metro in case of an emergency. I can only guess why the other two chambers were built, but one of them was supposed to be a large shelter, which at the moment is a large columned hall.

4. One of the unfinished “chambers” for clarity. Located behind the Youth Theater. The same columned hall.

Agree, it’s logical that if there are K-4, 5, 6, then there should also be K-1, 2 and 3? But what is there, what condition they are in, what they were built for, I don’t know. But it seems to me that they are just as empty.

But there is no need to sound the alarm, times cold war passed, the threat of a bomb attack does not exist at the moment, and all the civil defense facilities are unlikely to be useful to us in the near future. If we take Kazan as an example, then the metro there is the newest, and it was built without taking into account civil engineering structures.

5. We don’t burn the cabbage soup, we don’t burn! What do you think is behind these sheets of iron?

But we started talking about civil defense, let’s remember that our goal is the metro bridge. After all, it is the longest on the planet. The total length is 2145 m (of which the river part is 896 m)! By the way, initially there were different ideas on how to build a metro from the right to the left bank, one of them was to dig tunnels under the riverbed, which would be more correct from the point of view of civil engineering, but due to the complexity of tunneling in mountains (correct me if I I’m wrong) breeds, the option was rejected. Another rejected option is linking the metro route to the existing supports of the Communal Bridge

7. Metro bridge from the inside

8. We climbed up from the Rechnoy Vokzal station and walked along the metro bridge to the very end

That's all. Our metro is small, but good.

The longest metro bridge in the world, located in Novosibirsk, is considered a unique construction project. Incredible information, which is hard to believe, that the length of this wonderful bridge is 2145 meters, makes idle tourists open their mouths in admiration. But local residents have already become accustomed to this miracle of technology, and calmly look out the window when driving across the bridge over the majestic

Briefly about the background to the construction of the bridge

When did traffic on the Novosibirsk metro bridge open, visitors to the city ask. And, of course, the bridge’s operating experience also commands respect. It was discovered at the end of 1985, and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then!

Construction of the bridge began in accordance with the current transport situation, which required immediate resolution. The fact is that Novosibirsk is located along the Ob, and the beautiful river mercilessly divided the city into two parts, between which there was no large-scale communication.

Design engineers had to rack their brains before they managed to design a monolithic metal beam of seven spans. Moreover, it had a length of 896 m with an individual design developed by specialists, not a simple one, but a box-shaped structure.

5 years of metro bridge construction

It’s hard to imagine a colossus standing on supports and weighing as much as 6,200 tons. And how was the construction of the bridge carried out? We had to use the stepwise thrust method. It is no wonder that the pace of construction stretched over five long years. Here it was important not to rush, and to move consistently towards the cherished goal, and the result exceeded all expectations

Have a nice trip by metro bridge

Passengers are now passing through a small gallery that connects the bridge tunnel with the coastal part of the metro. Next, their train moves along a bridge span, passing a gray concrete box, then they go straight into a green box called a gallery. This gallery extends from the bridge all the way to the cliff in the area of ​​a small street adjacent to the Ob River.

How it all began

According to old-timers, a demonstrative peg with the promising inscription “Bridge Axis” was driven in on the banks of the Ob in 1980.

And then the day came when its construction began. The first sector of bridge construction special squad No. 38 successfully began preparatory operations for the construction of the bridge. They consisted of the construction of a service point, laying the necessary communications, and at the same time the construction of compressor units began.

Before this, as usual, various options for solving the transport problem between the right bank and the left bank were discussed. And common sense won. We decided to build a bridge. It turned out to be long, more than 2 kilometers. In addition, part of the communication passes directly over the river, that is, the bridge starts much further from the river and ends much further from it.

Since 1986, the Novosibirsk metro bridge has not had any competitors around the world.

The Novosibirsk metro bridge is nothing more than a covered bridge connecting the banks of the Ob River. There are many similar structures in the world, but the Novosibirsk metro bridge is the longest among them!

Thinking about construction bridge due to the difficult transport situation between the left and right banks of the Ob. The structure of the metro bridge over the water is a seven-span metal beam, 896 meters long, of an individual design (box type). Channel supports made of monolithic reinforced concrete look like the letter “V”. Construction lasted for five years.

Currently the metro bridge is divided into three parts, one of which is reserved for the gallery, which connects the bridge crossing and the elevated part of the River Station station, the other part is the bridge crossing, the third is a gray reinforced concrete box and a green gallery box. A lot of controversy surrounded the bridge project. Competent persons insisted that it was categorically impossible to build a bridge at such a close distance from a car bridge; they suggested laying it under the river bottom. This option was also supported by representatives of Civil Defense, because in case of war the tunnel was supposed to be used as a bomb shelter. Another disadvantage of the open bridge was their ability to cool down in winter.

Lengiprotransmost specialists with extensive experience in constructing bridges of this kind took on the construction project. The USSR State Construction Committee approved the final version of the free-standing metro bridge in 1978. The chief engineer was K. Vinogradov, and the architect was S. Tsyganov. It was they who proposed to build a metro bridge 80 meters from the already existing Oktyabrsky bridge crossing.

The length of the bridge reaches 2145 meters, with 896 meters in the riverbed part. Not counting the support, the weight of the building is 6.2 tons. The walls of the trestles along the entire length of the bridge have window openings. The opening of the Novosibirsk metro bridge dates back to 1985.

As for the sliding of the bridge, it was carried out in stages from one coast to the other, using powerful hydraulic jacks. Currently, there is no analogue of this method of metro construction. The bridge gallery was manufactured at the metal structures plant. A right-bank overpass was partially built into the ground vestibule of the Rechnoy Vokzal station.

In order to maintain the bridge Carts with a rotating axle are provided for the passage of V-shaped supports. According to standards, the metro bridge must be painted every seven years; the last time painting was carried out was in 2011. The process itself is not very simple, since first the surface is freed from old paint, then it is primed.

There is one interesting fact , in winter the bridge shrinks somewhat, but in summer, on the contrary, it stretches by 50 cm. Rollers installed on supports help it move.

History of the construction of the metro bridge

Bridge design

View of the metro bridge from the right bank.

The construction of the bridge was dictated by the serious transport problem of Novosibirsk, which consists in connecting the left and right banks with a reliable transport system. The design of the metro bridge was developed by specialists from design institutes - Lengiprotransmost (now Transmost OJSC) and Novosibmetroproekt in 1978. The above-water part of the metro bridge is a solid metal seven-span beam with a length of 896 m of an individual box-type structure. The channel V-shaped supports are made of monolithic reinforced concrete and are located along the axes of the Communal Bridge supports. Since the first road bridge across the Ob was built even before the construction of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station, its supports were designed for heavy ice conditions, in contrast, the V-shaped supports of the metro bridge are light and elegant. The installation of the beam on the supports, which weighs 6,200 tons, was carried out by gradual longitudinal thrusts from one bank to the other. Construction lasted exactly five years - from February 1980 to February 1985.
The Novosibirsk metro bridge consists of three parts: a small gallery connecting the bridge crossing with the elevated part of the Rechnoy Vokzal station, the bridge crossing itself, a gray reinforced concrete box, and a green gallery box from the bridge to the cliff in the area of ​​Gorskaya Street. The bridge supports are V-shaped.

One of the main bridge crossing projects. (Image is clickable).

In 1975, there was a lot of controversy surrounding the passage of the metro line through the floodplain and channel of the Ob. Among the main possible options, the following were worked out: crossing the Ob under the channel in granites with tunneling using the mountain method, along a metro bridge built above the Oktyabrsky Communal Bridge, and along the bottom with successive filling of islands with a change in the course of the Ob.
The construction of the lining of the subway tunnels within the dump island was to be carried out using an open method. The city insisted on building a tunnel under the river bed. This option was also supported by representatives of the Civil Defense - after all, at that time the metro was considered as a potential bomb shelter in case of war.

The adopted metro bridge project.

In addition, according to the standards existing at that time, it was impossible to locate two bridges so close to each other. Operators also supported it - they feared that in winter, metro cars would cool down when passing over bridges and overpasses, and when entering tunnels, moisture would condense on them, which would lead to rapid breakdown of the rolling stock. Novosibgrazhdanproekt specialists came up with a proposal to lay a metro line along the Oktyabrsky Bridge. However, the implementation of this proposal would require closing traffic on the bridge for at least two years, which the city leadership could not agree to.

This sketch shows the unbuilt Sportivnaya station.

The head of the structural design department V.A. recalls. Titov: “I developed an option for crossing the Ob River on the Oktyabrsky Bridge with the construction of a second tier of the bridge. Calculations of design solutions showed that it was possible to construct supports for the second tier of the bridge on the existing supports. It was planned that road traffic would be carried out along the roadbed of the second tier of the bridge with overpass parts towards the State Public Safety Inspectorate and Gorskaya, and lay metro lines along the roadway and maintain the movement of electric transport. The City Executive Committee considered the feasibility study of the metro with the wide participation of specialists. I especially remember the emotional speech of K. K. Yakobson, one of the authors of the Oktyabrsky Bridge, criticizing the option of installing a second bridge over it tier, who stated that he would not allow the architecture and harmony of the Oktyabrsky Bridge to be violated, and if this option was accepted for construction, he would throw himself from the bridge into the Ob."
When considering the feasibility study in the expert examination, the option of a deep tunnel was rejected almost immediately, mainly due to the high cost. And then an idea arose. A specialist from the Giprotransmost Institute, Rudomazin, who was at that time the chief engineer of the Dimitrovsky Bridge project, proposed using the Oktyabrsky Bridge, but placing the metro tunnels on consoles next to the bridge on both sides of it. In the cross-sectional drawing, these two tunnels resembled ears, and in common parlance, when discussing the project, this option was called a bridge with ears. The option turned out to be very tempting, and Glavgosexpertiza recommended it for development in the technical project.

Project of a metro bridge with a gallery in the above-water part.

Indeed, this option was the cheapest and made it possible to build a metro without closing traffic on the bridge, but when the designers began to study it in detail, it turned out that all the advantages of this option were negated by the great complexity of the intersection with the railway and the construction of a metro station.
Despite all efforts, the designers were unable to propose a technical solution that would suit the railway workers and would be feasible in practice. Thus, after long discussions, the option of a bridge crossing with the construction of a separate metro bridge was adopted.
The metro bridge project was carried out by Lengiprotransmost specialists who have experience in designing similar bridges. “On the tablets,” recalls V.Ya. Borisovsky, “it looked very beautiful: an openwork structure with large window openings. When it came to developing drawings of the spans, it turned out that these window openings would weaken the structure so much that the bridge would not work itself will hold. As a result, windows had to be abandoned."
On January 12, 1978, the USSR State Construction Committee approved a version of a free-standing metro bridge, developed by Lengiprotransmost (complex GIP S.V. Tsygantsov, GIP of the riverbed metal part K.P. Vinogradov). The total length is 2145 meters, of which the river part is 896 meters, made in the form of a box-shaped rifled double-track closed seven-span structure weighing 6200 tons of low-alloy steel.

In this drawing we see the unbuilt Sportivnaya station with also an unfulfilled project for a sports complex.

The approaching floodplain parts of the metro bridge were designed in the form of a reinforced concrete overpass with a closed gallery made of reinforced concrete shell panels made using impact technology (the so-called “shock concrete”). The Novosibirsk factories could not produce the shells and Novosibmetroproekt redesigned them using the most scarce at that time profiled steel decking color proposed by the Moscow Glavtonnelmetrostroy " sea ​​wave"). At first it was proposed to abandon the gallery on the metro bridge overpass altogether, but Novosibmetroproekt rejected this “African option”, proving this to Moscow by the harsh operating conditions of such structures in Siberia and the impossibility of achieving the design intensity of train traffic with open tracks at intervals of 1.5 minutes. due to a 3-fold increase in the braking distance on rails exposed to precipitation. There were many disputes regarding the fire resistance requirements of a metal channel span. Novosibmetroproekt had to literally “knock out” a decision on this issue from the USSR State Construction Committee, as a result of which the SNiP for metro design appeared a record of non-submission of requirements for fire resistance limits for non-combustible metro bridge superstructures.

Start of construction

In the summer of 1980, the first peg with the inscription: “Bridge axis” was driven in on the banks of the Ob River.

On June 17, 1980, the first section of bridge construction detachment No. 38 began preparatory work on the construction of the bridge. A foreman's house was built on the left bank, the laying of communications and the construction of a compressor station began. And already in August construction work began. The team of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize laureate M. Dolgikh began the construction of channel supports on the Ob River. The greatest difficulty for the builders was the construction of overpasses, especially on the left bank (32 spans of 33 meters each).

The main work began in August 1980 with the construction of channel supports.

October 24, 1981.

Left Coast.

The supports are made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

Construction of the initial left-bank and right-bank supports of the metro bridge.

Late October 1981. Right bank support.

February 2, 1982.

On December 10, 1982, the construction of the channel supports of the metro bridge was completed. Photo: March 3, 1983.

March 11, 1983.

October 25, 1983. Construction of the elevated part of the metro bridge.

32 spans of 33 meters each.

Right Bank overpass. View of the construction site of the Rechnoy Vokzal station.

The right bank overpass consists of only four spans. To manufacture 33-meter prestressed reinforced concrete beams, a special workshop had to be built at the industrial site of bridge crew No. 38. The Gornovsky Special Reinforced Concrete Plant has also mastered the production of the same beams. Through joint efforts, all 210 beams were manufactured. Their installation was carried out by A. Melnikov’s team.

The Right Bank overpass is partially built into the ground vestibule of the Rechnoy Vokzal station. The spans of the right bank part consist of six reinforced concrete beams ranging from 16.5 to 33 meters in length. The variable length of spans is due to the peculiarities of urban planning. Structurally, the overpasses are a metal box, the walls and roof of which are covered with corrugated sheeting - two-tier metal orthotropic tiles. The walls of the overpasses along the entire length have window openings measuring 2x2 m.

Construction and sliding of span structures in the above-water part of the bridge

March 12, 1983. The installers began assembling the metal span.

The first meters of span structures have been assembled. Start of sliding.

The bridge galleries were manufactured at the metal structures plant of the Soyuzstalkonstruktsiya association. The installation of the gallery was entrusted to one of the best teams of the Sibstalkonstruktsiya trust, headed by Anatoly Lysenko. The design of spans and the sliding method were used for the first time in the history of domestic metro construction. Now we will clearly see the entire process of mounting and sliding span structures.

Parts of bridge spans before lifting and installation.

Installation of main beams using an M-45 crane. Strap on.

Next, the structures were lifted onto specially constructed reinforced overpass structures where they were mounted and connected into a single whole.

The elements of the span are welded from low-alloy steel grade 15 HSND with mounting connections on high-strength bolts with a diameter of 24 mm.

Installation of bridge structures.

Next, using hydraulic jacks, the connected span structures were pushed forward for sliding.

The steel “snake” of the metro bridge stretches towards the right bank.

On the “nose” of the sliding structure, in order to avoid sagging and to simplify the process of tensioning and placing it on the bridge supports, an advance mounting console was installed. With its help, bridge structures easily reached the supports during the pushing process.

The metal structure of the above-water part of the bridge is supported on the supporting platforms by powerful trolley beds, which can move freely along the support platforms, which eliminates the possibility of deformation of the structure during significant linear temperature “extensions” and “shortenings.”

The work was carried out on the banks of the Ob both in the heat and in severe frosts. And then one day, on October 25, 1983, an accident occurred during the slide. Due to the low temperature, the metal of the front-back - the leading mounting console - could not withstand it.

A metal support was urgently erected to eliminate the situation. According to one version, the reason for this event was that the foreback was made of material that did not correspond to the design.

N.B. Khvan, head of the customer’s municipal unitary enterprise for the construction of underground transport structures, says: “...that evening, nothing seemed to foretell any complications. I and the head of the section of bridge crew No. 38, Vladimir Yakovlevich Ignatiev, whiled away the time talking, tired, but in general happy with another day that brought us closer to our goal - the launch of the metro, when an alarming signal came over the radio: the front end of the steel span "pecked". We were blown away like the wind. On the car - and on the bridge. It seemed that one of the cables had broken, with the help of which the structure moved. Imagine a multi-ton bulk nodding its nose... Nowadays it is not customary to talk about the heroism and dedication of working people, but what the bridge builders did in the shortest possible time, returning everything to working condition, I can only call a feat."

A new apron was built in a short time, taking into account all the wishes and conditions, after which the sliding of the structures continued.

August 24, 1984.

August 30, 1984.

There is very little left to the right bank. September 1984.

Last flight.

The height of the supports is 25 meters.

On January 31, 1985, complex installation teams of bridge crew No. 38 completed the sliding of the metal superstructure of the metro bridge.
The “box” weighing 6200 tons was installed with pinpoint precision.

Completion of construction

Construction of the Sportivnaya station.

Fragment of the overpass near the portal.

Beginning of construction of portal walls.

On March 15, 1985, a team from the Sibstalkonstruktsiya trust began installing the metal structures of the metro bridge gallery.

The load-bearing frame of the overpass gallery is made of steel frames, the enclosing structures are made of metal profiled flooring with glazing.

Construction of the supporting frame of the gallery.

The walls of the overpasses along the entire length have window openings measuring 2x2 meters.

Completion of work on the construction of a gallery in the overpass part of the bridge.

October 22, 1985.

The construction of the left bank overpass has been completed.

The right-bank overpass of the bridge over Bolshevistskaya Street was covered by a 33-meter-long span; this solution complied with the approved technical design and was impeccable from the point of view of capital construction legislation. However, to implement it, in order to comply with the under-bridge clearance, it is necessary to cut the roadway of Bolshevistskaya Street by 0.7 m under the bridge, rebuild all communications laid under the road and sidewalks, and somehow organize drainage from the resulting hole.

A solution was found - to split the 33-meter span into two equal ones, install an additional support on the dividing strip of the roadway, and design individually designed spans with a reduced building height (Author of the proposal: V.D. Shaposhnikov). Thus, Bolshevistskaya Street was preserved in its original form.

Installation of track superstructure structures.

October 19, 1985.

On the night of December 19-20, it was planned to test the metro bridge structures under load. Four five-car trains were prepared. Each carriage was loaded with 640 sandbags. Bag weight – 50 kg. The total test load on the bridge structure was to be 1,300 tons. Loading the bags into the cars was carried out by soldiers of the disciplinary battalion of the Siberian Military District. First, two trains went to the Studencheskaya station, two stopped at the River Station.

Bridge construction team in last days construction.

By noon, preparations for testing the bridge were completed, then all four trains entered its metal box and stretched evenly along the entire length of the bridge. Previously, employees of the NIIZhT laboratory installed instruments that record the behavior parameters of steel structures. They did not register any deviations from the norms. The commission gave permission to operate the metro bridge. The commission's conclusion: the bridge is built reliably, works well, and can easily handle the record weight.

Metrobridge today

Let us remind you once again that the Novosibirsk Metro Bridge is a seven-span metro bridge across the Ob River, connecting the Studencheskaya and Rechnoy Vokzal stations on the Leninskaya Line of the Novosibirsk Metro. The total length is 2,145 km (of which the river part is 896 meters). The bridge is the longest metro bridge in the world. Train traffic was opened along with the stations of the first launch section on January 7, 1986 (or December 25, 1985).

The bridge with a total weight of 6200 tons is a structure in the form of a box-shaped rifled closed double-track 7-span structure.

The bridge crossing is a gray reinforced concrete box.

The previously open portholes on the bridge have been sealed with metal shutters since the mid-1990s only because their flickering during the daytime made drivers' eyes very tired.

The span elements are welded from low-alloy steel with mounting connections using high-strength bolts with a diameter of 24 mm.

The bridge supports are made of reinforced concrete and have a V-shape.

In the Siberian climate, the linear expansion of the structure lengthens the metal structure up to 700 mm.
In this case, such linear elongation is compensated by equalizing devices.

To service the metro bridge, two trolleys with a rotating axle are provided for the passage of V-shaped supports.

Carts move on these rails.

In winter, the metro bridge is shortened, and in summer it is stretched by 50 cm, for which purpose special rollers are provided on the supports, on which the entire box-shaped structure “rolls”. This is explained by the Siberian climate and sharp temperature changes.

Left bank overpass of the metro bridge.
It looks like a glazed green box-gallery with window openings 2 m by 2 m and has a length of more than 1 km.
The overpass consists of 3 sections:

1) Descent from the level of the high channel part (for the passage of ships) of the bridge.

2) A straight section running parallel to the dam of the Communal Bridge.
It was planned to locate the Sportivnaya metro station there.

3) A turn, after which the trains go into the thickness of the shore of the Gorsky cliff, and then under Karl Marx Avenue.

The bridge was put into operation in 1985 and according to standards it must be repainted every 7 years, otherwise corrosion processes begin.
On August 3, 2011, the third planned continuous painting began. Before this, the metro bridge was painted in 1992 and 1999.

The process of painting the metro bridge.

Before painting began, there was a long preparatory stage - first, the surface of the metro bridge was freed of old paint, and then primed. This took about 1.5 months. Before painting, a primer was applied to the surface of the metro bridge. The metro bridge uses a specific design paint, XC-119, in a light gray color. This special paint is designed to protect railway cars, tanks, bridges and other metal structures operating in atmospheric conditions of various climatic regions. The paint is resistant to temperature changes from -50C to +60C. Painting is done by pneumatic airless spraying.

In warm and hot weather, all windows on the overpasses are opened to ventilate the bridge.

Inside the metro bridge box.

Operating a bridge is a complex task. Every night, everyone on duty is given a task: who goes down to the supports, who observes the behavior of the cracks, who tightens the bolts. In a certain area, you need to check every fourth bolt. A one and a half meter key for these purposes weighs fifteen kilograms. Emergency telephones are located in metal boxes throughout the bridge. The previously open portholes on the bridge were covered with metal shutters only because their flickering during the daytime made the drivers' eyes very tired.

Under the bridge there are huge metal rollers on which the entire structure balances over the Ob River to the right and left. This is due to its increased sensitivity to high and low temperatures. In cold weather, the bridge becomes 50 cm shorter, and in hot weather, the opposite is true. The steel warps even because during the day the sunny side of the bridge heats up more than the one in the shade.

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